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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Remember this Name

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For 24.5 seconds, the earthquake lasted, and for 24.5 seconds, the entire world fell silent.

The earth cracked, mountains crumbled, houses collapsed, rivers surged backward, dust billowed, and Qianzi County, once bustling, was reduced to rubble in an instant. Cracks continued to extend outward, destroying everything in their path, spanning hundreds of miles, reaching Longteng City.

The fearful screams and cries of the people were drowned out by the thunderous roar of the earth collapsing, and in just a few tens of seconds, it felt as if they had experienced a century. When the tremors subsided, tens of thousands of square kilometers, centered around Qianzi County, had been completely reduced to ruins, leaving only ruins and devastation.

The entire disaster process was deeply imprinted in the eyes of billions of people through the lens.

“It… it really happened…”

Just a moment ago, people were jokingly watching the rumor break itself, but instead of the end of the rumor, they were greeted with a real catastrophe, a catastrophic disaster.

After a few seconds of silence, the world erupted.

On March 6th, an 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit Qianzi County, exactly as predicted! The prophecy came true!

Survivors crawled out of the rubble, crying, seeking help, searching, and wandering… Each scene of devastation tore at the hearts of the onlookers.

In the severely affected areas led by Qianzi County, transportation was cut off, communication paralyzed, water and electricity suspended, and panic ensued.

The government responded swiftly, immediately dispatching relevant troops to the disaster area to carry out earthquake relief efforts.

The media also began tracking and reporting on the disaster, faithfully documenting the aftermath.

“It’s impossible…” Many experts couldn’t believe that someone actually accurately predicted the earthquake.

Initially, the Longteng City government vigorously denied the prediction, reassuring the public and urging them not to believe the rumors. At least millions of people abandoned their plans to leave under their persuasion. It wasn’t until the earthquake occurred that they realized how foolish they had been.

At this moment, countless people regretted, and many didn’t even have the chance to regret.

From 10 p.m. on March 6th to March 7th, there were several aftershocks, and thousands of soldiers risked their lives to enter the disaster area, conducting emergency search and rescue operations. Subsequent rescue personnel arrived one after another, and the Air Force, Armed Police, and medical teams all mobilized.

Reports about the disaster soon appeared in major media outlets at home and abroad, attracting worldwide attention.

In the midst of the intense rescue operation, discussions about the prediction post became the hottest topic. [“Red Alert! On March 6th, 2178, Longteng City will experience a magnitude 8 or above earthquake! The epicenter is in Qianzi County!”] This post was pinned on various forums and remained highly popular.

The identity of the poster and how they could accurately predict the earthquake became the focus of heated discussion.

[“Prophet, please accept my knee!”]

[“Who says earthquakes can’t be accurately predicted? Someone did it!”]

[“The number of people affected by this earthquake is conservatively estimated to be over three million, and the death toll hasn’t been counted yet, but I’m sure this post saved at least a hundred thousand people.”]

[“I changed my plans to visit Qianzi County at the last minute because of this post. I’m extremely grateful to the poster for saving my life.”]

[“The Longteng City government initially denied and deleted posts. If it weren’t for the persistent efforts and risky warnings of the poster, more people would have died.”]

[“Does anyone know who the poster is? I want to worship them every day.”]

[“I’m a local in Qianzi County. I think I may have seen that miracle worker. Two days before the earthquake, a woman claiming to be an ‘earthquake expert’ came to my house and told us to evacuate. Later, the police came and told us not to believe the rumors and stay at home. But after seeing that post, we still decided to leave for two days. Now I realize how lucky we were. If we had stayed, my family and I would probably not have survived.”]

[“A woman? The poster is a woman?”]

[“I’ve also seen that woman. She went around Qianzi County for three days, persuading local residents to evacuate. I wanted to report her at first, but fortunately, my dad stopped me, or I would have regretted it.”]

On March 10th, the preliminary death toll was over thirty thousand, half of whom were from Qianzi County. If three-quarters of the residents hadn’t chosen to evacuate beforehand, the death toll would have at least doubled. Most of the survivors were severely injured, separated from their families, and the situation was extremely dire.

Almost all the police officers responsible for maintaining stability were not spared, and police stations were leveled.

Those who survived secretly rejoiced, but many more regretted deeply.

A young man working outside received a call from his parents in Qianzi County, asking him if the earthquake news was true. He told them it was a rumor, so his parents stayed.

A girl scoffed at the earthquake prediction and insisted on bringing her friend to Qianzi County for tourism. As a result, her friend never made it back home.

A professor’s daughter worked in Longteng City and worried about the disaster, wanting to take two days off to go home. As a result, her professor father scolded her and dispelled the idea of going home.

One choice led different people to different destinies.

Life and death often hung by a thread.

On March 13th, the total death toll was 47,965, with 5,161,343 injured and 15,035 missing. The earthquake destroyed 140,000 square kilometers of land, affecting over fifty cities and towns of various sizes.

It was estimated that the appearance of the prediction post indirectly displaced over eight hundred thousand people, with two hundred thousand from Qianzi County alone. It saved at least fifty thousand people and spared seven hundred thousand from injuries. Domestic and foreign experts unanimously affirmed the value and significance of this post. In the face of life, even if they were proven wrong, they accepted it willingly.

[“From today onwards, remember this name – An Zhi Fei Fu. She posted a message, predicted a disaster, saved hundreds of thousands of people, and created a miracle.”]

[“If we had known it wasn’t a rumor but a prediction, would those lives have been lost?”]

[“May the deceased rest in peace, and the living carry on.”]

In her villa, An Bu sat by the window, watching her notebook, which was playing news reports about the earthquake.

In these days, her vitality points had been steadily increasing: 15, 22, 18… By March 13th, her vitality points had increased by over 1.8 million. In other words, this time she probably saved eighty thousand people.

As her vitality points increased, her senses gradually recovered.

An Bu slowly stood up, walked to the window, and opened it.

A cool breeze blew in, gently lifting a few strands of hair, the soft touch gliding over her skin, the faint fragrance lingering in her nose, the sweet taste of juice on her tongue, and a few rays of sunlight shining through the window, casting specks of light into her eyes. The world in front of her seemed to be painted with colors, layer by layer, gradually becoming vivid and beautiful…

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My Corpse is Bohemian

My Corpse is Bohemian

ศพของฉันแซ่บมาก, 我的尸身放荡不羁, 雪原幽灵
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body. Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


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