The Entire City Is My Husband

The Entire City Is My Husband (全城都是我老攻)
Author: Oolong Cooking Snow (作者:乌龙煮雪)
Translator: Lazy Girl T
Editor: Lazy Girl T
Schedule: TBA

Author Summary:

[Welcome to Dream City Game, the system is reading your memories…]

Recently widowed Chu Feng was ready to import his old gong Xie Shiyu into the game.

They grew up together, got married, and finally Xie Shiyu died in a plane crash. Chu Feng couldn’t accept it, so he chose to find some solace.

The game system split countless Xie Shiyus from his memories and formed Chu Feng’s Dream City.

At the age of 5, Little Shiyu threw himself into his arms: “Brother Chu Feng, carry me!”

At 18, School Bully Xie hooked his shoulder: “Teacher Chu Feng, where’s my morning kiss today?”

At 25, CEO Xie wrapped his waist: “Come to my office later.”

Chu Feng played happily with the little Xies in the city every day and thus lived a happy life.

—-Except for severe back pain at night.

However, this happy Dream City had a hidden danger.

His Xie Shiyus would always encounter accidents: bus explosions, kindergarten fires, citywide virus crisis…

Originally intended to play husband and wife, but ended up playing survival, player Chu Feng had to apply to the game system for regulator protection.

Sent was the highest Regulator X, initiating the highest S-level protection.

It sounded reassuring.

But soon, Chu Feng found that this S-level protection was a bit excessive: touching hands when defusing bombs, holding waist when in danger, princess-carrying through fire. He even tried to take him to the 108th floor of a hotel to watch the stars.

Chu Feng: Married, not available, has an old gong.

Regulator X: That’s not what the system’s investigation data says about you.

Chu Feng: What does it say?

Regulator X: Just widowed, sad, seeking affection.

Chu Feng: …