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Awkward Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Ye Mu still went to work the next day.

The fact proved that fighting with scum comes at a price.

He hit only the other party’s abdomen and legs, but the other party concentrated all their firepower on his face.

In addition to his nose being punched crooked, one of his eyes was also bruised black, not to mention his face, which was swollen badly.

Walking into the company, everyone stared at him, with a considerable rate of people turning their heads.

He had been chasing a project from out of town recently, and the higher-ups were in such an urgent situation that they had called several times. He didn’t have time to worry too much. He took the prepared materials and went straight into the boss’s office.

Chen Mo was busy with his head down and didn’t notice. In the middle, he glanced up, and was unable to react for a moment, with a black line on his face, “Who are you?”

Ye Mu’s mouth twitched slightly a few times, not answering.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully examining him before raising his eyebrows, “Ye Mu?”

“Mm,” the person being called responded lightly.

Chen Mo picked up his teacup and took a sip, the corner of his mouth curling up in a teasing smile, playfully saying, “Which b*stard hit you so hard?”

Ye Mu was silent for a moment with an expressionless face, then said, “On the way home, I found sand in my shoes. I grabbed an electric pole and shook it a few times. Someone thought I was being electrocuted and hit me a few times with a wooden stick.”

“Cough,” Chen Mo couldn’t hold it in and choked a few times.

Ye Mu’s swollen face was expressionless.

Chen Mo put down his teacup and glared at him fiercely, “Are you f*cking with me!”

Ye Mu said, “No, your sense of humor is just too low.”

Chen Mo’s narrow eyes narrowed, with a hint of “you’re good” in his expression.

Ye Mu’s water-like gaze glanced at him lightly, “This is a bad joke. Normal people would just ignore it after hearing it, they wouldn’t really laugh.”

Chen Mo had an edge to his lips, “Are you openly calling me abnormal?”

Ye Mu was helpless and spat out after a long time, “I wouldn’t dare.”

Chen Mo crossed his arms and leaned back, “I originally wanted you to accompany me on a trip to Zhejiang tomorrow to do an on-site inspection, but now it seems impossible.”

Ye Mu said stiffly, “I’ve been chasing this project for a long time. Please keep business and personal matters separate, President Chen.”

Chen Mo arrogantly raised his chin, “I’d like to separate business and personal matters too, but look at your face, how can you go out and meet clients?”

Ye Mu said, “It’s a pity to go out and meet clients with this face, but I can be your bodyguard, President Chen.”

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows teasingly, “A bodyguard with a bruised and swollen face?”

Ye Mu’s voice had no fluctuation, and he added, “A bodyguard specifically used to take beatings.”

Chen Mo curled his lips, “Still in the mood to joke with me, it seems your mood is not bad. What, you found a new love interest?”

Ye Mu lowered his eyes, not in the mood to answer him, so he simply didn’t say anything.

Chen Mo took it as a tacit agreement and slowly picked up the documents on the table, flipping through a few pages, casually saying, “Forget it, anyone is better than that Yan Chen. You can go to Zhejiang if you want. Come to my house at 10 a.m. tomorrow to help pack my luggage.”

“Okay,” Ye Mu responded lightly. After politely saying a few respectful words, he walked out of the office.

When he got off work in the evening, he received a call.

The caller ID showed it was his mom.

Ye Mu didn’t hesitate and directly slid the answer button, “Hello, Mom.”

A familiar voice immediately came from the other end of the phone, “Ye Mu, are you free tonight? Come over for dinner to celebrate your niece’s birthday.”

Considering his face, Ye Mu was a bit reluctant to go and declined, “I still have something here, I may not be able to make it.”
Ye Mu’s mother didn’t give in and persuaded, “It’s rare for the whole family to be here, don’t spoil the fun.”

“Mom, I really have something here.”
Ye Mu’s mother tsk-ed, “I just promised people that you would come. Are you trying to make me lose face?”
Ye Mu knew her temper. If he didn’t go tonight, she would probably nag him for seven or eight months. Helpless, he could only thicken his skin and agree.

There was still some light rain in the evening. A few cars collided on the road, causing a traffic jam.

By the time Ye Mu drove home, it was almost 7 p.m.

The house was quite lively. The usually close relatives were all there, and they also brought two very young and cute children. The atmosphere was very good.

Although Ye Mu covered his face, he still gave the group of relatives a fright as soon as he entered the door.

His mother was heartbroken, “What happened? How were you beaten into this state by someone?”

Ye Mu was reticent and didn’t say anything. He put on a scarf and went to the kitchen to help.

His mother went in with him, closed the door, and pulled him, “I’m asking you a question.”

Ye Mu still kept his head down and didn’t make a sound.

His mother’s face didn’t look very good, “Is it related to that boy from the Yan family again?”

Ye Mu pursed his lips, “Mom, it’s nothing, don’t overthink it.”

Ye Mu’s mother sighed deeply, “Your mom also knows a lot about that boy from the Yan family getting married recently. I was afraid you would be upset, so I wanted to call you out. When you first said you liked men, I was quite angry. Now I only hope that you can find someone who can live a good life with you.”

“Don’t think that your dad doesn’t care about you just because he doesn’t give you a good face every time he sees you. In private, he’s just as concerned about you as I am. Your dad and I are old, and we don’t ask for much, we just hope that you can live well.”

Ye Mu listened, his eyes slightly red, “Mom, thank you.”

Ye Mu’s mother patted his shoulder, quite moved.

“Knock knock”

The kitchen door was suddenly knocked on a few times.

Ye Mu wiped his face and went to open the door.

“Uncle, do you have a cell phone? My sister and I want to play a game.”

It was his little niece, Ye Chun.

A very lively and cute little girl with a fair, melon seed-shaped face and bright eyes under curved eyebrows. She always blinks when looking at people, making them like her immensely.

Ye Mu smiled, took out his phone, and handed it to her.

Ye Chun gave him a cute little kiss, took it and ran off without a trace.

Ye Mu’s mother looked at her back and sighed, “You say, how nice would it be if I had a grandson or granddaughter like that.”

Ye Mu lowered his head, his eyes filled with a faint sense of desolation.

He always felt guilty towards his parents.

Perhaps it was something he could never make up for in his life.

“Give it to me!”

“I borrowed it, I’ll play first.”

“No, you just played a round, now it’s my turn.”

Outside the room, two little kids were fighting over the phone to play, a bit discordant.

In the process of going back and forth, they accidentally deleted the names of the contacts in the address book.
Ye Chun pouted and looked at her sister Ye Tian face to face.

“Sister, I remember there was a character ‘old’ in that column just now.”

Ye Chun bit her lip and tugged at her skirt, “I saw it too, but I don’t quite recognize the character after it.”

Ye Tian tilted her head, her big eyes quite lively, “Boss?”

Ye Chun frowned and shook her head, “No, I recognize ‘big’, it’s not written like that.”


Ye Chun lowered her head and pondered, “No, the character after ‘old’ had a mark that looked like the ‘leather’ character.”

Ye Tian shook her little head, “Leather?”

Ye Chun still shook her head, looking like Sherlock Holmes, “Doesn’t seem like it. I’d say it’s this character.”

As she spoke, she pointed to a character using the pinyin input method on the phone.

Ye Tian took a look, her chubby little hand rubbing her chin, pretending to be deep in thought, “Makes sense.”

Ye Chun laughed for a moment, then clicked and finished editing.


The kitchen door opened at this moment.

The aroma of food instantly wafted out.

The two children couldn’t be bothered to play anymore. They tossed the phone aside and followed the aroma, drooling like dogs, to sit at the dining table.

When the birthday cake was served and the candles were blown out, the room’s atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Ye Tian and Ye Chun fought and played with each other, mischievously chasing each other and smearing cream on each other’s faces, until they made each other look like big calico cats before stopping, making the elders laugh and cry at the same time.

Ye Mu laughed along, rarely feeling relaxed in body and mind. He didn’t return to his apartment that night and stayed directly at his parents’ house.

The housekeeper auntie helped tidy up the room. After washing up simply, he entered it.

Lying in bed, looking at the ceiling, he thought a lot and couldn’t fall asleep.

The older he got, looking at his peers, the more guilty he felt towards his parents.

Sometimes he even thought how good it would be if time could turn back.

If he had known it would be like this now, he would have treated his parents very, very well from the beginning.


Chen Mo woke up a bit early today. After finishing his morning jog and returning home, he found that the clock had only reached 8 o’clock, a full two hours earlier than the departure time.

To pass the time, he leaned on the sofa and started reading current events news.

Recently, a lot had happened both at home and abroad. With the mindset of an onlooker, Chen Mo found it quite interesting to read.

Just as he reached an exciting part, the doorbell unexpectedly rang.

Chen Mo frowned and got up to walk to the door.

The moment he opened the door, he saw an extremely haggard face.

The bruises on Ye Mu’s face had healed a bit, but because he had stayed up all night, he had accumulated two very deep eye bags, and his overall mental state didn’t look too good.

Chen Mo didn’t say anything when he saw him; he just raised his chin to indicate for him to go pack the luggage.

Ye Mu, with half-drooping eyes, nodded and walked over to start the packing project.

His movements were very fast. About half an hour later, he walked out of Chen Mo’s house carrying a suitcase.

After some preparations, the two got in the car together.

After fastening his seat belt, Ye Mu opened the navigation and drove all the way, following the voice of the GPS lady.

The car drove for about an hour, cruising on the highway at a speed of 80 miles per hour.

During this time, Chen Mo felt a bit bored, so he raised his hand to turn on the radio and started listening to the elderly broadcast.

It was originally quite nice, playing some old songs, but halfway through, a traffic news announcement was inserted.

“According to media reports, this morning a bus driver in Pudong drove while fatigued and dozed off while driving, causing a huge traffic accident that resulted in 1 death and 23 injuries among the passengers on the bus, including a pregnant mother and three children. The driver is also currently in critical condition and facing medical treatment.”

“After this incident, the government reminds citizens to pay attention to work-rest balance when driving and avoid falling asleep while driving to prevent tragic accidents that destroy vehicles and lives.”

Chen Mo’s brows furrowed slightly. He switched to the next station, “Boring, it’s not that easy to encounter people who doze off while driving.”

“Hey, drive faster, we’ll be late if we’re any later.”

Somehow, the drive took quite a long time today, but the navigation showed there were still three hours to go.

After he finished speaking, a few minutes passed, but the car showed no signs of speeding up.

Chen Mo tsk-ed and turned his head to look at Ye Mu in the driver’s seat. He was about to say something, but suddenly, his entire face stiffened.

F*ck him!

This guy was actually driving with his eyes closed!

This was the most comfortable nap Ye Mu had ever taken. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had been moved to the back seat.

Chen Mo was sitting in the front, operating the steering wheel, his handsome face looking as gloomy as it could be. When he found that the person in the back had woken up, his tone was full of anger, “Ye Mu, your entire month’s salary will be deducted!”

Ye Mu also roughly guessed what had happened after he became clear-headed, so he didn’t refute it, only apologizing sincerely.

Chen Mo had a straight face and didn’t speak again the whole way. In the end, he drove the car to a remote hotel.

Ye Mu frowned slightly, “President Chen, the hotel we booked is not this one, it’s LIYUES.”

Chen Mo glanced at him coldly, “I’d like to drive there too, but I don’t know which idiot deliberately drove to another province while sleeping, causing me to take a big detour. Now you should be grateful to have a small, shabby hotel to stay in.”

Ye Mu was a bit embarrassed and silently opened the car door and got out.

Because they arrived late, the small hotel could only provide them with one double room.

Although Chen Mo was a bit averse to it in his heart, he had no choice but to make do.

The two had shared the same hospital room in Uruk before, so there was nothing to dwell on.

The hotel owner was quite enthusiastic, leading them all the way to the room, helping to brew tea and bring water, and even turning on the water heater before leaving.

Ye Mu was really too sleepy and went straight into the bathroom to wash up.

Chen Mo stayed alone on the bed, looking at project documents.

In the middle, Ye Mu’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Chen Mo found it noisy, directly picked it up to hang up and tossed it aside.

Afterward, he continued reading the documents.

Perhaps because it was really boring, after ten minutes, he picked up Ye Mu’s phone and started flipping through his address book.

His fair and slender fingers kept moving up and down but paused at a certain name.

In Ye Mu’s address book, there was a very affectionate note, “Wife”.

It could be seen that he treasured the other person very much.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes, thinking that he was a bit angry about what happened during the day, and directly edited a text message to this “Wife” to play a prank.

Ye Mu: Hey, let’s break up

With a ding, the text message was quickly sent successfully.

Chen Mo chuckled, feeling relieved. He tossed the phone and laid back to continue reading the documents.

But after just one second, his phone suddenly vibrated.

Picking it up, he found a text message had arrived.

From: Ye Mu

Content: Hey, let’s break up.

Chen Mo suddenly froze…

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Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
Ye Mu knows Yan Chen doesn’t love him, but he always thinks accompanying him is the longest declaration of his love. Eight whole years, he has been revolving around Yan Chen’s world, thinking he could possibly go on like this. But when Gu Huai returned, everything changed. Yan Chen dumped him, his whole family estate went bankrupt, and his father suffered a heart attack out of anger. He was in a tight spot, he was deeply hurt and under despair decided to give up. In the end, he went to another company and shed his last ounce of strength to work. He unexpectedly met Chen Mo, the boss who hates gay men the most. A lot of interesting things happened between the two. Yan Chen has always been disgusted and tired of Ye Mu, thinking that this is just a b*tch. After breaking up with Ye Mu, he decided to marry Gu Huai. But after marriage, he always recalls every bit of being with Ye Mu. He thinks it must be because he hates this person too much. He started to look for Ye Mu time after time, and Ye Mu always refused. Yan Chen felt that it was nothing, this was merely another cheap trick by the other party to loosen the reins only to grasp him better. But one day, when he found out that Ye Mu no longer loved him and was with Chen Mo, Yan Chen felt strange. Why did he feel so tight in his chest, why did he feel so angry? Then things became very awkward.


  1. Cdgvcnn says:

    There’s a mistake in the chapter, the birthday party scene is in it twice right after texts himself with Ye Mu phone

    Thank you for the chapter

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