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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Miracle of Life

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In the villa’s bathroom, An Bu was immersed in a bathtub filled with warm water by Jian Ningxuan. He patiently helped her wash her hair, bathe, and massage her, gradually removing the livor mortis from her skin.

An Bu used to need to replenish her vitality regularly to maintain her physical vitality, but now she could no longer absorb vitality. Her body full of death aura would eventually turn into an undying corpse. Jian Ningxuan had been following An Bu, able to help her clean up some dirt, but unable to restore her vitality.

Jian Ningxuan massaged An Bu’s muscles repeatedly until they became soft, warm, and smooth.

“Bu Bu, from now on, I’ll massage you every day to make sure you’re pretty and beautiful,” Jian Ningxuan gently brushed the hair on the side of her face, gazing at her with soft eyes.

An Bu’s face was expressionless, but her eyes were fixed on his hands, as if observing his every move.

After washing An Bu clean, dressing her in comfortable home clothes, and carrying her to bed, Jian Ningxuan picked up a hairdryer to blow dry her hair.

“You wait here for a moment, I’ll go clean up.” Jian Ningxuan patted An Bu’s dried hair and instructed her, then took the change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

As his figure disappeared into the bathroom, An Bu’s vision once again turned into a dull gray. She watched anxiously as the closed bathroom door, waiting for him to come out, and suddenly, the vibrant colors reappeared before her eyes when he emerged from the bathroom.

“Come, let me take you around.” Jian Ningxuan held An Bu’s hand, leading her to rediscover their home.

Most of the handicrafts in the house were made by her own hands, the furniture was arranged by her, the flowers and plants were also planted by her… She always decorated their life with care, colorful and lively.

“Bu Bu, would you like some fruit juice?” Jian Ningxuan led An Bu to the kitchen, took out some fruits from the freezer, washed and peeled them, cut them into pieces, and put them into the juicer.

An Bu stood by the dining table, watching as he poured the freshly squeezed juice into a glass, inserted a straw, and handed it to her.

An Bu’s gaze followed his movements, moving to the glass on the table, which was filled with golden liquid, with a blue straw gently swaying in the juice.

“Just looking won’t make it magically enter your stomach.” Jian Ningxuan picked up the glass, brought the straw to An Bu’s lips, “Take a sip?”

An Bu bit onto the straw, drinking all of it without leaving a drop.

After finishing the juice, she still bit onto the straw, chewing on it.

“How is it?” Jian Ningxuan took the straw out of her teeth, awaiting her reaction.

An Bu’s face remained expressionless, revealing no likes or dislikes.

After losing the Book of Life, she shouldn’t be able to convert food into vitality anymore, but miraculously, after the juice entered her stomach, although most of it was dissipated by death energy, a small portion successfully converted into vitality, slowly blending into her abdomen.

“It’s okay.” Jian Ningxuan hugged her, “We have plenty of time in the future.”

He would teach her how to live again according to her previous habits. He could feel that Bu Bu’s heart was still alive.

In the evening, Jian Ningxuan opened his notebook and played a yoga tutorial.

“This will be your daily routine, let’s start with the simplest movements.” Jian Ningxuan followed the tutorial, demonstrating the basic movements to An Bu.

However, he overestimated his own flexibility.

When they reached the third movement, the forward bend with both hands touching the ground, his long legs became an insurmountable obstacle.

An Bu: “…”

After several failed attempts, Jian Ningxuan straightened up and calmly said, “It’s okay, just understand the spirit, let’s continue with the fourth movement.”

An Bu squatted aside, silently watching him perform.

If the fourth movement, the Horse Riding Pose, was something he could barely manage, then when they reached the fifth movement, he finally realized that he would never be able to learn yoga in this lifetime. The fifth movement, the Mountain Pose, bent forward with the head touching the ground, legs stretched out and together, buttocks raised in the air, forming a triangle.

Raising the buttocks to the sky was simply embarrassing…

“Bu Bu, I think swimming might be more suitable for you than yoga…” Jian Ningxuan was about to discuss changing their exercise routine with her, but when he turned his head, he saw her performing a standard Mountain Pose.

She did this movement effortlessly, exuding a sense of steady tranquility and flexible beauty.

Jian Ningxuan’s eyes became warm, deeply imprinting her figure into his pupils.

An Bu maintained the pose, looking at him, seemingly seeking his opinion.

“Bu Bu, you’re amazing.” Jian Ningxuan resisted the urge to hug her, replayed the video, “Let’s try it again.”

This time, Jian Ningxuan didn’t embarrass himself further, just watched An Bu practice by his side.

Her body seemed to retain her previous habits. Although the movements were somewhat stiff, they were not unfamiliar. After only two or three attempts, she mastered the essentials and performed them smoothly, as if she had practiced them thousands of times.

After each movement, An Bu would glance at Jian Ningxuan, and after receiving his praise, she would move on to the next movement.

When all eleven basic movements were completed, Jian Ningxuan immediately hugged her gently, kissed her cheek.

An Bu looked up at him, her eyes shining with bright colors.

For the rest of the time, Jian Ningxuan took An Bu to beauty fitness, studied cooking, did handicrafts, listened to music, painted, carved flowers… Although these were all things he was not good at before, he was willing to learn them with An Bu.

Under Jian Ningxuan’s care, An Bu was almost isolated from death energy, her body becoming healthier and healthier. From a distance, she was no different from an ordinary person, but up close, the consciousness of ordinary people would still be affected by death energy. Only when Jian Ningxuan was present could this influence be eliminated.

“Bu Bu, do you want to go for a walk later?” Jian Ningxuan turned to An Bu, his gaze falling on her hands.

Several pieces of clay had been kneaded into a bunch of wisteria flowers by her. The flowers were layered and delicate.

A hint of surprise flashed in Jian Ningxuan’s eyes: Bu Bu, do you remember? Our cohabitation began with wisteria flowers.

An Bu didn’t notice Jian Ningxuan’s expression. She set aside the wisteria flowers she had kneaded and continued to play with other clay.

A few minutes later, the second piece was completed, a pair of white sneakers. This was followed by black socks, a white T-shirt, gray underwear, neatly arranged on the table, exactly the outfit Jian Ningxuan wore when they went for a walk the day before yesterday.

Jian Ningxuan: “…Did we forget the sports pants?”

An Bu then kneaded a pair of deep black sports pants.

“What about yours?”

An Bu turned her head, seeming to recall, but ultimately didn’t remember what she was wearing at that time.

Jian Ningxuan’s eyes softened: Remembering his attire, but not remembering her own…

“Come, change your clothes, let’s go for a walk.” Jian Ningxuan pulled up An Bu, first took her to wash her hands, and then helped her change into a colorful sportswear.

An Bu pulled at her clothes, looking down at the beautiful colors on her body. But in just a moment, the colors suddenly faded, eventually turning into a dull gray.

She lifted her head, only to find Jian Ningxuan gone, leaving her vision filled with oppressive black and white.

An Bu turned and walked out of the bedroom, sticking her head out from the corner of the corridor, and found her colors in the kitchen.

Jian Ningxuan walked out of the kitchen with a jug of juice, seeing An Bu’s head peeking out from the corridor, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

“Come here, we’re ready to go.” He beckoned to An Bu.

An Bu hurried over to him, skillfully lifting her foot as she waited for him to help her change her shoes.

Jian Ningxuan gently tapped her forehead, “Don’t be lazy, you need to learn to change your shoes yourself.”

Although he said that, he still squatted down and helped her put on her shoes.

“Let’s go.” Jian Ningxuan opened the door, reaching out his hand to An Bu.

An Bu stared at his hand for a long time, then slowly placed her own hand in his palm.

Between their clasped hands, there seemed to be a kind of power passing through.

She didn’t think, she just instinctively wanted to be close to this person.

The call of death had been beckoning her, but she didn’t want to leave, always feeling like she belonged here.

Suddenly, a warmth spread in her abdomen, as if something was awakening. This feeling had occurred more than once, they persisted stubbornly in the midst of deathly silence.

An Bu paid no attention, allowing Jian Ningxuan to lead her around.

She walked slowly, step by step, as if measuring each one meticulously. Jian Ningxuan always matched her pace, walking leisurely beside her.

An Bu looked at the sky at the end of the road, then glanced at the man beside her, lips moving slightly.

“What?” Jian Ningxuan turned his head, asking expectantly, “Bu Bu, did you just call me?”

An Bu cold appearance.jpg: “…”

“I always feel like you’re calling me.” Jian Ningxuan smiled lightly.


Jian Ningxuan paused, turning to look at her again.

An Bu cold appearance.jpg: “…”

Jian Ningxuan: “…”

Staring at her for a long time without a response, he could only give up.

Jian, Ning, Xuan… An Bu silently called his name, repeating it over and over again, as if discovering a fun game.

Although no sound came out, Jian Ningxuan could always sense it and occasionally turned to look at her.

At night, An Bu nibbled on a plate of vegetable salad, drank a glass of juice, did half an hour of yoga, soaked in a half-hour beauty bath, enjoyed a half-hour massage, and finally laid on the soft bed, her whole body looking adorable.

An Bu didn’t need to sleep, but that night, she fell asleep in Jian Ningxuan’s arms.

After falling asleep, she didn’t wake up for several days, which frightened Jian Ningxuan again.

He called Fang Cun to see if he could find out the reason for An Bu’s unconsciousness.

With the help of various medical devices, Fang Cun conducted a thorough examination on An Bu, and then looked somewhat bewildered.

“What’s wrong with Bu Bu?” Jian Ningxuan asked urgently when he saw Fang Cun’s strange expression.

Fang Cun wore an expression of shattered worldview and muttered to himself, “How is this possible, how is this possible…”

Jian Ningxuan was about to get angry when he heard Fang Cun’s incredulous shout, “How could a corpse be pregnant??”

Jian Ningxuan: “…”

“Mr. Jian, how did you do it?” Fang Cun looked at him in shock, “Your genes are powerful enough to impregnate a corpse??”

Jian Ningxuan tried to remain calm, “… How many months?”

“About two months.”

Jian Ningxuan immediately thought of the night they soaked in the hot springs at the villa. An Bu was on the verge of resurrection at the time, but no one expected her to get pregnant.

This little life came unexpectedly, and Jian Ningxuan didn’t know whether to be happy or worried.

“How will the pregnancy affect Bu Bu?” Jian Ningxuan asked.

Fang Cun pondered, “I think the pregnancy might actually be good for Sister An. Her body had completely lost its vitality, but the appearance of this little life has become her only hope.”

“So you mean…”

“Whether Sister An can regain her consciousness in the future, this little life might be her turning point.”

Jian Ningxuan tightly held An Bu’s hand, his eyes filled with uncontrollable excitement and joy.

“By the way, Mr. Jian, do you mind providing me with some of your sperm for research? I want to study your anti-human genes…”

Then, Fang Cun was packed up and thrown out of the villa by Jian Ningxuan.

An Bu had been asleep for seven days straight. When she woke up, the first thing she saw was Jian Ningxuan sleeping by her bedside.

“Bu Bu, you’re finally awake.” As if sensing it, Jian Ningxuan woke up shortly after An Bu regained consciousness.

Jian Ningxuan got up and said, “I’ll go prepare hot water for you. Later, you can take a bath and I’ll give you a massage.” 


“After the bath, I have good news to tell you.” Jian Ningxuan said as he walked towards the bathroom. 

“Jian… Ning… Xuan…” 

Jian Ningxuan paused, then abruptly turned his head. 

An Bu looked at him and called out each syllable, “Jian… Ning… Xuan…” 

Jian Ningxuan’s heart was instantly filled with joy. “Bubu, did you call me?” 

“Jian… Ning… Xuan…” 

Jian Ningxuan rushed to the bedside and hugged An Bu tightly. “Haha…” 

“Jian Ningxuan.” An Bu repeated his name, calling it out repeatedly. 

But this name represented hope for An Bu to regain her consciousness.

“Hahaha…” Jian Ningxuan happily spun her around in his arms.

“Bubu, you are truly a miracle in my life,” he said, gazing at her with concentration, his eyes filled with a multitude of colors.

This must be the color of life…

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My Corpse is Bohemian

My Corpse is Bohemian

ศพของฉันแซ่บมาก, 我的尸身放荡不羁, 雪原幽灵
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body. Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


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