Ninth Imperial Glorious Phoenix Chapter 49

Chapter 49: The First One

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Annoyed, Mingzhu turned to Fu Cong. “Father! Is His Highness really here to investigate? It doesn’t seem like it to me.”

“Rude!” Fu Cong glared at Mingzhu, then turned to Yuwen Chu with a smile. “My daughter is a bit unruly. I hope Your Highness won’t take offense. Please don’t mind her.”

Yuwen Chu finally chuckled. “Fu Xiang, please don’t worry. I am just…” He paused, smiled again, and said coolly, “I heard that Miss Fu was seriously ill and bedridden, but she seems lively and spirited now. It seems rumors can’t be trusted.”

Was he planning something against her? Mingzhu’s heart tightened, and she looked to Fu Mingzheng for any useful hints, but he was frowning and staring at Fu Cong, also puzzled. Then, they both looked at Fu Cong.

Unfazed, Fu Cong politely addressed Yuwen Chu, “Your Highness is compassionate and understanding. Surely, you understand the principle that it takes two to tango. I have only one daughter in my life, and I cherish her more than life itself. I can’t bear to see her suffer, let alone be handed over to wolves. That person is sinister, breaking in with a knife, sparing no means, and disregarding decency and morality. How can I entrust my daughter to such a person? As long as I can ensure my daughter’s safety and well-being, I am willing to step back.”

Yuwen Chu looked at Fu Cong for a moment, then lowered his gaze and said calmly, “Fu Xiang’s love for his daughter is moving. However, Linan Wang is also my brother. Moreover, this matter has caused great dissatisfaction among the royal family. There needs to be a convincing explanation.”

Fu Cong smiled. “Your Highness, just uphold justice and report the truth to the Empress Dowagers and the Emperor.”

Yuwen Chu also smiled. “I am here by order, naturally to ascertain the truth.”

Mingzhu listened to their exchange, feeling that there was more to their words than met the eye. But she couldn’t quite understand. Frowning, she looked from one to the other until Yuwen Chu said, “In that case, please excuse the bystanders. I need to question the personnel involved in the case. Starting with Miss Fu. Fu Xiang and Fourth Young Master Fu, please step aside for now.”

Mingzhu felt a sense of urgency when he wanted to send her father and brother away. “Father, Fourth Brother…”

Yuwen Chu casually waved at Fu Cong. “It’s the rule of interrogation. If you and your brother hadn’t been involved, you could have stayed as observers. But since you were, it’s better to avoid suspicion of collusion.” With a reassuring glance, he led Fu Mingzheng and the others out.

Mingzhu had no choice but to stand tall and wait for Yuwen Chu’s questions. What was so great about it? She had met him alone before, even in his territory, in the dead of night. Her father and brother were outside then. What was she afraid of?

A warm breeze blew in through the azure window curtains, making the crystal curtain rings tinkle softly. The room was filled with the faint scent of lilies mixed with the bitter smell of medicine, creating an indescribable atmosphere. Yuwen Chu sat silently at the head of the room, his gaze lowered as he looked at Mingzhu standing at the foot.

She had probably been shut in the room for a long time. Her complexion was much fairer than when she was in the Jade Emperor Pavilion, reflecting a faint cyan light through the sky-blue curtains, making her skin appear as white as jade. Her hair resembled crow feathers, and her naturally curved eyebrows were as slender as crescent moons, untainted by any cosmetics. Her lips were lightly tinted with a hint of cherry blossom color, tender and moist. However, the slightly upturned corners of her peach blossom eyes were filled with arrogance and impatience. She didn’t like him, and even felt somewhat annoyed, wishing he would quickly finish his questions and leave.

Yuwen Chu smiled faintly, “Miss Fu, please tell me exactly what happened that day. Don’t hide anything or alter the truth.”

Mingzhu was somewhat displeased, “Am I someone who tells lies all the time?”

He didn’t answer, but a hint of mockery played at the corner of his lips.

Feeling irritated, Mingzhu said with some bitterness, “Your Highness knows the whole story. I have no intention of hiding anything from you, let alone distorting the truth. It’s not my style. But do you remember what you said to me when you were at the Jade Emperor Pavillion? You promised to lend me a hand. Do you remember?”

Yuwen Chu remained noncommittal and said lightly, “Just tell me what happened.”

Thinking and speaking were two different things, especially when talking about such matters in front of a young man who clearly disliked her. Mingzhu blushed and looked out the window, her voice barely audible, “It’s true that I gave him the dagger years ago. It was a precious gift that my second brother spent a lot of effort to find. I gave it to him, but he never seemed to appreciate it. That day, he suddenly brought it with him, first asking if I remembered the dagger, then asking why I wanted to call off the engagement. When he saw I wouldn’t change my mind, he rushed forward, grabbed my hand, and forcefully stabbed himself in the stomach with the dagger, shouting for help… I was terrified…”

Before she could feign vulnerability, Yuwen Chu coldly interjected, “Why did you give him the dagger? Couldn’t you have given him something else among the many treasures?”

Interrupted, Mingzhu forgot to play the pitiful card and said self-mockingly, “I was foolish and childish. Since the passing of the late emperor, I always felt sorry for him, thinking he was often bullied and pitiful. I wanted to give him something for self-defense and to convey… ” When she gave him the dagger, she wanted to say to Yuwen You, “Look at this dagger. It seems unremarkable, hidden in its sheath, nobody knows its power. But once drawn, it becomes a peerless weapon, unstoppable.”

He was impatient to listen, but ironically, just like her words, outwardly arrogant but inwardly reserved, waiting for the right opportunity to strike, piercing her heart and soul, leaving her full of regret and sorrow. Mingzhu smiled faintly, turned her head, and looked out the window at the layers of greenery. She spoke softly, “Let’s not dwell on it. In short, it was my foolish and ignorant wishful thinking. Just youthful folly and ignorance.”

For a while, there was no sound from Yuwen Chu. Turning her head, Mingzhu saw him looking at her with an inscrutable expression, which made her somewhat uneasy. She asked, “Your Highness?”

Yuwen Chu didn’t withdraw his gaze, and asked in a deep voice, “Since you still care about him, why push things to this point? Don’t you know that once this matter escalates, there’s no turning back?”

Mingzhu sneered, with a hint of bitterness in her lips and eyebrows, “Who said I still care about him? I’m the kind of person who, when I like someone, will like them at all costs, and when I don’t like them, I won’t compromise myself for them.” Seeing him pondering, she continued, “Does Your Highness also think I’m arrogant and unreasonable? It’s okay. If I like someone, I like them. If I don’t, I don’t. I don’t have the patience to deceive anyone.”

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