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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Unexpected Happening

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After confirming that Jian Ningxuan and An Bu were safe, the soldiers in the lake successively climbed ashore, and they also brought the motorcycle back ashore. However, all of their boxed meals were soaked.

The officer looked at the trembling food delivery worker sitting on the ground and asked in confusion, “What happened?”

The food delivery worker, still shaken, said, “I, I don’t know, I just suddenly felt like dying.”

The officer and the soldiers: “…”

An Bu reminded, “Buddy, you should go to the hospital for a check-up now.”

“Yeah.” The officer regained his senses. “I’ll have a soldier take you there to prevent you from suddenly wanting to die again on the way.”

The food delivery worker: “…”

The officer immediately called a soldier over and instructed him to take the food delivery worker to the hospital and order several dozen boxed meals again.

After the incident was resolved, An Bu and Jian Ningxuan followed the others back to the villa, took a shower, and changed their clothes.

“Captain Yan,” An Bu found the officer and suggested, “Let the soldiers buy meals from now on.”

“Why?” Captain Yan stared sharply at her, waiting for her explanation.

“Captain Yan has been here for a long time and must have seen many strange things,” An Bu said slowly. “The Yin energy here is extremely heavy, which easily triggers negative emotions in people. The delivery person just now is an example. Before this incident, there must have been many similar situations.” 

Captain Yan frowned. “During this period, we’ve been ordering takeout every day, and nothing unusual has happened. Isn’t what just happened a coincidence? Those who died mysteriously mostly stayed here for several days. The delivery person just passed through. Can they be affected in just a few minutes?”

An Bu muttered to herself, It’s not just an influence, it’s practically a curse, isn’t it?

Captain Yan and the others mainly interacted with the archaeological team, Taoist priests, and some nearby residents, not counting many innocent passersby. Those with weak wills, as long as they were exposed to this death energy, would be subtly harmed. A momentary thought or trance could lead to death.

The number of deaths recorded in the Book of Life and Death far exceeded their understanding, and as long as the problem of overflowing death energy was not resolved, the number of deaths would continue to increase.

“If Captain Yan doesn’t believe it, you can investigate the delivery people who have been bringing you takeout during this time, and see how many of them are no longer around.”

Captain Yan felt a chill in his heart and skeptically took out his phone, dialing a number and briefly explaining the situation. They kept records of every takeout order, so it wasn’t difficult to investigate the information of these delivery personnel.

In less than half an hour, they received a response. There were a total of 12 delivery workers who had recently delivered takeout to the villa. Among them, three had died in accidents within two days after leaving the villa. If the delivery worker today hadn’t been rescued, the death toll would have increased by one more.

With a death rate as high as 25%, how likely was it just a coincidence?

Captain Yan looked at An Bu in astonishment.

“The soldiers of the army undergo strict training, and their mental and physical qualities are quite good, so the impact of the death energy on you is relatively small. But ordinary people are different, especially those who are struggling in life and have depressive moods; they can easily be eroded by the death energy. Even you, after staying here for a long time, will experience varying degrees of mental problems.”

Captain Yan knew this place was eerie, but he didn’t expect it to be terrifying to this extent.

“When you say ‘staying for a long time,’ how long do you mean?” he asked seriously. “How are the soldiers doing currently? Are they in danger?”

“There’s no immediate danger, but the situation isn’t great,” An Bu replied truthfully. “I estimate that most soldiers can’t sleep peacefully at night, and during the day, they’re listless and emotionally unstable.”

Captain Yan didn’t reply to whether An Bu’s assessment was correct or not. Instead, he asked directly, “Is there any solution?”

“I have two suggestions,” An Bu responded. “First, leave the villa at night and go to a lively place three or four kilometers away to rest.”

“That won’t work,” Captain Yan rejected. “We must stay at the villa to prevent unrelated people from entering.”

“Then we can only use the second method.”

“What’s that?”

An Bu smiled and said, “Have a party every night. Listen to music, have a barbecue, sing, dance, and play games. The more lively and fun, the better.”

Captain Yan: “…I need to consult with my superiors about this.”

An Bu didn’t care about the specifics of how to consult. Her task was to ensure the safety of everyone in the villa as much as possible.

As the sources of death energy were sealed one by one, the death energy would become more and more concentrated. When only the last source remained, An Bu had to seal the overflowing death energy into it and then block it, only then would her mission be accomplished.

This step was extremely difficult because An Bu would have to leave the protection of the cat master’s circle and confront the death energy alone. With her current points value, she might be able to pass smoothly, but if not, she would experience “death” again. The benefit was that she could gain a large amount of vitality value. Perhaps when she woke up, she would be reborn as a human.

The next night, Captain Yan commanded his soldiers to light a bonfire, set up grills, bring out speakers, and plug in microphones… they were ordered to party.

There were few people around the villa, so there was no need to worry about disturbing others. Everyone could let loose and have fun.

Captain Yan always felt that after this mission, these soldiers would be done for.

An Bu didn’t join their activities but eagerly took the cat master to soak in the hot spring.

In the open-air pool surrounded by death energy, they basked in the moonlight, drank wine, enjoyed the night view, and were filled with romance and affection.

Leaning against Jian Ningxuan’s side, An Bu looked at the moon in the sky and exclaimed, “Life is truly beautiful.”

In the darkness, with the howling wind and swaying shadows of the trees, waves of death energy churned around like dark clouds, but the place where the two were, was like a small world of its own, with a circle drawn around it, shining brightly on its own.

Jian Ningxuan was bursting with positive energy, unable to see those messy things. He only saw a peaceful scene and lazily enjoyed the wonderful life of soaking in the hot spring with the cat slave.

“Mr. Jian.”


“After this is resolved, shall we go bungee jumping at Yan Du Lake?”

“…Why suddenly want to go bungee jumping?”

“I just really want to experience the thrill of freefalling from a great height.” An Bu had jumped off buildings, sunk in the sea, fallen from planes, and tumbled off cliffs as a zombie, but she remained indifferent throughout. After she resurrected, she would definitely have a new experience.

“Can I refuse?” Jian Ningxuan admitted that he was getting a bit old and couldn’t handle such excitement.

“Mr. Jian, you just need to watch from the side. You don’t have to play with me.”

Jian Ningxuan: Whether watching you play alone or playing with you, I refuse.

“To experience the thrill of freefalling, you don’t necessarily have to go bungee jumping,” Jian Ningxuan suggested. “We could go diving instead.”

“Huh? That sounds good.” An Bu became excited. “I heard that there’s cliff diving in Country M, with a height of over 60 meters, and below is the sea. You don’t even tie a safety rope when you dive, it’s very thrilling.”

Jian Ningxuan: “…Let’s just go bungee jumping.”

In terms of daring, An Bu stood out alone.

“Hehe.” An Bu hugged Jian Ningxuan’s waist. “Just kidding, how could I bear to make Mr. Jian worry?”

Jian Ningxuan looked at her helplessly: Are there only a few times you’ve made me worry?

An Bu tilted her head up and pecked him on the lips.

Jian Ningxuan immediately responded, holding the back of her head, deepening the kiss, his big hands wandering, gradually delving deeper. Beneath the misty spring water, their figures blurred, becoming one.

Not far away, Jianjian swam up and down in the water, watching his parents’ harmonious interaction, its tiny body slowly turning pink under the warm water—not out of shyness, but from being cooked in the warm water…

After a night of revelry, the soldiers slept well for once, and the next day, although they were still tired, their spirits were good.

Under the watchful eyes of An Bu and Jian Ningxuan, each leaking vent was sealed, slowing down the overflow of death energy, but the concentration increased. Despite taking some measures, the soldiers still suffered considerable effects.

Initially, some people didn’t believe in the so-called death energy, but as the death energy condensed, various supernatural phenomena began to occur, frightening these steadfast soldiers. They used to only have nightmares at night, but now they could see illusions during the day as well.

Human imagination is limitless, and the more vivid the imagination, the more bizarre the scene. In short, they frightened themselves. Fortunately, with the presence of the cat master, the situation did not spiral out of control.

However, on the afternoon of the third day, just as the project was about to be completed, an accident occurred.

When there was only one vent left, a soldier seemed to be drawn towards it unconsciously, and as he approached to inspect, the ground suddenly collapsed beneath him. He fell into the pit, without even a scream, disappearing just like that.

Captain Yan was shocked and was about to go rescue him when An Bu quickly stopped him: “Danger! Don’t go.”

Captain Yan was eager to save the man and rushed towards the pit, only to be horrified by the sudden appearance of grotesque faces popping out, his face turning pale, and then being dragged back by An Bu.

An Bu ordered everyone to retreat thirty meters away. The dense death energy, like a long dragon, churned and swirled outside the one-meter-wide hole, the chilling yin wind making everyone’s skin cold. Faintly, they could hear eerie screams, which was truly terrifying.

Captain Yan looked at An Bu with lingering fear, anxiously asking, “Do you have any way to save him?”

An Bu pondered in silence. The only person who could resist the death energy was Jian Ningxuan, but she didn’t want him to take risks. If she went to rescue the man herself, it would undoubtedly prolong the sealing of the death energy and increase the chances of variables.

“I’ll go.” Jian Ningxuan said calmly. “The pit isn’t deep. If everything goes smoothly, I can bring him out in a matter of minutes.”

“Or I’ll go, and you stay at the entrance,” An Bu suggested. The distance of a dozen meters barely kept her within the cat master’s protection range, and as long as she didn’t go too far, An Bu was confident she wouldn’t be affected by the death energy.

Jian Ningxuan’s face was as calm as water, quietly watching An Bu, with clear refusal in his eyes.

“Don’t worry,” An Bu reassured him, “I have more experience with this kind of thing than you.”

Jian Ningxuan: Is it something to be proud of to have experience in such reckless acts?

Avoiding Jian Ningxuan’s sharp gaze, An Bu instructed Captain Yan to bring a rope and quickly prepared herself.

Before descending into the pit, An Bu hooked her arms around Jian Ningxuan’s neck and gave him a hot kiss. “Darling, wait for me to come back.”

Jian Ningxuan: “If I don’t hear from you in ten minutes, I’m coming down to find you.”

“Okay.” An Bu confidently agreed, then under the vigilant gaze of the cat master, slid down into the hole.

Jian Ningxuan supported himself against the wall of the pit, peeking down. His aura shone brightly, allowing the surrounding death energy to rampage freely, but he remained steadfast and unmoving.

Captain Yan and the others could only watch from afar, seeing Jian Ningxuan standing guard at the entrance of the pit like a door god, calm and composed, feeling somewhat ashamed.

Both are sturdy men who can take on anything, so why is the difference so vast?

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My Corpse is Bohemian

My Corpse is Bohemian

ศพของฉันแซ่บมาก, 我的尸身放荡不羁, 雪原幽灵
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body. Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


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