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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Don’t Love Teaching Students, Only Love Raising Trees

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Beneath him was a warm, soft surface.

Chu Feng had moved from the conference table to the cashmere carpet, feeling like he was lying on a warm, fluffy cloud.

The office was quiet, with a hint of duck egg blue in the sky outside the window.

Dawn was approaching.

“Would you like some water?”

A pair of long, strong hands appeared before him, holding a glass of water that reflected the disarray in the office.

Chu Feng didn’t have the strength to reach out. Principal Xie Shiyu retracted the glass, took a sip, and leaned down to feed it to him.

“Feeling better?” Xie Shiyu asked.

Chu Feng didn’t respond. He laid lazily in Xie Shiyu’s arms like a cat. After being fed half a glass of water, Chu Feng finally spoke:

“The carpet…”

He only managed to say two words before he stopped, realizing his voice was terribly hoarse, sounding like it had been overused.

Xie Shiyu glanced at the carpet Chu Feng mentioned. The expensive cashmere was stained with traces left by the little Xies during their tree-planting activity.

“It’s fine. We’ll just throw it out and get a new one,” Xie Shiyu said indifferently. He grabbed the suit draped over the back of a chair and covered Chu Feng with it.

“Don’t catch a cold.”

After each large planting activity, one little Xie would stay behind to take care of Chu Feng and take him home. This privilege was highly coveted, and this time, it was no surprise that Principal Xie had claimed it.

He carefully wrapped Chu Feng in his suit, preparing to take his beloved wife home.

“This cashmere carpet…”

Chu Feng, wrapped in the suit, poked his head out.

“It must cost over a hundred thousand.”

When Chu Feng inherited Xie Shiyu’s company, one of the acquired companies dealt in wool and cashmere. Unlike wool, cashmere grows at the root of the goat’s hair and is very fine and thin. Although merchants often market anything warm as cashmere, true 100% cashmere is very rare, accounting for less than 0.2% of the world’s animal fur production, often priced by the gram.

Xie Shiyu used this 100% cashmere to make a carpet, covering the entire conference room.

“Is it warm?” Xie Shiyu asked, carrying Chu Feng out of the conference room. “I bought it just for you to lie on.”

— Cashmere is very warm, so even if Chu Feng laid on it without clothes, he wouldn’t get cold.

Chu Feng didn’t respond. After all, it wasn’t the first time Xie Shiyu had been this extravagant.

Xie Shiyu carried him out, put him in the car, and prepared to drive home.

Click, Xie Shiyu leaned over to buckle his seatbelt. Chu Feng adjusted the suit jacket he was wearing; his shirt and pants were torn to shreds, leaving only the jacket and the deep night to cover him.

Chu Feng put his hands into the sleeves, trying to cover the marks left all over him:

“Can I borrow a pair of pants?”

“Stop covering up,” Xie Shiyu said, amused by Chu Feng’s fidgeting. But the little maple tree was exhausted today. Xie Shiyu took his eyes off him and started the car:

“We’ll be home soon. Just hang in there.”

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment before lowering his head and shamefully whispering:

“It’ll dirty… the car mat.”

All of Xie Shiyu’s cars were luxury cars with genuine leather interiors, difficult to clean if stained.

“Is it about to come out?”

Xie Shiyu raised an eyebrow at him.


Chu Feng turned his face away, clutching the sleeves tightly. The suit jacket was a bit too large for him but still couldn’t cover everything.

“The car mat…”

“You’re still worried about the car mat? We’ll just get a new car. This Lamborghini is a few years old anyway.”

— So extravagant.

Chu Feng thought that if this were reality, he would certainly lecture Xie Shiyu. But… since it was a game, extravagance didn’t matter.

Xie Shiyu turned the steering wheel, glancing at the obedient little maple tree sitting upright, seemingly holding something back — in the bum.

“Aren’t we home yet?” Chu Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“Almost,” Xie Shiyu said, deliberately slowing down a bit to comfort him. “We’ll clean up once we’re home.”

Chu Feng nodded and continued to sit up straight. He didn’t really care that much about the car mat, but if it got dirty, it would be too embarrassing.

The quiet dawn and empty roads helped Chu Feng try to distract himself.

The tires of the Lamborghini made a hissing sound on the asphalt. Suddenly, Chu Feng felt something was off.

The little Xie character, though 100% true to the real Xie Shiyu, had to follow game roles. Xie Shiyu, over 24 years old, was always the CEO in the game, but this little Xie was clearly Principal Xie, not the CEO, meaning he shouldn’t have this much money.

Driving luxury cars, laying down cashmere carpets, and discarding them once they get dirty to replace with new ones—he lived quite extravagantly.

“Principal Xie.”


Chu Feng: “Where did you get all this money?”

There was a moment of silence in the car.

From Xie Shiyu’s silence, Chu Feng suddenly understood: “Did you embezzle school funds?”

As soon as he said this, Chu Feng recalled that High School Xie had once complained about the outdated computers in the lab. They were still using old CRT monitors that took ten minutes to start up. They had petitioned for new equipment, and Principal Xie had agreed, but it had never materialized.

Chu Feng had inquired about this matter once. The Education Bureau had stated that funds had been approved for the high school to update its facilities, but Principal Xie claimed the money had not yet arrived. As a result, the high school students were still using vintage computers for their studies.

Principal Xie Shiyu kept his eyes on the road, saying nothing.

“Answer me,” Chu Feng frowned. “Where are the new computers for the students? Tens of thousands of dollars, the Education Bureau said the funds were disbursed.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Shiyu admitted:

“I bought cashmere carpets.”

Chu Feng: “…”

“How could you do this! What about the high school students? They’re still using last century’s computers. How can they achieve anything like this?”

Chu Feng fully embraced his role as an educator, fiercely criticizing Principal Xie Shiyu for his corruption and negligence.

Principal Xie thought to himself that those underachievers wouldn’t achieve anything regardless, and tens of thousands spent on them would be wasted. It was better spent on a high-end cashmere carpet for his beloved Chu Feng to lie on.

But knowing Chu Feng was furious, he remained silent. Eventually, Chu Feng couldn’t contain his anger any longer:

“Stop the car. Let me out here!”

Xie Shiyu looked around and saw they were near a villa area, close to Xie Shiyu’s residence.

“Are you sure you want to get out here, dear?”

The angry Chu Feng reached out to open the door: “Yes, right here. After all, you’ve all said, who in this city hasn’t seen me like this. You go. When you get the students their new computers, I’ll come back with you.”

Chu Feng reflexively extended his leg to step out—

“Chu Feng.”

From the driver’s seat, Xie Shiyu reminded, his voice low:

“It’s leaking.”


In the luxurious villa, CEO Xie couldn’t sleep. He opened the window, stood on the balcony for a while, and checked the [Maple Tree Group Chat] on QQ.

All the files were marked as read; no one had shared any new updates about Chu Feng.

Maybe Chu Feng hadn’t come, or maybe… the person was selfish.

No photos, no posts, no sharing of any tree planting process, selfish to the extreme.

CEO Xie despised selfish people. Everyone had created this group for mutual benefit. Even though he never uploaded any photos or videos of his time with Chu Feng either.

Bored without fresh updates on Chu Feng, CEO Xie closed QQ, ready to go back to sleep. Suddenly, car lights flashed outside—

A car passing by this late? CEO Xie squinted, suspicious.

Even stranger, the car’s speed gradually decreased until it stopped.

CEO Xie, observing from his window, knew this entire villa area was his. No one else should be parking here.

After a while—

The car door opened!

First, a long leg stepped out, its pale skin standing out in the dark. Then half a body emerged…

That height, that figure, even from a distance, CEO Xie recognized him:

It was Chu Feng!

Just as he was about to jump out the window, CEO Xie saw Chu Feng’s waist being grabbed by someone in the driver’s seat and pulled back into the car.

Like a snail retracting into its shell.

Frowning deeply, CEO Xie wondered if Chu Feng had come looking for him, only to be intercepted by another Xie Shiyu.

And it was cold outside now. Just now, Chu Feng’s legs had been bare, with no pants covering them.

CEO Xie leaned on the windowsill, contemplating. He needed to go check. Selfish people were detestable; if someone was trying to take his share…

CEO Xie sneered internally and immediately climbed out the window.

After being pulled back into the car, the Lamborghini’s doors locked automatically.

Standing in the villa’s garden, CEO Xie hid behind a large tree, watching the car. The occupants couldn’t see him.

For a while, nothing happened. The night breeze was chilly.

CEO Xie cautiously moved closer to the car. As he approached, he saw the car shake slightly…

Thinking he was mistaken, he saw the Lamborghini shamelessly start shaking more vigorously right at his villa’s entrance!

Good, very good. Coming to his doorstep to pull this stunt…

CEO Xie clenched his fists and strode towards the car decisively.


“Xie Shiyu… stop it!”

The passenger seat was reclined, and Chu Feng, wrapped in a suit jacket, was pushing against Principal Xie Shiyu.


Principal Xie’s glasses reflected a cold light:

“Tonight, not only did you comfort a whole class of high school students in my school, but now you want to enter CEO Xie’s villa right in front of me?

“Teach me how to endure this?”

Chu Feng turned his head away, not answering. He had indeed… somewhat neglected Principal Xie lately. Principal Xie had started well, but recently, he had become increasingly reckless, even taking funds meant for new computers.

People didn’t fear scarcity but inequality. Chu Feng often found it hard to balance all the Xie Shiyus in the city.

There seemed to be a subtle mediation among the Xie Shiyus. As long as it wasn’t too extreme, the older Xie Shiyus wouldn’t directly attack the younger ones. But they would do things like secretly take money meant for new computers.

Or… of all the times to hold a meeting, they had to choose when Chu Feng was about to give the students some benefits, intercepting him for a meeting.

Principal Xie Shiyu was kissing his neck, and Chu Feng naturally wrapped his arms around Xie’s back:

“Next time… I’ll spend more time with you…”


“Who are you going to spend time with?”

Crash! The Lamborghini’s window was suddenly shattered!

Outside the window appeared CEO Xie’s furious and sinister face:

“Chu Feng, who did you say you were going to spend time with?”

He had smashed the glass of the driver’s side window, showering Principal Xie Shiyu with glass shards.

Fortunately, none of the glass cut him. Principal Xie Shiyu calmly brushed the shards off his clothes, completely unbothered.

He laid over Chu Feng, shielding him so completely that CEO Xie couldn’t see an inch of Chu Feng’s skin.

“Get up!” CEO Xie was livid. He and the principal usually didn’t interfere with each other’s affairs. Why was this man so audacious today, offending him right at his doorstep?

“That’s a bit difficult.”

Principal Xie replied leisurely.

They had no direct conflict before, but since he had already offended CEO Xie, he didn’t bother with pleasantries. Protectively covering Chu Feng, he provocatively glanced at CEO Xie:

“Can’t you see I’m busy right now?”


Sparks flew, tension rising rapidly.

Before the confrontation could escalate, Chu Feng softly called out:

“Xie Shiyu…”

He stretched his hand out over Principal Xie’s back. CEO Xie, irritated, yanked open the Lamborghini’s door and joined them in the car.

CEO Xie grabbed Chu Feng’s hand and quickly realized something was wrong.

Chu Feng’s usually fair skin was dotted with red marks, resembling plum blossoms in the snow, trailing up his arm, kissed countless times.

CEO Xie glared at Principal Xie:

“Did you do this?”

Principal Xie, indifferent, continued to kiss Chu Feng, responding pointedly:

“Meeting tonight.”

CEO Xie paused, immediately understanding the implication, cursing under his breath. After a moment of silence, he reluctantly asked:

“How many people were at the meeting?”

Principal Xie, seemingly with ill intentions, moved slightly, revealing Chu Feng wrapped in his suit jacket, nestled in his arms. Just from that sight, it was clear how much Chu Feng had been indulged.

“Come on, Chu Feng, the CEO you wanted to see the most is here.”

Principal Xie, wearing his glasses, spoke with feigned gentleness.

Chu Feng turned his head, wanting to disappear into the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Principal Xie taunted, “Isn’t this the CEO you were eager to see? You wanted to leave my car to find him, and now that he’s here, why are you silent? Come on, Chu Feng, tell the CEO, how many people were at tonight’s meeting?”

CEO Xie, playing along, waited in the car, holding Chu Feng’s hand.

Chu Feng, exasperated, found that Xie Shiyus often did this. Tensions high one moment, they’d gang up on him the next, teasing him together.

CEO Xie gently tickled Chu Feng’s palm, his earlier anger replaced by a tender tone:

“Chu Feng, why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Th… thirteen people.”

Chu Feng felt CEO Xie’s grip tighten, his gaze burning a hole into him.

CEO Xie clenched his teeth, suppressing his anger. He understood that Chu Feng, now a high school teacher, had to hold school meetings. When Chu Feng came to his company, he would make sure to keep him in the office, planting him like a tree.

“He’s too tired tonight,” Principal Xie stated. “CEO Xie, maybe you should go back?”

“Why should I leave?” CEO Xie sneered. “He was about to come to my house. You know who should leave.”

The two Xie Shiyus glared at each other coldly.

Chu Feng couldn’t take it anymore, holding both their hands. Normally, he’d split his time between them, but tonight he was too exhausted:

“Tonight… I’ll go… with the principal…”

Currently, he was playing a student-teacher role, where the student Xies and the school board Xie enjoyed the priority. Other Xies would have to wait for their turn in different scenarios. There was no reason to suddenly go to CEO Xie’s place. Moreover, he had already been with CEO Xie on the bus last time.

Though angry at Principal Xie Shiyu for taking the students’ computer funds, Chu Feng wasn’t actually daring enough to go to CEO Xie’s place. Opening the door was just a moment of anger.

CEO Xie had a domineering personality. If Chu Feng went there right after a meeting, it would only escalate conflicts. It was better not to provoke animosity among the Xie Shiyus.

Hearing Chu Feng’s decision, Principal Xie, his expression inscrutable behind his glasses, watched as CEO Xie reluctantly let go of Chu Feng’s hand.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he did, Chu Feng grabbed his hand, indicating:

“Next time… your company.”

—Office Play.

CEO Xie seemed appeased. Once Chu Feng was in his company, he wouldn’t let him leave, making him a permanent fixture in the office.

CEO Xie shut the car door, giving Chu Feng a parting smile: “I’ll be waiting.”


The Lamborghini with the shattered window drove into the underground garage.

Principal Xie Shiyu triumphantly brought Chu Feng home.

In the steamy bathroom, Xie Shiyu sat in the bathtub, with Chu Feng leaning against him.

“How’s the water temperature?” Xie Shiyu asked.

“It’s good.”

The hot water made Chu Feng drowsy, his eyelids heavy, drifting in and out of sleep.

Buzz, buzz—

Above the bathtub, there was a waterproof stand with a phone vibrating on it.

Buzz, buzz—

It seemed like QQ messages. Drowsy, Chu Feng asked, “…What messages are coming in?”

“Don’t worry about it, just sleep,” Xie Shiyu gently lifted Chu Feng, dried him off, dressed him in soft pajamas, and carried him to bed.

Buzz, buzz, buzz—

Chu Feng’s phone continued vibrating non-stop. Principal Xie held Chu Feng in his arms, his expression unreadable.

The sleepy Chu Feng nestled in his embrace like a compliant cat. When the next buzz sounded, Principal Xie reached over and picked up Chu Feng’s phone.

The password was very simple—it was his birthday.

Unlocking it, Principal Xie looked with interest at the thousands of QQ messages and hundreds of missed calls.

—All from the senior Xies.

Unable to wait for Chu Feng to deliver their rewards after evening self-study, the senior Xies were worried but couldn’t do anything. They had to return to their dorms, frantically @ing Chu Feng and calling him incessantly.

Principal Xie coldly opened the class group chat. The 18- and 19-year-old students were chattering excitedly. He searched the chat history, pinpointing the time before the meeting started…

Sure enough, after Chu Feng @ed everyone, promising to come and deliver rewards tonight, the kids were thrilled, chirping like birds out of their cage, discussing how to claim their rewards.

Twenty-six-year-old Xie Shiyu, married for six years, found their excitement amusing. They were thrilled over trivial rewards like small props, photos, or videos.

Ignoring the noisy students, Principal Xie noticed it was already past four AM. These kids weren’t sleeping, despite having early morning classes. At their age, approaching college entrance exams, their minds were still preoccupied with Chu Feng, revealing they had too little homework.

Resolute, Principal Xie used Chu Feng’s QQ account to invite his own principal account into the group chat.

He picked up his phone, opened QQ, and accepted the invitation.


That night was destined to be sleepless for school bully Xie Shiyu.

As a poor student, he couldn’t get Chu Feng’s exam rewards, only the evenly distributed ones during nights like this.

But tonight, Chu Feng had uncharacteristically missed the meeting.

They waited through evening self-study until eleven without a trace of him. The dorm supervisor urged them to return to their dorms, and they reluctantly set aside their papers.

Lying in bed, Xie Shiyu couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Chu Feng wasn’t one to stand them up unless…

He really couldn’t come.

—Why couldn’t he come?

At four AM, unable to sleep, Xie Shiyu refreshed the class group chat. The group name had changed from the excited “Plant Trees with Feng Tonight!” back to the formal “Senior Year Class 16.”

Suddenly, a new message appeared:

—Don’t love teaching, only love raising trees—joined the group.

Xie Shiyu frowned. Who was this? Why join the class group now? Everyone in the class was already here.

[Who are you?]

The stranger quickly changed their nickname:

ID: Don’t love teaching, only love raising trees-26- Principal Xie

[Hello, students!]



The group exploded, with an overwhelming sense of dread.


Twenty-six-year-old Principal Xie calmly used Chu Feng’s QQ to make himself a group admin and then began posting new announcements:

[Extra Homework]:

@everyone. You are Xie Xiaoming. Your teacher Chu Feng has just had a meeting with your great principal in the office, and his back really hurts. Please write an English letter of no less than 500 words to comfort him!


School Bully Xie Shiyu:


Class monitor Xie:

[!! I knew something was up with Teacher Chu Feng not showing up!]

Repeater Xie:

[D*mn!! So angry, you beast of a principal!]

[What did you do to Teacher Chu Feng!]

[I knew Feng Feng wouldn’t ditch us! Let us see our Feng Tree!!]

Messages flooded the group chat. Principal Xie mercifully took a picture and posted a flash photo.


On the internet, School Bully Xie Shiyu clicked on the flash photo.

After the mosaic effect, the photo appeared clearly:

Chu Feng’s peaceful sleeping face, seemingly just out of a bath, with slightly damp hair and slightly flushed cheeks…

The most striking part was the bed and the arm behind Chu Feng.

He was sleeping in Principal Xie’s embrace!

The barely-adult students were driven mad, wanting to tear Principal Xie apart through the internet.

Incapable of anger, Principal Xie silently mocked them and posted a new group announcement:

[Those who do not submit on time will be considered dropped out and will no longer be able to attend Teacher Chu Feng’s class.]

Dropping out meant expulsion, which meant never seeing Teacher Chu Feng again.

School Bully Xie Shiyu:

[Abuse of power! You…]

More curses were about to be posted.

Principal Xie leisurely activated:

[Mute All]

The last message in the Senior Year Class 16 group came from the ID:

Don’t love teaching, only love raising trees-26-Xie Principal

[/grin, /grin]

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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 86

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Don’t Love Teaching Students, Only Love Raising Trees

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Beneath him was a warm, soft surface.

Chu Feng had moved from the conference table to the cashmere carpet, feeling like he was lying on a warm, fluffy cloud.

The office was quiet, with a hint of duck egg blue in the sky outside the window.

Dawn was approaching.

“Would you like some water?”

A pair of long, strong hands appeared before him, holding a glass of water that reflected the disarray in the office.

Chu Feng didn’t have the strength to reach out. Principal Xie Shiyu retracted the glass, took a sip, and leaned down to feed it to him.

“Feeling better?” Xie Shiyu asked.

Chu Feng didn’t respond. He laid lazily in Xie Shiyu’s arms like a cat. After being fed half a glass of water, Chu Feng finally spoke:

“The carpet…”

He only managed to say two words before he stopped, realizing his voice was terribly hoarse, sounding like it had been overused.

Xie Shiyu glanced at the carpet Chu Feng mentioned. The expensive cashmere was stained with traces left by the little Xies during their tree-planting activity.

“It’s fine. We’ll just throw it out and get a new one,” Xie Shiyu said indifferently. He grabbed the suit draped over the back of a chair and covered Chu Feng with it.

“Don’t catch a cold.”

After each large planting activity, one little Xie would stay behind to take care of Chu Feng and take him home. This privilege was highly coveted, and this time, it was no surprise that Principal Xie had claimed it.

He carefully wrapped Chu Feng in his suit, preparing to take his beloved wife home.

“This cashmere carpet…”

Chu Feng, wrapped in the suit, poked his head out.

“It must cost over a hundred thousand.”

When Chu Feng inherited Xie Shiyu’s company, one of the acquired companies dealt in wool and cashmere. Unlike wool, cashmere grows at the root of the goat’s hair and is very fine and thin. Although merchants often market anything warm as cashmere, true 100% cashmere is very rare, accounting for less than 0.2% of the world’s animal fur production, often priced by the gram.

Xie Shiyu used this 100% cashmere to make a carpet, covering the entire conference room.

“Is it warm?” Xie Shiyu asked, carrying Chu Feng out of the conference room. “I bought it just for you to lie on.”

— Cashmere is very warm, so even if Chu Feng laid on it without clothes, he wouldn’t get cold.

Chu Feng didn’t respond. After all, it wasn’t the first time Xie Shiyu had been this extravagant.

Xie Shiyu carried him out, put him in the car, and prepared to drive home.

Click, Xie Shiyu leaned over to buckle his seatbelt. Chu Feng adjusted the suit jacket he was wearing; his shirt and pants were torn to shreds, leaving only the jacket and the deep night to cover him.

Chu Feng put his hands into the sleeves, trying to cover the marks left all over him:

“Can I borrow a pair of pants?”

“Stop covering up,” Xie Shiyu said, amused by Chu Feng’s fidgeting. But the little maple tree was exhausted today. Xie Shiyu took his eyes off him and started the car:

“We’ll be home soon. Just hang in there.”

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment before lowering his head and shamefully whispering:

“It’ll dirty... the car mat.”

All of Xie Shiyu’s cars were luxury cars with genuine leather interiors, difficult to clean if stained.

“Is it about to come out?”

Xie Shiyu raised an eyebrow at him.


Chu Feng turned his face away, clutching the sleeves tightly. The suit jacket was a bit too large for him but still couldn’t cover everything.

“The car mat…”

“You’re still worried about the car mat? We’ll just get a new car. This Lamborghini is a few years old anyway.”

— So extravagant.

Chu Feng thought that if this were reality, he would certainly lecture Xie Shiyu. But… since it was a game, extravagance didn’t matter.

Xie Shiyu turned the steering wheel, glancing at the obedient little maple tree sitting upright, seemingly holding something back — in the bum.

“Aren’t we home yet?” Chu Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“Almost,” Xie Shiyu said, deliberately slowing down a bit to comfort him. “We’ll clean up once we’re home.”

Chu Feng nodded and continued to sit up straight. He didn’t really care that much about the car mat, but if it got dirty, it would be too embarrassing.

The quiet dawn and empty roads helped Chu Feng try to distract himself.

The tires of the Lamborghini made a hissing sound on the asphalt. Suddenly, Chu Feng felt something was off.

The little Xie character, though 100% true to the real Xie Shiyu, had to follow game roles. Xie Shiyu, over 24 years old, was always the CEO in the game, but this little Xie was clearly Principal Xie, not the CEO, meaning he shouldn’t have this much money.

Driving luxury cars, laying down cashmere carpets, and discarding them once they get dirty to replace with new ones—he lived quite extravagantly.

“Principal Xie.”


Chu Feng: “Where did you get all this money?”

There was a moment of silence in the car.

From Xie Shiyu's silence, Chu Feng suddenly understood: "Did you embezzle school funds?"

As soon as he said this, Chu Feng recalled that High School Xie had once complained about the outdated computers in the lab. They were still using old CRT monitors that took ten minutes to start up. They had petitioned for new equipment, and Principal Xie had agreed, but it had never materialized.

Chu Feng had inquired about this matter once. The Education Bureau had stated that funds had been approved for the high school to update its facilities, but Principal Xie claimed the money had not yet arrived. As a result, the high school students were still using vintage computers for their studies.

Principal Xie Shiyu kept his eyes on the road, saying nothing.

“Answer me,” Chu Feng frowned. “Where are the new computers for the students? Tens of thousands of dollars, the Education Bureau said the funds were disbursed.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Shiyu admitted:

“I bought cashmere carpets.”

Chu Feng: “...”

“How could you do this! What about the high school students? They’re still using last century’s computers. How can they achieve anything like this?”

Chu Feng fully embraced his role as an educator, fiercely criticizing Principal Xie Shiyu for his corruption and negligence.

Principal Xie thought to himself that those underachievers wouldn't achieve anything regardless, and tens of thousands spent on them would be wasted. It was better spent on a high-end cashmere carpet for his beloved Chu Feng to lie on.

But knowing Chu Feng was furious, he remained silent. Eventually, Chu Feng couldn’t contain his anger any longer:

“Stop the car. Let me out here!”

Xie Shiyu looked around and saw they were near a villa area, close to Xie Shiyu’s residence.

“Are you sure you want to get out here, dear?”

The angry Chu Feng reached out to open the door: “Yes, right here. After all, you’ve all said, who in this city hasn’t seen me like this. You go. When you get the students their new computers, I’ll come back with you.”

Chu Feng reflexively extended his leg to step out—

“Chu Feng.”

From the driver’s seat, Xie Shiyu reminded, his voice low:

“It’s leaking.”


In the luxurious villa, CEO Xie couldn’t sleep. He opened the window, stood on the balcony for a while, and checked the [Maple Tree Group Chat] on QQ.

All the files were marked as read; no one had shared any new updates about Chu Feng.

Maybe Chu Feng hadn’t come, or maybe... the person was selfish.

No photos, no posts, no sharing of any tree planting process, selfish to the extreme.

CEO Xie despised selfish people. Everyone had created this group for mutual benefit. Even though he never uploaded any photos or videos of his time with Chu Feng either.

Bored without fresh updates on Chu Feng, CEO Xie closed QQ, ready to go back to sleep. Suddenly, car lights flashed outside—

A car passing by this late? CEO Xie squinted, suspicious.

Even stranger, the car’s speed gradually decreased until it stopped.

CEO Xie, observing from his window, knew this entire villa area was his. No one else should be parking here.

After a while—

The car door opened!

First, a long leg stepped out, its pale skin standing out in the dark. Then half a body emerged...

That height, that figure, even from a distance, CEO Xie recognized him:

It was Chu Feng!

Just as he was about to jump out the window, CEO Xie saw Chu Feng’s waist being grabbed by someone in the driver’s seat and pulled back into the car.

Like a snail retracting into its shell.

Frowning deeply, CEO Xie wondered if Chu Feng had come looking for him, only to be intercepted by another Xie Shiyu.

And it was cold outside now. Just now, Chu Feng’s legs had been bare, with no pants covering them.

CEO Xie leaned on the windowsill, contemplating. He needed to go check. Selfish people were detestable; if someone was trying to take his share...

CEO Xie sneered internally and immediately climbed out the window.

After being pulled back into the car, the Lamborghini's doors locked automatically.

Standing in the villa’s garden, CEO Xie hid behind a large tree, watching the car. The occupants couldn’t see him.

For a while, nothing happened. The night breeze was chilly.

CEO Xie cautiously moved closer to the car. As he approached, he saw the car shake slightly...

Thinking he was mistaken, he saw the Lamborghini shamelessly start shaking more vigorously right at his villa’s entrance!

Good, very good. Coming to his doorstep to pull this stunt...

CEO Xie clenched his fists and strode towards the car decisively.


“Xie Shiyu... stop it!”

The passenger seat was reclined, and Chu Feng, wrapped in a suit jacket, was pushing against Principal Xie Shiyu.


Principal Xie’s glasses reflected a cold light:

“Tonight, not only did you comfort a whole class of high school students in my school, but now you want to enter CEO Xie’s villa right in front of me?

“Teach me how to endure this?”

Chu Feng turned his head away, not answering. He had indeed... somewhat neglected Principal Xie lately. Principal Xie had started well, but recently, he had become increasingly reckless, even taking funds meant for new computers.

People didn’t fear scarcity but inequality. Chu Feng often found it hard to balance all the Xie Shiyus in the city.

There seemed to be a subtle mediation among the Xie Shiyus. As long as it wasn’t too extreme, the older Xie Shiyus wouldn’t directly attack the younger ones. But they would do things like secretly take money meant for new computers.

Or... of all the times to hold a meeting, they had to choose when Chu Feng was about to give the students some benefits, intercepting him for a meeting.

Principal Xie Shiyu was kissing his neck, and Chu Feng naturally wrapped his arms around Xie’s back:

“Next time... I’ll spend more time with you…”


“Who are you going to spend time with?”

Crash! The Lamborghini's window was suddenly shattered!

Outside the window appeared CEO Xie's furious and sinister face:

“Chu Feng, who did you say you were going to spend time with?”

He had smashed the glass of the driver's side window, showering Principal Xie Shiyu with glass shards.

Fortunately, none of the glass cut him. Principal Xie Shiyu calmly brushed the shards off his clothes, completely unbothered.

He laid over Chu Feng, shielding him so completely that CEO Xie couldn’t see an inch of Chu Feng’s skin.

“Get up!” CEO Xie was livid. He and the principal usually didn’t interfere with each other’s affairs. Why was this man so audacious today, offending him right at his doorstep?

“That’s a bit difficult.”

Principal Xie replied leisurely.

They had no direct conflict before, but since he had already offended CEO Xie, he didn’t bother with pleasantries. Protectively covering Chu Feng, he provocatively glanced at CEO Xie:

“Can’t you see I’m busy right now?”


Sparks flew, tension rising rapidly.

Before the confrontation could escalate, Chu Feng softly called out:

“Xie Shiyu…”

He stretched his hand out over Principal Xie’s back. CEO Xie, irritated, yanked open the Lamborghini’s door and joined them in the car.

CEO Xie grabbed Chu Feng’s hand and quickly realized something was wrong.

Chu Feng’s usually fair skin was dotted with red marks, resembling plum blossoms in the snow, trailing up his arm, kissed countless times.

CEO Xie glared at Principal Xie:

“Did you do this?”

Principal Xie, indifferent, continued to kiss Chu Feng, responding pointedly:

“Meeting tonight.”

CEO Xie paused, immediately understanding the implication, cursing under his breath. After a moment of silence, he reluctantly asked:

“How many people were at the meeting?”

Principal Xie, seemingly with ill intentions, moved slightly, revealing Chu Feng wrapped in his suit jacket, nestled in his arms. Just from that sight, it was clear how much Chu Feng had been indulged.

“Come on, Chu Feng, the CEO you wanted to see the most is here.”

Principal Xie, wearing his glasses, spoke with feigned gentleness.

Chu Feng turned his head, wanting to disappear into the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Principal Xie taunted, “Isn’t this the CEO you were eager to see? You wanted to leave my car to find him, and now that he’s here, why are you silent? Come on, Chu Feng, tell the CEO, how many people were at tonight’s meeting?”

CEO Xie, playing along, waited in the car, holding Chu Feng’s hand.

Chu Feng, exasperated, found that Xie Shiyus often did this. Tensions high one moment, they’d gang up on him the next, teasing him together.

CEO Xie gently tickled Chu Feng’s palm, his earlier anger replaced by a tender tone:

“Chu Feng, why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Th... thirteen people.”

Chu Feng felt CEO Xie’s grip tighten, his gaze burning a hole into him.

CEO Xie clenched his teeth, suppressing his anger. He understood that Chu Feng, now a high school teacher, had to hold school meetings. When Chu Feng came to his company, he would make sure to keep him in the office, planting him like a tree.

“He’s too tired tonight,” Principal Xie stated. “CEO Xie, maybe you should go back?”

“Why should I leave?” CEO Xie sneered. “He was about to come to my house. You know who should leave.”

The two Xie Shiyus glared at each other coldly.

Chu Feng couldn’t take it anymore, holding both their hands. Normally, he’d split his time between them, but tonight he was too exhausted:

“Tonight… I’ll go… with the principal…”

Currently, he was playing a student-teacher role, where the student Xies and the school board Xie enjoyed the priority. Other Xies would have to wait for their turn in different scenarios. There was no reason to suddenly go to CEO Xie’s place. Moreover, he had already been with CEO Xie on the bus last time.

Though angry at Principal Xie Shiyu for taking the students’ computer funds, Chu Feng wasn’t actually daring enough to go to CEO Xie’s place. Opening the door was just a moment of anger.

CEO Xie had a domineering personality. If Chu Feng went there right after a meeting, it would only escalate conflicts. It was better not to provoke animosity among the Xie Shiyus.

Hearing Chu Feng’s decision, Principal Xie, his expression inscrutable behind his glasses, watched as CEO Xie reluctantly let go of Chu Feng’s hand.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he did, Chu Feng grabbed his hand, indicating:

“Next time… your company.”

—Office Play.

CEO Xie seemed appeased. Once Chu Feng was in his company, he wouldn’t let him leave, making him a permanent fixture in the office.

CEO Xie shut the car door, giving Chu Feng a parting smile: “I’ll be waiting.”


The Lamborghini with the shattered window drove into the underground garage.

Principal Xie Shiyu triumphantly brought Chu Feng home.

In the steamy bathroom, Xie Shiyu sat in the bathtub, with Chu Feng leaning against him.

“How’s the water temperature?” Xie Shiyu asked.

“It’s good.”

The hot water made Chu Feng drowsy, his eyelids heavy, drifting in and out of sleep.

Buzz, buzz—

Above the bathtub, there was a waterproof stand with a phone vibrating on it.

Buzz, buzz—

It seemed like QQ messages. Drowsy, Chu Feng asked, “...What messages are coming in?”

“Don’t worry about it, just sleep,” Xie Shiyu gently lifted Chu Feng, dried him off, dressed him in soft pajamas, and carried him to bed.

Buzz, buzz, buzz—

Chu Feng's phone continued vibrating non-stop. Principal Xie held Chu Feng in his arms, his expression unreadable.

The sleepy Chu Feng nestled in his embrace like a compliant cat. When the next buzz sounded, Principal Xie reached over and picked up Chu Feng’s phone.

The password was very simple—it was his birthday.

Unlocking it, Principal Xie looked with interest at the thousands of QQ messages and hundreds of missed calls.

—All from the senior Xies.

Unable to wait for Chu Feng to deliver their rewards after evening self-study, the senior Xies were worried but couldn’t do anything. They had to return to their dorms, frantically @ing Chu Feng and calling him incessantly.

Principal Xie coldly opened the class group chat. The 18- and 19-year-old students were chattering excitedly. He searched the chat history, pinpointing the time before the meeting started...

Sure enough, after Chu Feng @ed everyone, promising to come and deliver rewards tonight, the kids were thrilled, chirping like birds out of their cage, discussing how to claim their rewards.

Twenty-six-year-old Xie Shiyu, married for six years, found their excitement amusing. They were thrilled over trivial rewards like small props, photos, or videos.

Ignoring the noisy students, Principal Xie noticed it was already past four AM. These kids weren’t sleeping, despite having early morning classes. At their age, approaching college entrance exams, their minds were still preoccupied with Chu Feng, revealing they had too little homework.

Resolute, Principal Xie used Chu Feng’s QQ account to invite his own principal account into the group chat.

He picked up his phone, opened QQ, and accepted the invitation.


That night was destined to be sleepless for school bully Xie Shiyu.

As a poor student, he couldn’t get Chu Feng’s exam rewards, only the evenly distributed ones during nights like this.

But tonight, Chu Feng had uncharacteristically missed the meeting.

They waited through evening self-study until eleven without a trace of him. The dorm supervisor urged them to return to their dorms, and they reluctantly set aside their papers.

Lying in bed, Xie Shiyu couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Chu Feng wasn’t one to stand them up unless...

He really couldn’t come.

—Why couldn’t he come?

At four AM, unable to sleep, Xie Shiyu refreshed the class group chat. The group name had changed from the excited “Plant Trees with Feng Tonight!” back to the formal “Senior Year Class 16.”

Suddenly, a new message appeared:

—Don’t love teaching, only love raising trees—joined the group.

Xie Shiyu frowned. Who was this? Why join the class group now? Everyone in the class was already here.

[Who are you?]

The stranger quickly changed their nickname:

ID: Don’t love teaching, only love raising trees-26- Principal Xie

[Hello, students!]



The group exploded, with an overwhelming sense of dread.


Twenty-six-year-old Principal Xie calmly used Chu Feng’s QQ to make himself a group admin and then began posting new announcements:

[Extra Homework]:

@everyone. You are Xie Xiaoming. Your teacher Chu Feng has just had a meeting with your great principal in the office, and his back really hurts. Please write an English letter of no less than 500 words to comfort him!


School Bully Xie Shiyu:


Class monitor Xie:

[!! I knew something was up with Teacher Chu Feng not showing up!]

Repeater Xie:

[D*mn!! So angry, you beast of a principal!]

[What did you do to Teacher Chu Feng!]

[I knew Feng Feng wouldn’t ditch us! Let us see our Feng Tree!!]

Messages flooded the group chat. Principal Xie mercifully took a picture and posted a flash photo.


On the internet, School Bully Xie Shiyu clicked on the flash photo.

After the mosaic effect, the photo appeared clearly:

Chu Feng’s peaceful sleeping face, seemingly just out of a bath, with slightly damp hair and slightly flushed cheeks...

The most striking part was the bed and the arm behind Chu Feng.

He was sleeping in Principal Xie’s embrace!

The barely-adult students were driven mad, wanting to tear Principal Xie apart through the internet.

Incapable of anger, Principal Xie silently mocked them and posted a new group announcement:

[Those who do not submit on time will be considered dropped out and will no longer be able to attend Teacher Chu Feng’s class.]

Dropping out meant expulsion, which meant never seeing Teacher Chu Feng again.

School Bully Xie Shiyu:

[Abuse of power! You…]

More curses were about to be posted.

Principal Xie leisurely activated:

[Mute All]

The last message in the Senior Year Class 16 group came from the ID:

Don’t love teaching, only love raising trees-26-Xie Principal

[/grin, /grin]

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