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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Sun Zhuobai

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An Bu and the other candidates followed the boy to the gym. The space, covering over 400 square meters, had a swimming pool that took up half of it. On both sides of the pool were lightweight fitness equipment like treadmills, weight machines, rowing machines, and sit-up boards. There were no comprehensive strength and muscle training equipment.

“Choose any equipment to start exercising.” The boy instructed with hands behind his back. “For those without equipment, run around the pool. No one can stop until I say so.”

The candidates exchanged glances, then rushed to grab equipment. After climbing 32 floors just now, no one had the energy to run. They just wanted something with less physical demand.

An Bu couldn’t be bothered to join the scramble. She directly started running around the pool. Compared to other exercises, running was the simplest for her.

Sun Zhuobai – the employer for this recruitment – laid on a folding chair, sipping the drink brought by his assistant, and watching everyone exercise with enthusiasm.

As An Bu ran past him, her gaze lingered on him for a moment. This boy had a slender figure, much thinner than a normal person. His health condition probably wasn’t great. An Bu wondered why he recruited so many training partners – was it to motivate himself to exercise or just for fun? She thought the latter was more likely.

“Little sister, are you sure you can still run? Do you want big brother to help you?” The guy who teased An Bu before ran up to her, smiling.

An Bu glanced at him. He was a lively handsome guy, but as a corpse pampered by a cat master, she disdained such young meat.

She smiled, “Sure, lead for 8 laps.” Call her “little sister”? She’s older than you even in her previous life.

“No problem, follow big brother’s pace.” The handsome guy ran energetically about a meter in front of An Bu.

An Bu continued with her steady pace, quietly watching him leading.

One lap, two laps, three laps… Wandering among a dozen guys, An Bu moved gracefully, swaying around. As the others gradually switched from jogging to walking, their difficult and sweaty appearance sharply contrasted with her steady and composed demeanor.

The two bodyguards beside Sun Zhuobai showed surprise, continuously exercising for so long without even a drop of sweat. Was she a robot made of silicone?

Dozens of running applicants were all exhausted like dogs, and those using fitness equipment weren’t doing much better either. The continuous and relentless exercise greatly tested their endurance.

Six or seven minutes later, a candidate using the sit-up board took a lazy break, lying down for a minute. However, he was quickly discovered by the bodyguards and politely “escorted” out.

Others immediately perked up, afraid to slack off, choosing to slow down rather than stop. However, human endurance was limited. Five minutes later, several people couldn’t continue.

After fifteen minutes, out of the original 27 candidates, only 9 remained. Among them, 5 were running by the pool.

Before long, the handsome guy who had said he would run with An Bu finally reached his limit. Dragging heavy steps, he walked laboriously by the pool, ultimately unable to endure and collapsed on the ground.

In the dizziness and heat, a figure passed by him. An Bu smiled, “Exactly 8 laps, thanks, little brother.”

The handsome guy raised his head, watching the girl’s figure in the distance. Her steps remained steady, her posture still graceful. Suddenly, he realized: So, when she said lead 8 laps, that’s what she meant! My sister, you’re too amazing!

At this moment, the entire gym had only An Bu still running, while everyone else had fallen.

“Alright, stop!” Sun Zhuobai should have called to stop earlier, but to test An Bu’s limits, he endured and didn’t say anything. After running lap after lap, seeing her still running as if she could go on forever, his patience finally ran out.

An Bu jogged over to Sun Zhuobai and smiled, “Is it over? As long as you want to watch, I can keep running for dozens or even hundreds of laps.”

Sun Zhuobai: “Hehe.”

The bodyguards, assistant, and remaining applicants looked at An Bu as if she were a prehistoric behemoth. A year’s supply of knee pads had been offered to her.

Sun Zhuobai looked An Bu up and down and asked, “Don’t you sweat at all?”

An Bu answered calmly, “I naturally sweat less, and this level of exercise isn’t enough to make me sweat.”

Crowd: This person is really good at pretending. Full marks for you.

Sun Zhuobai wanted someone tall and strong who could endure his demands, not a woman who seemed tireless no matter how much she exercised.

“You’re not qualified.” He pointed to the door. “Please leave.”

“Why? Can you give me a reason?” An Bu looked at him with a calm gaze.

“I’m the employer, and what I say goes, no reasons.”

“Emmm…” An Bu chuckled. “Let me guess, do you think I can’t bring you the fun of teasing people?”

Bodyguards and assistant: Bingo.

Sun Zhuobai frowned, “So what?”

“If that’s the case, then you should keep me even more.” An Bu said seriously, “Teasing a strong person brings a sense of accomplishment far superior to teasing dozens of weaklings.”

The “weaklings”: …

Sun Zhuobai raised an eyebrow, seeming somewhat intrigued. He stared at An Bu for a long time before finally saying, “Give your resume to my assistant later. For the next week, you’ll be my training partner.” His tone seemed a bit unwilling. Then he pointed at the last two guys who fell, “And you two are qualified too.”

The two guys who were named didn’t expect they still had a chance. Thinking about An Bu and Sun Zhuobai’s conversation just now, they felt that this job might not be reliable. Should they buy some personal insurance first?

After Sun Zhuobai finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the gym.

An Bu and the other two guys followed the assistant to complete the formalities.

The two guys were named Tang Dou and Xian Xiang, one was the guy with disheveled hair An Bu met downstairs, and the other was the handsome guy who teased her later. The names “Tang Dou” and “Xian Xiang” also matched quite well.

Leaving the building, An Bu was thinking of going to the supermarket to buy some ingredients when a car suddenly stopped in front of her. The car window rolled down, revealing the handsome face of Jian Ningxuan.

“Mr. Jian, why are you here?”

“Just passing by.” Jian Ningxuan looked up at the building and asked, “Are you here for an interview?”

“Yes.” An Bu sat in the passenger seat. “Let’s go to the supermarket first.”

“What kind of job?” Jian Ningxuan started the car, seemingly casually inquiring.

An Bu replied, “Doing exercises with a few guys.”

Jian Ningxuan: “…A few?”

“Three or four, all in their teens or twenties.”

Jian Ningxuan: Teens or twenties men…

Seeing him with a stiff expression not saying anything, An Bu joked, “Mr. Jian, are you afraid that I’ll be lured away by the little wild cats outside?”

Jian Ningxuan: Not denying, not confirming.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Jian is the best; no one can compare.” An Bu shamelessly talked big.

Mr. Jian silently radiating light…

At the supermarket, An Bu and Jian Ningxuan bought a bunch of ingredients. Half were seafood, and the other half were fruits and vegetables, meeting the needs of both the cat master and the cat.

Back home, An Bu habitually glanced at the fish tank and found Jianjian perched on the edge, staring at them with those unseen eyes.

An Bu realized that she hadn’t played with Jianjian today. Seeing Jian Ningxuan automatically starting to handle the ingredients, she decided to spend time with Jianjian after lunch.

But as soon as she took a few steps, she heard a muffled sound beside her. Turning around, she found that Jianjian had jumped out of the fish tank, onto the tissue box nearby, and bent its four tentacles toward An Bu’s direction, seemingly preparing for a leap through the centuries.

“Stay still!” An Bu walked over quickly. The area near the kitchen was filled with hard objects—marble dining table, tiled floor, glass door, flower vases, decorative paintings… Jianjian’s soft body, who knows if it could survive a direct impact.

“You’re getting more and more mischievous.” It had only been a little over half a month. How could its motor nerves develop so well? Wasn’t it said that Hun Yis were a species that didn’t like to move? Jianjian’s mother squatted in one place for thousands of years. This guy completely lacked its mother’s stability and even showed signs of hyperactivity.

An Bu absolutely refused to admit responsibility for this.

Seeing An Bu approaching, Jianjian immediately stopped moving, waiting for her to stretch out her hand and then slowly climb up.

“You know, I’m thinking of finding a teacher or a buddy for you. Seahorse, turtle, rainbow frog, Blue Treasure Bride, which one do you like?” Jianjian was undergoing a transformation (changing shape), and it heard but didn’t understand.

Jian Ningxuan came to An Bu’s side, frowning, “Will this guy transform in the future?”

“It eats vegetables like me, so even if it turns into something different, it won’t harm people.” There probably wasn’t a creature more environmentally friendly and harmless than a Hun Yi. Well, there probably wasn’t a corpse more environmentally friendly and harmless than her.

Jian Ningxuan, seeing them having fun, couldn’t join in, so he returned to the kitchen to handle the ingredients.

When he finished processing, a pair of arms suddenly reached from behind, hugging his waist.

“Mr. Jian is really thoughtful.” An Bu smiled and praised, “Should I give you a reward?”

Jian Ningxuan silently washed his hands, seemingly indifferent.

“If you don’t speak, I’ll take it as you don’t want it.”

Jian Ningxuan paused for a moment, Isn’t silence considered consent? You can’t play dumb!

Seeing that the radiant glow on his face suddenly dimmed again, An Bu couldn’t help but want to laugh.

“Hahaha…” Unable to hold back, she leaned against his back and laughed.

Jian Ningxuan pulled her hand away, turned around, picked her up, and placed her on the dining table. He lowered his head to suppress her laughter. The hot breath intermingled between their lips and teeth, and their body temperatures gradually harmonized through the deepening intimacy. A gentle breeze lifted the curtains, gently concealing the overlapping figures.

The next day, An Bu woke up early and headed to the workplace.

Entering the building, she saw a new notice board that read: “Three training partners must walk upstairs. No elevator use allowed for the next week. Violators will be immediately dismissed.”

An Bu: Looks like he’s making a move.

Climbing up to the 32nd floor at a leisurely pace, there was only an assistant and a bodyguard in the lobby; the other two training partners hadn’t arrived yet.

“Where’s Young Master Sun?” An Bu asked.

The bodyguard replied, “Still sleeping.”

“When does he wake up? Training is about to start soon.” The recruitment clearly stated the training times: 6-8 am, 2-4 pm, and 8-9 pm. It was already 5:30 pm.

“I don’t know. Young Master Sun usually wakes up naturally.”

Waking up naturally and staying healthy?

An Bu politely said, “Could you please go and call him?” 

Bodyguard: “…Well, that’s not very convenient.” 

“Why is it not convenient?” Seeing the bodyguard’s deeply troubled expression, An Bu probably guessed that this little young master must be in a bad mood, “Where is his room? Can you take me there to have a look?” 

“Well, that’s also not convenient.”

 The bodyguard’s refusal was understandable, after all, An Bu was just a training partner, with no authority to interfere with the employer’s schedule.

An Bu then asked, “Does your young master usually work out?”

“Not often.” The truth was, he never worked out.

Seeing Sun Zhuobai’s appearance, he didn’t seem like someone who enjoyed exercising. If he didn’t like it, why hire a training partner? There were so many fun things to do; why waste time on monotonous workouts?

Since An Bu had accepted the job, she wouldn’t just go through the motions. Sun Zhuobai seemed physically weak, and if he didn’t exercise properly, his lifespan might be shortened.

“Take me to his room. I’ll wake him up.” Without waiting for the bodyguard’s refusal, An Bu continued, “I think both you and your boss would like him to be in better health, right? I’m just a part-time training partner; even if I annoy him, it doesn’t matter. I can always be fired.”

While the bodyguard was hesitating, the assistant spoke up, “I’ll take you there.”

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment but ultimately acquiesced.

Following the assistant to the 31st floor, they entered one of the rooms. Sun Zhuobai was lying on the large bed in the bedroom, sound asleep.

At a glance, An Bu saw the alarm clock on the bedside table, walked over, and set it to 5:42. It was now 5:41. When the hands passed 42 minutes, a harsh alarm immediately sounded in the room.

Sun Zhuobai sat up abruptly, paying no attention to who was standing beside him, and swung his hand towards the alarm clock.

An Bu sidestepped his arm, grabbed the back of his collar, and lifted him off the bed.

“What the h*ll are you doing!” Sun Zhuobai, being carried like a little chick, was furious, his eyes shooting flames, completely awake now.

“Wake up and get ready for the workout,” An Bu reminded, placing him back on the floor.

“What the h*ll are you? Get out!” Sun Zhuobai angrily shouted at the assistant at the door, “Guo Xiaotong, what are you doing? Can anyone just enter my room?”

The assistant continued to signal An Bu to leave. She hadn’t expected An Bu to be so straightforward and even brought her into the room. If she had known, she wouldn’t have let her in.

Ignoring the reactions of the two, An Bu put the alarm clock back in its place and said with a smile, “Young Master Sun, do you need me to serve you for your morning wash?”

“Get lost! Get the h*ll out!” Sun Zhuobai yelled angrily.

What kind of creature did he hire? Just a mere training partner, who gave her the right to dictate his actions?!

Poor Young Master Sun would soon discover that what he hired was not a ghost, but something even more terrifying.

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My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 94

My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Sun Zhuobai

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An Bu and the other candidates followed the boy to the gym. The space, covering over 400 square meters, had a swimming pool that took up half of it. On both sides of the pool were lightweight fitness equipment like treadmills, weight machines, rowing machines, and sit-up boards. There were no comprehensive strength and muscle training equipment.

"Choose any equipment to start exercising." The boy instructed with hands behind his back. "For those without equipment, run around the pool. No one can stop until I say so."

The candidates exchanged glances, then rushed to grab equipment. After climbing 32 floors just now, no one had the energy to run. They just wanted something with less physical demand.

An Bu couldn't be bothered to join the scramble. She directly started running around the pool. Compared to other exercises, running was the simplest for her.

Sun Zhuobai – the employer for this recruitment – laid on a folding chair, sipping the drink brought by his assistant, and watching everyone exercise with enthusiasm.

As An Bu ran past him, her gaze lingered on him for a moment. This boy had a slender figure, much thinner than a normal person. His health condition probably wasn't great. An Bu wondered why he recruited so many training partners – was it to motivate himself to exercise or just for fun? She thought the latter was more likely.

"Little sister, are you sure you can still run? Do you want big brother to help you?" The guy who teased An Bu before ran up to her, smiling.

An Bu glanced at him. He was a lively handsome guy, but as a corpse pampered by a cat master, she disdained such young meat.

She smiled, "Sure, lead for 8 laps." Call her "little sister"? She's older than you even in her previous life.

"No problem, follow big brother's pace." The handsome guy ran energetically about a meter in front of An Bu.

An Bu continued with her steady pace, quietly watching him leading.

One lap, two laps, three laps... Wandering among a dozen guys, An Bu moved gracefully, swaying around. As the others gradually switched from jogging to walking, their difficult and sweaty appearance sharply contrasted with her steady and composed demeanor.

The two bodyguards beside Sun Zhuobai showed surprise, continuously exercising for so long without even a drop of sweat. Was she a robot made of silicone?

Dozens of running applicants were all exhausted like dogs, and those using fitness equipment weren't doing much better either. The continuous and relentless exercise greatly tested their endurance.

Six or seven minutes later, a candidate using the sit-up board took a lazy break, lying down for a minute. However, he was quickly discovered by the bodyguards and politely "escorted" out.

Others immediately perked up, afraid to slack off, choosing to slow down rather than stop. However, human endurance was limited. Five minutes later, several people couldn't continue.

After fifteen minutes, out of the original 27 candidates, only 9 remained. Among them, 5 were running by the pool.

Before long, the handsome guy who had said he would run with An Bu finally reached his limit. Dragging heavy steps, he walked laboriously by the pool, ultimately unable to endure and collapsed on the ground.

In the dizziness and heat, a figure passed by him. An Bu smiled, "Exactly 8 laps, thanks, little brother."

The handsome guy raised his head, watching the girl's figure in the distance. Her steps remained steady, her posture still graceful. Suddenly, he realized: So, when she said lead 8 laps, that's what she meant! My sister, you're too amazing!

At this moment, the entire gym had only An Bu still running, while everyone else had fallen.

"Alright, stop!" Sun Zhuobai should have called to stop earlier, but to test An Bu's limits, he endured and didn't say anything. After running lap after lap, seeing her still running as if she could go on forever, his patience finally ran out.

An Bu jogged over to Sun Zhuobai and smiled, "Is it over? As long as you want to watch, I can keep running for dozens or even hundreds of laps."

Sun Zhuobai: "Hehe."

The bodyguards, assistant, and remaining applicants looked at An Bu as if she were a prehistoric behemoth. A year's supply of knee pads had been offered to her.

Sun Zhuobai looked An Bu up and down and asked, "Don't you sweat at all?"

An Bu answered calmly, "I naturally sweat less, and this level of exercise isn't enough to make me sweat."

Crowd: This person is really good at pretending. Full marks for you.

Sun Zhuobai wanted someone tall and strong who could endure his demands, not a woman who seemed tireless no matter how much she exercised.

"You're not qualified." He pointed to the door. "Please leave."

"Why? Can you give me a reason?" An Bu looked at him with a calm gaze.

"I'm the employer, and what I say goes, no reasons."

"Emmm..." An Bu chuckled. "Let me guess, do you think I can't bring you the fun of teasing people?"

Bodyguards and assistant: Bingo.

Sun Zhuobai frowned, "So what?"

"If that's the case, then you should keep me even more." An Bu said seriously, "Teasing a strong person brings a sense of accomplishment far superior to teasing dozens of weaklings."

The "weaklings": ...

Sun Zhuobai raised an eyebrow, seeming somewhat intrigued. He stared at An Bu for a long time before finally saying, "Give your resume to my assistant later. For the next week, you'll be my training partner." His tone seemed a bit unwilling. Then he pointed at the last two guys who fell, "And you two are qualified too."

The two guys who were named didn't expect they still had a chance. Thinking about An Bu and Sun Zhuobai's conversation just now, they felt that this job might not be reliable. Should they buy some personal insurance first?

After Sun Zhuobai finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the gym.

An Bu and the other two guys followed the assistant to complete the formalities.

The two guys were named Tang Dou and Xian Xiang, one was the guy with disheveled hair An Bu met downstairs, and the other was the handsome guy who teased her later. The names "Tang Dou" and "Xian Xiang" also matched quite well.

Leaving the building, An Bu was thinking of going to the supermarket to buy some ingredients when a car suddenly stopped in front of her. The car window rolled down, revealing the handsome face of Jian Ningxuan.

"Mr. Jian, why are you here?"

"Just passing by." Jian Ningxuan looked up at the building and asked, "Are you here for an interview?"

"Yes." An Bu sat in the passenger seat. "Let's go to the supermarket first."

"What kind of job?" Jian Ningxuan started the car, seemingly casually inquiring.

An Bu replied, "Doing exercises with a few guys."

Jian Ningxuan: "...A few?"

"Three or four, all in their teens or twenties."

Jian Ningxuan: Teens or twenties men...

Seeing him with a stiff expression not saying anything, An Bu joked, "Mr. Jian, are you afraid that I'll be lured away by the little wild cats outside?"

Jian Ningxuan: Not denying, not confirming.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jian is the best; no one can compare." An Bu shamelessly talked big.

Mr. Jian silently radiating light...

At the supermarket, An Bu and Jian Ningxuan bought a bunch of ingredients. Half were seafood, and the other half were fruits and vegetables, meeting the needs of both the cat master and the cat.

Back home, An Bu habitually glanced at the fish tank and found Jianjian perched on the edge, staring at them with those unseen eyes.

An Bu realized that she hadn't played with Jianjian today. Seeing Jian Ningxuan automatically starting to handle the ingredients, she decided to spend time with Jianjian after lunch.

But as soon as she took a few steps, she heard a muffled sound beside her. Turning around, she found that Jianjian had jumped out of the fish tank, onto the tissue box nearby, and bent its four tentacles toward An Bu's direction, seemingly preparing for a leap through the centuries.

"Stay still!" An Bu walked over quickly. The area near the kitchen was filled with hard objects—marble dining table, tiled floor, glass door, flower vases, decorative paintings... Jianjian's soft body, who knows if it could survive a direct impact.

"You're getting more and more mischievous." It had only been a little over half a month. How could its motor nerves develop so well? Wasn't it said that Hun Yis were a species that didn't like to move? Jianjian's mother squatted in one place for thousands of years. This guy completely lacked its mother's stability and even showed signs of hyperactivity.

An Bu absolutely refused to admit responsibility for this.

Seeing An Bu approaching, Jianjian immediately stopped moving, waiting for her to stretch out her hand and then slowly climb up.

"You know, I'm thinking of finding a teacher or a buddy for you. Seahorse, turtle, rainbow frog, Blue Treasure Bride, which one do you like?" Jianjian was undergoing a transformation (changing shape), and it heard but didn't understand.

Jian Ningxuan came to An Bu's side, frowning, "Will this guy transform in the future?"

"It eats vegetables like me, so even if it turns into something different, it won't harm people." There probably wasn't a creature more environmentally friendly and harmless than a Hun Yi. Well, there probably wasn't a corpse more environmentally friendly and harmless than her.

Jian Ningxuan, seeing them having fun, couldn't join in, so he returned to the kitchen to handle the ingredients.

When he finished processing, a pair of arms suddenly reached from behind, hugging his waist.

"Mr. Jian is really thoughtful." An Bu smiled and praised, "Should I give you a reward?"

Jian Ningxuan silently washed his hands, seemingly indifferent.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as you don't want it."

Jian Ningxuan paused for a moment, Isn't silence considered consent? You can't play dumb!

Seeing that the radiant glow on his face suddenly dimmed again, An Bu couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Hahaha..." Unable to hold back, she leaned against his back and laughed.

Jian Ningxuan pulled her hand away, turned around, picked her up, and placed her on the dining table. He lowered his head to suppress her laughter. The hot breath intermingled between their lips and teeth, and their body temperatures gradually harmonized through the deepening intimacy. A gentle breeze lifted the curtains, gently concealing the overlapping figures.

The next day, An Bu woke up early and headed to the workplace.

Entering the building, she saw a new notice board that read: "Three training partners must walk upstairs. No elevator use allowed for the next week. Violators will be immediately dismissed."

An Bu: Looks like he's making a move.

Climbing up to the 32nd floor at a leisurely pace, there was only an assistant and a bodyguard in the lobby; the other two training partners hadn't arrived yet.

"Where's Young Master Sun?" An Bu asked.

The bodyguard replied, "Still sleeping."

"When does he wake up? Training is about to start soon." The recruitment clearly stated the training times: 6-8 am, 2-4 pm, and 8-9 pm. It was already 5:30 pm.

"I don't know. Young Master Sun usually wakes up naturally."

Waking up naturally and staying healthy?

An Bu politely said, "Could you please go and call him?" 

Bodyguard: "...Well, that's not very convenient." 

"Why is it not convenient?" Seeing the bodyguard's deeply troubled expression, An Bu probably guessed that this little young master must be in a bad mood, "Where is his room? Can you take me there to have a look?" 

"Well, that's also not convenient."

 The bodyguard's refusal was understandable, after all, An Bu was just a training partner, with no authority to interfere with the employer's schedule.

An Bu then asked, "Does your young master usually work out?"

"Not often." The truth was, he never worked out.

Seeing Sun Zhuobai's appearance, he didn't seem like someone who enjoyed exercising. If he didn't like it, why hire a training partner? There were so many fun things to do; why waste time on monotonous workouts?

Since An Bu had accepted the job, she wouldn't just go through the motions. Sun Zhuobai seemed physically weak, and if he didn't exercise properly, his lifespan might be shortened.

"Take me to his room. I'll wake him up." Without waiting for the bodyguard's refusal, An Bu continued, "I think both you and your boss would like him to be in better health, right? I'm just a part-time training partner; even if I annoy him, it doesn't matter. I can always be fired."

While the bodyguard was hesitating, the assistant spoke up, "I'll take you there."

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment but ultimately acquiesced.

Following the assistant to the 31st floor, they entered one of the rooms. Sun Zhuobai was lying on the large bed in the bedroom, sound asleep.

At a glance, An Bu saw the alarm clock on the bedside table, walked over, and set it to 5:42. It was now 5:41. When the hands passed 42 minutes, a harsh alarm immediately sounded in the room.

Sun Zhuobai sat up abruptly, paying no attention to who was standing beside him, and swung his hand towards the alarm clock.

An Bu sidestepped his arm, grabbed the back of his collar, and lifted him off the bed.

"What the h*ll are you doing!" Sun Zhuobai, being carried like a little chick, was furious, his eyes shooting flames, completely awake now.

"Wake up and get ready for the workout," An Bu reminded, placing him back on the floor.

"What the h*ll are you? Get out!" Sun Zhuobai angrily shouted at the assistant at the door, "Guo Xiaotong, what are you doing? Can anyone just enter my room?"

The assistant continued to signal An Bu to leave. She hadn't expected An Bu to be so straightforward and even brought her into the room. If she had known, she wouldn't have let her in.

Ignoring the reactions of the two, An Bu put the alarm clock back in its place and said with a smile, "Young Master Sun, do you need me to serve you for your morning wash?"

"Get lost! Get the h*ll out!" Sun Zhuobai yelled angrily.

What kind of creature did he hire? Just a mere training partner, who gave her the right to dictate his actions?!

Poor Young Master Sun would soon discover that what he hired was not a ghost, but something even more terrifying.

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