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Monster Resurgence Chapter 72

Chapter 72

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A Great Escape Murder game?

Lou Yan frowned as soon as he heard it.

With just these simple words, he could imagine how bloody and terrifying this amusement park would be.

This was the first amusement park in this world. It didn’t need complicated rules, just enough excitement, danger, and bloodshed to entertain the viewers. Even if it was crude, it didn’t matter—a Great Escape Murder game was perfect as a start.

Upon closer inspection, this amusement park seemed extremely dangerous…

Did he really want Li Sanxin to accompany him?

After hanging up the phone, Lou Yan hesitated. He laid in bed for a while, pondering the matter even as he ate breakfast.

The current Li Sanxin wasn’t the same one who had weathered countless storms with him before. The most terrifying difficulty Li Sanxin had faced so far was the scene of numerous villagers attacking the ancestral hall in Liushu Village. But without undergoing trials, one couldn’t become strong. Those participating in this amusement park were all newcomers to the anomaly world, and Li Sanxin’s strength would definitely rank high among them. If he gave up this opportunity, it would be a pity for Li Sanxin.

Wearing a blue apron, Li Sanxin scooped the fried eggs from the pan into Lou Yan’s bowl, teasing, “What are you thinking so deeply about?”

“Are you thinking about what will happen with Fu Xuezhou five days later?” Duan Zege took a mouthful of noodles and casually remarked, “You don’t need to worry too much about it. Li Sanxin has decided to hire someone to tie him up for you after he returns from the amusement park—”

Li Sanxin covered his mouth abruptly, gritting his teeth. “Shut up!”

Lou Yan paused, took a deep breath, and continued eating, selectively ignoring certain words and names in Duan Zege’s speech.

Duan Zege innocently looked at Li Sanxin, who felt a wetness in the palm of his hand as Duan Zege’s oily mouth smeared onto it. He released Duan Zege with disdain, wiped his palm on Duan Zege’s shoulder, and lowered his voice, saying, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Duan Zege turned his head to look at the oil stain on his shoulder and sighed softly.

Lu Haoxiu’s mouth was full and his eyes were full of curiosity. He raised his hand eagerly, saying, “I know what Brother Lou is thinking! I saw entertainment news this morning and saw the ambiguous photo of Brother Lou and Wen Jiu embracing each other! Brother Lou, are you thinking about this?”

Li Sanxin was shocked and confused, “Yanzi? Wen Jiu? Embracing? Ambiguous photo?”

Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, not expecting Assistant Qin to be so efficient. He leisurely took out his phone and searched. Sure enough, he saw that the photo of himself and Wen Jiu had become popular on the internet.

He wasn’t that famous online, but Wen Jiu was a top influencer, and his identity had been exposed along with Lou Yan’s.

The headlines were shocking.

“Wen Jiu, the King of Songs, has an ambiguous private meeting with the tycoon CEO, embracing passionately in the underground garage!”

“Shocking! Wen Jiu unexpectedly becomes the tycoon’s ‘wife,’ exploring the details of Wen Jiu and the head of the Lou Group!”

“The spokesperson actually does such things with the CEO in the underground garage, the King of Songs relies on connections to rise to power, confirmed!”

Creating stories from images was a necessary skill in the entertainment industry. Just one slightly ambiguous photo of Lou Yan and Wen Jiu could be used to fabricate countless versions of stories. But because of Lou Yan’s status, the entertainment tabloids and marketing accounts didn’t dare tarnish his image. They mostly made fun and focused on Wen Jiu.

The comments section was exploding. Lou Yan smiled, clicked to view, and his smile deepened.

“666, I always wondered why Wen Jiu has such good resources, turns out he has a real sugar daddy behind him!”

“??? What kind of novel plot is this? In reality, is the tycoon CEO really so handsome, tall, and rich?”

“xs, so he’s being kept, huh? No wonder my brother couldn’t beat him. Is it satisfying to earn money by selling yourself, Wen Jiu?”

“Help, although I know entertainment tabloids are good at lying, the two people in this picture are really a perfect match in terms of appearance. The King of Songs X Tycoon CEO, what kind of fairy tale love is this? I’m bowing in admiration!”

“Wen Jiu is the god of the entertainment industry! Lou CEO is my idol at work! Ahhhh, I’m so excited, I’m sorry sisters, I’m going to betray and become a shipper!”

“Why hug! What’s the point of two grown men hugging! Just take off your clothes and get on the bed [angry]”

The comment section was a battleground for fans and haters, with a dozen new comments popping up every second.

Some began to wait for responses from Wen Jiu and Lou Yan’s companies. Lou Yan was a businessman, and these groundless rumors didn’t affect him much. Lou Group didn’t respond, as if they hadn’t seen it. But more intriguing was Wen Jiu’s reaction. Wen Jiu was well-known in the entertainment industry, yet he didn’t refute or clarify anything. Instead, he ambiguously chose to remain silent, leaving netizens to speculate.

After looking around, Lou Yan closed his phone satisfactorily.

The bigger the fuss, the happier he was. He wondered what expression Fu Xuezhou would have when he saw this?

Lou Yan couldn’t help but laugh when he imagined it. If he could, he would want to rush to Fu Xuezhou’s side and see his expression with his own eyes.

But it didn’t matter.

Even if he couldn’t see Fu Xuezhou’s expression, Lou Yan knew that Fu Xuezhou’s mood wouldn’t be pleasant. As long as he knew this, Lou Yan was happy.

After finishing breakfast happily, Lou Yan pulled Li Sanxin into the study and solemnly told him about the contents of the upcoming amusement park: Great Escape Murder. “This amusement park is definitely very dangerous. I need you to think again, do you really want to participate with me in the amusement park?”

Li Sanxin thought seriously for half a minute and nodded decisively, “Even if it’s not for protecting you, I would still go. You know I’ve integrated with the anomaly and need a lot of mental power to use its power. The reward for doubling mental power after surviving in the amusement park is very tempting. I hope to receive this reward.”

Lou Yan looked deeply at his expression, then suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled, holding up one hand vertically in the air, “Alright, tomorrow night is the start of the amusement park. The two of us together, we will definitely both survive.”

Li Sanxin smiled and reached out his hand, giving Lou Yan a firm high-five, “Of course!”

Time passed unknowingly, and soon it was dusk.

The traffic was heavy, and the roads were bustling with people, as it was the end of the workday.

Happiness Residential Area.

The room was dark with no lights on, the door tightly closed, and the window covered by heavy deep yellow curtains. The faint twilight outside seeped through the layered curtains, lightly sprinkling on the ground.

Dust floated in the dim light, and the vast room seemed lifeless, empty and deserted, with only the sound of dripping water coming from the bathroom.

Soon, even the sound of water stopped.

The room fell into silence again. With a creak, the bathroom door was pushed open from the inside, and Fu Xuezhou, with his upper body naked, walked out of the bathroom with steam rising.

He was only wearing loose shorts, and his silver hair was wet and sticking to his back, water dripping down his slim waist. The mist softened the coldness between his eyebrows and eyes, making him seem somewhat gentler.

Fu Xuezhou sat on the sofa in the living room, and the gray sofa set was instantly soaked by the moisture from his body. Ignoring the water droplets on his body, Fu Xuezhou picked up a bottle of water from the coffee table and started drinking.

His Adam’s apple bobbed, and the half-empty bottle was quickly emptied. Fu Xuezhou lightly tossed it, and the plastic bottle accurately landed in the empty trash can.

The entire room was quiet except for the sounds he made, resembling a one-man pantomime. But Fu Xuezhou seemed accustomed to it, his emotions unclear in his dark eyes. After all the steam dissipated from his body, he reached out for the candies on the table, unwrapped one absentmindedly, and popped it into his mouth.

This is a plastic bag the size of a palm, filled with exquisite and beautiful candies, half of which have already been eaten. The transparent but colorful candy wrappers shimmered in the dim light. Next to the candy, there was an open cigarette box and a cheap lighter that cost one yuan each.

Fu Xuezhou pressed the candy on his tongue to the right side and closed his eyes to rest for a while when suddenly his phone vibrated silently.

The silver-haired youth opened his eyes to look at the numbers flashing on the phone screen and answered calmly when he heard Cui Ansheng’s voice, “Ah Zhou, I’ve called you five times today, why did you only answer now?”

“I had something to do,” Fu Xuezhou replied.

“Ah, you shouldn’t have something to do today. Ah Zhou, you’re in trouble,” Cui Ansheng said with a hint of schadenfreude, enjoying the spectacle, “You’ve been cuckolded!”

Fu Xuezhou raised an eyebrow slightly, “What do you mean?”

Cui Ansheng chuckled, “I sent you a link. Go take a look.”

With that, Cui Ansheng hung up.

Fu Xuezhou clicked on the message Cui Ansheng sent, which contained dozens of links. He randomly clicked on one, and a high-definition enlarged picture suddenly appeared in front of him. Fu Xuezhou’s eyes paused.

The two people in the picture were standing close together in a dim underground garage, exuding an extremely ambiguous atmosphere. The blond man had a sexy and alluring smile on his lips, his hands gently wrapped around the waist of the person in his embrace. The CEO in a suit and leather shoes exuded a powerful aura, tall and upright, not inferior to anyone. Even if only a side profile was visible, one could see that this person’s features were sharp and handsome.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, creating an atmosphere of ambiguity that was extraordinary.

This clear picture vividly entered Fu Xuezhou’s eyes, making the dark pupils of the silver-haired man even more inscrutable.

Fu Xuezhou lowered his head to look at the picture for more than ten seconds. Then his gaze swept down and saw the red entertainment headline below.

“King of Songs Wen Jiu and Tycoon CEO’s Relationship Exposed!”

Relationship… Exposed?

Cui Ansheng sent him a new message, seemingly concerned but actually gossiping, “Ah Zhou, are you becoming someone’s mistress?”

Fu Xuezhou turned off his phone, reducing the light source in the room by one, making it even darker. He leaned back, and his wet silver hair spread out on the back of the sofa.

The last rays of the setting sun shining through the gap in the curtains fell on Fu Xuezhou’s forehead, illuminating the dewdrops on his forehead like golden spots.

Fu Xuezhou’s expression was hidden in the shadows, his face devoid of emotion, as if he was thinking about something, yet also as if he wasn’t thinking about anything. After a while, he lazily picked up the cigarette box and lighter from the coffee table, took out a cigarette, and bent his pale neck slightly. Fu Xuezhou lowered his head to light the cigarette, the flame brightened for a moment, then quickly disappeared.

The golden spot of sunlight moved slowly on his face, from his forehead to his nose bridge, and gradually to the corner of Fu Xuezhou’s lips, where he held the cigarette butt, emitting a faintly dark and seductive charm. Fu Xuezhou’s expression was inscrutable, and when the golden spot gradually disappeared, he coldly lifted the corner of his mouth, devoid of any smile.

“He’s deliberately provoking me…”

Author’s Note:

Lou Yan: Well, can’t I?

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 72

Monster Resurgence Chapter 72

Chapter 72

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A Great Escape Murder game?

Lou Yan frowned as soon as he heard it.

With just these simple words, he could imagine how bloody and terrifying this amusement park would be.

This was the first amusement park in this world. It didn't need complicated rules, just enough excitement, danger, and bloodshed to entertain the viewers. Even if it was crude, it didn't matter—a Great Escape Murder game was perfect as a start.

Upon closer inspection, this amusement park seemed extremely dangerous...

Did he really want Li Sanxin to accompany him?

After hanging up the phone, Lou Yan hesitated. He laid in bed for a while, pondering the matter even as he ate breakfast.

The current Li Sanxin wasn't the same one who had weathered countless storms with him before. The most terrifying difficulty Li Sanxin had faced so far was the scene of numerous villagers attacking the ancestral hall in Liushu Village. But without undergoing trials, one couldn't become strong. Those participating in this amusement park were all newcomers to the anomaly world, and Li Sanxin's strength would definitely rank high among them. If he gave up this opportunity, it would be a pity for Li Sanxin.

Wearing a blue apron, Li Sanxin scooped the fried eggs from the pan into Lou Yan's bowl, teasing, "What are you thinking so deeply about?"

"Are you thinking about what will happen with Fu Xuezhou five days later?" Duan Zege took a mouthful of noodles and casually remarked, "You don't need to worry too much about it. Li Sanxin has decided to hire someone to tie him up for you after he returns from the amusement park—"

Li Sanxin covered his mouth abruptly, gritting his teeth. "Shut up!"

Lou Yan paused, took a deep breath, and continued eating, selectively ignoring certain words and names in Duan Zege's speech.

Duan Zege innocently looked at Li Sanxin, who felt a wetness in the palm of his hand as Duan Zege's oily mouth smeared onto it. He released Duan Zege with disdain, wiped his palm on Duan Zege's shoulder, and lowered his voice, saying, "Don't talk nonsense."

Duan Zege turned his head to look at the oil stain on his shoulder and sighed softly.

Lu Haoxiu's mouth was full and his eyes were full of curiosity. He raised his hand eagerly, saying, "I know what Brother Lou is thinking! I saw entertainment news this morning and saw the ambiguous photo of Brother Lou and Wen Jiu embracing each other! Brother Lou, are you thinking about this?"

Li Sanxin was shocked and confused, "Yanzi? Wen Jiu? Embracing? Ambiguous photo?"

Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, not expecting Assistant Qin to be so efficient. He leisurely took out his phone and searched. Sure enough, he saw that the photo of himself and Wen Jiu had become popular on the internet.

He wasn't that famous online, but Wen Jiu was a top influencer, and his identity had been exposed along with Lou Yan's.

The headlines were shocking.

"Wen Jiu, the King of Songs, has an ambiguous private meeting with the tycoon CEO, embracing passionately in the underground garage!"

"Shocking! Wen Jiu unexpectedly becomes the tycoon's 'wife,' exploring the details of Wen Jiu and the head of the Lou Group!"

"The spokesperson actually does such things with the CEO in the underground garage, the King of Songs relies on connections to rise to power, confirmed!"

Creating stories from images was a necessary skill in the entertainment industry. Just one slightly ambiguous photo of Lou Yan and Wen Jiu could be used to fabricate countless versions of stories. But because of Lou Yan's status, the entertainment tabloids and marketing accounts didn't dare tarnish his image. They mostly made fun and focused on Wen Jiu.

The comments section was exploding. Lou Yan smiled, clicked to view, and his smile deepened.

"666, I always wondered why Wen Jiu has such good resources, turns out he has a real sugar daddy behind him!"

"??? What kind of novel plot is this? In reality, is the tycoon CEO really so handsome, tall, and rich?"

"xs, so he's being kept, huh? No wonder my brother couldn't beat him. Is it satisfying to earn money by selling yourself, Wen Jiu?"

"Help, although I know entertainment tabloids are good at lying, the two people in this picture are really a perfect match in terms of appearance. The King of Songs X Tycoon CEO, what kind of fairy tale love is this? I'm bowing in admiration!"

"Wen Jiu is the god of the entertainment industry! Lou CEO is my idol at work! Ahhhh, I'm so excited, I'm sorry sisters, I'm going to betray and become a shipper!"

"Why hug! What's the point of two grown men hugging! Just take off your clothes and get on the bed [angry]"

The comment section was a battleground for fans and haters, with a dozen new comments popping up every second.

Some began to wait for responses from Wen Jiu and Lou Yan's companies. Lou Yan was a businessman, and these groundless rumors didn't affect him much. Lou Group didn't respond, as if they hadn't seen it. But more intriguing was Wen Jiu's reaction. Wen Jiu was well-known in the entertainment industry, yet he didn't refute or clarify anything. Instead, he ambiguously chose to remain silent, leaving netizens to speculate.

After looking around, Lou Yan closed his phone satisfactorily.

The bigger the fuss, the happier he was. He wondered what expression Fu Xuezhou would have when he saw this?

Lou Yan couldn't help but laugh when he imagined it. If he could, he would want to rush to Fu Xuezhou's side and see his expression with his own eyes.

But it didn't matter.

Even if he couldn't see Fu Xuezhou's expression, Lou Yan knew that Fu Xuezhou's mood wouldn't be pleasant. As long as he knew this, Lou Yan was happy.

After finishing breakfast happily, Lou Yan pulled Li Sanxin into the study and solemnly told him about the contents of the upcoming amusement park: Great Escape Murder. "This amusement park is definitely very dangerous. I need you to think again, do you really want to participate with me in the amusement park?"

Li Sanxin thought seriously for half a minute and nodded decisively, "Even if it's not for protecting you, I would still go. You know I've integrated with the anomaly and need a lot of mental power to use its power. The reward for doubling mental power after surviving in the amusement park is very tempting. I hope to receive this reward."

Lou Yan looked deeply at his expression, then suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled, holding up one hand vertically in the air, "Alright, tomorrow night is the start of the amusement park. The two of us together, we will definitely both survive."

Li Sanxin smiled and reached out his hand, giving Lou Yan a firm high-five, "Of course!"

Time passed unknowingly, and soon it was dusk.

The traffic was heavy, and the roads were bustling with people, as it was the end of the workday.

Happiness Residential Area.

The room was dark with no lights on, the door tightly closed, and the window covered by heavy deep yellow curtains. The faint twilight outside seeped through the layered curtains, lightly sprinkling on the ground.

Dust floated in the dim light, and the vast room seemed lifeless, empty and deserted, with only the sound of dripping water coming from the bathroom.

Soon, even the sound of water stopped.

The room fell into silence again. With a creak, the bathroom door was pushed open from the inside, and Fu Xuezhou, with his upper body naked, walked out of the bathroom with steam rising.

He was only wearing loose shorts, and his silver hair was wet and sticking to his back, water dripping down his slim waist. The mist softened the coldness between his eyebrows and eyes, making him seem somewhat gentler.

Fu Xuezhou sat on the sofa in the living room, and the gray sofa set was instantly soaked by the moisture from his body. Ignoring the water droplets on his body, Fu Xuezhou picked up a bottle of water from the coffee table and started drinking.

His Adam's apple bobbed, and the half-empty bottle was quickly emptied. Fu Xuezhou lightly tossed it, and the plastic bottle accurately landed in the empty trash can.

The entire room was quiet except for the sounds he made, resembling a one-man pantomime. But Fu Xuezhou seemed accustomed to it, his emotions unclear in his dark eyes. After all the steam dissipated from his body, he reached out for the candies on the table, unwrapped one absentmindedly, and popped it into his mouth.

This is a plastic bag the size of a palm, filled with exquisite and beautiful candies, half of which have already been eaten. The transparent but colorful candy wrappers shimmered in the dim light. Next to the candy, there was an open cigarette box and a cheap lighter that cost one yuan each.

Fu Xuezhou pressed the candy on his tongue to the right side and closed his eyes to rest for a while when suddenly his phone vibrated silently.

The silver-haired youth opened his eyes to look at the numbers flashing on the phone screen and answered calmly when he heard Cui Ansheng's voice, "Ah Zhou, I've called you five times today, why did you only answer now?"

"I had something to do," Fu Xuezhou replied.

"Ah, you shouldn't have something to do today. Ah Zhou, you're in trouble," Cui Ansheng said with a hint of schadenfreude, enjoying the spectacle, "You've been cuckolded!"

Fu Xuezhou raised an eyebrow slightly, "What do you mean?"

Cui Ansheng chuckled, "I sent you a link. Go take a look."

With that, Cui Ansheng hung up.

Fu Xuezhou clicked on the message Cui Ansheng sent, which contained dozens of links. He randomly clicked on one, and a high-definition enlarged picture suddenly appeared in front of him. Fu Xuezhou's eyes paused.

The two people in the picture were standing close together in a dim underground garage, exuding an extremely ambiguous atmosphere. The blond man had a sexy and alluring smile on his lips, his hands gently wrapped around the waist of the person in his embrace. The CEO in a suit and leather shoes exuded a powerful aura, tall and upright, not inferior to anyone. Even if only a side profile was visible, one could see that this person's features were sharp and handsome.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, creating an atmosphere of ambiguity that was extraordinary.

This clear picture vividly entered Fu Xuezhou's eyes, making the dark pupils of the silver-haired man even more inscrutable.

Fu Xuezhou lowered his head to look at the picture for more than ten seconds. Then his gaze swept down and saw the red entertainment headline below.

"King of Songs Wen Jiu and Tycoon CEO's Relationship Exposed!"

Relationship... Exposed?

Cui Ansheng sent him a new message, seemingly concerned but actually gossiping, "Ah Zhou, are you becoming someone's mistress?"

Fu Xuezhou turned off his phone, reducing the light source in the room by one, making it even darker. He leaned back, and his wet silver hair spread out on the back of the sofa.

The last rays of the setting sun shining through the gap in the curtains fell on Fu Xuezhou's forehead, illuminating the dewdrops on his forehead like golden spots.

Fu Xuezhou's expression was hidden in the shadows, his face devoid of emotion, as if he was thinking about something, yet also as if he wasn't thinking about anything. After a while, he lazily picked up the cigarette box and lighter from the coffee table, took out a cigarette, and bent his pale neck slightly. Fu Xuezhou lowered his head to light the cigarette, the flame brightened for a moment, then quickly disappeared.

The golden spot of sunlight moved slowly on his face, from his forehead to his nose bridge, and gradually to the corner of Fu Xuezhou's lips, where he held the cigarette butt, emitting a faintly dark and seductive charm. Fu Xuezhou's expression was inscrutable, and when the golden spot gradually disappeared, he coldly lifted the corner of his mouth, devoid of any smile.

"He's deliberately provoking me..."

Author's Note:

Lou Yan: Well, can't I?

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