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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 78

Chapter 78

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The killing intent seemed to have severed Lin Qingyang’s throat before he could even scream, leaving him unable to utter a sound. He could only instinctively retreat, but no matter how far he stepped back, he couldn’t catch up with Chu Lishu’s lethal move.

Chu Lishu kept his eyes closed throughout, frowning as if sleepwalking.

Every month, at a critical moment, he was at his weakest, most vulnerable to death. But whenever a living being dared to approach him, it would be killed without mercy.

He didn’t need to wake up, nor did he need to know whose souls he reaped beneath his blade.

He only knew that no one wanted him alive, so he made sure anyone with ill intentions approaching him would die.

This wasn’t Chu Lishu’s rational thinking; it was an instinctive reaction developed through numerous life and death experiences.

There’s light! There’s someone! Discovered!

Eliminate witnesses!

The system’s warning sounds were echoing frantically.

However, Lin Qingyang could only widen his pupils, helplessly tilting backward to evade, yet still aware that death might be waiting for him.

There seemed to be a pain on his neck.

But the next moment, the world hit the pause button.

The system fell silent.

Chu Lishu’s movements froze.

A familiar warmth enveloped his instinct for defense against the act of killing, disrupting his judgment.

Intense pain continued to torment him, and with a thud, he heard the sound of someone falling. In a daze, he opened his eyes and saw a face filled with shock.

It was… him…

Feeling a sense of safety, the will to survive instantly released all its strength. Due to the pain, Chu Lishu fell once again.

This time, without biting a pillow, Chu Lishu could only grit his teeth, and intermittent moans echoed in the quiet compartment.

Lin Qingyang, who had just escaped from the brink of death, didn’t have time to get up and instinctively retreated.

Even though the system had stopped its warning, he still felt an overwhelming fear towards the person on the bed who had almost taken his life. This was the first time Lin Qingyang witnessed Chu Lishu trying to kill him.

With great difficulty, Lin Qingyang’s body finally stopped trembling, and his thoughts settled. However, he felt that he didn’t even have the strength to stand up, so he could only sit on the ground, gasping for breath.

“System! Is the side effect of Tianxuan Pill acting up on the male lead? This timing is not right! In the original plot, this part of the plot definitely didn’t involve an episode like this. The male lead should have proceeded towards the imperial tomb in good condition. What’s going on?”

In the original plot, Lin Qingyang witnessed the male lead’s condition and reactions several times. Whenever the side effects acted up, the male lead reflexively eliminated anyone who approached him, whether it was an enemy taking advantage of the situation or a woman attempting to seduce him. The portrayal depicted the male lead waking up only to realize he had killed someone. He calmly identified the body, and then proceeded to dispose of it.

It wasn’t until two years later, when the effects of Tianxuan Pill subsided and the pain ceased, that the reflex arc remained. In a state of extreme physical distress, if he lost consciousness, the male lead would easily attack those around him.

When Lin Qingyang first encountered the male lead’s episode after crossing over, if the system hadn’t continuously warned him about the male lead’s imminent death, diverting his attention, he would have certainly been on guard against the possibility of the male lead suddenly attacking him.

That one time, the male lead was on the verge of notwithstanding the effects of the medicine due to excessive exhaustion. He was running a high fever, surpassing the limits of his body, and lacked his instinctual defense mechanisms.

However, this time, the situation was entirely different as it was a normal occurrence.

Lin Qingyang, reflecting on the incident, couldn’t believe he had narrowly escaped a calamity. This was undoubtedly an unprecedented situation.

System: 【After the host arrived, the male lead’s first episode was altered. There was also a brief episode caused by the influence of the cold reflection in the deep pond. Therefore, the cycle of episodes has been changed.】

Lin Qingyang’s face turned green. “You are really unreliable. I almost bit the dust just now. In this situation, the least you could do is give me a heads-up!”

System: 【Warning has been issued.】

For heaven’s sake, give the human some time to react!

While Lin Qingyang was expressing his frustration with the system, the person on the bed had once again fallen into unconsciousness due to the unbearable pain.

Lin Qingyang didn’t know how painful it was, but he had witnessed the male lead endure many instances of extreme pain without uttering a word or even changing his expression. In those situations, an ordinary person would have long succumbed. Yet now, the male lead was moaning and groaning uncontrollably, even slipping into a dazed state. This must be a level of agony that Lin Qingyang couldn’t fathom.

Standing up and patting his sore bottom, Lin Qingyang intended to leave. After all, this was a regular episode for the male lead, and he wouldn’t die from it. Besides, Chu Lishu probably didn’t want him to witness this inexplicable pain. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain later.

For everyone’s sake, it’s better to leave.

However, just as he reached the window, Lin Qingyang couldn’t resist the lingering sounds in his ears.

Unable to ignore the conscience’s questioning, he turned around and looked at Chu Lishu’s contorted face, truly feeling pity for him.

Almost instinctively, Lin Qingyang opened the system Exchange Shop. He scrolled until he reached painkillers and then froze.

Was he out of his mind? It was only three points, why would he buy painkillers for Chu Lishu? Was he giving up on life?

But… if he couldn’t complete the mission this time, it seemed like he might die even without those three points. In that case, spending them early wasn’t a bad idea. It’s like saying, if you’re going to die, might as well spend all your money.

Lin Qingyang forced a couple of dry laughs and glanced at the price, exclaiming, “System, the previous medicine was two points, why is the painkiller three points?”

The system hesitated for a while before responding, 【Host, friendly reminder, you only have three points. Are you going to buy medicine?】

Lin Qingyang: … “I’m just questioning why it’s three points?” Three points definitely wouldn’t be enough; it was two points before, and he might have considered it.

System: 【Prescription medicine and non-prescription medicine are different.】

Prescription medicine!

Lin Qingyang gritted his teeth, gave up on this boring topic, and approached the bed cautiously, calling out, “Chu Lishu, Lishu, cousin?”

Chu Lishu didn’t show any extreme reactions. Lin Qingyang gathered all his energy, moved to the bedside, and kicked away the dagger that had just fallen under the bed.

He cautiously touched Chu Lishu’s arm.

Chu Lishu only flinched a little, appearing pitiful and harmless.

Lin Qingyang began to tentatively feel his forehead, check his pulse. Chu Lishu just reflexively flinched, seemingly allowing Lin Qingyang to do as he pleased.

This time there was no fever, but his pulse was irregular. His hands were tightly clutching his abdomen, curled up in pain. Due to the sweat, his entire body felt cold. Lin Qingyang remembered from the original plot that after each attack, Chu Lishu was prone to illness – fever, cold, and weakness. In his current state, not getting sick was impossible.

Lin Qingyang sighed. Generally, ordinary physicians’ medicine had no effect on Chu Lishu’s condition, and although medications from the Exchange Shop might work, without enough points, he had to figure something out himself.

He covered Chu Lishu with the blanket and then left.

Before long, the room was brightly lit, and warmth filled the air.

There were two additional stoves for heating, one with the remaining meat porridge and chicken soup from the kitchen, and the other boiling water.

Lin Qingyang, with a basin and a towel, prepared hot water and came to Chu Lishu’s bedside, calling out for a while with no response.

Lin Qingyang had to take matters into his own hands. He undressed the male lead, as he was curled up and difficult to move. Watching him in a vulnerable state, Lin Qingyang couldn’t help but find himself amusingly resembling a tyrant about to force himself upon an innocent maiden.

He used the hot towel to wipe his body. The once sticky and cold skin, after Lin Qingyang’s attentive care, soon radiated a lustrous glow. At this moment, Lin Qingyang truly felt the male lead’s skin was naturally exquisite—smooth like jade, especially his chest, a touch that seemed eerily familiar.

Even though Lin Qingyang was a straight guy with minimal reaction to a man’s body, it didn’t prevent him from appreciating the perfect proportions of his slender physique.

But as Lin Qingyang continued to look, he felt a strange sensation he couldn’t quite put into words. Especially when wiping the unparalleled beauty of the face with the towel and seeing the black mole on Chu Lishu’s ear, Chu Lishu tilted his head like a delicate doll being manipulated. This scene stirred ripples in Lin Qingyang’s heart, making him hesitant to look any longer.

After the cleaning, even though he still experienced pain, there was a noticeable relaxation between Chu Lishu’s eyebrows. His body was no longer stiffly curled up, making it easier for Lin Qingyang to help him get dressed.

Chu Lishu’s original bed was damp from sweat, so Lin Qingyang simply carried Chu Lishu to his own clean bed.

Throughout the process, Chu Lishu showed minimal reaction, curling up again when lying down.

Lin Qingyang prepared a hot water bottle and gently placed it in Chu Lishu’s arms, noticing a slight improvement in his complexion. Lin Qingyang continued his efforts – with the body undergoing so much strain and sweating profusely, replenishing nutrients and fluids was essential.

Bringing both the porridge and soup over, Lin Qingyang sat by the bedside, helping Chu Lishu to sit up. He first attempted to feed him a bit of warm water.

Seemingly truly thirsty, Chu Lishu took the initiative to drink it down when brought to his lips.

Feeding the soup went smoothly as well.

However, feeding him solid food was a bit more challenging.

“Lishu! Lishu! Eat something before sleeping; otherwise, you’ll be too weak. Want to eat something? Come on, open your mouth wider, just like drinking water, swallow it all at once.” Lin Qingyang coaxed gently, resembling how one would talk to a child.

Soon enough, Chu Lishu did open his mouth, obediently consuming the porridge mouthful by mouthful.

Chu Lishu weakly leaned against Lin Qingyang’s embrace, feeling warm and cozy, enveloped by the familiar and comforting atmosphere. Though still in pain, compared to before, this was no longer hell; it was a serene paradise.

Being obedient could maintain this state forever. He didn’t ask for the pain to vanish completely; he just wanted… just wanted it to be a bit more comfortable.

However, even if he followed orders, the paradise was gradually slipping away. Trembling between his brows, Chu Lishu tried desperately to hold onto it.

Lin Qingyang finished feeding the porridge; he was already sore all over. To be honest, he had never taken care of someone like this in his entire life. An already exhausting day had now left him almost on the verge of collapse.

After laying Chu Lishu down, preparing to change the bedding on his own bed, and with a few hours left until dawn, he needed to rest as much as possible.

However, as he just got up, a hand suddenly reached out from behind.

Thinking that Chu Lishu was instinctively defending himself again, Lin Qingyang didn’t have time to break free before being pulled back onto the bed with powerful force.

Chu Lishu curled up in Lin Qingyang’s arms like a small cat caught in a downpour, sniffing his scent, reaching out to tightly embrace his chest, refusing to let him escape.

Lin Qingyang was already tired, and after struggling for a while, he gave up. Figuring that Chu Lishu was in significant pain and unlikely to wake up too soon, he decided to rest for a while. Once Chu Lishu loosened his grip, he could escape.

With this belief in mind, Lin Qingyang relaxed his body. As he did so, Chu Lishu instinctively adjusted his position, making their embrace even tighter.

Lin Qingyang seemed to sense the trembling of Chu Lishu’s body due to pain.

Lin Qingyang could only use one hand to gently massage his convulsing abdomen and the other to hold him, softly patting his back and murmuring, “The pain will soon pass, don’t worry.”

The effects of the Tianxuan Pill were excruciating, but Chu Lishu believed that he should endure such pain. It reminded him of the agonizing night that etched into his memory.

Every time after waking up from an episode, there was either bone-chilling cold and loneliness or the scent of blood.

But this time seemed different.

Fragmented scenes flashed through his mind. He seemed to have seen Lin Qingyang. Even though he had sent Lin Qingyang away with a cold face, knowing that he wouldn’t return tonight, to avoid accidentally harming him.

Yet, he still saw him, and blades clashed.

Suddenly, panic set in. Did he kill Lin Qingyang?

Panic momentarily blanketed his mind, but before it fully seized his sanity, a warm and moist breath brushed against his vulnerable neck.

That was the most delicate part of the human body, a place that shouldn’t be approached by anyone.

Soon, awareness returned.

It felt warm, fresh, and comfortable—a reassuring sensation, unlike any other time he had woken up.

He realized he was holding onto a living being. With a hint of disbelief, he slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar scent confirmed the answer.

In the dim morning light.

He saw him—Lin Qingyang.

A sleeping face that stirred the heart.

Alive, still in his embrace.

Blurred memories rapidly integrated, and he recalled everything from last night.

For a moment, Chu Lishu’s gaze flickered as he stared at the man holding him.

His attention was quickly drawn to the wound on his neck.

It wasn’t a severe wound, just a superficial cut on the skin made by the tip of a knife.

Lin Qingyang hadn’t treated it, so whenever he moved, it would pull and reveal a faint trace of blood.

He had inflicted that!

In an instant, as if bewitched, Chu Lishu leaned in, and licked the wound, as if that could make the annoying small red mark disappear.

The faint smell of blood, as it was rolled onto his tongue, tugged at his heart.

“Mmm… itchy…” Suddenly, Lin Qingyang felt a bit uncomfortable and scratched the area that had just been licked.

Chu Lishu lay back down as if he had just woken up, and the panic in his heart made it difficult for him to comprehend.

He stared fixedly at Lin Qingyang with a pair of eyes, and he continued to do so until Lin Qingyang also opened his eyes, gazing at him in a daze.

“Is it still painful?” Lin Qingyang’s mind was still foggy; he reached out and gently touched Chu Lishu’s head, asking softly.

Chu Lishu’s eyes gradually regained clarity, and his expression became unpredictable.

Suddenly, he spoke, “Lin Qingyang, what exactly do you want to gain from me?”

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 78

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 78

Chapter 78

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

The killing intent seemed to have severed Lin Qingyang's throat before he could even scream, leaving him unable to utter a sound. He could only instinctively retreat, but no matter how far he stepped back, he couldn't catch up with Chu Lishu's lethal move.

Chu Lishu kept his eyes closed throughout, frowning as if sleepwalking.

Every month, at a critical moment, he was at his weakest, most vulnerable to death. But whenever a living being dared to approach him, it would be killed without mercy.

He didn't need to wake up, nor did he need to know whose souls he reaped beneath his blade.

He only knew that no one wanted him alive, so he made sure anyone with ill intentions approaching him would die.

This wasn't Chu Lishu's rational thinking; it was an instinctive reaction developed through numerous life and death experiences.

There's light! There's someone! Discovered!

Eliminate witnesses!

The system's warning sounds were echoing frantically.

However, Lin Qingyang could only widen his pupils, helplessly tilting backward to evade, yet still aware that death might be waiting for him.

There seemed to be a pain on his neck.

But the next moment, the world hit the pause button.

The system fell silent.

Chu Lishu's movements froze.

A familiar warmth enveloped his instinct for defense against the act of killing, disrupting his judgment.

Intense pain continued to torment him, and with a thud, he heard the sound of someone falling. In a daze, he opened his eyes and saw a face filled with shock.

It was... him...

Feeling a sense of safety, the will to survive instantly released all its strength. Due to the pain, Chu Lishu fell once again.

This time, without biting a pillow, Chu Lishu could only grit his teeth, and intermittent moans echoed in the quiet compartment.

Lin Qingyang, who had just escaped from the brink of death, didn't have time to get up and instinctively retreated.

Even though the system had stopped its warning, he still felt an overwhelming fear towards the person on the bed who had almost taken his life. This was the first time Lin Qingyang witnessed Chu Lishu trying to kill him.

With great difficulty, Lin Qingyang's body finally stopped trembling, and his thoughts settled. However, he felt that he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he could only sit on the ground, gasping for breath.

"System! Is the side effect of Tianxuan Pill acting up on the male lead? This timing is not right! In the original plot, this part of the plot definitely didn't involve an episode like this. The male lead should have proceeded towards the imperial tomb in good condition. What's going on?"

In the original plot, Lin Qingyang witnessed the male lead's condition and reactions several times. Whenever the side effects acted up, the male lead reflexively eliminated anyone who approached him, whether it was an enemy taking advantage of the situation or a woman attempting to seduce him. The portrayal depicted the male lead waking up only to realize he had killed someone. He calmly identified the body, and then proceeded to dispose of it.

It wasn't until two years later, when the effects of Tianxuan Pill subsided and the pain ceased, that the reflex arc remained. In a state of extreme physical distress, if he lost consciousness, the male lead would easily attack those around him.

When Lin Qingyang first encountered the male lead's episode after crossing over, if the system hadn't continuously warned him about the male lead's imminent death, diverting his attention, he would have certainly been on guard against the possibility of the male lead suddenly attacking him.

That one time, the male lead was on the verge of notwithstanding the effects of the medicine due to excessive exhaustion. He was running a high fever, surpassing the limits of his body, and lacked his instinctual defense mechanisms.

However, this time, the situation was entirely different as it was a normal occurrence.

Lin Qingyang, reflecting on the incident, couldn't believe he had narrowly escaped a calamity. This was undoubtedly an unprecedented situation.

System: 【After the host arrived, the male lead's first episode was altered. There was also a brief episode caused by the influence of the cold reflection in the deep pond. Therefore, the cycle of episodes has been changed.】

Lin Qingyang's face turned green. "You are really unreliable. I almost bit the dust just now. In this situation, the least you could do is give me a heads-up!"

System: 【Warning has been issued.】

For heaven's sake, give the human some time to react!

While Lin Qingyang was expressing his frustration with the system, the person on the bed had once again fallen into unconsciousness due to the unbearable pain.

Lin Qingyang didn't know how painful it was, but he had witnessed the male lead endure many instances of extreme pain without uttering a word or even changing his expression. In those situations, an ordinary person would have long succumbed. Yet now, the male lead was moaning and groaning uncontrollably, even slipping into a dazed state. This must be a level of agony that Lin Qingyang couldn't fathom.

Standing up and patting his sore bottom, Lin Qingyang intended to leave. After all, this was a regular episode for the male lead, and he wouldn't die from it. Besides, Chu Lishu probably didn't want him to witness this inexplicable pain. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain later.

For everyone's sake, it's better to leave.

However, just as he reached the window, Lin Qingyang couldn't resist the lingering sounds in his ears.

Unable to ignore the conscience's questioning, he turned around and looked at Chu Lishu's contorted face, truly feeling pity for him.

Almost instinctively, Lin Qingyang opened the system Exchange Shop. He scrolled until he reached painkillers and then froze.

Was he out of his mind? It was only three points, why would he buy painkillers for Chu Lishu? Was he giving up on life?

But... if he couldn't complete the mission this time, it seemed like he might die even without those three points. In that case, spending them early wasn't a bad idea. It's like saying, if you're going to die, might as well spend all your money.

Lin Qingyang forced a couple of dry laughs and glanced at the price, exclaiming, "System, the previous medicine was two points, why is the painkiller three points?"

The system hesitated for a while before responding, 【Host, friendly reminder, you only have three points. Are you going to buy medicine?】

Lin Qingyang: ... "I'm just questioning why it's three points?" Three points definitely wouldn't be enough; it was two points before, and he might have considered it.

System: 【Prescription medicine and non-prescription medicine are different.】

Prescription medicine!

Lin Qingyang gritted his teeth, gave up on this boring topic, and approached the bed cautiously, calling out, "Chu Lishu, Lishu, cousin?"

Chu Lishu didn't show any extreme reactions. Lin Qingyang gathered all his energy, moved to the bedside, and kicked away the dagger that had just fallen under the bed.

He cautiously touched Chu Lishu's arm.

Chu Lishu only flinched a little, appearing pitiful and harmless.

Lin Qingyang began to tentatively feel his forehead, check his pulse. Chu Lishu just reflexively flinched, seemingly allowing Lin Qingyang to do as he pleased.

This time there was no fever, but his pulse was irregular. His hands were tightly clutching his abdomen, curled up in pain. Due to the sweat, his entire body felt cold. Lin Qingyang remembered from the original plot that after each attack, Chu Lishu was prone to illness - fever, cold, and weakness. In his current state, not getting sick was impossible.

Lin Qingyang sighed. Generally, ordinary physicians' medicine had no effect on Chu Lishu's condition, and although medications from the Exchange Shop might work, without enough points, he had to figure something out himself.

He covered Chu Lishu with the blanket and then left.

Before long, the room was brightly lit, and warmth filled the air.

There were two additional stoves for heating, one with the remaining meat porridge and chicken soup from the kitchen, and the other boiling water.

Lin Qingyang, with a basin and a towel, prepared hot water and came to Chu Lishu's bedside, calling out for a while with no response.

Lin Qingyang had to take matters into his own hands. He undressed the male lead, as he was curled up and difficult to move. Watching him in a vulnerable state, Lin Qingyang couldn't help but find himself amusingly resembling a tyrant about to force himself upon an innocent maiden.

He used the hot towel to wipe his body. The once sticky and cold skin, after Lin Qingyang's attentive care, soon radiated a lustrous glow. At this moment, Lin Qingyang truly felt the male lead's skin was naturally exquisite—smooth like jade, especially his chest, a touch that seemed eerily familiar.

Even though Lin Qingyang was a straight guy with minimal reaction to a man's body, it didn't prevent him from appreciating the perfect proportions of his slender physique.

But as Lin Qingyang continued to look, he felt a strange sensation he couldn't quite put into words. Especially when wiping the unparalleled beauty of the face with the towel and seeing the black mole on Chu Lishu's ear, Chu Lishu tilted his head like a delicate doll being manipulated. This scene stirred ripples in Lin Qingyang's heart, making him hesitant to look any longer.

After the cleaning, even though he still experienced pain, there was a noticeable relaxation between Chu Lishu's eyebrows. His body was no longer stiffly curled up, making it easier for Lin Qingyang to help him get dressed.

Chu Lishu's original bed was damp from sweat, so Lin Qingyang simply carried Chu Lishu to his own clean bed.

Throughout the process, Chu Lishu showed minimal reaction, curling up again when lying down.

Lin Qingyang prepared a hot water bottle and gently placed it in Chu Lishu's arms, noticing a slight improvement in his complexion. Lin Qingyang continued his efforts – with the body undergoing so much strain and sweating profusely, replenishing nutrients and fluids was essential.

Bringing both the porridge and soup over, Lin Qingyang sat by the bedside, helping Chu Lishu to sit up. He first attempted to feed him a bit of warm water.

Seemingly truly thirsty, Chu Lishu took the initiative to drink it down when brought to his lips.

Feeding the soup went smoothly as well.

However, feeding him solid food was a bit more challenging.

"Lishu! Lishu! Eat something before sleeping; otherwise, you'll be too weak. Want to eat something? Come on, open your mouth wider, just like drinking water, swallow it all at once." Lin Qingyang coaxed gently, resembling how one would talk to a child.

Soon enough, Chu Lishu did open his mouth, obediently consuming the porridge mouthful by mouthful.

Chu Lishu weakly leaned against Lin Qingyang's embrace, feeling warm and cozy, enveloped by the familiar and comforting atmosphere. Though still in pain, compared to before, this was no longer hell; it was a serene paradise.

Being obedient could maintain this state forever. He didn't ask for the pain to vanish completely; he just wanted... just wanted it to be a bit more comfortable.

However, even if he followed orders, the paradise was gradually slipping away. Trembling between his brows, Chu Lishu tried desperately to hold onto it.

Lin Qingyang finished feeding the porridge; he was already sore all over. To be honest, he had never taken care of someone like this in his entire life. An already exhausting day had now left him almost on the verge of collapse.

After laying Chu Lishu down, preparing to change the bedding on his own bed, and with a few hours left until dawn, he needed to rest as much as possible.

However, as he just got up, a hand suddenly reached out from behind.

Thinking that Chu Lishu was instinctively defending himself again, Lin Qingyang didn't have time to break free before being pulled back onto the bed with powerful force.

Chu Lishu curled up in Lin Qingyang's arms like a small cat caught in a downpour, sniffing his scent, reaching out to tightly embrace his chest, refusing to let him escape.

Lin Qingyang was already tired, and after struggling for a while, he gave up. Figuring that Chu Lishu was in significant pain and unlikely to wake up too soon, he decided to rest for a while. Once Chu Lishu loosened his grip, he could escape.

With this belief in mind, Lin Qingyang relaxed his body. As he did so, Chu Lishu instinctively adjusted his position, making their embrace even tighter.

Lin Qingyang seemed to sense the trembling of Chu Lishu's body due to pain.

Lin Qingyang could only use one hand to gently massage his convulsing abdomen and the other to hold him, softly patting his back and murmuring, "The pain will soon pass, don't worry."

The effects of the Tianxuan Pill were excruciating, but Chu Lishu believed that he should endure such pain. It reminded him of the agonizing night that etched into his memory.

Every time after waking up from an episode, there was either bone-chilling cold and loneliness or the scent of blood.

But this time seemed different.

Fragmented scenes flashed through his mind. He seemed to have seen Lin Qingyang. Even though he had sent Lin Qingyang away with a cold face, knowing that he wouldn't return tonight, to avoid accidentally harming him.

Yet, he still saw him, and blades clashed.

Suddenly, panic set in. Did he kill Lin Qingyang?

Panic momentarily blanketed his mind, but before it fully seized his sanity, a warm and moist breath brushed against his vulnerable neck.

That was the most delicate part of the human body, a place that shouldn't be approached by anyone.

Soon, awareness returned.

It felt warm, fresh, and comfortable—a reassuring sensation, unlike any other time he had woken up.

He realized he was holding onto a living being. With a hint of disbelief, he slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar scent confirmed the answer.

In the dim morning light.

He saw him—Lin Qingyang.

A sleeping face that stirred the heart.

Alive, still in his embrace.

Blurred memories rapidly integrated, and he recalled everything from last night.

For a moment, Chu Lishu's gaze flickered as he stared at the man holding him.

His attention was quickly drawn to the wound on his neck.

It wasn't a severe wound, just a superficial cut on the skin made by the tip of a knife.

Lin Qingyang hadn't treated it, so whenever he moved, it would pull and reveal a faint trace of blood.

He had inflicted that!

In an instant, as if bewitched, Chu Lishu leaned in, and licked the wound, as if that could make the annoying small red mark disappear.

The faint smell of blood, as it was rolled onto his tongue, tugged at his heart.

"Mmm... itchy..." Suddenly, Lin Qingyang felt a bit uncomfortable and scratched the area that had just been licked.

Chu Lishu lay back down as if he had just woken up, and the panic in his heart made it difficult for him to comprehend.

He stared fixedly at Lin Qingyang with a pair of eyes, and he continued to do so until Lin Qingyang also opened his eyes, gazing at him in a daze.

"Is it still painful?" Lin Qingyang's mind was still foggy; he reached out and gently touched Chu Lishu's head, asking softly.

Chu Lishu's eyes gradually regained clarity, and his expression became unpredictable.

Suddenly, he spoke, "Lin Qingyang, what exactly do you want to gain from me?"

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. KCC says:

    Thanks for the chapter!! Love your translations ❤️❤️

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