Overturning the Male God Daily Chapter 104

Chapter 104 – Extra 2

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The welcome ceremony has not yet ended. The new student representative had just finished their speeches and then disappeared. They wouldn’t answer calls or reply on WeChat. They seemed to have vanished, but fortunately, there wasn’t much concern about the new student representative afterward. It didn’t matter if they couldn’t be found.

Gu Yang had also disappeared similarly, though his disappearance didn’t cause as much of a sensation. Except, there was an unanswered call from an instructor in his phone.

On the day of the welcome ceremony, Fan Yuan transformed Gu Yang into a soft and fluffy wolf in a small grove behind the assembly hall. Then, he personally carried the soft wolf back to their small apartment.

In fact, they had only left the apartment for a few hours.

Fan Yuan removed the hat from Gu Yang’s head and the shirt that was wrapped around the wolf’s tail was undone. The tail hanging behind the wolf moved unconsciously, wrinkling the neatly spread bedsheet.

As Gu Yang touched the twin bed, identical to the one in the villa, he sighed quietly.

He knew that today wasn’t just a matter of him working overtime; the poor twin bed would also have to work overtime.

Even though the outcome was predetermined, Gu Yang couldn’t help but struggle internally.

He watched Fan Yuan, who was kneeling on one knee in front of the bed, untying his tie with one hand and stepping back a bit.

“Fan Yuan.”

Fan Yuan’s actions were deliberate and he tossed the tie aside after untying it, continuing to unbutton his shirt.


Gu Yang gestured toward the brightly lit window in the bedroom.

“Your words don’t count until tonight is over.”

Fan Yuan hesitated for a moment, then got up from the bed, walked to the window, and swiftly pulled the curtains shut, plunging the bedroom into darkness.

“It’s dark now.”

With those words, Fan Yuan’s suit jacket was already on the floor, its shoulders creased where Gu Yang had tugged at it in the small grove.

Gu Yang’s two furry wolf ears were pressed against his head, depicting the word “timid” in a very vivid manner.

A soft click.

Fan Yuan undid the buckle on his belt, a signal that prompted Gu Yang to turn and dash towards the door.

After all, he was now half-wolf and could run pretty fast.

Gu Yang quickly leaped off the bed, just as he reached the doorway, Fan Yuan suddenly called out to him.

“Gu Yang.”

Unable to resist, Gu Yang leaned against the doorframe and turned his head. He saw Fan Yuan standing by the window, leisurely unbuttoning his shirt.

“Come here.”

Gu Yang took a step out of the bedroom, wearing an expression of “I’m not going.” However, his tail fur had already bristled nervously and one of his wolf ears, pressed against his head, quietly stood up, observing Fan Yuan’s movements.

He thought Fan Yuan would rush over to grab him, but he didn’t.

Fan Yuan merely leaned against the window, unbuttoning his shirt one by one, until the shirt fell to the ground.

Gu Yang covered his eyes with his hand, but a narrow gap remained between his index and middle fingers, allowing him to steal a glance.

Fan Yuan leaned against the wall, pulling the loosened belt out and dropping it on the floor, leaving his trousers loosely secured around his hips.

“Come here,” Fan Yuan extended his hand toward Gu Yang.

Gu Yang took another half step outward, torn with indecision.

Go over there, face the consequences.

Don’t go, feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Fan Yuan suddenly moved, walking directly to the edge of the bed and lying down.

Gu Yang’s other flattened wolf ear perked up, and his tail behind him wagged slightly as he took a step back.

Fan Yuan squinted his eyes slightly and was about to use violence to suppress Gu Yang.

At that moment, Gu Yang suddenly leaped and threw himself onto the obedient and diligent twin bed, placing himself in Fan Yuan’s embrace.

Fan Yuan gently held Gu Yang, his fingertips tracing through Gu Yang’s black hair, allowing Gu Yang to rest his head on his shoulder, his nose nuzzling against Fan Yuan’s pulse as he lightly sniffed the scent.

“Does it smell good?”

Gu Yang nodded with a contented expression. His innate sense of danger as a little creature didn’t seem to be alert at all when he was with Fan Yuan.

For Gu Yang, Fan Yuan was his sense of security.

The bristled fur of Gu Yang’s wolf tail had smoothed down, and he was even lightly swaying Fan Yuan’s leg every now and then.

Hearing Fan Yuan’s question, Gu Yang happily nodded, rubbing his wolf ear against Fan Yuan’s cheek, which was both ticklish and soft.

“Smells good.”

Fan Yuan quietly grasped Gu Yang’s tail, teasing it gently.

“Still trying to escape?”

The frequency of Gu Yang’s tail swaying slowed down gradually, eventually going limp in Fan Yuan’s hand.

He laid atop Fan Yuan, his wolf ear drooping down, and he looked at Fan Yuan with a pleading expression:

“Don’t… don’t go too far.”

Fan Yuan propped himself up halfway on the bed:

“Is it okay if I don’t go too far?”

Gu Yang turned his head to the side and nodded almost imperceptibly.

They say heroes face difficult trials, but for the big gray wolf Gu Yang, Little Red Riding Hood was his most challenging ordeal.

With Fan Yuan, once something started, there was no such thing as a one-time occurrence.

After calling Fan Yuan “husband” for the first time in the grove, Gu Yang would be pinned down by Fan Yuan and made to call out “husband” countless times, each time with a slightly different tone.

Soft, sweet, high-pitched, low-pitched, from dawn till dusk, until his voice turned hoarse. Only then would Fan Yuan release his big gray wolf.

The exhausted Gu Yang, in a daze, would be cleaned up by Little Red Riding Hood, his wolf ears and tail dried, and he would be tucked into the bed, transformed into an ignorant, foolish wolf.

Due to Fan Yuan’s occasional caprice, Gu Yang didn’t have to participate in military training.

While he could use clothing to cover his tail, everyone wore the same camouflage uniforms during training, and his large tail would be impossible to hide. In the end, Fan Yuan somehow managed to exempt Gu Yang from the training.

Gu Yang’s face displayed a look of regret toward Fan Yuan, but he turned away and nearly jumped up in joy. Not having to endure the exhausting military training was truly wonderful!

Fan Yuan reached out and grabbed Gu Yang’s tail, preventing him from leaving, his voice carrying a faint trace of amusement.

“What are you hiding? Just say if you’re happy.”

Caught by Fan Yuan holding his tail, Gu Yang had to turn back around. He couldn’t help but let a small smile play on his lips.

He decided not to hide it anymore and turned to pounce on Fan Yuan directly, his tone carrying a touch of pride:

“Fan Yuan, you’ll have a tough time during the upcoming military training!”

Gu Yang felt very pleased with himself. Military training was so tiring, and he doubted Fan Yuan would have any energy left to do anything after he returned from it!

Seeing through Gu Yang’s thoughts, Fan Yuan lowered his head and nibbled on Gu Yang’s earlobe, his voice so low that only a hint of breath remained:

“You know just how good my stamina is.”

Gu Yang tensed up momentarily, but then quickly comforted himself.

Military training, huh? It’s exhausting and he’ll get sunburnt. He refused to believe that Fan Yuan would have any energy left to do anything after he returned home from training!

Fan Yuan saw through the little scheme in Gu Yang’s mind, making Gu Yang tense up momentarily before quickly reassuring himself.

Following the military training, Fan Yuan practically became the universally recognized all-around male god among the new students. His extraordinary mobility, willpower, and physical strength led instructors to frequently call him out as an example for his classmates.

At the same time, ever since hearing Fan Yuan openly admit at the welcome ceremony that he had a boyfriend, countless pairs of eyes were fixed on him daily, eager to catch a glimpse of this mysterious boyfriend. Yet, they found no trace whatsoever.

Throughout the entire military training period, Fan Yuan’s rumored boyfriend remained absent; he always returned home alone. This piqued the curiosity of many first-year students who had initially given up hope.

They began to think that Fan Yuan might have lied about having a boyfriend to fend off admirers.

Accompanying his friends to observe the grueling military training of the first-year students, He Cheng overheard the conversations of a group of first-year students who were discussing the topic during their breaks.

He immediately thought of Gu Yang, who wore an “fy” earring, and Fan Yuan’s expression when he mentioned his boyfriend. He smirked to himself.

The few chatting first-year students, hearing He Cheng’s snicker, looked at him like he was a lunatic, and continued their discussion:

“Who’s that handsome guy? Why does he sound somewhat ambiguous?”

“He seems to be a sophomore. There are a few sophomores who come to watch our military training every day for entertainment, don’t you know?”

“Really? Ugh, how annoying.”

Gu Yang had no idea that many people were already harboring various thoughts about Fan Yuan. Even if he did find out, he might feel a bit jealous, but he had 300% confidence in Fan Yuan.

Gu Yang knew better than anyone just how much Fan Yuan loved him.

As for why Gu Yang never went to watch Fan Yuan’s military training, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to; he just couldn’t.

Fan Yuan demonstrated personally, through his actions, just how strong his stamina was. Strong enough that even after returning from military training every day, he could still engage in all sorts of activities with Gu Yang, leaving Gu Yang lying obediently in bed waiting for his return. Fan Yuan’s strength was so great that even the slightest movement of Gu Yang’s arms or legs made him feel weak and sore.

After military training, Fan Yuan’s muscles became even more defined, but they remained well-proportioned and perfect, without appearing bulky. Wearing clothes, he still looked somewhat lean.

Only Gu Yang knew what was truly beneath Fan Yuan’s clothes.

Although Gu Yang hadn’t participated in military training and had been indulging in food and drinks, he hadn’t gained weight. Not only that, but he even developed a faint outline of abdominal muscles.

As for why this happened, Gu Yang didn’t want to delve too deeply into it; he was afraid that if he did, he’d end up too embarrassed to bear it.

However, during Fan Yuan’s military training, Gu Yang had done something else.

He had a set of carefully crafted, exquisite ancient-style red robes made. In his heart, he truly wanted to see Little Red Riding Hood dressed entirely in red.

Of course, having Fan Yuan wear a red dress was unlikely, so Gu Yang wondered if he could at least have him wear red robes?

Yet every time Fan Yuan came back and suppressed him in various ways, Gu Yang didn’t dare bring up this request. He feared that if he did, he would be met with even more intense responses.

Finally, as the military training ended, so did the time for “Little Red Riding Hood.” Gu Yang still hadn’t taken out the handsome red robes, nor had he dared to mention it to Fan Yuan.

The beautiful, exquisite red robes ended up being neatly folded and hidden at the very bottom of Gu Yang’s wardrobe.

With the conclusion of the military training, various student organizations in the school began their recruitment.

It was very likely that Fan Yuan would join the Student Council, which left Gu Yang with much free time. He wandered aimlessly near the tents set up by various student organizations, all the while waiting for Fan Yuan’s call.

Fan Yuan had been called away by their class advisor, presumably for some class representative-related matters.

Gu Yang’s gaze wandered around, but he noticed that many students were actually looking at him.

After all, following one summer break, Gu Yang seemed to have acquired a peculiar aura, one that lent his appearance a somewhat aggressive beauty – beautiful, yet intimidating enough that people hesitated to approach him too closely.

He hadn’t noticed that there were always people sneaking glances at him. When his gaze turned, he saw a small cake with exquisite cream figures placed on it. Although these figures were cartoonish and not realistic, they still appeared cute at a glance.

Next month would be Fan Yuan’s birthday. With this in mind, Gu Yang slowly walked towards the tent with the cake display.

Inside the tent with the cake display sat several girls, all engrossed in their phones. Seeing someone approach their club’s recruitment booth, they were a bit surprised. Once they saw Gu Yang’s gender and appearance, their astonishment deepened.

“Student, are you interested in joining our Cake Club?”

Gu Yang looked up and noticed the banner hanging above the tent that read “Cake Club.”

“The Cake Club? Can you teach me how to make these cream figures?”

The apparent club president nodded with a hearty laugh, “Of course!”

And so, Gu Yang joined the Cake Club, the only guy among a group of girls, becoming a small green sprout in a sea of flowers.

Whether it was because of Gu Yang’s enrollment or not, the previously neglected Cake Club suddenly saw two more male members that afternoon after Gu Yang’s arrival. This brought an unexpected excitement to the club.

Gu Yang exchanged contact information with them, received a call from Fan Yuan, greeted him, and left to meet him at the designated location.

Tomorrow would mark the beginning of formal classes, and Fan Yuan wasted no time asking Gu Yang for his class schedule:

“Can you give me your class schedule for your class?”

Gu Yang took out his phone and opened a photo, passing it to Fan Yuan.

Although they weren’t in the same class, they were studying the same major. While they couldn’t attend small classes together due to different schedules, they could still share some of the larger ones.

Fan Yuan double-checked Gu Yang’s class times and then sent his own class schedule to Gu Yang.

Gu Yang was quite pleased. Fan Yuan’s initiative in letting him manage their schedules almost made Gu Yang unable to resist kissing him, but he managed to hold back.

Fan Yuan glanced at Gu Yang’s lips that had parted and then closed again. He held Gu Yang’s hand and asked, “Heading home or want to go out for a stroll?”

Gu Yang thought for a moment and led Fan Yuan outside the school gates, saying, “Let’s go for a walk nearby.”

Fan Yuan thought that besides the fact that life should be a bit more relaxed compared to high school, there wouldn’t be much change between him and Gu Yang. However, he didn’t anticipate that on the first day of formal classes, Gu Yang wouldn’t be able to attend the large class with him because of a club activity.

Despite being a relatively small club, the Cake Club was far more active and dedicated compared to some other lackadaisical and half-hearted clubs. The club president, Xiang Xiang, was genuinely managing the small Cake Club and truly loved making cakes.

Gu Yang also hoped to learn how to make cakes and cream figures before Fan Yuan’s birthday. He was very active and enthusiastic in every club activity.

Due to Xiang Xiang’s innovative thinking, the club’s activities were often irregular. As a result, Gu Yang often couldn’t attend large classes with Fan Yuan.

They usually had about two or three large classes together each week, and these classes were mostly in the afternoon. If their club had an activity that day, they would go shopping for ingredients at noon, so Gu Yang often rushed into the classroom right on time.

The first time he hurried into the classroom, he was surprised to find that there was no seat left for him beside Fan Yuan.

Later, he learned that the professor for their large class strongly disapproved of seat-saving behavior. He believed that if someone couldn’t come early, they shouldn’t expect to reserve a seat. As a result, the seat Fan Yuan had saved for Gu Yang was reassigned by the professor.

Gu Yang didn’t mind. He immersed himself fully in his enthusiasm for learning cake making.

He wanted to surprise Fan Yuan on his birthday. Every time Fan Yuan asked him what he was up to, Gu Yang always mentioned a club activity without revealing specifics.

After a few times, Fan Yuan’s dark eyes became increasingly profound, yet he still asked Gu Yang whether he wanted to attend class with him each time.

Gu Yang was on the verge of confessing to Fan Yuan, but for the sake of the surprise, he restrained himself. After all, it wouldn’t be long now.

He had already become quite skilled at making cream figures. At this moment, he held his cream figure with a foolish smile.

In contrast, the other two guys who had recently joined the Cake Club with Gu Yang seemed rather disinterested. They had initially assumed that the Cake Club, with its small membership, probably didn’t have much to offer and joined just to accumulate some credits.

Unexpectedly, the Cake Club’s activities were both numerous and busy, but they had all adapted by now. They even developed some interest in making cakes, thanks to their energetic club president, Xiang Xiang.

At this moment, the two male students noticed the cream figure in Gu Yang’s hand and were somewhat surprised.

“Gu Yang, this figure you made looks like a person.”

Gu Yang was taken aback, “Like who?”

The other male student stroked his chin, seemingly contemplating, “That guy who’s really popular in school right now, named… Fan Yuan!”

Gu Yang blinked and stared at the cream figure in front of him, smiling at the student.

“Really? Thanks.”

He thought to himself that people who weren’t familiar with Fan Yuan tended to see his cream figures as resembling Fan Yuan. He was probably ready to graduate from this level of training.

The student who had commented suddenly found himself being thanked by Gu Yang and felt rather confused.

However, they quickly started chatting, with Fan Yuan being the central topic.

This was the first time Gu Yang had heard someone talk about Fan Yuan in such close proximity, and he couldn’t help but eavesdrop.

“Speaking of that Fan Yuan, why do so many girls like him? I thought I’d get into a relationship as soon as I entered college, but those girls are all after him, sigh.”

“And what else? He’s good academically, has many talents, and he’s from a prestigious school—”

This student motioned towards his acne-covered cheek, “And he’s good-looking!”

The other male student seemed a bit dissatisfied, standing up and making a suggestive gesture, his voice lowering, “What’s the use of being handsome? This kind of talent is what matters! Who knows, maybe he’s just a player…”

Gu Yang wasn’t too pleased upon hearing this. He carefully placed the cream figure he had been working on into a box, planning to secretly take it home to eat.

With the cream figure safely stored, Gu Yang walked over to the two male students, smiling brightly.

“What were you saying about Fan Yuan?”

Thinking that Gu Yang was about to join in their teasing, the two male students nodded, “Yeah, you don’t like him either?”

Gu Yang clicked his tongue, not answering their question directly, “I’m his boyfriend, why wouldn’t I like him? I’m head over heels for him.”

The two male students widened their eyes in astonishment, watching Gu Yang walk away between them.

Gu Yang greeted Xiang Xiang and left.

Xiang Xiang approached the two male students and asked, “What happened? Why do I feel like Gu Yang isn’t very happy?”

One of the male students struggled to close his gaping mouth and murmured, “We were just talking about Fan Yuan… that guy… you know…”

This student was also surprised at his own audacity and received a swift kick from the other male student.

The other male student frowned, “Gu Yang said he’s Fan Yuan’s boyfriend. If that’s true… he might be upset.”

Xiang Xiang’s eyes widened as well. The mysterious little boyfriend of the school’s widely talked-about perfect male god, Fan Yuan, turned out to be Gu Yang?

Right under her nose?

The members of the Cake Club might have been astonished, but Gu Yang didn’t care. He was already carrying his cream figure back home.

Fan Yuan was probably still in class, with two more afternoon sessions than Gu Yang today.

Gu Yang took out the cream figure and poured himself a glass of milk. He sat contentedly on the couch, ready to enjoy the fruits of his labor while watching TV.

Little did he know, as soon as he turned on the television, the door to his small apartment swung open, and Fan Yuan walked in.

Gu Yang quickly stood up, positioning himself in front of the coffee table, shielding the cream figure behind him. He nervously asked Fan Yuan, “You, you, aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

Fan Yuan looked at Gu Yang, closed the door, and smirked, although it didn’t appear like a happy smile.

“I knew you came home through our bond.”

Gu Yang nervously took a step back, “Did you skip class? Why?”

Fan Yuan changed into slippers and walked towards Gu Yang.

“Gu Yang, you’ve been avoiding me.”

Gu Yang vigorously shook his head, “I’m not!”

As Fan Yuan approached, Gu Yang grew more anxious. Unable to contain his worry, he glanced back at the cream figure on the table.

If Fan Yuan discovered the cream figure, Gu Yang’s plan for Fan Yuan’s birthday surprise would be ruined.

Fan Yuan narrowed his dark eyes and suddenly pulled Gu Yang into his embrace, preventing him from escaping.

Gu Yang was trapped in Fan Yuan’s arms, unable to block the cream figure behind him. Anxious, he tried to cover Fan Yuan’s eyes.

Fan Yuan gripped Gu Yang’s wrist, looking at the lifelike cream figure on the table. He asked, “What’s this?”

Realizing he couldn’t keep the secret any longer, Gu Yang sighed and lowered his head despondently, “It’s a cream figure.”

In an instant, Fan Yuan thought of his upcoming birthday next month. He loosened his grip on Gu Yang, his voice softer, “You made it?”

Gu Yang nodded, his voice tinged with disappointment, “It’s just a practice piece.”

Because of the bond mark they shared, Fan Yuan had always known where Gu Yang went when he didn’t attend class with him.

He had been waiting for Gu Yang to confess, but Gu Yang kept evading the truth. That’s why Fan Yuan decided to skip class and hurried back to the apartment when he sensed Gu Yang’s presence.

The bond mark didn’t constantly reveal their locations to each other unless they paid close attention.

Gu Yang had thought that Fan Yuan was in class, so he hadn’t noticed when Fan Yuan returned.

On his way back, Fan Yuan had planned to scold Gu Yang for hiding things from him, but at this moment, he softened.

He looked at the downcast Gu Yang and kissed his forehead gently, “Trying to surprise me?”

Gu Yang nodded, loosening his grip and snuggling closer to Fan Yuan, sounding slightly coquettish, “But the surprise is ruined now.”

Fan Yuan hugged Gu Yang tightly, guiding him back to the couch.

Using his fingertip, Fan Yuan scooped a bit of cream from the figure’s belly and smeared it on the corner of Gu Yang’s mouth.

“Gu Yang, having you by my side is already a surprise.”

Gu Yang clenched Fan Yuan’s hand and instinctively licked the cream off his lips.

Fan Yuan reached out, holding the back of Gu Yang’s neck, gently pressing down, as if comforting and guiding him at the same time, “So… do you have anything else you’re hiding from me?”

Gu Yang shook his head, then suddenly remembered the red robe he had hidden at the bottom of the closet.

He looked at Fan Yuan’s dark eyes and cautiously continued, “I want to see you wear it…”

The rest of his words were whispered into Fan Yuan’s ear.

The frost on Fan Yuan’s face had long melted away. He reached out and scooped a bit of cream, smearing it on the tip of Gu Yang’s nose.

“You’ve hidden it for so long. If I didn’t ask, were you planning never to tell me?”

Gu Yang’s heart was racing. He realized that Fan Yuan had known all along and had been waiting for him to speak.

“Will you… wear it for me?”

Although Gu Yang wasn’t in his “Little Red Riding Hood” phase anymore, he still really wanted to see Fan Yuan wearing that red outfit.

Fan Yuan suddenly lowered his head, licking the cream off Gu Yang’s nose, then slowly approached the corner of his mouth.

“Eat up the cream, and I’ll wear it for you.”

Immediately after, Fan Yuan spread open Gu Yang’s left palm and selected “The Rabbit Bride.” The next moment, two soft and fluffy rabbit ears popped up on top of Gu Yang’s head, and behind him, Fan Yuan held a large rabbit tail in his hand.

Gu Yang blinked his now translucent red eyes and softly accused Fan Yuan, “You’re excessive.”

Fan Yuan suddenly smeared a big glob of cream onto Gu Yang’s neck.


Gu Yang reached to wipe it away, but Fan Yuan grabbed his wrist and pressed him down onto the couch.

“Now that’s excessive.”

The junior couch staff of the small apartment had been assigned overtime by their boss today. Clearly lacking the strength for the task, they complained with creaking sounds for a long while. Eventually, they were kicked away by their boss and allowed to go off duty.

After the junior couch staff left work, the diligent and honest twin bed staff took over.

That night, Gu Yang finally saw Fan Yuan wearing the exquisite red robe he had custom-made. Although it wasn’t during his “Little Red Riding Hood” phase, he felt a bit regretful.

Fan Yuan sensed Gu Yang’s regret and tied the red silk ribbon around Gu Yang’s neck, forming a large bow.

“Gu Yang, if you want to see it, I can wear it for you anytime.”

“Birthdays and such, as long as you’re with me, every day is a birthday.”

Gu Yang’s eyes welled up, and his translucent eyes, like rubies, were full of dependence and deep love for Fan Yuan.

Fan Yuan reached out and tugged at one corner of the bow, slowly untying it.

“Can I unwrap my gift now?”

Gu Yang lowered his eyelids, tilted his head, and softly responded, “Yes.”

Although the surprise came early, and the birthday gift was packed and unwrapped by Fan Yuan himself, for the two of them, it was still a truly perfect birthday.

Author’s Note: Good morning, here’s today’s bonus chapter. Tomorrow’s bonus chapter will be updated in the evening~

There was a bug in the previous chapter, and it hasn’t been approved for changes yet. Once it’s approved, I’ll make the corrections. Muah~

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