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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 137

Chapter 137: What a Coincidence

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The next day, while Fu Junyao was waiting for the results of Qu Xiu’s re-examination by the doctor, the Fu family arrived at the hospital in a grand manner, launching a barrage of accusations.

“Fu Junyao, you insisted on bringing Qu Xiu here for treatment, but her condition not only didn’t improve, but worsened. How did you take care of her?”

“I understand now, he did it on purpose. He appears righteous on the surface, guarding against us like thieves, but in reality, he is the one with ulterior motives.”

“The doctor clearly said Qu Xiu still had several months to live, but after you brought her out, she deteriorated rapidly. Fu Junyao, we will thoroughly investigate this matter. You’d better be sensible and confess, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude.”

“He’s an outsider after all, not on the same page as the Fu family.”

Their words were unified, as if they had already discussed it, splashing dirty water gleefully.

Fu Junyao watched them coldly, with no fluctuations in his heart. If it weren’t for Aunt Gu An, he might really have no defense this time. Initially, he had brought his mother to another province for recuperation, just to seek peace and quiet, but unexpectedly, it worsened her condition. The Fu family used this to attack him, and he indeed had no words to defend himself, only to endure silently.

Originally, he had wanted to transfer most of the property away, but these people didn’t care about Qu Xiu’s condition, only about pressuring him. It was truly chilling.

Fu Junyao allowed them to rant, his gaze drifting towards the elevator, waiting for someone’s arrival.

“Fu Junyao, this time we brought a lawyer. You figure it out yourself.” Fu Haiwei acted as if victory was already in his grasp, his tone carrying a hint of threat.

Fu Junyao shifted his gaze to him, mockery undisguised in his eyes.

He had long understood the plundering nature of this uncle. Previously, he had been suppressed by Aunt Gu An, not daring to go too far. Now that he had finally found a breakthrough, he naturally wouldn’t let it go. With only this one adopted son left for Fu Haiya, the rest were distant relatives, if this adopted son voluntarily backed down, he would become the one in control of the Fu family.

“The results of Mom’s examination haven’t come out yet,” Fu Junyao replied indifferently.

“Huh,” Fu Haiwei sneered, “Qu Xiu’s results came out yesterday. Did you think a miracle would happen overnight?”

Before the doctor could speak, Fu Haiwei was quick to ask, “How is she? How long does she have?”

Seeing his urgency, the doctor assumed he was worried about the patient and smiled reassuringly, “Don’t worry, the patient’s condition is better than I expected. The tumor not only hasn’t grown, but it has also shrunk significantly. As long as she cooperates with the treatment, I believe her condition will gradually improve.”

Fu Haiwei widened his eyes, “What did you say? I’ve already prepared for the worst, and now you’re telling me she’s fine and her condition will improve?!”

Others were equally incredulous. Wasn’t she critically ill? A turnaround in one night? Are you incompetent doctors?

“This is indeed a miracle,” the doctor sighed, “the patient’s will to survive is very strong.”

Everyone: Can you be any more far-fetched? Will to survive? Qu Xiu looks like she’s at death’s door, where is there any will to survive?!

Fu Junyao stepped forward and thanked, “Thank you, doctor. Will my mother’s condition relapse? What should I pay attention to normally?”

“At the moment, everything looks good. The tumor has been brought under control. We’ll need to observe for a few more days and see how the follow-up treatment progresses.”

“Wait a minute, Doctor,” Fu Haiwei questioned, “How can you say a malignant tumor is under control? Did you misdiagnose?”

The doctor looked displeased, “Please don’t casually question our professional ethics. Although the result is indeed unexpected, we absolutely did not misdiagnose.”

“You…” Fu Haiwei wanted to argue, but Fu Junyao coldly interrupted, “Uncle, aren’t you happy that Mom’s condition is improving?”

Screw your happiness!

Fu Haiwei glared at him fiercely, unable to spit out the words, nor swallow them.

“What a scene,” a crisp sound of high heels came from behind the crowd. They turned to see an elegant figure walking gracefully, accompanied by a teenage girl.

“Gu An?” Fu Haiwei and others exclaimed simultaneously.

“Older BrotherBrother,” Fu Hanshuang, who came with Gu An, hurriedly ran to Fu Junyao, anxiously asking, “How’s Mom?”

“She’s fine, don’t worry,” Fu Junyao reassured, then looked at the radiant figure.

“Seeing you all looking so downcast, I suppose you didn’t sleep well last night?” Gu An smiled, “Madam Qu would be greatly comforted if she knew you all cared about her condition so much.”

Everyone: “…” Could sarcasm be any more obvious?

“Why are you here?” Fu Haiwei asked impatiently.

“Madam Qu is currently bedridden. As the second guardian of Fu Hanshuang and Luo Tianlei, how can I not come at such a time?”

“We, the Fu family, don’t recognize your identity.”

“Since when do I need ‘recognition’ from your Fu family?” An Bu walked past them without looking at them, came to Fu Junyao’s side, and instructed, “Take your mother back to the ward and rest well. Don’t let others disturb her.”

“Okay.” Fu Junyao felt relieved, and with Fu Hanshuang and several bodyguards took Qu Xiu to the ward. As for Fu Haiwei and the others, they were left to be handled by Aunt Gu An.

Half an hour later, when Fu Junyao walked out of the ward, those people were gone, leaving only Gu An sitting on a bench playing with her phone.

Sensing his approach, she didn’t even lift her head and said, “Hungry? I’ve reserved a table. Let’s go have lunch with Shuangshuang later.”

Fu Junyao walked up to her, and glanced at her phone screen, noticing she was playing… Zombies Unleashed?

This game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players can choose to be part of the human faction or the zombie faction. Gu An obviously chose the zombie faction, aiming to kill humans and spread the virus. Accompanied by an intense music, Zombie Queen Gu An ultimately led her zombie legion to successfully overthrow humans and rule the world.

Fu Junyao: “…”

Satisfied, Gu An closed the game, got up, and said, “Let’s go, time for lunch.”

The three of them arrived at a mid-range restaurant, ordered their meals, and chatted casually about some trivial matters of life.

Fu Junyao didn’t bring up the matter of the special medicine, and naturally, An Bu didn’t pry.

Fu Hanshuang had a good impression of An Bu and kept chatting with her.

An Bu responded tactfully without revealing too much. Halfway through the meal, she casually glanced outside the window and her eyes narrowed. Subconsciously, she moved backward, hiding her figure behind the curtains.

She actually spotted her cat master! He had just gotten out of the car with his subordinates and was heading straight to this restaurant.

This is bad! Although the cat master knew she was a living corpse, he didn’t know she was a living corpse with multiple identities.

If he found out she was secretly playing role-playing games outside, he would definitely be furious.

“Aunt Gu An?” Fu Junyao noticed An Bu’s unusual expression and couldn’t help but ask with concern.

“Yeah, I’ll go to the restroom for a moment,” An Bu’s gaze followed Jian Ningxuan’s figure, moving to the other side of the restaurant.

Seeing that his position was just facing away from her, she quickly got up, avoiding his line of sight, and hurriedly slipped into the restroom.

Jian Ningxuan seemed to sense something, turned his head to look towards the direction of the restroom, only to see the hem of a windbreaker disappearing around the corner.

An Bu stood in front of the mirror in the restroom, looking at the reflection. Her disguise could fool others, but it definitely couldn’t fool the cat master of the Jian family. The best course of action now was to settle the bill and leave immediately. Later, she could call the Fu siblings and say she had something urgent to deal with.

Having made up her mind, An Bu immediately took out her sunglasses from her bag, adjusted her hair and collar, then walked out of the restroom with her head held high.

Little did she know, as soon as she stepped out of the threshold, she bumped into Jian Ningxuan who was coming from the opposite direction.

An Bu: “…”

Jian Ningxuan: “…”

An Bu in self-hypnosis: Can’t see me, can’t see me, can’t see me…

Jian Ningxuan: What is his family’s poop scooper official up to again? Dressed up like a mature woman in her thirties, heavy makeup, even wearing a wig.

“Mr. Jian,” An Bu gave up struggling, took off her sunglasses, and calmly said, “What a coincidence, you’re also going to the restroom?”

Jian Ningxuan: “…”

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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 137

My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 137

Chapter 137: What a Coincidence

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The next day, while Fu Junyao was waiting for the results of Qu Xiu's re-examination by the doctor, the Fu family arrived at the hospital in a grand manner, launching a barrage of accusations.

"Fu Junyao, you insisted on bringing Qu Xiu here for treatment, but her condition not only didn't improve, but worsened. How did you take care of her?"

"I understand now, he did it on purpose. He appears righteous on the surface, guarding against us like thieves, but in reality, he is the one with ulterior motives."

"The doctor clearly said Qu Xiu still had several months to live, but after you brought her out, she deteriorated rapidly. Fu Junyao, we will thoroughly investigate this matter. You'd better be sensible and confess, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"He's an outsider after all, not on the same page as the Fu family."

Their words were unified, as if they had already discussed it, splashing dirty water gleefully.

Fu Junyao watched them coldly, with no fluctuations in his heart. If it weren't for Aunt Gu An, he might really have no defense this time. Initially, he had brought his mother to another province for recuperation, just to seek peace and quiet, but unexpectedly, it worsened her condition. The Fu family used this to attack him, and he indeed had no words to defend himself, only to endure silently.

Originally, he had wanted to transfer most of the property away, but these people didn't care about Qu Xiu's condition, only about pressuring him. It was truly chilling.

Fu Junyao allowed them to rant, his gaze drifting towards the elevator, waiting for someone's arrival.

"Fu Junyao, this time we brought a lawyer. You figure it out yourself." Fu Haiwei acted as if victory was already in his grasp, his tone carrying a hint of threat.

Fu Junyao shifted his gaze to him, mockery undisguised in his eyes.

He had long understood the plundering nature of this uncle. Previously, he had been suppressed by Aunt Gu An, not daring to go too far. Now that he had finally found a breakthrough, he naturally wouldn't let it go. With only this one adopted son left for Fu Haiya, the rest were distant relatives, if this adopted son voluntarily backed down, he would become the one in control of the Fu family.

"The results of Mom's examination haven't come out yet," Fu Junyao replied indifferently.

"Huh," Fu Haiwei sneered, "Qu Xiu's results came out yesterday. Did you think a miracle would happen overnight?"

Before the doctor could speak, Fu Haiwei was quick to ask, "How is she? How long does she have?"

Seeing his urgency, the doctor assumed he was worried about the patient and smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry, the patient's condition is better than I expected. The tumor not only hasn't grown, but it has also shrunk significantly. As long as she cooperates with the treatment, I believe her condition will gradually improve."

Fu Haiwei widened his eyes, "What did you say? I've already prepared for the worst, and now you're telling me she's fine and her condition will improve?!"

Others were equally incredulous. Wasn't she critically ill? A turnaround in one night? Are you incompetent doctors?

"This is indeed a miracle," the doctor sighed, "the patient's will to survive is very strong."

Everyone: Can you be any more far-fetched? Will to survive? Qu Xiu looks like she's at death's door, where is there any will to survive?!

Fu Junyao stepped forward and thanked, "Thank you, doctor. Will my mother's condition relapse? What should I pay attention to normally?"

"At the moment, everything looks good. The tumor has been brought under control. We'll need to observe for a few more days and see how the follow-up treatment progresses."

"Wait a minute, Doctor," Fu Haiwei questioned, "How can you say a malignant tumor is under control? Did you misdiagnose?"

The doctor looked displeased, "Please don't casually question our professional ethics. Although the result is indeed unexpected, we absolutely did not misdiagnose."

"You..." Fu Haiwei wanted to argue, but Fu Junyao coldly interrupted, "Uncle, aren't you happy that Mom's condition is improving?"

Screw your happiness!

Fu Haiwei glared at him fiercely, unable to spit out the words, nor swallow them.

"What a scene," a crisp sound of high heels came from behind the crowd. They turned to see an elegant figure walking gracefully, accompanied by a teenage girl.

"Gu An?" Fu Haiwei and others exclaimed simultaneously.

"Older BrotherBrother," Fu Hanshuang, who came with Gu An, hurriedly ran to Fu Junyao, anxiously asking, "How's Mom?"

"She's fine, don't worry," Fu Junyao reassured, then looked at the radiant figure.

"Seeing you all looking so downcast, I suppose you didn't sleep well last night?" Gu An smiled, "Madam Qu would be greatly comforted if she knew you all cared about her condition so much."

Everyone: “...” Could sarcasm be any more obvious?

"Why are you here?" Fu Haiwei asked impatiently.

"Madam Qu is currently bedridden. As the second guardian of Fu Hanshuang and Luo Tianlei, how can I not come at such a time?"

"We, the Fu family, don't recognize your identity."

"Since when do I need 'recognition' from your Fu family?" An Bu walked past them without looking at them, came to Fu Junyao's side, and instructed, "Take your mother back to the ward and rest well. Don't let others disturb her."

"Okay." Fu Junyao felt relieved, and with Fu Hanshuang and several bodyguards took Qu Xiu to the ward. As for Fu Haiwei and the others, they were left to be handled by Aunt Gu An.

Half an hour later, when Fu Junyao walked out of the ward, those people were gone, leaving only Gu An sitting on a bench playing with her phone.

Sensing his approach, she didn't even lift her head and said, "Hungry? I've reserved a table. Let's go have lunch with Shuangshuang later."

Fu Junyao walked up to her, and glanced at her phone screen, noticing she was playing... Zombies Unleashed?

This game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players can choose to be part of the human faction or the zombie faction. Gu An obviously chose the zombie faction, aiming to kill humans and spread the virus. Accompanied by an intense music, Zombie Queen Gu An ultimately led her zombie legion to successfully overthrow humans and rule the world.

Fu Junyao: “...”

Satisfied, Gu An closed the game, got up, and said, "Let's go, time for lunch."

The three of them arrived at a mid-range restaurant, ordered their meals, and chatted casually about some trivial matters of life.

Fu Junyao didn't bring up the matter of the special medicine, and naturally, An Bu didn't pry.

Fu Hanshuang had a good impression of An Bu and kept chatting with her.

An Bu responded tactfully without revealing too much. Halfway through the meal, she casually glanced outside the window and her eyes narrowed. Subconsciously, she moved backward, hiding her figure behind the curtains.

She actually spotted her cat master! He had just gotten out of the car with his subordinates and was heading straight to this restaurant.

This is bad! Although the cat master knew she was a living corpse, he didn't know she was a living corpse with multiple identities.

If he found out she was secretly playing role-playing games outside, he would definitely be furious.

"Aunt Gu An?" Fu Junyao noticed An Bu's unusual expression and couldn't help but ask with concern.

"Yeah, I'll go to the restroom for a moment," An Bu's gaze followed Jian Ningxuan's figure, moving to the other side of the restaurant.

Seeing that his position was just facing away from her, she quickly got up, avoiding his line of sight, and hurriedly slipped into the restroom.

Jian Ningxuan seemed to sense something, turned his head to look towards the direction of the restroom, only to see the hem of a windbreaker disappearing around the corner.

An Bu stood in front of the mirror in the restroom, looking at the reflection. Her disguise could fool others, but it definitely couldn't fool the cat master of the Jian family. The best course of action now was to settle the bill and leave immediately. Later, she could call the Fu siblings and say she had something urgent to deal with.

Having made up her mind, An Bu immediately took out her sunglasses from her bag, adjusted her hair and collar, then walked out of the restroom with her head held high.

Little did she know, as soon as she stepped out of the threshold, she bumped into Jian Ningxuan who was coming from the opposite direction.

An Bu: "..."

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

An Bu in self-hypnosis: Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me...

Jian Ningxuan: What is his family's poop scooper official up to again? Dressed up like a mature woman in her thirties, heavy makeup, even wearing a wig.

"Mr. Jian," An Bu gave up struggling, took off her sunglasses, and calmly said, "What a coincidence, you're also going to the restroom?"

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

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