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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 94

Chapter 94

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

In the side room, Lin Qingyang was thrown onto a recliner by Chu Lishu.

Feeling that Chu Lishu was a bit rough, Lin Qingyang was now sore all over, but he didn’t dare to provoke him, especially with Chu Lishu’s gloomy expression.

Lin Qingyang forced a smile and said, “This is really unlucky. Alright, let me handle it myself. Cousin, you should go out first.”

However, Chu Lishu turned around and found a chair to sit on, facing Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang: ????? What’s the meaning of this? Is he going to interrogate me? There’s no need to rush, right? He’s still in an awkward situation!

“Cousin… I-I swear, this is really caused by medication.” Lin Qingyang was on the verge of tears. He felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. Why does he always have to appear in front of the male lead in such a way? Even a toolman deserves some dignity, right? He felt like he was being caught cheating, marked with a big “unfaithful” on his forehead.

“Who can be certain? Unless you don’t like men,” Chu Lishu said.

Lin Qingyang was at a loss for words, feeling like a sword was pressed against his throat. Could he say it? Could he boldly declare himself a straight man? He really wanted to say it to avoid falling into such an awkward situation.

Unable to prove that he was straight, he also couldn’t prove that he wouldn’t have a reaction when pressed by Xu Wenzhe.

Wasn’t this an impossible situation?!

Suddenly, Lin Qingyang felt a bit exhausted. His wrist hurt, his shoulders hurt, his abdomen hurt, and even there hurt. Going through so much trouble and fatigue, all for the sake of helping the male lead as a toolman, wasn’t it?

“Forget it. You don’t believe me, and I can’t prove it. There’s no point in saying more. Go check on Xu Wenzhe. The Fourth Prince is coming. You go first; I’ll come later.”

Lin Qingyang said this without paying attention to Chu Lishu, lying down and turning his back to him.

Perhaps because they were familiar with each other, Lin Qingyang’s courage had also grown.

However, this behavior, strangely enough, made Chu Lishu feel a bit uneasy.

Not actively explaining, not taking the initiative to linger – had Lin Qingyang felt the goodness of Xu Wenzhe, becoming impatient with him?

Chu Lishu didn’t think he had done anything wrong. What was wrong was Lin Qingyang. When he found out about Xu Wenzhe’s situation, Lin Qingyang should have come to him immediately to solve it together, rather than coming directly with Huo Luo to rescue people.

In his presence, he and his ex-crush were embracing in disheveled clothes. Could he still justify himself?

Chu Lishu didn’t dare to think about how intimate their contact might have been out of his sight. Had there been kisses, touches, rubbing?

Every scene played out in Chu Lishu’s mind, causing his breath to stagnate.

How could someone treat my person like this?

The more Chu Lishu thought, the more uncontrollable his anger became. His eyes widened, and he slammed his hand on the table. He stood up, ready to leave.

However, the moment he opened the door, Chu Lishu stopped in his tracks. A trace of grievance flashed in his heart, making him hesitate. He turned back to glance at Lin Qingyang once again. Unable to resist, he found himself reconsidering, trying to force himself to believe that everything was an accident. But his heart always leaned toward the worst interpretation.

He was no longer the person who used to yearn for brightness in everything.

Suddenly, Chu Lishu was taken aback as he noticed something off about Lin Qingyang’s posture. He immediately spoke, “What’s wrong with your abdomen? Is it an issue with an old injury!”

Chu Lishu walked over, concerned.

Lin Qingyang was startled, not daring to let Chu Lishu know, as he would surely be scolded again. He was about to offer an excuse, but Chu Lishu paid him no mind. He reached out, adjusting Lin Qingyang, and with a tug, the already precarious clothes were pulled wide open.

The wound on the abdomen wasn’t a major issue, but the surrounding abdominal muscles were visibly twitching, indicating pain.

Chu Lishu’s face darkened as he looked at the startled Lin Qingyang.

“In fact… it’s nothing serious; it’s from running earlier. Compared to that, what hurts more is how you just pinched my wrist; it’s still trembling now,” Lin Qingyang seized the opportunity to complain, hoping to appeal to Chu Lishu’s conscience and get a gentler treatment.

Chu Lishu suddenly shifted his position, sitting at the head of the recliner, and embraced Lin Qingyang entirely, making him lie more comfortably.

Feeling awkward, Lin Qingyang was about to sit up when he heard a stern command from above, “Lie down; no more curling up.”

Chu Lishu, having spoken, reached for the hot tea prepared in the room. This place was originally intended for Ying Xiaodie to wait, and nearby were clothes left behind by the woman, so there was also a fireplace and hot tea available.

Chu Lishu skillfully placed the warm purple clay teapot on the wound on Lin Qingyang’s abdomen.

Lin Qingyang let out a muffled groan, instantly feeling relief in his muscles, and the pain seemed to diminish significantly.

However, when he looked down at the little fellow who was still bowing, it became even more apparent, and Lin Qingyang’s face grew hotter.

“Well… let’s do the hot compress later. I still have something to take care of. This is due to the influence of the medicine, and I can’t manage it on my own,” Lin Qingyang explained again.

“Then, move by yourself,” Chu Lishu said directly.

“What? You… I…”

“I won’t look. As Yue Chen said, after the effects of the medicine wear off, a person will be in a state of exhaustion. I want to see if that’s the case for you after the drug’s influence is over.”

Damn, you really are a little clever imp!

The male lead’s persistence is really headache-inducing… Looks like he can’t drive him away.

“You really won’t look?” Lin Qingyang complained.

“I don’t have that hobby,” Chu Lishu said confidently.

Lin Qingyang couldn’t help but be skeptical. Just to prove innocence, Chu Lishu could endure him showing off shamelessly in front of him? What kind of determination to seek proof is this?

“Okay, I will at least blindfold myself then?” Chu Lishu, not getting a response, put down the teapot, picked up Lin Qingyang’s fallen belt, and tied it around his eyes. He then accurately picked up the teapot again, forgetting the approximate location of the wound, and had to grope.

The cold touch of his hand made Lin Qingyang’s goosebumps rise. He was about to speak up to stop him when Chu Lishu found the wound and pressed the teapot against it.

Lin Qingyang had nothing to say. Looking up, he saw that the thick belt did cover half of Chu Lishu’s face, leaving only his delicate nose and beautifully tinted lips exposed.

Having endured until now, feeling numb and in pain, Lin Qingyang had no choice but to take out a handkerchief, endure the embarrassment, and start some self-preservation.

Chu Lishu stubbornly lingered, making it difficult for him to speak. He could only bite down on his teeth, suppressing any movement. However, his breath seemed to replace the sound, lingering in the room and casting a different atmosphere over everything.

Chu Lishu’s ears twitched, and he involuntarily swallowed.

Lin Qingyang’s eyes gradually became blurred, losing focus. Suddenly, in an instant, the positions of the hands within sight seemed to change.

Were they his own hands, or were they the hands placed on the purple clay teapot? It was impossible to distinguish.

A hint of embarrassed shame overflowed in Lin Qingyang’s heart.

Unable to resist, he moved his body, tilting his head up to avoid looking at his hands. However, he then noticed Chu Lishu leaning in suddenly, seemingly aware of his movement. He approached with a puzzled expression, assuming a posture of awaiting instructions, and presented his ear with a small mole to Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang’s heart fluttered as the aftereffects of the gradually dispersing drug became apparent. In the moment when Lin Qingyang lost consciousness, Chu Lishu’s whole body stiffened because he felt a sensation of warmth at his ear.

The feeling of something sliding over was so familiar.

The person in Chu Lishu’s arms became heavier, clearly having fainted.

Chu Lishu set down the purple clay teapot, removed the blindfold from his eyes, and looked down at the person in his arms with an expression that alternated between brightness and darkness.

Was it really an accident just now?

Lowering his gaze, Lin Qingyang had already recovered, albeit a bit disheveled. Chu Lishu naturally wouldn’t help him tidy up; he let it pass.

Seeing that Lin Qingyang wasn’t lying, Chu Lishu didn’t want to dwell on it too much. He set the person down and intended to go out to check on the others.

However, as soon as he moved, he inadvertently turned Lin Qingyang’s head to the side. The black hair couldn’t conceal the neck and collarbone, drawing Chu Lishu’s attention to a red mark.

Was that… a bite mark?

Imaginations ran wild in his mind.

Shortly after, a muffled groan came from the side room. The door opened in a panic, then closed in a hurry. Chu Lishu stood at the doorway, somewhat incredulous, leaning against the door. His face showed unpredictable changes. Instinctively, he touched his own lips and, upon realizing he was awake, stared at his own hand in a daze.

He had only used tea to clean Lin Qingyang’s neck just now. However, the more he looked at that bite mark, the more his head throbbed. Suddenly, his mind went blank.

The delicate sensation on his neck was carefully described by Chu Lishu. His hand, without his rational consent, attempted to reach places it shouldn’t, until it touched the slender and firm structure of the rectus abdominis. A muffled groan, tinged with pain from the bite, startled him back to reality.

Was he influenced by Lin Qingyang? He clearly shouldn’t have this desire to touch a man.

No, it was just possessiveness, a dislike for the traces left by Xu Wenzhe.

It must be that! After all, Lin Qingyang belonged to him.

Feeling a slight pain in his neck, Lin Qingyang woke up to find himself alone in the room. Fortunately, the male lead didn’t wait for him to wake up. Otherwise, it would have been too awkward. The male lead probably got the answer he wanted, proving his innocence, and that was enough.

Lin Qingyang’s mind relaxed, feeling that the pain in his abdomen had subsided. However, the sudden pain in his neck caught his attention.

He got up, dressed, and found a mirror to examine himself. Upon seeing the marks, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Damn!”

Was Xu Wenzhe a dog? The bites were so intense, causing bleeding?

How did he end up with a series of strawberry-like marks from the jaw to the collarbone? Did Xu Wenzhe really nibble this much?

He couldn’t recall at all. The thought that the most sensual experience in his life came from Xu Wenzhe, a man, was quite exasperating!

Wait a minute, was he in this state when both Yu Chen and Chu Lishu were looking at him? No wonder Chu Lishu was so incredulous. Seeing himself like this, Lin Qingyang almost couldn’t believe it either. It was too… too… disgraceful.

Lin Qingyang tugged at his collar, but it couldn’t hide anything. He had no choice but to let his hair down and tie it into a casual scholar’s bun to barely cover up.

After everything was tidied up, Lin Qingyang finally realized something. This room had so many women’s items. Was it originally occupied by a woman?

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Lin Qingyang quickly left.

However, as soon as he stepped out, he encountered Chu Lishu, who was standing guard at the door.

The two locked eyes and both felt a bit awkward.

Chu Lishu, seeing Lin Qingyang with a different hairstyle that covered his neck, immediately understood what had happened and felt even more uneasy.

“Let’s go. Xu Wenzhe should be waking up,” Chu Lishu said.

“Oh… um?” Lin Qingyang, although keeping pace, couldn’t help feeling awkward at the thought of facing Xu Wenzhe.

Without waiting for Lin Qingyang to mentally prepare himself, they turned a corner and arrived at the center of the courtyard, where Xu Wenzhe had been left earlier.

Xu Wenzhe had just gotten up and looked completely bewildered.

Seeing them approach, he wore a confused expression. “I… how did you all end up here?”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyang immediately perked up. “Did you forget?”

Xu Wenzhe struggled to stand, looking uncomfortable all over. “I remember a maid saying that my sister came here and refused to leave, claiming she wasn’t in a good mood. She said she was waiting outside for her, so I…”

Lin Qingyang quickly put on a smile, tugging at Chu Lishu’s sleeve to signal him not to say more.

Chu Lishu thought for a moment and then provided a simple explanation, only mentioning that the four of them had come to rescue someone.

Xu Wenzhe hadn’t expected his sister to collude with Ying Xiaodie to pull off such a stunt. Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

“Where are they?” he asked.

“I don’t know where Ying Xiaodie went. Your sister has probably been taken away by Ying Wenlong,” Lin Qingyang said, careful not to mention the earlier events.

Xu Wenzhe was shaking with anger, unsure of what to do. He already understood the reasons behind Xu Rui’er’s actions. Given the recent mistreatment she had been facing at home, she couldn’t accept it. Perhaps realizing that once married, her status at Duke Wei Guo’s residence might not be favorable, she chose this extreme method. During the New Year, she constantly praised Ying Xiaodie, hoping to entice him into a marriage alliance. Seeing his complete lack of interest, she resorted to this plan.

Xu Wenzhe gritted his teeth, looking at the two people in front of him. He knew he shouldn’t let this matter delay their business. He suppressed his anger for now. “Thank you for your assistance. The Fourth Prince should have arrived by now. Please go back to my courtyard, I’ll come find you shortly after checking the situation at the feast.”

Lin Qingyang immediately nodded in agreement.

Xu Wenzhe was about to leave, but suddenly he asked, “What about Brother Yue and Brother Huo?”

“They had urgent matters, so they left first,” Chu Lishu replied directly. His gaze, however, swept over the main house with tightly closed doors and windows. They were all shut? Given how long Xu Wenzhe had been lying here, it seemed… they were probably inside.

Chu Lishu wasn’t interested in gossiping about what they might be doing inside. Yet, Yue Chen should be able to hear their conversation, and afterward, he would know how to approach Xu Wenzhe.

Xu Wenzhe felt something was off, but in his exhausted state, he didn’t think much about it. With the two of them, he left the courtyard.

After parting ways, Xu Wenzhe changed into a new set of clothes and headed to the front.

Throughout the journey, Xu Wenzhe’s expression remained grim, with hints of helplessness and apology flashing in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Qingyang with his hair down, fragmented memories swirled in his mind. He knew that the person he suppressed at that time was Lin Qingyang, and Xu Wenzhe had bitten him in the process, almost losing control.

Xu Wenzhe forced a bitter smile. It was terrible timing, and it would be best to act as if he had forgotten about it.

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can’t wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 94

I Rely on the Collapse of the Character Setting to Survive in the Hands of the Male Lead Chapter 94

Chapter 94

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

In the side room, Lin Qingyang was thrown onto a recliner by Chu Lishu.

Feeling that Chu Lishu was a bit rough, Lin Qingyang was now sore all over, but he didn't dare to provoke him, especially with Chu Lishu's gloomy expression.

Lin Qingyang forced a smile and said, "This is really unlucky. Alright, let me handle it myself. Cousin, you should go out first."

However, Chu Lishu turned around and found a chair to sit on, facing Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang: ????? What's the meaning of this? Is he going to interrogate me? There's no need to rush, right? He's still in an awkward situation!

"Cousin... I-I swear, this is really caused by medication." Lin Qingyang was on the verge of tears. He felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. Why does he always have to appear in front of the male lead in such a way? Even a toolman deserves some dignity, right? He felt like he was being caught cheating, marked with a big "unfaithful" on his forehead.

"Who can be certain? Unless you don't like men," Chu Lishu said.

Lin Qingyang was at a loss for words, feeling like a sword was pressed against his throat. Could he say it? Could he boldly declare himself a straight man? He really wanted to say it to avoid falling into such an awkward situation.

Unable to prove that he was straight, he also couldn't prove that he wouldn't have a reaction when pressed by Xu Wenzhe.

Wasn't this an impossible situation?!

Suddenly, Lin Qingyang felt a bit exhausted. His wrist hurt, his shoulders hurt, his abdomen hurt, and even there hurt. Going through so much trouble and fatigue, all for the sake of helping the male lead as a toolman, wasn't it?

"Forget it. You don't believe me, and I can't prove it. There's no point in saying more. Go check on Xu Wenzhe. The Fourth Prince is coming. You go first; I'll come later."

Lin Qingyang said this without paying attention to Chu Lishu, lying down and turning his back to him.

Perhaps because they were familiar with each other, Lin Qingyang's courage had also grown.

However, this behavior, strangely enough, made Chu Lishu feel a bit uneasy.

Not actively explaining, not taking the initiative to linger – had Lin Qingyang felt the goodness of Xu Wenzhe, becoming impatient with him?

Chu Lishu didn't think he had done anything wrong. What was wrong was Lin Qingyang. When he found out about Xu Wenzhe's situation, Lin Qingyang should have come to him immediately to solve it together, rather than coming directly with Huo Luo to rescue people.

In his presence, he and his ex-crush were embracing in disheveled clothes. Could he still justify himself?

Chu Lishu didn't dare to think about how intimate their contact might have been out of his sight. Had there been kisses, touches, rubbing?

Every scene played out in Chu Lishu's mind, causing his breath to stagnate.

How could someone treat my person like this?

The more Chu Lishu thought, the more uncontrollable his anger became. His eyes widened, and he slammed his hand on the table. He stood up, ready to leave.

However, the moment he opened the door, Chu Lishu stopped in his tracks. A trace of grievance flashed in his heart, making him hesitate. He turned back to glance at Lin Qingyang once again. Unable to resist, he found himself reconsidering, trying to force himself to believe that everything was an accident. But his heart always leaned toward the worst interpretation.

He was no longer the person who used to yearn for brightness in everything.

Suddenly, Chu Lishu was taken aback as he noticed something off about Lin Qingyang's posture. He immediately spoke, "What's wrong with your abdomen? Is it an issue with an old injury!"

Chu Lishu walked over, concerned.

Lin Qingyang was startled, not daring to let Chu Lishu know, as he would surely be scolded again. He was about to offer an excuse, but Chu Lishu paid him no mind. He reached out, adjusting Lin Qingyang, and with a tug, the already precarious clothes were pulled wide open.

The wound on the abdomen wasn't a major issue, but the surrounding abdominal muscles were visibly twitching, indicating pain.

Chu Lishu's face darkened as he looked at the startled Lin Qingyang.

"In fact... it's nothing serious; it's from running earlier. Compared to that, what hurts more is how you just pinched my wrist; it's still trembling now," Lin Qingyang seized the opportunity to complain, hoping to appeal to Chu Lishu's conscience and get a gentler treatment.

Chu Lishu suddenly shifted his position, sitting at the head of the recliner, and embraced Lin Qingyang entirely, making him lie more comfortably.

Feeling awkward, Lin Qingyang was about to sit up when he heard a stern command from above, "Lie down; no more curling up."

Chu Lishu, having spoken, reached for the hot tea prepared in the room. This place was originally intended for Ying Xiaodie to wait, and nearby were clothes left behind by the woman, so there was also a fireplace and hot tea available.

Chu Lishu skillfully placed the warm purple clay teapot on the wound on Lin Qingyang's abdomen.

Lin Qingyang let out a muffled groan, instantly feeling relief in his muscles, and the pain seemed to diminish significantly.

However, when he looked down at the little fellow who was still bowing, it became even more apparent, and Lin Qingyang's face grew hotter.

"Well... let's do the hot compress later. I still have something to take care of. This is due to the influence of the medicine, and I can't manage it on my own," Lin Qingyang explained again.

"Then, move by yourself," Chu Lishu said directly.

"What? You... I..."

"I won't look. As Yue Chen said, after the effects of the medicine wear off, a person will be in a state of exhaustion. I want to see if that's the case for you after the drug's influence is over."

Damn, you really are a little clever imp!

The male lead's persistence is really headache-inducing... Looks like he can't drive him away.

"You really won't look?" Lin Qingyang complained.

"I don't have that hobby," Chu Lishu said confidently.

Lin Qingyang couldn't help but be skeptical. Just to prove innocence, Chu Lishu could endure him showing off shamelessly in front of him? What kind of determination to seek proof is this?

"Okay, I will at least blindfold myself then?" Chu Lishu, not getting a response, put down the teapot, picked up Lin Qingyang's fallen belt, and tied it around his eyes. He then accurately picked up the teapot again, forgetting the approximate location of the wound, and had to grope.

The cold touch of his hand made Lin Qingyang's goosebumps rise. He was about to speak up to stop him when Chu Lishu found the wound and pressed the teapot against it.

Lin Qingyang had nothing to say. Looking up, he saw that the thick belt did cover half of Chu Lishu's face, leaving only his delicate nose and beautifully tinted lips exposed.

Having endured until now, feeling numb and in pain, Lin Qingyang had no choice but to take out a handkerchief, endure the embarrassment, and start some self-preservation.

Chu Lishu stubbornly lingered, making it difficult for him to speak. He could only bite down on his teeth, suppressing any movement. However, his breath seemed to replace the sound, lingering in the room and casting a different atmosphere over everything.

Chu Lishu's ears twitched, and he involuntarily swallowed.

Lin Qingyang's eyes gradually became blurred, losing focus. Suddenly, in an instant, the positions of the hands within sight seemed to change.

Were they his own hands, or were they the hands placed on the purple clay teapot? It was impossible to distinguish.

A hint of embarrassed shame overflowed in Lin Qingyang's heart.

Unable to resist, he moved his body, tilting his head up to avoid looking at his hands. However, he then noticed Chu Lishu leaning in suddenly, seemingly aware of his movement. He approached with a puzzled expression, assuming a posture of awaiting instructions, and presented his ear with a small mole to Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang's heart fluttered as the aftereffects of the gradually dispersing drug became apparent. In the moment when Lin Qingyang lost consciousness, Chu Lishu's whole body stiffened because he felt a sensation of warmth at his ear.

The feeling of something sliding over was so familiar.

The person in Chu Lishu's arms became heavier, clearly having fainted.

Chu Lishu set down the purple clay teapot, removed the blindfold from his eyes, and looked down at the person in his arms with an expression that alternated between brightness and darkness.

Was it really an accident just now?

Lowering his gaze, Lin Qingyang had already recovered, albeit a bit disheveled. Chu Lishu naturally wouldn't help him tidy up; he let it pass.

Seeing that Lin Qingyang wasn't lying, Chu Lishu didn't want to dwell on it too much. He set the person down and intended to go out to check on the others.

However, as soon as he moved, he inadvertently turned Lin Qingyang's head to the side. The black hair couldn't conceal the neck and collarbone, drawing Chu Lishu's attention to a red mark.

Was that... a bite mark?

Imaginations ran wild in his mind.

Shortly after, a muffled groan came from the side room. The door opened in a panic, then closed in a hurry. Chu Lishu stood at the doorway, somewhat incredulous, leaning against the door. His face showed unpredictable changes. Instinctively, he touched his own lips and, upon realizing he was awake, stared at his own hand in a daze.

He had only used tea to clean Lin Qingyang's neck just now. However, the more he looked at that bite mark, the more his head throbbed. Suddenly, his mind went blank.

The delicate sensation on his neck was carefully described by Chu Lishu. His hand, without his rational consent, attempted to reach places it shouldn't, until it touched the slender and firm structure of the rectus abdominis. A muffled groan, tinged with pain from the bite, startled him back to reality.

Was he influenced by Lin Qingyang? He clearly shouldn't have this desire to touch a man.

No, it was just possessiveness, a dislike for the traces left by Xu Wenzhe.

It must be that! After all, Lin Qingyang belonged to him.

Feeling a slight pain in his neck, Lin Qingyang woke up to find himself alone in the room. Fortunately, the male lead didn't wait for him to wake up. Otherwise, it would have been too awkward. The male lead probably got the answer he wanted, proving his innocence, and that was enough.

Lin Qingyang's mind relaxed, feeling that the pain in his abdomen had subsided. However, the sudden pain in his neck caught his attention.

He got up, dressed, and found a mirror to examine himself. Upon seeing the marks, he couldn't help but exclaim, "Damn!"

Was Xu Wenzhe a dog? The bites were so intense, causing bleeding?

How did he end up with a series of strawberry-like marks from the jaw to the collarbone? Did Xu Wenzhe really nibble this much?

He couldn't recall at all. The thought that the most sensual experience in his life came from Xu Wenzhe, a man, was quite exasperating!

Wait a minute, was he in this state when both Yu Chen and Chu Lishu were looking at him? No wonder Chu Lishu was so incredulous. Seeing himself like this, Lin Qingyang almost couldn't believe it either. It was too... too... disgraceful.

Lin Qingyang tugged at his collar, but it couldn't hide anything. He had no choice but to let his hair down and tie it into a casual scholar's bun to barely cover up.

After everything was tidied up, Lin Qingyang finally realized something. This room had so many women's items. Was it originally occupied by a woman?

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Lin Qingyang quickly left.

However, as soon as he stepped out, he encountered Chu Lishu, who was standing guard at the door.

The two locked eyes and both felt a bit awkward.

Chu Lishu, seeing Lin Qingyang with a different hairstyle that covered his neck, immediately understood what had happened and felt even more uneasy.

"Let's go. Xu Wenzhe should be waking up," Chu Lishu said.

"Oh... um?" Lin Qingyang, although keeping pace, couldn't help feeling awkward at the thought of facing Xu Wenzhe.

Without waiting for Lin Qingyang to mentally prepare himself, they turned a corner and arrived at the center of the courtyard, where Xu Wenzhe had been left earlier.

Xu Wenzhe had just gotten up and looked completely bewildered.

Seeing them approach, he wore a confused expression. "I... how did you all end up here?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyang immediately perked up. "Did you forget?"

Xu Wenzhe struggled to stand, looking uncomfortable all over. "I remember a maid saying that my sister came here and refused to leave, claiming she wasn't in a good mood. She said she was waiting outside for her, so I..."

Lin Qingyang quickly put on a smile, tugging at Chu Lishu's sleeve to signal him not to say more.

Chu Lishu thought for a moment and then provided a simple explanation, only mentioning that the four of them had come to rescue someone.

Xu Wenzhe hadn't expected his sister to collude with Ying Xiaodie to pull off such a stunt. Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

"Where are they?" he asked.

"I don't know where Ying Xiaodie went. Your sister has probably been taken away by Ying Wenlong," Lin Qingyang said, careful not to mention the earlier events.

Xu Wenzhe was shaking with anger, unsure of what to do. He already understood the reasons behind Xu Rui'er's actions. Given the recent mistreatment she had been facing at home, she couldn't accept it. Perhaps realizing that once married, her status at Duke Wei Guo's residence might not be favorable, she chose this extreme method. During the New Year, she constantly praised Ying Xiaodie, hoping to entice him into a marriage alliance. Seeing his complete lack of interest, she resorted to this plan.

Xu Wenzhe gritted his teeth, looking at the two people in front of him. He knew he shouldn't let this matter delay their business. He suppressed his anger for now. "Thank you for your assistance. The Fourth Prince should have arrived by now. Please go back to my courtyard, I'll come find you shortly after checking the situation at the feast."

Lin Qingyang immediately nodded in agreement.

Xu Wenzhe was about to leave, but suddenly he asked, "What about Brother Yue and Brother Huo?"

"They had urgent matters, so they left first," Chu Lishu replied directly. His gaze, however, swept over the main house with tightly closed doors and windows. They were all shut? Given how long Xu Wenzhe had been lying here, it seemed... they were probably inside.

Chu Lishu wasn't interested in gossiping about what they might be doing inside. Yet, Yue Chen should be able to hear their conversation, and afterward, he would know how to approach Xu Wenzhe.

Xu Wenzhe felt something was off, but in his exhausted state, he didn't think much about it. With the two of them, he left the courtyard.

After parting ways, Xu Wenzhe changed into a new set of clothes and headed to the front.

Throughout the journey, Xu Wenzhe's expression remained grim, with hints of helplessness and apology flashing in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Qingyang with his hair down, fragmented memories swirled in his mind. He knew that the person he suppressed at that time was Lin Qingyang, and Xu Wenzhe had bitten him in the process, almost losing control.

Xu Wenzhe forced a bitter smile. It was terrible timing, and it would be best to act as if he had forgotten about it.

If you love what Ciacia is doing, then consider showing your support by supporting a cup of tea for her at Kofi. If you can't wait for the next release chapter, subscribe to advanced chapters membership on her Kofi to get access to up to 10 chapters!

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  1. Roi says:

    “ Was he influenced by Lin Qingyang? He clearly shouldn’t have this desire to touch a man.

    No, it was just possessiveness, a dislike for the traces left by Xu Wenzhe.

    It must be that! After all, Lin Qingyang belonged to him.“

    Insert Denial is a River meme

  2. Opinion kiwi says:

    Bro is denying it one too many times 😂

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