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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 93

Chapter 93

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Chu Lishu and Yue Chen heard the commotion outside and realized that the two of them hadn’t returned for a while, so they went out to check. Along the way, they encountered a little maid who was crying in a corner.

After some probing, they learned that Lin Qingyang and Huo Luo had entered this courtyard.

As a result, when the two of them entered the courtyard, they witnessed an indecent scene.

In front of the main house, two men were entangled, engaging in inappropriate activities in broad daylight.

And these two people were none other than the missing Lin Qingyang and Xu Wenzhe.

Yue Chen couldn’t care less about the two individuals engaged in indecent activities. He quickly searched for the figure of Huo Luo and found him kneeling inside the main house.

Yue Chen rushed towards him.

However, Chu Lishu, who came with Yue Chen, froze on the spot.

In that moment, the air around Chu Lishu seemed to freeze. His face showed no expression, but the instinctive surge of murderous intent made his countenance terrifying, even more intimidating than when Huo Luo forcefully opened the doors and windows just now.

It was as if an enraged tiger, revealing its fierce and ferocious nature, ready to bite its enemy’s throat.

This expression frightened Lin Qingyang.

However, it quickly disappeared. Chu Lishu rushed over, moving so fast that he almost reached Yue Chen, who had started running first.

Chu Lishu kicked away Xu Wenzhe, and Yue Chen stood nearby, perfectly positioned to catch him.

But with this action, the two newcomers witnessed an even more explicit scene.

Xu Wenzhe and Lin Qingyang both exhibited physical reactions, quite evident.

This was much more stimulating than the abnormal scene of one person overpowering another.

Lin Qingyang had initially breathed a sigh of relief, but when he noticed Chu Lishu’s direct gaze on his private area, he realized something was wrong.

Quickly curling up, he anxiously explained, “It’s not what you think. It’s a setup by Ying Xiaodie and Xu Rui’er in collaboration. There was a burst of smoke from the room just now, and we were all affected.”

Lin Qingyang finished speaking and realized that his voice had become hoarse. He then cautiously watched Chu Lishu, knowing that he was very sensitive to such matters. Like someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, he could reject a hidden love interest, but Lin Qingyang, who had already been assigned a role, couldn’t switch to someone else.

Chu Lishu didn’t say anything, but directly reached out and pinched Lin Qingyang’s wrist. Suddenly, his fingers trembled, and his expression became extremely unpleasant. “Your pulse is normal, no sign of poisoning.”

Lin Qingyang’s face changed.

“The ones poisoned are the two inside.” By now, Xu Wenzhe had turned around and hugged Yue Chen. Although Yue Chen didn’t know martial arts, he had some skill in subduing an irrational person. He calmly let Xu Wenzhe hold him and took the opportunity to touch the back of Xu Wenzhe’s neck. With a swift move, Xu Wenzhe fainted, allowing Yue Chen to check his pulse.

Lin Qingyang: Blaming me, am I to blame for this poisoning mess?!

Lin Qingyang was about to explain when Chu Lishu suddenly increased the strength in his hand.

“Ah… it hurts!” Lin Qingyang gritted his teeth, feeling the almost unbearable pain as if his wrist were about to be crushed. Sweat started forming on his back, but even so, his private part remained active. Lin Qingyang felt so embarrassed that he wished he could find a hole to hide in.

This ‘unrepentant’ body further angered Chu Lishu.

When Chu Lishu first witnessed this scene, he couldn’t describe his feelings. Seeing Lin Qingyang being intimate with others had happened several times, and each time brought a different impact. Initially, it was the anger of feeling betrayed, wanting to kill Lin Qingyang to prevent him from fooling around. However, as time went on, his feelings changed. The target he wanted to eliminate changed, and towards Lin Qingyang, he only wanted to lock him up and make him fear, and tremble.

Chu Lishu couldn’t describe exactly what he wanted to do, but it was just an impulsive desire. Regardless of the method, he just wanted Lin Qingyang to regret and never dare to be disobedient again.

However, this time, the sight of Lin Qingyang being intimate with his former crush exceeded Chu Lishu’s endurance. It felt as if his heart had been twisted, with anger mixed with an indescribable discomfort, as if his throat were being squeezed, stifling his breath.

After experiencing such situations many times, he developed trust in Lin Qingyang. The residual rationality in his brain quickly responded, understanding what was probably happening. He suppressed his killing intent, maintaining the nearly severed neural connections.

But now the situation was different.

While it could be explained that Xu Wenze was poisoned, what about Lin Qingyang?

He hadn’t been poisoned, yet he showed a reaction. He was someone who had once stirred emotions in Chu Lishu, making it a different scenario altogether.

If they hadn’t coincidentally arrived, would impulsiveness have taken over?

After all, how many men could remain composed in such a situation?

Chu Lishu was angry at Lin Qingyang’s shameless behavior and at himself for having a reaction to someone other than himself.

Lin Qingyang’s face was twisted in pain, attempting to struggle but finding it impossible due to the awkward situation. He could only cry out, “It hurts, let go…”

“Chu Lishu, calm down. If you keep squeezing like this, Lin Qingyang’s hand will break. In such a situation, can’t we, as men, understand? He didn’t do it on purpose.”

Lin Qingyang desperately tried to save his nearly broken wrist, shouting, “I swear, I was affected by the smoke!”

Chu Lishu wasn’t listening, determined to make Lin Qingyang feel more pain. He wanted Lin Qingyang to forget about others’ actions and only experience the pain he was causing.

Lin Qingyang, feeling helpless and in pain, continued to explain, “Xu Wenzhe was inside from the beginning. When Huo Luo and I tried to enter, Huo Luo sensed something was wrong, kicked me out, and then threw Xu Wenzhe out. They both inhaled a large amount of smoke. As for me, when Huo Luo opened the surrounding doors and windows, I was affected by the smoke that had diluted into the air. So, this is why. I’m not a pervert. How can I have any reaction in such a situation?”

Chu Lishu eased his grip slightly, but it didn’t fully release. Lin Qingyang’s explanation seemed challenging to prove, and for Chu Lishu, the possibility of it being false was more likely. After all, the object of Lin Qingyang’s previous affection was Xu Wenzhe.

In the face of Xu Wenzhe’s advances, could Lin Qingyang really resist?

Upon hearing this, however, Yue Chen nodded and said, “Makes sense.” He carefully observed Xu Wenzhe’s condition. He wasn’t too concerned about Huo Luo; if it was just the influence of drugs without any injuries, Huo Luo’s internal strength should be able to withstand it for a while. Yue Chen should have taken him directly to see a physician, but he seemed to have encountered this type of poison before.

“I know now. It’s the ‘Gentle Town,’ a method commonly used in the inner courtyard. I’ve encountered it before when solving cases. Those affected by the smoke will become irrational and only seek to vent. Although it’s harmless to the body, if the venting doesn’t occur, the person won’t regain rationality. Moreover, it takes a long time, and after it ends, the person will be exhausted and unable to move. Today is considered wasted. Unless there’s a special antidote, Duke Wei Guo’s residence probably can’t help. So, I’ll arrange to take them out. In this situation, I’m afraid Xu Wenzhe won’t be able to help you. Let’s go back today to avoid causing more trouble.” Yue Chen analyzed calmly.

As soon as Yue Chen finished speaking, both Chu Lishu and Lin Qingyang were stunned.

Chu Lishu’s face darkened.

Lin Qingyang emotionally half-knelt.

Go back? No way! How could this happen?!

Ah, it’s all his fault. It feels like he’s the one who led the situation astray from beginning to end. Clearly, he just wanted to actively interfere with Huo Luo’s investigation into the Shadow Wolves. He worked so hard…

Being a scapegoat is truly thankless.

If I go back now, the mission is a failure, deduct a few points, and I’ll be sent back home directly, right?

Absolutely not!

“Antidote… Can we use some kind of antidote pill?” Lin Qingyang hurriedly asked.

“Depends on the type? Wait, do you have any?” Yue Chen looked at Lin Qingyang in surprise.

Lin Qingyang quickly checked the system’s Exchange Shop.

Antidote Pill: 50

Lin Qingyang: …

Wuwuwu, “I don’t have…” I’m so poor!

Yue Chen’s mouth twitched. He was about to speak when Chu Lishu suddenly said, “I have one that can cure it.”

Yue Chen looked peculiar and said, “You live a cautious life. But one pill won’t save three people. Give it to Lin Qingyang. I’ll take these two away.”

Chu Lishu, of course, intended to use it for Xu Wenzhe, immediately detoxifying him, and the subsequent matters could proceed.

But for a moment, Chu Lishu surprisingly hesitated irrationally.

However, Lin Qingyang spoke up the next second, “I’m not really poisoned. Why waste this? I can handle it myself, and there’s no need to go to the medical hall again. Give the antidote to Xu Wenzhe; he has been poisoned the longest. If you don’t find a medical hall soon, he’ll be in trouble. Give it to him quickly.”

Yue Chen found this arrangement reasonable, but he didn’t want to make decisions for Chu Lishu.

Chu Lishu glanced coldly at Lin Qingyang, not appreciating Lin Qingyang’s constant consideration for Xu Wenzhe.

Seeing Chu Lishu looking at him, Lin Qingyang hurriedly said, “Why are you standing there? If we delay any longer, the Fourth Prince will arrive soon.”

Yue Chen raised an eyebrow, “If you still want to see the Fourth Prince, this is indeed the best solution. I’ll take Huo Luo away.”

It seemed like a turn of events, solving the problem of Huo Luo and Yue Chen staying here to disrupt the plot. Was it a twist of fate, giving him a chance? Finally, he wasn’t abandoned by heaven. Sob, sob, sob.

Chu Lishu quickly administered the antidote to Xu Wenzhe, and soon his breathing stabilized.

Just as Lin Qingyang sighed in relief, Chu Lishu grabbed him by the collar and dragged him towards a side room.

“What… what are you doing?”


Lin Qingyang was momentarily stunned, his face turning suspiciously red. However, he quickly realized that Chu Lishu was probably just giving him room to deal with it himself. The crisis seemed to have passed.

Yue Chen watched them walk away and then entered the room with a smug smile.

Upon closer inspection, Huo Luo was on one knee, poised as if ready to sprint. His hands were firmly gripping the ground, with iron claws embedded in the earth, as if only in this way could he restrain the imminent explosion of his power.

Yue Chen approached, saying, “Oh, our little General Huo seems to have fallen into the trap. What should we do? Do you need me to find a beauty to help you out?”

Huo Luo seemed to be suppressing something, his body exuding a powerful aura. Every muscle was tense, veins bulging on his forehead and neck. His face was sweaty, and his entire skeletal structure trembled slightly. He dared not speak, fearing that if he did, the pent-up desire would burst out uncontrollably. He couldn’t believe his mischievous friend was still laughing at him. When he recovered, he vowed to give him a good beating to vent his frustration.

Sure enough, watching Huo Luo struggle to remain silent, Yue Chen could hardly contain his laughter.

“Alright, I won’t tease you anymore. Come on, I’ll help you leave and find a physician to detoxify you.”

Approaching Huo Luo, Yue Chen got so close that the fragrance emanating from him disturbed Huo Luo’s nerves. His pupils instantly contracted, adding to his distress.

This refined guy, always fond of using incense, looked as delicate as a woman. Huo Luo didn’t mind it before, but now he found it extremely annoying.

“Don’t… touch me!” Huo Luo almost squeezed the words through his teeth. His eyes gradually turned bloodshot, nearly resembling the state of Xu Wenzhe.

Yue Chen’s expression subtly changed as he observed carefully. Suddenly, he realized, “Trouble. You’re different from the others who are poisoned. You have inner strength and martial arts. Although you can control yourself, once you lose control, no one can restrain you.”

Huo Luo actually had this kind of premonition, which is why he dared not move. But hearing Yue Chen say this, he felt extremely anxious. If he were taken out and lost control on the street, doing something improper, he would rather be stabbed to death by Yue Chen than tarnish the reputation of the Huo family.

“You… go!” Huo Luo suggested that Yue Chen should go out and find a physician or a cure on his own, while he waited here.

However, Yue Chen remained silent.

Huo Luo looked up at him. Yue Chen’s brows furrowed, and for the first time, his usually playful peach blossom eyes showed a rare and serious expression, filled with hesitation and inner turmoil.

Such a rare expression left Huo Luo momentarily stunned.

Suddenly, Yue Chen turned away, and Huo Luo thought he understood his intention. However, Yue Chen closed the door abruptly, cutting off everything from the outside.

Huo Luo was perplexed.

“I’ll be back in a moment. Relying on your inner strength to counteract the poison, you’ll be crippled. Do you want the Huo family to end with you?” Yue Chen’s tone was stern, and Huo Luo looked at him anxiously.

“The only way is to manually release it.”

Huo Luo’s face turned crimson in an instant. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to comply; he simply dared not move. His hands were firmly embedded in the ground, and his body felt like a roaring beast trapped in a cage. Any slight movement would release the energy, and the cage would open. He would lose control, just like Xu Wenzhe, venting his frustrations on anyone in sight. How could he, with his pride, allow such a thing!

As he was about to refuse, Yue Chen promptly closed the window again.

He tore down all the curtains from the room, turning them into makeshift ropes and proceeded to tie up Huo Luo.

Huo Luo: ???

Yue Chen squatted in front of Huo Luo, reaching to undo his waistband. The slender fingers against the dark fabric made his hand appear even fairer.

Huo Luo was dumbfounded. “What… are you doing?” His teeth were almost ground to bits by now.

“Shut up,” Yue Chen replied casually as if engaged in some boring activity. “If it weren’t for the fact that we’ve known each other since childhood, I wouldn’t bother helping you!”

Help? How was he helping?

Huo Luo’s mind went blank until those peach-blossom eyes looked straight at him. The color of the pupils seemed deeper than usual, containing something he couldn’t comprehend.

“Consider this a favor between brothers. I’ll give you a massage. You owe me one now, so don’t glare at me. You’ll have to repay me someday.”

Suddenly, Huo Luo’s face twisted in disbelief. “No…” It seemed like he wanted to struggle free from the bindings.

“Don’t move!” Yue Chen suddenly growled, his voice unexpectedly hoarse. Huo Luo’s body stiffened, and he dared not move. It was his instinctive reaction; as soon as Yue Chen gave a real command, he had no choice but to obey.

“If you break free, in case you lose control, do you know what the consequences will be? Stop being shy. We used to bathe in the same tub when we were kids, having seen everything already. We’ll resolve it in a moment. I don’t even mind, so why resist? It’s rare for this young master to take care of you once; it should be enough for a lifetime.”

Is… that so? Isn’t this awkward? Why can Yue Chen talk about it so casually? No… it’s not awkward? Well, it shouldn’t be, especially since Yue Chen said it. Yue Chen’s words have always been right, especially in significant matters.

Huo Luo gave up struggling, his gaze gradually becoming unfocused. His hair tingled comfortably, and his throat made gurgling sounds.

He became completely limp, going from kneeling on one knee to both knees, and his head rested on Yue Chen’s shoulder. When he glanced sideways, it seemed like he saw Yue Chen’s Adam’s apple move slightly.

His body was completely under control. Yue Chen… seemed to have suddenly become more dominant. Was it his imagination?

Then Huo Luo lost consciousness.

He didn’t see the bitter smile and the hint of sadness in Yue Chen’s eyes, suppressed desires evident on his face. Yue Chen was a very clever person, finding few people in the world interesting. Huo Luo, by his side, was the most interesting one. They had a relationship like happy antagonists since childhood. Yue Chen sometimes felt that he treated Huo Luo too harshly, and Huo Luo would surely hate him.

But when Huo Luo’s beloved little sister was born, everyone jokingly said they would arrange for her to marry a certain young master from a certain family. However, Huo Luo was unwilling.

Someone asked him if there was anyone he would trust to marry his sister. Huo Luo reached out and grabbed Yue Chen, who was watching the excitement. “Only he can be my sister’s husband. My sister deserves the best.”

The best? Yue Chen, being young at the time, couldn’t describe the feeling, but it seemed like a flower had bloomed in his heart.

Turns out, he didn’t dislike me; he liked me.

As for marrying his sister, Yue Chen wasn’t very interested. He found it hard to imagine spending a lifetime with someone else. Even with his own close relatives, he wasn’t willing because it would be boring. If he had to choose, he would rather spend his life with Huo Luo; it would surely be interesting.

Yue Chen and Huo Luo both felt like inseparable, like-minded best friends, and the outside world saw them that way too.

Yet, Yue Chen had always felt like there was something more.

Today, the answer buried in his heart, something he dared not confirm even to himself, was finally brought to light. It forced him to confront it, but unfortunately, it was the least favorable answer.

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 93

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 93

Chapter 93

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Chu Lishu and Yue Chen heard the commotion outside and realized that the two of them hadn't returned for a while, so they went out to check. Along the way, they encountered a little maid who was crying in a corner.

After some probing, they learned that Lin Qingyang and Huo Luo had entered this courtyard.

As a result, when the two of them entered the courtyard, they witnessed an indecent scene.

In front of the main house, two men were entangled, engaging in inappropriate activities in broad daylight.

And these two people were none other than the missing Lin Qingyang and Xu Wenzhe.

Yue Chen couldn't care less about the two individuals engaged in indecent activities. He quickly searched for the figure of Huo Luo and found him kneeling inside the main house.

Yue Chen rushed towards him.

However, Chu Lishu, who came with Yue Chen, froze on the spot.

In that moment, the air around Chu Lishu seemed to freeze. His face showed no expression, but the instinctive surge of murderous intent made his countenance terrifying, even more intimidating than when Huo Luo forcefully opened the doors and windows just now.

It was as if an enraged tiger, revealing its fierce and ferocious nature, ready to bite its enemy's throat.

This expression frightened Lin Qingyang.

However, it quickly disappeared. Chu Lishu rushed over, moving so fast that he almost reached Yue Chen, who had started running first.

Chu Lishu kicked away Xu Wenzhe, and Yue Chen stood nearby, perfectly positioned to catch him.

But with this action, the two newcomers witnessed an even more explicit scene.

Xu Wenzhe and Lin Qingyang both exhibited physical reactions, quite evident.

This was much more stimulating than the abnormal scene of one person overpowering another.

Lin Qingyang had initially breathed a sigh of relief, but when he noticed Chu Lishu's direct gaze on his private area, he realized something was wrong.

Quickly curling up, he anxiously explained, "It's not what you think. It's a setup by Ying Xiaodie and Xu Rui'er in collaboration. There was a burst of smoke from the room just now, and we were all affected."

Lin Qingyang finished speaking and realized that his voice had become hoarse. He then cautiously watched Chu Lishu, knowing that he was very sensitive to such matters. Like someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, he could reject a hidden love interest, but Lin Qingyang, who had already been assigned a role, couldn't switch to someone else.

Chu Lishu didn't say anything, but directly reached out and pinched Lin Qingyang's wrist. Suddenly, his fingers trembled, and his expression became extremely unpleasant. "Your pulse is normal, no sign of poisoning."

Lin Qingyang's face changed.

"The ones poisoned are the two inside." By now, Xu Wenzhe had turned around and hugged Yue Chen. Although Yue Chen didn't know martial arts, he had some skill in subduing an irrational person. He calmly let Xu Wenzhe hold him and took the opportunity to touch the back of Xu Wenzhe's neck. With a swift move, Xu Wenzhe fainted, allowing Yue Chen to check his pulse.

Lin Qingyang: Blaming me, am I to blame for this poisoning mess?!

Lin Qingyang was about to explain when Chu Lishu suddenly increased the strength in his hand.

"Ah... it hurts!" Lin Qingyang gritted his teeth, feeling the almost unbearable pain as if his wrist were about to be crushed. Sweat started forming on his back, but even so, his private part remained active. Lin Qingyang felt so embarrassed that he wished he could find a hole to hide in.

This 'unrepentant' body further angered Chu Lishu.

When Chu Lishu first witnessed this scene, he couldn't describe his feelings. Seeing Lin Qingyang being intimate with others had happened several times, and each time brought a different impact. Initially, it was the anger of feeling betrayed, wanting to kill Lin Qingyang to prevent him from fooling around. However, as time went on, his feelings changed. The target he wanted to eliminate changed, and towards Lin Qingyang, he only wanted to lock him up and make him fear, and tremble.

Chu Lishu couldn't describe exactly what he wanted to do, but it was just an impulsive desire. Regardless of the method, he just wanted Lin Qingyang to regret and never dare to be disobedient again.

However, this time, the sight of Lin Qingyang being intimate with his former crush exceeded Chu Lishu's endurance. It felt as if his heart had been twisted, with anger mixed with an indescribable discomfort, as if his throat were being squeezed, stifling his breath.

After experiencing such situations many times, he developed trust in Lin Qingyang. The residual rationality in his brain quickly responded, understanding what was probably happening. He suppressed his killing intent, maintaining the nearly severed neural connections.

But now the situation was different.

While it could be explained that Xu Wenze was poisoned, what about Lin Qingyang?

He hadn't been poisoned, yet he showed a reaction. He was someone who had once stirred emotions in Chu Lishu, making it a different scenario altogether.

If they hadn't coincidentally arrived, would impulsiveness have taken over?

After all, how many men could remain composed in such a situation?

Chu Lishu was angry at Lin Qingyang's shameless behavior and at himself for having a reaction to someone other than himself.

Lin Qingyang's face was twisted in pain, attempting to struggle but finding it impossible due to the awkward situation. He could only cry out, "It hurts, let go..."

"Chu Lishu, calm down. If you keep squeezing like this, Lin Qingyang's hand will break. In such a situation, can't we, as men, understand? He didn't do it on purpose."

Lin Qingyang desperately tried to save his nearly broken wrist, shouting, "I swear, I was affected by the smoke!"

Chu Lishu wasn't listening, determined to make Lin Qingyang feel more pain. He wanted Lin Qingyang to forget about others' actions and only experience the pain he was causing.

Lin Qingyang, feeling helpless and in pain, continued to explain, "Xu Wenzhe was inside from the beginning. When Huo Luo and I tried to enter, Huo Luo sensed something was wrong, kicked me out, and then threw Xu Wenzhe out. They both inhaled a large amount of smoke. As for me, when Huo Luo opened the surrounding doors and windows, I was affected by the smoke that had diluted into the air. So, this is why. I'm not a pervert. How can I have any reaction in such a situation?"

Chu Lishu eased his grip slightly, but it didn't fully release. Lin Qingyang's explanation seemed challenging to prove, and for Chu Lishu, the possibility of it being false was more likely. After all, the object of Lin Qingyang's previous affection was Xu Wenzhe.

In the face of Xu Wenzhe's advances, could Lin Qingyang really resist?

Upon hearing this, however, Yue Chen nodded and said, "Makes sense." He carefully observed Xu Wenzhe's condition. He wasn't too concerned about Huo Luo; if it was just the influence of drugs without any injuries, Huo Luo's internal strength should be able to withstand it for a while. Yue Chen should have taken him directly to see a physician, but he seemed to have encountered this type of poison before.

"I know now. It's the 'Gentle Town,' a method commonly used in the inner courtyard. I've encountered it before when solving cases. Those affected by the smoke will become irrational and only seek to vent. Although it's harmless to the body, if the venting doesn't occur, the person won't regain rationality. Moreover, it takes a long time, and after it ends, the person will be exhausted and unable to move. Today is considered wasted. Unless there's a special antidote, Duke Wei Guo's residence probably can't help. So, I'll arrange to take them out. In this situation, I'm afraid Xu Wenzhe won't be able to help you. Let's go back today to avoid causing more trouble." Yue Chen analyzed calmly.

As soon as Yue Chen finished speaking, both Chu Lishu and Lin Qingyang were stunned.

Chu Lishu's face darkened.

Lin Qingyang emotionally half-knelt.

Go back? No way! How could this happen?!

Ah, it's all his fault. It feels like he's the one who led the situation astray from beginning to end. Clearly, he just wanted to actively interfere with Huo Luo's investigation into the Shadow Wolves. He worked so hard...

Being a scapegoat is truly thankless.

If I go back now, the mission is a failure, deduct a few points, and I'll be sent back home directly, right?

Absolutely not!

"Antidote... Can we use some kind of antidote pill?" Lin Qingyang hurriedly asked.

"Depends on the type? Wait, do you have any?" Yue Chen looked at Lin Qingyang in surprise.

Lin Qingyang quickly checked the system's Exchange Shop.

Antidote Pill: 50

Lin Qingyang: ...

Wuwuwu, "I don't have..." I'm so poor!

Yue Chen's mouth twitched. He was about to speak when Chu Lishu suddenly said, "I have one that can cure it."

Yue Chen looked peculiar and said, "You live a cautious life. But one pill won't save three people. Give it to Lin Qingyang. I'll take these two away."

Chu Lishu, of course, intended to use it for Xu Wenzhe, immediately detoxifying him, and the subsequent matters could proceed.

But for a moment, Chu Lishu surprisingly hesitated irrationally.

However, Lin Qingyang spoke up the next second, "I'm not really poisoned. Why waste this? I can handle it myself, and there's no need to go to the medical hall again. Give the antidote to Xu Wenzhe; he has been poisoned the longest. If you don't find a medical hall soon, he'll be in trouble. Give it to him quickly."

Yue Chen found this arrangement reasonable, but he didn't want to make decisions for Chu Lishu.

Chu Lishu glanced coldly at Lin Qingyang, not appreciating Lin Qingyang's constant consideration for Xu Wenzhe.

Seeing Chu Lishu looking at him, Lin Qingyang hurriedly said, "Why are you standing there? If we delay any longer, the Fourth Prince will arrive soon."

Yue Chen raised an eyebrow, "If you still want to see the Fourth Prince, this is indeed the best solution. I'll take Huo Luo away."

It seemed like a turn of events, solving the problem of Huo Luo and Yue Chen staying here to disrupt the plot. Was it a twist of fate, giving him a chance? Finally, he wasn't abandoned by heaven. Sob, sob, sob.

Chu Lishu quickly administered the antidote to Xu Wenzhe, and soon his breathing stabilized.

Just as Lin Qingyang sighed in relief, Chu Lishu grabbed him by the collar and dragged him towards a side room.

"What... what are you doing?"


Lin Qingyang was momentarily stunned, his face turning suspiciously red. However, he quickly realized that Chu Lishu was probably just giving him room to deal with it himself. The crisis seemed to have passed.

Yue Chen watched them walk away and then entered the room with a smug smile.

Upon closer inspection, Huo Luo was on one knee, poised as if ready to sprint. His hands were firmly gripping the ground, with iron claws embedded in the earth, as if only in this way could he restrain the imminent explosion of his power.

Yue Chen approached, saying, "Oh, our little General Huo seems to have fallen into the trap. What should we do? Do you need me to find a beauty to help you out?"

Huo Luo seemed to be suppressing something, his body exuding a powerful aura. Every muscle was tense, veins bulging on his forehead and neck. His face was sweaty, and his entire skeletal structure trembled slightly. He dared not speak, fearing that if he did, the pent-up desire would burst out uncontrollably. He couldn't believe his mischievous friend was still laughing at him. When he recovered, he vowed to give him a good beating to vent his frustration.

Sure enough, watching Huo Luo struggle to remain silent, Yue Chen could hardly contain his laughter.

"Alright, I won't tease you anymore. Come on, I'll help you leave and find a physician to detoxify you."

Approaching Huo Luo, Yue Chen got so close that the fragrance emanating from him disturbed Huo Luo's nerves. His pupils instantly contracted, adding to his distress.

This refined guy, always fond of using incense, looked as delicate as a woman. Huo Luo didn't mind it before, but now he found it extremely annoying.

"Don't... touch me!" Huo Luo almost squeezed the words through his teeth. His eyes gradually turned bloodshot, nearly resembling the state of Xu Wenzhe.

Yue Chen's expression subtly changed as he observed carefully. Suddenly, he realized, "Trouble. You're different from the others who are poisoned. You have inner strength and martial arts. Although you can control yourself, once you lose control, no one can restrain you."

Huo Luo actually had this kind of premonition, which is why he dared not move. But hearing Yue Chen say this, he felt extremely anxious. If he were taken out and lost control on the street, doing something improper, he would rather be stabbed to death by Yue Chen than tarnish the reputation of the Huo family.

"You... go!" Huo Luo suggested that Yue Chen should go out and find a physician or a cure on his own, while he waited here.

However, Yue Chen remained silent.

Huo Luo looked up at him. Yue Chen's brows furrowed, and for the first time, his usually playful peach blossom eyes showed a rare and serious expression, filled with hesitation and inner turmoil.

Such a rare expression left Huo Luo momentarily stunned.

Suddenly, Yue Chen turned away, and Huo Luo thought he understood his intention. However, Yue Chen closed the door abruptly, cutting off everything from the outside.

Huo Luo was perplexed.

"I'll be back in a moment. Relying on your inner strength to counteract the poison, you'll be crippled. Do you want the Huo family to end with you?" Yue Chen's tone was stern, and Huo Luo looked at him anxiously.

"The only way is to manually release it."

Huo Luo's face turned crimson in an instant. It wasn't that he didn't want to comply; he simply dared not move. His hands were firmly embedded in the ground, and his body felt like a roaring beast trapped in a cage. Any slight movement would release the energy, and the cage would open. He would lose control, just like Xu Wenzhe, venting his frustrations on anyone in sight. How could he, with his pride, allow such a thing!

As he was about to refuse, Yue Chen promptly closed the window again.

He tore down all the curtains from the room, turning them into makeshift ropes and proceeded to tie up Huo Luo.

Huo Luo: ???

Yue Chen squatted in front of Huo Luo, reaching to undo his waistband. The slender fingers against the dark fabric made his hand appear even fairer.

Huo Luo was dumbfounded. "What... are you doing?" His teeth were almost ground to bits by now.

"Shut up," Yue Chen replied casually as if engaged in some boring activity. "If it weren't for the fact that we've known each other since childhood, I wouldn't bother helping you!"

Help? How was he helping?

Huo Luo's mind went blank until those peach-blossom eyes looked straight at him. The color of the pupils seemed deeper than usual, containing something he couldn't comprehend.

"Consider this a favor between brothers. I'll give you a massage. You owe me one now, so don't glare at me. You'll have to repay me someday."

Suddenly, Huo Luo's face twisted in disbelief. "No..." It seemed like he wanted to struggle free from the bindings.

"Don't move!" Yue Chen suddenly growled, his voice unexpectedly hoarse. Huo Luo's body stiffened, and he dared not move. It was his instinctive reaction; as soon as Yue Chen gave a real command, he had no choice but to obey.

"If you break free, in case you lose control, do you know what the consequences will be? Stop being shy. We used to bathe in the same tub when we were kids, having seen everything already. We'll resolve it in a moment. I don't even mind, so why resist? It's rare for this young master to take care of you once; it should be enough for a lifetime."

Is... that so? Isn't this awkward? Why can Yue Chen talk about it so casually? No... it's not awkward? Well, it shouldn't be, especially since Yue Chen said it. Yue Chen's words have always been right, especially in significant matters.

Huo Luo gave up struggling, his gaze gradually becoming unfocused. His hair tingled comfortably, and his throat made gurgling sounds.

He became completely limp, going from kneeling on one knee to both knees, and his head rested on Yue Chen's shoulder. When he glanced sideways, it seemed like he saw Yue Chen's Adam's apple move slightly.

His body was completely under control. Yue Chen... seemed to have suddenly become more dominant. Was it his imagination?

Then Huo Luo lost consciousness.

He didn't see the bitter smile and the hint of sadness in Yue Chen's eyes, suppressed desires evident on his face. Yue Chen was a very clever person, finding few people in the world interesting. Huo Luo, by his side, was the most interesting one. They had a relationship like happy antagonists since childhood. Yue Chen sometimes felt that he treated Huo Luo too harshly, and Huo Luo would surely hate him.

But when Huo Luo's beloved little sister was born, everyone jokingly said they would arrange for her to marry a certain young master from a certain family. However, Huo Luo was unwilling.

Someone asked him if there was anyone he would trust to marry his sister. Huo Luo reached out and grabbed Yue Chen, who was watching the excitement. "Only he can be my sister's husband. My sister deserves the best."

The best? Yue Chen, being young at the time, couldn't describe the feeling, but it seemed like a flower had bloomed in his heart.

Turns out, he didn't dislike me; he liked me.

As for marrying his sister, Yue Chen wasn't very interested. He found it hard to imagine spending a lifetime with someone else. Even with his own close relatives, he wasn't willing because it would be boring. If he had to choose, he would rather spend his life with Huo Luo; it would surely be interesting.

Yue Chen and Huo Luo both felt like inseparable, like-minded best friends, and the outside world saw them that way too.

Yet, Yue Chen had always felt like there was something more.

Today, the answer buried in his heart, something he dared not confirm even to himself, was finally brought to light. It forced him to confront it, but unfortunately, it was the least favorable answer.

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. KCC says:

    Wasn’t expecting the side couple but now I’m rooting for them ????????❤️❤️

  2. mina says:

    Thank you so much for the chapters!! i read all of them in 2 days haha had a lot of fun c:

    looking forward to the next one!

  3. Roi says:

    I smelled that second couple the moment they were introduced ngl AND IM ROOTING FOR THEM !

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