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Monster Resurgence Chapter 48

Chapter 48

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While Lou Yan was freshening up, Duan Zege and the others had also finished packing.

Li Sanxin still leisurely made breakfast, but limited by the kitchen’s ingredients, he only boiled a few plain eggs. He arranged the eggs on a white plate, even cut three slices of cucumber and a piece of lettuce for decoration, turning the five-cent eggs into a deceptive and unaffordable appearance.

Lu Haoxiu originally wanted to take one, but seeing the presentation, he hesitated and didn’t reach out.

After arranging everything, Li Sanxin looked satisfied for a while, then casually handed an egg to each of Lu Haoxiu and Duan Zege, “Eat, we’ll leave after you finish.”

He himself picked up an egg, cracked it open, and skillfully peeled the shell.

When Lou Yan entered the kitchen, Li Sanxin had just finished peeling the egg and handed it to him without good grace, “Hurry up and eat, we’re waiting for you.”

Lou Yan took the clean egg from him, swallowed it in three or two bites, and lazily lifted his eyelids to signal Li Sanxin, “Another one.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a hand with scars appeared in front of him.

Lou Yan followed the hand and saw Duan Zege’s slender hand holding out the egg towards him, his tone relaxed, “Not eating?”

The egg was peeled as smoothly and roundly as the one Li Sanxin had. Lou Yan didn’t hesitate to take it, lifted his lips, and said to Duan Zege, “Thanks,” before swallowing the egg.

After eating breakfast for a few minutes, Lu Haoxiu held Little Yu in his arms, worriedly, “What about Little Yu when we leave?”

Little Yu was brought by the cultists, but the cultists were now dead. Lu Haoxiu really liked this quiet and well-behaved little sister, and he felt sorry for her. He didn’t know what relationship Little Yu had with the cultists, but he felt that Little Yu was a good child. From Little Yu’s condition, it could be seen that the cultists didn’t care much about Little Yu. Lu Haoxiu selfishly wanted to take this child out of trouble and let Little Yu live with them.

Li Sanxin also liked Little Yu, but he sighed and said rationally, “This is such a big child. It’s not like we can just take her away by saying it. Let’s ask Little Yu if she still remembers anything about her family. Little Yu, do you remember what your parents look like? Where do they live? What’s their phone number?”

Little Yu chewed the egg slowly, tilted her head, and slowly gestured with her hand. Everyone’s gaze turned to Duan Zege.

Duan Zege didn’t look at them but squatted down and talked gently with Little Yu, “If your parents are not here, do you have any other relatives?”

Little Yu shook her head, and Duan Zege continued to ask, “How did Little Yu end up with Cai Mo and the others?”

Little Yu placed the egg she was holding into Lu Haoxiu’s hand and gestured a long sentence. Duan Zege occasionally nodded in understanding. Lou Yan stood aside, not understanding a gesture, furrowing his brows slightly, feeling like he should prioritize learning sign language.

After Little Yu finished gesturing, Duan Zege stood up and looked at Lou Yan and the others, saying, “Little Yu’s parents died in a car accident, and she was in the car at that time. She woke up in the hospital. When she was about to be discharged, cultists approached her, introducing themselves as friends of her parents and offering to take care of Little Yu. They then took Little Yu back to the territory of the cultists. Little Yu doesn’t know where that place is. She said she was kept in a dark room after being taken back and also fell seriously ill.”

Lu Haoxiu’s face turned ugly. “Serious illness?!”

Duan Zege nodded and tapped Little Yu’s head with his fingertip. “After this little girl was taken back by the cultists, she quickly developed a high fever. She doesn’t remember how many days she had a fever or what happened during the fever. She only remembers feeling hot and cold, drifting off to sleep in a daze, and waking up in a daze. When she recovered from the illness, Cai Mo brought her to Liushu Village, and that’s when she realized she had the ability to sense anomalies.”

Little Yu looked up at Duan Zege as he spoke, her black bright eyes seeming to speak, showing utmost seriousness.

After Duan Zege finished speaking, he noticed her gaze and lowered his head, smiling slightly. “Am I right, Little Yu?”

Little Yu nodded.

Lou Yan frowned, lost in thought.

Having a fever for several days… Such symptoms weren’t indicative of awakening innate abilities. Does this mean Little Yu’s ability isn’t innate? Instead, it was something the cultists did to her to give her this ability?

“So Little Yu can only go with us now,” Li Sanxin said decisively after checking the time, “Forget it, let’s go first and figure it out later. Teacher Lin and the others probably have already gathered.”

The group immediately picked up their luggage and walked out, coincidentally encountering the greedy couple next door.

The couple, warned by Lou Yan’s group last night, had hastily packed up and were preparing to leave early in the morning. However, because they woke up too late, they hurriedly finished packing by the time it was past ten.

Seeing Lou Yan and the others were about to leave, they quickly followed, making it clear that they really intended to leave without taking advantage of the big shots, fearing Lou Yan’s group might threaten them again.

Liu Cheng cautiously watched the backs of Lou Yan’s group, feeling his scalp tingle, so nervous that he lightened his steps. Huang Xin held onto his arm, glanced around, and whispered to him, “Why haven’t we seen the boss or Old Wang here? Are we leaving without saying goodbye to them?”

“Forget it,” Liu Cheng also whispered, “Since they haven’t said anything, let’s just go. I have a strange feeling about that Old Wang.”

Today’s weather was still bad, with misty drizzle and a slight chill in the air, appearing gloomy.

The ground was muddy, leaving shoe prints with each step, and pant legs were stained with brownish-yellow mud.

Huang Xin suddenly doubted, saying to her boyfriend, “How come I feel like overnight, this village suddenly has many mounds?”

Liu Cheng was taken aback, turned his head left and right, but couldn’t see the three or four mounds not far away. He didn’t remember whether there were mounds there when they came yesterday. An inexplicable chill surged from his spine, causing Liu Cheng to shiver, trying to remain calm as he said, “Are you mistaken? I remember there were mounds when we came yesterday.”

“Really?” Huang Xin said nonchalantly, “Maybe I remembered it wrong.”

Liu Cheng swallowed nervously and chuckled, “You must have remembered it wrong. It rained yesterday, so we couldn’t see clearly.”

Lou Yan listened attentively to the conversation between the couple, lightly chuckling. Those mounds were hastily piled up by the villagers for the deceased. In the thrilling events of last night, the couple’s ignorance was also a kind of blessing that others couldn’t seek.

About ten minutes later, their group arrived at the entrance of Liushu Village.

All the surviving villagers of Liushu Village had gathered at the entrance, with many still lying on stretchers being carried out. Seeing Lou Yan’s group approaching, Teacher Lin greeted them with a tired smile, “You’re here. We’ve just gathered everyone. Let’s go.”

Li Sanxin looked at the villagers carrying pots, pans, and luggage, and asked, “How many of you are there in total?”

“We have 136 people left,” Teacher Lin said with a bitter smile, “Actually, there were 143 people last night, but three elderly people didn’t make it… and four villagers couldn’t bear the pain of losing their families and chose to commit suicide.”

Everyone fell silent, unable to find words for a moment.

Teacher Lin sighed, “One of the suicides was a student who was taking the college entrance examination this year… Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Let’s leave first. This place is too heartbreaking, and we dare not stay here any longer.”

Lou Yan’s expression became slightly solemn, and he agreed, “Let’s go.”

Over a hundred people walked toward the village entrance in a mighty procession, with Lou Yan’s group leading the way. Every villager looked at Lou Yan’s group with gratitude, reverence, and fear… a mixture of complex emotions.

Especially when they saw Li Sanxin using the power of the ghost baby to stop anomalies, their eyes were filled with warm curiosity, staring at Li Sanxin with a burning curiosity.

At the village entrance of Liushu Village stood a large willow tree, its age unknown, with a thick trunk and lush branches swaying in the wind, shaking off droplets of water like shaking hair.

“We’re finally leaving,” Lu Haoxiu sighed deeply, “We only came yesterday morning, but the events that followed made it feel like we’ve been here for three or four days.”

Li Sanxin rubbed his neck, turned his head, and added, “Me too. I couldn’t sleep well, couldn’t eat well, even more tired than staying up late for work.”

Lou Yan was quite spirited. When he walked to the big willow tree, he even closed his eyes and let out a smile, taking a deep breath of the fresh, humid countryside air.

The black umbrella’s edge dripped with fine raindrops as Lou Yan chuckled, “Wait a moment, I’ll do a final check.”

Lu Haoxiang asked curiously, “What final check?”

Lou Yan smiled without speaking, just passively opening his crisis perception.

Just as Lou Yan leisurely wanted to proactively use his Crisis Perception to investigate the surroundings and put an end to this adventure, he suddenly lost 5 points of mental power.

【Mental Power 65/70】

The Crisis Perception rang in Lou Yan’s brain, reminding him that there was still danger within 200 meters around him!

And this danger was the same danger he had been sensing since he entered Liushu Village!

Lou Yan’s smile froze on his face.

The danger wasn’t over yet? The danger in Liushu Village hadn’t been resolved!

There was still something lurking in the shadows, hiding behind the red coffin!

Lou Yan lifted his eyelids, his gaze chillingly terrifying. He felt a chill creeping up his limbs from the soles of his feet, stirring up waves of disbelief in his heart.

D*mn it—

Lou Yan’s grim expression made Li Sanxin and the others nearby suddenly have a bad feeling. Li Sanxin’s eyelids twitched, “Lou Yan, what’s wrong?”

“It’s not over yet,” Lou Yan muttered to himself, his face dark as ink, “It’s not over yet.”

Li Sanxin’s eyelids twitched again, his heart sinking as he immediately jumped to the worst conclusion, “You mean, there’s still anomalies here?!”

They stopped in their tracks, and those behind them had to stop too. Teacher Lin couldn’t help but come over and ask, “Why aren’t we moving? Is something wrong?”

Lou Yan tightly gripped the handle of the umbrella, his palms sweating.

His brain quickly replayed everything from the moment he entered Liushu Village to the end of using his Crisis Perception just now. Every scene flashed through his mind.

From entering Liushu Village…

Lou Yan murmured to himself, “No… this isn’t right…”

His face suddenly changed, he threw away the umbrella, pushed through the crowd, and walked up to Liu Cheng. In Liu Cheng’s terrified expression, Lou Yan grabbed his collar and pulled him close, his handsome face expressionless, his eyes terrifyingly dark, and asked, “When you first came to Liushu Village, did you notice anything wrong?”

The author has something to say:

Liu Cheng: Waaahhh, help!

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 48

Monster Resurgence Chapter 48

Chapter 48

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While Lou Yan was freshening up, Duan Zege and the others had also finished packing.

Li Sanxin still leisurely made breakfast, but limited by the kitchen's ingredients, he only boiled a few plain eggs. He arranged the eggs on a white plate, even cut three slices of cucumber and a piece of lettuce for decoration, turning the five-cent eggs into a deceptive and unaffordable appearance.

Lu Haoxiu originally wanted to take one, but seeing the presentation, he hesitated and didn't reach out.

After arranging everything, Li Sanxin looked satisfied for a while, then casually handed an egg to each of Lu Haoxiu and Duan Zege, "Eat, we'll leave after you finish."

He himself picked up an egg, cracked it open, and skillfully peeled the shell.

When Lou Yan entered the kitchen, Li Sanxin had just finished peeling the egg and handed it to him without good grace, "Hurry up and eat, we're waiting for you."

Lou Yan took the clean egg from him, swallowed it in three or two bites, and lazily lifted his eyelids to signal Li Sanxin, "Another one."

As soon as he finished speaking, a hand with scars appeared in front of him.

Lou Yan followed the hand and saw Duan Zege's slender hand holding out the egg towards him, his tone relaxed, "Not eating?"

The egg was peeled as smoothly and roundly as the one Li Sanxin had. Lou Yan didn't hesitate to take it, lifted his lips, and said to Duan Zege, "Thanks," before swallowing the egg.

After eating breakfast for a few minutes, Lu Haoxiu held Little Yu in his arms, worriedly, "What about Little Yu when we leave?"

Little Yu was brought by the cultists, but the cultists were now dead. Lu Haoxiu really liked this quiet and well-behaved little sister, and he felt sorry for her. He didn't know what relationship Little Yu had with the cultists, but he felt that Little Yu was a good child. From Little Yu's condition, it could be seen that the cultists didn't care much about Little Yu. Lu Haoxiu selfishly wanted to take this child out of trouble and let Little Yu live with them.

Li Sanxin also liked Little Yu, but he sighed and said rationally, "This is such a big child. It's not like we can just take her away by saying it. Let's ask Little Yu if she still remembers anything about her family. Little Yu, do you remember what your parents look like? Where do they live? What's their phone number?"

Little Yu chewed the egg slowly, tilted her head, and slowly gestured with her hand. Everyone's gaze turned to Duan Zege.

Duan Zege didn't look at them but squatted down and talked gently with Little Yu, "If your parents are not here, do you have any other relatives?"

Little Yu shook her head, and Duan Zege continued to ask, "How did Little Yu end up with Cai Mo and the others?"

Little Yu placed the egg she was holding into Lu Haoxiu's hand and gestured a long sentence. Duan Zege occasionally nodded in understanding. Lou Yan stood aside, not understanding a gesture, furrowing his brows slightly, feeling like he should prioritize learning sign language.

After Little Yu finished gesturing, Duan Zege stood up and looked at Lou Yan and the others, saying, "Little Yu's parents died in a car accident, and she was in the car at that time. She woke up in the hospital. When she was about to be discharged, cultists approached her, introducing themselves as friends of her parents and offering to take care of Little Yu. They then took Little Yu back to the territory of the cultists. Little Yu doesn't know where that place is. She said she was kept in a dark room after being taken back and also fell seriously ill."

Lu Haoxiu's face turned ugly. "Serious illness?!"

Duan Zege nodded and tapped Little Yu's head with his fingertip. "After this little girl was taken back by the cultists, she quickly developed a high fever. She doesn't remember how many days she had a fever or what happened during the fever. She only remembers feeling hot and cold, drifting off to sleep in a daze, and waking up in a daze. When she recovered from the illness, Cai Mo brought her to Liushu Village, and that's when she realized she had the ability to sense anomalies."

Little Yu looked up at Duan Zege as he spoke, her black bright eyes seeming to speak, showing utmost seriousness.

After Duan Zege finished speaking, he noticed her gaze and lowered his head, smiling slightly. "Am I right, Little Yu?"

Little Yu nodded.

Lou Yan frowned, lost in thought.

Having a fever for several days... Such symptoms weren't indicative of awakening innate abilities. Does this mean Little Yu's ability isn't innate? Instead, it was something the cultists did to her to give her this ability?

"So Little Yu can only go with us now," Li Sanxin said decisively after checking the time, "Forget it, let's go first and figure it out later. Teacher Lin and the others probably have already gathered."

The group immediately picked up their luggage and walked out, coincidentally encountering the greedy couple next door.

The couple, warned by Lou Yan's group last night, had hastily packed up and were preparing to leave early in the morning. However, because they woke up too late, they hurriedly finished packing by the time it was past ten.

Seeing Lou Yan and the others were about to leave, they quickly followed, making it clear that they really intended to leave without taking advantage of the big shots, fearing Lou Yan's group might threaten them again.

Liu Cheng cautiously watched the backs of Lou Yan's group, feeling his scalp tingle, so nervous that he lightened his steps. Huang Xin held onto his arm, glanced around, and whispered to him, "Why haven't we seen the boss or Old Wang here? Are we leaving without saying goodbye to them?"

"Forget it," Liu Cheng also whispered, "Since they haven't said anything, let's just go. I have a strange feeling about that Old Wang."

Today's weather was still bad, with misty drizzle and a slight chill in the air, appearing gloomy.

The ground was muddy, leaving shoe prints with each step, and pant legs were stained with brownish-yellow mud.

Huang Xin suddenly doubted, saying to her boyfriend, "How come I feel like overnight, this village suddenly has many mounds?"

Liu Cheng was taken aback, turned his head left and right, but couldn't see the three or four mounds not far away. He didn't remember whether there were mounds there when they came yesterday. An inexplicable chill surged from his spine, causing Liu Cheng to shiver, trying to remain calm as he said, "Are you mistaken? I remember there were mounds when we came yesterday."

"Really?" Huang Xin said nonchalantly, "Maybe I remembered it wrong."

Liu Cheng swallowed nervously and chuckled, "You must have remembered it wrong. It rained yesterday, so we couldn't see clearly."

Lou Yan listened attentively to the conversation between the couple, lightly chuckling. Those mounds were hastily piled up by the villagers for the deceased. In the thrilling events of last night, the couple's ignorance was also a kind of blessing that others couldn't seek.

About ten minutes later, their group arrived at the entrance of Liushu Village.

All the surviving villagers of Liushu Village had gathered at the entrance, with many still lying on stretchers being carried out. Seeing Lou Yan's group approaching, Teacher Lin greeted them with a tired smile, "You're here. We've just gathered everyone. Let's go."

Li Sanxin looked at the villagers carrying pots, pans, and luggage, and asked, "How many of you are there in total?"

"We have 136 people left," Teacher Lin said with a bitter smile, "Actually, there were 143 people last night, but three elderly people didn't make it... and four villagers couldn't bear the pain of losing their families and chose to commit suicide."

Everyone fell silent, unable to find words for a moment.

Teacher Lin sighed, "One of the suicides was a student who was taking the college entrance examination this year... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's leave first. This place is too heartbreaking, and we dare not stay here any longer."

Lou Yan's expression became slightly solemn, and he agreed, "Let's go."

Over a hundred people walked toward the village entrance in a mighty procession, with Lou Yan's group leading the way. Every villager looked at Lou Yan's group with gratitude, reverence, and fear... a mixture of complex emotions.

Especially when they saw Li Sanxin using the power of the ghost baby to stop anomalies, their eyes were filled with warm curiosity, staring at Li Sanxin with a burning curiosity.

At the village entrance of Liushu Village stood a large willow tree, its age unknown, with a thick trunk and lush branches swaying in the wind, shaking off droplets of water like shaking hair.

"We're finally leaving," Lu Haoxiu sighed deeply, "We only came yesterday morning, but the events that followed made it feel like we've been here for three or four days."

Li Sanxin rubbed his neck, turned his head, and added, "Me too. I couldn't sleep well, couldn't eat well, even more tired than staying up late for work."

Lou Yan was quite spirited. When he walked to the big willow tree, he even closed his eyes and let out a smile, taking a deep breath of the fresh, humid countryside air.

The black umbrella's edge dripped with fine raindrops as Lou Yan chuckled, "Wait a moment, I'll do a final check."

Lu Haoxiang asked curiously, "What final check?"

Lou Yan smiled without speaking, just passively opening his crisis perception.

Just as Lou Yan leisurely wanted to proactively use his Crisis Perception to investigate the surroundings and put an end to this adventure, he suddenly lost 5 points of mental power.

【Mental Power 65/70】

The Crisis Perception rang in Lou Yan's brain, reminding him that there was still danger within 200 meters around him!

And this danger was the same danger he had been sensing since he entered Liushu Village!

Lou Yan's smile froze on his face.

The danger wasn't over yet? The danger in Liushu Village hadn't been resolved!

There was still something lurking in the shadows, hiding behind the red coffin!

Lou Yan lifted his eyelids, his gaze chillingly terrifying. He felt a chill creeping up his limbs from the soles of his feet, stirring up waves of disbelief in his heart.

D*mn it—

Lou Yan's grim expression made Li Sanxin and the others nearby suddenly have a bad feeling. Li Sanxin's eyelids twitched, "Lou Yan, what's wrong?"

"It's not over yet," Lou Yan muttered to himself, his face dark as ink, "It's not over yet."

Li Sanxin's eyelids twitched again, his heart sinking as he immediately jumped to the worst conclusion, "You mean, there's still anomalies here?!"

They stopped in their tracks, and those behind them had to stop too. Teacher Lin couldn't help but come over and ask, "Why aren't we moving? Is something wrong?"

Lou Yan tightly gripped the handle of the umbrella, his palms sweating.

His brain quickly replayed everything from the moment he entered Liushu Village to the end of using his Crisis Perception just now. Every scene flashed through his mind.

From entering Liushu Village...

Lou Yan murmured to himself, "No... this isn't right..."

His face suddenly changed, he threw away the umbrella, pushed through the crowd, and walked up to Liu Cheng. In Liu Cheng's terrified expression, Lou Yan grabbed his collar and pulled him close, his handsome face expressionless, his eyes terrifyingly dark, and asked, "When you first came to Liushu Village, did you notice anything wrong?"

The author has something to say:

Liu Cheng: Waaahhh, help!

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