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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Farewell Forever

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An Bu descended to the bottom of the pit along the rope, the headlamp on her helmet illuminating the surroundings, revealing a space of less than forty square meters. The damp earth walls were like honeycombs, covered with holes of various sizes, from which death energy oozed out, forming a vortex in the air and stirring up layers of dust.

To avoid leaving the cat master’s protective range, An Bu clung to the rope and hung in mid-air, scanning the area. She quickly spotted the soldier who had passed out at the bottom of the pit, only about four or five meters away from her.

Calculating silently in her mind, An Bu figured that if she acted quickly, jumping down to drag the person into the protective circle, it shouldn’t take more than a minute. In such a short time, the death energy wouldn’t have much effect on her.

Determined, An Bu leaped forward, lightly landing on the ground, and swiftly dashed to the soldier’s side. With one hand grabbing his arm and the other clutching his collar, she lifted him onto her back, tying him up with the rope, and then quickly dashed back.

“Mr. Jian, pull us up.” An Bu looked up at the entrance of the pit and shouted.

The top end of the rope was equipped with a pulley, so it took only a few minutes to pull the two of them up.

Upon hearing An Bu’s voice, Jian Ningxuan immediately operated the pulley, carefully pulling them back up.

As An Bu ascended with the soldier on her back, her upper body entered the protective circle of the cat master first, instantly feeling the warmth of spring, while her lower body still lingered outside the circle, shivering in the yin wind.

As An Bu approached the exit bit by bit, the soldier, who was originally unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes as if stimulated by something. His eyes were filled with black energy, and he stared at the back of An Bu’s neck with a chilling gaze, opening his mouth to reveal a row of uneven teeth…

Snap! Jianjian, like a flea, suddenly jumped out from somewhere, crawling onto the soldier’s forehead, extending its tentacles, and its semi-transparent body gently undulating as it breathed evenly. After a moment, the black energy in the soldier’s eyes gradually dissipated, disappearing completely.

Although he hadn’t fully regained consciousness, he no longer looked as ferocious as before.

He leaned dazedly against An Bu’s shoulder, swaying, his hands unconsciously reaching out and grabbing onto the person in front of him, groping to places he shouldn’t be touching.

An Bu didn’t hesitate to slap his claws away, and the slight pain caused the soldier’s eyes to once again emit black mist, displaying great anger towards the person who interfered with his chest attack.

He raised his arm, tightly clutching An Bu’s neck, seemingly attempting to strangle her.

An Bu remained unfazed, allowing him to choke her to death if he could, as she thought to herself that if he managed to choke her, it would be impressive, but as a zombie, she couldn’t provide him with tofu to eat anyway.

However, after several tens of seconds, the soldier gradually loosened his grip, and the black mist in his eyes dissipated even more under Jiaojiao’s purification, softening his entire body onto An Bu’s back.

Several minutes later, An Bu and the soldier successfully climbed out of the pit, and Jian Ningxuan quickly reached out to help, while the other soldiers nearby also cheered.

An Bu untied the rope and handed the semi-conscious soldier over to Jian Ningxuan.

“His condition doesn’t look good. You should take care of him first.”

“Okay.” Jian Ningxuan supported the soldier and walked towards where the others were, but after walking about five or six meters, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned his head and saw An Bu still standing at the mouth of the pit, her clothes fluttering in the chilly wind. She seemed to be shrouded in mist, appearing ghostly.

“Bubu,” Jian Ningxuan stopped in his tracks, gazing at her with a solemn expression.

An Bu smiled back, “You go first, I’ll be there in a moment.”

“I’ll wait for you.”

“Then you move a bit further away, stand twenty meters away. If I don’t call you, don’t come closer,” An Bu instructed carefully. She was about to gather all the overflowing death energy and seal it underground. If the cat master stayed here, the death energy would never approach.

Jian Ningxuan frowned slightly, but ultimately didn’t say much. Carrying the soldier, he walked to the distance as instructed by An Bu, and after handing the man over to the approaching Captain Yan and others, he refused to take another step and stood straight in the chilling wind, gazing steadily at An Bu.

Shortly after Jian Ningxuan left, the death energy around immediately surged towards An Bu like a violent storm, engulfing her in an instant. An Bu focused her mind, using the life energy she had accumulated to resist the rushing death energy. In this area covered by death energy, she completely missed the fact that there were sudden signs of death on Jian Ningxuan’s body…

The soldiers in the distance only felt a dimness in front of their eyes. The next moment, An Bu suddenly disappeared from their sight, and when they looked again, her figure reappeared.

Such a strange scene shocked the soldiers. However, they soon couldn’t care less about An Bu. As the death energy gathered more and more, the consciousness of the soldiers gradually blurred, and various negative emotions surged into their hearts…

An Bu had underestimated the terrifying nature of this death energy. With her current vitality value, in just three minutes, she began to feel somewhat powerless, with her life energy being rapidly consumed at a rate of 30 points per second.

An Bu gritted her teeth, using her fingers stained with corpse blood to painstakingly draw a formation on a stone slab. Every stroke was extremely laborious, and the fingertips carried strands of cold air, instantly freezing the corpse blood on the stone slab.

The surrounding death energy seemed to be summoned, swirling around the stone slab, forming a vortex in the air. A series of sharp screams echoed in An Bu’s ears, filled with endless despair and pain. These were the regrets of countless spirits, as well as the negative energy formed after their souls departed from their bodies. All living things have spirits, all due to emotions. The emotions of living people are the source of death energy, and only the dead, without emotions or desires, can control death energy.

But An Bu, she had emotions.

While constantly saving lives and trying to live like a normal person, she had already accumulated more positive energy than anyone else. She thought she had no emotions, just a corpse that could lose itself at any moment.

Although surrounded by darkness, her heart was towards the sunlight.

Black mist permeated An Bu’s eyes, her blood coagulated, and her muscles became as stiff as stone. Only her fingers were still trembling as they continued to draw.

Her desire for life and love made her will extremely firm. Her senses of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste were gradually disappearing, but her belief stood as firm as a wall of iron.

In front of her was nothingness, but in An Bu’s heart, a hint of happiness emerged, like a glimmer of dawn, heralding the arrival of a new day.

With the final stroke, the formation drawn with corpse blood was successfully completed, and An Bu picked up the stone slab, throwing it towards the direction of the pit. In an instant, the surrounding death energy followed the stone slab, rushing into the pit like a tide. After several tens of seconds, the fierce cold wind gradually dissipated, and the earth returned to tranquility.

An Bu fell backward, lying stiffly on the ground, waiting for the cat master to pick her up.

However, she waited for a long time, but he didn’t appear.

At this moment, An Bu couldn’t hear, see, speak, smell, or move her body. She had no idea what was happening outside.

Mr. Jian?

She struggled to move her limbs, turning over to face the direction where Jian Ningxuan might be, opening her eyes wide, attempting to see something.

Where’s Mr. Jian? Where are those soldiers?

The death energy has been sealed, you can come closer.

An Bu slowly shifted on the ground, attempting to stand up several times without success. 

Although this deathly aura hadn’t eroded her memory, it severely affected her corpse, making it impossible for her to recover quickly. Right now, she desperately wanted to hug her cat master, replenishing her vitality in his embrace as she used to do. 

But where was the cat master? 

An Bu looked around blankly, her eyes devoid of any vitality. 

Dragging her heavy body, she crawled aimlessly. 

Just dozens of meters to her left, Jian Ningxuan lay prone in a pool of blood, with wounds on his right shoulder, back, and head, as if struck by various tools. Around him, soldiers lay on the ground, bloodied, as if they had just experienced a fierce battle.

Following her instincts, An Bu crawled for several minutes without any discoveries, so she changed direction and continued crawling. 

On the vast open ground, dozens of living people lay scattered about, with only one corpse slowly moving. 

After crawling for who knew how long, An Bu’s palm suddenly touched an object. It felt cold, and she could tell from its shape that it was a person.

An Bu’s spirits lifted as she groped around this person for a moment, then using him as the center, she slowly explored the surroundings.

One, two, three… she silently counted the number of people in her mind, counting all the way to “twenty-nine,” but still didn’t find the person she was looking for.

An Bu began her search again, her hands and body covered in dust and blood, but she was completely unaware.

Even though she knew that as long as Mr. Jian was still around, she would be able to sense his presence, if she couldn’t, it meant that something must have happened to him…

When she reached one of them for the second time, An Bu stopped.

Although she didn’t sense the familiar majestic vitality, the aura left on the finger that had worn the Eye of Cupid before confirmed his identity.

The reason she could still remain calm was that he was still alive, albeit with a very weak life force.

She had to get him to the hospital as soon as possible.

An Bu fished out her phone from him, wanting to call an ambulance, but she couldn’t see or speak, and couldn’t even unlock the screen.

Mr. Jian!

An Bu exerted force to push Jian Ningxuan’s body, her mouth constantly opening and closing, silently calling his name.

Mr. Jian!

A wave of despair and powerlessness surged in her heart. Right now, she seemed to be in another dimension, completely unable to communicate with the outside world. Although she would soon return to normal, Jian Ningxuan’s weakening life force didn’t leave much time for her to recover slowly.

The Book of Life and Death was currently in a stagnant state, reorganizing data and unable to quickly recover perception through life energy.

Mr. Jian…

An Bu could only call his name over and over again.

At that moment, An Bu’s right hand was suddenly grabbed by someone.

“Bu Bu…” A weak voice came from Jian Ningxuan’s mouth.

An Bu couldn’t hear, but she knew he was awake, her face showing a joyful smile.

Mr. Jian, are you okay? Quickly call an ambulance and go to the hospital!

Seeing her mouth opening and closing without any sound, Jian Ningxuan couldn’t help but feel a pang of pain.

His gaze then fell on her hand, which was covered in wounds, with many broken pieces of stones mixed in with the torn flesh.

He struggled to prop himself up, took the phone from An Bu’s hand, and dialed the emergency number and his assistant’s number. After doing all this, he almost exhausted all his strength. The massive blood loss made him feel dizzy.

Jian Ningxuan reached out to try to hold An Bu, but halfway through, he ultimately couldn’t and let his arm fall weakly. His vision went black again, and he fell into unconsciousness once more.

Mr. Jian, are you still okay?

Mr. Jian, please, don’t let anything happen to you.

I’m not ready yet, to bid you farewell forever…

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My Corpse is Bohemian

My Corpse is Bohemian

ศพของฉันแซ่บมาก, 我的尸身放荡不羁, 雪原幽灵
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body. Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


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