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Monster Resurgence Chapter 97

Chapter 97

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Lou Yan’s lips lightly opened, his voice hoarse like the wind, “He had many chances to catch me, but he didn’t. He wants to push me to a dead end, and then let me come to him voluntarily…”

Just like that eagle, that lion, turning from a ferocious beast into a domesticated poultry that only eats food given by Fu Xuezhou.

“But he still doesn’t understand me enough,” Lou Yan put down his hand covering his eyes, his lips lifted high, his eyes filled with a hint of indescribable danger, “He wants to make me come to him voluntarily, right? Then let’s go find him.”

Li Sanxin frowned, unbelievingly, “Are we going to find Fu Xuezhou?”

Lou Yan straightened up from the wall, smiling, “Yeah,” he said, “But before we find him, we have to find his lackeys…”


Three hunters were sitting on the sofa, complaining about Fu Xuezhou.

The irritable man wearing a clown mask kicked the table in front of him with each step, cracking the glass table. Under the mask, the man’s face was terribly dark, and his words were filled with resentment and hatred, “I really want to kill that little pretty boy… d*mn it… he’s treating us like his dogs to catch people… we’re worse than those prisoners!”

The weak man hunched over fearfully, his hands on his knees, “Mr. Fu asked us to catch people, but every time we go, we almost catch them… I’m running out of breath and getting hungry…”

A little girl with an exaggerated crying expression on her mask sat on a single sofa, she lifted the mask slightly, revealing a small part of her fair chin and lips, she put jerky into her mouth, her cheeks bulging with complaints, “Ah, so annoying! Big brother is so inconsiderate, we’ve killed so many people before and we’re tired, and now he’s making us go around catching people, our legs are sore! So annoying! So annoying! So annoying, so uncomfortable!”

The irritable man kicked the table again, “I’m so annoyed! That surname Fu is so despicable! Ahhh!”

The weak man sighed, trying to persuade, “Stop it, if Mr. Fu hears it, it won’t be good… Who?!”

He looked sensitively towards the hidden corner behind him. The little girl and the irritable man followed suit and turned to look behind.

A figure emerged from behind a thick pillar, it was a handsome man. The man was dressed in prisoner’s clothes, tall and with long legs, his temperament outstanding. He leaned against the pillar and looked at the hunters with a smile, “Hey.”

The little girl stared at Lou Yan with wide eyes, her eyes almost shining, “Wow! A very handsome big brother! Big brother, are you here to find me, the cute one? Wait a minute, are you…?”

She pouted, pushed the weak man next to her, “Old Zhou, Old Zhou, isn’t he the man that the boss told us to catch!”

The timid man reacted slowly, “Ah,” he exclaimed, cautiously glancing at Lou Yan for a moment, then nodded hesitantly and stuttered, “Y-yes… Black wavy hair, peach-blossom eyes, a small mole above the left eyebrow… The characteristics Mr. Fu mentioned are the same as his.”

“Wow! Big boss really hit the nail on the head!” The little girl jumped up from the sofa, bounced over to Lou Yan, “Handsome guy, you came out just in time. Little cutie like me, I was getting impatient to go around and catch you. We didn’t even know what the person we were supposed to catch looked like. The boss told us you would be forced to appear in front of us, but I didn’t expect you to really show up on your own!”

She looked at Lou Yan excitedly, her cute hands behind her back, bending down slightly, “Brother, what’s your relationship with the boss? How did you provoke him? Why did he make us come to catch you?”

The irritable man, seeing Lou Yan as the person Fu Xuezhou wanted them to catch, immediately became bad-tempered and glared at Lou Yan, cursing as he stood up and stomped over, “Finally caught someone, d*mn it, exhausted me, hurry up and send him to that little pretty boy!”

He angrily grabbed Lou Yan’s collar, glaring menacingly at him, “You’re also a little pretty boy… You knew we were going to catch you, why didn’t you come out earlier? Letting me run around wasting so much time, d*mn it, you’re just as despicable as that little pretty boy!”

With that, he raised his fist to punch Lou Yan.

But before his fist could reach Lou Yan, Lou Yan grabbed his arm, and although the irritable man’s arm was bulging with veins, he was unable to move it forward at all under Lou Yan’s grip.

Lou Yan’s smile didn’t waver, his expression relaxed, but his words were not so pleasant anymore, “Can’t beat Fu Xuezhou, so you’re venting your anger on me? Are you transferring your anger, or just picking on an easy target? Is this the level of hunters? So… blind?”

This infuriated the irritable man, who grabbed Lou Yan’s collar tightly, “You little…”

Lou Yan smiled, using his other hand to grab the irritable man’s wrist that was holding his collar, with a forceful tug, he pulled the irritable man’s hand down.

“Don’t get excited, Mr. Hunter,” Lou Yan released the irritable man, under the irritable man’s murderous gaze, he smiled slightly, his lips curling up, “I’m here to discuss a cooperation with the three of you.”

“Cooperation, my *ss!” the irritable man yelled, “What cooperation can you discuss with me?”

The weak man stole a glance at Lou Yan and then lowered his head.

The little girl’s interest in Lou Yan grew stronger, she didn’t mind chatting with Lou Yan a bit more, and asked curiously, “What cooperation?”

“The cooperation to counter-attack Fu Xuezhou,” Lou Yan chuckled softly. He looked at the eyes of the three hunters, each with a different expression, raised a finger to his lips and made a “shh” sound, whispering, “You’re also not satisfied with being suppressed by Fu Xuezhou, right? That guy is a complete dictator. You’re all hunters, but he doesn’t see you as hunters. In his eyes, you’re just slightly better than us prisoners… Even though you have the same status, you’re still being manipulated by that guy. Do you three really accept being held under the thumb of an undergraduate who hasn’t even graduated?”

The irritable man’s voice was so sharp it almost cracked, “University student?! That little pretty boy is actually an undergraduate? I’m being used as a horse by a university student… d*mn it! How can I be willing? That Fu guy is making me lose face!”

The weak man’s eyes flickered, his mouth opened and closed, but he didn’t dare to speak. But from the subtle expression on his face, it was clear that there was a change in his heart.

The little girl remained silent for a moment, then giggled again, “Although I’m not willing, we can’t beat the boss. Brother, are you here to sow discord? But it’s a pity, even if what you said is right, we still dare not act rashly against the boss.”

Not dare to act rashly, does that mean they would dare to act if there was a foolproof plan?

Lou Yan smiled faintly.

The reason he came to find these hunters was because he saw their dissatisfaction and resentment towards Fu Xuezhou.

“You guys are strong here, but can’t you all together beat Fu Xuezhou alone?”

Lou Yan looked at the hesitant expressions of the three hunters.

He was exceptionally good-looking, so much so that regardless of gender or age, everyone could feel the charm emanating from him. His peach blossom eyes were usually filled with laziness or sharpness, but when those affectionate eyes looked at others, it made people feel like his eyes were as deep as a pool of water, full of overwhelming affection.

The little girl was delighted to be looked at by him, sighing, “Can’t beat him, big boss is really powerful! I’m scared as soon as I see him!”

“If, in addition to you three, there are other prisoners with gifted abilities?”

At Lou Yan’s words, the three hunters looked at each other. The weak man timidly asked, “… What do you mean?”

“The enemy of our enemy is our friend,” Lou Yan said, “Fu Xuezhou forcing you to catch me, not only do you feel dissatisfied, but me and my friends are also dissatisfied. It just so happens that my friends and I have awakened some decent gifted abilities. If the three of you together can’t beat Fu Xuezhou, can’t we beat him together?”

Lou Yan looked at their wavering expressions, raised an eyebrow slightly, and continued, “Gentlemen, think about it carefully. This level is a rare opportunity to get rid of Fu Xuezhou… If we don’t get rid of him now, he will only become more and more overbearing in the next few levels. Are you willing to continue to submit to him? Let us prisoners, let those strange spectators see you obediently following him like dogs…” 

The irritable man suddenly clenched his fists, his bones making a cracking sound. He breathed heavily, clearly ignited by Lou Yan’s words, but his anger did not dispel his skepticism. “Why do you say this level is a rare opportunity to get rid of that little white face?” 

Lou Yan couldn’t help but smile, seemingly helpless and mocking the irritable man’s intelligence, “Mr. Hunter, have you forgotten? In the resting area of ​​the fifth floor, no one can kill anyone.” 

The irritable man, who was initially annoyed by his laughter, was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic. “Right! In that case, even if we fail, that guy named Fu can’t kill us!”

The little girl nodded heavily, “Big brother, your words really moved me.”

The weak man’s expression changed, he squinted slightly, but his voice was that of a mature woman, “You little prisoner, you really know how to talk. In this level, Fu Xuezhou can’t kill us, but we also can’t kill him.”

Lou Yan calmly said, “So, I have a plan here.”

The little girl asked, “What plan?”

Lou Yan stepped forward and approached them, lowering his voice, “As long as you find a way to take off the hunter clothes and mask from Fu Xuezhou, he won’t be a hunter anymore, and we prisoners can help you deal with him together… Even if we can’t kill Fu Xuezhou on this level, we can make his life miserable, make him lose the ability to resist. As long as he can’t resist, when we leave this floor, we can still kill him, right?”

He chuckled softly, “By then, he will become a prisoner, and you will still be the superior hunters. Then you can retaliate against him however you want, isn’t that satisfying?”

The three hunters looked at each other, seeing the hesitation in each other’s hearts.


Lou Yan smiled at them, then suddenly reached out to pat the little girl’s hair, praising, “You’re really cute.”


After the hunters arrived at the fifth floor, they occupied the best room here. Fu Xuezhou’s room, on the other hand, was the largest and most comfortable among the hunter rooms.

The three hunters knocked on Fu Xuezhou’s door, and after hearing a cold “come in” from inside, they pushed the door and walked in.

The room was spacious, with a separate bathroom and bath, a large double bed, and luxurious furniture.

The room was mainly black, gray, and white, with the air conditioning set to a low temperature, making the whole room lifelessly cold.

The hunters discreetly glanced at each other, took a few steps forward, and saw Fu Xuezhou standing in front of the window in the living room.

The man had his back to them, broad shoulders and long legs, tall and slender. The black prison uniform on him was immaculate, and his anomaly silver hair hung down his back.

Outside the window was darkness.

The window was sealed shut and couldn’t be opened. The darkness outside wasn’t just darkness; it was the chaotic void created by the anomaly.

The irritable man swallowed hard, staring at Fu Xuezhou’s back, “Hey, pretty boy, we found the person you wanted.”

The silver-haired hunter turned slightly to look at them, his face still covered by a blank mask, sending shivers down their spines, “Where is he?”

The little girl giggled, “The handsome guy didn’t want to come over! But he asked us to bring you something, Old Zhou!”

The weak man nodded his head and carefully took out a neatly folded white paper from his pocket, “He gave us… this, said it’s for you.”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 97

Monster Resurgence Chapter 97

Chapter 97

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Lou Yan's lips lightly opened, his voice hoarse like the wind, "He had many chances to catch me, but he didn't. He wants to push me to a dead end, and then let me come to him voluntarily..."

Just like that eagle, that lion, turning from a ferocious beast into a domesticated poultry that only eats food given by Fu Xuezhou.

"But he still doesn't understand me enough," Lou Yan put down his hand covering his eyes, his lips lifted high, his eyes filled with a hint of indescribable danger, "He wants to make me come to him voluntarily, right? Then let's go find him."

Li Sanxin frowned, unbelievingly, "Are we going to find Fu Xuezhou?"

Lou Yan straightened up from the wall, smiling, "Yeah," he said, "But before we find him, we have to find his lackeys..."


Three hunters were sitting on the sofa, complaining about Fu Xuezhou.

The irritable man wearing a clown mask kicked the table in front of him with each step, cracking the glass table. Under the mask, the man's face was terribly dark, and his words were filled with resentment and hatred, "I really want to kill that little pretty boy... d*mn it... he's treating us like his dogs to catch people... we're worse than those prisoners!"

The weak man hunched over fearfully, his hands on his knees, "Mr. Fu asked us to catch people, but every time we go, we almost catch them... I'm running out of breath and getting hungry..."

A little girl with an exaggerated crying expression on her mask sat on a single sofa, she lifted the mask slightly, revealing a small part of her fair chin and lips, she put jerky into her mouth, her cheeks bulging with complaints, "Ah, so annoying! Big brother is so inconsiderate, we've killed so many people before and we're tired, and now he's making us go around catching people, our legs are sore! So annoying! So annoying! So annoying, so uncomfortable!"

The irritable man kicked the table again, "I'm so annoyed! That surname Fu is so despicable! Ahhh!"

The weak man sighed, trying to persuade, "Stop it, if Mr. Fu hears it, it won't be good... Who?!"

He looked sensitively towards the hidden corner behind him. The little girl and the irritable man followed suit and turned to look behind.

A figure emerged from behind a thick pillar, it was a handsome man. The man was dressed in prisoner's clothes, tall and with long legs, his temperament outstanding. He leaned against the pillar and looked at the hunters with a smile, "Hey."

The little girl stared at Lou Yan with wide eyes, her eyes almost shining, "Wow! A very handsome big brother! Big brother, are you here to find me, the cute one? Wait a minute, are you...?"

She pouted, pushed the weak man next to her, "Old Zhou, Old Zhou, isn't he the man that the boss told us to catch!"

The timid man reacted slowly, "Ah," he exclaimed, cautiously glancing at Lou Yan for a moment, then nodded hesitantly and stuttered, "Y-yes... Black wavy hair, peach-blossom eyes, a small mole above the left eyebrow... The characteristics Mr. Fu mentioned are the same as his."

"Wow! Big boss really hit the nail on the head!" The little girl jumped up from the sofa, bounced over to Lou Yan, "Handsome guy, you came out just in time. Little cutie like me, I was getting impatient to go around and catch you. We didn't even know what the person we were supposed to catch looked like. The boss told us you would be forced to appear in front of us, but I didn't expect you to really show up on your own!"

She looked at Lou Yan excitedly, her cute hands behind her back, bending down slightly, "Brother, what's your relationship with the boss? How did you provoke him? Why did he make us come to catch you?"

The irritable man, seeing Lou Yan as the person Fu Xuezhou wanted them to catch, immediately became bad-tempered and glared at Lou Yan, cursing as he stood up and stomped over, "Finally caught someone, d*mn it, exhausted me, hurry up and send him to that little pretty boy!"

He angrily grabbed Lou Yan's collar, glaring menacingly at him, "You're also a little pretty boy... You knew we were going to catch you, why didn't you come out earlier? Letting me run around wasting so much time, d*mn it, you're just as despicable as that little pretty boy!"

With that, he raised his fist to punch Lou Yan.

But before his fist could reach Lou Yan, Lou Yan grabbed his arm, and although the irritable man's arm was bulging with veins, he was unable to move it forward at all under Lou Yan's grip.

Lou Yan's smile didn't waver, his expression relaxed, but his words were not so pleasant anymore, "Can't beat Fu Xuezhou, so you're venting your anger on me? Are you transferring your anger, or just picking on an easy target? Is this the level of hunters? So... blind?"

This infuriated the irritable man, who grabbed Lou Yan's collar tightly, "You little..."

Lou Yan smiled, using his other hand to grab the irritable man's wrist that was holding his collar, with a forceful tug, he pulled the irritable man's hand down.

"Don't get excited, Mr. Hunter," Lou Yan released the irritable man, under the irritable man's murderous gaze, he smiled slightly, his lips curling up, "I'm here to discuss a cooperation with the three of you."

"Cooperation, my *ss!" the irritable man yelled, "What cooperation can you discuss with me?"

The weak man stole a glance at Lou Yan and then lowered his head.

The little girl's interest in Lou Yan grew stronger, she didn't mind chatting with Lou Yan a bit more, and asked curiously, "What cooperation?"

"The cooperation to counter-attack Fu Xuezhou," Lou Yan chuckled softly. He looked at the eyes of the three hunters, each with a different expression, raised a finger to his lips and made a "shh" sound, whispering, "You're also not satisfied with being suppressed by Fu Xuezhou, right? That guy is a complete dictator. You're all hunters, but he doesn't see you as hunters. In his eyes, you're just slightly better than us prisoners... Even though you have the same status, you're still being manipulated by that guy. Do you three really accept being held under the thumb of an undergraduate who hasn't even graduated?"

The irritable man's voice was so sharp it almost cracked, "University student?! That little pretty boy is actually an undergraduate? I'm being used as a horse by a university student... d*mn it! How can I be willing? That Fu guy is making me lose face!"

The weak man's eyes flickered, his mouth opened and closed, but he didn't dare to speak. But from the subtle expression on his face, it was clear that there was a change in his heart.

The little girl remained silent for a moment, then giggled again, "Although I'm not willing, we can't beat the boss. Brother, are you here to sow discord? But it's a pity, even if what you said is right, we still dare not act rashly against the boss."

Not dare to act rashly, does that mean they would dare to act if there was a foolproof plan?

Lou Yan smiled faintly.

The reason he came to find these hunters was because he saw their dissatisfaction and resentment towards Fu Xuezhou.

"You guys are strong here, but can't you all together beat Fu Xuezhou alone?"

Lou Yan looked at the hesitant expressions of the three hunters.

He was exceptionally good-looking, so much so that regardless of gender or age, everyone could feel the charm emanating from him. His peach blossom eyes were usually filled with laziness or sharpness, but when those affectionate eyes looked at others, it made people feel like his eyes were as deep as a pool of water, full of overwhelming affection.

The little girl was delighted to be looked at by him, sighing, "Can't beat him, big boss is really powerful! I'm scared as soon as I see him!"

"If, in addition to you three, there are other prisoners with gifted abilities?"

At Lou Yan's words, the three hunters looked at each other. The weak man timidly asked, "... What do you mean?"

"The enemy of our enemy is our friend," Lou Yan said, "Fu Xuezhou forcing you to catch me, not only do you feel dissatisfied, but me and my friends are also dissatisfied. It just so happens that my friends and I have awakened some decent gifted abilities. If the three of you together can't beat Fu Xuezhou, can't we beat him together?"

Lou Yan looked at their wavering expressions, raised an eyebrow slightly, and continued, "Gentlemen, think about it carefully. This level is a rare opportunity to get rid of Fu Xuezhou... If we don't get rid of him now, he will only become more and more overbearing in the next few levels. Are you willing to continue to submit to him? Let us prisoners, let those strange spectators see you obediently following him like dogs..." 

The irritable man suddenly clenched his fists, his bones making a cracking sound. He breathed heavily, clearly ignited by Lou Yan's words, but his anger did not dispel his skepticism. "Why do you say this level is a rare opportunity to get rid of that little white face?" 

Lou Yan couldn't help but smile, seemingly helpless and mocking the irritable man's intelligence, "Mr. Hunter, have you forgotten? In the resting area of ​​the fifth floor, no one can kill anyone." 

The irritable man, who was initially annoyed by his laughter, was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic. "Right! In that case, even if we fail, that guy named Fu can't kill us!"

The little girl nodded heavily, "Big brother, your words really moved me."

The weak man's expression changed, he squinted slightly, but his voice was that of a mature woman, "You little prisoner, you really know how to talk. In this level, Fu Xuezhou can't kill us, but we also can't kill him."

Lou Yan calmly said, "So, I have a plan here."

The little girl asked, "What plan?"

Lou Yan stepped forward and approached them, lowering his voice, "As long as you find a way to take off the hunter clothes and mask from Fu Xuezhou, he won't be a hunter anymore, and we prisoners can help you deal with him together... Even if we can't kill Fu Xuezhou on this level, we can make his life miserable, make him lose the ability to resist. As long as he can't resist, when we leave this floor, we can still kill him, right?"

He chuckled softly, "By then, he will become a prisoner, and you will still be the superior hunters. Then you can retaliate against him however you want, isn't that satisfying?"

The three hunters looked at each other, seeing the hesitation in each other's hearts.


Lou Yan smiled at them, then suddenly reached out to pat the little girl's hair, praising, "You're really cute."


After the hunters arrived at the fifth floor, they occupied the best room here. Fu Xuezhou's room, on the other hand, was the largest and most comfortable among the hunter rooms.

The three hunters knocked on Fu Xuezhou's door, and after hearing a cold "come in" from inside, they pushed the door and walked in.

The room was spacious, with a separate bathroom and bath, a large double bed, and luxurious furniture.

The room was mainly black, gray, and white, with the air conditioning set to a low temperature, making the whole room lifelessly cold.

The hunters discreetly glanced at each other, took a few steps forward, and saw Fu Xuezhou standing in front of the window in the living room.

The man had his back to them, broad shoulders and long legs, tall and slender. The black prison uniform on him was immaculate, and his anomaly silver hair hung down his back.

Outside the window was darkness.

The window was sealed shut and couldn't be opened. The darkness outside wasn't just darkness; it was the chaotic void created by the anomaly.

The irritable man swallowed hard, staring at Fu Xuezhou's back, "Hey, pretty boy, we found the person you wanted."

The silver-haired hunter turned slightly to look at them, his face still covered by a blank mask, sending shivers down their spines, "Where is he?"

The little girl giggled, "The handsome guy didn't want to come over! But he asked us to bring you something, Old Zhou!"

The weak man nodded his head and carefully took out a neatly folded white paper from his pocket, "He gave us... this, said it's for you."

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