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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 80

Chapter 80

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Lin Qingyang’s grip was firm, his words sincere, and before him, Chu Lishu seemed momentarily dumbfounded, lacking a response.

After Lin Qingyang finished speaking, he wondered if he had acted impulsively. It was challenging to decipher Chu Lishu’s thoughts. What if his earnestness led to unintended consequences? Feeling a bit unsure, Lin Qingyang released Chu Lishu’s hand, intending to say something to ease the tension. Unexpectedly, Chu Lishu suddenly grasped Lin Qingyang’s hand in return, almost sternly saying, “Do you know what you just said?”

Whether it was a misconception or not, it seemed a hint of red appeared in Chu Lishu’s eyes.

Lin Qingyang suddenly realized that this was an excellent opportunity to express loyalty, not to Chu Lishu but to Crown Prince Yuan Ran, just like Future Yue Chen and Huo Luo.

“I know. The late Crown Prince Yuan Ran is an extraordinary person. I used to admire him a lot. I won’t forget what he did for this country and its people. I believe many people haven’t forgotten. Now, even though there are many unjust opinions, there will come a day when the clouds will disperse, and the moon will emerge.”

If the previous words were impulsive sincerity, these were calculated flattery. Lin Qingyang used rhetoric to encourage the male lead to treat the people of this world more favorably, preventing him from evolving into a crazed tyrant.

“You dare to say such things. Do you not care about your life?” Chu Lishu stared at Lin Qingyang, his voice heavy and hoarse.

“I’m only telling you. As long as you don’t betray me, everything will be fine!” Lin Qingyang appeared completely trusting.

Chu Lishu was stunned for a moment. “He… almost destroyed this country. You also said he was the biggest sinner in this country.”

Original body why did you tell the male lead these things? If he had decided to kill you on the spot, you would’ve been out of luck.

“At that time, we weren’t close, were we? Without pretending, wouldn’t I be an outcast? I was forced into a corner too. My heart was leaning towards him,” Lin Qingyang shamelessly explained.

Chu Lishu frowned, looking at him, but unsure of what more to say. “You…”

“We study to understand principles. Do you really see the late Crown Prince in such a despicable light?” Lin Qingyang countered directly.

Chu Lishu’s pupils contracted for a moment. After a pause, he spoke, “He is indeed despicable and utterly useless.”

Lin Qingyang couldn’t control his facial expression. Was the male lead acting out scolding himself?

“If he weren’t so useless, he wouldn’t have ended up like this today,” Chu Lishu murmured as if speaking to himself.

Lin Qingyang sympathized, patting Chu Lishu’s shoulder. “I only know that he must have tried his best.”

Chu Lishu’s vacant gaze flickered, and his shoulder trembled. It seemed that Lin Qingyang’s words had deeply touched him, and his arms involuntarily exerted force.

By the time Lin Qingyang reacted, he was already being embraced by Chu Lishu.

Lin Qingyang’s heart thumped with surprise.

Chu Lishu’s voice was hoarse as he asked, “Tell me quietly, do you really think Yuan Ran… is good?”

“Yes, Yuan Ran is very good.”

Lin Qingyang offered encouraging words in the right direction, hoping to help Chu Lishu rectify his own inner struggles.

Chu Lishu quickly released Lin Qingyang, as if the hug just now was only for sharing a secret.

“Cousin, you go paint. I’ll find you when I’m free,” Chu Lishu said with a soft expression.

Loyal character trait acquired!

Chu Lishu gazed deeply at Lin Qingyang, who was preparing to leave. Would he support me if he found out who I really am in the future?

In a brief moment, Chu Lishu did feel the impulse to reveal the truth, but he quickly calmed down. How many people have been harmed by those who admired him? He couldn’t reveal himself so easily; he carried too much weight and couldn’t take the risk.

But the words Lin Qingyang spoke still filled him with warmth. Coming back and encountering someone like this, perhaps it was heaven’s favor toward him.

When Lin Qingyang headed toward the palace of the former crown prince, he once again met the guardian of the tomb. The guardian briefed him on the situation.

Seeing the portrait of Yuan Ran taken down and casually placed on a nearby table, with only the head damaged, the guardian provided Lin Qingyang with a sketch and some coloring notes.

Based on these, he could almost replicate the portrait.

However, the painted figure still had some differences compared to the original person.

But Lin Qingyang was still somewhat shocked when he saw the true appearance of the male lead for the first time on the sketch.

He possessed the air of a gallant gentleman, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, exceptionally handsome and peerlessly unique.

Finally, he understood that the title of the most beautiful man in the entire text was well-deserved. Even with a few simple strokes on the canvas, the stunning aura seemed to burst forth from the painting at any moment.

Chu Lishu’s current appearance was already captivating, but there were still differences compared to his original self.

It could be said that his present beauty was pure, while the real Yuan Ran’s beauty was accompanied by a unique and noble aura. His well-defined features were profound, and a strong masculine charm emanated from him.

No wonder there were so many talented young people admiring him. Having such looks coupled with that kind of talent was like being a celestial being. It was beyond the level of envy; it could only be admired.

However, a simple sketch couldn’t truly capture the charisma of the real Yuan Ran.

Lin Qingyang suddenly started looking forward to what the real Yuan Ran would look like two years later. He just hoped it wouldn’t be in a gloomy and crazed state.

Perhaps due to his genuine appreciation of Yuan Ran’s appearance, Lin Qingyang’s pursuit of beauty became more persistent. While painting, he focused intently, carefully considering every proportion and detail. He completely disregarded the casual approach of the guard to not take this seriously.

The painting took several hours without any breaks as if Lin Qingyang had entered a realm of solitude.

Stroke by stroke, he recreated Crown Prince Yuan Ran on the canvas.

When Chu Lishu arrived, he witnessed this scene. Lin Qingyang was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t even notice Chu Lishu’s presence.

Chu Lishu approached and took a look. He was moved, perhaps because the palace painter didn’t put much effort into the original portrait. Now, what Lin Qingyang painted was even more detailed and beautiful than the original.

Seeing his past self being meticulously reproduced by Lin Qingyang’s brushstrokes, Chu Lishu couldn’t quite express the feelings in his heart.

Suddenly, Chu Lishu felt that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have Lin Qingyang personally depict all his future portraits. After all, Lin Qingyang had even drawn his own posthumous portrait.

As Chu Lishu observed Lin Qingyang, who was immersed in coloring without a care in the world, he decided not to stare at him but instead turned his attention to other areas inside the hall.

His tomb was located behind this hall, and without seeing his own corpse, the person sitting on the dragon throne wouldn’t rest assured.

Chu Lishu circled around and suddenly discovered some secretive traces on the stone of the door leading to the rear hall.

These traces were…

Chu Lishu’s expression subtly changed. Wasn’t this the secret code he and the Shadow Wolves had used before?

Different dots and lines represented various meanings. If someone else found it, they would likely consider it a natural mark on the stone wall.

Only Chu Lishu could recognize it as their secret code.

These marks were carved during their last visit, indicating that only two of them remained, waiting for the master’s summons.

In truth, they didn’t know if the master would come here to see their tombs, but as a token of their thoughts, they left these secret codes here, hoping for something.

Chu Lishu speculated that if they had visited the imperial tomb, it would likely have been during this period, considering the Winter Solstice was a time for mourning the deceased. However, to avoid the royal family and prevent exposing their whereabouts, they would stagger their visits, coming before or after the official ceremonies.

With this thought in mind, Chu Lishu picked up a small knife, using his body to conceal his actions, and cautiously left secret code marks below. He wasn’t sure if he would encounter them during his stay, but he hoped that they would see the marks and realize he was still alive. If they sought out Mr. Cao, they would surely find him.

By the time Lin Qingyang completed the painting, it was already dusk. Putting away his brush, he gazed silently at the figure on the canvas, feeling a peculiar sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt something unusual around him. Looking up, he saw Chu Lishu sitting in the chair beside him, observing him. The lamps around them were already lit, casting a warm orange glow over the entire room.

“When did you come?” Lin Qingyang asked in surprise.

“I came over after finishing the transcription. I saw Cousin engrossed in painting and didn’t want to disturb you,” Chu Lishu said, his face carrying a faint smile, appearing much closer than before.

It seemed that the new persona he had crafted was appreciated by the male lead.

“How is my painting?” Lin Qingyang asked, presenting his artwork for Chu Lishu to see.

Chu Lishu glanced at the painting, ripples forming in his heart. “It’s very well done, perhaps the best portrait of him in his entire life.”

“It’s not as exaggerated as you say.”

Getting the approval of the original owner still made him a bit proud.

Lin Qingyang carefully completed the remaining procedures for the painting and then went to submit it with Chu Lishu.

This time, the guardian took them directly to meet the Minister of the Ministry of Rites who was supervising the work.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, there was a major reshuffling in the cabinet and the six ministries. Consequently, the officials currently holding key positions were either loyal to the new emperor or belonged to the neutral faction. Those who had spoken in favor of the former Crown Prince or expressed doubts about the events of the past had all been removed from their positions. Some were transferred out of the capital, while others were implicated and either demoted or executed.

It could be said that anyone in a significant position at the moment was considered an adversary to the returning male lead’s efforts to regain power. Whether he would use or eliminate these individuals remained to be seen.

The present Minister of Ministry of Rites had risen to his position after the previous minister was demoted. It was said that he had handled the affairs related to the new emperor’s ascension exceptionally well, earning the new emperor’s satisfaction and thus advancing in his career.

Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu stood in place, respectfully bowing and presenting their artwork to the Minister.

“Young scholars, you’ve worked hard. Young Master Lin, I’m acquainted with your father. When you return, remember to send my regards to him,” the Minister said with a friendly smile.

Lin Qingyang immediately bowed respectfully in response.

At this moment, the tombkeeper unfolded the artwork slowly.

The Minister examined it and the warmth in his expression diminished, “Young Master Lin’s painting skills are truly excellent. It’s lifelike and even better than before. The emperor is sure to praise it highly when he sees it.”

Lin Qingyang felt a jolt in his heart. It seemed that this official was not satisfied. “Sir, you’re too kind. It’s all thanks to your excellent guidance. I followed the records closely, but I’m not sure if there are any mistakes or omissions. If His Majesty doesn’t notice, that would be the best.”

“You’ve made a significant contribution with your painting. How can you hope that His Majesty won’t notice?” the Minister said with a faint smile as he put down the painting.

“I don’t seek credit, just hoping to avoid mistakes,” Lin Qingyang spoke sincerely.

Finally, the Minister chuckled a couple of times, his smile appearing much more genuine than before. “I didn’t expect the child of Marquis An Nan to be so modest and clever. Well, I know what to do now.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Lin Qingyang was not naive. If the emperor found out that the painting had been changed, given his aversion to Yuan Ran, how could he reward the person who repainted it for Yuan Ran? Moreover, both the Ministry of the Ministry of Rites and the tomb keeper at the Imperial Tomb would probably not want this matter to be reported, as it would be evidence of their neglect of duty. The Minister said this was likely just a concern that Lin Qingyang was too eager for recognition.

The Minister didn’t dwell on whether the painting was better than before and directly ordered it to be hung up.

By now, it was getting dark. The tombkeeper asked them if they planned to leave that night or the next day.

Chu Lishu looked directly at Lin Qingyang, as if expecting him to make the decision.

It was only at this moment that Lin Qingyang remembered the thing that had been worrying him. He looked at Chu Lishu cautiously, realizing that they had been separated for quite some time. By now, the protagonist should have completed the exploration of the imperial tomb and found some clues. However, he couldn’t ask about it directly, so he spoke carefully, “Traveling at night is not safe; let’s leave in the morning.”

The tombkeeper didn’t think much about it and politely replied, “The scenery around here is quite nice. If you’re interested, you can explore the surroundings. Just avoid getting too close to the imperial tomb.”

Lin Qingyang casually engaged in conversation, inquiring about the local scenery.

After the guard at the tomb keeper spoke, Lin Qingyang took Chu Lishu to have dinner, planning to take a stroll after finishing the meal.

“After nightfall, it gets cold, and we’re in the wilderness. The places with appreciable scenery are far from the guard range of the Imperial Tomb. Are you sure you want to go out, Cousin?” Chu Lishu hesitated.

“It might be outside the range, but there are still basic guards downhill. So, it’s pretty safe here. Let’s consider it a winter night tour. Just dress warmly. I actually wanted to explore at night with you before coming here. I’ve heard about the scenery here, which is usually not visible. If we don’t see it now, we might never get another chance,” Lin Qingyang said. He wondered why Chu Lishu seemed hesitant—perhaps he hadn’t found any clues?

Whether or not there were any clues to be found, Lin Qingyang was determined to go. If he didn’t, he might not see the sun tomorrow. Even if it meant staying out all night, he intended to search the surrounding areas thoroughly with the hope of finding something.

However, in Chu Lishu’s view, if he were alone, he would be willing to spend time searching the vicinity. He might even encounter something. But with Lin Qingyang, he felt it would be inconvenient. The Shadow Wolves were cautious, and they might not easily reveal themselves. Chu Lishu couldn’t show too much in front of Lin Qingyang, so he left the secret signs to remind them to find Mr. Cao.

However, since Lin Qingyang had already planned for them to explore at night, and seeing how excited he was, Chu Lishu couldn’t bring himself to refuse.

Chu Lishu’s concerns were indeed something Lin Qingyang had also considered. If he stayed inside, Chu Lishu probably wouldn’t go out either. So, he felt it was a bit of a dilemma. That’s when he came up with an idea.

“Cousin, there are two paths to Moonlight Lake. Which one do you think is better?” Lin Qingyang pointed to the map.

“This one,” Chu Lishu quickly assessed and pointed to the preferred route.

“Oh, I think the other one is better.”

“Then let’s go with your choice.”

“No, how about we prove it? Let’s see whose choice is right. We can split up and take different routes, and then see who gets there first.” Lin Qingyang suddenly suggested.

Chu Lishu frowned, “If you want to prove it, we can choose one path when going and another when coming back.”

It seemed difficult to fool the male lead.

“But when we come back, I want to go directly to another scenic spot, so…”

Chu Lishu refused, “It’s not appropriate; it’s not safe for one person to travel at night.”

“This path is straightforward; we won’t get lost. Let’s just play a little! In case one of us takes too long, we can go back and find the other,” Lin Qingyang desperately tried to show his interest in this game. After pleading for a while, Chu Lishu eventually agreed to his childish request.

Since this area was part of the imperial tomb, there were no mountain bandits or wild beasts, making it relatively safe.

As Lin Qingyang walked along the path carrying a lantern, he didn’t feel much, just silently praying that the male lead’s halo could be of some use and that he could complete the mission quickly.

After walking for a while, Lin Qingyang felt that the path he chose was really difficult to traverse. While complaining, he suddenly saw a distant flicker of fire.

Excitement surged in Lin Qingyang’s heart. He wondered if it could be the two members of the Shadow Wolves. However, as he approached, the fire was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Qingyang, unwilling to give up, searched around and eventually found the recently extinguished bonfire. He touched it and found it still warm, indicating that the people had just left. Should he call the male lead to come over now?

Just as he was hesitating, Lin Qingyang suddenly felt an instinctive chill.

System: 【Danger alert!! Host’s life is in imminent danger.】

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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 80

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 80

Chapter 80

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Lin Qingyang's grip was firm, his words sincere, and before him, Chu Lishu seemed momentarily dumbfounded, lacking a response.

After Lin Qingyang finished speaking, he wondered if he had acted impulsively. It was challenging to decipher Chu Lishu's thoughts. What if his earnestness led to unintended consequences? Feeling a bit unsure, Lin Qingyang released Chu Lishu's hand, intending to say something to ease the tension. Unexpectedly, Chu Lishu suddenly grasped Lin Qingyang's hand in return, almost sternly saying, "Do you know what you just said?"

Whether it was a misconception or not, it seemed a hint of red appeared in Chu Lishu's eyes.

Lin Qingyang suddenly realized that this was an excellent opportunity to express loyalty, not to Chu Lishu but to Crown Prince Yuan Ran, just like Future Yue Chen and Huo Luo.

"I know. The late Crown Prince Yuan Ran is an extraordinary person. I used to admire him a lot. I won't forget what he did for this country and its people. I believe many people haven't forgotten. Now, even though there are many unjust opinions, there will come a day when the clouds will disperse, and the moon will emerge."

If the previous words were impulsive sincerity, these were calculated flattery. Lin Qingyang used rhetoric to encourage the male lead to treat the people of this world more favorably, preventing him from evolving into a crazed tyrant.

"You dare to say such things. Do you not care about your life?" Chu Lishu stared at Lin Qingyang, his voice heavy and hoarse.

"I'm only telling you. As long as you don't betray me, everything will be fine!" Lin Qingyang appeared completely trusting.

Chu Lishu was stunned for a moment. "He... almost destroyed this country. You also said he was the biggest sinner in this country."

Original body why did you tell the male lead these things? If he had decided to kill you on the spot, you would've been out of luck.

"At that time, we weren't close, were we? Without pretending, wouldn't I be an outcast? I was forced into a corner too. My heart was leaning towards him," Lin Qingyang shamelessly explained.

Chu Lishu frowned, looking at him, but unsure of what more to say. "You..."

"We study to understand principles. Do you really see the late Crown Prince in such a despicable light?" Lin Qingyang countered directly.

Chu Lishu's pupils contracted for a moment. After a pause, he spoke, "He is indeed despicable and utterly useless."

Lin Qingyang couldn't control his facial expression. Was the male lead acting out scolding himself?

"If he weren't so useless, he wouldn't have ended up like this today," Chu Lishu murmured as if speaking to himself.

Lin Qingyang sympathized, patting Chu Lishu's shoulder. "I only know that he must have tried his best."

Chu Lishu's vacant gaze flickered, and his shoulder trembled. It seemed that Lin Qingyang's words had deeply touched him, and his arms involuntarily exerted force.

By the time Lin Qingyang reacted, he was already being embraced by Chu Lishu.

Lin Qingyang's heart thumped with surprise.

Chu Lishu's voice was hoarse as he asked, "Tell me quietly, do you really think Yuan Ran... is good?"

"Yes, Yuan Ran is very good."

Lin Qingyang offered encouraging words in the right direction, hoping to help Chu Lishu rectify his own inner struggles.

Chu Lishu quickly released Lin Qingyang, as if the hug just now was only for sharing a secret.

"Cousin, you go paint. I'll find you when I'm free," Chu Lishu said with a soft expression.

Loyal character trait acquired!

Chu Lishu gazed deeply at Lin Qingyang, who was preparing to leave. Would he support me if he found out who I really am in the future?

In a brief moment, Chu Lishu did feel the impulse to reveal the truth, but he quickly calmed down. How many people have been harmed by those who admired him? He couldn't reveal himself so easily; he carried too much weight and couldn't take the risk.

But the words Lin Qingyang spoke still filled him with warmth. Coming back and encountering someone like this, perhaps it was heaven's favor toward him.

When Lin Qingyang headed toward the palace of the former crown prince, he once again met the guardian of the tomb. The guardian briefed him on the situation.

Seeing the portrait of Yuan Ran taken down and casually placed on a nearby table, with only the head damaged, the guardian provided Lin Qingyang with a sketch and some coloring notes.

Based on these, he could almost replicate the portrait.

However, the painted figure still had some differences compared to the original person.

But Lin Qingyang was still somewhat shocked when he saw the true appearance of the male lead for the first time on the sketch.

He possessed the air of a gallant gentleman, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, exceptionally handsome and peerlessly unique.

Finally, he understood that the title of the most beautiful man in the entire text was well-deserved. Even with a few simple strokes on the canvas, the stunning aura seemed to burst forth from the painting at any moment.

Chu Lishu's current appearance was already captivating, but there were still differences compared to his original self.

It could be said that his present beauty was pure, while the real Yuan Ran's beauty was accompanied by a unique and noble aura. His well-defined features were profound, and a strong masculine charm emanated from him.

No wonder there were so many talented young people admiring him. Having such looks coupled with that kind of talent was like being a celestial being. It was beyond the level of envy; it could only be admired.

However, a simple sketch couldn't truly capture the charisma of the real Yuan Ran.

Lin Qingyang suddenly started looking forward to what the real Yuan Ran would look like two years later. He just hoped it wouldn't be in a gloomy and crazed state.

Perhaps due to his genuine appreciation of Yuan Ran's appearance, Lin Qingyang's pursuit of beauty became more persistent. While painting, he focused intently, carefully considering every proportion and detail. He completely disregarded the casual approach of the guard to not take this seriously.

The painting took several hours without any breaks as if Lin Qingyang had entered a realm of solitude.

Stroke by stroke, he recreated Crown Prince Yuan Ran on the canvas.

When Chu Lishu arrived, he witnessed this scene. Lin Qingyang was so absorbed in his work that he didn't even notice Chu Lishu's presence.

Chu Lishu approached and took a look. He was moved, perhaps because the palace painter didn't put much effort into the original portrait. Now, what Lin Qingyang painted was even more detailed and beautiful than the original.

Seeing his past self being meticulously reproduced by Lin Qingyang's brushstrokes, Chu Lishu couldn't quite express the feelings in his heart.

Suddenly, Chu Lishu felt that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Lin Qingyang personally depict all his future portraits. After all, Lin Qingyang had even drawn his own posthumous portrait.

As Chu Lishu observed Lin Qingyang, who was immersed in coloring without a care in the world, he decided not to stare at him but instead turned his attention to other areas inside the hall.

His tomb was located behind this hall, and without seeing his own corpse, the person sitting on the dragon throne wouldn't rest assured.

Chu Lishu circled around and suddenly discovered some secretive traces on the stone of the door leading to the rear hall.

These traces were...

Chu Lishu's expression subtly changed. Wasn't this the secret code he and the Shadow Wolves had used before?

Different dots and lines represented various meanings. If someone else found it, they would likely consider it a natural mark on the stone wall.

Only Chu Lishu could recognize it as their secret code.

These marks were carved during their last visit, indicating that only two of them remained, waiting for the master's summons.

In truth, they didn't know if the master would come here to see their tombs, but as a token of their thoughts, they left these secret codes here, hoping for something.

Chu Lishu speculated that if they had visited the imperial tomb, it would likely have been during this period, considering the Winter Solstice was a time for mourning the deceased. However, to avoid the royal family and prevent exposing their whereabouts, they would stagger their visits, coming before or after the official ceremonies.

With this thought in mind, Chu Lishu picked up a small knife, using his body to conceal his actions, and cautiously left secret code marks below. He wasn't sure if he would encounter them during his stay, but he hoped that they would see the marks and realize he was still alive. If they sought out Mr. Cao, they would surely find him.

By the time Lin Qingyang completed the painting, it was already dusk. Putting away his brush, he gazed silently at the figure on the canvas, feeling a peculiar sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt something unusual around him. Looking up, he saw Chu Lishu sitting in the chair beside him, observing him. The lamps around them were already lit, casting a warm orange glow over the entire room.

"When did you come?" Lin Qingyang asked in surprise.

"I came over after finishing the transcription. I saw Cousin engrossed in painting and didn't want to disturb you," Chu Lishu said, his face carrying a faint smile, appearing much closer than before.

It seemed that the new persona he had crafted was appreciated by the male lead.

"How is my painting?" Lin Qingyang asked, presenting his artwork for Chu Lishu to see.

Chu Lishu glanced at the painting, ripples forming in his heart. "It's very well done, perhaps the best portrait of him in his entire life."

"It's not as exaggerated as you say."

Getting the approval of the original owner still made him a bit proud.

Lin Qingyang carefully completed the remaining procedures for the painting and then went to submit it with Chu Lishu.

This time, the guardian took them directly to meet the Minister of the Ministry of Rites who was supervising the work.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, there was a major reshuffling in the cabinet and the six ministries. Consequently, the officials currently holding key positions were either loyal to the new emperor or belonged to the neutral faction. Those who had spoken in favor of the former Crown Prince or expressed doubts about the events of the past had all been removed from their positions. Some were transferred out of the capital, while others were implicated and either demoted or executed.

It could be said that anyone in a significant position at the moment was considered an adversary to the returning male lead's efforts to regain power. Whether he would use or eliminate these individuals remained to be seen.

The present Minister of Ministry of Rites had risen to his position after the previous minister was demoted. It was said that he had handled the affairs related to the new emperor's ascension exceptionally well, earning the new emperor's satisfaction and thus advancing in his career.

Lin Qingyang and Chu Lishu stood in place, respectfully bowing and presenting their artwork to the Minister.

"Young scholars, you've worked hard. Young Master Lin, I'm acquainted with your father. When you return, remember to send my regards to him," the Minister said with a friendly smile.

Lin Qingyang immediately bowed respectfully in response.

At this moment, the tombkeeper unfolded the artwork slowly.

The Minister examined it and the warmth in his expression diminished, "Young Master Lin's painting skills are truly excellent. It's lifelike and even better than before. The emperor is sure to praise it highly when he sees it."

Lin Qingyang felt a jolt in his heart. It seemed that this official was not satisfied. "Sir, you're too kind. It's all thanks to your excellent guidance. I followed the records closely, but I'm not sure if there are any mistakes or omissions. If His Majesty doesn't notice, that would be the best."

"You've made a significant contribution with your painting. How can you hope that His Majesty won't notice?" the Minister said with a faint smile as he put down the painting.

"I don't seek credit, just hoping to avoid mistakes," Lin Qingyang spoke sincerely.

Finally, the Minister chuckled a couple of times, his smile appearing much more genuine than before. "I didn't expect the child of Marquis An Nan to be so modest and clever. Well, I know what to do now."

"Thank you, sir."

Lin Qingyang was not naive. If the emperor found out that the painting had been changed, given his aversion to Yuan Ran, how could he reward the person who repainted it for Yuan Ran? Moreover, both the Ministry of the Ministry of Rites and the tomb keeper at the Imperial Tomb would probably not want this matter to be reported, as it would be evidence of their neglect of duty. The Minister said this was likely just a concern that Lin Qingyang was too eager for recognition.

The Minister didn't dwell on whether the painting was better than before and directly ordered it to be hung up.

By now, it was getting dark. The tombkeeper asked them if they planned to leave that night or the next day.

Chu Lishu looked directly at Lin Qingyang, as if expecting him to make the decision.

It was only at this moment that Lin Qingyang remembered the thing that had been worrying him. He looked at Chu Lishu cautiously, realizing that they had been separated for quite some time. By now, the protagonist should have completed the exploration of the imperial tomb and found some clues. However, he couldn't ask about it directly, so he spoke carefully, "Traveling at night is not safe; let's leave in the morning."

The tombkeeper didn't think much about it and politely replied, "The scenery around here is quite nice. If you're interested, you can explore the surroundings. Just avoid getting too close to the imperial tomb."

Lin Qingyang casually engaged in conversation, inquiring about the local scenery.

After the guard at the tomb keeper spoke, Lin Qingyang took Chu Lishu to have dinner, planning to take a stroll after finishing the meal.

"After nightfall, it gets cold, and we're in the wilderness. The places with appreciable scenery are far from the guard range of the Imperial Tomb. Are you sure you want to go out, Cousin?" Chu Lishu hesitated.

"It might be outside the range, but there are still basic guards downhill. So, it's pretty safe here. Let's consider it a winter night tour. Just dress warmly. I actually wanted to explore at night with you before coming here. I've heard about the scenery here, which is usually not visible. If we don't see it now, we might never get another chance," Lin Qingyang said. He wondered why Chu Lishu seemed hesitant—perhaps he hadn't found any clues?

Whether or not there were any clues to be found, Lin Qingyang was determined to go. If he didn't, he might not see the sun tomorrow. Even if it meant staying out all night, he intended to search the surrounding areas thoroughly with the hope of finding something.

However, in Chu Lishu's view, if he were alone, he would be willing to spend time searching the vicinity. He might even encounter something. But with Lin Qingyang, he felt it would be inconvenient. The Shadow Wolves were cautious, and they might not easily reveal themselves. Chu Lishu couldn't show too much in front of Lin Qingyang, so he left the secret signs to remind them to find Mr. Cao.

However, since Lin Qingyang had already planned for them to explore at night, and seeing how excited he was, Chu Lishu couldn't bring himself to refuse.

Chu Lishu's concerns were indeed something Lin Qingyang had also considered. If he stayed inside, Chu Lishu probably wouldn't go out either. So, he felt it was a bit of a dilemma. That's when he came up with an idea.

"Cousin, there are two paths to Moonlight Lake. Which one do you think is better?" Lin Qingyang pointed to the map.

"This one," Chu Lishu quickly assessed and pointed to the preferred route.

"Oh, I think the other one is better."

"Then let's go with your choice."

"No, how about we prove it? Let's see whose choice is right. We can split up and take different routes, and then see who gets there first." Lin Qingyang suddenly suggested.

Chu Lishu frowned, "If you want to prove it, we can choose one path when going and another when coming back."

It seemed difficult to fool the male lead.

"But when we come back, I want to go directly to another scenic spot, so..."

Chu Lishu refused, "It's not appropriate; it's not safe for one person to travel at night."

"This path is straightforward; we won't get lost. Let's just play a little! In case one of us takes too long, we can go back and find the other," Lin Qingyang desperately tried to show his interest in this game. After pleading for a while, Chu Lishu eventually agreed to his childish request.

Since this area was part of the imperial tomb, there were no mountain bandits or wild beasts, making it relatively safe.

As Lin Qingyang walked along the path carrying a lantern, he didn't feel much, just silently praying that the male lead's halo could be of some use and that he could complete the mission quickly.

After walking for a while, Lin Qingyang felt that the path he chose was really difficult to traverse. While complaining, he suddenly saw a distant flicker of fire.

Excitement surged in Lin Qingyang's heart. He wondered if it could be the two members of the Shadow Wolves. However, as he approached, the fire was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Qingyang, unwilling to give up, searched around and eventually found the recently extinguished bonfire. He touched it and found it still warm, indicating that the people had just left. Should he call the male lead to come over now?

Just as he was hesitating, Lin Qingyang suddenly felt an instinctive chill.

System: 【Danger alert!! Host's life is in imminent danger.】

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