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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 96

Chapter 96: X’s Wedding Plan 2

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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“May I ask if it’s you who needs the DNA test?”

X lied without changing his expression:

“No, it’s someone else’s hair.”

“Oh, for hair… it might not be as accurate. If it’s a saliva swab or blood sample, it would be better. Can you have that person come over…”

X: “I’m afraid that’s not possible for now.”

The identification center: “Well… for hair, you can still send it for testing. However, hair samples are best if they have hair follicles. If you’re not sure if they have hair follicles, you can send them to us for identification. Of course, if we can’t extract DNA in the end, we’ll still charge for this service.”

X: “Understood.”

After hanging up the phone, X searched for seven DNA identification institutions in H City and listed them in a table.

Hair without follicles couldn’t actually be tested for DNA, and the person on the phone just now was trying to make extra money by encouraging him to send it. 

But that didn’t matter; the purpose was for them not to extract DNA. He carefully inspected the hair he had pulled out, ensuring they didn’t have follicles.

As a precaution, he trimmed a bit more off the roots of the hair and divided the samples into more portions, each labeled with numbers 1-7, corresponding to the DNA identification institutions on his list.

After completing these tasks, X took out a notebook and turned to a new page.

He didn’t write anything; instead, he drew a doodle of two little people eating, then drew a picture, followed by a twisted strand of hair on the next line. Finally, he put a checkmark next to all three doodles.

This page was his plan to “verify identity.” The first step was to have a meal with Chu Feng and determine Chu Feng’s attitude toward him.

If, as a spouse who had lived with Xie Shiyu for so many years, Chu Feng had no suspicions about him, then it meant his speculation was groundless. There was no need to waste time worrying about DNA.

But today, it was obvious that Chu Feng had been testing him all along.

The second step was to obtain Chu Feng’s old photos and see if he could verify his own fragmented memories: the small blue adidas backpack.

This was confirmed in the photo of Chu Feng at the primary school sports event.

The third step was to formally start the DNA identification.

X wouldn’t hastily choose just any identification center and give away his DNA information. He needed to first inspect which institution was more secure.

He pulled out his own hair, made sure there were no follicles on them (meaning they didn’t carry DNA information), and prepared to send these hair samples to the seven identification centers to see if there were any reliable DNA identification institutions in the city:

The computer system must be completely closed to protect users’ privacy, and information must not be accessible by external public security police.

After the identification results were out, all files related to him must be thoroughly deleted. Once deleted, no technical means could recover them.

Hair samples sent without follicles couldn’t actually detect DNA, so the identification center wouldn’t have his information. However, the computer in the identification center would still have the testing files. X planned to spend some time testing these files one by one to assess the security of the institutions.

If none of the DNA institutions here were qualified, X was prepared to spend more time contacting identification centers abroad.

Only when he screened a secure institution would he give out his blood sample for a genuine DNA comparison.

For this, he also needed the DNA of Chu Feng’s ex-husband [Xie Shiyu].

X drew another doodle on the plan sheet: a little stick figure that irritated people, representing Chu Feng’s ex-husband, with no checkmark next to it.

While inspecting the institutions, the next step was to find the right opportunity to obtain [Xie Shiyu]’s DNA from Chu Feng.

—-If it really exists.

X approached this with optimism. It was said that Chu Feng married this person when he was twenty years old, and they lived together for seven years, leaving some traces behind.

He calmly laid out his plans in the notebook. As an amnesiac, he also wanted to confirm his identity immediately, but when it came to DNA information, he had to be extremely cautious.

He couldn’t afford to give away such important DNA information hastily. Leaving it in an institution beyond his control might mean it falling into the wrong hands in the coming decades.

[Technology is constantly advancing, and no one can predict what new technologies will emerge in the future. The best way is to leave no trace at all.]

This thought naturally crossed his mind.

The pen in his hand paused for a second.

Sitting in the wheelchair, X suddenly felt a bit strange about his thoughts and actions.

Originally, he thought he was just someone who valued privacy more. But…

Would a normal person really be this cautious about DNA?

Would they be so careful as to not leave any DNA, fingerprints, or any evidence that could definitively prove [it was him] and [he couldn’t escape]?

X thought for a minute and gradually began to realize that he might not be a normal person after all.

Before losing his memory… was it possible that he had been involved in illegal activities?


The computer webpage displayed three words in the search box: Xie Shiyu.

X looked at the webpage that popped up, mostly consisting of news interviews about companies under Xie Shiyu’s name and reports of airplane accidents.

X flipped through two pages, keenly feeling that all information about [Xie Shiyu] only covered the [events] themselves, with scant information about [Xie Shiyu] personally. His date of birth couldn’t even be found.

A video interview was playing on the computer page, with CEO Xie sitting there in a suit, speaking elegantly with a fake smile on his face.

X watched the video of Chu Feng’s ex-husband looking smug and felt subtly annoyed. He closed the page heavily. Picking up his notebook, he flipped from the current [identity verification] plan to the next page:

His [marriage plan].

Step one: Post information on a matchmaking website, which had already been done with the help of regulators ABCD.

Their polished profile of [overseas elite male] had already caught the attention of Chu Feng’s mother.

Now, it was time to move on to the next step…


“Very sorry, Chief Chu, we couldn’t extract any DNA information from the clothes you provided.”

Chu Feng stood on his balcony, looking out at the distant lights in the night, holding a lit cigarette between his fingertips.

The tip of the cigarette emitted a faint light, shining in the night like an expectant eye. Chu Feng exhaled a hazy mist, then put down his hand and pressed the eye-like spark into the ashtray, extinguishing it.

“Can’t find any information at all?”

“Very sorry, Chief Chu, besides DNA, we couldn’t extract fingerprints or anything else either.”

Chu Feng fell silent for a while before saying, “Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

The slightly cool night breeze lifted his thin silk robe as Chu Feng adjusted his collar and returned to the bedroom. He opened the closet.

He had sent all of Xie Shiyu’s clothes, from his university days to before his death, to the identification center. But still, no DNA was found.

Those were the styles Xie Shiyu might have worn regularly, but if DNA couldn’t be found even two years later, then the clothes he rarely wore would be even harder to find DNA on.

Chu Feng kept thinking… was there anything else that could leave behind DNA?

Hair, sweat, seminal fluid… these things couldn’t last for two years. The most common thing that could preserve DNA for a long time was blood.

Had Xie Shiyu ever been injured, bandaged, or…


Ring ring—

The phone rang, and he glanced at the contact: Mom.

Chu Feng sighed softly, guessing what his mother wanted to talk about. He answered:


“Hi, Feng Feng, how did you like the matchmaking candidates I sent you last time?”

…” Chu Feng: “None of them caught my interest.”

Mom: “But last time you promised your grandpa that you would seriously consider matchmaking this time. They are all very enthusiastic about you. Some of them even asked when they could meet as soon as they returned to the country.”

“…” Chu Feng thought, not everyone returning to the country needed to adjust to jet lag. Some might just be making an appearance.

Mom: “If you really have your heart set on Little Xie, didn’t Mom help you find someone who looks just like him? That one seems to be an intern from a company under your subsidiary, very honest, no background, seems obedient, and looks exactly like Little Xie.”

“…” Chu Feng couldn’t recall the face of the [plastic surgery stand-in] or even remember his name. The only impression he had was the guy’s umbrella, squeezed into the side pocket of his backpack like dried pickled vegetables, dripping with water.

“That… forget it.” Chu Feng knew he couldn’t escape this. Last time, he had used his grandpa’s connections to investigate 13-year-old Little Xie’s situation. This time, no matter what, he had to casually choose a matchmaking candidate to get through this.

After some thought, Chu Feng found it more interesting to go see the turtle elite who claimed to be proficient in four languages and be embarrassed in public due to his pretentiousness.

“Fine.” Chu Feng said, “That returnee, give me his WeChat.”

Chu Feng’s mom smiled happily: “Great! They also said they would treat you to dinner tomorrow. If you have some time, and when you meet people, don’t just give them a cold face, try to smile more…”

Chu Feng hummed a few times and perfunctorily hung up the phone.

After a few seconds, buzz—

A new red dot appeared in his WeChat contacts, indicating that [Matchmaking Candidate – Elite Returnee] had added him.

Chu Feng opened the person’s profile with little interest and checked it out:

The profile picture showed a backlit figure by the seaside, sitting on the beach surrounded by a large group of seagulls, holding something in their beaks.

Chu Feng enlarged the image and studied it for a moment. It looked like a hamburger. Probably fighting over food.

He suddenly remembered what X had told him during dinner, about how there were aggressive seagulls everywhere in the Pacific island countries, snatching people’s burgers.

—Coincidence, perhaps.

Chu Feng accepted the friend request from [Elite Returnee] without much thought.


His phone vibrated, and the other person enthusiastically greeted him and introduced himself.

Chu Feng looked at it coldly, furrowing his brows, then turned to make a call:

“Mom, have you told anyone about my identity?”

—If the other person knew he had inherited such a huge company, then their enthusiasm wouldn’t be surprising.

“No, why would Mom casually mention your affairs to others? I just said you’re a manager in a company, and your salary is decent. If it’s convenient, just meet up and chat.”

Chu Feng: “Okay.”

Although Mom hadn’t revealed it, if the other person came prepared, that was another story.

On WeChat, [Elite Returnee] quickly suggested meeting up:

“Are you free tomorrow night?”

Chu Feng didn’t want to drag it out. He just wanted to meet up to appease the elders and move on.

“I’m free.”

On the other side of WeChat:

X, using the special account created for him by Regulator B for matchmaking, typed:

“Can we meet at the revolving restaurant for dinner? It’s at the Golden Orchid Star Hotel.”

Chu Feng glanced at it, Golden Orchid Star Hotel…

Wasn’t that where X lived?

However, the revolving restaurant there was famous. The hotel had 108 floors in total, and the restaurant was on the 99th floor. It was a popular spot for countless wealthy couples to dine and propose because of the auspicious number.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence.

Without much thought, Chu Feng replied casually:


“See you tomorrow night.”


On the other end of the internet cable,

X stared at the reply in the WeChat chat, rereading it twice, revealing a shallow smile.

He sat in his wheelchair on the balcony of the presidential suite, enjoying the night breeze.

X looked up at the night scene of the city where Chu Feng lived, with countless lights shining.

Regardless of the future DNA results, regardless of whether he was [Xie Shiyu] or not, he would be Chu Feng’s husband, whether it was the previous one or the next one.

Want to show your support? Come donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 96

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 96

Chapter 96: X's Wedding Plan 2

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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"May I ask if it's you who needs the DNA test?"

X lied without changing his expression:

"No, it's someone else's hair."

"Oh, for hair... it might not be as accurate. If it's a saliva swab or blood sample, it would be better. Can you have that person come over..."

X: "I'm afraid that's not possible for now."

The identification center: "Well... for hair, you can still send it for testing. However, hair samples are best if they have hair follicles. If you're not sure if they have hair follicles, you can send them to us for identification. Of course, if we can't extract DNA in the end, we'll still charge for this service."

X: "Understood."

After hanging up the phone, X searched for seven DNA identification institutions in H City and listed them in a table.

Hair without follicles couldn't actually be tested for DNA, and the person on the phone just now was trying to make extra money by encouraging him to send it. 

But that didn't matter; the purpose was for them not to extract DNA. He carefully inspected the hair he had pulled out, ensuring they didn't have follicles.

As a precaution, he trimmed a bit more off the roots of the hair and divided the samples into more portions, each labeled with numbers 1-7, corresponding to the DNA identification institutions on his list.

After completing these tasks, X took out a notebook and turned to a new page.

He didn't write anything; instead, he drew a doodle of two little people eating, then drew a picture, followed by a twisted strand of hair on the next line. Finally, he put a checkmark next to all three doodles.

This page was his plan to "verify identity." The first step was to have a meal with Chu Feng and determine Chu Feng's attitude toward him.

If, as a spouse who had lived with Xie Shiyu for so many years, Chu Feng had no suspicions about him, then it meant his speculation was groundless. There was no need to waste time worrying about DNA.

But today, it was obvious that Chu Feng had been testing him all along.

The second step was to obtain Chu Feng's old photos and see if he could verify his own fragmented memories: the small blue adidas backpack.

This was confirmed in the photo of Chu Feng at the primary school sports event.

The third step was to formally start the DNA identification.

X wouldn't hastily choose just any identification center and give away his DNA information. He needed to first inspect which institution was more secure.

He pulled out his own hair, made sure there were no follicles on them (meaning they didn't carry DNA information), and prepared to send these hair samples to the seven identification centers to see if there were any reliable DNA identification institutions in the city:

The computer system must be completely closed to protect users' privacy, and information must not be accessible by external public security police.

After the identification results were out, all files related to him must be thoroughly deleted. Once deleted, no technical means could recover them.

Hair samples sent without follicles couldn't actually detect DNA, so the identification center wouldn't have his information. However, the computer in the identification center would still have the testing files. X planned to spend some time testing these files one by one to assess the security of the institutions.

If none of the DNA institutions here were qualified, X was prepared to spend more time contacting identification centers abroad.

Only when he screened a secure institution would he give out his blood sample for a genuine DNA comparison.

For this, he also needed the DNA of Chu Feng's ex-husband [Xie Shiyu].

X drew another doodle on the plan sheet: a little stick figure that irritated people, representing Chu Feng's ex-husband, with no checkmark next to it.

While inspecting the institutions, the next step was to find the right opportunity to obtain [Xie Shiyu]'s DNA from Chu Feng.

—-If it really exists.

X approached this with optimism. It was said that Chu Feng married this person when he was twenty years old, and they lived together for seven years, leaving some traces behind.

He calmly laid out his plans in the notebook. As an amnesiac, he also wanted to confirm his identity immediately, but when it came to DNA information, he had to be extremely cautious.

He couldn't afford to give away such important DNA information hastily. Leaving it in an institution beyond his control might mean it falling into the wrong hands in the coming decades.

[Technology is constantly advancing, and no one can predict what new technologies will emerge in the future. The best way is to leave no trace at all.]

This thought naturally crossed his mind.

The pen in his hand paused for a second.

Sitting in the wheelchair, X suddenly felt a bit strange about his thoughts and actions.

Originally, he thought he was just someone who valued privacy more. But...

Would a normal person really be this cautious about DNA?

Would they be so careful as to not leave any DNA, fingerprints, or any evidence that could definitively prove [it was him] and [he couldn't escape]?

X thought for a minute and gradually began to realize that he might not be a normal person after all.

Before losing his memory... was it possible that he had been involved in illegal activities?


The computer webpage displayed three words in the search box: Xie Shiyu.

X looked at the webpage that popped up, mostly consisting of news interviews about companies under Xie Shiyu's name and reports of airplane accidents.

X flipped through two pages, keenly feeling that all information about [Xie Shiyu] only covered the [events] themselves, with scant information about [Xie Shiyu] personally. His date of birth couldn't even be found.

A video interview was playing on the computer page, with CEO Xie sitting there in a suit, speaking elegantly with a fake smile on his face.

X watched the video of Chu Feng's ex-husband looking smug and felt subtly annoyed. He closed the page heavily. Picking up his notebook, he flipped from the current [identity verification] plan to the next page:

His [marriage plan].

Step one: Post information on a matchmaking website, which had already been done with the help of regulators ABCD.

Their polished profile of [overseas elite male] had already caught the attention of Chu Feng's mother.

Now, it was time to move on to the next step...


"Very sorry, Chief Chu, we couldn't extract any DNA information from the clothes you provided."

Chu Feng stood on his balcony, looking out at the distant lights in the night, holding a lit cigarette between his fingertips.

The tip of the cigarette emitted a faint light, shining in the night like an expectant eye. Chu Feng exhaled a hazy mist, then put down his hand and pressed the eye-like spark into the ashtray, extinguishing it.

"Can't find any information at all?"

"Very sorry, Chief Chu, besides DNA, we couldn't extract fingerprints or anything else either."

Chu Feng fell silent for a while before saying, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The slightly cool night breeze lifted his thin silk robe as Chu Feng adjusted his collar and returned to the bedroom. He opened the closet.

He had sent all of Xie Shiyu's clothes, from his university days to before his death, to the identification center. But still, no DNA was found.

Those were the styles Xie Shiyu might have worn regularly, but if DNA couldn't be found even two years later, then the clothes he rarely wore would be even harder to find DNA on.

Chu Feng kept thinking... was there anything else that could leave behind DNA?

Hair, sweat, seminal fluid... these things couldn't last for two years. The most common thing that could preserve DNA for a long time was blood.

Had Xie Shiyu ever been injured, bandaged, or...


Ring ring—

The phone rang, and he glanced at the contact: Mom.

Chu Feng sighed softly, guessing what his mother wanted to talk about. He answered:


"Hi, Feng Feng, how did you like the matchmaking candidates I sent you last time?"

..." Chu Feng: "None of them caught my interest."

Mom: "But last time you promised your grandpa that you would seriously consider matchmaking this time. They are all very enthusiastic about you. Some of them even asked when they could meet as soon as they returned to the country."

“..." Chu Feng thought, not everyone returning to the country needed to adjust to jet lag. Some might just be making an appearance.

Mom: "If you really have your heart set on Little Xie, didn't Mom help you find someone who looks just like him? That one seems to be an intern from a company under your subsidiary, very honest, no background, seems obedient, and looks exactly like Little Xie."

“..." Chu Feng couldn't recall the face of the [plastic surgery stand-in] or even remember his name. The only impression he had was the guy's umbrella, squeezed into the side pocket of his backpack like dried pickled vegetables, dripping with water.

"That... forget it." Chu Feng knew he couldn't escape this. Last time, he had used his grandpa's connections to investigate 13-year-old Little Xie's situation. This time, no matter what, he had to casually choose a matchmaking candidate to get through this.

After some thought, Chu Feng found it more interesting to go see the turtle elite who claimed to be proficient in four languages and be embarrassed in public due to his pretentiousness.

"Fine." Chu Feng said, "That returnee, give me his WeChat."

Chu Feng's mom smiled happily: "Great! They also said they would treat you to dinner tomorrow. If you have some time, and when you meet people, don't just give them a cold face, try to smile more..."

Chu Feng hummed a few times and perfunctorily hung up the phone.

After a few seconds, buzz—

A new red dot appeared in his WeChat contacts, indicating that [Matchmaking Candidate - Elite Returnee] had added him.

Chu Feng opened the person's profile with little interest and checked it out:

The profile picture showed a backlit figure by the seaside, sitting on the beach surrounded by a large group of seagulls, holding something in their beaks.

Chu Feng enlarged the image and studied it for a moment. It looked like a hamburger. Probably fighting over food.

He suddenly remembered what X had told him during dinner, about how there were aggressive seagulls everywhere in the Pacific island countries, snatching people's burgers.

—Coincidence, perhaps.

Chu Feng accepted the friend request from [Elite Returnee] without much thought.


His phone vibrated, and the other person enthusiastically greeted him and introduced himself.

Chu Feng looked at it coldly, furrowing his brows, then turned to make a call:

"Mom, have you told anyone about my identity?"

—If the other person knew he had inherited such a huge company, then their enthusiasm wouldn't be surprising.

"No, why would Mom casually mention your affairs to others? I just said you're a manager in a company, and your salary is decent. If it's convenient, just meet up and chat."

Chu Feng: "Okay."

Although Mom hadn't revealed it, if the other person came prepared, that was another story.

On WeChat, [Elite Returnee] quickly suggested meeting up:

"Are you free tomorrow night?"

Chu Feng didn't want to drag it out. He just wanted to meet up to appease the elders and move on.

"I'm free."

On the other side of WeChat:

X, using the special account created for him by Regulator B for matchmaking, typed:

"Can we meet at the revolving restaurant for dinner? It's at the Golden Orchid Star Hotel."

Chu Feng glanced at it, Golden Orchid Star Hotel...

Wasn't that where X lived?

However, the revolving restaurant there was famous. The hotel had 108 floors in total, and the restaurant was on the 99th floor. It was a popular spot for countless wealthy couples to dine and propose because of the auspicious number.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence.

Without much thought, Chu Feng replied casually:


"See you tomorrow night."


On the other end of the internet cable,

X stared at the reply in the WeChat chat, rereading it twice, revealing a shallow smile.

He sat in his wheelchair on the balcony of the presidential suite, enjoying the night breeze.

X looked up at the night scene of the city where Chu Feng lived, with countless lights shining.

Regardless of the future DNA results, regardless of whether he was [Xie Shiyu] or not, he would be Chu Feng's husband, whether it was the previous one or the next one.

Want to show your support? Come donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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