I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 13

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Due to the tight schedule, the guests decided to go for a “site visit” to a place where they could gather ingredients for dinner. This place was Moon Creek in front of the rural farmstay and Moon Mountain behind it. It was not far away, and it offered a dense supply of dinner ingredients, making it the best choice.

Upon hearing the program rules from the guests, Yang Yun also became curious about what kind of dinner the guests would prepare. 

After all, Zhang Wubing had just communicated to him that they wouldn’t be using the modern kitchens commonly used in the rural farmstay but would instead use the old-fashioned stoves inside the rural farmstay, requiring the guests to experience the entire process, from gathering firewood, chopping it, starting a fire, to cooking.

Although the mountains surrounding the Family Tomb Village had already taken on the appearance of autumn, there were plenty of dried branches suitable for firewood. It could still be a challenging task for someone with no experience to go up the mountain and gather firewood. 

Furthermore, the old-fashioned stoves in the rural farmstay had been around for many years. Just cleaning them could take a while, and the large iron pots were heavy, even for grown men. If the guests were to follow Zhang Wubing’s instructions, they might face quite a bit of hardship.

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Yun looked at the guests with sympathy. Without Zhang Wubing’s knowledge, he secretly shared some tips with the guests who had come to ask him for directions. He told them where to find fruits on the mountain, which trees were better for firewood, and which section of Moon Creek had suitable terrain for fishing.

Having grown up in this area and relying on his mother’s companionship since his father’s early death, Yang Yun was very familiar with the surroundings. After all, he had been responsible for gathering firewood on the mountain, catching small animals for additional meals, and fishing for fish and shrimp in the water from a young age. 

Although his childhood days were difficult, thinking back on them now, they seemed filled with warmth and happiness, all thanks to his mother’s presence.

So when Yang Yun enthusiastically talked about these matters, he also infused his own emotions into the conversation, turning what would have been a mundane and tiring story into an exciting adventure, as if going up the mountains and crossing streams was a treasure-hunting expedition.

The guests nodded in agreement and exclaimed at how interesting it sounded.

Zhang Wubing had originally kept his distance from the production team, staying in the farthest corner of the courtyard, overseeing the program from a location not captured by the livestream equipment.

However, he watched the crowd gathering at the courtyard entrance for a long time, becoming more and more perplexed. It wasn’t until he noticed the curious smile on Yan Shixun’s face that he suddenly realized…

They were cheating!

Zhang Wubing quickly got up from his rattan chair and urgently grabbed the nearby megaphone, shouting, “No involving outsiders! This counts as cheating! Boss, let them experience rural life on their own, don’t tell them.”

The guests scattered in all directions, pretending that they had just happened to pass by and overheard the conversation.

Yang Yun was left laughing uncontrollably, bending at the waist. He waved toward Zhang Wubing and said, “After all, the mountain area is quite vast, isn’t it? I was just worried they might come back too late and miss lunch.”

Zhang Wubing was momentarily stunned and thought to himself that Yang Yun had a point. Especially considering they had come across a corpse earlier in the mountains. Although the chances of encountering another one were low, there was still a risk that the guests might wander too far and get lost….

Without waiting for Zhang Wubing to think it through, he saw Yang Tu being pushed out from the building next to the rural farmstay, still wearing gloves and looking like he had just been working.

It turned out that Yan Shixun had gone to the kitchen to find Yang Tu while the other guests were surrounding Yang Yun.

Before Zhang Wubing could make a decision or even react, Yan Shixun had already taken into account the safety of the guests and brought Yang Tu, who knew the area well, to accompany the guests on their journey up the mountain and down the creek.

After all, Yang Tu used to often come and play in Family Tomb Village, and from Yang Yun’s words, it was clear that Yang Tu was his best playmate, often going on adventures in the mountains and creeks together. Yang Tu must be very familiar with the area. With Yang Tu around, there was no need to worry about the guests getting lost or going to dangerous places.

Yang Tu looked back at the kitchen with a wry smile and said, “Brother Yan, I still have to help with food preparation in the kitchen, or else we won’t make it in time for lunch…”

“Leave it to Zhang Dabing.”

Yan Shixun, with his long legs, casually walked out of the kitchen. His muscular arm lazily rested on Yang Tu’s shoulder, like a large feline basking in the sunlight, exuding a lazy sense of strength.

“So, the responsibility for guiding them up the mountain falls on you. You’re quite familiar with this area, right?”

Yan Shixun was a full head taller than Yang Tu, and with his well-trained physique, he radiated an imposing presence.

“Don’t worry, it’s not considered cheating. Your job is just to follow them, make sure they don’t get lost, and nothing else. They really like you, don’t you want to chat with them a bit? Besides, this can be considered a great opportunity to slack off. Working in the kitchen, can it compare to going hiking in the mountains?”

When he lowered his head slightly to look at Yang Tu and added, it made it impossible for Yang Tu to refuse.

Yang Tu smiled and shook his head while removing his gloves. “You’re right, Brother Yan. It always feels like Brother Yan has some kind of special charm. Whatever you say just sounds so reasonable. I can’t find any excuse to refuse.”

“Okay then. Brother Zhang, I’ll leave the kitchen work to you.” Yang Tu smiled and tossed the gloves to a bewildered Zhang Wubing on the other side. He gestured to Yan Shixun and then took a couple of quick steps to catch up with the guests who had already left the courtyard.

As he passed Yang Yun, the two of them even bumped fists, displaying a strong sense of camaraderie.

Meanwhile, Zhang Wubing couldn’t think about anything else. He clumsily fumbled in the air to catch the gloves that Yang Tu had thrown at him, and when he raised his head, Yang Tu was already far away.

“Wait, you mean I have to work?” Zhang Wubing couldn’t believe it.

Yan Shixun walked over, grabbed Zhang Wubing by the collar, and casually tossed him in the direction of the kitchen, chuckling, “I think you need to experience the pure rural life, Zhang Dabing. In a rural farmstay like this, the director leads the guests in having fun, while the tour guide is responsible for cheering them on.”

Zhang Wubing glanced into the kitchen and saw a big pile of vegetables lying on the floor.

Clearly, these were the ingredients that Yang Tu had been working with in the kitchen just moments ago, preparing them for lunch. And now, this pile of work had been handed over to Zhang Wubing.

He glanced at the massive pile of ingredients, weighing dozens of pounds, and then looked at his own slender arms. His heart trembled, he couldn’t help but feel that he might be exhausted in the kitchen.

Zhang Wubing dared not to complain but cautiously asked, “Is there…..any way I can avoid doing this?”

Yan Shixun patted Zhang Wubing’s shoulder and coldly tossed him into the kitchen.

“Good luck.”

Zhang Wubing: “QAQ.”

The viewers who witnessed this scene burst into laughter.

[Director, what do they say about creating your own problems? You just forced someone to work, and now it’s your turn, right? I’m laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. I didn’t expect Brother Yan to have such talent for variety shows. The show’s effect is off the charts.]

[Hahaha, when the director suddenly appeared in front of the camera with a big megaphone earlier, it startled me. I thought he was going to get angry, but it turned out to be kindergarten-level stuff. It’s kind of cute, isn’t it?]

[Wow, crouching in front of Brother Yan’s split screen was definitely the right decision. I didn’t miss a single detail of Brother Yan’s heroic actions. My goodness, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. It’s like in the blink of an eye, Brother Yan went from the courtyard gate to the kitchen. What is this? Is it Qigong?]

[??? The person above, isn’t Qigong a bit over the top? I would call it… magic! That little brother was right, Brother Yan seems to have some kind of superpower. Everything he says sounds so reasonable, and you can’t argue with it. It’s like he hypnotizes you into thinking he’s right.]

[When Brother Yan lowered his head just now, I swear my heart skipped a beat! Hahaha, is this a special treat for Yan Mai? I never thought this ‘death angle’ could look so good.]

[I’m dying of laughter, I can’t stop laughing. It’s like Yan Mai is giving himself some treats in the tight spots, right? But are they really going up the mountain? The scenery looks so beautiful… my heart is racing; I want to go on a maple leaf tour too. This show is definitely a travel variety show, I believe it now!]

Thanks to the beautiful scenery and relaxed atmosphere in the rural farmstay, the audience gradually detached themselves from their previous anger and shock, immersing themselves wholeheartedly in the program’s leisurely travel ambiance.

During the earlier incident on the mountain, due to the quick response of the production team, they promptly adjusted the angle of the main screen, so not many viewers actually saw the scene of the hanging body in the woods.

A few screenshots were occasionally shared, but they were quickly deleted by video platforms and social media platforms under the pretext of “violating content guidelines,” preventing them from spreading widely.

So, despite the unexpected live broadcast incident, the program had a narrow escape. It was promptly reported to the official authorities and handled very effectively.

Because similar incidents had occurred in the past, the official public relations team was already well-versed in handling them. They quickly scrubbed all related screenshots and discussions from the internet.

They had all seen the screenshots and recorded footage. Using official technological methods to enhance the clarity and playing it frame by frame, they could clearly see that what the production team had encountered in the woods was a long-dead, horrifyingly hanging corpse. It was a gruesome sight that left them all horrified, especially considering they were ordinary people who were usually well-protected.

However, such screenshots should not be spread on the internet.


“Why do I feel like something is off?”

One of the members of the official supernatural events department, who had previous experience in the field, pointed at the screen where the image had been enlarged to reveal every detail. He looked puzzled as he said, “Although I didn’t see it in person, judging by the level of decomposition, it has been at least six months. Moreover, the body is not hung very high. In theory, mountain animals should have come to feed on the body, but there are no signs of that at all. What’s going on?”

Another member was also intrigued, “Indeed, and the hemp rope used for hanging the body doesn’t show excessive wear and tear, which is strange. After six months, the body should have produced corpse oil and fluids due to the decomposition in the summer heat, which would have corroded the hemp rope, causing the fibers at the point of contact with the body to break at least partially. Instead, it appears to be securely hanging from the tree now.”

“Initially, I thought it might be one of those people who deliberately go into the mountains to end their lives, especially given that such cases have not been uncommon in recent years. Some people want to die in a place they love, without causing trouble to others. They choose to die peacefully, being consumed by animals in the mountains, decaying into the soil, and returning to the earth. However…”

The team member gestured for the others to look at the screenshot of the body’s clothing. “This attire looks very much like what locals wear in the village. There are no signs of a backpack or anything that would fit the profile of the individuals I mentioned earlier.”

“But if it truly is someone from the village who was hanged here, why hasn’t anyone noticed for so long? The village should have a tight-knit community where people are aware of each other’s whereabouts. Even if someone goes missing for an extended period, it should raise alarms among the villagers.”

“The village is different from a city neighborhood, especially considering the topography around here. Family Tomb Village doesn’t have any direct pathways to the outside world. The only way out is over Moon Mountain. In such a relatively closed-off environment, people should be very familiar with each other. Even if someone goes missing for several months, it’s hard to imagine that no one would notice.”

“Maybe I’ve dealt with too many unusual cases, and it’s making me draw connections. I want to understand what circumstances could lead to a person disappearing without anyone reporting it. Even if Family Tomb Village is remote and doesn’t rely on official channels, the disappearance of a villager should have generated some rumors or news. Yet, as you heard from Mr. Yan and a villager named Yang Tu in their conversation, Yang Tu is over on the other side of the mountain and seems completely unaware of this.”

“Wait a minute, there’s no external access to Family Tomb Village? That doesn’t seem right. Wasn’t there a road construction plan before? The neighboring Jia Village has a road right next to it. Even though Family Tomb Village may have an unfavorable geographical location, they should have a village road for daily convenience.”

“I reviewed the records earlier during the investigation. Back then, there was indeed a road construction plan for what was then called Wangzi Village, before it was renamed Family Tomb Village. They didn’t report the name change officially; it’s just how the locals refer to it. But when the road construction plan was proposed, the villagers of Family Tomb Village strongly opposed it. They believed that the proposed road route would disrupt the Feng Shui of their ancestral graves. Not only would their ancestors curse them in dreams, calling them unworthy descendants, but their descendants would also lose the benefits of the Feng Shui of the graves. Because of their intense opposition, the working group had no choice but to withdraw the plan and cancel it.”

“So, up until now, Family Tomb Village has to go over the mountain for access in and out of the village? In that case, not only is their internal communication limited, but if something happens in the village, people outside wouldn’t know either.”

“That’s correct, but the southern regions are known for their clan systems. They don’t have village heads or village committees there, only clan leader and council of elders. It’s frustrating, but we can’t force them to change their customs; it’s their own cultural practice.”

“The Yang clan? I have a feeling I’ve heard that surname mentioned by some renowned master. And Family Tomb Village…I think I encountered a master during my work who mentioned changing the name of that village. I remember that master told me that it was the most karmically burdened village he had ever seen. Could this person’s death be related to that?”

“While what you’re saying makes sense, without being at the scene, anything we discuss can only be considered reasonable speculation.”

The person beside them sighed in resignation, “We can only wait for the local forensic report to be sent to us to understand what’s really going on. If it’s just a normal homicide or suicide, it’s not our department’s concern. We’re responsible for handling special incidents caused by supernatural phenomena.”

The official in charge didn’t have time to explain further to his subordinate.

After receiving Yan Shixun’s call, the official in charge quickly contacted the local authorities. Even though, due to Yang Tu’s account, the official in charge, who had worked for many years and had a keen sense, already knew that the local area was likely deeply influenced by the Yang clan, and it might be difficult to handle.

However, following the protocol, he didn’t directly bypass the local authorities but continued to contact them, speaking in a calm voice that revealed no sign of alarm.

The person who answered the call happened to be the secretary of a local official surnamed Yang.

Upon hearing that it was the official in charge saying that a body had been found in Family Tomb Village, possibly resulting from hanging, the secretary politely stated that they would pass on the information to the relevant personnel. Without asking any further questions, the secretary hung up the phone.

The official in charge kept his composure and waited for a while. When he called the local police, they appeared perplexed and claimed to have no knowledge of the situation.

However, when the person on the other end of the phone heard that the incident had occurred in Family Tomb Village, they hesitated for a moment and politely indicated that since the person was already dead, there was no need for further handling.

The official in charge’s expression finally turned grim. “What do you mean by ‘no need for further handling’ just because someone has died? Was it murder, suicide, or an accident? Regardless of the circumstances, shouldn’t there be some kind of resolution? At the very least, someone should be sent to investigate, retrieve the body, and inform the family.”

Because the official did not reveal their identity, the person on the other end of the line simply assumed they were an outsider passing through. After all, just beyond the mountains surrounding Family Tomb Village was a road, and many people passed by there, perhaps even tourists heading up the mountain who happened to come across the scene.

The person on the phone sighed and lowered their voice. “You’re a passerby, right? Since this has nothing to do with you and hasn’t harmed you in any way, I would advise you not to get involved with Family Tomb Village’s affairs. Once the matter is resolved, it’s best for you to leave the area nearby. It’s for your own good. Since it’s not your concern, there’s no need to get yourself into trouble.”

The official in charge’s brows furrowed. “Why? Are you planning to leave the body there with no one taking care of it?”

“It’s not that we’re not taking care of it, but we lack the ability.”

The person on the other end of the line thought the official in charge had misunderstood their meaning and continued, “Let me explain it this way: Family Tomb Village is surnamed Yang, and our predominant surname here is also Yang. The higher-ups and the lower-ranking officials are all surnamed Yang. Do you understand? Their clan affairs are something we can’t easily interfere with or manage. They have their own way of handling things, so that’s how it is.”

Finally, he couldn’t help but add one more caution, “If you decide to stay overnight, it’s best to go to the nearby Jia Village, not any other village, especially not Family Tomb Village. Once you’re done, leave quickly, and consider today’s events as if you never saw them.”

After hanging up the phone, the official in charge had a deeply troubled expression on his face.

He sat in his office for a moment, then finally made a call to a higher authority.

“There’s something I can’t figure out, and I need to report it to you. You’ll decide how to handle it… Yes, it’s about Family Tomb Village…”


After the guests went up the mountain, Yan Shixun lifted the wicker chair that Zhang Wubing had been sitting on earlier with one hand and moved it to the courtyard gate. He leisurely lay down on the wicker chair, swaying gently. He half-closed his eyes and looked at the distant clear sky with red clouds scattered across the mountains.

Sunlight filtered through his hair that fell on his forehead, casting fine, delicate speckles on his eyelashes. It softened the sharpness in his brows and eyes, making his highly attractive face appear gentle, carrying a hint of the tenderness of the years.

Ye Li remained behind and didn’t go out with the guests. He stood silently in the shadow of the sunlight, like air, silently watching Yan Shixun’s figure.

No one noticed his presence at all. Even those who brushed past him were unaware that there was a person standing beside them.

At this moment, Ye Li’s gaze remained fixed on Yan Shixun’s handsome face, and his ink-black eyes flashed with astonishment.

If it were for the sake of this tenderness of the years, he could conquer enemies a thousand miles away or lay down his arms and return to farming, forging swords into plows.

As long as he could hold this unique miracle of the world in his arms…

The rural farmstay’s courtyard gate faced Moon Creek, and it only took a dozen meters to reach the water’s edge.

From Yan Shixun’s seated position at the courtyard gate, he didn’t even need to tilt his head deliberately. He could follow the arc of the swaying wicker chair and see the vast, cloudless sky and the Moon Creek reflecting the beautiful red autumn leaves of Moon Mountain.

The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful.

However, Yan Shixun didn’t completely lose himself in this leisurely scene.

His gaze was also drawn to the village houses around the rural farmstay. 

Earlier, Yang Yun mentioned that after his father’s death, the villagers had driven him and his mother to the outskirts of the village to fend for themselves. From this close vantage point to Moon Creek, it seemed to be true.

But there were still many village houses around the rural farmstay.

These houses appeared relatively new, with bricks and stones that hadn’t been weathered by wind and rain. Yan Shixun speculated that the villagers might have built these houses in response to seeing how well Yang Yun’s rural farmstay was doing in this area. They might have wanted a share of the success or believed that the Feng Shui here was favorable.

However, because all these houses were now tightly closed with no sounds emanating from them, Yan Shixun couldn’t discern the original intentions of the homeowners.

Outside the courtyard walls, red and pink flowers were in full bloom, swaying with the crisp autumn breeze, making one feel tempted to reach out and pluck a blossom.

Yan Shixun’s gaze fell aimlessly to the side as he watched those petals, but his mind was occupied with other thoughts.

All the events were like scattered puzzle pieces. He faintly sensed the connections between them but felt that something was missing, causing them to remain fragmented and unable to form a complete truth.

First, there was the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, and Yang Hua, whose sister climbed up the mountain to seek revenge disregard of Yang Hua’s life or death situation. Yang Yun’s words confirmed that Family Tomb Village was indeed the same place where Yang Hua had fled and where Yang Duo had died years ago.

Then, there was yesterday’s stay in Jia Village, where the village head had a clear expression of worry and fear, as well as the Ghost-Dispelling Well in the backyard. Yang Han and Yang Tu’s attitudes were also suspicious, as if there was something that Yang Guang didn’t know or hadn’t been told to him.

And Zhang Wubing, who was already sensitive to Yin energy, had nightmares all night and encountered a hanging body on the mountain.

Clearly, the body was hanging on a route that was a must-pass through the mountains, yet no one had noticed it as it decayed on the tree. Even if they said the road between the two villages had been closed due to conflicts, it was still strange. Didn’t anyone notice the disappearance of people in the surrounding area…

In Yan Shixun’s mind, all the events played out like a slideshow. He was trying to piece together the clues from them.

Lost in thought, his gaze unconsciously fell on a cluster of flowers in a corner next to the wall.

He saw a delicate hand reach into his field of vision, plucking a flower from the cluster.

Following the retracted arm, Yan Shixun spotted a young girl standing outside the fence, wearing a pretty dress. She was happily smelling the flower in her hand.

However, for some reason, as soon as the flower was plucked and landed in the girl’s hand, it began to wilt and lose its vitality.

Sensing Yan Shixun’s gaze, the girl curiously turned to look at him. After a brief moment of surprise, a warm smile crept onto her clear, innocent eyes.

“Oh, a stranger.”

The girl, with a hint of curiosity, cheerfully asked Yan Shixun, “Are you a guest at the rural farmstay? I haven’t seen you in the village before. You’re quite handsome.”

Yan Shixun was surprised to find that this young girl had such a cheerful personality. He straightened up slightly in his rattan chair to appear less casual.

“Well, I came here to enjoy the rural experience. Is your family from this village?”

“This is a bit complicated. My family seems to be from here, but not from here.”

The young girl replied with a broad smile, her eyes radiating pure innocence, as if her entire existence up to this point had been bathed in sunlight.

Her words had an unusual quality that furrowed Yan Shixun’s brow. 

Moreover, he detected a hint of scholarly demeanor in the girl. It was different from the straightforward and candid nature of Yang Tu and his friends, as if she had cultivated a sense of calmness through long hours of study and contemplation.

However, at this moment, her cheerful and radiant smile had overshadowed that calm and scholarly demeanor, as if all the joy she had ever experienced in her life was on full display.

Yan Shixun had encountered countless people from all walks of life and backgrounds in his life, from scholars to criminals.

Having seen so much, he had naturally developed a keen sense of reading people. He could usually deduce someone’s background and character by observing their behavior, demeanor, and clothing. 

However, the young girl before him left him perplexed.

What he saw in her should have been the result of a lifetime of urban education and refinement, not something that would be found in such a secluded village. Yet, her own demeanor and happiness seemed genuinely at odds with her surroundings.

The problem was that a girl from this village shouldn’t be living so happily.

Ever since entering the Family Tomb Village, Yan Shixun had been observing the situation in the passing villages. However, he rarely saw women out on their own. Most of the villagers he saw were elderly people sitting in front of their houses, enjoying the sun, or young people playing and laughing as they passed through the village.

When he had passed by the old man earlier, the man’s confident scolding of Bai Shuang’s attire, emphasizing that women should dress modestly, indicated that such behavior was commonplace for the older generation. He believed that young people should obey the older generation’s standards, and his age gave him the authority to scold the younger generation.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so self-assured.

Furthermore, Yang Yun’s account of the village’s past also revealed that Family Tomb Village had strict expectations for women. Women did not lead happy lives there. The experiences of Yang Hua and Yang Duo, in particular, were a cruel testament to how the village treated women.

However, in such a stifling environment, this young girl appeared to be so cheerful, displaying no sign of the introversion that one might expect from someone who had been oppressed for years.

These two conflicting pieces of information raised suspicions in Yan Shixun’s mind.

But before Yan Shixun could figure it out, the young girl approached him with a smile and introduced herself, “I’m Jiang Yanran. What’s your name?”


Jiang Yanran?

Not surnamed Yang, not a member of the Yang clan.

Moreover, the name “Yanran” was so different from the overall naming style in the village. Even for boys in the village, they would be given names that were easier to support. Given that she was a girl not favored or valued by the village, why would she have such a seriously crafted, pleasant name?

Could it be that her father loved her too much, which led him to defy the village’s trend of favoring boys and gave his daughter a beautiful blessing against the clan’s traditions?

Yan Shixun subconsciously tapped his fingers on the wicker chair, a sense of curiosity rising within him. However, he didn’t show any hint of it on his face and replied with a smile, “Jiang Yanran, what a wonderful name. It seems like your parents really cherish you.”

Names and birthdates were important pieces of information that exorcists would generally not casually reveal to others.

In this line of work, names and birth charts were like positioning signals. Once people knew them, it was like handing over a handle that could be used against you. If someone had malicious intentions, it was easy to fall victim.

However, Yan Shixun only paused for a moment and, to the girl’s hopeful gaze, slowly uttered his own name, “I am Yan Shixun.”

“Yes, but my parents passed away early, and it was my uncle who raised me. He loves me a lot, and I love him too. There’s no difference between him and my parents.”

The girl named Jiang Yanran showed no signs of discomfort. She still held the freshly picked flowers in her hands, her radiant smile appearing so beautiful in the sunlight that it could be a scene painted by an artist.

“Your name sounds very nice, like that of a prominent figure.”

Jiang Yanran praised Yan Shixun without a hint of shadow in her voice. “You’re from outside, right? That’s nice. You still have the freedom to leave the village.”

Yan Shixun lowered his gaze and replied with a smile, “If you want to leave the village and go outside, it’s also easy. Yang Yun and Yang Tu are soft-hearted, right? If you give them the flowers, they’ll probably be willing to take you out to play.”

Jiang Yanran shook her head, as if she had thought of something. There was a momentary hint of sadness on her originally bright face, but she quickly regained her cheerful demeanor.

“No, I’ve given up. There’s no hope anyway.”

“And Yang Yun…”

The last part of Jiang Yanran’s sentence was spoken so softly that even with Yan Shixun’s sharp hearing, he couldn’t make it out.

But as soon as he sat up from the wicker chair, transitioning from a relaxed posture to a serious one, and placed his feet on the ground, Jiang Yanran fell silent again.

“You’re here?”

“The flowers here are so beautiful; let’s pick one to take back with us.”

“Sure, after picking flowers, let’s continue to play in the village.”

Just as Jiang Yanran remained quiet, several girls hurriedly ran over from around the corner of the wall. When they saw Jiang Yanran and the flowers next to her, the girls excitedly started chattering and discussing, creating a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

Yan Shixun’s gaze briefly scanned over the girls.

Even though these girls were dressed similarly to Jiang Yanran, there was something similar to Yang Yun and Yang Tu about them, but they didn’t evoke the unique feeling that Jiang Yanran had just brought to him.

These girls were slightly younger than Jiang Yanran, with the oldest looking to be around fifteen, and the youngest possibly not even ten.

From their conversation topics and tone, it was apparent that Jiang Yanran was subtly at the center of their attention.

After the girls appeared, Jiang Yanran’s expression briefly contorted. She didn’t continue the words she had intended to say but instead pursed her lips and chose to remain silent.

Before Yan Shixun could take another look, Jiang Yanran’s face returned to its excessively radiant smile. She invited the girls who had gathered flowers to play with her in the village. The girls all enthusiastically agreed, looking excited and eager. It was unclear what kind of game could make them so happy.

“Yan Shixun is a very good name, and you seem like a good person too.”

Jiang Yanran, who had already run off with the girls, turned back and hurried over, her dress fluttering in the air.

She stood by the wicker chair, smiled, and extended the flowers she held, placing them in Yan Shixun’s palm.

“You are a good person, you have no sins, so you should be smiling.”

Jiang Yanran’s smile was brilliant as she softly said to Yan Shixun, “So, if you hear any sounds at night, no matter what they are, don’t go outside.”

“After spending this night, leave, leave the village and return to your own life.”

With that, Jiang Yanran turned lively again, her dress swaying in the breeze.

She smiled, waved to Yan Shixun, and then ran off, saying, “Let’s never see each other again, Yan Shixun.”

Yan Shixun instinctively reached out, wanting to hold onto the girl and seek clarification.

However, the girl was like flowing wind, like dissipating mist, and she quickly disappeared.

Could not grasp, could not retain.

Yan Shixun sat halfway in the rattan chair, looking somewhat dazed as he watched the girl and the girls’ figures disappearing into the distance in the blink of an eye. He absently gathered the flowers that had been given to him in his slender fingers, lost in thought, not sure what he was thinking.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Yun, with an apron wrapped around him and both hands covered in flour, rushed out of the kitchen upon hearing laughter. “I heard some noise just now. Did something happen?”

It seemed that Yang Yun had been busy in the kitchen preparing lunch.

And Zhang Wubing also poked his head out from the kitchen, curious yet somewhat hesitant, as he looked outside.

“…It’s nothing.”

Yan Shixun slowly shook his head, his slender fingers closing around the flowers in his palm. Then, he put on a polite smile and looked up at Yang Yun, saying, “Just now, a lot of girls came to pick flowers and then ran off.”

Yang Yun glanced at the flowerbed nearby that had been thoroughly picked clean, and he didn’t seem bothered. He smiled and said, “Oh, they’re the village girls. Let them play.”

“Let them have a good time and enjoy themselves.”

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