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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Mutual Secret Crush

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

“Cousin—look at this photo, it’s just too much like Brother Xie!”


Lin Lan burst into Chu Feng’s bedroom excitedly, only to see his cousin lying quietly on the bed, wearing the Dream City game headset.

His fingertips were gently tapping, as if playing the piano.

Lin Lan scratched his head and had to back out, sending a WeChat message to his cousin so Chu Feng could see it after finishing the game:

[Cousin! Cousin!! Take a look at the new blind date match Auntie found for you! My god, I’ve never seen anyone so alike!]


[Cousin, really, you really have to go see them this time!]

The Chu Feng in the game had no time to respond to real-life matters; he was fully focused on playing the piano.

Rain fell outside the window…


[On the day you skipped class… in that classroom… on the rainy day that disappeared]

X, who heard the piano melody outside the door, had unfamiliar lyrics popping up intermittently in his mind.

He felt strange. When he was in New Caledonia in the Pacific, English songs, French songs, and unknown indigenous island songs were played all over the streets. In the past two years, he had hardly listened to any Chinese songs, let alone memorized their lyrics.

It was even less likely that he would remember the lyrics of any song.

So, this melody, these lyrics, might come from memories he couldn’t recall.

X immediately took out his phone, recorded Chu Feng’s piano melody, and used a music recognition app:

“Sunny Day”

This song was released sixteen years ago, which means…

When he was thirteen years old.


Rain poured outside the window on April 23, at night.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng took out his newly bought MP3 player and listened to the latest songs with Xie Shiyu, who came to play at his house in the rain.

“I only have one pair of earphones, here—”

Chu Feng extended the left earphone.

Sharp-eyed Xie Shiyu glimpsed three or four headphone wires lying conspicuously in Chu Feng’s drawer that hadn’t been properly closed.

He smiled inwardly but didn’t expose Chu Feng. When reaching for the earphones, he even deliberately brushed against Chu Feng’s fingertips.

They sat together on the piano stool, the MP3 player resting on Chu Feng’s lap.

Outside the window, there was a storm, but inside, two quiet teenagers shared a pair of earphones, listening to the same love song together.

After listening to several songs—

“Which song do you like?” Chu Feng asked.

Xie Shiyu: “Hmm, ‘Sunny Day.'”

Chu Feng reached out and tried a few notes on the piano keys.

Then, Xie Shiyu saw that Chu Feng, without sheet music or practice, directly played the entire melody and rhythm of “Sunny Day” by ear.

“Wow… that’s amazing, you can play it directly just by listening once?”

Little Chu Feng lowered his head, shyly smiled, “It’s okay.”

He didn’t tell Xie Shiyu that in order to perform piano in front of him, he secretly practiced popular songs from MP3s every day without his mom knowing. Until now, Little Chu Feng had practiced all the songs so thoroughly that no matter which one Xie Shiyu chose, he could play it directly.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng didn’t care about his ranking in the upcoming provincial piano competition, but he wanted to appear impressive in front of someone he liked.


Listening to the same love song, fingertips poured out a quiet melody, and the person he liked sat beside him, watching him play the piano seriously.

Outside the window, the rain poured, and they couldn’t hear anything.

Chu Feng had never derived any musical inspiration from “forced piano practice,” “mom’s scolding,” or “award-winning speeches.”

Only at this moment.

He suddenly felt that playing the piano was a bit enjoyable.


Over a month later.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng participated in the June 1st Provincial Piano Competition on time.

“Your piano skills are indeed very good, but, Chu Feng—” the piano teacher elongated his tone and taught him, “you play the piano without any emotion. You need passion; you can’t just sit woodenly on the piano stool. You’re not a machine. Come, let’s practice the movements we worked on last time—”

Chu Feng placed his fingers on the piano keys, like a precise humanoid computer, each note accurately popping out from his hands.

When he played to a certain point, Chu Feng suddenly leaned forward, then leaned back abruptly, leaned forward again, as if convulsing, following the teacher’s instructions to perform the “passion” of the performer.

“Very good, very good, just like that. Remember to play with this emotion when you go on stage later!” the teacher said. “You may be… hmm, naturally lacking in emotions, but it’s okay. Performances require this kind of passion. Good rankings will be yours!”

His parents encouraged him from the sidelines, “Come on! Son! Get us first place!”

Chu Feng’s face turned towards his parents, and in his mind, there was an instructor shouting, “One!” Chu Feng moved the corners of his mouth, smiled sweetly at his parents, “Two!” Chu Feng turned and left, his smile disappeared completely.

Backstage after the performance.

Sun Bing, who played the saxophone, also came to perform. He had just squeezed himself into his tailored suit, but the high-end custom suit made him look like a pig being sent to the slaughterhouse.

He was talking enthusiastically with a few boys about his experience in participating in the national saxophone competition.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng, wearing a black tailcoat suit, sat alone in the corner, hoping not to be noticed by Sun Bing.

After a while—

“Oh! Isn’t this Xie Shiyu? What are you doing here?”

Chu Feng in the corner stood up abruptly.

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu was standing on a tall ladder, urgently repairing the stage lights.

He had moved to a new house, and his mother’s mental state was gradually improving, but she still couldn’t go out to work. Little Xie, who was already over 1.7 meters tall, disguised himself as an adult and came out to do odd jobs to earn some money for the family.

Sun Bing, dressed in an expensive high-end suit, looked up arrogantly, asked the working Little Xie, “Did you drop out of school?”


Xie Shiyu didn’t even turn his head, giving Sun Bing a view of his back with a safety helmet on. “Working while studying.”

“Oh—” Sun Bing deliberately touched on sensitive topics, “Is your family in such dire straits?”

Chu Feng couldn’t stand it anymore. He strode over and called out, “Xie Shiyu!”

Xie Shiyu was startled, and the light bulb in his hand almost fell.

He steadied his hand and lowered his head—

Under the high ladder, Chu Feng was really standing there, looking up at him with a worried expression.

Chu Feng felt sorry for him, pointing to the high ladder, and asked, “Is it dangerous?”

“Don’t worry.” Xie Shiyu smiled and pointed to the safety helmet and safety rope. “I’m all geared up.”

They exchanged words, even at such a distance.

Sun Bing stood aside, feeling like he couldn’t join the conversation. Standing around was boring, so he silently walked away.

After a while—

“Chu Feng! You haven’t put on your lipstick—”

Mom burst into the backstage, grabbing Chu Feng. “Come out, why did you rush in without finishing your makeup…”

Chu Feng struggled unusually, “I don’t want to, I don’t want to put on makeup…”

“What do you mean you don’t want to, everyone has to wear makeup when they go on stage, come out!”

Suddenly, a few handsome laughs came from above, Mom looked up—

“Hello, Auntie.”

Xie Shiyu greeted politely.

Auntie smiled gently, but her words were a bit pointed, “Oh, isn’t this Little Xie? What a coincidence, did you come specifically to watch Chu Feng’s performance?”

Chu Feng blushed and immediately pulled her aside, “Mom!”

Chu Feng’s Mom thought for a moment, a little confused. How could someone who came to watch the performance climb up such a high ladder? Obviously, he was here to do odd jobs, and they just happened to run into each other. But she forcibly gave him the title of “came specifically to watch my son’s performance.”

Chu Feng’s Mom chuckled awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed. Xie Shiyu didn’t emphasize why he was here. He gave a polite smile, offering a way out, but also setting a trap:

“Auntie, don’t you welcome me to watch Chu Feng’s performance?”

Without much thought, Mom hurriedly responded, “Welcome, of course welcome, it’s such a coincidence, it’s fate! Welcome!”

As soon as the polite words were spoken, she regretted it. If she said this, later this Little Xie might follow the flow and get close to her son. She wouldn’t have any reason to stop him! After all, she had welcomed him herself.

Xie Shiyu stood on the high ladder, smiling without saying a word. Chu Feng’s Mom took the opportunity to drag Chu Feng aside to do his makeup.

Little Chu Feng struggled. Usually, he didn’t mind performing on stage; his cheeks were painted like a monkey’s butt, and his lips were painted like he had drunk blood. But today was different. Today, Xie Shiyu was here, and Chu Feng didn’t want his mom to apply lipstick for him.

“Stop moving, why are you being so disobedient today!”

Mom held the lipstick and outlined Chu Feng’s lips.

“Alright, look, only with lipstick does it look like you’re ready to perform on stage, look——”

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng made a small cat face, feeling it didn’t look good at all.

In fact, the young teenager in the mirror had rosy lips and white teeth, wearing a tailcoat suit, looking handsome and bright.

“Okay, I’m ready to go on stage.”

Chu Feng wanted to leave his mom and go backstage to talk to Xie Shiyu.

“Wait, Chu Feng.”

Mom grabbed him.

Chu Feng frowned, “What else?”

Mom looked at him, sighed, reached out and touched Chu Feng’s head, and said with a heavy tone:

“Chu Feng, Mom always taught you to be kind to your classmates. Everyone is equal. Just because your family has a bit of money doesn’t mean you can be arrogant to your classmates. Maybe Mom taught you a bit too much.

“A person’s character may be equal, but people are not equal. Some are born in palaces, and some are born in mud pits, struggling to climb out to stand on level ground like others. But they are still different, carrying the stains of the mud pit for a lifetime.

“Mom has told you many times, don’t interfere in Little Xie’s affairs in the future, and don’t contact him too much. Mom isn’t teaching you to discriminate against classmates. No matter what their family background, you should be friendly to them. But don’t get too close. Little Xie and you are not from the same world.

“Do you know what kind of life it is to have a drug-addicted father? His mother was driven insane! I heard his dad also owes hundreds of thousands in debt outside. When he can’t pay it back, he’ll definitely come after him and his mother. No matter where they move, they’ll be chased by loan sharks. Have you ever lived this kind of life? You can’t imagine it at all.

“I heard he moved to a new house. If he invites you in the future, you’re not allowed to go! Do you hear me?”

Chu Feng didn’t say anything.

Mom squeezed his hand forcefully, “Do you hear me!”


Chu Feng responded numbly.

Mom seemed satisfied. She let go of his hand and said softly:

“Xie Shiyu is indeed quite pitiful, and so is his mother. But you know, there are plenty of unfortunate people in this world.”


The competition began—

“Next up, please welcome the next contestant, Chu Feng, performing Chopin’s ‘Revolutionary Etude.'”

The spotlight shone down, and the audience below was applauding. His piano teacher was sitting in the center of the judges’ seats, his parents were sitting in the guest seats behind the judges, their eyes shining brightly, expecting him to win first place in the province.

Chu Feng carefully looked around… nothing, nothing, he couldn’t find Xie Shiyu.

Xie Shiyu might still be working and didn’t have time to come watch his performance.

The spotlight came down.

Chu Feng walked up, from childhood to adulthood, he had performed countless times, won numerous awards. A stage like this had become as simple as eating for him. There was no nervousness in his heart, nor was there any excitement to perform.

He didn’t feel anything. Chu Feng sat on the piano stool, put his hands on the keys, and the notes flowed out like a preset program.

When he reached a certain point, he followed the teacher’s instructions, leaning forward violently, leaning back, and performing a few “convulsions” to demonstrate the dedication and passion of the performance.

He felt like his body was split into two parts. One part, Chu Feng, sat on the piano stool, performing diligently. The other part, Chu Feng, detached into the air, watching himself like a puppet in the bright light, obediently doing as he was told.

He felt bored with himself, disappointed with everything, wanting to destroy something fiercely, yet not knowing where to start…


“Excuse me, excuse me, thank you, pardon me…”

Xie Shiyu, who had finished his work, hurried to the audience area.

By the time he arrived, Chu Feng’s revolutionary concerto was almost finished, with only the last couple of notes remaining.

Some of the audience members, who didn’t understand the piano and had come only out of obligation, had already raised their hands in preparation to applaud.

Xie Shiyu felt a bit regretful, but it was still nice to be able to clap for Chu Feng.

He didn’t have a seat ticket, so he could only stand in the last row. He intentionally didn’t take off his yellow safety helmet, so even in the dark crowd, he would still stand out.

Even though Chu Feng might not necessarily see him.


On stage, under the spotlight, Chu Feng, who was about to finish his performance, glanced down at the audience—

His performance was flawless, and his piano teacher showed a satisfied smile in the judges’ seat. His parents were already happily preparing to call all their relatives and friends to boast: “My son won first place in the piano provincial competition…”

Boring, boring, boring.

Just as he was about to retract his gaze, suddenly, Chu Feng caught sight of a small yellow hat in the dark crowd in the audience, standing tall in the last row.

—It was Xie Shiyu!

This guy had just appeared, probably hadn’t heard anything yet…

As his fingertips pressed down the final note, Chopin’s “Revolutionary Etude” ended.

The piano teacher and Chu Feng’s parents were about to lead the applause—

Suddenly, they were astonished to find that the piano music on stage hadn’t ended yet…?!

After the last note of the Revolutionary Etude, Chu Feng soloed a random section, seamlessly transitioning into the next piece:

“Sunny Day”


[The lost rainy day… I really want to be drenched again… Unexpectedly, I still have the courage to keep]

The scene of the provincial piano competition fell into silence.

After the solemn classical piece, suddenly inserting a popular song not on the program list, strange and illogical, this was unprecedented, no contestant had dared to do this before! The emcee was dumbfounded, the piano teacher’s eyes went blank, sitting in the judges’ seat like sitting on pins and needles.

Chu Feng’s parents’ heads were buzzing, suddenly not knowing who they were, where they were, what was happening now, and why…

This time, Chu Feng didn’t need anyone’s guidance. He played with extraordinary involvement, no longer caring about the audience, judges, or host. Like the downpour that day when Xie Shiyu came to his house, everything in the dark was just raindrops outside the window, blown away by the wind. The lights on the stage all faded away from his world…

Leaving only a love song, and two young boys.

This is the piano solo for you.

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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 80

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Mutual Secret Crush

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

"Cousin—look at this photo, it's just too much like Brother Xie!"


Lin Lan burst into Chu Feng's bedroom excitedly, only to see his cousin lying quietly on the bed, wearing the Dream City game headset.

His fingertips were gently tapping, as if playing the piano.

Lin Lan scratched his head and had to back out, sending a WeChat message to his cousin so Chu Feng could see it after finishing the game:

[Cousin! Cousin!! Take a look at the new blind date match Auntie found for you! My god, I've never seen anyone so alike!]


[Cousin, really, you really have to go see them this time!]

The Chu Feng in the game had no time to respond to real-life matters; he was fully focused on playing the piano.

Rain fell outside the window...


[On the day you skipped class... in that classroom... on the rainy day that disappeared]

X, who heard the piano melody outside the door, had unfamiliar lyrics popping up intermittently in his mind.

He felt strange. When he was in New Caledonia in the Pacific, English songs, French songs, and unknown indigenous island songs were played all over the streets. In the past two years, he had hardly listened to any Chinese songs, let alone memorized their lyrics.

It was even less likely that he would remember the lyrics of any song.

So, this melody, these lyrics, might come from memories he couldn't recall.

X immediately took out his phone, recorded Chu Feng's piano melody, and used a music recognition app:

"Sunny Day"

This song was released sixteen years ago, which means...

When he was thirteen years old.


Rain poured outside the window on April 23, at night.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng took out his newly bought MP3 player and listened to the latest songs with Xie Shiyu, who came to play at his house in the rain.

"I only have one pair of earphones, here—"

Chu Feng extended the left earphone.

Sharp-eyed Xie Shiyu glimpsed three or four headphone wires lying conspicuously in Chu Feng's drawer that hadn't been properly closed.

He smiled inwardly but didn't expose Chu Feng. When reaching for the earphones, he even deliberately brushed against Chu Feng's fingertips.

They sat together on the piano stool, the MP3 player resting on Chu Feng's lap.

Outside the window, there was a storm, but inside, two quiet teenagers shared a pair of earphones, listening to the same love song together.

After listening to several songs—

"Which song do you like?" Chu Feng asked.

Xie Shiyu: "Hmm, 'Sunny Day.'"

Chu Feng reached out and tried a few notes on the piano keys.

Then, Xie Shiyu saw that Chu Feng, without sheet music or practice, directly played the entire melody and rhythm of "Sunny Day" by ear.

"Wow... that's amazing, you can play it directly just by listening once?"

Little Chu Feng lowered his head, shyly smiled, "It's okay."

He didn't tell Xie Shiyu that in order to perform piano in front of him, he secretly practiced popular songs from MP3s every day without his mom knowing. Until now, Little Chu Feng had practiced all the songs so thoroughly that no matter which one Xie Shiyu chose, he could play it directly.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng didn't care about his ranking in the upcoming provincial piano competition, but he wanted to appear impressive in front of someone he liked.


Listening to the same love song, fingertips poured out a quiet melody, and the person he liked sat beside him, watching him play the piano seriously.

Outside the window, the rain poured, and they couldn't hear anything.

Chu Feng had never derived any musical inspiration from "forced piano practice," "mom's scolding," or "award-winning speeches."

Only at this moment.

He suddenly felt that playing the piano was a bit enjoyable.


Over a month later.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng participated in the June 1st Provincial Piano Competition on time.

"Your piano skills are indeed very good, but, Chu Feng—" the piano teacher elongated his tone and taught him, "you play the piano without any emotion. You need passion; you can't just sit woodenly on the piano stool. You're not a machine. Come, let's practice the movements we worked on last time—"

Chu Feng placed his fingers on the piano keys, like a precise humanoid computer, each note accurately popping out from his hands.

When he played to a certain point, Chu Feng suddenly leaned forward, then leaned back abruptly, leaned forward again, as if convulsing, following the teacher's instructions to perform the "passion" of the performer.

"Very good, very good, just like that. Remember to play with this emotion when you go on stage later!" the teacher said. "You may be... hmm, naturally lacking in emotions, but it's okay. Performances require this kind of passion. Good rankings will be yours!"

His parents encouraged him from the sidelines, "Come on! Son! Get us first place!"

Chu Feng's face turned towards his parents, and in his mind, there was an instructor shouting, "One!" Chu Feng moved the corners of his mouth, smiled sweetly at his parents, "Two!" Chu Feng turned and left, his smile disappeared completely.

Backstage after the performance.

Sun Bing, who played the saxophone, also came to perform. He had just squeezed himself into his tailored suit, but the high-end custom suit made him look like a pig being sent to the slaughterhouse.

He was talking enthusiastically with a few boys about his experience in participating in the national saxophone competition.

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng, wearing a black tailcoat suit, sat alone in the corner, hoping not to be noticed by Sun Bing.

After a while—

"Oh! Isn't this Xie Shiyu? What are you doing here?"

Chu Feng in the corner stood up abruptly.

Thirteen-year-old Xie Shiyu was standing on a tall ladder, urgently repairing the stage lights.

He had moved to a new house, and his mother's mental state was gradually improving, but she still couldn't go out to work. Little Xie, who was already over 1.7 meters tall, disguised himself as an adult and came out to do odd jobs to earn some money for the family.

Sun Bing, dressed in an expensive high-end suit, looked up arrogantly, asked the working Little Xie, "Did you drop out of school?"


Xie Shiyu didn't even turn his head, giving Sun Bing a view of his back with a safety helmet on. "Working while studying."

"Oh—" Sun Bing deliberately touched on sensitive topics, "Is your family in such dire straits?"

Chu Feng couldn't stand it anymore. He strode over and called out, "Xie Shiyu!"

Xie Shiyu was startled, and the light bulb in his hand almost fell.

He steadied his hand and lowered his head—

Under the high ladder, Chu Feng was really standing there, looking up at him with a worried expression.

Chu Feng felt sorry for him, pointing to the high ladder, and asked, "Is it dangerous?"

"Don't worry." Xie Shiyu smiled and pointed to the safety helmet and safety rope. "I'm all geared up."

They exchanged words, even at such a distance.

Sun Bing stood aside, feeling like he couldn't join the conversation. Standing around was boring, so he silently walked away.

After a while—

"Chu Feng! You haven't put on your lipstick—"

Mom burst into the backstage, grabbing Chu Feng. "Come out, why did you rush in without finishing your makeup..."

Chu Feng struggled unusually, "I don't want to, I don't want to put on makeup..."

"What do you mean you don't want to, everyone has to wear makeup when they go on stage, come out!"

Suddenly, a few handsome laughs came from above, Mom looked up—

"Hello, Auntie."

Xie Shiyu greeted politely.

Auntie smiled gently, but her words were a bit pointed, "Oh, isn't this Little Xie? What a coincidence, did you come specifically to watch Chu Feng's performance?"

Chu Feng blushed and immediately pulled her aside, "Mom!"

Chu Feng’s Mom thought for a moment, a little confused. How could someone who came to watch the performance climb up such a high ladder? Obviously, he was here to do odd jobs, and they just happened to run into each other. But she forcibly gave him the title of "came specifically to watch my son's performance."

Chu Feng’s Mom chuckled awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed. Xie Shiyu didn't emphasize why he was here. He gave a polite smile, offering a way out, but also setting a trap:

"Auntie, don't you welcome me to watch Chu Feng's performance?"

Without much thought, Mom hurriedly responded, "Welcome, of course welcome, it's such a coincidence, it's fate! Welcome!"

As soon as the polite words were spoken, she regretted it. If she said this, later this Little Xie might follow the flow and get close to her son. She wouldn't have any reason to stop him! After all, she had welcomed him herself.

Xie Shiyu stood on the high ladder, smiling without saying a word. Chu Feng’s Mom took the opportunity to drag Chu Feng aside to do his makeup.

Little Chu Feng struggled. Usually, he didn't mind performing on stage; his cheeks were painted like a monkey's butt, and his lips were painted like he had drunk blood. But today was different. Today, Xie Shiyu was here, and Chu Feng didn't want his mom to apply lipstick for him.

"Stop moving, why are you being so disobedient today!"

Mom held the lipstick and outlined Chu Feng's lips.

"Alright, look, only with lipstick does it look like you're ready to perform on stage, look——"

Thirteen-year-old Chu Feng made a small cat face, feeling it didn't look good at all.

In fact, the young teenager in the mirror had rosy lips and white teeth, wearing a tailcoat suit, looking handsome and bright.

"Okay, I'm ready to go on stage."

Chu Feng wanted to leave his mom and go backstage to talk to Xie Shiyu.

"Wait, Chu Feng."

Mom grabbed him.

Chu Feng frowned, "What else?"

Mom looked at him, sighed, reached out and touched Chu Feng's head, and said with a heavy tone:

"Chu Feng, Mom always taught you to be kind to your classmates. Everyone is equal. Just because your family has a bit of money doesn't mean you can be arrogant to your classmates. Maybe Mom taught you a bit too much.

"A person's character may be equal, but people are not equal. Some are born in palaces, and some are born in mud pits, struggling to climb out to stand on level ground like others. But they are still different, carrying the stains of the mud pit for a lifetime.

"Mom has told you many times, don't interfere in Little Xie's affairs in the future, and don't contact him too much. Mom isn't teaching you to discriminate against classmates. No matter what their family background, you should be friendly to them. But don't get too close. Little Xie and you are not from the same world.

"Do you know what kind of life it is to have a drug-addicted father? His mother was driven insane! I heard his dad also owes hundreds of thousands in debt outside. When he can't pay it back, he'll definitely come after him and his mother. No matter where they move, they'll be chased by loan sharks. Have you ever lived this kind of life? You can't imagine it at all.

"I heard he moved to a new house. If he invites you in the future, you're not allowed to go! Do you hear me?"

Chu Feng didn't say anything.

Mom squeezed his hand forcefully, "Do you hear me!"


Chu Feng responded numbly.

Mom seemed satisfied. She let go of his hand and said softly:

"Xie Shiyu is indeed quite pitiful, and so is his mother. But you know, there are plenty of unfortunate people in this world."


The competition began—

"Next up, please welcome the next contestant, Chu Feng, performing Chopin's 'Revolutionary Etude.'"

The spotlight shone down, and the audience below was applauding. His piano teacher was sitting in the center of the judges' seats, his parents were sitting in the guest seats behind the judges, their eyes shining brightly, expecting him to win first place in the province.

Chu Feng carefully looked around... nothing, nothing, he couldn't find Xie Shiyu.

Xie Shiyu might still be working and didn't have time to come watch his performance.

The spotlight came down.

Chu Feng walked up, from childhood to adulthood, he had performed countless times, won numerous awards. A stage like this had become as simple as eating for him. There was no nervousness in his heart, nor was there any excitement to perform.

He didn't feel anything. Chu Feng sat on the piano stool, put his hands on the keys, and the notes flowed out like a preset program.

When he reached a certain point, he followed the teacher's instructions, leaning forward violently, leaning back, and performing a few "convulsions" to demonstrate the dedication and passion of the performance.

He felt like his body was split into two parts. One part, Chu Feng, sat on the piano stool, performing diligently. The other part, Chu Feng, detached into the air, watching himself like a puppet in the bright light, obediently doing as he was told.

He felt bored with himself, disappointed with everything, wanting to destroy something fiercely, yet not knowing where to start…


"Excuse me, excuse me, thank you, pardon me..."

Xie Shiyu, who had finished his work, hurried to the audience area.

By the time he arrived, Chu Feng's revolutionary concerto was almost finished, with only the last couple of notes remaining.

Some of the audience members, who didn't understand the piano and had come only out of obligation, had already raised their hands in preparation to applaud.

Xie Shiyu felt a bit regretful, but it was still nice to be able to clap for Chu Feng.

He didn't have a seat ticket, so he could only stand in the last row. He intentionally didn't take off his yellow safety helmet, so even in the dark crowd, he would still stand out.

Even though Chu Feng might not necessarily see him.


On stage, under the spotlight, Chu Feng, who was about to finish his performance, glanced down at the audience—

His performance was flawless, and his piano teacher showed a satisfied smile in the judges' seat. His parents were already happily preparing to call all their relatives and friends to boast: "My son won first place in the piano provincial competition..."

Boring, boring, boring.

Just as he was about to retract his gaze, suddenly, Chu Feng caught sight of a small yellow hat in the dark crowd in the audience, standing tall in the last row.

—It was Xie Shiyu!

This guy had just appeared, probably hadn't heard anything yet...

As his fingertips pressed down the final note, Chopin's "Revolutionary Etude" ended.

The piano teacher and Chu Feng's parents were about to lead the applause—

Suddenly, they were astonished to find that the piano music on stage hadn't ended yet...?!

After the last note of the Revolutionary Etude, Chu Feng soloed a random section, seamlessly transitioning into the next piece:

"Sunny Day"


[The lost rainy day... I really want to be drenched again... Unexpectedly, I still have the courage to keep]

The scene of the provincial piano competition fell into silence.

After the solemn classical piece, suddenly inserting a popular song not on the program list, strange and illogical, this was unprecedented, no contestant had dared to do this before! The emcee was dumbfounded, the piano teacher's eyes went blank, sitting in the judges' seat like sitting on pins and needles.

Chu Feng's parents' heads were buzzing, suddenly not knowing who they were, where they were, what was happening now, and why...

This time, Chu Feng didn't need anyone's guidance. He played with extraordinary involvement, no longer caring about the audience, judges, or host. Like the downpour that day when Xie Shiyu came to his house, everything in the dark was just raindrops outside the window, blown away by the wind. The lights on the stage all faded away from his world...

Leaving only a love song, and two young boys.

This is the piano solo for you.

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not work with dark mode