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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 78

Chapter 78: City’s Number One in Combat Power

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Click. The sound of the switch flipping on.

In the interrogation room, intense white light illuminated Ji Shiming.

Instinctively, he raised his hand to shield his eyes, but clink, the handcuffs made a crisp sound as they pulled his wrist back to the table, rendering him immobile.

“Lin Ming.”

He answered.


The police officer sitting in front of him slammed the table loudly. “You’re called Li Dawei, also Ji Shiming, and also Yu Wenbing, Zhao Wangke, Wang Quanye…”


A dozen ID cards were thrown onto the interrogation table, except for “Lin Ming,” all the other names on the IDs were illegally obtained.

Officer: “Tell the truth.”

Ji Shiming remained silent. “I believe I have the right to find a lawyer.”

He thought it was just a matter of being caught for dealing in stolen goods by the police. Although he might not be sentenced to many years, Ji Shiming didn’t want anything to interfere with his retirement life. If he spent some money to hire a high-end lawyer, crafted the right narrative, he could be acquitted.

To his surprise, the young officer in front of him seemed to anticipate his response:

“Ji Shiming, do you think you’re still in Country M?”

Ji Shiming froze.

The incident in Country M…


The policeman slammed a stack of documents onto the interrogation table:

“Shiming Ji, successfully obtained a Ph.D. in psychology in Country M, was once accused of killing a senior student, his ex-girlfriend, due to insufficient evidence, was acquitted.”

Ji Shiming lowered his head, the blood and body parts in the photo reflecting a ghastly white under the interrogation room’s light.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

Officer: “Stop pretending! You were responsible for that dismemberment case of the senior student, and you’re feeling pretty proud of being acquitted, aren’t you?”

Of course, Ji Shiming was proud. He almost burst out laughing in court back then. His ex-girlfriend, upon hearing of his acquittal, was so scared she jumped off a building. Before he could deal with her, she turned into a puddle of mud on her own. It was truly amusing.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ji Shiming shook his head, feigning innocence. He had already roughly deduced what the police had found. The despicable imitator committed the murder and dismemberment, and the police unexpectedly stumbled upon his affairs in the United States. Consequently, they naturally arrested him as a suspect.

If they couldn’t extract any information from him in the end, and there was no evidence directly pointing to him, then when the time came, the police would naturally release him. Ji Shiming was confident. He played dumb, steadfastly repeating one sentence: “I don’t know anything, you’ve got the wrong person, I want to see a lawyer…”

“It seems you won’t cry until you see the coffin.”

With the officer in control, he threw a fingerprint identification report at Ji Shiming:

“You’re an old hand at crime too, take a look yourself.”


Ding Ling…

The bell for the end of class rang.

“Did you hear the sound of police cars while you were in class just now?”

During break time, Chu Feng casually asked Xie Shiyu.

“Yeah, it seemed like it was passing by from over there.” Xie Shiyu casually pointed in a direction.

“Police sirens? During class just now?” The student in front turned around to join the discussion. “Did something happen?”

Xie Shiyu shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Could they have caught the killer?” The student in front said, “You know, that recent news about the progress in the dismemberment case!”

“Is that so?” Xie Shiyu yawned, propping his head on his arm. “I’m too tired, I’m going to sleep for a bit.”

Chu Feng glanced at Xie Shiyu and felt something was off. Generally, even if someone wasn’t interested in criminal cases, they’d still be a bit curious, right?

“What progress?”

“I don’t know,” the student in front said, “The news said they found key evidence.”

“Don’t speculate.”

Xie Shiyu leaned on his arm and squinted his eyes, saying to Chu Feng:

“The police car just now, it might have been responding to a traffic accident.”

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng no longer dwelled on the murder and dismemberment case:

“By the way,” he turned his head to Xie Shiyu and said, “Don’t forget we need to go to the gym this Sunday.”

Xie Shiyu extended two fingers from his arm and made a peace sign at Chu Feng.


“This is absolutely impossible

Ji Shiming put down the fingerprint report, his mind quickly calming down. Because he was too calm, which was unlike an ordinary person, he consciously manipulated his facial muscles to feign the panic of a regular person:

“This is absolutely impossible! I didn’t kill anyone, and I’ve never even been to the southern suburbs! You’ve got the wrong person… I… I… This is a setup! Yes, someone is framing me…”

Officer: “What were you doing on the day of the incident? Can anyone vouch for you?”


Ji Shiming couldn’t speak. He had been at home that day, with no one to confirm his whereabouts.

“This must be a setup, it has to be. I didn’t kill anyone…”

“Why would someone frame you?” The officer suddenly fired a series of questions:

“So all twelve serial murder and dismemberment cases in Country M were committed by you! Therefore, once your fingerprints are found in this case, you are completely implicated!”


Ji Shiming immediately denied, “I don’t know anything about twelve cases… The senior student back then… It was a misunderstanding. Because of my relationship with my girlfriend, I had a bit of a conflict with him. The police suspected that I held a grudge against him, but there’s no evidence… It’s the same this time, my fingerprints must have been used by someone…”

“This won’t lead to anything.”

Outside the interrogation room, two officers discussed:

“This guy is either truly innocent or he’s extremely tight-lipped.”

“If we can’t get anything out of him, it’s fine. Fingerprints are solid evidence, he can’t deny that. If fingerprints found near the body can be washed off as framing, then what’s the point of solving any case! Every murderer will say, ‘This isn’t me, someone’s framing me. As for who’s framing me, I don’t know, go ask the police!'”

“Though that’s true, having a confession would make the case more complete. But if he’s this resistant…”

“Keep questioning.”

Suddenly, an old detective spoke up, “Give him some bait first, make him think he’s answering flawlessly, and then when it comes to the final moments…”


Two hours later.

In the interrogation room, Ji Shiming elegantly asked for a glass of water. He lowered his head, took a few sips, appearing calm and content. In stark contrast, the officers in front of him were exhausted.

Interrogation was a draining job. Ji Shiming coldly assessed the young officer in front of him, finding it amusing. When he first started killing, these two were probably still sucking on pacifiers.


The interrogation room door opened, and a veteran detective walked in.

Ji Shiming remained unmoved. Even if the detective had more experience, he couldn’t do anything to him. Ji Shiming was always cautious in his actions, leaving no loose ends. Moreover, the murder and dismemberment case in the southern suburbs wasn’t his doing. As long as he paid a hefty sum for a good lawyer, the police couldn’t touch him.

“Want a smoke?”

The old detective sat down and offered Ji Shiming a cigarette.

This was another routine, an attempt to build rapport with the suspect. Ji Shiming shook his head:


More than smoking, Ji Shiming wanted to apply hand cream. His hands were starting to crack again. Without the pleasant scent of flowers, he felt uneasy all over.

The old detective didn’t bother with pleasantries, lit a cigarette himself, the smoke filling the almost airtight interrogation room.

Ji Shiming breathed in the acrid secondhand smoke, the kind that came from cheap cigarettes, resembling a peony planted next to a chemical factory chimney.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. The old detective took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled slowly, asking:

“Do you know where your fingerprints were found?”

Ji Shiming lifted his head slightly, temporarily suppressing his aversion to secondhand smoke. He looked at the old detective with keen interest.

Through the hazy smoke, the old detective stared back. Finally, he uttered two words:

“Blue ribbon.”


“From that moment, I knew for sure that this person was the culprit.”

Chu Feng, 29, stood in the police station’s archives room, listening to the old detective who had worked on the case recount the events:

“That Ji Shiming thought he was hiding it well. The moment I mentioned the word ‘Blue Ribbon,’ his face immediately changed! You should’ve seen how awful he looked; he couldn’t hide his reaction at all! Even if he is a high-IQ murderer, there’s bound to be a slip-up. There’s definitely a difference between someone being framed and a real murderer.”

Twenty-nine-year-old Chu Feng remained silent. He took the train back to the city where he grew up, leveraging his grandfather’s connections to visit the city bureau and look into the dismemberment case records from back then. He wanted to find out exactly what little Xie did when he was thirteen. Without saying a word, Chu Feng looked at the fingerprint comparison results in the file folder.

Ji Shiming, 99.8%, confirmed as the same person.

Now, Chu Feng fully understood why seven-year-old Little Xie risked so much to hide the blue ribbon. The shop owner in the residential building, Ji Shiming, was a serial killer. That night when he killed the cat abuser, Little Xie saw it. Seven-year-old Xiao Xie’s first thought wasn’t to run away in fear, but to carefully preserve the “blue ribbon” for his future.

Ji Shiming, the suspect, had indeed committed murder. So many years later, when he heard the words “blue ribbon” again, his shocked and panicked expression immediately gave him away.

“Has the criminal… been executed?” Chu Feng asked.

“Definitely!” the old detective who was involved in the case replied, “Not long after, he was taken out and executed. That guy killed a total of thirteen people! He was a psychopath! After his identity was confirmed by the blue ribbon fingerprint, he went crazy in prison, muttering every day: It’s impossible, absolutely impossible…”

Chu Feng: “And then?”

“Initially, we were worried that he was pretending to be crazy to escape punishment, so the detention center kept a close eye on him. But later… I don’t know if he came to his senses or what, he said he wanted to see the crime scene photos. After seeing them, he confessed. Maybe he thought the court would see his cooperative attitude and give him a suspended death sentence. Of course, that wasn’t possible! The death penalty was carried out immediately.”

Chu Feng: “He confessed after seeing the crime scene photos?”

The old detective: “Yes, it was a bit strange, but who knows what was going on in his mind! I remember it clearly, he was sitting in the interrogation room, and when we spread out the crime scene photos, he pounced on them like a starving man seeing food, with a look of ecstasy on his face! While laughing, he said something like ‘as expected… genius… devil…’ It was gibberish, completely incomprehensible. Ugh! Even at my age, thinking about that criminal’s face still makes me sick!”

Chu Feng suggested, “Can I see the crime scene photos?”

“Sure, they’re in the file folder, in the back, yeah, but be prepared, these photos haven’t been edited, they’re bloody…”

Chu Feng pulled out a photo from the file folder. It was a picture from sixteen years ago, preserved in a sealed bag. The photo showed a severed hand, the stump exposed with blackened flesh and yellowing tendons, blood soaking the grass around the outskirts, with a small piece of fabric nearby.

The old detective: “That’s it, the blue ribbon retrieved by the forensics department.”

Chu Feng: “So Ji Shiming confessed after seeing these photos, was there anything else that happened in between?”

“Yeah, it seems… he was transferred from the local police station to the city bureau.” The old detective involved in the case said, “Because the case was significant, as soon as his fingerprints were found, the nearby station immediately went to arrest him…”


Sixteen years ago, on a Sunday

A blue ribbon encircled his neck.

At the bottom hung an ID badge: Volunteer for the 13th Spring Games in B City.

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu and Chu Feng stood together at the entrance of the outdoor stadium, the blue ribbons around their necks shimmering in the sunlight.

“Hello, everyone, and welcome to the opening of our city’s Spring Games. I’m your host, Xiao Bo, and I’ll be bringing you live coverage of today’s events…”

A giant screen embedded in the stadium soon displayed the TV broadcast. The camera was panning around…

“They’re filming us.”

“Huh?” Chu Feng turned his head. Xie Shiyu suddenly reached out, took his hand, lifted it, and waved at the camera…

“Our athletes are warming up…” The host continued, “Oh! Here we have two energetic student volunteers. Thank you for your hard work!”

The camera moved on, and Xie Shiyu nonchalantly let go of Chu Feng’s hand.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng felt his ears heat up. This person… suddenly holding his hand in public, lifting it so high, and being broadcast on TV for the whole city to see!

“Chu Feng—”

Someone from the student council called out to him: “Come over and help carry this.”

“Coming,” Chu Feng responded. He and Xie Shiyu walked over together to help carry sports equipment.

They carried the equipment to the back gate of the stadium, where there weren’t many people. As the sun rose higher, the temperature increased, and Chu Feng wiped the sweat off his neck.

“Let’s sit and rest for a bit,” Xie Shiyu suggested. “I’ll go buy us some drinks. What do you want?”

“Mineral water, please,” Chu Feng replied.

When Xie Shiyu came back with a bottle of Sprite and a bottle of Nongfu Spring water, he heard a commotion outside the back door of the gym.

“Something seems to be happening over there,” Chu Feng also stood up.

“Should we go check it out?”

The two slipped out from the back door. The street was packed with journalists and onlookers. Soon, sirens blared as police cars arrived.

“Deputy Director, Deputy Director! Captain—has the culprit been caught?”

“How was he caught? Is the suspect in the car now? Can we have an interview—”

The police car was surrounded by the crowd, gradually unable to move. Several officers got out and began to intercept the crowd:

“The case is still under investigation, please remain calm. We will provide an explanation later. Please do not obstruct the progress of the case. Make way, please…”

Ji Shiming, handcuffed and shackled, sat in the back seat of the car, separated from the front by an iron grille to prevent him from attacking the driver.

Ji Shiming turned his head and looked out the window at the chaotic scene on the right side of the street, finding it amusing how the public, uninformed yet eager for excitement, always gathered around.

He arrogantly turned his head slightly to the left—

On the left was the back door of the city gymnasium, with green trees and flowers, bathed in bright sunlight, devoid of any figures, giving off a cold atmosphere.

Ji Shiming glanced over and was about to look away—suddenly!

He noticed two figures under the shade of a tree!

Wearing shirts and trousers, with volunteer badges hanging around their necks, they seemed to be students. One of them was particularly tall, and that face…

Ji Shiming’s whole body shook. In an instant, the face of this tall young man overlapped with that of a certain seven-year-old child from years ago!

—Xie Shiyu!

Ji Shiming’s hands even started to tremble. Six years had passed, and this child was now thirteen, no longer the little brat who used to be at everyone’s mercy…

Suddenly. Ji Shiming saw the taller one take a step forward, walking in his direction!

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu held an empty bottle of mineral water as he walked towards the trash can on the sidewalk, as if helping his companion throw away the empty cans.


Xie Shiyu tossed the empty bottle into the trash can with force.

Before turning away, Xie Shiyu glanced sideways at the police car across the street. Suddenly, he reached out and casually tugged at the volunteer badge around his neck.

The blue ribbon, under the sunlight, emitted a beautiful satin-like sheen, piercing Ji Shiming’s eyes.

In the next moment, Ji Shiming saw the figure across the street also looking at him.

In an instant, thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu raised his head and smiled at the person in the police car.

After six years, the one who laughed last was him.

Xie Shiyu turned around, no longer caring about the fate of the defeated behind him.

“Let’s go.”

Xie Shiyu reached out and put his hand on Chu Feng’s shoulder, feeling delighted. He naturally acted like a good buddy, and together they walked away.

“Stop the car! Stop the car!! I’m innocent, someone’s framing me!! Stop the car—”

Ji Shiming was in a state of collapse, raging and shouting helplessly in the police car.

“Hurry, hurry! This criminal is crazy—quick, give him a sedative!” The driver was quite scared. After all, this psychopathic murderer had dismembered thirteen people. There was no telling what he might do.

The sharp needle pierced into Ji Shiming’s vein, and he immediately fell into a deep sleep.



Click—the sound of the switch being turned on.

In the interrogation room, the glaring white light shone on the murderer.

“Ji Shiming.”

He answered weakly, his spirits low.

Given the undeniable fingerprint evidence, the police would never believe that a serial killer, who had murdered twelve people in the past, didn’t commit the dismemberment and instead, suspect a thirteen-year-old child who had just started junior high of committing the murder and dismemberment.

Ji Shiming knew very well that if he continued to plead not guilty, the court would consider him unrepentant. Even if the truth was revealed, Xie Shiyu was only thirteen years old, and according to existing laws, he couldn’t be sentenced. As for him, who had killed twelve people in the past, he would still face the death penalty.

Especially, the “13th Murder and Dismemberment Case” happened in China, and the Chinese judiciary can legitimately detain him. If it is found that another person committed the “13th case,” he is innocent. In that case, the previous 12 cases all occurred in Country M, and he will be extradited there.

In his previous cases, he dismembered each victim and buried the body parts in different locations. The initials of each location formed a dirty word insulting the police. The police in Country M hated him to the core. If he were to be extradited there, who knows how he would die.

After a long silence.

Ji Shiming: “I want to see the crime scene photos.”


The sun blazed, casting a radiant light over the empty stadium.

The spring sports meet had ended successfully, and the athletes had all gone home. Confetti scattered across the track and field, vibrant with color.

“The Student Union will have a meeting later.” Chu Feng said to Xie Shiyu, “You should go home first.”

It was noon, and Chu Feng remembered that Xie Shiyu’s family relied on him for cooking, especially since his mother hadn’t been feeling well lately.

“It’s okay.” Xie Shiyu said, “I’ve prepared lunch at home in advance, so going back now is fine.”

Chu Feng: “Then I’ll come back as soon as possible. Just showing up at the meeting should be enough.”

“I’ll wait for you.”


The big screen at the sports meet was still lively, broadcasting with sound and color. When Chu Feng returned, he saw Xie Shiyu sitting under the shade of a tree, with the blue sky above.

“You haven’t finished your Sprite?” Chu Feng walked over, “Let’s go back. What are you looking at? You seem so focused.”

Chu Feng turned to look at the big screen too. The sports meet had already finished broadcasting, and now it was time for the midday news:

“It is reported that the shocking murder and dismemberment case in our city has been solved, and the culprit has been successfully apprehended, confessing to the crimes…”

Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, and Xie Shiyu sat there, drinking Sprite and listening to the news broadcast, as if enjoying himself.

“Chu Feng—come take a group photo!”

Someone from the Student Union called out again. Chu Feng turned around, then suddenly seemed to remember something and said to Xie Shiyu, “Why don’t you come too?”

“Me?” Xie Shiyu: “But I’m not part of the Student Union.”

“It’s okay, this is a photo of volunteers.” Chu Feng picked up the volunteer ID badge that Xie Shiyu had placed aside and hung it around his neck. The blue ribbon shimmered in the sunlight, and Chu Feng, seemingly casually, reached out and took Xie Shiyu’s hand:

“Let’s go.”


“Come on, everyone, stand closer, closer.”

The photographer instructed, and people around them moved closer.

Chu Feng was almost shoulder to shoulder with Xie Shiyu. They were both quite tall, standing in the back row of the photo, with the empty stadium and endless blue sky behind them.

“Hey, classmates, don’t spread out so much! Get closer, to show that we’re a close-knit group!”

Everyone chuckled. Chu Feng also smiled, then suddenly felt a warm sensation behind him.

Xie Shiyu quietly reached out and hugged his waist, pulling him closer this way.

Chu Feng suddenly felt closer to Xie Shiyu, while distancing himself from the person who had come closer from the side.

Xie Shiyu’s actions were careful. This gesture could be interpreted as a hug or just supporting his back. Chu Feng didn’t know how to interpret it, he just felt… the weather was so hot today.

“Alright, keep smiling, one, two, three—”



The shutter was pressed, capturing the lively volunteers. No one knew that behind the group photo, two male classmates were hugging each other.

When they went home, neither of them mentioned this incident.

Chu Feng deliberately changed the subject: “You still haven’t finished that Sprite?”

Xie Shiyu pinched the green soda can and smiled, “Almost done.”

They walked all the way, the cicadas on the roadside chirping incessantly, until, once again, they reached a crossroads.

It was time to part ways again. Chu Feng thought to himself that every time he walked home with Xie Shiyu, it never seemed to last long.

“I’m going now, you should go home too.”

Chu Feng waved to him and walked towards the right intersection—


Xie Shiyu leisurely responded.

One step, two steps, three steps. Chu Feng realized that there was an extra shadow behind him.

“Xie Shiyu?”

Xie Shiyu, who should have gone left at the intersection, followed him to the right.

To the right was the east of the city, and to the left was the west.

Chu Feng felt a bit strange and pointed to the left. “Isn’t your home over there?”

“It was before.”

Xie Shiyu smiled and caught up with Chu Feng. “We’ve moved now!”


“Really? When?”

Chu Feng and Xie Shiyu walked shoulder to shoulder on the way home.

“Yeah, just recently. My mom suddenly wanted to move.”

Xie Shiyu casually made up, but in fact, when he killed his father, he brought back all the money his father took away. His mother’s mental state wasn’t good, and she wasn’t suitable to live in that kind of place anymore, so he found a house and moved with his mother by himself.

Out of selfishness, even if the rent was higher, he wanted to move to a place closer to Chu Feng, at least so they could walk in the same direction after school.

“So…” The thirteen-year-old Chu Feng felt a bit excited. “You won’t have to go that way anymore?”

“Yeah.” Xie Shiyu leaned in with a mischievous smile. “I’ll be following you from now on.”

Xie Shiyu tilted his head back and finished the last sip of Sprite. He crushed the can with force, then raised his hand and threw it into the nearby trash can.


The can made a crisp sound as it landed in the trash can, like him throwing away all the dark past.

He finally didn’t have to turn left, to take that fork, and say goodbye to Chu Feng.

From now on, he wouldn’t have to face dismemberment, drug abuse, domestic violence, and the dark residential buildings. He would write homework, play basketball like all ordinary students, and go home with the person he liked after school.

[I’ve arrived in your world]


One by one, crime scene photos were laid out on the table.

29-year-old Chu Feng looked at the bloody body parts without any reaction.

The old detective seemed a bit puzzled. Normally, when people saw such a gruesome sight of the victims, they would feel sympathy. But Chu Feng was introduced to the bureau through connections, and it wasn’t convenient for him to ask too many questions. He just sighed:

“It’s cruel. Thirty-seven pieces. It’s obviously done by an experienced hand, taking pleasure in torturing people. When the victim died… sigh, let’s not think about it.”

Chu Feng: “An experienced hand?”

“Yes.” The old detective said matter-of-factly. “You may not be able to tell as a layman, but we can tell at a glance. Newbies are always flustered and chaotic when killing someone. They wouldn’t be able to commit such a crime. This crime scene is clearly the work of a serial killer who has done it several times.”

Chu Feng fell silent. He was the only one who knew that this scene was created by a thirteen-year-old boy, committing murder for the first time.

“Thank you.” Chu Feng bowed politely to the old detective and the archive administrator.

After two or three hours on the high-speed rail, he returned to his current city, opened the door, and his cousin Lin Lan, who knew nothing, was playing games:

“Oh! Cousin’s back? There’s milk tea on the table, do you want some?”

“I’ll have some later.”

Lin Lan turned his head to look at Chu Feng, somewhat stunned. Actually, he ordered the milk tea for himself, but seeing his cousin come back, he wanted to be polite, because his cousin never liked to drink something so sweet, but then…

It seemed like his cousin was in a good mood today and could eat and drink. Lin Lan quickly opened the food delivery app, ordered another cup for himself, and bought some crayfish rice.

Chu Feng walked into his bedroom and put on the “Dream City” game headset.

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu was doing his homework in his room.

Twenty-nine-year-old Chu Feng walked over, sat beside him, and asked gently, “Is there anything you don’t understand?”

“Well, this question.”

Little Xie pointed to the first big question in the math workbook, the dynamic point problem that Chu Feng had explained back then.

29-year-old Chu Feng looked at the math problem from sixteen years ago, rewrote the solution, and handed it to Little Xie. At the same time, he summoned the system—

Before him, appeared the password question from thirteen-year-old Little Xie:

[What was the date of that day?]

Chu Feng reached out and filled in the date of the crime scene he saw in the file:

April 23, sixteen years ago.

The system sprite silently rotated its antennae behind Chu Feng. It didn’t know what its master was filling in, nor did it care. Its heart clenched, just wanting to see if this Little Xie character was the original. As long as it was the original, the city’s ghost virus could be resolved. Otherwise, if the infection continued, characters with low fighting power would die, and then its master would be sad again…

After filling in the answer, Chu Feng moved his finger lightly and clicked on the next page [→].


A piercing siren sounded, and the strength ranking popped up on the air screen:

Thirteen-year-old · Patricide and Dismemberment · Xie Shiyu

Strength Ranking: NO.1

[System Prompt]

“Congratulations, you’ve found the original body.”

“The ghost virus throughout the city is being lifted…”

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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 78

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 78

Chapter 78: City's Number One in Combat Power

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Click. The sound of the switch flipping on.

In the interrogation room, intense white light illuminated Ji Shiming.

Instinctively, he raised his hand to shield his eyes, but clink, the handcuffs made a crisp sound as they pulled his wrist back to the table, rendering him immobile.

"Lin Ming."

He answered.


The police officer sitting in front of him slammed the table loudly. "You're called Li Dawei, also Ji Shiming, and also Yu Wenbing, Zhao Wangke, Wang Quanye..."


A dozen ID cards were thrown onto the interrogation table, except for "Lin Ming," all the other names on the IDs were illegally obtained.

Officer: "Tell the truth."

Ji Shiming remained silent. "I believe I have the right to find a lawyer."

He thought it was just a matter of being caught for dealing in stolen goods by the police. Although he might not be sentenced to many years, Ji Shiming didn't want anything to interfere with his retirement life. If he spent some money to hire a high-end lawyer, crafted the right narrative, he could be acquitted.

To his surprise, the young officer in front of him seemed to anticipate his response:

"Ji Shiming, do you think you're still in Country M?"

Ji Shiming froze.

The incident in Country M...


The policeman slammed a stack of documents onto the interrogation table:

"Shiming Ji, successfully obtained a Ph.D. in psychology in Country M, was once accused of killing a senior student, his ex-girlfriend, due to insufficient evidence, was acquitted."

Ji Shiming lowered his head, the blood and body parts in the photo reflecting a ghastly white under the interrogation room's light.

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

Officer: "Stop pretending! You were responsible for that dismemberment case of the senior student, and you're feeling pretty proud of being acquitted, aren't you?"

Of course, Ji Shiming was proud. He almost burst out laughing in court back then. His ex-girlfriend, upon hearing of his acquittal, was so scared she jumped off a building. Before he could deal with her, she turned into a puddle of mud on her own. It was truly amusing.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Ji Shiming shook his head, feigning innocence. He had already roughly deduced what the police had found. The despicable imitator committed the murder and dismemberment, and the police unexpectedly stumbled upon his affairs in the United States. Consequently, they naturally arrested him as a suspect.

If they couldn't extract any information from him in the end, and there was no evidence directly pointing to him, then when the time came, the police would naturally release him. Ji Shiming was confident. He played dumb, steadfastly repeating one sentence: "I don't know anything, you've got the wrong person, I want to see a lawyer..."

"It seems you won't cry until you see the coffin."

With the officer in control, he threw a fingerprint identification report at Ji Shiming:

"You're an old hand at crime too, take a look yourself."


Ding Ling...

The bell for the end of class rang.

"Did you hear the sound of police cars while you were in class just now?"

During break time, Chu Feng casually asked Xie Shiyu.

"Yeah, it seemed like it was passing by from over there." Xie Shiyu casually pointed in a direction.

"Police sirens? During class just now?" The student in front turned around to join the discussion. "Did something happen?"

Xie Shiyu shrugged. "I don't know."

"Could they have caught the killer?" The student in front said, "You know, that recent news about the progress in the dismemberment case!"

"Is that so?" Xie Shiyu yawned, propping his head on his arm. "I'm too tired, I'm going to sleep for a bit."

Chu Feng glanced at Xie Shiyu and felt something was off. Generally, even if someone wasn't interested in criminal cases, they'd still be a bit curious, right?

"What progress?"

"I don't know," the student in front said, "The news said they found key evidence."

"Don't speculate."

Xie Shiyu leaned on his arm and squinted his eyes, saying to Chu Feng:

"The police car just now, it might have been responding to a traffic accident."

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng no longer dwelled on the murder and dismemberment case:

"By the way," he turned his head to Xie Shiyu and said, "Don't forget we need to go to the gym this Sunday."

Xie Shiyu extended two fingers from his arm and made a peace sign at Chu Feng.


"This is absolutely impossible

Ji Shiming put down the fingerprint report, his mind quickly calming down. Because he was too calm, which was unlike an ordinary person, he consciously manipulated his facial muscles to feign the panic of a regular person:

"This is absolutely impossible! I didn't kill anyone, and I've never even been to the southern suburbs! You’ve got the wrong person... I... I... This is a setup! Yes, someone is framing me..."

Officer: "What were you doing on the day of the incident? Can anyone vouch for you?"


Ji Shiming couldn't speak. He had been at home that day, with no one to confirm his whereabouts.

"This must be a setup, it has to be. I didn't kill anyone..."

"Why would someone frame you?" The officer suddenly fired a series of questions:

"So all twelve serial murder and dismemberment cases in Country M were committed by you! Therefore, once your fingerprints are found in this case, you are completely implicated!"


Ji Shiming immediately denied, "I don't know anything about twelve cases... The senior student back then... It was a misunderstanding. Because of my relationship with my girlfriend, I had a bit of a conflict with him. The police suspected that I held a grudge against him, but there's no evidence... It's the same this time, my fingerprints must have been used by someone..."

"This won't lead to anything."

Outside the interrogation room, two officers discussed:

"This guy is either truly innocent or he's extremely tight-lipped."

"If we can't get anything out of him, it's fine. Fingerprints are solid evidence, he can't deny that. If fingerprints found near the body can be washed off as framing, then what's the point of solving any case! Every murderer will say, 'This isn't me, someone's framing me. As for who's framing me, I don't know, go ask the police!'"

"Though that's true, having a confession would make the case more complete. But if he's this resistant..."

"Keep questioning."

Suddenly, an old detective spoke up, "Give him some bait first, make him think he's answering flawlessly, and then when it comes to the final moments..."


Two hours later.

In the interrogation room, Ji Shiming elegantly asked for a glass of water. He lowered his head, took a few sips, appearing calm and content. In stark contrast, the officers in front of him were exhausted.

Interrogation was a draining job. Ji Shiming coldly assessed the young officer in front of him, finding it amusing. When he first started killing, these two were probably still sucking on pacifiers.


The interrogation room door opened, and a veteran detective walked in.

Ji Shiming remained unmoved. Even if the detective had more experience, he couldn't do anything to him. Ji Shiming was always cautious in his actions, leaving no loose ends. Moreover, the murder and dismemberment case in the southern suburbs wasn't his doing. As long as he paid a hefty sum for a good lawyer, the police couldn't touch him.

"Want a smoke?"

The old detective sat down and offered Ji Shiming a cigarette.

This was another routine, an attempt to build rapport with the suspect. Ji Shiming shook his head:


More than smoking, Ji Shiming wanted to apply hand cream. His hands were starting to crack again. Without the pleasant scent of flowers, he felt uneasy all over.

The old detective didn't bother with pleasantries, lit a cigarette himself, the smoke filling the almost airtight interrogation room.

Ji Shiming breathed in the acrid secondhand smoke, the kind that came from cheap cigarettes, resembling a peony planted next to a chemical factory chimney.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. The old detective took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled slowly, asking:

"Do you know where your fingerprints were found?"

Ji Shiming lifted his head slightly, temporarily suppressing his aversion to secondhand smoke. He looked at the old detective with keen interest.

Through the hazy smoke, the old detective stared back. Finally, he uttered two words:

"Blue ribbon."


"From that moment, I knew for sure that this person was the culprit."

Chu Feng, 29, stood in the police station's archives room, listening to the old detective who had worked on the case recount the events:

"That Ji Shiming thought he was hiding it well. The moment I mentioned the word 'Blue Ribbon,' his face immediately changed! You should've seen how awful he looked; he couldn't hide his reaction at all! Even if he is a high-IQ murderer, there's bound to be a slip-up. There's definitely a difference between someone being framed and a real murderer."

Twenty-nine-year-old Chu Feng remained silent. He took the train back to the city where he grew up, leveraging his grandfather's connections to visit the city bureau and look into the dismemberment case records from back then. He wanted to find out exactly what little Xie did when he was thirteen. Without saying a word, Chu Feng looked at the fingerprint comparison results in the file folder.

Ji Shiming, 99.8%, confirmed as the same person.

Now, Chu Feng fully understood why seven-year-old Little Xie risked so much to hide the blue ribbon. The shop owner in the residential building, Ji Shiming, was a serial killer. That night when he killed the cat abuser, Little Xie saw it. Seven-year-old Xiao Xie's first thought wasn't to run away in fear, but to carefully preserve the "blue ribbon" for his future.

Ji Shiming, the suspect, had indeed committed murder. So many years later, when he heard the words "blue ribbon" again, his shocked and panicked expression immediately gave him away.

"Has the criminal... been executed?" Chu Feng asked.

"Definitely!" the old detective who was involved in the case replied, "Not long after, he was taken out and executed. That guy killed a total of thirteen people! He was a psychopath! After his identity was confirmed by the blue ribbon fingerprint, he went crazy in prison, muttering every day: It's impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Chu Feng: "And then?"

"Initially, we were worried that he was pretending to be crazy to escape punishment, so the detention center kept a close eye on him. But later... I don't know if he came to his senses or what, he said he wanted to see the crime scene photos. After seeing them, he confessed. Maybe he thought the court would see his cooperative attitude and give him a suspended death sentence. Of course, that wasn't possible! The death penalty was carried out immediately."

Chu Feng: "He confessed after seeing the crime scene photos?"

The old detective: "Yes, it was a bit strange, but who knows what was going on in his mind! I remember it clearly, he was sitting in the interrogation room, and when we spread out the crime scene photos, he pounced on them like a starving man seeing food, with a look of ecstasy on his face! While laughing, he said something like 'as expected... genius... devil...' It was gibberish, completely incomprehensible. Ugh! Even at my age, thinking about that criminal's face still makes me sick!"

Chu Feng suggested, "Can I see the crime scene photos?"

"Sure, they're in the file folder, in the back, yeah, but be prepared, these photos haven't been edited, they're bloody..."

Chu Feng pulled out a photo from the file folder. It was a picture from sixteen years ago, preserved in a sealed bag. The photo showed a severed hand, the stump exposed with blackened flesh and yellowing tendons, blood soaking the grass around the outskirts, with a small piece of fabric nearby.

The old detective: "That's it, the blue ribbon retrieved by the forensics department."

Chu Feng: "So Ji Shiming confessed after seeing these photos, was there anything else that happened in between?"

"Yeah, it seems... he was transferred from the local police station to the city bureau." The old detective involved in the case said, "Because the case was significant, as soon as his fingerprints were found, the nearby station immediately went to arrest him…”


Sixteen years ago, on a Sunday

A blue ribbon encircled his neck.

At the bottom hung an ID badge: Volunteer for the 13th Spring Games in B City.

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu and Chu Feng stood together at the entrance of the outdoor stadium, the blue ribbons around their necks shimmering in the sunlight.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to the opening of our city's Spring Games. I'm your host, Xiao Bo, and I'll be bringing you live coverage of today's events..."

A giant screen embedded in the stadium soon displayed the TV broadcast. The camera was panning around...

"They're filming us."

"Huh?" Chu Feng turned his head. Xie Shiyu suddenly reached out, took his hand, lifted it, and waved at the camera...

"Our athletes are warming up..." The host continued, "Oh! Here we have two energetic student volunteers. Thank you for your hard work!"

The camera moved on, and Xie Shiyu nonchalantly let go of Chu Feng's hand.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng felt his ears heat up. This person... suddenly holding his hand in public, lifting it so high, and being broadcast on TV for the whole city to see!

"Chu Feng—"

Someone from the student council called out to him: "Come over and help carry this."

"Coming," Chu Feng responded. He and Xie Shiyu walked over together to help carry sports equipment.

They carried the equipment to the back gate of the stadium, where there weren't many people. As the sun rose higher, the temperature increased, and Chu Feng wiped the sweat off his neck.

"Let's sit and rest for a bit," Xie Shiyu suggested. "I'll go buy us some drinks. What do you want?"

"Mineral water, please," Chu Feng replied.

When Xie Shiyu came back with a bottle of Sprite and a bottle of Nongfu Spring water, he heard a commotion outside the back door of the gym.

"Something seems to be happening over there," Chu Feng also stood up.

"Should we go check it out?"

The two slipped out from the back door. The street was packed with journalists and onlookers. Soon, sirens blared as police cars arrived.

"Deputy Director, Deputy Director! Captain—has the culprit been caught?"

"How was he caught? Is the suspect in the car now? Can we have an interview—"

The police car was surrounded by the crowd, gradually unable to move. Several officers got out and began to intercept the crowd:

"The case is still under investigation, please remain calm. We will provide an explanation later. Please do not obstruct the progress of the case. Make way, please..."

Ji Shiming, handcuffed and shackled, sat in the back seat of the car, separated from the front by an iron grille to prevent him from attacking the driver.

Ji Shiming turned his head and looked out the window at the chaotic scene on the right side of the street, finding it amusing how the public, uninformed yet eager for excitement, always gathered around.

He arrogantly turned his head slightly to the left—

On the left was the back door of the city gymnasium, with green trees and flowers, bathed in bright sunlight, devoid of any figures, giving off a cold atmosphere.

Ji Shiming glanced over and was about to look away—suddenly!

He noticed two figures under the shade of a tree!

Wearing shirts and trousers, with volunteer badges hanging around their necks, they seemed to be students. One of them was particularly tall, and that face…

Ji Shiming's whole body shook. In an instant, the face of this tall young man overlapped with that of a certain seven-year-old child from years ago!

—Xie Shiyu!

Ji Shiming's hands even started to tremble. Six years had passed, and this child was now thirteen, no longer the little brat who used to be at everyone's mercy...

Suddenly. Ji Shiming saw the taller one take a step forward, walking in his direction!

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu held an empty bottle of mineral water as he walked towards the trash can on the sidewalk, as if helping his companion throw away the empty cans.


Xie Shiyu tossed the empty bottle into the trash can with force.

Before turning away, Xie Shiyu glanced sideways at the police car across the street. Suddenly, he reached out and casually tugged at the volunteer badge around his neck.

The blue ribbon, under the sunlight, emitted a beautiful satin-like sheen, piercing Ji Shiming's eyes.

In the next moment, Ji Shiming saw the figure across the street also looking at him.

In an instant, thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu raised his head and smiled at the person in the police car.

After six years, the one who laughed last was him.

Xie Shiyu turned around, no longer caring about the fate of the defeated behind him.

"Let's go."

Xie Shiyu reached out and put his hand on Chu Feng's shoulder, feeling delighted. He naturally acted like a good buddy, and together they walked away.

"Stop the car! Stop the car!! I'm innocent, someone's framing me!! Stop the car—"

Ji Shiming was in a state of collapse, raging and shouting helplessly in the police car.

"Hurry, hurry! This criminal is crazy—quick, give him a sedative!" The driver was quite scared. After all, this psychopathic murderer had dismembered thirteen people. There was no telling what he might do.

The sharp needle pierced into Ji Shiming's vein, and he immediately fell into a deep sleep.



Click—the sound of the switch being turned on.

In the interrogation room, the glaring white light shone on the murderer.

"Ji Shiming."

He answered weakly, his spirits low.

Given the undeniable fingerprint evidence, the police would never believe that a serial killer, who had murdered twelve people in the past, didn't commit the dismemberment and instead, suspect a thirteen-year-old child who had just started junior high of committing the murder and dismemberment.

Ji Shiming knew very well that if he continued to plead not guilty, the court would consider him unrepentant. Even if the truth was revealed, Xie Shiyu was only thirteen years old, and according to existing laws, he couldn't be sentenced. As for him, who had killed twelve people in the past, he would still face the death penalty.

Especially, the "13th Murder and Dismemberment Case" happened in China, and the Chinese judiciary can legitimately detain him. If it is found that another person committed the "13th case," he is innocent. In that case, the previous 12 cases all occurred in Country M, and he will be extradited there.

In his previous cases, he dismembered each victim and buried the body parts in different locations. The initials of each location formed a dirty word insulting the police. The police in Country M hated him to the core. If he were to be extradited there, who knows how he would die.

After a long silence.

Ji Shiming: "I want to see the crime scene photos."


The sun blazed, casting a radiant light over the empty stadium.

The spring sports meet had ended successfully, and the athletes had all gone home. Confetti scattered across the track and field, vibrant with color.

"The Student Union will have a meeting later." Chu Feng said to Xie Shiyu, "You should go home first."

It was noon, and Chu Feng remembered that Xie Shiyu's family relied on him for cooking, especially since his mother hadn't been feeling well lately.

"It's okay." Xie Shiyu said, "I've prepared lunch at home in advance, so going back now is fine."

Chu Feng: "Then I'll come back as soon as possible. Just showing up at the meeting should be enough."

"I'll wait for you."


The big screen at the sports meet was still lively, broadcasting with sound and color. When Chu Feng returned, he saw Xie Shiyu sitting under the shade of a tree, with the blue sky above.

"You haven't finished your Sprite?" Chu Feng walked over, "Let's go back. What are you looking at? You seem so focused."

Chu Feng turned to look at the big screen too. The sports meet had already finished broadcasting, and now it was time for the midday news:

"It is reported that the shocking murder and dismemberment case in our city has been solved, and the culprit has been successfully apprehended, confessing to the crimes..."

Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, and Xie Shiyu sat there, drinking Sprite and listening to the news broadcast, as if enjoying himself.

"Chu Feng—come take a group photo!"

Someone from the Student Union called out again. Chu Feng turned around, then suddenly seemed to remember something and said to Xie Shiyu, "Why don't you come too?"

"Me?" Xie Shiyu: "But I'm not part of the Student Union."

"It's okay, this is a photo of volunteers." Chu Feng picked up the volunteer ID badge that Xie Shiyu had placed aside and hung it around his neck. The blue ribbon shimmered in the sunlight, and Chu Feng, seemingly casually, reached out and took Xie Shiyu's hand:

"Let's go."


"Come on, everyone, stand closer, closer."

The photographer instructed, and people around them moved closer.

Chu Feng was almost shoulder to shoulder with Xie Shiyu. They were both quite tall, standing in the back row of the photo, with the empty stadium and endless blue sky behind them.

"Hey, classmates, don't spread out so much! Get closer, to show that we're a close-knit group!"

Everyone chuckled. Chu Feng also smiled, then suddenly felt a warm sensation behind him.

Xie Shiyu quietly reached out and hugged his waist, pulling him closer this way.

Chu Feng suddenly felt closer to Xie Shiyu, while distancing himself from the person who had come closer from the side.

Xie Shiyu's actions were careful. This gesture could be interpreted as a hug or just supporting his back. Chu Feng didn't know how to interpret it, he just felt... the weather was so hot today.

"Alright, keep smiling, one, two, three—"



The shutter was pressed, capturing the lively volunteers. No one knew that behind the group photo, two male classmates were hugging each other.

When they went home, neither of them mentioned this incident.

Chu Feng deliberately changed the subject: "You still haven't finished that Sprite?"

Xie Shiyu pinched the green soda can and smiled, "Almost done."

They walked all the way, the cicadas on the roadside chirping incessantly, until, once again, they reached a crossroads.

It was time to part ways again. Chu Feng thought to himself that every time he walked home with Xie Shiyu, it never seemed to last long.

"I'm going now, you should go home too."

Chu Feng waved to him and walked towards the right intersection—


Xie Shiyu leisurely responded.

One step, two steps, three steps. Chu Feng realized that there was an extra shadow behind him.

"Xie Shiyu?"

Xie Shiyu, who should have gone left at the intersection, followed him to the right.

To the right was the east of the city, and to the left was the west.

Chu Feng felt a bit strange and pointed to the left. "Isn't your home over there?"

"It was before."

Xie Shiyu smiled and caught up with Chu Feng. "We've moved now!"


“Really? When?"

Chu Feng and Xie Shiyu walked shoulder to shoulder on the way home.

"Yeah, just recently. My mom suddenly wanted to move."

Xie Shiyu casually made up, but in fact, when he killed his father, he brought back all the money his father took away. His mother's mental state wasn't good, and she wasn't suitable to live in that kind of place anymore, so he found a house and moved with his mother by himself.

Out of selfishness, even if the rent was higher, he wanted to move to a place closer to Chu Feng, at least so they could walk in the same direction after school.

"So..." The thirteen-year-old Chu Feng felt a bit excited. "You won't have to go that way anymore?"

"Yeah." Xie Shiyu leaned in with a mischievous smile. "I'll be following you from now on."

Xie Shiyu tilted his head back and finished the last sip of Sprite. He crushed the can with force, then raised his hand and threw it into the nearby trash can.


The can made a crisp sound as it landed in the trash can, like him throwing away all the dark past.

He finally didn't have to turn left, to take that fork, and say goodbye to Chu Feng.

From now on, he wouldn't have to face dismemberment, drug abuse, domestic violence, and the dark residential buildings. He would write homework, play basketball like all ordinary students, and go home with the person he liked after school.

[I’ve arrived in your world]


One by one, crime scene photos were laid out on the table.

29-year-old Chu Feng looked at the bloody body parts without any reaction.

The old detective seemed a bit puzzled. Normally, when people saw such a gruesome sight of the victims, they would feel sympathy. But Chu Feng was introduced to the bureau through connections, and it wasn't convenient for him to ask too many questions. He just sighed:

"It's cruel. Thirty-seven pieces. It's obviously done by an experienced hand, taking pleasure in torturing people. When the victim died... sigh, let's not think about it."

Chu Feng: "An experienced hand?"

"Yes." The old detective said matter-of-factly. "You may not be able to tell as a layman, but we can tell at a glance. Newbies are always flustered and chaotic when killing someone. They wouldn't be able to commit such a crime. This crime scene is clearly the work of a serial killer who has done it several times."

Chu Feng fell silent. He was the only one who knew that this scene was created by a thirteen-year-old boy, committing murder for the first time.

"Thank you." Chu Feng bowed politely to the old detective and the archive administrator.

After two or three hours on the high-speed rail, he returned to his current city, opened the door, and his cousin Lin Lan, who knew nothing, was playing games:

"Oh! Cousin's back? There's milk tea on the table, do you want some?"

"I'll have some later."

Lin Lan turned his head to look at Chu Feng, somewhat stunned. Actually, he ordered the milk tea for himself, but seeing his cousin come back, he wanted to be polite, because his cousin never liked to drink something so sweet, but then...

It seemed like his cousin was in a good mood today and could eat and drink. Lin Lan quickly opened the food delivery app, ordered another cup for himself, and bought some crayfish rice.

Chu Feng walked into his bedroom and put on the "Dream City" game headset.

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu was doing his homework in his room.

Twenty-nine-year-old Chu Feng walked over, sat beside him, and asked gently, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

"Well, this question."

Little Xie pointed to the first big question in the math workbook, the dynamic point problem that Chu Feng had explained back then.

29-year-old Chu Feng looked at the math problem from sixteen years ago, rewrote the solution, and handed it to Little Xie. At the same time, he summoned the system—

Before him, appeared the password question from thirteen-year-old Little Xie:

[What was the date of that day?]

Chu Feng reached out and filled in the date of the crime scene he saw in the file:

April 23, sixteen years ago.

The system sprite silently rotated its antennae behind Chu Feng. It didn't know what its master was filling in, nor did it care. Its heart clenched, just wanting to see if this Little Xie character was the original. As long as it was the original, the city's ghost virus could be resolved. Otherwise, if the infection continued, characters with low fighting power would die, and then its master would be sad again...

After filling in the answer, Chu Feng moved his finger lightly and clicked on the next page [→].


A piercing siren sounded, and the strength ranking popped up on the air screen:

Thirteen-year-old · Patricide and Dismemberment · Xie Shiyu

Strength Ranking: NO.1

[System Prompt]

"Congratulations, you've found the original body."

"The ghost virus throughout the city is being lifted..."

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