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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 58

Chapter 58

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Upon learning of Han Jiao’s exceptional promotion, Mrs. Han was overjoyed, while Master Han seemed concerned.

After a celebratory dinner in the evening to mark his promotion, Han Jiao understood his father’s expression and followed him to the study.

“Is this unexpected promotion truly the Emperor’s decision?” Master Han worriedly inquired.

Han Jiao calmly replied, “Save for the Emperor, who else could promote me out of the blue? Why, is Father concerned about something?”

“I sense something unusual about this. There must have been someone’s recommendation behind the scenes, or else the Emperor wouldn’t have suddenly thought of promoting you.”

Hearing this, Han Jiao also felt that there was something suspicious about the situation.

Master Han said, “In recent years, those who have been promoted exceptionally by the Emperor were recommended by Senior Minister Li. Now, if he suddenly thinks of you, could it be at Senior Minister Li’s behest?”

“There’s no way to know for sure.”

Observing his son’s indifference, Master Han thought for a moment and then decided to be direct, “A’Jiao, since we left the royal residence, I haven’t seen anyone from Prince Yan’s residence inviting you for discussions. Tell me honestly, has Prince Yan become suspicious of you?”

Han Jiao, surprised that his father had noticed, hesitated briefly, and then softly said, “Father, you don’t need to worry about these matters. No one is suspicious of your son.”

Master Han anxiously inquired, “Don’t keep this from me. There are rumors that you were a spy for Prince Duan, who infiltrated Prince Yan’s faction. They say you were recently discovered and dismissed by Prince Yan.”

Han Jiao, taken aback, asked, “Where did you hear these rumors?”

“It’s a hint from the Ministry of Justice.”

“Does Father believe that too? Zhou Zhaokun deliberately let that slip, probably to make Prince Yan suspicious of me.”

“Now that the Emperor has promoted you out of the blue, outsiders will surely think it’s Senior Minister Li’s influence, and even…”

He looked at his son, finding it difficult to continue.

Han Jiao’s expression turned serious. “Father, do you also believe that I betrayed Prince Yan and sided with Senior Minister Li?”

Master Han, filled with anxiety, sighed and said, “Father fears you might make a hasty decision. If Prince Yan suspects you, find an opportunity to prove your loyalty again, but never turn to Prince Duan.”

Han Jiao fell into silence.

Master Han advised, “Traditionally, the eldest son inherits, and as loyal subjects, we must not be confused in this matter.”

Han Jiao thought for a moment and replied with determination, “I’ll say only this: please be at ease. It’s not Prince Yan who suspects me, but those around him. You know the truth, and there’s no need to defend me to others.”

Hearing his son’s clear stance, Master Han felt relieved but remained puzzled. “So why did the Emperor suddenly promote you? Is Senior Minister Li trying to win you over with this?”

“Father, you may underestimate the Emperor’s strategy.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“The promotion wasn’t due to Senior Minister Li’s recommendation or Senior Minister Xu’s intentions. It might be the Emperor’s own decision.”

Master Han was puzzled. “If the Emperor appreciates your abilities due to your counsel, why didn’t he promote you earlier?”

“Because at that time, the Emperor didn’t fully understand my loyalties. Now, after being cast out by Prince Yan, and with Prince Duan’s faction testing me, the Emperor acted decisively. By showing kindness from beyond party lines, he probably doesn’t want me to be used by any party.”

“What’s the Emperor’s intention?”

Han Jiao pondered deeply.

What could his intention be?

Xie Duo could see that Han Jiao was currently in a difficult situation, and the Emperor naturally noticed it too.

These father and son indeed had some kind of telepathy. One in the front, the other in the rear, they swiftly took action, each wanting to secure Han Jiao for themselves.

The big boss did this to protect Han Jiao.

The Emperor did this, perhaps to groom talent for his younger son.

In the future, it might be necessary to sacrifice Senior Minister Li, so the Emperor had to prepare capable advisers for his less competent younger son.

This matter couldn’t be spoken plainly. Han Jiao replied, “The Emperor also needs loyal ministers outside of the political parties. This might be a way to free me from party strife and have me serve the Emperor alone.”

Master Han’s eyes brightened. “If that’s truly the case, it’s wonderful! You only need to wholeheartedly serve the Emperor, and the various factions in the court won’t dare to easily interfere with you.”

The next day, after attending to his duties at the Hanlin Academy, Han Jiao was summoned to the court, where he awaited Senior Minister Xu’s instructions.

The second-in-command of the Censorate was responsible for managing all affairs related to comforting the people. He also had the authority to deploy officials and troops from the Five City Garrisons to oversee the refugees.

Han Jiao didn’t have a specific role. He functioned as an overseeing official.

By midday, Han Jiao reached the North City Garrison, where he set out with the Commander.

The refugees were blocked in a corner of the West City by the Forbidden Army.

When he arrived at the scene, Han Jiao caught a whiff of a foul, decaying odor mixed with the scent of blood. He couldn’t bear to look directly at the crowd of refugees.

The Garrison Commander took charge of the refugees from the hands of the Forbidden Army, and shortly after, the Right Deputy Censor responsible for arranging the departure of the refugees from the city hurriedly arrived.

Upon catching the putrid odor in the air from a distance, the Right Deputy Censor wrinkled his brow and hastened his steps. As soon as he came to a stop, he directed the Commander, ordering the soldiers to promptly escort the refugees out of the city.

Hearing this, Han Jiao hastily suggested, “Master, there’s no need for the use of force. Relief food will arrive in the afternoon. We can have the food supply caravans go directly to the outskirts and set up a porridge distribution area. The refugees can queue up there for food.”

The Right Deputy Censor didn’t even consider it and retorted, “These refugees won’t be so easily pacified. If we transport food in front of them, there will surely be a rush and chaos. I’m here on a mission and must report to the Master Inspector by nightfall. We must first expel the refugees from the city.”

Han Jiao patiently explained, “Once the porridge distribution area is ready, we can inform them. Hungry refugees will venture out of the city on their own. Once the word spreads, they will naturally leave in an orderly manner.”

The Right Deputy Censor impatiently said, “Building the porridge distribution area and shelters will take until tomorrow at least. The Forbidden Army has already withdrawn. I’m ordered to expel the refugees from the city. If we keep them within the city, we won’t have enough manpower during the curfew hours. If the refugees rush into the bustling city, neither of us can take responsibility. We’re just two miles from the city gates, so let’s drive them out first.”

Han Jiao hurriedly advised, “This matter can’t be rushed. These refugees are starving, and if we use force to expel them, they will think the court has abandoned them. Some might even resort to desperate actions…”

Before he could finish, the Right Deputy Censor bypassed him and gestured to the Commander.

Unexpectedly, a violent eviction unfolded right before Han Jiao’s eyes.

When the soldiers pointed their spears at unarmed civilians, Han Jiao urgently shouted, “Hold on!” His voice, however, got drowned out by the desperate cries of the refugees.

Never had he imagined that the first step of relief efforts would spiral out of control.

Han Jiao grabbed the Right Deputy Censor’s shoulder, his voice strained as he tried to dissuade, but it proved futile. In his desperation, Han Jiao rushed towards the refugees, sternly commanding the soldiers to cease using force. However, he was mistaken for interfering with official duties and was “escorted” to a nearby government office for a break.

Han Jiao was detained by two subordinates of the Right Deputy Censor until evening, at which point he was finally called to the Censorate for a discussion.

The Right Deputy Censor was also present. When Han Jiao arrived, he was reporting back to the Master Inspector.

Upon hearing that the refugees had been sent to a designated location outside the city, the Master Inspector was highly satisfied.

“Were there any casualties among the refugees?” Han Jiao suddenly asked loudly.

The Right Deputy Censor didn’t even look at Han Jiao and reported directly to the Master Inspector, “I haven’t yet tallied the number of casualties among the refugees, but I don’t expect it to exceed three hundred.”

“Three hundred?” Han Jiao fixed his gaze on the Master Inspector and spoke in a grave tone, “These refugees are soon to become registered citizens of the new county as subjects of Great Chu. They’ve already been recorded, and now, for no apparent reason, three hundred have died. How will you explain this to the Emperor, Master?”

The Right Deputy Censor was taken aback and quickly turned to the Master Inspector,  “I…”

The Master Inspector raised his hand to halt any explanations, then turned to Han Jiao. “Master Han, you might not be aware, but there are nearly a hundred thousand refugees. When we attempt to expel them from the city, casualties are inevitable. In past similar incidents, there were even more casualties.”

“There are methods to avoid casualties, but the Master Right Deputy Censor lacked the patience to try.”

The Right Deputy Censor countered, “I have all the patience, but this is a task from higher authorities. I’ve been ordered to take charge of the refugees from the Forbidden Army. We’re short-staffed during the curfew hours. How can we delay it until tomorrow? Besides, expelling refugees was always handled this way. If Master Han wishes to try a new approach, you should have reported to the Prime Minister in advance. What use is it to make things difficult for me?”

Han Jiao coldly stated, “The Prime Minister sent me here to assist in calming the refugees. When this incident occurred, you acted single-handedly. I offered advice, but you drove me away and detained me. Is this how you interpret the Prime Minister’s orders?”

The Right Deputy Censor turned pale and hurriedly knelt down, exaggerating his words to the Master Inspector, claiming that when he arrived, the refugees had already begun a riot, so he had to resort to force out of necessity. He even solemnly said, “If I had followed Master Han’s suggestions, it might have led to a major chaos!”

Han Jiao was about to retort when a soldier suddenly burst into the hall, kneeling to report, “Master Inspector! The refugees have revolted! The ringleader and over thirty thousand young refugees have broken out and escaped into the mountains!”

“What!” the Master Inspector exclaimed, rising from his seat.

The kneeling Right Deputy Censor was also greatly surprised. He slumped down as if struck by a bolt of lightning.

Han Jiao looked coldly at the Right Deputy Censor. “Now that you haven’t taken my advice, it seems you’ve stirred up quite a calamity.”

“Quickly inform the Garrison Commander!” the Master Inspector ordered in a panic. “Dispatch troops immediately! Suppress the rebellion swiftly!”

Han Jiao questioned loudly, “Master, are you trying to push the refugees into a corner?”

The Master Inspector turned to Han Jiao. “Then how should we quell this calamity? Please, Master Han, enlighten us.”

“As I said earlier, we should set up a porridge distribution point. We can’t rush this!”

The Master Inspector’s eyes lit up upon hearing this and immediately ordered, “That’s right. We can use relief food to lure the rebellious refugees down from the mountains. Quick, come with me to gather the troops. We’ll head to the porridge distribution point and prepare to jointly encircle the rebels!”

“Master!” Han Jiao attempted to intervene but couldn’t stop this group of people.

He felt utterly helpless.

Han Jiao regretted not requesting a formal position from Senior Minister Xu. As it stood, he was merely a nominal supervisor, and these bureaucratic officials didn’t take him seriously.

At that time, he hadn’t realized that these corrupt officials regarded the refugees as subhuman.

Now, with nightfall, the palace gates were already closed. Han Jiao had no choice but to return home before the curfew and wait until tomorrow to report to Senior Minister Xu.

It was a sleepless night, but he finally saw the light of day.

Upon entering the palace, Han Jiao immediately sought an audience with Senior Minister Xu.

Astonishingly, Senior Minister Xu was not in his office.

After waiting for a long time outside the Wenhua Hall and seeing no one coming, the distressing scenes of the refugees kept replaying in Han Jiao’s mind. He was so anxious that he started banging his head against the palace wall.

Suddenly, he heard someone’s voice filled with hidden hostility behind him.

“Is Master Cotton’s official duty here to practice ‘Ironhead Kung Fu’?”

In the past, Han Jiao would have been intimidated by this hostile aura, but at this moment, it was like hearing a melody.

He swiftly turned around and rushed toward the source of the voice, grabbing onto the big boss’ arm and pleading for help. “Your Highness, save me!”

The Ninth Prince, who had come seeking revenge, was taken aback. He lowered his gaze at the teary-eyed Little Cotton clutching his arm and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong with you?”

Han Jiao quickly explained the situation and implored His Highness to intervene and prevent the impending slaughter.

However, after listening to the story, the big boss displayed no sense of urgency on his refined face.

Han Jiao grew frantic. “Your Highness, every moment counts! People’s lives are at stake!”

“It’s already too late,” Xie Duo responded indifferently, “The incident started yesterday evening. There’s no time to stop it now.”

Han Jiao’s heart sank halfway. “Your Highness, if we can save even one life, it’s worth it. Those refugees only want food to eat. If they die unjustly…”

“The ones who might die aren’t necessarily the refugees.” Xie Duo frowned. “You just said that they plan to ambush refugees near Cangqi Town in the southern suburbs, but that place is a flat plain with no natural defenses. Are they really intending to lure the enemy deep into it? I’m afraid they might be planning to directly transfer the relief food to the rebels.”

Han Jiao didn’t possess military expertise and still wanted to persuade the big boss to help, but at that moment, Senior Minister Xu returned to Wenhua Hall.

Han Jiao hurriedly attempted to seek Senior Minister Xu’s assistance, but before he could report the urgent situation, Senior Minister Xu announced some dire news.

The refugees had rebelled, and the soldiers couldn’t contain them, resulting in the theft of the relief food. The Forbidden Army were now dispatched to encircle the rebels in the mountains.

Han Jiao, upon hearing the grim tidings, turned his head to look at the big boss.

Astonishingly, it perfectly aligned with the big boss’ earlier assessment! The food had indeed been taken by the refugees.

In this situation, Han Jiao felt that capturing those desperate rebels alive could only be entrusted to the military genius from the original world.

However, the big boss currently appeared rather nonchalant and lacked any combat experience. Could he be relied upon?

Han Jiao was both hopeful and torn.

Xie Duo noticed the peculiar look in the little child prodigy’s eyes and asked nervously, “Why are you staring at me?”

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 58

What was I Thinking when I Ditch the Second Male Protagonist Chapter 58

Chapter 58

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Upon learning of Han Jiao's exceptional promotion, Mrs. Han was overjoyed, while Master Han seemed concerned.

After a celebratory dinner in the evening to mark his promotion, Han Jiao understood his father's expression and followed him to the study.

"Is this unexpected promotion truly the Emperor's decision?" Master Han worriedly inquired.

Han Jiao calmly replied, "Save for the Emperor, who else could promote me out of the blue? Why, is Father concerned about something?"

"I sense something unusual about this. There must have been someone's recommendation behind the scenes, or else the Emperor wouldn't have suddenly thought of promoting you."

Hearing this, Han Jiao also felt that there was something suspicious about the situation.

Master Han said, "In recent years, those who have been promoted exceptionally by the Emperor were recommended by Senior Minister Li. Now, if he suddenly thinks of you, could it be at Senior Minister Li's behest?"

"There's no way to know for sure."

Observing his son's indifference, Master Han thought for a moment and then decided to be direct, "A'Jiao, since we left the royal residence, I haven't seen anyone from Prince Yan's residence inviting you for discussions. Tell me honestly, has Prince Yan become suspicious of you?"

Han Jiao, surprised that his father had noticed, hesitated briefly, and then softly said, "Father, you don't need to worry about these matters. No one is suspicious of your son."

Master Han anxiously inquired, "Don't keep this from me. There are rumors that you were a spy for Prince Duan, who infiltrated Prince Yan's faction. They say you were recently discovered and dismissed by Prince Yan."

Han Jiao, taken aback, asked, "Where did you hear these rumors?"

"It's a hint from the Ministry of Justice."

"Does Father believe that too? Zhou Zhaokun deliberately let that slip, probably to make Prince Yan suspicious of me."

"Now that the Emperor has promoted you out of the blue, outsiders will surely think it's Senior Minister Li's influence, and even..."

He looked at his son, finding it difficult to continue.

Han Jiao's expression turned serious. "Father, do you also believe that I betrayed Prince Yan and sided with Senior Minister Li?"

Master Han, filled with anxiety, sighed and said, "Father fears you might make a hasty decision. If Prince Yan suspects you, find an opportunity to prove your loyalty again, but never turn to Prince Duan."

Han Jiao fell into silence.

Master Han advised, "Traditionally, the eldest son inherits, and as loyal subjects, we must not be confused in this matter."

Han Jiao thought for a moment and replied with determination, "I'll say only this: please be at ease. It's not Prince Yan who suspects me, but those around him. You know the truth, and there's no need to defend me to others."

Hearing his son's clear stance, Master Han felt relieved but remained puzzled. "So why did the Emperor suddenly promote you? Is Senior Minister Li trying to win you over with this?"

"Father, you may underestimate the Emperor's strategy."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The promotion wasn't due to Senior Minister Li's recommendation or Senior Minister Xu's intentions. It might be the Emperor's own decision."

Master Han was puzzled. "If the Emperor appreciates your abilities due to your counsel, why didn't he promote you earlier?"

"Because at that time, the Emperor didn't fully understand my loyalties. Now, after being cast out by Prince Yan, and with Prince Duan's faction testing me, the Emperor acted decisively. By showing kindness from beyond party lines, he probably doesn't want me to be used by any party."

"What's the Emperor's intention?"

Han Jiao pondered deeply.

What could his intention be?

Xie Duo could see that Han Jiao was currently in a difficult situation, and the Emperor naturally noticed it too.

These father and son indeed had some kind of telepathy. One in the front, the other in the rear, they swiftly took action, each wanting to secure Han Jiao for themselves.

The big boss did this to protect Han Jiao.

The Emperor did this, perhaps to groom talent for his younger son.

In the future, it might be necessary to sacrifice Senior Minister Li, so the Emperor had to prepare capable advisers for his less competent younger son.

This matter couldn't be spoken plainly. Han Jiao replied, "The Emperor also needs loyal ministers outside of the political parties. This might be a way to free me from party strife and have me serve the Emperor alone."

Master Han's eyes brightened. "If that's truly the case, it's wonderful! You only need to wholeheartedly serve the Emperor, and the various factions in the court won't dare to easily interfere with you."

The next day, after attending to his duties at the Hanlin Academy, Han Jiao was summoned to the court, where he awaited Senior Minister Xu's instructions.

The second-in-command of the Censorate was responsible for managing all affairs related to comforting the people. He also had the authority to deploy officials and troops from the Five City Garrisons to oversee the refugees.

Han Jiao didn't have a specific role. He functioned as an overseeing official.

By midday, Han Jiao reached the North City Garrison, where he set out with the Commander.

The refugees were blocked in a corner of the West City by the Forbidden Army.

When he arrived at the scene, Han Jiao caught a whiff of a foul, decaying odor mixed with the scent of blood. He couldn't bear to look directly at the crowd of refugees.

The Garrison Commander took charge of the refugees from the hands of the Forbidden Army, and shortly after, the Right Deputy Censor responsible for arranging the departure of the refugees from the city hurriedly arrived.

Upon catching the putrid odor in the air from a distance, the Right Deputy Censor wrinkled his brow and hastened his steps. As soon as he came to a stop, he directed the Commander, ordering the soldiers to promptly escort the refugees out of the city.

Hearing this, Han Jiao hastily suggested, "Master, there's no need for the use of force. Relief food will arrive in the afternoon. We can have the food supply caravans go directly to the outskirts and set up a porridge distribution area. The refugees can queue up there for food."

The Right Deputy Censor didn't even consider it and retorted, "These refugees won't be so easily pacified. If we transport food in front of them, there will surely be a rush and chaos. I'm here on a mission and must report to the Master Inspector by nightfall. We must first expel the refugees from the city."

Han Jiao patiently explained, "Once the porridge distribution area is ready, we can inform them. Hungry refugees will venture out of the city on their own. Once the word spreads, they will naturally leave in an orderly manner."

The Right Deputy Censor impatiently said, "Building the porridge distribution area and shelters will take until tomorrow at least. The Forbidden Army has already withdrawn. I'm ordered to expel the refugees from the city. If we keep them within the city, we won't have enough manpower during the curfew hours. If the refugees rush into the bustling city, neither of us can take responsibility. We're just two miles from the city gates, so let's drive them out first."

Han Jiao hurriedly advised, "This matter can't be rushed. These refugees are starving, and if we use force to expel them, they will think the court has abandoned them. Some might even resort to desperate actions..."

Before he could finish, the Right Deputy Censor bypassed him and gestured to the Commander.

Unexpectedly, a violent eviction unfolded right before Han Jiao's eyes.

When the soldiers pointed their spears at unarmed civilians, Han Jiao urgently shouted, "Hold on!" His voice, however, got drowned out by the desperate cries of the refugees.

Never had he imagined that the first step of relief efforts would spiral out of control.

Han Jiao grabbed the Right Deputy Censor's shoulder, his voice strained as he tried to dissuade, but it proved futile. In his desperation, Han Jiao rushed towards the refugees, sternly commanding the soldiers to cease using force. However, he was mistaken for interfering with official duties and was "escorted" to a nearby government office for a break.

Han Jiao was detained by two subordinates of the Right Deputy Censor until evening, at which point he was finally called to the Censorate for a discussion.

The Right Deputy Censor was also present. When Han Jiao arrived, he was reporting back to the Master Inspector.

Upon hearing that the refugees had been sent to a designated location outside the city, the Master Inspector was highly satisfied.

"Were there any casualties among the refugees?" Han Jiao suddenly asked loudly.

The Right Deputy Censor didn't even look at Han Jiao and reported directly to the Master Inspector, "I haven't yet tallied the number of casualties among the refugees, but I don't expect it to exceed three hundred."

"Three hundred?" Han Jiao fixed his gaze on the Master Inspector and spoke in a grave tone, "These refugees are soon to become registered citizens of the new county as subjects of Great Chu. They've already been recorded, and now, for no apparent reason, three hundred have died. How will you explain this to the Emperor, Master?"

The Right Deputy Censor was taken aback and quickly turned to the Master Inspector,  "I..."

The Master Inspector raised his hand to halt any explanations, then turned to Han Jiao. "Master Han, you might not be aware, but there are nearly a hundred thousand refugees. When we attempt to expel them from the city, casualties are inevitable. In past similar incidents, there were even more casualties."

"There are methods to avoid casualties, but the Master Right Deputy Censor lacked the patience to try."

The Right Deputy Censor countered, "I have all the patience, but this is a task from higher authorities. I've been ordered to take charge of the refugees from the Forbidden Army. We're short-staffed during the curfew hours. How can we delay it until tomorrow? Besides, expelling refugees was always handled this way. If Master Han wishes to try a new approach, you should have reported to the Prime Minister in advance. What use is it to make things difficult for me?"

Han Jiao coldly stated, "The Prime Minister sent me here to assist in calming the refugees. When this incident occurred, you acted single-handedly. I offered advice, but you drove me away and detained me. Is this how you interpret the Prime Minister's orders?"

The Right Deputy Censor turned pale and hurriedly knelt down, exaggerating his words to the Master Inspector, claiming that when he arrived, the refugees had already begun a riot, so he had to resort to force out of necessity. He even solemnly said, "If I had followed Master Han's suggestions, it might have led to a major chaos!"

Han Jiao was about to retort when a soldier suddenly burst into the hall, kneeling to report, "Master Inspector! The refugees have revolted! The ringleader and over thirty thousand young refugees have broken out and escaped into the mountains!"

"What!" the Master Inspector exclaimed, rising from his seat.

The kneeling Right Deputy Censor was also greatly surprised. He slumped down as if struck by a bolt of lightning.

Han Jiao looked coldly at the Right Deputy Censor. "Now that you haven't taken my advice, it seems you've stirred up quite a calamity."

"Quickly inform the Garrison Commander!" the Master Inspector ordered in a panic. "Dispatch troops immediately! Suppress the rebellion swiftly!"

Han Jiao questioned loudly, "Master, are you trying to push the refugees into a corner?"

The Master Inspector turned to Han Jiao. "Then how should we quell this calamity? Please, Master Han, enlighten us."

"As I said earlier, we should set up a porridge distribution point. We can't rush this!"

The Master Inspector's eyes lit up upon hearing this and immediately ordered, "That's right. We can use relief food to lure the rebellious refugees down from the mountains. Quick, come with me to gather the troops. We'll head to the porridge distribution point and prepare to jointly encircle the rebels!"

"Master!" Han Jiao attempted to intervene but couldn't stop this group of people.

He felt utterly helpless.

Han Jiao regretted not requesting a formal position from Senior Minister Xu. As it stood, he was merely a nominal supervisor, and these bureaucratic officials didn't take him seriously.

At that time, he hadn't realized that these corrupt officials regarded the refugees as subhuman.

Now, with nightfall, the palace gates were already closed. Han Jiao had no choice but to return home before the curfew and wait until tomorrow to report to Senior Minister Xu.

It was a sleepless night, but he finally saw the light of day.

Upon entering the palace, Han Jiao immediately sought an audience with Senior Minister Xu.

Astonishingly, Senior Minister Xu was not in his office.

After waiting for a long time outside the Wenhua Hall and seeing no one coming, the distressing scenes of the refugees kept replaying in Han Jiao's mind. He was so anxious that he started banging his head against the palace wall.

Suddenly, he heard someone's voice filled with hidden hostility behind him.

"Is Master Cotton's official duty here to practice 'Ironhead Kung Fu'?"

In the past, Han Jiao would have been intimidated by this hostile aura, but at this moment, it was like hearing a melody.

He swiftly turned around and rushed toward the source of the voice, grabbing onto the big boss' arm and pleading for help. "Your Highness, save me!"

The Ninth Prince, who had come seeking revenge, was taken aback. He lowered his gaze at the teary-eyed Little Cotton clutching his arm and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

Han Jiao quickly explained the situation and implored His Highness to intervene and prevent the impending slaughter.

However, after listening to the story, the big boss displayed no sense of urgency on his refined face.

Han Jiao grew frantic. "Your Highness, every moment counts! People's lives are at stake!"

"It's already too late," Xie Duo responded indifferently, "The incident started yesterday evening. There's no time to stop it now."

Han Jiao's heart sank halfway. "Your Highness, if we can save even one life, it's worth it. Those refugees only want food to eat. If they die unjustly..."

"The ones who might die aren't necessarily the refugees." Xie Duo frowned. "You just said that they plan to ambush refugees near Cangqi Town in the southern suburbs, but that place is a flat plain with no natural defenses. Are they really intending to lure the enemy deep into it? I'm afraid they might be planning to directly transfer the relief food to the rebels."

Han Jiao didn't possess military expertise and still wanted to persuade the big boss to help, but at that moment, Senior Minister Xu returned to Wenhua Hall.

Han Jiao hurriedly attempted to seek Senior Minister Xu's assistance, but before he could report the urgent situation, Senior Minister Xu announced some dire news.

The refugees had rebelled, and the soldiers couldn't contain them, resulting in the theft of the relief food. The Forbidden Army were now dispatched to encircle the rebels in the mountains.

Han Jiao, upon hearing the grim tidings, turned his head to look at the big boss.

Astonishingly, it perfectly aligned with the big boss' earlier assessment! The food had indeed been taken by the refugees.

In this situation, Han Jiao felt that capturing those desperate rebels alive could only be entrusted to the military genius from the original world.

However, the big boss currently appeared rather nonchalant and lacked any combat experience. Could he be relied upon?

Han Jiao was both hopeful and torn.

Xie Duo noticed the peculiar look in the little child prodigy's eyes and asked nervously, "Why are you staring at me?"

If you enjoy this novel, support the Translator ginevre on her ko-fi account :))

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