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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Another Mischief

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Inside the hotel, the guests were full.

Jian Ningxuan walked down the red carpet holding An Bu in his arms, completing the final ceremony in front of everyone.

Many people originally thought that An Bu was just an orphan, and there wouldn’t be many relatives and friends attending the wedding. Even if there were, they would probably be some insignificant people. However, although An Bu had few friends, they were all influential figures.

The CEO of Jinhai Group, Shen Muran, the up-and-coming young director Zhang Tingnan, the popular star Yu Hao, the well-known female entrepreneur Fei Xinjue, the foreign celebrity Silvia, the president of the Sunshi Group, Sun Bohan, and his wife, and their son, Sun Zhuobai, the real estate tycoon of Country R, Funan, and even a police captain. Some couldn’t attend but sent their blessings, such as the two doctors, Yutafu and Shila, and the people An Bu had saved before. Some she didn’t even remember, but upon hearing the news of her marriage, they took the initiative to come forward.

These people arrived one by one, leaving many people’s jaws dropping.

Wasn’t An Bu an orphan? Just a small-time translator? How did she know these people? Knowing them is one thing, but how come they were willing to come and show their support for her?

How did they know how many people An, the old corpse, had saved in the past eighty years, and how many of them were big shots in their respective fields? But she rarely left her name, and most of the people she saved didn’t know who she was.

The wedding was very successful, and after the banquet, Jian Ningxuan moved into the new home with his beloved wife.

An Bu took off her dress and put on the home clothes she had designed herself, standing on the balcony admiring the sea view. The sea breeze blew, the sound of waves echoed, and as far as the eye could see, it was still a monotonous gray-white.

A pair of strong arms reached out from behind, pulling her into an embrace. The world in front of her suddenly became colorful and beautiful.

“Mrs. Jian, where do you plan to go for our honeymoon?” Jian Ningxuan’s smiling voice sounded in An Bu’s ears.

“Mr. Jian, any suggestions?” An Bu turned around, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Everything is up to Mrs. Jian.” Jian Ningxuan wore a satisfied expression, as if to say, “I’m done struggling, now I just want to be a pet.”

An Bu smiled and said, “There are many places I want to go. Let’s make a travel plan together and travel several times a year in the future.”


The two of them stayed at home and made a world map, marking hundreds of travel destinations, and also inserted 24 cat face flags. This was An Bu’s plan to buy a cat house for Jian Ningxuan, but she had only bought one set so far.

“I’m going to make a lot of money.” An Bu looked at the cat face flags on the map. “With all these properties, it will be worth billions at least.”

“How do you plan to make money?” Jian Ningxuan was ready to help her with financial management. As an experienced, well-funded, and market-savvy trader, making a few billion a year would be no problem.

Ann roughly calculated her assets. Besides Gu An, she had several temporary identities with large deposits, properties, and land, but she wasn’t sure how much exactly. It should be safe to use some of them for investment. However, investment generally takes time to yield results, often taking one or two years or even five or six, and there’s always the risk of loss. As for setting up factories and such, it’s basically not worth considering.

After some thought, she realized that the fastest way to make money was surprisingly through financial stock trading. If she were just a retail investor, she might not make much money, but she happened to have a trading expert by her side. If she gave him tens of billions, he might double it in a year. However, making money this way wasn’t fun, and what was the point of casually taking out tens of billions? An Bu didn’t need money, and there was no need to rush to buy a cat house. She just set a goal to enjoy the process of achieving it.

“I’ve decided! I’ll work to earn money in the future, and you’ll be in charge of financial management and investment.” An Bu took out her bank card. “Mr. Jian, it’s time to test you. Thirty years from now, I want to have an island for exclusive cat people.”

Jian Ningxuan took her bank card and felt the pressure of life once again.

The next day, Jian Ningxuan took An Bu to visit the Jian family, met the parents, and then invited friends out to celebrate.

Jian Ningxuan was in a good mood and had a few more drinks than usual. He was prepared not to get drunk, but those who were desperately toasting him were all knocked out by An Bu.

After the dispersal, others were picked up by drivers, but An Bu drove herself. On the way, they encountered a traffic police checkpoint for drunk driving, but miraculously, no problems were found. An, the old corpse, could decompose alcohol and food directly, without even needing to use the restroom.

Back at the villa, Jian Ningxuan was tipsy and took a long time to fall asleep.

An Bu took care of him meticulously, like taking care of a baby.

Leaving the room, An Bu walked into the gym, running on the treadmill while checking the Book of Life and Death. Currently, there was a difference of over two million between her vitality value and death value. According to her estimate, as long as her vitality value exceeded the death value, she would be able to fully regain normal perception and gain a new life.

Collecting over two million vitality points wasn’t that easy. An Bu wandered for more than eighty years before meeting Jian Ningxuan. People with such strong vitality usually lived to a ripe old age, and even if she encountered a second one, she wouldn’t need to save them. The accident Jian Ningxuan had encountered last time was probably influenced by her death aura unconsciously changing his fate, so it was imperative to increase the vitality value to prevent the people around her from being in danger.

She had to be more proactive in saving people.

The easiest place to gain vitality points was on the battlefield, but it was also the easiest place to absorb death points, so she couldn’t go there herself, but mainly provided medicine. That’s what she did back then. At that time, wars were frequent, and every day there were several people who survived because of the medicine she donated. Later, as the war diminished, the phenomenon of embezzlement increased gradually. Out of 100 doses of medicine delivered to the battlefield, only ten or twenty might be left in the end, and her vitality points decreased more and more. She even stopped supplying medicine in the end and turned to support disaster areas, establishing medical funds. But now, with better policies, people in disaster areas would be properly arranged by the government as long as they survived. Her support was just the icing on the cake and had nothing to do with saving lives. The medical fund still received quite a few terminally ill patients every year, but few could be cured in the end, most of them just had their lives extended by a few years.

Compared to that, An Bu found that she was more efficient in saving people herself, although the fund still existed, she no longer hoped to take shortcuts with money.

After some thought, it seemed that she still had to accumulate it slowly.

An Bu silently arranged her work, temporarily focusing on end-of-life care, and in her spare time, besides studying, she would do more part-time jobs in bustling areas to find salvation targets. She kept an eye on the news, running wherever rescue was needed.

After finishing her workout, An Bu returned to the living room, turned on the TV, and adjusted the volume to the minimum. Just then, a phone rang in the living room. Following the sound, she found Jian Ningxuan’s phone on the coffee table. Picking it up, she saw the caller ID: Bodyguard 203. 

An Bu didn’t want to wake Jian Ningxuan, so she directly pressed the answer button. Before she could speak, she heard the composed voice of the bodyguard from the other end: “Mr. Jian, someone just tried to take Molly away.”

An Bu’s face darkened. “Who?”

Upon hearing An Bu’s voice, the bodyguard hesitated for a moment before responding, “Molly’s uncle and aunt. About an hour ago, they used the excuse of returning to their hometown to say goodbye to Molly. Then, when the nanny wasn’t paying attention, they tried to take Molly away in a car, but we intercepted them in time.”

An Bu furrowed her brow. If they were taking Molly away at this time, their intentions were definitely not pure. Could they have discovered something?

“How did you handle it?”

“We detained them in the car.”

“I’ll be there soon.” An Bu glanced towards the bedroom direction, refraining from waking Jian Ningxuan, and left a text message before heading out.

Arriving at Molly’s house, An Bu immediately noticed a car parked outside. She walked over and knocked on the car window.

The bodyguard opened the car door for An Bu to get in.

Inside the car, a middle-aged couple sat together, Molly’s uncle and aunt, Mo Kang and Tian Qingmei.

“Tell me, why were you trying to abduct Molly?” An Bu stared at them intently.

“Abduct? Who’s abducting? We just wanted to take our niece out for a little fun.” Mo Kang said, tilting his head back.

An Bu stepped on the seat, her voice cold. “Molly’s mother passed away, and her father is still in a coma. Why did you suddenly appear to take their daughter out to ‘play’? Did Molly agree?”

Mo Kang avoided An Bu’s gaze, unable to speak.

“Did someone ask you to do this?”

“No, no one did,” the two of them denied in unison.

“So, you’re the masterminds?”

“No! How could we be the masterminds?” Mo Kang hurriedly explained.

“Then who is the mastermind?”

“It’s…” Mo Kang almost blurted out, then realized and glared at An Bu.

“You don’t have to say it. I already know.” An Bu waved her hand and instructed, “Take them to the police station and let the police check their accounts to see if there have been any strange transactions recently.”

Mo Kang and Tian Qingmei paled, pleading, “We’re sorry, we were wrong, we were desperate and had no choice but to do this.”

“What’s going on exactly? As long as you tell the truth, I’ll let you go.”

“Will you keep your word?” Mo Kang’s eyes lit up with hope.

An Bu nodded expressionlessly.

Mo Kang gritted his teeth and said, “It’s like this. A few days ago, someone found me, claiming to be my brother’s coworker, wanting to meet his daughter and offer her some help. We thought it was just a simple meeting, nothing serious, so we agreed. But the nanny always stayed with Molly and wouldn’t let her meet strangers, so we decided to take her away directly.”

“If it was just a meeting, they could have come to visit openly. Why ask for your help?” 

Mo Kang hesitated and said, “They also said they wanted to give Molly a full-body checkup to ensure her health, and after the checkup, they could send her back. I guess they might be interested in this little girl. Many men in our village have such preferences…”

Slap! An Bu’s hand landed on his face. “You’re disgusting!”

The two bodyguards beside her also showed disgust.

However, An Bu knew that the other party definitely couldn’t be a pedophile, most likely they were people who wanted to get research materials. They were probably just suspicious; otherwise, they wouldn’t have approached Mo Kang and Tian Qingmei but would have taken direct action.

“Have you arranged where to meet?” An Bu asked again.

“They will contact me later and tell me the address.”

“Okay, then we’ll wait.”

Really, causing trouble on the third day of marriage, An Old Corpse felt quite helpless.

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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 125

My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Another Mischief

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Inside the hotel, the guests were full.

Jian Ningxuan walked down the red carpet holding An Bu in his arms, completing the final ceremony in front of everyone.

Many people originally thought that An Bu was just an orphan, and there wouldn't be many relatives and friends attending the wedding. Even if there were, they would probably be some insignificant people. However, although An Bu had few friends, they were all influential figures.

The CEO of Jinhai Group, Shen Muran, the up-and-coming young director Zhang Tingnan, the popular star Yu Hao, the well-known female entrepreneur Fei Xinjue, the foreign celebrity Silvia, the president of the Sunshi Group, Sun Bohan, and his wife, and their son, Sun Zhuobai, the real estate tycoon of Country R, Funan, and even a police captain. Some couldn't attend but sent their blessings, such as the two doctors, Yutafu and Shila, and the people An Bu had saved before. Some she didn't even remember, but upon hearing the news of her marriage, they took the initiative to come forward.

These people arrived one by one, leaving many people's jaws dropping.

Wasn't An Bu an orphan? Just a small-time translator? How did she know these people? Knowing them is one thing, but how come they were willing to come and show their support for her?

How did they know how many people An, the old corpse, had saved in the past eighty years, and how many of them were big shots in their respective fields? But she rarely left her name, and most of the people she saved didn't know who she was.

The wedding was very successful, and after the banquet, Jian Ningxuan moved into the new home with his beloved wife.

An Bu took off her dress and put on the home clothes she had designed herself, standing on the balcony admiring the sea view. The sea breeze blew, the sound of waves echoed, and as far as the eye could see, it was still a monotonous gray-white.

A pair of strong arms reached out from behind, pulling her into an embrace. The world in front of her suddenly became colorful and beautiful.

"Mrs. Jian, where do you plan to go for our honeymoon?" Jian Ningxuan's smiling voice sounded in An Bu’s ears.

"Mr. Jian, any suggestions?" An Bu turned around, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Everything is up to Mrs. Jian." Jian Ningxuan wore a satisfied expression, as if to say, "I'm done struggling, now I just want to be a pet."

An Bu smiled and said, "There are many places I want to go. Let's make a travel plan together and travel several times a year in the future."


The two of them stayed at home and made a world map, marking hundreds of travel destinations, and also inserted 24 cat face flags. This was An Bu’s plan to buy a cat house for Jian Ningxuan, but she had only bought one set so far.

"I'm going to make a lot of money." An Bu looked at the cat face flags on the map. "With all these properties, it will be worth billions at least."

"How do you plan to make money?" Jian Ningxuan was ready to help her with financial management. As an experienced, well-funded, and market-savvy trader, making a few billion a year would be no problem.

Ann roughly calculated her assets. Besides Gu An, she had several temporary identities with large deposits, properties, and land, but she wasn't sure how much exactly. It should be safe to use some of them for investment. However, investment generally takes time to yield results, often taking one or two years or even five or six, and there's always the risk of loss. As for setting up factories and such, it's basically not worth considering.

After some thought, she realized that the fastest way to make money was surprisingly through financial stock trading. If she were just a retail investor, she might not make much money, but she happened to have a trading expert by her side. If she gave him tens of billions, he might double it in a year. However, making money this way wasn't fun, and what was the point of casually taking out tens of billions? An Bu didn't need money, and there was no need to rush to buy a cat house. She just set a goal to enjoy the process of achieving it.

"I've decided! I'll work to earn money in the future, and you'll be in charge of financial management and investment." An Bu took out her bank card. "Mr. Jian, it's time to test you. Thirty years from now, I want to have an island for exclusive cat people."

Jian Ningxuan took her bank card and felt the pressure of life once again.

The next day, Jian Ningxuan took An Bu to visit the Jian family, met the parents, and then invited friends out to celebrate.

Jian Ningxuan was in a good mood and had a few more drinks than usual. He was prepared not to get drunk, but those who were desperately toasting him were all knocked out by An Bu.

After the dispersal, others were picked up by drivers, but An Bu drove herself. On the way, they encountered a traffic police checkpoint for drunk driving, but miraculously, no problems were found. An, the old corpse, could decompose alcohol and food directly, without even needing to use the restroom.

Back at the villa, Jian Ningxuan was tipsy and took a long time to fall asleep.

An Bu took care of him meticulously, like taking care of a baby.

Leaving the room, An Bu walked into the gym, running on the treadmill while checking the Book of Life and Death. Currently, there was a difference of over two million between her vitality value and death value. According to her estimate, as long as her vitality value exceeded the death value, she would be able to fully regain normal perception and gain a new life.

Collecting over two million vitality points wasn't that easy. An Bu wandered for more than eighty years before meeting Jian Ningxuan. People with such strong vitality usually lived to a ripe old age, and even if she encountered a second one, she wouldn't need to save them. The accident Jian Ningxuan had encountered last time was probably influenced by her death aura unconsciously changing his fate, so it was imperative to increase the vitality value to prevent the people around her from being in danger.

She had to be more proactive in saving people.

The easiest place to gain vitality points was on the battlefield, but it was also the easiest place to absorb death points, so she couldn't go there herself, but mainly provided medicine. That's what she did back then. At that time, wars were frequent, and every day there were several people who survived because of the medicine she donated. Later, as the war diminished, the phenomenon of embezzlement increased gradually. Out of 100 doses of medicine delivered to the battlefield, only ten or twenty might be left in the end, and her vitality points decreased more and more. She even stopped supplying medicine in the end and turned to support disaster areas, establishing medical funds. But now, with better policies, people in disaster areas would be properly arranged by the government as long as they survived. Her support was just the icing on the cake and had nothing to do with saving lives. The medical fund still received quite a few terminally ill patients every year, but few could be cured in the end, most of them just had their lives extended by a few years.

Compared to that, An Bu found that she was more efficient in saving people herself, although the fund still existed, she no longer hoped to take shortcuts with money.

After some thought, it seemed that she still had to accumulate it slowly.

An Bu silently arranged her work, temporarily focusing on end-of-life care, and in her spare time, besides studying, she would do more part-time jobs in bustling areas to find salvation targets. She kept an eye on the news, running wherever rescue was needed.

After finishing her workout, An Bu returned to the living room, turned on the TV, and adjusted the volume to the minimum. Just then, a phone rang in the living room. Following the sound, she found Jian Ningxuan's phone on the coffee table. Picking it up, she saw the caller ID: Bodyguard 203. 

An Bu didn't want to wake Jian Ningxuan, so she directly pressed the answer button. Before she could speak, she heard the composed voice of the bodyguard from the other end: "Mr. Jian, someone just tried to take Molly away."

An Bu's face darkened. "Who?"

Upon hearing An Bu's voice, the bodyguard hesitated for a moment before responding, "Molly's uncle and aunt. About an hour ago, they used the excuse of returning to their hometown to say goodbye to Molly. Then, when the nanny wasn't paying attention, they tried to take Molly away in a car, but we intercepted them in time."

An Bu furrowed her brow. If they were taking Molly away at this time, their intentions were definitely not pure. Could they have discovered something?

"How did you handle it?"

"We detained them in the car."

"I'll be there soon." An Bu glanced towards the bedroom direction, refraining from waking Jian Ningxuan, and left a text message before heading out.

Arriving at Molly's house, An Bu immediately noticed a car parked outside. She walked over and knocked on the car window.

The bodyguard opened the car door for An Bu to get in.

Inside the car, a middle-aged couple sat together, Molly's uncle and aunt, Mo Kang and Tian Qingmei.

"Tell me, why were you trying to abduct Molly?" An Bu stared at them intently.

"Abduct? Who's abducting? We just wanted to take our niece out for a little fun." Mo Kang said, tilting his head back.

An Bu stepped on the seat, her voice cold. "Molly's mother passed away, and her father is still in a coma. Why did you suddenly appear to take their daughter out to 'play'? Did Molly agree?"

Mo Kang avoided An Bu's gaze, unable to speak.

"Did someone ask you to do this?"

"No, no one did," the two of them denied in unison.

"So, you're the masterminds?"

"No! How could we be the masterminds?" Mo Kang hurriedly explained.

"Then who is the mastermind?"

"It's..." Mo Kang almost blurted out, then realized and glared at An Bu.

"You don't have to say it. I already know." An Bu waved her hand and instructed, "Take them to the police station and let the police check their accounts to see if there have been any strange transactions recently."

Mo Kang and Tian Qingmei paled, pleading, "We're sorry, we were wrong, we were desperate and had no choice but to do this."

"What's going on exactly? As long as you tell the truth, I'll let you go."

"Will you keep your word?" Mo Kang's eyes lit up with hope.

An Bu nodded expressionlessly.

Mo Kang gritted his teeth and said, "It's like this. A few days ago, someone found me, claiming to be my brother's coworker, wanting to meet his daughter and offer her some help. We thought it was just a simple meeting, nothing serious, so we agreed. But the nanny always stayed with Molly and wouldn't let her meet strangers, so we decided to take her away directly."

"If it was just a meeting, they could have come to visit openly. Why ask for your help?" 

Mo Kang hesitated and said, "They also said they wanted to give Molly a full-body checkup to ensure her health, and after the checkup, they could send her back. I guess they might be interested in this little girl. Many men in our village have such preferences..."

Slap! An Bu's hand landed on his face. "You're disgusting!"

The two bodyguards beside her also showed disgust.

However, An Bu knew that the other party definitely couldn't be a pedophile, most likely they were people who wanted to get research materials. They were probably just suspicious; otherwise, they wouldn't have approached Mo Kang and Tian Qingmei but would have taken direct action.

"Have you arranged where to meet?" An Bu asked again.

"They will contact me later and tell me the address."

"Okay, then we'll wait."

Really, causing trouble on the third day of marriage, An Old Corpse felt quite helpless.

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