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Monster Resurgence Chapter 59

Chapter 59

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Lou Yan didn’t sleep all night.

Throughout the night, he kept asking the Seize Life Phone various questions after his body recovered, then used “Time Reversal” after the Seize Life Phone resurrected, and then waited for his body to recover until he could endure the side effects of the next “Time Reversal.”

He had set the bedroom air conditioning to the lowest 16 degrees Celsius, and he had moved the mineral water bucket from the living room to the bedroom. With the combination of cold water and air conditioning, Lou Yan endured the night of alternating hot and cold.

As the dawn approached, Lou Yan was completely exhausted.

His lips were dry and peeling, dark circles under his eyes, his face pale, and his clothes wrinkled into a mess from the struggles all night, looking disheveled and haggard. Lou Yan quietly held the Seize Life Phone against the headboard, his eyes half closed, his jaw tight, like a statue, motionless.

As time passed, Lou Yan finally moved when he heard movement outside the door.

—He straightened up expressionlessly, and smashed the Seize Life Phone against the opposite wall with one foot.

With a crisp sound, the Seize Life Phone collided heavily with the wall, then rebounded and fell to the ground.

The Seize Life Phone, which had no memory after “Time Reversal,” vibrated violently: [???]

What is this human doing, going crazy again!

The Seize Life Phone had been hesitating whether to change owners. With its ability to manipulate people’s hearts, it could easily manipulate someone into taking it away from Lou Yan. But the Seize Life Phone was unwilling to let Lou Yan go. Lou Yan had threatened it several times, and the screen had been smashed by Lou Yan. Seeing that Lou Yan would soon use it to the point of resurrection, once it successfully resurrected, this holder would die instantly. How could the Seize Life Phone let Lou Yan go?

But now it was being pushed to the brink of collapse. The Seize Life Phone suspected that this human was crazy, like a demon, suddenly going mad and torturing it! What did it do to deserve being smashed for no reason and called useless!

The Seize Life Phone felt that if it didn’t escape now, it would be killed by Lou Yan!

Come on, it must go. It had to manipulate someone today to save it!

But just as the Seize Life Phone was thinking this, Lou Yan stepped on it, and the sound of the screen shattering echoed under Lou Yan’s feet.

Lou Yan’s face was as dark as water, his black hair fell messily around his sharp eyebrows and corners of his eyes, and his whole person exuded a suppressed and brewing darkness, like an evil spirit crawling out of h*ll, on the verge of eruption.

He sneered, and the hostility in his eyes rushed towards the Seize Life Phone, “You’re enjoying deceiving me, aren’t you, Seize Life Phone.”

Lou Yan knew very well the cunning and sinister nature of the Seize Life Phone, and cautiously asked the same question each time after using “Time Reversal.”

As a result, he asked three times in total, and the Seize Life Phone gave him three different answers.

The first one was to transfer the ghost marriage contract to Fu Xuezhou through sexual intercourse unilaterally; the second was that since he and Fu Xuezhou had become ghost husband and wife, they needed to have sexual intercourse between ghost husband and wife, and then kill another person with the ghost marriage contract after the first sexual intercourse; the third was that once the ghost marriage contract was completed, it could not be removed, and it could only be delayed by coaxing the ghost marriage contract through timely sexual intercourse, thereby delaying the time to become a real ghost bride or ghost groom.

D*mn it, three different answers, everything different besides the “sexual intercourse.”

Although Lou Yan had long known the cunning and treacherous nature of the Seize Life Phone, he was still infuriated to the point of nearly dying this night. Unfortunately, the Seize Life Phone had no memory of the “time reversal”, so every time it provided a new answer, it was full of confidence, completely unaware that Lou Yan had already exposed its deceitful nature.

“I’ll ask you one last time,” Lou Yan stepped on the Seize Life Phone, giving it one last chance coldly, “What is the method to remove the ghost marriage contract on my body?”

The Seize Life Phone maliciously wanted to answer, but Lou Yan seemed to know what it was thinking. With a forceful step, he repeated one by one the three answers the Seize Life Phone had previously given him, “Don’t tell me you’re going to tell me these answers.”

The Seize Life Phone: [!!!]

These three answers were exactly in line with its intentions, as if they were spoken from its own mouth!

“I’ll repeat it again, Seize Life Phone,” Lou Yan said, “this is your last chance.”

He lifted his foot, hands in his pockets, standing straight on the side, and looked down at the Seize Life Phone with indifference.

The Seize Life Phone suddenly vibrated, as if sensing the seriousness of his threat. After about ten seconds, a limp sentence appeared on the shattered screen of the Seize Life Phone: [To remove the ghost marriage contract, you need to have sexual intercourse with another person who also has the ghost marriage contract on a regular basis. Through sexual intercourse, the ghost marriage contracts on both individuals will gradually fade until they disappear.]

After saying this, the Seize Life Phone vibrated again: [I’m telling the truth!!!]

This time it was a different answer again. But compared to the previous three answers, this one seemed more plausible at least.

Lou Yan didn’t say whether he believed it or not. He snorted coldly, locked the Seize Life Phone directly in the cabinet, and prepared to buy a safe to lock the Seize Life Phone in it today.

This thing had no integrity, it was better to never see the light of day.

After going out, Lou Yan’s haggard appearance attracted the concern of many people. However, Lou Yan said nothing. He had a stern face, his lips pressed together, showing that his mood was not good. After finishing lunch, he directly called Duan Zege to the study and asked Duan Zege to do a divination for him.

After Duan Zege finished the divination for Lou Yan, he couldn’t help but show a sympathetic expression to Lou Yan. “The result of my divination is the same as the answer from the Seize Life Phone. Indeed, you need to have sexual intercourse with another person… Hmm.”

Lou Yan took a drag of his cigarette. This time, apart from the black face, he didn’t have any other extreme reactions. After a full half-minute, Lou Yan hoarsely asked, “Why do we have to have sexual intercourse?”

Duan Zege thought for a moment. “I have some guesses, but they may not be correct. The Red Coffin is a marriage coffin. Judging from your experience inside the Red Coffin, you became a bride, and Fu Xuezhou became a groom, which means that you have already become a married couple to the anomaly. Since you are a married couple, sexual intercourse is definitely a necessary issue. This ghost marriage contract is the witness of your marriage relationship and a constraint, so you must implement sexual intercourse. However, you are not truly an anomaly, so perhaps having sexual intercourse in the state of the living may make the ghost marriage contract feel the difference between you and the anomaly, gradually fading until it disappears?”

“A more metaphysical way of saying it is that making love has ‘life’ to it, making the ghost contract realize the difference between you and the anomaly.”

Duan Zege rubbed his chin, nodding as he spoke, feeling that his analysis was very accurate.

He did make some sense. Lou Yan pursed his lips, his eyelids half closed, showing a hint of decadence amidst the gloom.

Duan Zege’s expression became serious, staring straight at Lou Yan, and said word by word, “Lou Yan, in order to survive, you must find a way to remove the ghost marriage contract. Even though this ghost marriage contract can suppress the resurgence of the anomaly in your body for now, it greatly shortens your lifespan. When it truly erupts, you will become a ghost bride without any resistance—The tarot cards told me that the time for the ghost marriage contract to erupt will not be too late, at least much faster than the speed of the anomaly resurgence in your body.”

Lou Yan leaned back in his computer chair, looking at him through the smoke, and exhaled a breath: “But Fu Xuezhou is already dead.”

If given the choice, even if it meant death, Lou Yan would never want to engage in any sexual activity with that piece of cr*p, Fu Xuezhou. 

But this ghost marriage contract had completely targeted Lou Yan’s weakness: Lou Yan could accept death, but he couldn’t accept turning into an anomaly, and then causing harm to humans like other anomalies. 

The Seize Life Phone said that even in death, Lou Yan would become a ghost bride because of the marriage contract. With Duan Zeges’s affirmation, Lou Yan believed it. 

In his previous life, although Lou Yan had never encountered the anomalies known as ghost brides or ghost grooms, he had heard fragmentary information about them. 

There was no doubt that among the scarce A-level anomalies, the power of the ghost bride and ghost groom occupied two positions. 

These two anomalies were powerful. Once one of them manifested in the mortal realm, it would surely cause a great disaster over a large area. 

Lou Yan had never heard of the Red Coffin in his previous life, so he didn’t connect the role he played as a bride in the Red Coffin with the real “ghost bride.” 

He only realized now that the existence of the ghost bride and ghost groom was also due to the Red Coffin. Lou Yan vaguely felt that the Red Coffin was probably no longer just an A-level anomaly. 

If he didn’t annul the ghost marriage contract, he would become a “ghost bride.” So, even if Lou Yan had to endure nausea, he would definitely choose to engage in that sexual activity with Fu Xuezhou. But this decision was too difficult for Lou Yan to make. Fortunately, he didn’t have to make the decision now because reality had already made the choice for him.

Lou Yan exhaled deeply, unable to clearly express whether he felt relieved or burdened, but it seemed that relief outweighed the burden. “I’m about eighty percent sure that Fu Xuezhou is already dead. If he’s dead, then there’s nothing I can do alone. If I really become the ghost bride, Duan Zege, you guys should make an effort to kill me directly at the moment when I’m most vulnerable during the transformation.” 

With that, Lou Yan furrowed his brows again, then immediately relaxed as if he had remembered something. He couldn’t help but express his gratitude to Duan Zege, “It’s a good thing I killed Fu Xuezhou inside the Red Coffin. Even if he dies inside the Red Coffin and becomes the ghost groom, he can’t come out to harm people because I destroyed the Red Coffin. Isn’t that a good thing? It saves ordinary people from being harmed by another A-level anomaly when they are unprepared.” 

However, Duan Zeges couldn’t muster a smile. He watched Lou Yan for a while, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but it eventually turned into a sigh. 

What else could he say? 

Just as Lou Yan said, if the other person with the ghost marriage contract had already died, even if there was a way to annul the contract, there was no way to do it now.


Lou Yan didn’t want to do that either.

Duan Zege played with the tarot cards, the same gestures as usual, but there was some restlessness in his movements. He drew another card from the tarot deck, looked down at it for a long time, and then raised his head to speak in a low voice, “The divination tells me that the ghost marriage contract will take effect in three months.”

“Three months…” Lou Yan murmured softly, “That’s not much time.”

In these three months, he should have enough time to kill quite a few anomalies.

In his previous life, the culprit who destroyed the world, Fu Xuezhou, had already been killed by him. But in his previous life, many anomalies were killed by that man, Fu Xuezhou, and many humans were able to live longer because of it.

Lou Yan killed the most dangerous Fu Xuezhou, and he should also try his best to deal with the anomalies that Fu Xuezhou killed.

Lou Yan squinted his eyes, stubbed out his cigarette. Since time was running out, he should hurry up.

And the anomalies that he encountered recently and hadn’t dealt with yet, there was only the nightmare.

The Peace Boxing Club…

Lou Yan picked up his coat and car keys, and said to Duan Zege, “Call them and come with me to a place.”

Duan Zege asked, “Where are we going?”

“The Peace Boxing Club,” Lou Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled, his whole demeanor becoming spirited again, “Let’s see what secrets this place holds that are not meant to be seen.”

Author’s Note:

Chief Lou: Honestly, I don’t want to do it (grimace) (frown) (pretend to be calm)

Seize Life Phone: *&#¥

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 59

Monster Resurgence Chapter 59

Chapter 59

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Lou Yan didn't sleep all night.

Throughout the night, he kept asking the Seize Life Phone various questions after his body recovered, then used "Time Reversal" after the Seize Life Phone resurrected, and then waited for his body to recover until he could endure the side effects of the next "Time Reversal."

He had set the bedroom air conditioning to the lowest 16 degrees Celsius, and he had moved the mineral water bucket from the living room to the bedroom. With the combination of cold water and air conditioning, Lou Yan endured the night of alternating hot and cold.

As the dawn approached, Lou Yan was completely exhausted.

His lips were dry and peeling, dark circles under his eyes, his face pale, and his clothes wrinkled into a mess from the struggles all night, looking disheveled and haggard. Lou Yan quietly held the Seize Life Phone against the headboard, his eyes half closed, his jaw tight, like a statue, motionless.

As time passed, Lou Yan finally moved when he heard movement outside the door.

—He straightened up expressionlessly, and smashed the Seize Life Phone against the opposite wall with one foot.

With a crisp sound, the Seize Life Phone collided heavily with the wall, then rebounded and fell to the ground.

The Seize Life Phone, which had no memory after "Time Reversal," vibrated violently: [???]

What is this human doing, going crazy again!

The Seize Life Phone had been hesitating whether to change owners. With its ability to manipulate people's hearts, it could easily manipulate someone into taking it away from Lou Yan. But the Seize Life Phone was unwilling to let Lou Yan go. Lou Yan had threatened it several times, and the screen had been smashed by Lou Yan. Seeing that Lou Yan would soon use it to the point of resurrection, once it successfully resurrected, this holder would die instantly. How could the Seize Life Phone let Lou Yan go?

But now it was being pushed to the brink of collapse. The Seize Life Phone suspected that this human was crazy, like a demon, suddenly going mad and torturing it! What did it do to deserve being smashed for no reason and called useless!

The Seize Life Phone felt that if it didn't escape now, it would be killed by Lou Yan!

Come on, it must go. It had to manipulate someone today to save it!

But just as the Seize Life Phone was thinking this, Lou Yan stepped on it, and the sound of the screen shattering echoed under Lou Yan's feet.

Lou Yan's face was as dark as water, his black hair fell messily around his sharp eyebrows and corners of his eyes, and his whole person exuded a suppressed and brewing darkness, like an evil spirit crawling out of h*ll, on the verge of eruption.

He sneered, and the hostility in his eyes rushed towards the Seize Life Phone, "You're enjoying deceiving me, aren't you, Seize Life Phone."

Lou Yan knew very well the cunning and sinister nature of the Seize Life Phone, and cautiously asked the same question each time after using "Time Reversal."

As a result, he asked three times in total, and the Seize Life Phone gave him three different answers.

The first one was to transfer the ghost marriage contract to Fu Xuezhou through sexual intercourse unilaterally; the second was that since he and Fu Xuezhou had become ghost husband and wife, they needed to have sexual intercourse between ghost husband and wife, and then kill another person with the ghost marriage contract after the first sexual intercourse; the third was that once the ghost marriage contract was completed, it could not be removed, and it could only be delayed by coaxing the ghost marriage contract through timely sexual intercourse, thereby delaying the time to become a real ghost bride or ghost groom.

D*mn it, three different answers, everything different besides the "sexual intercourse."

Although Lou Yan had long known the cunning and treacherous nature of the Seize Life Phone, he was still infuriated to the point of nearly dying this night. Unfortunately, the Seize Life Phone had no memory of the "time reversal", so every time it provided a new answer, it was full of confidence, completely unaware that Lou Yan had already exposed its deceitful nature.

"I'll ask you one last time," Lou Yan stepped on the Seize Life Phone, giving it one last chance coldly, "What is the method to remove the ghost marriage contract on my body?"

The Seize Life Phone maliciously wanted to answer, but Lou Yan seemed to know what it was thinking. With a forceful step, he repeated one by one the three answers the Seize Life Phone had previously given him, "Don't tell me you're going to tell me these answers."

The Seize Life Phone: [!!!]

These three answers were exactly in line with its intentions, as if they were spoken from its own mouth!

"I'll repeat it again, Seize Life Phone," Lou Yan said, "this is your last chance."

He lifted his foot, hands in his pockets, standing straight on the side, and looked down at the Seize Life Phone with indifference.

The Seize Life Phone suddenly vibrated, as if sensing the seriousness of his threat. After about ten seconds, a limp sentence appeared on the shattered screen of the Seize Life Phone: [To remove the ghost marriage contract, you need to have sexual intercourse with another person who also has the ghost marriage contract on a regular basis. Through sexual intercourse, the ghost marriage contracts on both individuals will gradually fade until they disappear.]

After saying this, the Seize Life Phone vibrated again: [I'm telling the truth!!!]

This time it was a different answer again. But compared to the previous three answers, this one seemed more plausible at least.

Lou Yan didn't say whether he believed it or not. He snorted coldly, locked the Seize Life Phone directly in the cabinet, and prepared to buy a safe to lock the Seize Life Phone in it today.

This thing had no integrity, it was better to never see the light of day.

After going out, Lou Yan's haggard appearance attracted the concern of many people. However, Lou Yan said nothing. He had a stern face, his lips pressed together, showing that his mood was not good. After finishing lunch, he directly called Duan Zege to the study and asked Duan Zege to do a divination for him.

After Duan Zege finished the divination for Lou Yan, he couldn't help but show a sympathetic expression to Lou Yan. "The result of my divination is the same as the answer from the Seize Life Phone. Indeed, you need to have sexual intercourse with another person... Hmm."

Lou Yan took a drag of his cigarette. This time, apart from the black face, he didn't have any other extreme reactions. After a full half-minute, Lou Yan hoarsely asked, "Why do we have to have sexual intercourse?"

Duan Zege thought for a moment. "I have some guesses, but they may not be correct. The Red Coffin is a marriage coffin. Judging from your experience inside the Red Coffin, you became a bride, and Fu Xuezhou became a groom, which means that you have already become a married couple to the anomaly. Since you are a married couple, sexual intercourse is definitely a necessary issue. This ghost marriage contract is the witness of your marriage relationship and a constraint, so you must implement sexual intercourse. However, you are not truly an anomaly, so perhaps having sexual intercourse in the state of the living may make the ghost marriage contract feel the difference between you and the anomaly, gradually fading until it disappears?"

"A more metaphysical way of saying it is that making love has 'life' to it, making the ghost contract realize the difference between you and the anomaly."

Duan Zege rubbed his chin, nodding as he spoke, feeling that his analysis was very accurate.

He did make some sense. Lou Yan pursed his lips, his eyelids half closed, showing a hint of decadence amidst the gloom.

Duan Zege's expression became serious, staring straight at Lou Yan, and said word by word, "Lou Yan, in order to survive, you must find a way to remove the ghost marriage contract. Even though this ghost marriage contract can suppress the resurgence of the anomaly in your body for now, it greatly shortens your lifespan. When it truly erupts, you will become a ghost bride without any resistance—The tarot cards told me that the time for the ghost marriage contract to erupt will not be too late, at least much faster than the speed of the anomaly resurgence in your body."

Lou Yan leaned back in his computer chair, looking at him through the smoke, and exhaled a breath: “But Fu Xuezhou is already dead.”

If given the choice, even if it meant death, Lou Yan would never want to engage in any sexual activity with that piece of cr*p, Fu Xuezhou. 

But this ghost marriage contract had completely targeted Lou Yan's weakness: Lou Yan could accept death, but he couldn't accept turning into an anomaly, and then causing harm to humans like other anomalies. 

The Seize Life Phone said that even in death, Lou Yan would become a ghost bride because of the marriage contract. With Duan Zeges's affirmation, Lou Yan believed it. 

In his previous life, although Lou Yan had never encountered the anomalies known as ghost brides or ghost grooms, he had heard fragmentary information about them. 

There was no doubt that among the scarce A-level anomalies, the power of the ghost bride and ghost groom occupied two positions. 

These two anomalies were powerful. Once one of them manifested in the mortal realm, it would surely cause a great disaster over a large area. 

Lou Yan had never heard of the Red Coffin in his previous life, so he didn't connect the role he played as a bride in the Red Coffin with the real "ghost bride." 

He only realized now that the existence of the ghost bride and ghost groom was also due to the Red Coffin. Lou Yan vaguely felt that the Red Coffin was probably no longer just an A-level anomaly. 

If he didn't annul the ghost marriage contract, he would become a "ghost bride." So, even if Lou Yan had to endure nausea, he would definitely choose to engage in that sexual activity with Fu Xuezhou. But this decision was too difficult for Lou Yan to make. Fortunately, he didn't have to make the decision now because reality had already made the choice for him.

Lou Yan exhaled deeply, unable to clearly express whether he felt relieved or burdened, but it seemed that relief outweighed the burden. "I'm about eighty percent sure that Fu Xuezhou is already dead. If he's dead, then there's nothing I can do alone. If I really become the ghost bride, Duan Zege, you guys should make an effort to kill me directly at the moment when I'm most vulnerable during the transformation." 

With that, Lou Yan furrowed his brows again, then immediately relaxed as if he had remembered something. He couldn't help but express his gratitude to Duan Zege, "It's a good thing I killed Fu Xuezhou inside the Red Coffin. Even if he dies inside the Red Coffin and becomes the ghost groom, he can't come out to harm people because I destroyed the Red Coffin. Isn't that a good thing? It saves ordinary people from being harmed by another A-level anomaly when they are unprepared." 

However, Duan Zeges couldn't muster a smile. He watched Lou Yan for a while, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but it eventually turned into a sigh. 

What else could he say? 

Just as Lou Yan said, if the other person with the ghost marriage contract had already died, even if there was a way to annul the contract, there was no way to do it now.


Lou Yan didn't want to do that either.

Duan Zege played with the tarot cards, the same gestures as usual, but there was some restlessness in his movements. He drew another card from the tarot deck, looked down at it for a long time, and then raised his head to speak in a low voice, "The divination tells me that the ghost marriage contract will take effect in three months."

"Three months..." Lou Yan murmured softly, "That's not much time."

In these three months, he should have enough time to kill quite a few anomalies.

In his previous life, the culprit who destroyed the world, Fu Xuezhou, had already been killed by him. But in his previous life, many anomalies were killed by that man, Fu Xuezhou, and many humans were able to live longer because of it.

Lou Yan killed the most dangerous Fu Xuezhou, and he should also try his best to deal with the anomalies that Fu Xuezhou killed.

Lou Yan squinted his eyes, stubbed out his cigarette. Since time was running out, he should hurry up.

And the anomalies that he encountered recently and hadn't dealt with yet, there was only the nightmare.

The Peace Boxing Club...

Lou Yan picked up his coat and car keys, and said to Duan Zege, "Call them and come with me to a place."

Duan Zege asked, "Where are we going?"

"The Peace Boxing Club," Lou Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled, his whole demeanor becoming spirited again, "Let's see what secrets this place holds that are not meant to be seen."

Author's Note:

Chief Lou: Honestly, I don't want to do it (grimace) (frown) (pretend to be calm)

Seize Life Phone: *&#¥

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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