My Corpse is Bohemian Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Training with You

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“Young Master Sun, do you need me to serve you for your morning wash?” An Bu politely asked again.

“No need!” Sun Zhuobai grabbed a pillow and threw it towards An Bu.

“Alright then.” An Bu caught the incoming pillow, put it back in its place, and then walked slowly toward the door. “Young Master Sun, rest well. I won’t disturb you anymore.”

After saying this, she had already walked out of the room.

Staring at her disappearing figure, Sun Zhuobai, with a stifled heart, couldn’t express the anger he felt. She came early in the morning, disturbing his sleep, and he thought something big was happening. But she left after a few words? What the h*ll did she come for?

“Master…” The assistant whispered.

“Get lost! You get lost too! Don’t disturb my sleep!” Sun Zhuobai laid back on the bed, covering himself with the blanket.

The assistant quickly retreated, closed the door behind her, and the room returned to silence. However, Sun Zhuobai couldn’t calm down no matter what after the sudden scare and anger. After being startled and angered, he had completely lost any desire to sleep.

“So annoying!” He abruptly overturned the blanket, sat up on the bed, stared blankly for a moment, and then irritably walked into the bathroom.

“Miss An, you almost killed me.” The assistant found An Bu and said with a bitter face.

“I’m sorry for putting you in a difficult situation.” An Bu sat on the sofa, looking at her with a smile. This assistant seemed quite young, appearing to be a newcomer who had recently entered the workforce. Considering Sun Zhuobai’s identity, theoretically, he wouldn’t hire an assistant with little experience. Including the bodyguards, none of them seemed very professional, otherwise, they wouldn’t easily let her, a part-time training partner on her first day, enter Sun Zhuobai’s room.

They share a common trait of having good temperaments and avoiding conflicts with others. An Bu went to Sun Zhuobai’s room and caused a scene. Surprisingly, this little assistant was still courteous to her, a complete pushover.

An Bu asked, “Little Guo, how long have you been working with Young Master Sun?”

“Three months,” the little assistant, Guo Xiaotong, replied shyly.

“I guess he must have changed many assistants before you?” An Bu smiled, “You’re probably the one who has been with him the longest.”

Guo Xiaotong hesitated, “No, there was someone who persisted for four months before. Young Master Sun can be a bit stubborn, but he’s not a bad person.”

“Can you tell me about Young Master Sun’s physical condition?” An Bu was curious about Sun Zhuobai’s daily habits. “Did he hire a training partner on his own initiative?”

“Hiring a training partner was his father’s idea. In fact, he originally had a professional fitness trainer and nutritionist, but he drove them away. Even high salaries couldn’t keep them. In the end, we have to follow the fitness plan and nutrition recipes to take care of Young Master Sun’s daily life, but he…” Guo Xiaotong didn’t finish her sentence, but An Bu could guess. Sun Zhuobai’s temper was just too big, and he easily told people to “get lost.”

An Bu’s interest was piqued, and she asked again, “After I left his room just now, did he ask you to fire me?”

Guo Xiaotong hesitated, shook her head, and said, “No, he just said not to disturb his sleep.”

An Bu smiled and asked Guo Xiaotong for Sun Zhuobai’s medical examination report, fitness plan, and nutrition recipes. These were things a training partner needed to know; otherwise, if she compromised his health, it would be troublesome.

Sun Zhuobai had been weak and sickly since childhood, with low immunity, a dislike for medication and exercise, picky eating habits, a height of 163 cm, and a weight of only 82 kg. He mainly received education at home to avoid infections from crowded places, making him quite delicate.

The only consolation was that he didn’t have any major illnesses. As long as he behaved himself, he rarely suffered from minor illnesses. After all, he had been carefully nurtured with various precious medicinal herbs, which made him better off than many ordinary people.

The other two training partners, Tang Dou and Xian Xiang, also reviewed this information. They arrived ten minutes later than An Bu and didn’t know what she had done early in the morning.

“Little Guo, Young Master Sun is awake.” A bodyguard walked over to inform.

Guo Xiaotong quickly made a call and asked the chef to bring up breakfast.

An Bu checked the time; it was 6:22, not too late.

The breakfast arrived in a few minutes—egg and shredded meat rolls, slices of bread, a fruit platter, and milk. It was a very standard breakfast. Ten minutes later, Guo Xiaotong brought the meal tray out. An Bu took a look; Sun Zhuobai had only taken a bite of the egg and shredded meat roll, and the slices of bread and milk were untouched, but he had eaten most of the fruit.

With this appetite, he would become sick from hunger even if he wasn’t already ill.

Around 7:00, Sun Zhuobai finally came out of his room. When he saw An Bu, he snorted coldly, then walked arrogantly into the gym.

“You can start now.” Sun Zhuobai sat on a folding chair and beckoned to An Bu and the other two training partners.

“Start?” Tang Dou looked puzzled, “Start what?”

Sun Zhuobai impatiently glared at him, “Why did I hire you guys? To work out!”

Tang Dou: The problem is they are training partners! Without someone to “partner,” how are they going to train?

“This morning’s fitness class only has a few minutes left; let’s do it like this.” An Bu walked to Sun Zhuobai’s side, pulled him up, and carried him on her shoulders like carrying a sandbag.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock, standing there dumbfounded, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Sun Zhuobai was also stunned, completely unprepared to be carried by someone.

Carrying the 82-kg human sandbag, An Bu ran to the staircase, descended to the 27th floor in one breath, and then put Sun Zhuobai down.

“Alright, for the next time, I’ll climb the stairs with you.” An Bu patted the stair railing.

Sun Zhuobai’s face turned red, pointing at her, but he couldn’t say a word. The bodyguard, assistant, and training partners who followed him stood on the stairs, peering down from above, with a neatly written expression on their faces: “Little partners are all stunned!”

“Let’s go.” An Bu held Sun Zhuobai’s hand and started climbing the stairs.

“Who allowed you to do this!” Sun Zhuobai tried to pull his hand back but found himself being dragged tightly, unable to break free. He had no choice but to let her drag him upstairs, “Let go of me, you stinky woman!”

“I don’t stink at all. If you don’t believe me, smell.” An Bu extended her arm to his nose.

“Ah—get lost!” Sun Zhuobai squatted down on the ground, refusing to move.

“It seems you prefer being carried by me.” An Bu looked down at him from above, “I’ll give you two choices: climb up by yourself or let me carry you around the company downstairs.”

“Do you dare!” Sun Zhuobai glared at her in anger.

“I do dare.” An Bu squatted down, pinched his face, and said, “You said you wanted to give me a hard time, right? But you’re so weak; how are you planning to give me a hard time?”

Sun Zhuobai was so angry that his whole body was trembling, almost biting his teeth into pieces.

“Alright, climb the stairs. As long as you climb up and down twice, I’ll let you have a chance to give me a hard time voluntarily.”

Sun Zhuobai looked at her coldly, “Are you keeping your word?”

“Of course.” An old corpse isn’t afraid of any challenges.

Sun Zhuobai stopped talking, slowly stood up, and climbed the stairs at a snail’s pace, thinking about how to give An Bu a hard time later.

From the 27th floor to the 32nd floor, only five floors, and for an ordinary person, going up and down would only take a few minutes. However, for Sun Zhuobai, who hadn’t exercised for a long time, it was quite a challenge. Moreover, he had only eaten a few fruits for breakfast, severely lacking in stamina. After climbing from the 27th floor to the 32nd floor, he was already panting.

“Not bad. Now go downstairs, and another round will qualify you.” An Bu clapped her hands.

Sun Zhuobai gritted his teeth and turned to go downstairs. Descending the stairs wasn’t as strenuous as climbing up, but his legs and neck felt weak. He could only cling to the railing and cautiously move downward.

An Bu shook her head silently, amazed at his level of physical weakness. She wondered if he had ever walked a long distance.

Finally reaching the 27th floor, Sun Zhuobai started climbing again. Drops of sweat rolled down from his forehead, and his fair face gained a bit of rosy color, showing signs of vitality.

Halfway through, he felt exhausted and stopped to rest. Thoughts of giving up crossed his mind. As a young master, why should he endure such hardship? Who was that woman, and why should he listen to her? It only took a word from him to stop her nonsense. Why was he being foolish?

While struggling, there suddenly came a “crunch, crunch” sound from above. Sun Zhuobai looked up to see An Bu leaning against the stairwell, munching on an apple with a content expression.

Sun Zhuobai: D*mn it! He was suffering here, and that woman was eating an apple there. This was simply unreasonable!

“Aren’t you my training partner?” he angrily questioned, “If you don’t want to train with me, fine, but how dare you eat an apple during working hours!”

“Wasn’t I training with you all along?” An Bu pulled out a bag of fruits, “Eat some fruits; it helps replenish energy. Would you like some? There are apples, strawberries, bananas, and cherries.”

Sun Zhuobai licked his somewhat dry lips and laboriously climbed to the stairwell, reaching out, “Give me a few strawberries.”

An Bu took out a small box of strawberries from the bag, still glistening with droplets, indicating they had been washed.

Sun Zhuobai took one and put it in his mouth. The juicy and sweet taste spread on his tongue, instantly refreshing him. The previous irritability seemed to dissipate.

“We’re almost there; let’s continue.” An Bu took the lead, heading upstairs. After hesitating for a moment, Sun Zhuobai followed.

The two, one nibbling an apple and the other eating strawberries, climbed unconsciously until they reached the 32nd floor. The bag of fruits had also been finished.

Back in the lobby, an assistant quickly handed over tea, but Sun Zhuobai waved it off, completely unwilling to move.

“Congratulations on completing the stair-climbing task. Your reward is a massage.” An Bu flattened the tired Sun Zhuobai on the sofa and began massaging him.

Sun Zhuobai originally wanted to refuse sternly, but feeling the comfortable sensation in his muscles, he swallowed back his words. Still, he shouted, not willing to appear weak, “I completed the task; just wait for me to give you a hard time!”

“Sure.” An old corpse doesn’t lie; as long as you have the energy to cause trouble.

Sun Zhuobai’s eyelids drooped, and after a few minutes, faint snoring could be heard. He fell asleep like that.

He was awakened by An Bu a little after 5:00. Considering he hadn’t slept well, had only eaten a bit of fruit for breakfast, and climbed a few floors, it was normal to be exhausted.

An Bu withdrew her hands, and turning around, she noticed everyone around looking at her with admiration.

Guo Xiaotong gave her a thumbs up, praising her quietly, “Miss An, you’re amazing.”

An Bu smiled and instructed, “Let him sleep for an hour, then take him for a hot bath, and prepare a hearty lunch.”

“Alright.” Guo Xiaotong made an “OK” gesture.

Tang Dou and Xian Xiang, who had observed the whole process, sighed, “It seems like we’ve become unnecessary.”

“This is just the first day.” An Bu reminded with a smile, “Don’t think about slacking off; this young master isn’t easy to serve. You’ll have to supervise him if I’m not around when he decides to retaliate.”

The two turned to look at the lying Sun Zhuobai and couldn’t help shivering simultaneously: they might be better off being a bit unnecessary!

An hour later, Sun Zhuobai was awakened by Guo Xiaotong. He grumbled but didn’t curse. Feeling sticky, he took a hot bath, and his whole body felt refreshed, improving his mood.

“An Bu.” Fully revived, Sun Zhuobai appeared in front of An Bu, arrogantly ordering, “Come with me!”

An Bu was sitting on a stationary bike, pedaling, listening to music, and reading a magazine. Seeing Sun Zhuobai approaching, she didn’t spare him an extra glance and calmly said, “Sorry, it’s not working hours now. I have the right to refuse an employer’s assignment outside of work hours.”

Sun Zhuobai exploded, “How is it not working hours now?!”

An Bu handed him the training schedule, placing it in front of him.

Training hours: 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM. It was currently 11:50 AM, clearly not within the working hours.

Sun Zhuobai deflated like a balloon; his entire being seemed to shrink.

He angrily ran to call, only to find out he was out of the service area!

At this point, Anbu took out a meal card and continued, “It’s almost lunchtime, and Young Master Sun’s chef seems to be a three-star chef, so the food must be good. I’ve already placed an order.”

Sun Zhuobai’s eyes brightened, snatching the meal card from her hand, “The job listing didn’t say meals are included. If you want to eat, go buy it yourself. My chef’s culinary skills are too high-grade for someone like you to order around.”

“Okay.” An Bu gave him a sidelong glance, “Considering how thin you are, I don’t have high expectations for that chef of yours.”

Sun Zhuobai couldn’t hold back his anger, “My chef’s skills are top-notch; you won’t get to enjoy them in your lifetime.”

After saying this, Sun Zhuobai left angrily, then ordered the chef to prepare more than a dozen signature dishes. He vowed to let that woman, who was only fit for fast food, watch him eat with relish and envy him!

At 12:30, Guo Xiaotong helped An Bu and the other two guys order takeaway, and they were brought to the restaurant. Sun Zhuobai had instructed them to have their meal here.

Just as they were about to start eating, servants brought out a series of gourmet dishes—luxurious, extravagant, and appealing to all senses. Tang Dou and Xian Xiang’s eyes nearly popped out in amazement.

Sun Zhuobai sat upright at the dining table, looking at the array of delicious dishes before him. He then glanced at An Bu’s meager box of vegetarian dishes and threw her a contemptuous look.

This proud appearance carried a hint of the charm of a cat master, with an air of inscrutable innocence.

An Bu couldn’t help but find it amusing. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that any delicacy was as unexciting to her as plain cabbage. Instead, the two people beside her seemed to be more pitiful, struck by the evil contrast of wealth and ability.

Quietly lighting a candle for them, she began to eat.

A bite of green vegetables, vitality value +5; a sip of fruit juice, vitality value +5; a spoonful of hot soup, vitality value +5… (^-^)

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