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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 79

Chapter 79

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Before falling asleep, Lin Qingyang had planned to sleep for a while and leave when Chu Lishu loosened his grip. He wanted to avoid any misunderstandings, especially considering Chu Lishu’s recent attitude towards him. It was likely that Chu Lishu would be furious once he regained consciousness.

After all, Lin Qingyang’s lingering feelings were still there. While undressing and caring for Chu Lishu’s body could be justified as tending to a sick person, sharing a bed with such close physical contact might raise suspicions. There was no need for body warmth, and Chu Lishu might think that Lin Qingyang took advantage of him when he was defenseless, intentionally seizing an opportunity.

However, Lin Qingyang overestimated human laziness. He ended up sleeping until late morning and was still in a daze.

At this moment, Lin Qingyang’s hand was still resting on Chu Lishu’s cheek, offering a warm and smooth touch.

Lin Qingyang, whose brain had not fully started functioning, absentmindedly pinched Chu Lishu’s ear. Lin Qingyang wasn’t sure if he had a thing for ears, but he genuinely liked the ear with a black mole on Chu Lishu.

After a little pinch, the man with a regal appearance seemed to twitch his sword-like eyebrows. His eyes, bright as cold stars, appeared even more profound.

Wait a minute?

The male lead woke up…

Wait a minute!

What did the male lead just ask him?!

In a solemn and icy tone, with a suspicious demeanor and an unpredictable expression, addressing him directly by his name and questioning what Lin Qingyang wanted to gain from him.

Lin Qingyang’s heart tightened instantly, and he suddenly realized that his body, naturally responding to the morning call, was exhibiting the expected physiological reactions.

Moreover, due to their embrace, it seemed that he was pressed against the male lead’s thigh.

Why did this situation resemble so much what he was concerned about last night? No, it didn’t resemble; it confirmed his worries from last night. No wonder the male lead’s expression was so stern now!

Wasn’t the male lead essentially questioning what he wanted to do to him?

Their recent relationship was even worse than it had been at its lowest point before. The secret admirer persona might help him survive and take advantage, but now, it seemed like he was in for big trouble! After all, the male lead was homophobic!

As soon as Lin Qingyang sensed the situation, he practically rolled and crawled away, ending up sitting on the floor.

“I didn’t think about anything, really!” After saying this, he even patted his clothes as if to signal that he was fully dressed while lying on the bed, absolutely not doing anything indecent to him.

Chu Lishu felt the warmth and presence around him vanish, and his face immediately turned cold. In fact, he didn’t feel anything; the pain in his body had subsided, and he was almost numb, completely unaware of the horrors unfolding in Lin Qingyang’s mind.

Due to the exhaustion after the episode, Chu Lishu’s body felt weak as he struggled to sit up. His ebony hair cascaded down like a waterfall, accentuating his sickly pale skin. The delicate beauty in his weakness was indeed pitiable, yet he looked down on Lin Qingyang with a certain superiority.

Lin Qingyang swallowed hard. His body had recovered from the shock, and his mind was gradually clearing. He quickly said, “Actually, last night…”

“I remember everything from last night,” Chu Lishu calmly stated.

Surprised, Lin Qingyang asked, “You really remember everything? Then, why…”

“Why are you taking care of me so diligently? There’s no benefit for you in doing so,” Chu Lishu asked expressionlessly.

Lin Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed that the male lead didn’t misunderstand anything.

“Do I have to pretend not to notice when I see you in pain?” Lin Qingyang stood up and dusted off his clothes. “Even though we had an unpleasant exchange, well, it was more like you had an unpleasant exchange with me unilaterally, but we’re still family, right? I’ll worry about you too.”

Chu Lishu remained silent, observing Lin Qingyang without speaking.

Feeling a bit uneasy, Lin Qingyang provided an opportunity for Chu Lishu to speak and asked, “What happened to you yesterday? I originally intended to find a physician for you, but since there’s no physician here, I could only try to take care of you for a while. Did you… feel unwell even before you arrived yesterday?”

Chu Lishu finally spoke, “This is my old ailment; it occasionally flares up. Seeing a physician is useless; I just endure it.”

Chu Lishu didn’t specify when the pain started, but Lin Qingyang had speculated last night. He suspected that Chu Lishu might have been uncomfortable since the carriage ride, explaining his unpleasant expression. He probably endured the pain silently throughout the journey.

Later, using that even more hostile attitude towards him, might not have been because of the arrangements Lin Qingyang made without consultation. Instead, it could have been an attempt to drive him away.

Lin Qingyang actually had some doubts. Was Chu Lishu afraid of exposure or worried about accidentally hurting him and driving him away? It was probably both.

“I’m sorry.”

Lin Qingyang was lost in his thoughts when suddenly Chu Lishu apologized. Lin Qingyang was puzzled, “What…”

“You took care of me last night, but I ended up hurting you. At that time… I didn’t mean to.” Chu Lishu’s voice trembled, and his eyelids drooped.

“Oh, you mean when you were defending yourself with a dagger? I’m not injured, though.” Lin Qingyang was a bit bewildered, “Even though it was scary, you stopped in time during the critical moment.”

Chu Lishu pointed at Lin Qingyang’s neck. Lin Qingyang, feeling puzzled, touched it and only then felt a slight sting. The wound was so small it could almost be ignored. “Perhaps I brought it upon myself unintentionally. It’s not serious.”

Chu Lishu looked at the nearly invisible wound that was almost impossible to see from a distance. Thinking of his inexplicable actions just now, he found it difficult to face Lin Qingyang.

“What about you? Are you feeling better now? Do you need more rest?”

Chu Lishu shook his head, getting up, and said, “I have things to do later.”

Lin Qingyang felt a moment of awkwardness. “It’s okay; I can manage on my own. If you’re not feeling well, don’t push yourself. After all, I was the one who insisted on having you here.”

“I’m fine now.” Chu Lishu got off the bed and walked towards his own side to retrieve his outerwear.

As a result, they suddenly saw the torn underwear and trousers on the floor.

Lin Qingyang also noticed, and his face turned a bit red. This sorry sight might remind the male lead that his secret admirer had thoroughly observed and even touched him last night. Claiming complete innocence wouldn’t be convincing.

“Uh… you remember, I had no other choice. And I left a pair of underwear for you. Between men, you don’t mind, right?” At least, Lin Qingyang was sure the crucial areas weren’t exposed. This should count as a saving grace.

Chu Lishu did recall and became aware of a certain issue. Lin Qingyang indeed hadn’t done anything inappropriate.

He was completely defenseless at that time, probably even in a state of unconsciousness in Lin Qingyang’s eyes.

Lin Qingyang took care of him honestly, without any unnecessary actions.

Perhaps Lin Qingyang was genuinely concerned about him at that moment, with no room for other thoughts.

Perhaps… his body was no longer attractive to Lin Qingyang.

So, last night, it was his unconscious act of holding onto Lin Qingyang, and Lin Qingyang didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to find a reason to sleep together.

As for secretly admiring him? Would Lin Qingyang really do nothing at all?

Kissing, touching, and hugging without permission, right?

Now, Lin Qingyang probably regards him just like Xu Wenze, with only simple pity left.

The image of Lin Qingyang pressing down on Pei Jin appeared in his mind once again, along with the lie he told to protect Pei Jin.

“What’s there to mind? We… are family.” Chu Lishu calmly dressed. “And I want to thank you. Otherwise, I would have been even more uncomfortable last night. Thank you for taking care of me.”

Hearing Chu Lishu’s change in tone, Lin Qingyang sensed something and couldn’t help saying, “You’ve already said we’re family, so why thank me? Are you hungry? Let’s freshen up quickly and then go for breakfast?”

“Good.” Chu Lishu no longer resisted Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking relaxed and starting to discuss the arrangements about their current situation with a cheerful smile.

Chu Lishu observed Lin Qingyang from the side.

He admitted that he enjoyed the care Lin Qingyang provided last night, but he wouldn’t easily waver from his decision. Moreover, Lin Qingyang no longer harbored any secret admiration for him, so he wouldn’t risk bringing Lin Qingyang into his inner circle. However, treating him more kindly and ensuring his safety in the future was still something he could do.

With no feelings to begin with, where would betrayal come from? He realized he had overthought things before.

Lin Qingyang, in his optimistic demeanor, thought everything had passed, but little did he know that his image in the heart of the male lead had completely shattered.

Chu Lishu’s attitude had indeed improved a lot compared to before, but it was only a shift from hostility to non-hostility, completely losing the previous intimacy.

Lin Qingyang was aware of Chu Lishu’s heavy guard and understood that rebuilding trust would take time. However, at the moment, their primary concern was the mission.

Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu were taken to the imperial tomb to transcribe sacrificial documents. Although they had some freedom of movement, the tomb keepers warned them about various taboos. After all, the ancestral tablets and portraits of the Great Zhou Dynasty’s ancestors were here, and they couldn’t be treated lightly.

Originally, they thought both of them would be involved in transcribing, but the overseer took a glance and chose only Chu Lishu, the one with good calligraphy skills, to handle the transcription. Lin Qingyang, on the other hand, was assigned miscellaneous tasks related to transcribing. Comparatively, Lin Qingyang would be a bit more tired, even though he was a bit concerned about Chu Lishu’s health. After all, after last night’s experience, Chu Lishu’s complexion had not fully recovered.

Lin Qingyang had just returned after delivering some items. Seeing that Chu Lishu was not transcribing but rather staring blankly at the documents in his hands, Lin Qingyang felt that he might be recalling past events.

Chu Lishu probably noticed someone at the door and quickly returned to normal, pretending to rest. Lin Qingyang approached and casually glanced down. On the table were the records of Emperor Zhou Jing, the previous emperor and the father of Yuan Ran.

No wonder he seemed so absorbed; he likely hadn’t even seen his father’s final moments. He wandered outside the palace, and the only news he might have heard was that Emperor Zhou Jing was angered to death. Later, the empress dowager who raised him also died of illness, leaving behind endless regrets, forever separated from the mortal world.

Lin Qingyang felt it might be a bit inappropriate to bring him here. After all, he had lost his identity, and he probably didn’t want to face his ancestors now.

Lin Qingyang asked, “Are you okay? Is there too much to transcribe?”

Chu Lishu shook his head, rubbing his wrist, “Not much.”

Lin Qingyang cheerfully took out a porcelain bottle, “Look, I got this from the guardian here. It’s very effective for muscle soreness. Apply some and massage it, so you won’t feel sore later.”

Chu Lishu’s eyes flickered, surprised at how thoughtful Lin Qingyang could be when caring for others.

Suddenly, Chu Lishu blurted out without thinking, “You can massage me.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Chu Lishu’s face stiffened. What was he doing?

Both Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu seemed momentarily stunned. Why did it feel like Chu Lishu’s tone carried a hint of coquetry? He had never spoken to him like this before.

Could it be that the act of copying the documents had brought back memories, making him feel sentimental, seeking comfort? Impossible! Lin Qingyang thought he might be overthinking it. Though it felt a bit strange, he didn’t dwell on it too much. He simply reached out, took a bit of the ointment, and applied it to Chu Lishu’s slender wrist. Holding his hand, he gently began massaging.

The white ointment quickly emulsified, smooth and slippery, causing a tingling sensation. Lin Qingyang’s massage technique was unexpectedly professional, and he focused intently on the task.

As Chu Lishu pretended to look at the documents on the table, his attention was entirely on Lin Qingyang’s face. It was as if watching him made the excruciating pain in his heart momentarily subside.

“Later, should we take a stroll around here? It’s my first time in the Imperial Tomb, and I’m quite curious,” Lin Qingyang suggested.

Chu Lishu snapped back to reality, “It’s easy to violate taboos, better not. Besides, there’s nothing interesting to see.”

Lin Qingyang looked a bit troubled. Would they find any clues just by staying here and copying documents? It seemed different from his initial expectations. Perhaps they should explore a bit first and then…

Just as he was contemplating, a guardian suddenly approached them, “Which one of you is skilled in painting?”

Lin Qingyang replied, saying he was proficient, although not as much as Chu Lishu in calligraphy. However, since they didn’t know what the person wanted, he could only answer cautiously.

“Alright, Young Master Chu, you stay here and continue copying. Young Master Lin, come with me for a moment,” said the guardian.

“What’s the matter?” Chu Lishu frowned and asked.

The guardian’s expression lightened, “Someone neglected their duties, and the portrait of the late Crown Prince got soaked. It’s unusable now, and we need to redraw it.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyang’s face changed, and he turned to look at Chu Lishu, only to catch a fleeting glance from him.

“According to the rules, this task should be handled by the palace painters. I’m just worried that if the Cousin does it himself, it might attract unnecessary trouble,” Chu Lishu stated.

Lin Qingyang’s spine tensed, and he quickly responded, “You’re absolutely right. I’m afraid I’m not up to the task.”

Chu Lishu, being familiar with these rules, understood the implications. Portraits used in sacrificial ceremonies were meant to be observed for an extended period. Unlike copying documents, any inaccuracies or mistakes in the painting could lead to severe consequences. If someone were to scrutinize the details, it might even result in catastrophic consequences for the artist.

The guardian smiled casually, “I understand your concerns. Young Master Lin, please rest assured. This matter has received the approval of the Minister of Ministry of Rites. Even if there are inquiries, Lord Minister will handle it. Finally, when you finish the painting, it will be checked by us. Besides, no one would be so bored to investigate a portrait.” The last sentence was spoken in a low voice, but it carried the weight of an electrified whip cracking in the air.

Seeing that the two of them had no more objections, the guardian stopped explaining. Since the order had been given, it had to be executed. He instructed, “Tidy up, and then go directly to the late Crown Prince’s hall to start painting.”

When the guardian left, Lin Qingyang couldn’t suppress his frustration any longer. He slammed his fist on the table and turned to look at Chu Lishu in agitation. “How could they be so unreasonable! This is too unreliable!”

“It seems there is no room for maneuvering, but since they’ve said that, even if something happens, it won’t be blamed on you. Cousin, please rest assured.”

“I…Is that what I’m talking about?” Lin Qingyang was annoyed.

But looking at Chu Lishu’s almost indifferent face, Lin Qingyang felt even more suffocated.

How could they disregard and belittle the importance of the portraits of the royal family members in the imperial tomb? To think that it’s not a significant issue, not worth reporting, and any temporary worker without fame could hastily paint a posthumous image of Crown Prince Yuan Ran. What kind of painting could be produced in just one afternoon?

Have these people forgotten how many contributions Yuan Ran made to the country, aside from that one battle? Lin Qingyang was furious and suddenly started searching on the desk. He found Yuan Ran’s documents in the section that Chu Lishu had already transcribed.

Upon reading them, Lin Qingyang was even more infuriated.

To reduce all of Yuan Ran’s achievements to nothing just because of one mistake! Moreover, that mistake wasn’t even his own!

Indeed, history is written by the victors, and it’s such an unfair situation.

Did the male lead also experience these events in the original plot? Is this why, in the future, he naturally became a crazed tyrant who viewed the people as ants? Perhaps he didn’t even bother to prove the truth or seek justice for himself. Maybe he didn’t modify this document and let it stand, recording the cruel life of Emperor Zhoulu.

Lin Qingyang was so angry that his hands were shaking.

Chu Lishu looked at Lin Qingyang’s actions with confusion. “Cousin, if you don’t want to paint the portrait for the late Crown Prince, I can go and plead for you. We can switch roles.”

Lin Qingyang looked at Chu Lishu in bewilderment.

Chu Lishu, with an expressionless face, said, “If someone learns that you painted a portrait for the late Crown Prince in the future, they’ll probably regard it as a disgrace.”

This sentence hit Lin Qingyang’s heart like an arrow. He could hardly believe his ears. Did Chu Lishu say this because he, too, despised the Crown Prince, despised him, and that’s why he was so indignant?

The room fell into a suffocating silence. Chu Lishu looked at Lin Qingyang as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, Lin Qingyang reached out and grabbed Chu Lishu’s wrist, turning him to face him.

Chu Lishu looked into Lin Qingyang’s eyes, his expression unchanged.

“Chu Lishu, listen carefully. I won’t feel ashamed of this; I’ll take pride in it. I only regret that my artistic skills aren’t extraordinary enough to capture even one percent of the late Crown Prince’s former glory.”

Lin Qingyang’s words were filled with determination, and he held Chu Lishu’s gaze as if challenging the assumptions that had lingered in the air.

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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 79

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 79

Chapter 79

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Before falling asleep, Lin Qingyang had planned to sleep for a while and leave when Chu Lishu loosened his grip. He wanted to avoid any misunderstandings, especially considering Chu Lishu's recent attitude towards him. It was likely that Chu Lishu would be furious once he regained consciousness.

After all, Lin Qingyang's lingering feelings were still there. While undressing and caring for Chu Lishu's body could be justified as tending to a sick person, sharing a bed with such close physical contact might raise suspicions. There was no need for body warmth, and Chu Lishu might think that Lin Qingyang took advantage of him when he was defenseless, intentionally seizing an opportunity.

However, Lin Qingyang overestimated human laziness. He ended up sleeping until late morning and was still in a daze.

At this moment, Lin Qingyang's hand was still resting on Chu Lishu's cheek, offering a warm and smooth touch.

Lin Qingyang, whose brain had not fully started functioning, absentmindedly pinched Chu Lishu's ear. Lin Qingyang wasn't sure if he had a thing for ears, but he genuinely liked the ear with a black mole on Chu Lishu.

After a little pinch, the man with a regal appearance seemed to twitch his sword-like eyebrows. His eyes, bright as cold stars, appeared even more profound.

Wait a minute?

The male lead woke up...

Wait a minute!

What did the male lead just ask him?!

In a solemn and icy tone, with a suspicious demeanor and an unpredictable expression, addressing him directly by his name and questioning what Lin Qingyang wanted to gain from him.

Lin Qingyang's heart tightened instantly, and he suddenly realized that his body, naturally responding to the morning call, was exhibiting the expected physiological reactions.

Moreover, due to their embrace, it seemed that he was pressed against the male lead's thigh.

Why did this situation resemble so much what he was concerned about last night? No, it didn't resemble; it confirmed his worries from last night. No wonder the male lead's expression was so stern now!

Wasn't the male lead essentially questioning what he wanted to do to him?

Their recent relationship was even worse than it had been at its lowest point before. The secret admirer persona might help him survive and take advantage, but now, it seemed like he was in for big trouble! After all, the male lead was homophobic!

As soon as Lin Qingyang sensed the situation, he practically rolled and crawled away, ending up sitting on the floor.

"I didn't think about anything, really!" After saying this, he even patted his clothes as if to signal that he was fully dressed while lying on the bed, absolutely not doing anything indecent to him.

Chu Lishu felt the warmth and presence around him vanish, and his face immediately turned cold. In fact, he didn't feel anything; the pain in his body had subsided, and he was almost numb, completely unaware of the horrors unfolding in Lin Qingyang's mind.

Due to the exhaustion after the episode, Chu Lishu's body felt weak as he struggled to sit up. His ebony hair cascaded down like a waterfall, accentuating his sickly pale skin. The delicate beauty in his weakness was indeed pitiable, yet he looked down on Lin Qingyang with a certain superiority.

Lin Qingyang swallowed hard. His body had recovered from the shock, and his mind was gradually clearing. He quickly said, "Actually, last night..."

"I remember everything from last night," Chu Lishu calmly stated.

Surprised, Lin Qingyang asked, "You really remember everything? Then, why..."

"Why are you taking care of me so diligently? There's no benefit for you in doing so," Chu Lishu asked expressionlessly.

Lin Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed that the male lead didn't misunderstand anything.

"Do I have to pretend not to notice when I see you in pain?" Lin Qingyang stood up and dusted off his clothes. "Even though we had an unpleasant exchange, well, it was more like you had an unpleasant exchange with me unilaterally, but we're still family, right? I'll worry about you too."

Chu Lishu remained silent, observing Lin Qingyang without speaking.

Feeling a bit uneasy, Lin Qingyang provided an opportunity for Chu Lishu to speak and asked, "What happened to you yesterday? I originally intended to find a physician for you, but since there's no physician here, I could only try to take care of you for a while. Did you... feel unwell even before you arrived yesterday?"

Chu Lishu finally spoke, "This is my old ailment; it occasionally flares up. Seeing a physician is useless; I just endure it."

Chu Lishu didn't specify when the pain started, but Lin Qingyang had speculated last night. He suspected that Chu Lishu might have been uncomfortable since the carriage ride, explaining his unpleasant expression. He probably endured the pain silently throughout the journey.

Later, using that even more hostile attitude towards him, might not have been because of the arrangements Lin Qingyang made without consultation. Instead, it could have been an attempt to drive him away.

Lin Qingyang actually had some doubts. Was Chu Lishu afraid of exposure or worried about accidentally hurting him and driving him away? It was probably both.

"I'm sorry."

Lin Qingyang was lost in his thoughts when suddenly Chu Lishu apologized. Lin Qingyang was puzzled, "What..."

"You took care of me last night, but I ended up hurting you. At that time... I didn't mean to." Chu Lishu's voice trembled, and his eyelids drooped.

"Oh, you mean when you were defending yourself with a dagger? I'm not injured, though." Lin Qingyang was a bit bewildered, "Even though it was scary, you stopped in time during the critical moment."

Chu Lishu pointed at Lin Qingyang's neck. Lin Qingyang, feeling puzzled, touched it and only then felt a slight sting. The wound was so small it could almost be ignored. "Perhaps I brought it upon myself unintentionally. It's not serious."

Chu Lishu looked at the nearly invisible wound that was almost impossible to see from a distance. Thinking of his inexplicable actions just now, he found it difficult to face Lin Qingyang.

"What about you? Are you feeling better now? Do you need more rest?"

Chu Lishu shook his head, getting up, and said, "I have things to do later."

Lin Qingyang felt a moment of awkwardness. "It's okay; I can manage on my own. If you're not feeling well, don't push yourself. After all, I was the one who insisted on having you here."

"I'm fine now." Chu Lishu got off the bed and walked towards his own side to retrieve his outerwear.

As a result, they suddenly saw the torn underwear and trousers on the floor.

Lin Qingyang also noticed, and his face turned a bit red. This sorry sight might remind the male lead that his secret admirer had thoroughly observed and even touched him last night. Claiming complete innocence wouldn't be convincing.

"Uh... you remember, I had no other choice. And I left a pair of underwear for you. Between men, you don't mind, right?" At least, Lin Qingyang was sure the crucial areas weren't exposed. This should count as a saving grace.

Chu Lishu did recall and became aware of a certain issue. Lin Qingyang indeed hadn't done anything inappropriate.

He was completely defenseless at that time, probably even in a state of unconsciousness in Lin Qingyang's eyes.

Lin Qingyang took care of him honestly, without any unnecessary actions.

Perhaps Lin Qingyang was genuinely concerned about him at that moment, with no room for other thoughts.

Perhaps... his body was no longer attractive to Lin Qingyang.

So, last night, it was his unconscious act of holding onto Lin Qingyang, and Lin Qingyang didn't take advantage of the opportunity to find a reason to sleep together.

As for secretly admiring him? Would Lin Qingyang really do nothing at all?

Kissing, touching, and hugging without permission, right?

Now, Lin Qingyang probably regards him just like Xu Wenze, with only simple pity left.

The image of Lin Qingyang pressing down on Pei Jin appeared in his mind once again, along with the lie he told to protect Pei Jin.

"What's there to mind? We... are family." Chu Lishu calmly dressed. "And I want to thank you. Otherwise, I would have been even more uncomfortable last night. Thank you for taking care of me."

Hearing Chu Lishu's change in tone, Lin Qingyang sensed something and couldn't help saying, "You've already said we're family, so why thank me? Are you hungry? Let's freshen up quickly and then go for breakfast?"

"Good." Chu Lishu no longer resisted Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking relaxed and starting to discuss the arrangements about their current situation with a cheerful smile.

Chu Lishu observed Lin Qingyang from the side.

He admitted that he enjoyed the care Lin Qingyang provided last night, but he wouldn't easily waver from his decision. Moreover, Lin Qingyang no longer harbored any secret admiration for him, so he wouldn't risk bringing Lin Qingyang into his inner circle. However, treating him more kindly and ensuring his safety in the future was still something he could do.

With no feelings to begin with, where would betrayal come from? He realized he had overthought things before.

Lin Qingyang, in his optimistic demeanor, thought everything had passed, but little did he know that his image in the heart of the male lead had completely shattered.

Chu Lishu's attitude had indeed improved a lot compared to before, but it was only a shift from hostility to non-hostility, completely losing the previous intimacy.

Lin Qingyang was aware of Chu Lishu's heavy guard and understood that rebuilding trust would take time. However, at the moment, their primary concern was the mission.

Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu were taken to the imperial tomb to transcribe sacrificial documents. Although they had some freedom of movement, the tomb keepers warned them about various taboos. After all, the ancestral tablets and portraits of the Great Zhou Dynasty's ancestors were here, and they couldn't be treated lightly.

Originally, they thought both of them would be involved in transcribing, but the overseer took a glance and chose only Chu Lishu, the one with good calligraphy skills, to handle the transcription. Lin Qingyang, on the other hand, was assigned miscellaneous tasks related to transcribing. Comparatively, Lin Qingyang would be a bit more tired, even though he was a bit concerned about Chu Lishu's health. After all, after last night's experience, Chu Lishu's complexion had not fully recovered.

Lin Qingyang had just returned after delivering some items. Seeing that Chu Lishu was not transcribing but rather staring blankly at the documents in his hands, Lin Qingyang felt that he might be recalling past events.

Chu Lishu probably noticed someone at the door and quickly returned to normal, pretending to rest. Lin Qingyang approached and casually glanced down. On the table were the records of Emperor Zhou Jing, the previous emperor and the father of Yuan Ran.

No wonder he seemed so absorbed; he likely hadn't even seen his father's final moments. He wandered outside the palace, and the only news he might have heard was that Emperor Zhou Jing was angered to death. Later, the empress dowager who raised him also died of illness, leaving behind endless regrets, forever separated from the mortal world.

Lin Qingyang felt it might be a bit inappropriate to bring him here. After all, he had lost his identity, and he probably didn't want to face his ancestors now.

Lin Qingyang asked, "Are you okay? Is there too much to transcribe?"

Chu Lishu shook his head, rubbing his wrist, "Not much."

Lin Qingyang cheerfully took out a porcelain bottle, "Look, I got this from the guardian here. It's very effective for muscle soreness. Apply some and massage it, so you won't feel sore later."

Chu Lishu's eyes flickered, surprised at how thoughtful Lin Qingyang could be when caring for others.

Suddenly, Chu Lishu blurted out without thinking, "You can massage me."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Chu Lishu's face stiffened. What was he doing?

Both Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu seemed momentarily stunned. Why did it feel like Chu Lishu's tone carried a hint of coquetry? He had never spoken to him like this before.

Could it be that the act of copying the documents had brought back memories, making him feel sentimental, seeking comfort? Impossible! Lin Qingyang thought he might be overthinking it. Though it felt a bit strange, he didn't dwell on it too much. He simply reached out, took a bit of the ointment, and applied it to Chu Lishu's slender wrist. Holding his hand, he gently began massaging.

The white ointment quickly emulsified, smooth and slippery, causing a tingling sensation. Lin Qingyang's massage technique was unexpectedly professional, and he focused intently on the task.

As Chu Lishu pretended to look at the documents on the table, his attention was entirely on Lin Qingyang's face. It was as if watching him made the excruciating pain in his heart momentarily subside.

"Later, should we take a stroll around here? It's my first time in the Imperial Tomb, and I'm quite curious," Lin Qingyang suggested.

Chu Lishu snapped back to reality, "It's easy to violate taboos, better not. Besides, there's nothing interesting to see."

Lin Qingyang looked a bit troubled. Would they find any clues just by staying here and copying documents? It seemed different from his initial expectations. Perhaps they should explore a bit first and then...

Just as he was contemplating, a guardian suddenly approached them, "Which one of you is skilled in painting?"

Lin Qingyang replied, saying he was proficient, although not as much as Chu Lishu in calligraphy. However, since they didn't know what the person wanted, he could only answer cautiously.

"Alright, Young Master Chu, you stay here and continue copying. Young Master Lin, come with me for a moment," said the guardian.

"What's the matter?" Chu Lishu frowned and asked.

The guardian's expression lightened, "Someone neglected their duties, and the portrait of the late Crown Prince got soaked. It's unusable now, and we need to redraw it."

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyang's face changed, and he turned to look at Chu Lishu, only to catch a fleeting glance from him.

"According to the rules, this task should be handled by the palace painters. I'm just worried that if the Cousin does it himself, it might attract unnecessary trouble," Chu Lishu stated.

Lin Qingyang's spine tensed, and he quickly responded, "You're absolutely right. I'm afraid I'm not up to the task."

Chu Lishu, being familiar with these rules, understood the implications. Portraits used in sacrificial ceremonies were meant to be observed for an extended period. Unlike copying documents, any inaccuracies or mistakes in the painting could lead to severe consequences. If someone were to scrutinize the details, it might even result in catastrophic consequences for the artist.

The guardian smiled casually, "I understand your concerns. Young Master Lin, please rest assured. This matter has received the approval of the Minister of Ministry of Rites. Even if there are inquiries, Lord Minister will handle it. Finally, when you finish the painting, it will be checked by us. Besides, no one would be so bored to investigate a portrait." The last sentence was spoken in a low voice, but it carried the weight of an electrified whip cracking in the air.

Seeing that the two of them had no more objections, the guardian stopped explaining. Since the order had been given, it had to be executed. He instructed, "Tidy up, and then go directly to the late Crown Prince's hall to start painting."

When the guardian left, Lin Qingyang couldn't suppress his frustration any longer. He slammed his fist on the table and turned to look at Chu Lishu in agitation. "How could they be so unreasonable! This is too unreliable!"

"It seems there is no room for maneuvering, but since they've said that, even if something happens, it won't be blamed on you. Cousin, please rest assured."

"I...Is that what I'm talking about?" Lin Qingyang was annoyed.

But looking at Chu Lishu's almost indifferent face, Lin Qingyang felt even more suffocated.

How could they disregard and belittle the importance of the portraits of the royal family members in the imperial tomb? To think that it's not a significant issue, not worth reporting, and any temporary worker without fame could hastily paint a posthumous image of Crown Prince Yuan Ran. What kind of painting could be produced in just one afternoon?

Have these people forgotten how many contributions Yuan Ran made to the country, aside from that one battle? Lin Qingyang was furious and suddenly started searching on the desk. He found Yuan Ran's documents in the section that Chu Lishu had already transcribed.

Upon reading them, Lin Qingyang was even more infuriated.

To reduce all of Yuan Ran's achievements to nothing just because of one mistake! Moreover, that mistake wasn't even his own!

Indeed, history is written by the victors, and it's such an unfair situation.

Did the male lead also experience these events in the original plot? Is this why, in the future, he naturally became a crazed tyrant who viewed the people as ants? Perhaps he didn't even bother to prove the truth or seek justice for himself. Maybe he didn't modify this document and let it stand, recording the cruel life of Emperor Zhoulu.

Lin Qingyang was so angry that his hands were shaking.

Chu Lishu looked at Lin Qingyang's actions with confusion. "Cousin, if you don't want to paint the portrait for the late Crown Prince, I can go and plead for you. We can switch roles."

Lin Qingyang looked at Chu Lishu in bewilderment.

Chu Lishu, with an expressionless face, said, "If someone learns that you painted a portrait for the late Crown Prince in the future, they'll probably regard it as a disgrace."

This sentence hit Lin Qingyang's heart like an arrow. He could hardly believe his ears. Did Chu Lishu say this because he, too, despised the Crown Prince, despised him, and that's why he was so indignant?

The room fell into a suffocating silence. Chu Lishu looked at Lin Qingyang as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, Lin Qingyang reached out and grabbed Chu Lishu's wrist, turning him to face him.

Chu Lishu looked into Lin Qingyang's eyes, his expression unchanged.

"Chu Lishu, listen carefully. I won't feel ashamed of this; I'll take pride in it. I only regret that my artistic skills aren't extraordinary enough to capture even one percent of the late Crown Prince's former glory."

Lin Qingyang's words were filled with determination, and he held Chu Lishu's gaze as if challenging the assumptions that had lingered in the air.

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  1. L says:

    Hi I’m trying to read Chapter 80 and the other ones, But it is telling me page can’t be found.

  2. IV says:

    This chapter was just posted today, the novel is still being translated!
    I’ve been reading it recently as well, this story is super interesting.

    Thank you to the lovely translator! ????

  3. Roi says:


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