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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Surging death energy

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As time passed, the destruction caused by the earthquake was rapidly recovering and rebuilding, but the pain left by the disaster was unknown when it would be healed.

An Bu gained over a million vitality points, with only a few thousand points of death energy left. Her senses were basically back to normal, and as long as her vitality points exceeded her death energy, she could become a flesh-and-blood human being, truly enjoying her life.

“Mr. Jian, I remember when we last went on a road trip, we bought a haunted house in Longteng City?” An Bu looked at the map, saying, “That haunted house seems to have been destroyed in this earthquake?”

“Yeah, but we bought house insurance, so the loss isn’t significant.” Jian Ningxuan looked at her, “Why are you suddenly asking about this?”

“I was thinking…” An Bu sat down beside him and suggested, “Why don’t we turn that haunted house into resettlement housing and rent it out at low prices to those homeless victims of the disaster?”

Those haunted houses are no longer ominous, so it’s a perfect opportunity to make use of their value.

Jian Ningxuan pondered for a moment and replied, “Let’s just buy all the land around the haunted houses, build schools and shops, and establish a caring community to provide accommodation, education, and business services for the disaster victims.”

An Bu looked at him in shock. “Mr. Jian, you’re so outstanding!”

Jian Ningxuan remained composed, accepting An Bu’s admiration with a glint in his eyes.

“I’ll cover the expenses for this.” An Bu boldly stated, “I’ll invest an initial hundred million.”

Jian Ningxuan said, “…I haven’t helped you earn a hundred million yet.”

He was referring to the funds that An Bu had entrusted to him to manage.

“That money is our private property, saved up for buying a cat house for you.” An Bu took out four or five cards from somewhere and spread them out in front of Jian Ningxuan like a big spender. “Here, pick any one you like.”

Aside from An Bu and Gu An, there were several temporary identities under An Bu’s name used for opening accounts, transferring funds, and investing. Each card had a considerable amount of savings. Over the years, she had accumulated so much wealth that she didn’t even know her exact net worth. Just in terms of real estate, she had earned at least tens of billions. The land she bought for a few thousand back then, after a few years of appreciation, had profited by hundreds of times. Of course, there were losses in other investments as well, but overall, she had earned far more than she had lost.

Jian Ningxuan: … Suddenly remembered that Bu Bu had been alive for seven or eight hundred years (mistakenly), this “small amount” indeed wasn’t much to her, but why did he feel a little disappointed?

“Mr. Jian, since you’re so capable, I can’t lag behind.” An Bu hooked her arms around his neck, smiling mischievously. “But, I prefer to enjoy your money, your company, and be a poop officer pampered by the cat master.”

“Hmm.” Jian Ningxuan’s eyes warmed. Promise you, I’ll pamper you in this life.

After discussing, the plan for the caring community was immediately put on the agenda. Jian Ningxuan sent someone to negotiate in Longteng City, and he estimated results within a month. Such charitable projects were generally strongly supported by the government.

Under the identity of “Gu An,” An Bu began to transfer the newly acquired shares. Due to the earthquake’s impact, the stock market was volatile, and selling shares at this time would incur losses. However, she didn’t mind these losses; there were plenty of opportunities to make money, and it wasn’t necessary to regret the gains and losses of a city or a place.

An Bu, who hadn’t experienced a normal life for over eighty years, recently found her greatest joy in eating, drinking, and having fun. Every day, she tried out different delicious foods, watched different interesting things, and had various forms of entertainment.

As the poop officer became more relaxed, the cat master also enjoyed the luxury. The fat lost during the month in the disaster area quickly returned. Fortunately, regular exercise, no smoking or drinking, prevented him from becoming a fat cat.

An Bu later reflected on herself. One couldn’t be too indulgent in life, or they might invite disaster. To ensure the cat master’s health, she began to focus on studying the ways of health preservation, maintaining a balanced diet and exercise, regularly going out for relaxation, and actively participating in charity activities.

An Bu planted many green plants in her home, with Jian Jian guarding them. The plants flourished, the air was fresh, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air, making it feel like being in nature.

Almost everyone who visited the villa could feel its uniqueness, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, serene, peaceful, and full of vitality. Living in such an environment could at least prolong one’s life by ten years.

An Bu now had no other desires; she just hoped that Jian Ningxuan could live a little longer. As the keeper of the Book of Life and Death, even if she were resurrected, her lifespan wouldn’t decrease. Someday in the future, she would still have to watch Jian Ningxuan leave her.

She didn’t want to think too deeply about this matter; she could only cherish every day spent with him.

Her vitality points was gradually increasing, and the time for resurrection was getting closer. However, when there were only 70,000 points left, there was an abnormality in the Book of Life and Death.

Death energy: 20, 34, 17, 22…

The continuous increase in death energy shocked An Bu. Upon careful examination, she found that this death energy came from the same place – the Hot Spring Villa.

In the past three days, four people had died mysteriously after entering the Hot Spring Villa.

Underneath the villa laid an ancient tomb group. In order to seal the death energy overflowing from the tomb, An Bu had unintentionally experienced “death” once, leading to memory loss. This incident hadn’t been recorded in her diary, so she didn’t know the connection between the villa and herself.

If she hadn’t lost her memory, An Bu had originally planned to invite a feng shui master to set up a feng shui array to purify the death energy in the villa or find a high monk to save the souls, gradually resolving the death energy in the tomb. However, she had completely forgotten about it afterwards. The temporary sealing of the death energy was just a temporary measure, not only would it not dissipate the death energy, but it would also make it denser.

Not long ago, the existence of the tomb group was discovered by an archaeologist. He immediately reported it and requested exploration and excavation of the tomb. This proposal was approved half a month ago, and an archaeological team quickly moved into the Hot Spring Villa.

The area within a few kilometers of the villa was sealed off. With more than three hundred members including the archaeological team and related personnel, while searching for the entrance to the tomb, four archaeologists were affected by the overflowing death energy and died in succession. One was hit by a car on the way home, one died suddenly in his sleep, one fell into the pool and drowned, and one was pierced by a fish bone. Although they all seemed like accidents, they were filled with eerie strangeness.

This incident was related to An Bu’s forcible sealing of the death energy, so the deaths of the four people inevitably increased her death energy. If the archaeological team continued to excavate the tomb, releasing all the death energy from the tomb, the death energy would inevitably spread to the surroundings, and all the deaths caused by the death energy would be counted on An Bu.

Of course, even without An Bu’s intervention, the death energy in the tomb was still extremely dangerous, just not as fast.

Within a few kilometers of the Hot Spring Villa, there were tens of thousands of residents, and countless passersby passed by nearby every day. If this death energy really erupted on a large scale, increasing tens of thousands of points of death energy would only take a matter of minutes.

The ancient tomb was discovered, and death energy overflowed. It was now too late to set up a Feng Shui formation or perform spirit exorcisms. Unless those in charge are willing to cooperate and completely seal off the area where the ancient tomb is located, it must remain closed for thirty years. In doing so, An Bu could take the risk of sealing it again, then regularly invite righteous individuals to purify and exorcise it. Thirty years later, perhaps this crisis could be resolved.

As long as she brings her cat master with her, the death energy in the ancient tomb shouldn’t have too much of an impact on her.

An Bu had thought it all out and eagerly went to discuss it with Jian Ningxuan, only to be met with his strong opposition.

“No!” he said firmly, leaving no room for negotiation. “I can agree to everything else, but not this.”

Perhaps An Bu had forgotten, but Jian Ningxuan remembered it very clearly. It was in this hot spring resort that An Bu had “died” once before, in order to save his cousin. Although she could revive, her memories would be lost. If she were to completely forget himself and run off to an unknown place, could he still successfully find her and make her fall in love with him again?

Jian Ningxuan could tolerate anything, but he couldn’t bear to lose An Bu and didn’t want her to take risks.

“If I don’t go, many people may die,” An Bu tried to persuade him. “Think about the earthquake victims, their families torn apart, suffering. If there’s a chance to save them, can you really bear to ignore it?”

Jian Ningxuan remained silent.

“I promise you, if it’s impossible, I won’t insist.” An Bu held his hand, her expression serious.

Jian Ningxuan closed his eyes and shook his head firmly in the end: “No, I don’t agree.”

With just a few decades in life, how much time did he have left to accompany her? The lives and deaths of others, as long as they didn’t endanger An Bu, he was willing to help even if it drained his resources. But he was no saint, and under the circumstances where danger was evident, how could he allow his loved one to take such risks?

“Stay honestly at home and don’t go causing trouble!” Jian Ningxuan warned An Bu with an extremely stern tone for the first time.

Seeing his firm attitude, An Bu finally compromised.

Let the death energy value rise, she thought, she could handle increasing tens of thousands of death energy points when she already had so much vitality points. She just felt a bit guilty for the potential victims in the future.

However, An Bu didn’t do nothing. She contacted the big shot above and roughly explained the seriousness of the situation to him.

The next day, the archaeological team withdrew from the ancient tomb site, and a few kilometers around were strictly guarded. Soon after, dozens of monks and Taoists secretly entered the site and began to seal and purify the death energy.

Ten days later, in the early morning, Jian Ningxuan got up to wash, and when he came out of the bathroom, he found An Bu still lying in bed, quietly staring at the ceiling.

“Bu Bu, aren’t you getting up yet?” Jian Ningxuan asked casually.

“Mmm, I’ll lie down a bit more. Mr. Jian, hurry up and make breakfast. I want to have millet and red date soup today.” An Bu smiled and placed her order.

“Okay.” Jian Ningxuan bent down to kiss her forehead before turning to leave the room.

Halfway there, he remembered that he hadn’t closed the door. His slight OCD compelled him to turn back, and as he was about to close the door, his gaze inadvertently swept over the room. He saw An Bu struggling to prop herself up, trying to stretch her muscles by pressing and repeatedly attempting to flex and stretch her limbs until they became agile, then rolling off the bed with a thud.

“Bu Bu!” Jian Ningxuan hurried over and lifted An Bu, looking at her with concern. “What’s wrong with you?”

An Bu smiled, “Nothing, I’ve just been lying down too long, and my muscles are a bit stiff.”

Jian Ningxuan’s eyes expressed disbelief. She had slept longer the day before yesterday, but her muscles weren’t stiff. Why did it suddenly happen today?

An Bu didn’t explain. The reason she had become like this was because she had received more than 2,000 points of death energy continuously the previous night, with over 60 people dying from the death energy in the ancient tomb recently, plus an additional 20 or 30 people who were survivors of the earthquake who caused further casualties. A sudden increase in so much death energy caught An Bu off guard, and her once vibrant corpse stiffened.

From the number of deaths, it was obvious that the monks and Taoists hadn’t successfully sealed the overflowing death energy.

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My Corpse is Bohemian

My Corpse is Bohemian

ศพของฉันแซ่บมาก, 我的尸身放荡不羁, 雪原幽灵
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body. Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


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