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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 57

Chapter 57

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Throughout history, dealing with refugees had always been a challenging issue. The counties affected by disasters were often far from the capital. Along their journey, the refugees were pushed and mistreated by the guards of other provinces, which forced them to travel long distances to the Emperor’s doorstep. 

These were people who had run out of options, and the only way to comfort them was to provide them with daily porridge at fixed times.

Feeding these refugees didn’t cost much, but it resulted in them settling in the capital, begging for food. This, in turn, led to a significant increase in theft and robbery cases in the areas around the capital. During curfew, these refugees had to sit along the streets. Furthermore, the court couldn’t support them for a lifetime.

So, in the past, when a large number of refugees flooded the capital, the court usually sent envoys and the Five City Garrisons to drive them out and suppress them, making them settle in the counties outside the capital region.

In order to quickly complete the task and restore the capital’s security, resettling the refugees became a secondary objective. Maintaining stability was the primary focus. This led to a situation where many refugees either starved or turned to banditry, causing harm to the law and order in other provinces.

Just now, Senior Minister Xu asked Han Jiao if there were any “emergency measures” precisely because this matter had to be dealt with urgently. There was no room for prolonged discussions, and the court couldn’t afford to let the refugees linger in the capital, as the Emperor’s anger would result in far more severe consequences than the refugees causing trouble.

In fact, previous dynasties did not have effective strategies for handling this situation. Some dynasties even resorted to wiping out bandits through military actions, killing or enslaving them.

So, the two experienced Hanlin Junior Historiography Compilers skipped the topic of providing comfort, which wasn’t suitable for detailed discussion. Instead, they delved into investigating disaster relief funds and long-term preventive strategies.

At this moment, Han Jiao surprisingly blurted out, “provide comfort to the refugees.”

Seeing Han Jiao’s scholarly air, they expected him to suggest something like “charitable acts” like providing fixed porridge points. So, both Compilers fell silent, ready to witness a spectacle.

Han Jiao, with a serious expression, proposed to Senior Minister Xu, “In my humble opinion, the Ministry of Revenue should initially allocate half a month’s relief grain and establish fixed porridge points for the refugees.”

Just as they expected!

The Compiler who recommended investigating corrupt officials was impatient. Upon hearing this, he couldn’t help but snort and gave Han Jiao a sidelong glance, showing a mix of pity and disdain.

The other Compiler remained composed, encouraging Han Jiao to continue. He had long grown tired of this so-called child prodigy repeatedly showing his face in front of the princes and even the Emperor. This time, Han Jiao finally revealed his ignorance.

Senior Minister Xu, with a kind demeanor, skillfully seized the point in Han Jiao’s words, and patiently inquired, “What about after the half month? Master Han, do you have a good plan to restore law and order in the capital?”

“There’s no need to wait for another half month. I estimate that within the half-month of providing porridge, we can properly settle the refugees in batches.”

The impatient Compiler taunted, “How do you plan to settle them? Are you going to accommodate all of them in your residence? There are at least over forty thousand households of refugees! More than a hundred thousand people!”

Han Jiao smiled at him and continued with his proposal, “I’ve heard that His Majesty planned to establish a royal estate south of the capital. It’s expected to be built within two years, and enough tenant farmers will be recruited. In my humble opinion, there are currently tens of thousands of strong and able-bodied farmers who have come from afar and have nowhere to go. Instead of them coming all the way to the capital, it might be better to establish a new county between Wudingzhou and Binzhou. This would allow these displaced people to settle there, allocate land for cultivation based on the number of people in each household, and exempt them from paying taxes for two years. 

“After two years, the tax revenue from this new county could go directly to His Majesty’s treasury. In this way, the tax revenue from a single county would far exceed that of the estate, and it would also spare the Ministry of Works from the burden of constructing a new estate. By providing only one year of disaster relief grain, the displaced people could build their own homes. 

“In addition, according to the wishes of the displaced people themselves, those who are willing to return to their original hometowns could be exempt from paying taxes for two years and provided with one year’s worth of food. For the farming households that participate in building local water conservancy projects, their labor could be offset against the borrowed grain. This approach would also help reduce some of the expenses involved in constructing flood control infrastructure.”

Wenhua Hall fell silent.

Both Compilers looked at Han Jiao in astonishment.

Senior Minister Xu maintained his smile and nodded slightly to Han Jiao but didn’t comment on his proposal. Instead, he turned to the two Compilers and asked, “What do you two think of Master Han’s proposal?”

The two Compilers regained their composure, their faces turning slightly red.

One of the Compilers was the first to respond calmly and said with a smile, “I believe that Master Han’s proposal is worth trying.”

The impatient Compiler quickly added, “I had thought of this idea just now, but no one had attempted it before, and the risks are unknown. I dare not speak lightly.”

Senior Minister Xu, with a kind expression, chuckled and stroked his beard. “Very well, very well. I didn’t originally invite the three of you to solve the refugee problem.”

All three were surprised, looking at Senior Minister Xu with puzzled expressions.

If they weren’t invited to provide ideas, then why were they brought here?

Senior Minister Xu got straight to the point, “Today, after the morning court session, His Majesty summoned me and personally praised Hanlin’s junior scholar-official, Han Jiao, as a promising talent. His Majesty intends to promote Han Jiao to the position of Hanlin Junior Historiography Compiler against the usual practice. He has entrusted me to personally assess his qualifications. Therefore, I’ve gathered you three scholars here to discuss current affairs to evaluate if your insights can hit the mark.”

The two Compilers were astounded. The Emperor himself had proposed promoting Han Jiao!

According to regulations, junior scholar-officials must serve the full term of three years and pass the examination to officially stay in the Hanlin Academy. The remaining junior scholar-officials would be assigned to various government departments and start as junior officials.

Han Jiao, with less than half a year as a junior scholar-official, was exempted from the examination and personally nominated by the Emperor for a non-standard promotion. This was enough to make anyone envious.

This promotion wasn’t because Han Jiao had influential connections but rather due to a previous essay that had surprisingly caught the Emperor’s attention. Now, Han Jiao had once again outshone the two Compilers with his on-the-spot problem-solving skills.

Senior Minister Xu smiled. “The assessment is complete. Do the two of you believe Han Jiao is capable of the role of a Hanlin Compiler?”

Knowing that Han Jiao had caught the Emperor’s eye, the impatient Compiler quickly praised, “Master Han’s response has impressed me.If such a talented individual were to occupy a lower position, I would have no face to remain in the Hanlin Academy!”

The other Compiler also expressed agreement, “I concur. Han Jiao is more than deserving of the role of Hanlin Compiler.”

Han Jiao let out a sigh of relief. He realized that Senior Minister Xu’s sudden summons wasn’t a setup but rather the Emperor’s wish.

It was surprising that the Emperor, who managed a multitude of affairs daily, still remembered someone as inconspicuous as him.

Without the anticipated danger, Han Jiao belatedly realized the significant opportunity he was currently experiencing.

A direct promotion to become a Hanlin Compiler!

This was like skipping the usual three-year internship and entering government service right away!

Typically, only the top three performers in the palace examination could directly become full-fledged members of the Hanlin Academy. It was a privilege reserved for the best scholars, much like the top three distinguished scholars in the imperial examination.

The rest of the successful candidates from the academy had to obediently work as temporary staff for a full three years. After the internship period, there was another assessment known as “scattering from the academy.” Only those who passed this exam could become permanent staff, and the acceptance rate was even lower than the palace examination.

So, while the Hanlin Academy had lower official rank, it was the most promising department in the court. In fact, people often referred to officials from the Hanlin Academy as “future Prime Ministers,” as many court members came from there, with very few exceptions.

Throughout Great Chu’s history, there were only two individuals who became full-fledged members of the Hanlin Academy before the age of twenty.

One was a child prodigy named Li Qingchun, who achieved the first place in the palace examination at the age of fifteen during the Longyu era. That was more than two centuries ago and had become a legendary tale among the people.

The other was Li Chengxiao, who secured the third place in the imperial examination at the age of seventeen. He was now the Deputy Prime Minister in the current court.

Right now, Han Jiao had the chance to become the third person in Great Chu’s history to join the Hanlin Academy as a full member before the age of twenty.

Needless to say, he was beyond thrilled!

He just wasn’t sure if Senior Minister Xu would grant him this opportunity.

What happened to that gentle smile on the old man’s face?

Was it time for a counterattack, to scrutinize his plan relentlessly?

If only he had known that this was an examination from the Emperor, Han Jiao would have devised a more comprehensive plan for comforting the people.

Could he get one more chance?

He had to write an essay, a thirty-thousand-word essay! He needed to arrange every aspect of dealing with the refugees meticulously, not just to save money for himself but also to earn some for the Emperor.

Senior Minister Xu stared at Han Jiao with a serious expression for a long while, then finally made up his mind. “Congratulations, Master Han. You are promoted to the position of Hanlin Junior Historiography Compiler effective immediately. From now on, the most important state affairs will rely on all of you working together.”

Han Jiao felt as if dazzling fireworks were bursting around him. He stood up, overwhelmed with excitement. Then he realized that this wasn’t an awards ceremony and hastily gave a bow to Senior Minister Xu to express his gratitude for the recognition and trust.

The other two Compilers, their contemptuous expressions gone, stood up with smiles, congratulating Han Jiao with respect.

After the assessment concluded, Senior Minister Xu kept Han Jiao behind for a private discussion about the detailed plan for comforting the refugees.

After a rough discussion, Senior Minister Xu asked Han Jiao if he was willing to take on the temporary duties of supervising and comforting the people.

As soon as he heard this, Han Jiao fell silent once again. Just like in the beginning, he only smiled and looked at Senior Minister Xu without saying a word.

Han Jiao’s excessive caution amused Senior Minister Xu, who shook his head and said, “I appreciate your adaptability, that’s why I wanted you to get involved. There won’t be an official position, and you won’t be officially registered. If any issues occured, other officials will be responsible.”

It was then that Han Jiao readily agreed.

After feeling like he was almost turning moldy in the Hanlin Academy, he finally had an opportunity to do something practical for the disaster-stricken people. Han Jiao was eager to showcase his abilities, but since this chance came from Senior Minister Xu, he had to be cautious.

With the task explained, Senior Minister Xu asked him to return to the Hanlin Academy to attend to his duties.

As Han Jiao rose to bid farewell and turned, Senior Minister Xu suddenly smiled and muttered a few words to himself.

Han Jiao’s ears perked up, vaguely hearing what Senior Minister Xu said.

“Good boy, worthy of the praise from Prince Yan.”

After leaving Wenhua Hall, Han Jiao practically floated as he walked.

Back at the Hanlin Academy, the news spread quickly, and his colleagues continuously offered their congratulations. Han Jiao had to keep from bursting into laughter while trying to keep up with the pleasantries, which was quite a challenge.

It wasn’t until the afternoon that Han Jiao, emerging from a state of immense surprise, began to sense that something was amiss—his closest brother in the Hanlin Academy hadn’t come to congratulate him.

Han Jiao craned his neck and noticed that Zhou Hao was absentmindedly scratching his head while hunched over his desk, seemingly grappling with a problem.

Filled with the desire to share his joy with a friend, Han Jiao approached Zhou Hao and asked if he was facing any difficulties.

Zhou Hao sighed softly and told Han Jiao, “Today, I accompanied the Expositor-in-waiting to the study room to explain this particular section to the princes.”

He tapped the content in the book with a troubled expression and continued, “Right before we were about to conclude the lesson, the Ninth Prince suddenly asked me to provide a detailed explanation for him. I… I was too nervous at the time. It was the first time the Ninth Prince had asked me a question, and I may have used an inappropriate analogy. I’m afraid I misspoke.”

Han Jiao’s cheerful expression froze. He fixed Zhou Hao with a chilly gaze.

Zhou Hao’s heart raced under Han Jiao’s piercing look. “W-what’s wrong? Is it a serious matter? Will His Highness be upset because of this?”

Han Jiao asked, devoid of expression, “His Highness asked you a question? The Ninth Prince, really? The Ninth Prince?”

Zhou Hao looked puzzled. “Yes, why? What’s the matter?”

“Nothing.” Han Jiao nonchalantly shook his head, offered a few words of comfort, and then walked away.

But his mind was filled with questions.

Why did the usually passive big boss suddenly become so eager to learn and progress?

He even asked a junior scholar-official for guidance?

Han Jiao had been tutoring for so long, and he had never received any inquiries from the big boss.

What’s the big deal?

Well, now that he’d been promoted, he wouldn’t need to tutor the princes anymore. If the big boss wanted to ask someone, he could ask whoever he liked. It was not Han Jiao’s concern.

While thinking this, he became even more resentful.

Why didn’t this stinky little brother ever seek his help?

Did he look down on him?

Did he?

As Han Jiao walked out of the Hanlin Academy, he spotted a eunuch from the Nansan Hall waiting outside.

The eunuch greeted him with a smile and said, “Master Han, His Highness invites you to the cuju field for a gathering.”

One moment later.

The eunuch hurried back to the cuju field and reported to the three princes who were practicing, “Master Han said he’s occupied with official duties and can’t make it.”

Xie Duo, in the midst of a run, halted the ball with his foot and turned to the eunuch in disbelief.

The number one cuju master of Great Chu suffered his first rejection!

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 57

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 57

Chapter 57

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Throughout history, dealing with refugees had always been a challenging issue. The counties affected by disasters were often far from the capital. Along their journey, the refugees were pushed and mistreated by the guards of other provinces, which forced them to travel long distances to the Emperor's doorstep. 

These were people who had run out of options, and the only way to comfort them was to provide them with daily porridge at fixed times.

Feeding these refugees didn't cost much, but it resulted in them settling in the capital, begging for food. This, in turn, led to a significant increase in theft and robbery cases in the areas around the capital. During curfew, these refugees had to sit along the streets. Furthermore, the court couldn't support them for a lifetime.

So, in the past, when a large number of refugees flooded the capital, the court usually sent envoys and the Five City Garrisons to drive them out and suppress them, making them settle in the counties outside the capital region.

In order to quickly complete the task and restore the capital's security, resettling the refugees became a secondary objective. Maintaining stability was the primary focus. This led to a situation where many refugees either starved or turned to banditry, causing harm to the law and order in other provinces.

Just now, Senior Minister Xu asked Han Jiao if there were any "emergency measures" precisely because this matter had to be dealt with urgently. There was no room for prolonged discussions, and the court couldn't afford to let the refugees linger in the capital, as the Emperor's anger would result in far more severe consequences than the refugees causing trouble.

In fact, previous dynasties did not have effective strategies for handling this situation. Some dynasties even resorted to wiping out bandits through military actions, killing or enslaving them.

So, the two experienced Hanlin Junior Historiography Compilers skipped the topic of providing comfort, which wasn't suitable for detailed discussion. Instead, they delved into investigating disaster relief funds and long-term preventive strategies.

At this moment, Han Jiao surprisingly blurted out, "provide comfort to the refugees."

Seeing Han Jiao's scholarly air, they expected him to suggest something like "charitable acts" like providing fixed porridge points. So, both Compilers fell silent, ready to witness a spectacle.

Han Jiao, with a serious expression, proposed to Senior Minister Xu, "In my humble opinion, the Ministry of Revenue should initially allocate half a month's relief grain and establish fixed porridge points for the refugees."

Just as they expected!

The Compiler who recommended investigating corrupt officials was impatient. Upon hearing this, he couldn't help but snort and gave Han Jiao a sidelong glance, showing a mix of pity and disdain.

The other Compiler remained composed, encouraging Han Jiao to continue. He had long grown tired of this so-called child prodigy repeatedly showing his face in front of the princes and even the Emperor. This time, Han Jiao finally revealed his ignorance.

Senior Minister Xu, with a kind demeanor, skillfully seized the point in Han Jiao's words, and patiently inquired, "What about after the half month? Master Han, do you have a good plan to restore law and order in the capital?"

"There's no need to wait for another half month. I estimate that within the half-month of providing porridge, we can properly settle the refugees in batches."

The impatient Compiler taunted, "How do you plan to settle them? Are you going to accommodate all of them in your residence? There are at least over forty thousand households of refugees! More than a hundred thousand people!"

Han Jiao smiled at him and continued with his proposal, "I've heard that His Majesty planned to establish a royal estate south of the capital. It's expected to be built within two years, and enough tenant farmers will be recruited. In my humble opinion, there are currently tens of thousands of strong and able-bodied farmers who have come from afar and have nowhere to go. Instead of them coming all the way to the capital, it might be better to establish a new county between Wudingzhou and Binzhou. This would allow these displaced people to settle there, allocate land for cultivation based on the number of people in each household, and exempt them from paying taxes for two years. 

"After two years, the tax revenue from this new county could go directly to His Majesty's treasury. In this way, the tax revenue from a single county would far exceed that of the estate, and it would also spare the Ministry of Works from the burden of constructing a new estate. By providing only one year of disaster relief grain, the displaced people could build their own homes. 

"In addition, according to the wishes of the displaced people themselves, those who are willing to return to their original hometowns could be exempt from paying taxes for two years and provided with one year's worth of food. For the farming households that participate in building local water conservancy projects, their labor could be offset against the borrowed grain. This approach would also help reduce some of the expenses involved in constructing flood control infrastructure."

Wenhua Hall fell silent.

Both Compilers looked at Han Jiao in astonishment.

Senior Minister Xu maintained his smile and nodded slightly to Han Jiao but didn't comment on his proposal. Instead, he turned to the two Compilers and asked, "What do you two think of Master Han's proposal?"

The two Compilers regained their composure, their faces turning slightly red.

One of the Compilers was the first to respond calmly and said with a smile, "I believe that Master Han's proposal is worth trying."

The impatient Compiler quickly added, "I had thought of this idea just now, but no one had attempted it before, and the risks are unknown. I dare not speak lightly."

Senior Minister Xu, with a kind expression, chuckled and stroked his beard. "Very well, very well. I didn't originally invite the three of you to solve the refugee problem."

All three were surprised, looking at Senior Minister Xu with puzzled expressions.

If they weren't invited to provide ideas, then why were they brought here?

Senior Minister Xu got straight to the point, "Today, after the morning court session, His Majesty summoned me and personally praised Hanlin's junior scholar-official, Han Jiao, as a promising talent. His Majesty intends to promote Han Jiao to the position of Hanlin Junior Historiography Compiler against the usual practice. He has entrusted me to personally assess his qualifications. Therefore, I've gathered you three scholars here to discuss current affairs to evaluate if your insights can hit the mark."

The two Compilers were astounded. The Emperor himself had proposed promoting Han Jiao!

According to regulations, junior scholar-officials must serve the full term of three years and pass the examination to officially stay in the Hanlin Academy. The remaining junior scholar-officials would be assigned to various government departments and start as junior officials.

Han Jiao, with less than half a year as a junior scholar-official, was exempted from the examination and personally nominated by the Emperor for a non-standard promotion. This was enough to make anyone envious.

This promotion wasn't because Han Jiao had influential connections but rather due to a previous essay that had surprisingly caught the Emperor's attention. Now, Han Jiao had once again outshone the two Compilers with his on-the-spot problem-solving skills.

Senior Minister Xu smiled. "The assessment is complete. Do the two of you believe Han Jiao is capable of the role of a Hanlin Compiler?"

Knowing that Han Jiao had caught the Emperor's eye, the impatient Compiler quickly praised, "Master Han's response has impressed me.If such a talented individual were to occupy a lower position, I would have no face to remain in the Hanlin Academy!"

The other Compiler also expressed agreement, "I concur. Han Jiao is more than deserving of the role of Hanlin Compiler."

Han Jiao let out a sigh of relief. He realized that Senior Minister Xu's sudden summons wasn't a setup but rather the Emperor's wish.

It was surprising that the Emperor, who managed a multitude of affairs daily, still remembered someone as inconspicuous as him.

Without the anticipated danger, Han Jiao belatedly realized the significant opportunity he was currently experiencing.

A direct promotion to become a Hanlin Compiler!

This was like skipping the usual three-year internship and entering government service right away!

Typically, only the top three performers in the palace examination could directly become full-fledged members of the Hanlin Academy. It was a privilege reserved for the best scholars, much like the top three distinguished scholars in the imperial examination.

The rest of the successful candidates from the academy had to obediently work as temporary staff for a full three years. After the internship period, there was another assessment known as "scattering from the academy." Only those who passed this exam could become permanent staff, and the acceptance rate was even lower than the palace examination.

So, while the Hanlin Academy had lower official rank, it was the most promising department in the court. In fact, people often referred to officials from the Hanlin Academy as "future Prime Ministers," as many court members came from there, with very few exceptions.

Throughout Great Chu's history, there were only two individuals who became full-fledged members of the Hanlin Academy before the age of twenty.

One was a child prodigy named Li Qingchun, who achieved the first place in the palace examination at the age of fifteen during the Longyu era. That was more than two centuries ago and had become a legendary tale among the people.

The other was Li Chengxiao, who secured the third place in the imperial examination at the age of seventeen. He was now the Deputy Prime Minister in the current court.

Right now, Han Jiao had the chance to become the third person in Great Chu's history to join the Hanlin Academy as a full member before the age of twenty.

Needless to say, he was beyond thrilled!

He just wasn't sure if Senior Minister Xu would grant him this opportunity.

What happened to that gentle smile on the old man's face?

Was it time for a counterattack, to scrutinize his plan relentlessly?

If only he had known that this was an examination from the Emperor, Han Jiao would have devised a more comprehensive plan for comforting the people.

Could he get one more chance?

He had to write an essay, a thirty-thousand-word essay! He needed to arrange every aspect of dealing with the refugees meticulously, not just to save money for himself but also to earn some for the Emperor.

Senior Minister Xu stared at Han Jiao with a serious expression for a long while, then finally made up his mind. "Congratulations, Master Han. You are promoted to the position of Hanlin Junior Historiography Compiler effective immediately. From now on, the most important state affairs will rely on all of you working together."

Han Jiao felt as if dazzling fireworks were bursting around him. He stood up, overwhelmed with excitement. Then he realized that this wasn't an awards ceremony and hastily gave a bow to Senior Minister Xu to express his gratitude for the recognition and trust.

The other two Compilers, their contemptuous expressions gone, stood up with smiles, congratulating Han Jiao with respect.

After the assessment concluded, Senior Minister Xu kept Han Jiao behind for a private discussion about the detailed plan for comforting the refugees.

After a rough discussion, Senior Minister Xu asked Han Jiao if he was willing to take on the temporary duties of supervising and comforting the people.

As soon as he heard this, Han Jiao fell silent once again. Just like in the beginning, he only smiled and looked at Senior Minister Xu without saying a word.

Han Jiao's excessive caution amused Senior Minister Xu, who shook his head and said, "I appreciate your adaptability, that's why I wanted you to get involved. There won't be an official position, and you won't be officially registered. If any issues occured, other officials will be responsible."

It was then that Han Jiao readily agreed.

After feeling like he was almost turning moldy in the Hanlin Academy, he finally had an opportunity to do something practical for the disaster-stricken people. Han Jiao was eager to showcase his abilities, but since this chance came from Senior Minister Xu, he had to be cautious.

With the task explained, Senior Minister Xu asked him to return to the Hanlin Academy to attend to his duties.

As Han Jiao rose to bid farewell and turned, Senior Minister Xu suddenly smiled and muttered a few words to himself.

Han Jiao's ears perked up, vaguely hearing what Senior Minister Xu said.

"Good boy, worthy of the praise from Prince Yan."

After leaving Wenhua Hall, Han Jiao practically floated as he walked.

Back at the Hanlin Academy, the news spread quickly, and his colleagues continuously offered their congratulations. Han Jiao had to keep from bursting into laughter while trying to keep up with the pleasantries, which was quite a challenge.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Han Jiao, emerging from a state of immense surprise, began to sense that something was amiss—his closest brother in the Hanlin Academy hadn't come to congratulate him.

Han Jiao craned his neck and noticed that Zhou Hao was absentmindedly scratching his head while hunched over his desk, seemingly grappling with a problem.

Filled with the desire to share his joy with a friend, Han Jiao approached Zhou Hao and asked if he was facing any difficulties.

Zhou Hao sighed softly and told Han Jiao, "Today, I accompanied the Expositor-in-waiting to the study room to explain this particular section to the princes."

He tapped the content in the book with a troubled expression and continued, "Right before we were about to conclude the lesson, the Ninth Prince suddenly asked me to provide a detailed explanation for him. I... I was too nervous at the time. It was the first time the Ninth Prince had asked me a question, and I may have used an inappropriate analogy. I'm afraid I misspoke."

Han Jiao's cheerful expression froze. He fixed Zhou Hao with a chilly gaze.

Zhou Hao's heart raced under Han Jiao's piercing look. "W-what's wrong? Is it a serious matter? Will His Highness be upset because of this?"

Han Jiao asked, devoid of expression, "His Highness asked you a question? The Ninth Prince, really? The Ninth Prince?"

Zhou Hao looked puzzled. "Yes, why? What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Han Jiao nonchalantly shook his head, offered a few words of comfort, and then walked away.

But his mind was filled with questions.

Why did the usually passive big boss suddenly become so eager to learn and progress?

He even asked a junior scholar-official for guidance?

Han Jiao had been tutoring for so long, and he had never received any inquiries from the big boss.

What's the big deal?

Well, now that he'd been promoted, he wouldn't need to tutor the princes anymore. If the big boss wanted to ask someone, he could ask whoever he liked. It was not Han Jiao's concern.

While thinking this, he became even more resentful.

Why didn't this stinky little brother ever seek his help?

Did he look down on him?

Did he?

As Han Jiao walked out of the Hanlin Academy, he spotted a eunuch from the Nansan Hall waiting outside.

The eunuch greeted him with a smile and said, "Master Han, His Highness invites you to the cuju field for a gathering."

One moment later.

The eunuch hurried back to the cuju field and reported to the three princes who were practicing, "Master Han said he's occupied with official duties and can't make it."

Xie Duo, in the midst of a run, halted the ball with his foot and turned to the eunuch in disbelief.

The number one cuju master of Great Chu suffered his first rejection!

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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