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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Extra 15 – The Secret of Seventeen-Year-Old Xie

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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When a cat catches its prey, it doesn’t kill it outright but plays with it until it dies. Humans, being mammals as well, sometimes exhibit similar cruel tendencies.

For example, in cases of serial rape and murder, the perpetrator might bind a girl’s hands and feet, cover her mouth and nose with plastic wrap, and throw her into a lake, watching her struggle and drown for amusement. Or, they might strangle someone with wire, loosening it just as the victim’s trachea is about to break—

“Where is the car?”

Xie Shi slightly relaxed the wire around the man’s neck, speaking in a hoarse whisper that concealed his true voice.

The middle-aged man couldn’t make out what this demon was saying. As the choking sensation began to fade, his brain reconnected with his limbs. He felt the stun gun and knife in his pocket and, driven by a survival instinct, gripped them tightly, ready to pull them out and fight back against the demon—

“Aah…! Aah… aah…”

The demon tightened the wire again, playing with him like a cat with a mouse, causing the pain of near decapitation and making the man scream.

In his severely choked state, even his screams were faint and barely audible. His hands instantly lost strength, and the stun gun and knife slipped back into his pocket.

Xie Shiyu repeated his tactic, loosening the wire slightly and asking again in a leisurely manner:

“Where is the car?”

The wire had left deep purple bruises on the man’s neck. He finally understood the demon’s question. The car, with the woman’s corpse inside, which he planned to use for disposing of the body…

Unable to speak and too weak to move his limbs, the middle-aged man couldn’t think about how his every move had been predicted by his opponent, including the car he planned to use. His eyes, now dilated from lack of oxygen, moved to look ahead, and he made faint, strangled sounds.

Xie Shiyu raised an eyebrow, interpreting this as indicating the car was parked somewhere ahead.

The rain continued to fall, forming a thin layer of water on the cobblestone road. The raindrops, unnoticed, bloomed and faded repeatedly. The dim light from the streetlamp couldn’t penetrate the deep darkness of the night.

Chu Feng should have already walked through this path. Xie Shiyu, having no more reservations, tightened the wire and pushed the man forward, forcing him to reveal the exact location of the car ahead.

At that moment, the middle-aged man desperately squeezed out a word between his teeth:

“Help… me!”

—Help me?

The phrase made Xie Shiyu frown, and a series of doubts flashed through his mind.

When he had been following this man, he noticed the man carried a stun gun, a knife, a cloth soaked in sedatives, and even pepper spray and a self-defense baton, likely taken from previous female victims. The constant rustling sounds from the man’s pockets as he walked were clear to Xie Shiyu, even with his eyes closed, indicating that the man was nervous and lacked any counter-surveillance awareness.

This raised a question: how could such a cowardly man ensure he could successfully kill a strong, 1.8-meter-tall young man like Chu Feng?

In a flash of realization, Xie Shiyu sidestepped just as a fierce wind grazed his left shoulder, narrowly missing the knife aimed at his chest.

—There were two attackers!

The cowardly man had brought an accomplice.

This accomplice was over 1.8 meters tall, dressed in black, and quite skilled. If Xie Shiyu hadn’t dodged, the knife would have pierced his left chest.

Decisively, Xie Shiyu released the wire. The middle-aged man felt the pressure on his neck lessen!

In the pitch-black alley, he couldn’t see what was happening and didn’t care. The demon was occupied with another person; he had to run!

Metal is malleable, and the wire had formed a small ring around the man’s neck. Even though Xie Shiyu had let go, the ring still choked him. Gasping for breath, the man clawed desperately at his neck, but the more he panicked, the harder it was to remove. He was running out of time…


He heard a sound behind him. Without thinking, his only thought was to run… run fast… he was running out of time!

The middle-aged man dashed out with the wire still around his neck. On the verge of suffocation, he struggled to maintain his balance, slipping after just a few steps and falling onto the cold, rain-soaked ground. The choking sensation made it impossible for him to stand or make a sound, his mind screaming:

Run! While the demon is busy with someone else… Run quickly!!

Gasping like an exhausted old ox, he laid there, limbs flailing uselessly, unable to stand but desperate to escape. He could only writhe on the ground like a worm, futilely trying to crawl away.

Xie Shiyu stood leisurely behind him, tilting his head to watch the man’s pitiful attempts to crawl through the rain-soaked mud. He laughed softly.

Had the middle-aged man teamed up with his accomplice, it might have been slightly troublesome. But someone like him would never care about anyone else’s life; he would seize any chance to escape alone.

The moment Xie Shiyu released the wire, the middle-aged man clutched his neck and ran. His accomplice hesitated for a second, confused—this wasn’t part of the plan.

The next second, a swift movement came, and Xie Shiyu’s hand was already on the accomplice’s neck, twisting his head in the opposite direction—

A clear snap! His neck twisted 270 degrees, spine broken. The accomplice collapsed, life quickly draining away.

He had been hired by the middle-aged man to kill a high school student. He didn’t know who or why, as it wasn’t part of his job to ask. He was to wait nearby and assist when he heard a signal from the middle-aged man. If the job was successful, he’d earn thirty thousand. If not, just three thousand for his trouble.

But the signal never came, and the increasing rain soaked his clothes. Feeling frustrated at the thought of earning only three thousand, he decided to snap a photo of the middle-aged man committing the murder to extort more money later.

He moved into the dark alley, visibility poor with the rain and dim lighting, vaguely seeing two figures.

“Help… me…!” the middle-aged man croaked.

The accomplice mocked the man for being stingy, thinking the student was just a troublesome kid. Confident, he lunged with a knife, but it merely grazed clothing.

In 0.5 seconds, there was a snap! The sound of a neck breaking.

Seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu didn’t spare a glance at the fallen accomplice, stepping over him as he approached the writhing middle-aged man. With a hand in his pocket, Xie Shiyu watched the man squirm in the mud, throat hoarse, unable to scream properly.

No one would come to save him.

Bored of watching, Xie Shiyu stepped forward and hooked a finger under the wire around the man’s neck, pulling slightly—

The man gasped painfully, unable to scream, his deformed neck now resembling an hourglass. Even a slight tug from Xie Shiyu sent him into fits of agony.

Xie Shiyu knew the man was beyond saving, even if the wire were removed, but he wanted to prolong his suffering.

He toyed with the wire, tightening and loosening it, scraping it against the bruised neck, causing the man to froth at the mouth. Finally, he crouched down, still smiling, and asked one last time:

“Where is the car?”

A few minutes later, a delivery man pushed a cart out of the alley. On the cart were two large boxes covered with a black raincoat, while the delivery man, wearing only a cap, braved the rain.

Occasionally, passersby noticed but paid little mind, thinking: Poor worker, drenching himself to keep the goods dry.

To avoid suspicion, Xie Shiyu had even disguised his height by wearing loose-fitting pants and walking hunched over, reducing his apparent height from over 1.9 meters to under 1.8.

The “shortened” delivery man quickly made his way to the car parked in an abandoned backyard under an old locust tree. The car, covered with a black cloth and fallen leaves, dripped with rainwater.

This car, belonging to a female resident of Xijiang Garden, had been seen by Yan Wenbin in the underground garage after the incident.

Xie Shiyu opened the car door, releasing a stench of decay. The backseat was soaked in dried blood, with a bloodied knife beside the stiff, unclosed-eyed corpse of a raped woman.

Wearing gloves, Xie Shiyu gently closed her eyes and wrapped the body in a raincoat, laying her flat before throwing the two male corpses into the car.

The original plan of the middle-aged man was to dispose of the bodies in Luolian Lake, as he had intended with Lan Qiuyue. According to Lan Qiuyue’s suicide note, the killer was experienced, having disposed of multiple victims in Luolian Lake.

Xie Shiyu checked the license plate, which was a fake. The killer had planned the driving route to avoid surveillance, with a map in the glove compartment marking the surveillance-free path.

Though Xie Shiyu was unfamiliar with Luolian Lake and wasn’t a local, he had prepared three alternative disposal sites. However, leaving the bodies in the abandoned backyard would be easier, as the remote location had already hidden the female corpse for days.

After ensuring no one would discover the bodies soon, Xie Shiyu decided to head to Luolian Lake that night to avoid complications.

Checking his watch, he prepared to execute the plan, knowing the police would eventually trace the DNA on the female corpse to the middle-aged killer, revealing what had transpired.

—but the other girls who drowned in Luolian Lake, no one will ever know about them.

According to Lan Qiuyue’s account, the middle-aged man had a specific method for killing. He would bind the hands and feet of his female victims, wrap their faces with three layers of plastic wrap, and weigh them down with a large stone before submerging them in the water, watching them struggle and drown.

Sinking a car with bodies inside was different from merely disposing of bodies. A car is much larger and would easily be discovered in shallow water. Even if Luolian Lake was sparsely populated, people still visited occasionally, and the water level wasn’t constant. During high temperatures, the water could evaporate, exposing the car.

If the car were discovered, the three bodies inside would immediately draw police attention, prompting them to conduct a thorough search of the lake. They might find the previously disposed-of victims, realize the identical method of death, and identify it as a serial rape-murder case with the middle-aged man as the perpetrator.

Lan Qiuyue’s biggest regret before her suicide was that, as the sole survivor of the serial killings, she couldn’t come forward to speak for the deceased girls. She took the risk to confide in a barely known classmate, reliving her most painful memories.

Xie Shiyu was very grateful for Lan Qiuyue’s letter. Without it, he might not have realized the danger Chu Feng was in. A small mistake could have meant that Chu Feng ended up as one of the bodies in that car.

If such an accident happened… Xie Shiyu didn’t know how he would react.

Chu Feng should be at the hotel by now, right?

Xie Shiyu sat in the driver’s seat with three bodies in the back, casually calling Chu Feng: “Beep, beep, beep, beep… The number you have dialed is currently unavailable.”

Xie Shiyu frowned. Why wasn’t Chu Feng answering? He called three more times, each with no response. His heart pounded with increasing unease.

Was Chu Feng in the shower and didn’t hear it? Or… had something happened to him?

Unable to stay calm without seeing Chu Feng, Xie Shiyu was about to call again when his phone vibrated. Thinking it was Chu Feng, he answered immediately: “Hello!”

Instead, Huang Desheng, a loan shark, was on the other end.

Xie Shiyu quickly changed his tone: “Hey, Brother Huang!”

Huang Desheng seemed delighted by the greeting: “You’re in S City?”

Xie Shiyu hadn’t been secretive about his whereabouts, often appearing around the school with Chu Feng, possibly seen by school bully Duan Yanfeng, who knew Huang Desheng.

“Yeah, I’m here. Are you in S City too?”

In the background, the noise indicated Huang Desheng was drinking, and Xie Shiyu heard one of his subordinates boasting: “You think that’s impressive? Our Brother Huang is the real deal! Remember that school bully from the Second High School, what was his name… Xie something? He was so arrogant, refused to pay his debts, and we tried everything—smearing feces on his house, spraying red paint—but nothing worked, he was a tough nut! Then Brother Huang stepped in, a few words, and the guy was scared straight, now he calls Brother Huang ‘Brother’ obediently! Hey Brother Huang, get that guy to join us for a drink!”

Xie Shiyu suppressed his laughter.

These loan sharks also posed a threat to Chu Feng.

The night was dark and rainy—perfect for taking action.


Xie Shiyu got out of the car, removing the delivery uniform and tossing it inside, revealing a black T-shirt with the word “Maple” on the chest. It was a couple’s outfit he shared with Chu Feng—his was black with white letters, Chu Feng’s was white with black letters.

Wearing “Maple” felt like a lucky charm, ensuring things went smoothly. Xie Shiyu covered the car with the black cloth and leaves again, leaving the abandoned backyard.

He walked with an umbrella, quickly planning his schedule for the night.

In the next half hour, he would first return to the hotel to ensure Chu Feng’s safety. Then, he would attend Huang Desheng’s drinking session, give him a final toast, and return to the hotel. Once Chu Feng was asleep, he would drive to Luolian Lake to dispose of the bodies.

Xie Shiyu ran to the hotel, confident that the main threat was neutralized. Huang Desheng was drinking and would have threatened him on the phone if he had touched Chu Feng. Chu Feng should be safe in the hotel, possibly just missed the calls.

Beep— He swiped the card to open the door.

Inside was pitch black, the hotel room empty.

—Chu Feng hadn’t returned.

Xie Shiyu’s heart sank. This was impossible! He had watched Chu Feng leave the alley, the hotel just a short walk away. How could something have gone wrong?

If nothing happened, where was Chu Feng?

His heart pounded like a drum. He had never felt such anxiety in his life. He rushed out, running towards the school while frantically calling Chu Feng again: “Beep, beep, beep, beep… The number you have dialed is currently unavailable…”

Xie Shiyu was nearly losing his mind. Chu Feng wasn’t answering. What had happened?


Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng walked through the school campus with an umbrella, sighing.

On the playground, classmates were heading back to their dorms under umbrellas. Chu Feng walked past them, heading towards the school gate.

On his way back to the hotel, he had been solving a physics problem. After figuring it out, he realized the problem was from the exercises in his physics textbook.

Where was his physics book?

Chu Feng paused, quickly checking his bag: he hadn’t brought his physics book!

The book contained important notes, and losing it would be troublesome. Since he was in a new school, S City No. 1 High School, he didn’t know many people, and there had been instances of students deliberately stealing others’ books or notebooks.

He glanced at his watch. The school was still open and close by, so he decided to go back and look for it.

During evening self-study, he hadn’t taken out his physics book. Perhaps he had left it after class.

Chu Feng planned to check the classroom, hoping the back door, which sometimes failed to lock, would let him in.

The classroom was in the west building. Chu Feng took the familiar path, passing the alley where he once kissed Xie Shiyu, entered the school from the west gate, and headed to the classroom back door.

He pushed hard…

It didn’t budge.

Chu Feng tried pulling and pushing, but the door was locked.

Sighing, he tried to recall whether he had taken out his physics book during evening self-study. He remembered doing physics exercises but wasn’t sure if he had used the textbook.

Having come this far, he decided to check the self-study room just in case.

Leaving the west building, he headed to the south building, where the self-study room was located.

Inside, only a few students remained. As Chu Feng entered, the janitor called out: “Time to close up, don’t linger! Hey, student, what are you here for?”

Chu Feng replied, “I’m just looking for something. I’ll be quick.”

His usual seat was empty.

On the desk, in the drawer, under the seat, around nearby seats—there was nothing.

Chu Feng stood up and left the self-study room, hoping he had left it in the classroom and planning to come early tomorrow to look for it. If, by any chance, it wasn’t in the classroom either…

Thinking about this, Chu Feng felt a bit troubled. He had never lost a textbook before. But worrying now wouldn’t help. Chu Feng slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed for the school gate.

The rain had lessened, pattering gently on the umbrella. As Chu Feng walked out of the school gate, he saw a tall figure standing under the dim streetlight.

Black T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, with the word “Maple” embroidered on the chest. A tattoo was faintly visible on the exposed part of his forearm in the night light.

“Xie… Shiyu?”

Chu Feng ran over in surprise. “Why are you here?”

The night wind rustled through a row of plane trees, raindrops falling from the leaves and tapping on the umbrella. Xie Shiyu smiled at him:

“I came to pick you up.”

Chu Feng asked, “When did you get here? Have you been waiting long?”

“No, I just got here.” Xie Shiyu opened his umbrella casually and held Chu Feng’s hand as they walked back together.

“Why did you come to school so late?” Xie Shiyu asked.

Chu Feng nodded. “I came to look for my physics book.”

Xie Shiyu chuckled. No wonder, when he arrived at the school gate, he saw Chu Feng looking like a dejected kitten, carrying his backpack around the campus.

“Did you find it?” Xie Shiyu asked.

Chu Feng shook his head. “It wasn’t in the self-study room, and the classroom door was locked. I’ll have to look again tomorrow morning. Hopefully, it’s still there.”

Xie Shiyu hummed in response. “Could it be in your desk drawer?”

He suddenly remembered that when he used a telescope to watch Chu Feng from the hotel earlier today, he saw Chu Feng putting his textbooks into the drawer instead of his backpack. Maybe he had forgotten to take it out when he left.

“I hope so,” Chu Feng replied. “By the way, why did you come to see me today?”

The hotel they stayed at was very close to the school, just a two-minute run. Usually, Chu Feng walked back by himself. Xie Shiyu hadn’t come to pick him up before, possibly to avoid classmates noticing Chu Feng not staying in the dorm and instead going to a hotel with someone else.

So, why did Xie Shiyu come to find him today?

“Nothing special, just… suddenly wanted to see you.” Xie Shiyu replied casually, his tone natural. Chu Feng laughed.

“What’s there to see? We’ll be back at the hotel soon, and you see me every day anyway.”

Sensing something, Chu Feng reached into the hidden pocket of his backpack and took out his phone.

During the day, his phone was on silent while he attended classes, and he only turned it on after evening self-study at around 8:30 PM. But today, he rushed back to school to find his textbook and hadn’t checked his phone.

When he unlocked his phone, the screen showed:

Missed calls: 15 from Xie Shiyu, unread messages: 28 from Xie Shiyu…

Chu Feng was surprised. “You called me… so many times?”

“Nothing much. Just…” Xie Shiyu felt a bit awkward. His mind had been filled with thoughts of danger, completely overlooking the possibility that in a normal student’s life, losing a water bottle, textbook, or homework, or sneaking off to buy snacks from a new food stall, were the most likely events.

“I was going to ask if you wanted to eat something when you got back tonight,” 17-year-old Xie Shiyu improvised a flimsy excuse. “But you weren’t answering, and since I had nothing to do, I thought I’d take a walk and came to see you.”

Chu Feng almost laughed. He could tell that Xie Shiyu was worried about him and had come to the school only to find his concern unnecessary. Now he was making up a poor excuse—who takes a walk in the rain?

The warm yellow streetlights illuminated their path back, and the sparkling raindrops floated diagonally in the wind. They walked up a slope and into the small alley again.

Just minutes earlier, Xie Shiyu had transported two male bodies from here. Now, he was walking the same path with Chu Feng, but the atmosphere was entirely different.

In the dim light, Chu Feng quietly reached out and hooked his arm through Xie Shiyu’s, saying affectionately:

“Shall we get some Tianjin pancakes?”

At the end of this alley was a stall selling Tianjin pancakes. Xie Shiyu held the umbrella gently and said, “It’s raining today, the stall might not be open. How about ordering takeout?”

“Okay,” Chu Feng agreed.

After browsing through the takeout options, they found that the only two places selling Tianjin pancakes were closed. So, Chu Feng and Xie Shiyu decided to order hand-grabbed pancakes with extra egg, bacon, and sausage instead.

The bright room was filled with the smell of onion pancakes. Chu Feng ate while working on a physics worksheet, and Xie Shiyu was in the bathroom, where the faucet was running—probably washing clothes.

There was a bloodstain on the back left shoulder of his black T-shirt. He had washed it with soap seven times, but the stain wouldn’t come out. It was from when the accomplice had slashed at him with a knife. The blade was sharp, and even though he was wearing a raincoat, a delivery uniform, and the black T-shirt, it had still cut him.

Xie Shiyu looked at the wound in the mirror. It wasn’t serious, just a surface cut, and it had stopped bleeding on its own. He had been too anxious about Chu Feng not answering the phone to notice it earlier. Only after seeing Chu Feng at school had he calmed down and realized his shoulder was bleeding.

Luckily, the black T-shirt hid the stain well, especially at night. Chu Feng probably hadn’t noticed.

Checking his watch, Xie Shiyu put down the T-shirt that wouldn’t come clean. It was almost time to meet Huang Desheng.

“I need to step out for a bit; the boss called me.”

The bathroom door clicked open, and Chu Feng heard Xie Shiyu’s words.

“Okay.” Chu Feng didn’t suspect anything and continued with his homework.

Xie Shiyu: “Remember to lock the door after I leave. If someone knocks…”

Chu Feng: “I should check through the peephole first and never open the door unless it’s you. Xie Shiyu, I’m seventeen, not seven.”

Xie Shiyu smiled and walked over, giving Chu Feng a kiss on the forehead: “I’ll be back soon.”


Chu Feng, while doing homework, heard the doorbell ring.

Xie Shiyu had kept his promise, coming back in just an hour and a half.

“Did you finish your work?”

Chu Feng looked through the peephole and saw it was Xie Shiyu, then opened the door.
Xie Shiyu nodded, seeming to be in a good mood. Chu Feng guessed his work must have gone well.


Chu Feng finished all his homework, reviewed today’s lessons, and previewed tomorrow’s content, completing his study quota perfectly.

The 17-year-old stretched in his chair and saw Xie Shiyu leaning against the headboard, watching the muted TV.
“You can turn up the volume.” Chu Feng walked to the bed, jumped on, laid next to Xie Shiyu, and grabbed the remote to increase the volume, curious about what Xie Shiyu was watching.

The TV screen displayed four large characters: Night News.

“We bring you an urgent report: A serious car accident occurred on Fuxiang New Road. Four people were seriously injured and have been taken to the hospital for emergency treatment…”

“The traffic police suspect the cause of the accident may be drunk driving… A reminder to everyone: Safety first on the road.”

The TV showed surveillance footage of the accident, where a car sped out of control, failed to brake in time at a turn, and crashed into a wall, instantly bursting into flames from the high-speed impact!

As the bright flames lit up the screen, Xie Shiyu wrapped his arm around Chu Feng and clicked his tongue twice:
“Oh dear, how tragic.”

Chu Feng: …

Why did it sound like Xie Shiyu was gloating?


Brushing teeth, washing faces, and going to bed.

The air conditioning was set to 26°, in sleep mode. Xie Shiyu laid beside Chu Feng, covered with the quilt, and Chu Feng naturally snuggled into his arms, holding him as they slept. As usual, Xie Shiyu leaned down to kiss Chu Feng’s cheek: “Goodnight~”

After a day of studying, little Feng Shu was very tired and obediently closed his eyes in his embrace, drifting into dreamland.


Xie Shiyu opened his eyes, fully awake.

Beside him, Chu Feng was sound asleep, resting on his arm. Xie Shiyu slowly and carefully moved Chu Feng’s head onto the pillow, then got up, put on his coat, and quietly left the room.

He certainly wouldn’t be foolish enough to use the elevator or walk out the hotel’s main entrance, where the surveillance cameras could record him.

Xie Shiyu took the stairwell down to the first floor and climbed out of a window.

Outside was a narrow path. Xie Shiyu sidled through and headed toward the abandoned courtyard where his car was parked. The streets were deserted in the dead of night.

He had one last task tonight: Luo Lian Lake.


On the hotel’s big bed, Chu Feng turned in his sleep…
He turned over smoothly, finding the space around him empty.


Drowsily, Chu Feng opened his eyes, looking around the bed, still half-asleep:

Where did Xie Shiyu go?


Chu Feng thought he heard the door opening and then the sound of running water, as if someone was washing their hands…

“Xie… Shiyu?”

“Hm? What’s wrong?” Xie Shiyu rushed over, not bothering to dry his hands, to check on Chu Feng. “Did I wake you?”

Chu Feng sat up, rubbing his eyes, his voice sleepy: “Where did you go…?”

Fresh from disposing of a body, Xie Shiyu said, “Nowhere, I just went to the bathroom.”

Hearing this, Chu Feng didn’t think much of it and laid back down, falling asleep again.

In a half-dream state, Chu Feng heard the sound of running water. It seemed like… Xie Shiyu was taking a shower.

Why… another shower?

Xie Shiyu had already showered once after returning from Huang Desheng’s drinking party. Now, he had to wash again after disposing of the body. Though not superstitious, he believed in the old saying that contact with corpses required thorough cleaning to avoid passing bad luck to close ones—specifically, Chu Feng.

His fate was strong, able to withstand the blood and misfortune, but little Chu Feng needed protection.

Xie Shiyu scrubbed himself for twenty minutes, covering the bathroom in shower gel foam before rinsing off, donning clean pajamas, and returning to lie beside little Maple tree.

At 3:30 AM, Chu Feng felt a warm Xie Shiyu snuggling up to him.

Not knowing what got into him, Xie Shiyu had washed himself until he smelled strongly of the hotel’s cheap bath fragrance.

The scent was so overpowering it woke Chu Feng, who let out a tiny sound of dissatisfaction:“Why are you showering in the middle of the night?”

“Just felt hot…” Xie Shiyu mumbled, lifting the quilt and sliding in.

The cheap fragrance filled the bed. Chu Feng discreetly covered his nose, and Xie Shiyu chuckled:
“Too fragrant?”

Chu Feng turned away, silently protesting the cheap scent. He preferred Xie Shiyu’s natural smell.

Behind him, Xie Shiyu deliberately moved closer, hugging him, the strong fragrance invading. Chu Feng clung tightly to the quilt in defiance. After a bit of playful tussling, Xie Shiyu patted the cocooned Chu Feng:
“Let’s stop. Go to sleep early.”

Xie Shiyu didn’t hold Chu Feng anymore, keeping a little distance, lying flat, and went to sleep.

Ten minutes later

Xie Shiyu heard rustling from the quilt.

He pretended not to notice, continuing to feign sleep.

Ten seconds later, the blanket subtly shifted as Chu Feng slowly turned around and stealthily snuggled into Xie Shiyu’s arms.

He was like a little kitten nestled in the crook of his arm.

In the darkness, Xie Shiyu stifled a laugh.

After a moment, the little kitten moved suddenly. Chu Feng reached out, hugged the fragrant Xie Shiyu, and quickly kissed his cheek:


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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 115

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Extra 15 - The Secret of Seventeen-Year-Old Xie

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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When a cat catches its prey, it doesn't kill it outright but plays with it until it dies. Humans, being mammals as well, sometimes exhibit similar cruel tendencies.

For example, in cases of serial rape and murder, the perpetrator might bind a girl's hands and feet, cover her mouth and nose with plastic wrap, and throw her into a lake, watching her struggle and drown for amusement. Or, they might strangle someone with wire, loosening it just as the victim's trachea is about to break—

"Where is the car?"

Xie Shi slightly relaxed the wire around the man's neck, speaking in a hoarse whisper that concealed his true voice.

The middle-aged man couldn't make out what this demon was saying. As the choking sensation began to fade, his brain reconnected with his limbs. He felt the stun gun and knife in his pocket and, driven by a survival instinct, gripped them tightly, ready to pull them out and fight back against the demon—

"Aah...! Aah... aah..."

The demon tightened the wire again, playing with him like a cat with a mouse, causing the pain of near decapitation and making the man scream.

In his severely choked state, even his screams were faint and barely audible. His hands instantly lost strength, and the stun gun and knife slipped back into his pocket.

Xie Shiyu repeated his tactic, loosening the wire slightly and asking again in a leisurely manner:

"Where is the car?"

The wire had left deep purple bruises on the man's neck. He finally understood the demon's question. The car, with the woman's corpse inside, which he planned to use for disposing of the body...

Unable to speak and too weak to move his limbs, the middle-aged man couldn't think about how his every move had been predicted by his opponent, including the car he planned to use. His eyes, now dilated from lack of oxygen, moved to look ahead, and he made faint, strangled sounds.

Xie Shiyu raised an eyebrow, interpreting this as indicating the car was parked somewhere ahead.

The rain continued to fall, forming a thin layer of water on the cobblestone road. The raindrops, unnoticed, bloomed and faded repeatedly. The dim light from the streetlamp couldn't penetrate the deep darkness of the night.

Chu Feng should have already walked through this path. Xie Shiyu, having no more reservations, tightened the wire and pushed the man forward, forcing him to reveal the exact location of the car ahead.

At that moment, the middle-aged man desperately squeezed out a word between his teeth:

"Help... me!"

—Help me?

The phrase made Xie Shiyu frown, and a series of doubts flashed through his mind.

When he had been following this man, he noticed the man carried a stun gun, a knife, a cloth soaked in sedatives, and even pepper spray and a self-defense baton, likely taken from previous female victims. The constant rustling sounds from the man's pockets as he walked were clear to Xie Shiyu, even with his eyes closed, indicating that the man was nervous and lacked any counter-surveillance awareness.

This raised a question: how could such a cowardly man ensure he could successfully kill a strong, 1.8-meter-tall young man like Chu Feng?

In a flash of realization, Xie Shiyu sidestepped just as a fierce wind grazed his left shoulder, narrowly missing the knife aimed at his chest.

—There were two attackers!

The cowardly man had brought an accomplice.

This accomplice was over 1.8 meters tall, dressed in black, and quite skilled. If Xie Shiyu hadn't dodged, the knife would have pierced his left chest.

Decisively, Xie Shiyu released the wire. The middle-aged man felt the pressure on his neck lessen!

In the pitch-black alley, he couldn't see what was happening and didn't care. The demon was occupied with another person; he had to run!

Metal is malleable, and the wire had formed a small ring around the man's neck. Even though Xie Shiyu had let go, the ring still choked him. Gasping for breath, the man clawed desperately at his neck, but the more he panicked, the harder it was to remove. He was running out of time...


He heard a sound behind him. Without thinking, his only thought was to run... run fast... he was running out of time!

The middle-aged man dashed out with the wire still around his neck. On the verge of suffocation, he struggled to maintain his balance, slipping after just a few steps and falling onto the cold, rain-soaked ground. The choking sensation made it impossible for him to stand or make a sound, his mind screaming:

Run! While the demon is busy with someone else... Run quickly!!

Gasping like an exhausted old ox, he laid there, limbs flailing uselessly, unable to stand but desperate to escape. He could only writhe on the ground like a worm, futilely trying to crawl away.

Xie Shiyu stood leisurely behind him, tilting his head to watch the man's pitiful attempts to crawl through the rain-soaked mud. He laughed softly.

Had the middle-aged man teamed up with his accomplice, it might have been slightly troublesome. But someone like him would never care about anyone else's life; he would seize any chance to escape alone.

The moment Xie Shiyu released the wire, the middle-aged man clutched his neck and ran. His accomplice hesitated for a second, confused—this wasn’t part of the plan.

The next second, a swift movement came, and Xie Shiyu’s hand was already on the accomplice's neck, twisting his head in the opposite direction—

A clear snap! His neck twisted 270 degrees, spine broken. The accomplice collapsed, life quickly draining away.

He had been hired by the middle-aged man to kill a high school student. He didn't know who or why, as it wasn't part of his job to ask. He was to wait nearby and assist when he heard a signal from the middle-aged man. If the job was successful, he'd earn thirty thousand. If not, just three thousand for his trouble.

But the signal never came, and the increasing rain soaked his clothes. Feeling frustrated at the thought of earning only three thousand, he decided to snap a photo of the middle-aged man committing the murder to extort more money later.

He moved into the dark alley, visibility poor with the rain and dim lighting, vaguely seeing two figures.

"Help... me...!" the middle-aged man croaked.

The accomplice mocked the man for being stingy, thinking the student was just a troublesome kid. Confident, he lunged with a knife, but it merely grazed clothing.

In 0.5 seconds, there was a snap! The sound of a neck breaking.

Seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu didn’t spare a glance at the fallen accomplice, stepping over him as he approached the writhing middle-aged man. With a hand in his pocket, Xie Shiyu watched the man squirm in the mud, throat hoarse, unable to scream properly.

No one would come to save him.

Bored of watching, Xie Shiyu stepped forward and hooked a finger under the wire around the man's neck, pulling slightly—

The man gasped painfully, unable to scream, his deformed neck now resembling an hourglass. Even a slight tug from Xie Shiyu sent him into fits of agony.

Xie Shiyu knew the man was beyond saving, even if the wire were removed, but he wanted to prolong his suffering.

He toyed with the wire, tightening and loosening it, scraping it against the bruised neck, causing the man to froth at the mouth. Finally, he crouched down, still smiling, and asked one last time:

“Where is the car?”

A few minutes later, a delivery man pushed a cart out of the alley. On the cart were two large boxes covered with a black raincoat, while the delivery man, wearing only a cap, braved the rain.

Occasionally, passersby noticed but paid little mind, thinking: Poor worker, drenching himself to keep the goods dry.

To avoid suspicion, Xie Shiyu had even disguised his height by wearing loose-fitting pants and walking hunched over, reducing his apparent height from over 1.9 meters to under 1.8.

The "shortened" delivery man quickly made his way to the car parked in an abandoned backyard under an old locust tree. The car, covered with a black cloth and fallen leaves, dripped with rainwater.

This car, belonging to a female resident of Xijiang Garden, had been seen by Yan Wenbin in the underground garage after the incident.

Xie Shiyu opened the car door, releasing a stench of decay. The backseat was soaked in dried blood, with a bloodied knife beside the stiff, unclosed-eyed corpse of a raped woman.

Wearing gloves, Xie Shiyu gently closed her eyes and wrapped the body in a raincoat, laying her flat before throwing the two male corpses into the car.

The original plan of the middle-aged man was to dispose of the bodies in Luolian Lake, as he had intended with Lan Qiuyue. According to Lan Qiuyue’s suicide note, the killer was experienced, having disposed of multiple victims in Luolian Lake.

Xie Shiyu checked the license plate, which was a fake. The killer had planned the driving route to avoid surveillance, with a map in the glove compartment marking the surveillance-free path.

Though Xie Shiyu was unfamiliar with Luolian Lake and wasn’t a local, he had prepared three alternative disposal sites. However, leaving the bodies in the abandoned backyard would be easier, as the remote location had already hidden the female corpse for days.

After ensuring no one would discover the bodies soon, Xie Shiyu decided to head to Luolian Lake that night to avoid complications.

Checking his watch, he prepared to execute the plan, knowing the police would eventually trace the DNA on the female corpse to the middle-aged killer, revealing what had transpired.

—but the other girls who drowned in Luolian Lake, no one will ever know about them.

According to Lan Qiuyue's account, the middle-aged man had a specific method for killing. He would bind the hands and feet of his female victims, wrap their faces with three layers of plastic wrap, and weigh them down with a large stone before submerging them in the water, watching them struggle and drown.

Sinking a car with bodies inside was different from merely disposing of bodies. A car is much larger and would easily be discovered in shallow water. Even if Luolian Lake was sparsely populated, people still visited occasionally, and the water level wasn't constant. During high temperatures, the water could evaporate, exposing the car.

If the car were discovered, the three bodies inside would immediately draw police attention, prompting them to conduct a thorough search of the lake. They might find the previously disposed-of victims, realize the identical method of death, and identify it as a serial rape-murder case with the middle-aged man as the perpetrator.

Lan Qiuyue's biggest regret before her suicide was that, as the sole survivor of the serial killings, she couldn't come forward to speak for the deceased girls. She took the risk to confide in a barely known classmate, reliving her most painful memories.

Xie Shiyu was very grateful for Lan Qiuyue's letter. Without it, he might not have realized the danger Chu Feng was in. A small mistake could have meant that Chu Feng ended up as one of the bodies in that car.

If such an accident happened… Xie Shiyu didn’t know how he would react.

Chu Feng should be at the hotel by now, right?

Xie Shiyu sat in the driver’s seat with three bodies in the back, casually calling Chu Feng: "Beep, beep, beep, beep... The number you have dialed is currently unavailable."

Xie Shiyu frowned. Why wasn’t Chu Feng answering? He called three more times, each with no response. His heart pounded with increasing unease.

Was Chu Feng in the shower and didn’t hear it? Or... had something happened to him?

Unable to stay calm without seeing Chu Feng, Xie Shiyu was about to call again when his phone vibrated. Thinking it was Chu Feng, he answered immediately: "Hello!"

Instead, Huang Desheng, a loan shark, was on the other end.

Xie Shiyu quickly changed his tone: "Hey, Brother Huang!"

Huang Desheng seemed delighted by the greeting: "You’re in S City?"

Xie Shiyu hadn't been secretive about his whereabouts, often appearing around the school with Chu Feng, possibly seen by school bully Duan Yanfeng, who knew Huang Desheng.

"Yeah, I’m here. Are you in S City too?"

In the background, the noise indicated Huang Desheng was drinking, and Xie Shiyu heard one of his subordinates boasting: "You think that's impressive? Our Brother Huang is the real deal! Remember that school bully from the Second High School, what was his name... Xie something? He was so arrogant, refused to pay his debts, and we tried everything—smearing feces on his house, spraying red paint—but nothing worked, he was a tough nut! Then Brother Huang stepped in, a few words, and the guy was scared straight, now he calls Brother Huang ‘Brother’ obediently! Hey Brother Huang, get that guy to join us for a drink!"

Xie Shiyu suppressed his laughter.

These loan sharks also posed a threat to Chu Feng.

The night was dark and rainy—perfect for taking action.


Xie Shiyu got out of the car, removing the delivery uniform and tossing it inside, revealing a black T-shirt with the word "Maple" on the chest. It was a couple’s outfit he shared with Chu Feng—his was black with white letters, Chu Feng’s was white with black letters.

Wearing "Maple" felt like a lucky charm, ensuring things went smoothly. Xie Shiyu covered the car with the black cloth and leaves again, leaving the abandoned backyard.

He walked with an umbrella, quickly planning his schedule for the night.

In the next half hour, he would first return to the hotel to ensure Chu Feng's safety. Then, he would attend Huang Desheng's drinking session, give him a final toast, and return to the hotel. Once Chu Feng was asleep, he would drive to Luolian Lake to dispose of the bodies.

Xie Shiyu ran to the hotel, confident that the main threat was neutralized. Huang Desheng was drinking and would have threatened him on the phone if he had touched Chu Feng. Chu Feng should be safe in the hotel, possibly just missed the calls.

Beep— He swiped the card to open the door.

Inside was pitch black, the hotel room empty.

—Chu Feng hadn’t returned.

Xie Shiyu's heart sank. This was impossible! He had watched Chu Feng leave the alley, the hotel just a short walk away. How could something have gone wrong?

If nothing happened, where was Chu Feng?

His heart pounded like a drum. He had never felt such anxiety in his life. He rushed out, running towards the school while frantically calling Chu Feng again: "Beep, beep, beep, beep... The number you have dialed is currently unavailable…"

Xie Shiyu was nearly losing his mind. Chu Feng wasn’t answering. What had happened?


Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng walked through the school campus with an umbrella, sighing.

On the playground, classmates were heading back to their dorms under umbrellas. Chu Feng walked past them, heading towards the school gate.

On his way back to the hotel, he had been solving a physics problem. After figuring it out, he realized the problem was from the exercises in his physics textbook.

Where was his physics book?

Chu Feng paused, quickly checking his bag: he hadn’t brought his physics book!

The book contained important notes, and losing it would be troublesome. Since he was in a new school, S City No. 1 High School, he didn’t know many people, and there had been instances of students deliberately stealing others’ books or notebooks.

He glanced at his watch. The school was still open and close by, so he decided to go back and look for it.

During evening self-study, he hadn’t taken out his physics book. Perhaps he had left it after class.

Chu Feng planned to check the classroom, hoping the back door, which sometimes failed to lock, would let him in.

The classroom was in the west building. Chu Feng took the familiar path, passing the alley where he once kissed Xie Shiyu, entered the school from the west gate, and headed to the classroom back door.

He pushed hard…

It didn’t budge.

Chu Feng tried pulling and pushing, but the door was locked.

Sighing, he tried to recall whether he had taken out his physics book during evening self-study. He remembered doing physics exercises but wasn’t sure if he had used the textbook.

Having come this far, he decided to check the self-study room just in case.

Leaving the west building, he headed to the south building, where the self-study room was located.

Inside, only a few students remained. As Chu Feng entered, the janitor called out: “Time to close up, don’t linger! Hey, student, what are you here for?”

Chu Feng replied, “I’m just looking for something. I’ll be quick.”

His usual seat was empty.

On the desk, in the drawer, under the seat, around nearby seats—there was nothing.

Chu Feng stood up and left the self-study room, hoping he had left it in the classroom and planning to come early tomorrow to look for it. If, by any chance, it wasn’t in the classroom either...

Thinking about this, Chu Feng felt a bit troubled. He had never lost a textbook before. But worrying now wouldn't help. Chu Feng slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed for the school gate.

The rain had lessened, pattering gently on the umbrella. As Chu Feng walked out of the school gate, he saw a tall figure standing under the dim streetlight.

Black T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, with the word "Maple" embroidered on the chest. A tattoo was faintly visible on the exposed part of his forearm in the night light.

“Xie... Shiyu?”

Chu Feng ran over in surprise. “Why are you here?”

The night wind rustled through a row of plane trees, raindrops falling from the leaves and tapping on the umbrella. Xie Shiyu smiled at him:

“I came to pick you up.”

Chu Feng asked, “When did you get here? Have you been waiting long?”

“No, I just got here.” Xie Shiyu opened his umbrella casually and held Chu Feng's hand as they walked back together.

“Why did you come to school so late?” Xie Shiyu asked.

Chu Feng nodded. “I came to look for my physics book.”

Xie Shiyu chuckled. No wonder, when he arrived at the school gate, he saw Chu Feng looking like a dejected kitten, carrying his backpack around the campus.

“Did you find it?” Xie Shiyu asked.

Chu Feng shook his head. “It wasn't in the self-study room, and the classroom door was locked. I’ll have to look again tomorrow morning. Hopefully, it’s still there.”

Xie Shiyu hummed in response. “Could it be in your desk drawer?”

He suddenly remembered that when he used a telescope to watch Chu Feng from the hotel earlier today, he saw Chu Feng putting his textbooks into the drawer instead of his backpack. Maybe he had forgotten to take it out when he left.

“I hope so,” Chu Feng replied. “By the way, why did you come to see me today?”

The hotel they stayed at was very close to the school, just a two-minute run. Usually, Chu Feng walked back by himself. Xie Shiyu hadn’t come to pick him up before, possibly to avoid classmates noticing Chu Feng not staying in the dorm and instead going to a hotel with someone else.

So, why did Xie Shiyu come to find him today?

“Nothing special, just... suddenly wanted to see you.” Xie Shiyu replied casually, his tone natural. Chu Feng laughed.

“What’s there to see? We’ll be back at the hotel soon, and you see me every day anyway.”

Sensing something, Chu Feng reached into the hidden pocket of his backpack and took out his phone.

During the day, his phone was on silent while he attended classes, and he only turned it on after evening self-study at around 8:30 PM. But today, he rushed back to school to find his textbook and hadn’t checked his phone.

When he unlocked his phone, the screen showed:

Missed calls: 15 from Xie Shiyu, unread messages: 28 from Xie Shiyu...

Chu Feng was surprised. “You called me... so many times?”

“Nothing much. Just…” Xie Shiyu felt a bit awkward. His mind had been filled with thoughts of danger, completely overlooking the possibility that in a normal student’s life, losing a water bottle, textbook, or homework, or sneaking off to buy snacks from a new food stall, were the most likely events.

“I was going to ask if you wanted to eat something when you got back tonight,” 17-year-old Xie Shiyu improvised a flimsy excuse. “But you weren’t answering, and since I had nothing to do, I thought I’d take a walk and came to see you.”

Chu Feng almost laughed. He could tell that Xie Shiyu was worried about him and had come to the school only to find his concern unnecessary. Now he was making up a poor excuse—who takes a walk in the rain?

The warm yellow streetlights illuminated their path back, and the sparkling raindrops floated diagonally in the wind. They walked up a slope and into the small alley again.

Just minutes earlier, Xie Shiyu had transported two male bodies from here. Now, he was walking the same path with Chu Feng, but the atmosphere was entirely different.

In the dim light, Chu Feng quietly reached out and hooked his arm through Xie Shiyu’s, saying affectionately:

“Shall we get some Tianjin pancakes?”

At the end of this alley was a stall selling Tianjin pancakes. Xie Shiyu held the umbrella gently and said, “It’s raining today, the stall might not be open. How about ordering takeout?”

“Okay,” Chu Feng agreed.

After browsing through the takeout options, they found that the only two places selling Tianjin pancakes were closed. So, Chu Feng and Xie Shiyu decided to order hand-grabbed pancakes with extra egg, bacon, and sausage instead.

The bright room was filled with the smell of onion pancakes. Chu Feng ate while working on a physics worksheet, and Xie Shiyu was in the bathroom, where the faucet was running—probably washing clothes.

There was a bloodstain on the back left shoulder of his black T-shirt. He had washed it with soap seven times, but the stain wouldn’t come out. It was from when the accomplice had slashed at him with a knife. The blade was sharp, and even though he was wearing a raincoat, a delivery uniform, and the black T-shirt, it had still cut him.

Xie Shiyu looked at the wound in the mirror. It wasn’t serious, just a surface cut, and it had stopped bleeding on its own. He had been too anxious about Chu Feng not answering the phone to notice it earlier. Only after seeing Chu Feng at school had he calmed down and realized his shoulder was bleeding.

Luckily, the black T-shirt hid the stain well, especially at night. Chu Feng probably hadn’t noticed.

Checking his watch, Xie Shiyu put down the T-shirt that wouldn’t come clean. It was almost time to meet Huang Desheng.

“I need to step out for a bit; the boss called me.”

The bathroom door clicked open, and Chu Feng heard Xie Shiyu’s words.

“Okay.” Chu Feng didn’t suspect anything and continued with his homework.

Xie Shiyu: "Remember to lock the door after I leave. If someone knocks…"

Chu Feng: "I should check through the peephole first and never open the door unless it’s you. Xie Shiyu, I’m seventeen, not seven."

Xie Shiyu smiled and walked over, giving Chu Feng a kiss on the forehead: "I'll be back soon."


Chu Feng, while doing homework, heard the doorbell ring.

Xie Shiyu had kept his promise, coming back in just an hour and a half.

"Did you finish your work?"

Chu Feng looked through the peephole and saw it was Xie Shiyu, then opened the door.
Xie Shiyu nodded, seeming to be in a good mood. Chu Feng guessed his work must have gone well.


Chu Feng finished all his homework, reviewed today’s lessons, and previewed tomorrow’s content, completing his study quota perfectly.

The 17-year-old stretched in his chair and saw Xie Shiyu leaning against the headboard, watching the muted TV.
"You can turn up the volume." Chu Feng walked to the bed, jumped on, laid next to Xie Shiyu, and grabbed the remote to increase the volume, curious about what Xie Shiyu was watching.

The TV screen displayed four large characters: Night News.

"We bring you an urgent report: A serious car accident occurred on Fuxiang New Road. Four people were seriously injured and have been taken to the hospital for emergency treatment..."

"The traffic police suspect the cause of the accident may be drunk driving... A reminder to everyone: Safety first on the road."

The TV showed surveillance footage of the accident, where a car sped out of control, failed to brake in time at a turn, and crashed into a wall, instantly bursting into flames from the high-speed impact!

As the bright flames lit up the screen, Xie Shiyu wrapped his arm around Chu Feng and clicked his tongue twice:
"Oh dear, how tragic."

Chu Feng: …

Why did it sound like Xie Shiyu was gloating?


Brushing teeth, washing faces, and going to bed.

The air conditioning was set to 26°, in sleep mode. Xie Shiyu laid beside Chu Feng, covered with the quilt, and Chu Feng naturally snuggled into his arms, holding him as they slept. As usual, Xie Shiyu leaned down to kiss Chu Feng's cheek: "Goodnight~"

After a day of studying, little Feng Shu was very tired and obediently closed his eyes in his embrace, drifting into dreamland.


Xie Shiyu opened his eyes, fully awake.

Beside him, Chu Feng was sound asleep, resting on his arm. Xie Shiyu slowly and carefully moved Chu Feng’s head onto the pillow, then got up, put on his coat, and quietly left the room.

He certainly wouldn’t be foolish enough to use the elevator or walk out the hotel’s main entrance, where the surveillance cameras could record him.

Xie Shiyu took the stairwell down to the first floor and climbed out of a window.

Outside was a narrow path. Xie Shiyu sidled through and headed toward the abandoned courtyard where his car was parked. The streets were deserted in the dead of night.

He had one last task tonight: Luo Lian Lake.


On the hotel’s big bed, Chu Feng turned in his sleep...
He turned over smoothly, finding the space around him empty.


Drowsily, Chu Feng opened his eyes, looking around the bed, still half-asleep:

Where did Xie Shiyu go?


Chu Feng thought he heard the door opening and then the sound of running water, as if someone was washing their hands…

"Xie... Shiyu?"

"Hm? What’s wrong?" Xie Shiyu rushed over, not bothering to dry his hands, to check on Chu Feng. "Did I wake you?"

Chu Feng sat up, rubbing his eyes, his voice sleepy: "Where did you go...?"

Fresh from disposing of a body, Xie Shiyu said, "Nowhere, I just went to the bathroom."

Hearing this, Chu Feng didn’t think much of it and laid back down, falling asleep again.

In a half-dream state, Chu Feng heard the sound of running water. It seemed like... Xie Shiyu was taking a shower.

Why... another shower?

Xie Shiyu had already showered once after returning from Huang Desheng’s drinking party. Now, he had to wash again after disposing of the body. Though not superstitious, he believed in the old saying that contact with corpses required thorough cleaning to avoid passing bad luck to close ones—specifically, Chu Feng.

His fate was strong, able to withstand the blood and misfortune, but little Chu Feng needed protection.

Xie Shiyu scrubbed himself for twenty minutes, covering the bathroom in shower gel foam before rinsing off, donning clean pajamas, and returning to lie beside little Maple tree.

At 3:30 AM, Chu Feng felt a warm Xie Shiyu snuggling up to him.

Not knowing what got into him, Xie Shiyu had washed himself until he smelled strongly of the hotel’s cheap bath fragrance.

The scent was so overpowering it woke Chu Feng, who let out a tiny sound of dissatisfaction:“Why are you showering in the middle of the night?”

“Just felt hot…” Xie Shiyu mumbled, lifting the quilt and sliding in.

The cheap fragrance filled the bed. Chu Feng discreetly covered his nose, and Xie Shiyu chuckled:
“Too fragrant?”

Chu Feng turned away, silently protesting the cheap scent. He preferred Xie Shiyu’s natural smell.

Behind him, Xie Shiyu deliberately moved closer, hugging him, the strong fragrance invading. Chu Feng clung tightly to the quilt in defiance. After a bit of playful tussling, Xie Shiyu patted the cocooned Chu Feng:
“Let’s stop. Go to sleep early.”

Xie Shiyu didn’t hold Chu Feng anymore, keeping a little distance, lying flat, and went to sleep.

Ten minutes later

Xie Shiyu heard rustling from the quilt.

He pretended not to notice, continuing to feign sleep.

Ten seconds later, the blanket subtly shifted as Chu Feng slowly turned around and stealthily snuggled into Xie Shiyu's arms.

He was like a little kitten nestled in the crook of his arm.

In the darkness, Xie Shiyu stifled a laugh.

After a moment, the little kitten moved suddenly. Chu Feng reached out, hugged the fragrant Xie Shiyu, and quickly kissed his cheek:


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