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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Ominous Signs

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Don’t think that putting a rival on the blacklist will solve everything; that’s just An Bu’s illusion. These days, the cat master kept appearing and disappearing in front of her, exuding a cold and noble presence. Occasionally, he would take out the marriage certificate and fiddle with it, and the desktop wallpaper had been changed to a photo of the two of them. With various subtle gestures, he reminded An Bu that she belonged to someone else.

“Here, this is for you.” One day, Jian Ningxuan handed An Bu a gift box.

Why suddenly give her a gift? An Bu wondered as she accepted it and opened the box. Inside were hundreds of face masks for moisturizing, whitening, cleansing, and refreshing… What was the meaning of this?

An Bu looked at him puzzledly.

Jian Ningxuan clearly had no intention of explaining, and after giving the gift, he disappeared.

It was only much later that An Bu realized. Someone remembered that Fu Junyao had kissed her on the face, so he gave her face masks to remove any remaining bacteria. This move was quite unexpected.

As the saying goes, it’s better to enjoy things together than alone. That night, An Bu pulled Jian Ningxuan to do face masks together.

The two laid side by side on the long sofa, one moisturizing and the other controlling oil, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, basking in the moonlight bath, each holding a cup of fruity milkshake, feeling extremely comfortable…

In comparison, Fu Junyao was quite depressed. He couldn’t get through to An Bu’s phone and realized he had been blacklisted. Even using his toes, he knew who did it. His hatred for Jian Ningxuan immediately reached 999: You married scum, daring to play tricks behind my back, dare to face me head-on!

Originally, he hadn’t planned to indulge in this relationship, considering the age gap, leaving a little nostalgia was enough. But when he saw that Aunt Gu An chose a married scum, he couldn’t remain calm. Even if he didn’t get any response in the end, he didn’t want Aunt Gu An to hang herself on a crooked tree.

Unable to reach her by phone, Fu Junyao could only send emails. However, Aunt Gu An’s reply dealt him a heavy blow.

She didn’t mention the incident but instead discussed the issue of transferring shares with him, her attitude was very clear, she wanted to draw a clear line with him.

Fu Junyao felt that he was in a bad situation. He wanted to refuse the acquisition, but Gu An had also contacted representatives from the Tian and Luo families, and they would definitely accept it. In this situation, even if he didn’t want to, he could only choose to compromise. His current shares were not enough to stand firm in the company. If he added Gu An’s shares, it would be much easier to handle things, but the price was that Gu An would permanently withdraw.

For the sake of Jian Ningxuan, is it worth giving up shares worth nearly tens of billions? Is it worth it?

At this moment, Fu Junyao truly felt jealous.

In the evening, after Fu Junyao had dinner with a client and was preparing to drive home, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the rearview mirror. Turning his head, he saw a girl wearing sportswear and headphones jogging towards him.

“An Bu.” Fu Junyao instinctively called out.

An Bu didn’t hear him and walked past the parking lot, heading towards the other end of the road.

For some reason, Fu Junyao put away his car keys and quickly followed.

An Bu ran to the market, bought some ingredients and fruits, then went to the flower shop and bought a bouquet of flowers. Carrying bags of groceries, she walked lightly on the brick-paved path.

Fu Junyao couldn’t help but associate her with Gu An.

“An Bu.” When she was about to cross the road, Fu Junyao couldn’t help but greet her.

“Mr. Fu?” An Bu took off her headphones and smiled in response.

“My mother has been indebted to you before and has always wanted to invite you for a meal. However, things got delayed. I’m really sorry. Do you have time tomorrow?” Fu Junyao noticed that it wouldn’t be convenient to have dinner with her today, so he made plans for tomorrow.

“No need to be polite. I haven’t done much. There’s no need for dinner.” She joked. If the cat master found out she was meeting Fu Junyao again under a different identity, all her previous efforts would be in vain. An Bu asked, “Is Madam Qu’s health okay?”

“She’s doing fine, her spirits have improved a lot, and she’s not as depressed as before.”

“That’s good. I wish her good health and all the best.” An Bu occasionally still got a bit of vitality from her, so she naturally knew that her health was recovering quite well.

“Thanks for your kind words.” Fu Junyao paused for a moment and invited again, “Anyway, I really want to thank you properly. I hope you won’t refuse and will give me this opportunity.”

After thinking for a moment, An Bu said, “If you must thank me, then give me a gift?”

“A gift?” Fu Junyao was puzzled.

An Bu reached out her hand, revealing the ring on her finger, and smiled, “Tomorrow is the 10th month anniversary of my marriage. I plan to celebrate with my husband.”

You’re married??? 

Fu Junyao felt like he had been hit with a 100-point critical strike, looking at An Bu in disbelief.

What kind of anniversary is the 10th month of marriage? What’s there to celebrate after 10 months of marriage?!

Seemingly understanding Fu Junyao’s thoughts, An Bu explained, “We celebrate every month, it helps strengthen our relationship. Mr. Fu, when you have a wife in the future, you can also indulge her in romance regularly.”

Single dog critical strike bonus 200!

“Sorry, it’s getting late, I have to go back and cook. Let’s chat next time.” An Bu waved goodbye to him and walked towards the other side of the road.

Fu Junyao felt pathetic in the wind, suddenly feeling very sorry for himself.

The first person he liked was 20 years older than him and already taken. The second person he liked was around his age but already married.

Was heaven really this cruel to him?!

Wait a minute! Fu Junyao suddenly snapped out of it.

That ring looked somewhat familiar, it seemed to be the same as the one on Jian Ningxuan’s hand.

Wait a minute, let him sort this out. If his guess was correct, it meant that An Bu was Jian Ningxuan’s wife, and Gu An was his lover?

Was this a case of sisters sharing a husband or mother and daughter…???

Fu Junyao’s worldview suffered an unprecedented shock.

He had never considered that Gu An and An Bu might be the same person. After all, Gu An was of the same generation as his father, that was beyond doubt, and any normal person would not immediately think of immortality as a possibility. They looked so similar, most people would just assume they were sisters or mother and daughter.

Fu Junyao’s hatred for Jian Ningxuan reached 9999. That scumbag attribute was simply off the charts!

“Achoo.” Jian Ningxuan sneezed, but didn’t pay attention, casually grabbing a tissue to wipe his nose.

“Are you catching a cold?” An Bu happened to come back and heard him sneeze.

“It’s nothing.” Jian Ningxuan walked up and took the bag from her hand.

An Bu changed her shoes, holding the bouquet of flowers, she walked into the living room and replaced the withered flowers in the vase.

An Bu’s diligent attribute was already at its maximum, taking care of home decoration, cooking, handicrafts, cleaning… she did almost everything herself, partly to keep herself busy, and partly to cultivate interests and add joy to her life.

“I’ll cook tonight.” Jian Ningxuan volunteered.

“Mr. Jian is really thoughtful.” An Bu rewarded him with a hug.

“Hmm.” Tomorrow was their 10th month anniversary, so if he behaved well today, he might get double benefits tomorrow.

How could An Bu not guess Jian Ningxuan’s little thoughts? She just didn’t want to expose them and liked seeing him shining subtly: “If you give me a massage tonight, I’ll make you a super luxurious feast tomorrow.”

“Mmm.” He flashed a hopeful look.

An Bu felt that Jian Ningxuan’s vitality seemed to be getting stronger, and she didn’t know why. Had he, like her, upgraded after experiencing death? That didn’t make sense; she upgraded because of the Book of Life and Death, but Jian Ningxuan was just an ordinary person. So how did he upgrade?

If this possibility was ruled out, then only Jianjian remained as a variable. The red shrimp and clams in Jianjian’s fish tank were all doing well at the moment. The clams had a long lifespan, so they could be left aside for now. But the red shrimp was too abnormal. Given its lifespan, it should have died long ago, but it was still lively, and there even seemed to be a trend of getting younger.

In this case, Jianjian not only had the ability to purify, but also to regulate the bodily functions of other organisms and extend their lifespan.

An Bu didn’t know how much longer it could be extended, nor did she want to calculate these things. She just hoped that Jian Ningxuan could stay with her for a little longer.

In the evening, while enjoying Jian Ningxuan’s massage service, An Bu watched TV.

The television was broadcasting a travel program, mainly introducing the latest developed attractions in Longteng City. When An Bu saw the reporter interviewing local residents and tourists, her pupils suddenly contracted. As the camera moved, the people and objects nearby were all captured. What appeared in front of An Bu was a thick aura of death.

Hundreds of residents, one after another, were all enveloped in deathly aura, with their time of death being almost the same, but the tourists seemed to be unaffected.

To cause so many deaths in one area at the same time, besides war, the most likely cause was a natural disaster.

In this relatively peaceful era, An Bu leaned towards the latter.

In ten days, a terrible natural disaster would occur in Longteng City.

All the residents shown in the footage had not survived, and it was unknown how many more casualties there were off-camera.

An Bu took the notebook that Jian Ningxuan had placed on the coffee table and searched for information about Longteng City.

Jian Ningxuan glanced at it and asked, “Do you want to travel to Longteng City?”

“No, just browsing.” Even if An Bu was a corpse, she didn’t want to act so recklessly, knowing that a disaster was imminent in Longteng City.

An Bu checked the history of natural disasters in Longteng City, mainly landslides, floods, and earthquakes.

Landslides occasionally occurred, but only in localized areas, and the damage was not significant. Only two or three people accidentally died in landslides every few decades.

Floods occurred every few years, but only affected areas along the river. The attractions introduced in the program just now were located in the mountainous areas, making it unlikely for floods to reach there.

The last possibility was earthquakes.

Longteng City had experienced two earthquakes above magnitude 6 in the past century, with the last one occurring about forty years ago. In other words, Longteng City had not experienced a major earthquake for over forty years.

The television program only introduced the situation near the attractions, so An Bu had to inspect the area in person to know the extent of the disaster’s power and scope.

This program was a replay from yesterday. Judging from the signs of death on those residents, the disaster would occur in nine days.

“Mr. Jian, book the plane tickets, we’ll go to Longteng City tomorrow.”

Jian Ningxuan: “…Do we need to prepare anything?”

“Buy insurance.”


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My Corpse is Bohemian

My Corpse is Bohemian

ศพของฉันแซ่บมาก, 我的尸身放荡不羁, 雪原幽灵
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body. Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


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