I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 12

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As the young man who was leading the group to the rural farmstay brought them to the entrance, coincidentally, the young man who had earlier expressed his desire to find Yang Yun emerged from the farmstay, accompanied by another young man, with a cheerful smile on his face.

The young man was dressed in a short-sleeved shirt and work pants, wearing canvas shoes on his feet. If it weren’t for the environment and the people around him confirming his identity as the owner of the rural farmstay, one might mistake him for a college student – trendy and cheerful.

Upon seeing Yang Tu from a distance, the young man’s face lit up with joy. Before even getting closer, he called out, “Yang Tu! Hey, it’s really you, bro. I heard they said you were coming, and I didn’t believe it. I thought they were just trying to get a free meal, but I didn’t expect it was really you.”

“Weren’t you the one who said you wouldn’t come to our village anymore? What are you doing here?” The young man raised his hand and patted Yang Tu’s arm, teasing him with a wink and a smile.

Yang Tu snorted and turned to leave, saying, “I brought my friend here to play. Now that I’ve brought them here, I’m leaving. Goodbye.”

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t go!”

The young man was greatly surprised, and he quickly pulled Yang Tu aside, saying with a smile, “My bad, my bad, can’t we be wrong sometimes, brother? Just stay here; rest assured, I will definitely prepare a delicious meal tonight, you won’t miss out. How long has it been since we last met, huh? It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? We’ve finally reunited; we should catch up, right?”

Encouraged by the jovial teasing of the youngsters around him, Yang Tu reluctantly agreed to stay, but he didn’t feel entirely comfortable. He used the excuse of helping out in the kitchen and swiftly disappeared into the courtyard of the rural farmstay.

Once Yang Tu decided to stay, the young man turned his attention to hosting the production team.

“Are you the guests who called ahead to reserve the spot? I’m Yang Yun, the owner of this place. You can just call me Xiao Yun.”

With great enthusiasm, Xiao Yun greeted the production team and led them into the courtyard. He not only introduced them to the village and the surrounding area but also inquired about where they came from. He showed concern for their travel fatigue and promised to prepare a lavish meal to welcome them tonight.

Initially, the production team had their good mood dampened by the encounter with the corpse on the mountain and the sudden confrontation with the old man in the village. Many of them looked weary, unable to muster much enthusiasm. Bai Shuang had red eyes and was in a particularly bad mood.

But with the enthusiastic introduction from Yang Yun, the owner of the rural farmstay, the group’s spirits lifted slightly. They occasionally asked Yang Yun questions and started to look forward to the next four days of their rural adventure.

Originally, the production team planned for the guests to arrive in the evening, allowing them to individually gather ingredients from the mountain and streams for their dinner. By utilizing time and the natural setting, they aimed to create a sense of urgency within a relaxed atmosphere, thus engaging the audience with a dynamic rhythm.

However, due to the delay in Jia Village, the guests arrived at the farmhouse close to noon, forcing a change in the original plan.

“Considering that you’ve just completed a strenuous climb, we won’t have any scheduled activities for lunchtime. Feel free to explore the farmstay inside and out during this time, organize your luggage and rooms. Please return here promptly at 12:30 for lunch provided by the production team.”

After confirming the situation with Yang Yun, Zhang Wubing smiled and announced to all the guests, “I suggest that everyone eats a hearty lunch. After lunch, you’ll need to find your own ingredients for dinner. Find whatever you can eat and prepare it however you like. Whether you can fill your stomach successfully depends on you.”

Upon hearing this, the initially excited guests let out a collective groan. However, as they checked the time, they hurried to select their rooms, put away their luggage, and decided to use the time before lunch to get acquainted with the surroundings. This way, when they went to find ingredients in the afternoon, they wouldn’t be completely clueless.

So, the guests who were initially a bit deflated instantly perked up and, after confirming the location of the rooms with Yang Yun, energetically grabbed their luggage and rushed over.

Watching this on screen, the viewers who had previously felt sorry for the guests being frightened burst into laughter and exclaimed how real the situation felt.

Yang Yun’s rural farmstay is located on the outskirts of the village. The architectural style leans more towards a universal holiday aesthetic, seemingly designed to cater to the tastes of tourists. However, there is one room tucked away in the far corner that appears a bit run-down, with faded and weathered roof tiles, suggesting its age.

The rural farmstay occupies a considerable area, encompassing a whole piece of small farmland at the back. It is enclosed by tall brick walls that separate the inside from the outside.

The courtyard is paved with green stone bricks, and it’s neat and tidy. It features a stream that flows through the central part of the front yard, accompanied by artificial hills and strange stones, as well as wooden bridges. Although it’s a simulated style, it exudes a rustic and serene countryside charm.

The areas along the courtyard’s walls are adorned with flowers, plants, and climbing vines. The lush greenery covers the red brick walls, creating a charming atmosphere reminiscent of bygone times. In the flower beds, there are many vibrant red and purple flowers clustered together, adding a lively touch to the scene and lifting one’s spirits.

Moreover, the courtyard is home to numerous domesticated animals.

A mother hen with a glossy coat of feathers leisurely strolled in one corner of the yard, occasionally making a few ‘cluck cluck’ sounds. There were also ducklings among the fluffy and tender little chicks, squeezing themselves among them to peck at grains. Even when they were pushed away by the chicks, they didn’t lose heart and continued to flap their wings and push their way in.

Next to them, several large dogs were lying down. Upon seeing Yang Yun leading strangers into the yard, they only wagged their tails and didn’t get up to bare their teeth in a threat. It seemed they were quite accustomed to guests in the house.

At a glance, there was a serene and leisurely atmosphere, reminiscent of the feeling of “Gazing at the Southern Mountains in Tranquility.” 

Both the guests and the staff were captivated by this relaxed and rustic scene and felt quite delighted. Even the fright they had experienced earlier had been suppressed.

As the staff busily set up the main screen’s live broadcasting equipment in the yard, the guests were choosing their respective rooms, smiling as they organized their belongings and prepared their beds.

Unlike when the guests stayed in Jia Village before, the guest rooms in the rural farmstay were not in tall buildings and had a different style compared to the village they had visited along the way.

All the guest rooms were on the ground floor, conveniently lined up in a row.

On the side facing the yard, there were large French windows, offering a view of the lush garden inside the courtyard. In the distance, you could see the surrounding mountains with their fiery red autumn leaves, providing a panoramic view that was breathtaking. 

At that moment, the sunlight was just perfect, casting a warm glow through the clean and bright French windows, spreading across the wooden floor in the room, emitting a warm and dry aroma. Combined with the scent inside the room, it had a relaxing effect on everyone, causing them to unwind without even realizing it.

Seeing such an environment, the guests were very pleased, and they quickly chose their respective rooms. Although there were enough guest rooms in the rural farmstay, because they had been sharing rooms with their respective roommates for several times now, they had surprisingly become accustomed to it. So, this time, it was only natural for them to continue sharing a room with their previous roommates.

And most importantly, after seeing the body hanging on the mountain, the guests all felt a shiver down their spines. Even though the room and the courtyard had a warm atmosphere, they couldn’t completely hide their previous fear and unease. Having someone else in the room, though, made them feel a bit more at ease.

When An Nanyuan opened the curtains, he noticed what seemed to be a crack on the floor-to-ceiling window, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, it was like a guesthouse, a minor flaw was understandable.

“The view here is really nice.”

The variety show celebrity from the neighboring room pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window, walked out of his own room, and, along the narrow wooden floor outside the window, walked to An Nanyuan’s room with a smile. He knocked on his glass and said, “Let’s go, want to go up the mountain and take a look?”

An Nanyuan readily agreed and pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window to step out.

“This is quite convenient; we can come and go directly from the window.”

An Nanyuan’s face was filled with excitement at seeing something new. With his handsome face, he looked like a spirited young man. “Although I love this variety show, when I heard from the director that this time we were coming to a rural area, I had already prepared myself for hardship. But this place is really different from what I had in mind! The style is completely different from the houses we saw in the villages when we arrived, it’s more like the resort hotels I’ve been to before.”

Unlike An Nanyuan, who had always lived in the city, the variety show celebrity from the countryside burst into laughter and said, “What did you expect? Dust everywhere, chickens and dogs running around? That’s ancient history. Life in the village is quite comfortable now. However…”

The variety show celebrity touched his chin, expressing some confusion mixed with disgust, “To achieve this level, the owner here must be very dedicated. He really doesn’t seem like a villager. In particular that old man we just met, tsk.”

When they were in split-screen live broadcast, the two didn’t say much. They simply exchanged a glance.

The other guests had gradually finished preparing and came out of their respective rooms.

Young Master Song Ci was still in a bad mood and unwillingly left his room.

Zhao Zhen, who shared the room with him, felt somewhat helpless. “Young Master, at least it’s during the live broadcast…”

“I came to see what the ghosts looks like, not to work.”

Song Ci’s fair face pouted like an adorable pufferfish. “If there are no ghosts, I won’t go!”

Zhao Zhen quickly put down his backpack and covered Song Ci’s mouth to prevent him from discussing supernatural topics. Then he smiled at the split-screen camera and said, “Why are you acting like a child, coming up with any excuse to avoid work? Where are the ghosts? Haven’t you heard what Brother Yan said earlier? It’s all tricks of the eyes due to changes in lighting. Don’t think you can get away with any excuse, everyone has to work. Even if you’re good-looking, you can’t be an exception.”

Song Ci, whose mouth was covered, glared fiercely at Zhao Zhen. “Wu wu… wu…”

Who said there are no ghosts! How did you get that scar on your leg? Wasn’t it from being bitten by a monster at the Mountain God Temple before? And ask Zhang Wubing, he’s seen plenty of ghosts. I can’t lose to him!

However, no matter what Song Ci said, it could only turn into an indignant “wu wu” sound.

Zhao Zhen had been acting for many years, and he was used to real fights and falls. He had some muscles and strength. How could Young Master Song Ci break free from him?

Zhao Zhen looked somewhat helpless and glanced at Song Ci, feeling like he had brought along a child.

But it was precisely because of Song Ci’s straightforward nature of saying whatever was on his mind without reservation that made Zhao Zhen feel relaxed when he was with him. After all, he had started his career as a teenage actor and had seen people smiling on the surface while stabbing each other in the back on set. The wickedness of human nature had already made him numb, but Song Ci’s innocence made him feel incredibly close.

He had only been on this show for a few days, but had he already grown so fond of the atmosphere within the production team?

Zhao Zhen looked around at the smiling guests who had gathered and playfully poked the soft faces of the guests beside him. He couldn’t help but smile, feeling a sense of tranquility.

With Mr. Yan here and these comrades who had faced life and death together, this was the happiest job he had ever been a part of.

Even if this show couldn’t offer him anything else, he was willing to work with these people now. Even if it meant ignoring the danger and continuing with the production team.

Besides, there is Mr. Yan around, right?

Zhao Zhen smiled and joined the discussion among the guests about the division of labor for dinner.

Because Zhao Zhen handled things promptly and explained smoothly without any issues, the audience truly believed that it was just Song Ci throwing a childish tantrum and didn’t think much of it. Instead, they found the scene heartwarming and entertaining.

[Hahaha, what’s the name of this little brother? He’s too cute, and he even finds excuses to avoid work. Just like my younger brother who turned five-year-old this year.]

[Pfft, last year when Zhao Zhen was in an interview with “Film Weekly,” Zhao Zhen said he had a cold and tough temper, not very likable, and he just wanted to focus on acting. The turnaround is too fast. Who is this person now, laughing so hard that his eyes are disappearing? But to be honest, this isn’t Zhao Zhen’s first time appearing on a variety show. He has filmed many movies and TV dramas with good scripts before, but because the themes weren’t light enough and didn’t fit the market trend, they didn’t make much of a splash. For promotion, he had to participate in variety shows. As a fan who was impressed by Zhao Zhen’s acting skills, I watched all of them, but honestly, I felt uncomfortable watching him. It was so awkward. But this show is different; Zhao Zhen looks so happy, it’s really nice.]

[Zhao Zhen is indeed a great actor, but he hasn’t had many opportunities before, so he has remained relatively unknown, not exactly a big star. This variety show is a good chance for him, and finally, people are getting to know him. I noticed him during the Wild Wolf Peak episode when those giant rats were chasing him. Even though he was injured and couldn’t run, he told his teammates not to worry about him. Honestly, I was initially so angry at what was happening on that show, but he really surprised me. Later, I looked him up and realized I had seen quite a few of his movies.]

[Let’s be clear about who we’re criticizing here, the person above. Criticize Anthony, but don’t drag An Nanyuan into this! Anthony was the one that Yaxing Entertainment Company pushed, trying to replicate An Nanyuan’s success. An Nanyuan’s English name is also Anthony, could it be that the company didn’t know? Disgusting.]

[Oh, so there are business fans too? Well, let me share some news. Don’t worry about Zhao Zhen; his fanbase has grown significantly after appearing on this show. And because he has shone brightly on the show, especially that scene during the Wild Wolf Peak escape, he caught the attention of a famous director who thinks he’s perfect for an upcoming movie project. They’re in talks with Zhao Zhen’s team.]

[Do directors really watch this show?? Okay, now I feel like our show has a lot more prestige. As a fan of the show, I’m so proud. When I first started following this show, it had so few subscribers, and even a popular variety show vlogger criticized it, saying it would definitely flop. I was so frustrated. Now, seeing the show with millions of subscribers, the top trending discussions on social media, and ranking second on video platforms, I’m just thrilled. Our show is doing so well!]

[This show is truly magical, have you noticed that, except for people like Anthony who dig their own graves, all the other guests who come on this show experience a massive boost in popularity? Like An Nanyuan, he went from being a top-tier idol to a mega-star directly! And because An Nanyuan has posted several updates saying he’s a fan of Brother Yan, he checks in and levels up his fan badge on Yan Mai’s tag every day. Many Yan Mais see An Nanyuan as one of their own. Brother Yan firmly refuses to have social media accounts and even encourages Yan Mais to go back to work or school and spend less time chasing idols. Yan Mais have redirected their extra energy to support An Nanyuan, even if they weren’t his fans, they still help out his fan club with tasks. Now, the two fan bases are practically like one big family; it’s mind-boggling.]

[Can this show be any more magical? I was already terrified of ghosts, and watching this show just scares me even more. But then Brother Yan came up with some scientific explanation and told me that the ghosts I’ve been afraid of for over 20 years are just illusions? One moment I’m screaming in fear, and the next moment Brother Yan is explaining scientific concepts to me. It’s like a rollercoaster ride every day.]

[F*ck, did you see the footage of them on the mountain just now? Although the camera quickly moved away, I was quick enough to capture a screenshot and saw a blurry figure. It looked like someone hanging in the woods. Weren’t you scared when you saw it? It almost scared the soul out of me.]

[I saw it too, but it was because my internet froze, and the image stayed there. I saw a real dead person for the first time, I couldn’t even figure out how to turn off the screen. I kept swiping the screen trying to exit that I ended up staring at that scene for over a minute. It scared me so much that I ran straight to my sister’s room and hugged her while crying. My sister comforted me, saying, “Sister, even though you’re scared, I won’t look down on you.” What’s going on? I feel both moved and angry.”]

[I do know that something must have happened in the woods because the whole production crew came to a halt. And I saw Brother Yan talking to that guide guy with a serious expression. But I didn’t get a clear view of what was inside the woods.]

[Huh? Didn’t you all see the apology announcement that the production crew just posted on the livestream screen? It scrolled by on top of the livestream. They said there was an unexpected incident during the livestream and that they’ve contacted the relevant authorities to handle it. They told everyone not to worry.]

[Since the production team handled it, we’re good to go. Seeing the director’s clueless look, they definitely won’t deceive us. I can finally relax and watch the show now, hehe. It was such a relief to see Sister Bai Shuang finally smile. When she was inexplicably scolded by that old man earlier, I was so angry I almost smashed my phone. If it weren’t for Brother Yan protecting Sister Bai Shuang, I would’ve wanted to buy a plane ticket and go there to confront that old man. What a nuisance, picking on people like that. Brother Yan is so strong, when he confronted him, the old man didn’t dare to say a word; that old man was noting but a bully.]

[Me too! Brother Yan’s comeback was so satisfying; he voiced what’s in the hearts of people like me who can never win arguments. Whenever I argue with someone, I can’t come up with good retorts on the spot. Afterwards, I keep replaying in my mind what I should have said to make myself feel better. But, but! Brother Yan directly scared off that old man, it’s really a relief, hahaha.]

[That’s what they call ‘convincing with reason’ (dog’s head). If he didn’t submit, Brother Yan would’ve used force to make him.]

[Poor Bai Shuang, thankfully, this rural farmstay looks nice, and she can change her mood here. The room environment looks really good; it’s making my heart flutter. It doesn’t look like a typical rural place; it’s more like a vacation resort. Looking into the distance from the room, the distant mountains with their red leaves, the clear autumn air, it makes you want to take a deep breath of the fresh mountain air, it’s so beautiful.]

[Did you all see the main screen’s footage? The courtyard decorations are really beautiful, it’s stunning. I used to imagine that once I saved up enough money in the city, I’d buy a house in the countryside and live a pastoral life. But after watching this episode, I realized that my imagination falls short. This rural resort not only perfectly matches my aesthetic, but it also far exceeds my imagination. If I ever buy a house in the village one day, I’ll definitely decorate it in this style.]

[Hmm? That’s a bit strange, sisters. I was initially excited by this scene and planned to visit this farmstay with my friends after the production team left. However, I just did a search on a hotel and homestay platform and found out that this rural farmstay has been closed to visitors for the past six months. Could it be that the director and the owner know each other, and this is an exception?]

[I quickly opened the app to check, but it seems the place the production team went to is called Family Tomb Village, while the one you mentioned is in Wangzi Village, right? Could it be that you got the wrong place? These two are not the same.]

The guests didn’t have time to take out their phones to check various comments and discussions because the director had given them limited time, and they were going to return for lunch in an hour. The places they could explore in advance were limited, so they gathered together to discuss how to make the most of their time, where to go first, where to go later, and most importantly, where to find firewood, and so on.

“Brother Yan, aren’t you coming with us?” An Nanyuan looked up and immediately saw Yan Shixun standing at the entrance of the courtyard. He warmly waved his arm and invited him.

Yan Shixun turned slightly at the sound but only raised his hand casually as a response. “You guys go ahead.”

After rejecting An Nanyuan, Yan Shixun turned around and continued to look around the surroundings.

When he looked at the map earlier, he noticed that Family Tomb Village had a unique geographical location. It was surrounded by mountains. During the day, the shadow of the entire Moon Mountain Range would cast over it. It was divided by the Moon Creek in front of the village, like the black half in the Absolute Yin and Yang diagram.

Chinese people pay attention to Feng Shui, having favorable wind and water is considered ideal.

Before building a house, they would often consult a Feng Shui master to assess whether the Feng Shui was favorable for residents and whether there were any taboos. They believed that if a house had bad Feng Shui, it could lead to financial losses or even disasters, ranging from minor misfortunes to the destruction of the family.

So, Feng Shui masters, in the eyes of many people, appear mysterious and highly revered.

From an ordinary person’s perspective, a place like Family Tomb Village, with both mountains and water, would seem to have good geographical features.

When Zhang Wubing was selecting the location for the show, he was very satisfied with the mountainous and watery scenery near Family Tomb Village. When introducing it to the guests, he even mentioned that this place was a “great location with mountains and water.”

—However, the issue lies in the orientation of the mountains and water.

Yan Shixun’s serious expression appeared as if he were contemplating something. His slender fingers, hanging by his side, moved unconsciously, as if he were mentally calculating something.

Family Tomb Village faced the Moon Mountain and was backed by the Moon Creek, so as soon as you opened the door, you could see the mountains, but getting to the creek required going around a large part of the village.

Moreover, the Moon Creek meandered, just like the dividing line between black and white in the middle of the Absolute diagram. The curvature of the Moon Creek protruded directly toward the rear of Family Tomb Village.

Combined with the terrain of the mountains, Family Tomb Village appeared to be sandwiched between Moon Mountain and Moon Creek, with the protruding mountain shapes and water forms resembling curved blades pointed at the village.

This made Yan Shixun frown.

Mountains represent wood and are the source of vitality. In the past, having mountains in a location meant there was a source of food, and having a mountain at one’s back provided a sense of security, as if there was something substantial supporting you from behind, which is why it was said that having mountains was good.

Water is inherently linked with wood. Where there is water, there is life. With mountains and water together, there is no worry of food scarcity.

However, Family Tomb Village is nestled deep within the mountains, with the surrounding peaks blocking most of the sunlight, rendering it essentially “yin,” with the yang energy outside the mountains. Clinging to the shade to find the sun, the village cannot retain yang energy but has become the gathering place for yin energy.

Water is associated with wealth, but because of the strong water currents, it transforms into a knife, piercing Family Tomb Village.

Being attacked from all sides with no way to escape, they are also stabbed in the back.

From auspicious to inauspicious.

Especially the names of the mountains and rivers here.

Moon Creek, Moon Mountain.

Perhaps the initial namers merely found these names fitting for the shape of the mountains and rivers, without thinking much of it.

However, names, as the fundamental connections in the world, have their own influence and similarity to what they represent.

After being named “Moon” for the mountains and water, because the moon is the fundamental source of all yin forces, they were endowed with a yin nature similar to the moon. Moreover, as the yin energy accumulated in Family Tomb Village, the yin nature of Moon Mountain and Moon Creek grew stronger and stronger.

Yan Shixun recalled Yang Tu mentioning that decades ago, the temperature here was the same as Jia Village. However, since Yang Tu could remember, the temperature on the side of the mountain where Family Tomb Village is located has gradually dropped. Today, it is several degrees colder than other places, and the leaves turn red more than a month earlier.

This is probably due to the strengthening of the “yin” gathered in Family Tomb Village.

However, it has reached a level that can affect the weather… Where did this massive amount of yin energy in Family Tomb Village come from?

And it happened decades ago, decades ago.

Looking at the timeline provided by Yang Tu, the temperature changes coincided with the moment when the breakfast shop owner Yang Guang and his wife fled the village, up until the time when Yang Tu was born. What the village head hesitated to say and what Yang Tu didn’t know all seemed to fall within that time frame.

Yan Shixun’s brows furrowed, his thoughts racing without pause.

In fact, one of the simplest ways to assess Feng Shui is whether the people living there are comfortable. If people live comfortably, it’s considered good Feng Shui, beneficial for both physical and psychological well-being. If the Feng Shui is bad, people living there for an extended period of time will feel uncomfortable, leading to psychological distress and physical health problems.

Because the Moon Creek protruded toward Family Tomb Village, a large amount of moisture would naturally flow into the village. Even when Yan Shixun stood at the entrance of the farmhouse for this brief moment, some distance from Moon Creek, he could feel a cold mist enveloping him, making the air around him heavy and icy.

The villagers of Family Tomb Village had lived in such an environment for a long time. Their bodies would undoubtedly accumulate a significant amount of moisture, reaching a point that could harm their health. But why didn’t anyone notice it? They even consulted Feng Shui masters and changed the village name, but they failed to detect any Feng Shui problems…

“Why didn’t you go with the others to take a look?” a cheerful young voice came from behind, interrupting Yan Shixun’s thoughts.

Yan Shixun turned around and saw Yang Yun, the owner of the rural farmstay, smiling as he approached.

Yang Yun stood by Yan Shixun’s side and pointed towards the buildings not far away, smiling as he said, “If you find it boring, there’s a vegetable garden behind those buildings, we’ve also planted a few fruit trees. You can go there and pick your favorite fruits to eat. Many of our guests who come here really enjoy it. They say you can’t find fruits and vegetables this sweet and fresh in the city. Would you like to give it a try?”

Yang Yun seemed to be concerned that Yan Shixun might find himself bored, so he enthusiastically introduced him to various popular activities at the farmstay. He appeared to be a warm-hearted owner, hoping that all the visitors to this place would have a great time.

After a brief silence, Yan Shixun also conjured a polite smile with no real warmth as he replied, “I can tell that you’re truly a skilled entrepreneur. Running such a successful rural farmstay in such an inconvenient location, and still attracting so many visitors, is quite impressive.”

Yang Yun burst into laughter without any false modesty and said, “You’re right, I think I’ve managed this rural farmstay quite well. But you have no idea how challenging it can be.”

Yan Shixun noticed that when Yang Yun mentioned the rural farmstay, his expression was a complex mix of disdain and satisfaction, as if the farmhouse had brought him both pleasant and envious moments.

So, Yan Shixun raised an eyebrow, diverting the conversation away from the question he had initially intended to ask about the Family Tomb Village. Instead, he began discussing topics related to the rural farmstay, from its distinct style compared to the village to how it earned more money than the other villagers. He skillfully led Yang Yun to gradually open up about the process of starting the rural farmstay business.

“When it comes to this, I have to thank Yang Tu. If he hadn’t taken me out of the village to see the world beyond, I wouldn’t have realized how vast it is out there.”

Yang Yun’s face carried a sense of gratitude towards Yang Tu as he said, “Although it was incredibly tough at the beginning when I started the rural farmstay business, and I was looked down upon by the others in the village. To be honest, I was willing to work hard and use my brains. After overcoming the initial difficulties of the rural farmstay, we started making much more money than those who toiled in the fields every day and sold their produce cheaply outside. Now that the rural farmstay is thriving, others may speak ill of it, but what’s the use? I don’t care at all. Let them be jealous.”

Being reminded of the past by Yan Shixun had brought Yang Yun’s initially cheerful and enthusiastic mood to be tinged with anger and hatred.

“Back then, they bullied me and my mother, knowing that we were orphaned and widowed. The clan leader took the lead in seizing our land and then drove my mother and me to the outskirts of the village, leaving us to fend for ourselves. If it weren’t for me being a boy, my mother might not have survived. But did they ever think that boys would grow up too? No matter how much they blamed my mother for my father’s death or accused her of wrongdoing, I had a mind of my own. I could discern the truth and felt compassion for my mother.”

Yang Yun let out a bitter laugh and continued, “At that time, I made a vow that as long as I was alive, I would never let anyone bully my mother. So later, even when I left the village and was denounced by the clan leader as a rebel, I didn’t care. This place was rotten to the core, and the way out was beyond those mountains. Eventually, I succeeded, and those people changed their tune. Haha, they won’t get a single penny from me.”

Yan Shixun noticed Yang Yun’s deep aversion towards the village, so he asked, “Since you dislike the village so much, why didn’t you take your mother and leave?”

Yang Yun, who had just moments ago displayed a face filled with satisfaction from seeking revenge, suddenly became blank and devoid of emotion upon hearing Yan Shixun’s question.

He stood there in a daze for a long time before a sense of sadness and regret finally welled up in his eyes. He lowered his head, seemingly powerless to answer.

“I can’t her take away… can’t take her away,” Yang Yun smiled bitterly, shaking his head slowly. “After I left the village and returned, my mother had already passed away. I didn’t even get to see her one last time. They told me she died of a sudden illness.”

Yang Yun let out a long sigh. There were tears in his eyes as he looked at Yan Shixun, but he was trying hard to maintain a smile.

However, that smile was even more painful to witness than tears.

“My mother struggled to raise me through all the hardships, and I couldn’t save her or even bid her farewell. I am an unfilial child.”

Yang Yun choked up, “Because the family rules state that married women cannot be buried in the ancestral tomb with my father passed away early, and I was too young, there was no way for my mother to be buried properly. So, I buried her in the mountains. I was afraid she would linger here, unable to move on because she missed me too much. So, I stayed here, waiting for her to come back to see me, waiting for her to send me dreams…”

“If it were just me, I could have left the village long ago. But I still have my mother, so I have to wait for her here. I’m afraid she won’t be able to find me and will be worried.”

Yang Yun’s voice grew low, and his throat felt so bitter that he couldn’t speak. His voice trembled uncontrollably.

Yan Shixun hadn’t expected to hear such an answer.

He paused for a moment, sighed, and handed his handkerchief to Yang Yun, offering comfort, “If your mother could see you now being so successful in your career, she would be comforted.”

He felt that because he had triggered Yang Yun’s sadness, he should replied so.

After quietly standing by for a while, Yang Yun reluctantly regained his composure.

With reddened eyes, Yang Yun apologized, “I’m sorry, you came here to enjoy the rural experience, and I ended up talking about all these useless things.”

“I don’t know what came over me; I suddenly started talking about these old stories. My mother has been gone for so many years already. It seems like I haven’t made any progress.”

Yang Yun seemed a bit frustrated. “I cried like a fool.”

Of course, Yang Yun was unaware that he had shared these suppressed emotions and thoughts because Yan Shixun had intentionally guided him.

Having witnessed countless moments of breakdowns and elation, Yan Shixun had gained the knowledge of how to push people into extreme emotional states and get them to reveal what they wouldn’t easily share with others.

Once Yang Yun’s emotions had calmed down a bit, Yan Shixun asked, “You mentioned ancestral graves earlier? I’ve never seen this custom before. Are the graves located behind the village?”


Yang Yun pointed in a different direction. “The Yang clan’s ancestral graves are in another place. Our village belongs to a branch of the Yang clan. Apart from those who achieved great deeds, the rest of us are buried in the ancestral graves of our village branch, which is in a nearby mountain hollow.”

Yan Shixun’s heart sank instantly.

—It was the mountain hollow next to the mountain road, the one he had found exceptionally unusual.

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