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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 16

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Yan Shixun was aware of the gender bias issue in Family Tomb Village.

Whether it was the account provided by the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, or the neighboring Jia Village’s disdain for Family Tomb Village, it was clear that from decades ago to the present, Family Tomb Village had never addressed this problem.

This village was not only geographically isolated due to being surrounded by mountains but also mentally closed off because of its deeply ingrained traditional beliefs. For decades, it had remained unchanged.

However, when the variety show celebrity told Yan Shixun about how everyone they had encountered in the village held negative attitudes towards Bai Shuang, it did surprise Yan Shixun slightly.

The villagers who seemed ready to confront them on the road and the man man casually insulting a young stranger girl—these actions were carried out because, in their perception, controlling girls was considered perfectly normal. They felt entitled to believe that girls should obediently listen without resisting.

Yan Shixun no longer saw it as just a matter of gender bias but something even more serious—an oppressive system rooted in patriarchal dominance within the clan.

Yang Tu had mentioned that among the several Yang family villages, only Jia Village had abandoned the traditional clan system, actively cooperated with the outside world, established a village head and village committee, and adhered to legal regulations for local matters. 

However, those from the Yang clan had their own rules and often disregarded external regulations.

Under such oppression, Yang Hua and Yang Duo had become, as Yan Shixun had already realized, victims of this system.

Yang Hua was taken away by Yang Guang and escaped from the Family Tomb Village. What about Yang Duo?

As the variety show celebrity was telling his stories, Yan Shixun gradually fell into contemplation. The smile that had adorned his lips a moment ago had disappeared completely.

When the smile vanished from his handsome face, the softened features were replaced by a sharp and unrestrained demeanor.

Bai Shuang trembled, feeling that Yan Shixun’s gaze, while seemingly calm, now filled her with a suffocating sense of fear.

“It’s okay, Brother Yan,” Bai Shuang forced a smile and cheerfully said, “I’ve figured it out. Their words can’t affect me anymore. Let them say what they want; I know I’m fine.”

Yan Shixun’s thoughts were brought back by Bai Shuang. His gaze, which had wandered, landed on Bai Shuang. After a few seconds, he said, “If you don’t want to encounter the people from the village again, you can stay here.”

Bai Shuang paused for a moment, then realized that Yan Shixun was taking care of her emotions, telling her that she didn’t have to go out with the others to search for food.

A warm feeling welled up inside her, and suddenly, Bai Shuang wasn’t afraid of anything anymore.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Bai Shuang raised her arm and struck a classic strongman pose, playfully saying, “With Brother Yan here, and with everyone here, what do I have to fear?”

The people at the dining table burst into laughter due to Bai Shuang’s antics. The atmosphere, which had cooled down due to the variety show celebrity’ stories, became joyful and lighthearted once more.

Yang Yun, who had also been amused, laughed until tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

He looked at Bai Shuang with a complex gaze that revealed a mix of admiration and nostalgia.

Yang Tu, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, began asking the guests around him about the lives of girls in the city and how the older generations treated girls at home.

Growing up in Jia Village, near the highway, Yang Tu had personally witnessed the village’s gradual development and connection with the outside world. This had sparked a strong curiosity in him about the world beyond, and he was humble enough to seek explanations for things he didn’t understand. The guests liked this cheerful and down-to-earth young man and were happy to answer his questions.

“Do the girls outside also have the option of not getting married and not having children?” Yang Tu asked with some surprise. “I used to think that in the city, it must be more liberal. If a girl can’t give birth to a boy after marriage, she wouldn’t have to be afraid of anything. But it turns out the outside world is even more advanced than I thought.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the dining table became tense.

Yang Tu blinked, feeling a bit lost. “Did I say something wrong?”

However, having already observed the attitude of the villagers towards women, the guests couldn’t help but interpret Yang Tu’s words in a different way.

“……Why would they be afraid?” When An Nanyuan opened his mouth, he felt like his throat was dry. It seemed like he didn’t want to ask this question, fearing that he might receive an answer he couldn’t handle.

Meanwhile, Yang Yun, who had remained silent all along, provided an answer, “Because they don’t want to die.”

Upon hearing these words, everyone was taken aback.

Especially Yan Shixun, who knew the tragic events that had befallen the Yang sisters, Yang Hua and Yang Duo. He scrutinized Yang Yun with an inquisitive gaze.

However, Yang Yun continued to smile foolishly. His face displayed a mix of amusement and anger. There were tears in his eyes, making him appear both deranged and eerie.


Although the lunch spread was sumptuous, the guests found it difficult to eat. They were only forcing themselves to swallow out of concern that they might not find food later in the evening. After they had their fill, they hastily made excuses to leave the dining table.

For some unknown reason, the guests’ discussion about women seemed to unsettle Yang Yun, making him appear somewhat off-kilter. Yang Tu, on the other hand, seemed to be aware of some undisclosed information. He apologized to the others, suggesting that Yang Yun might be too tired. He took over the role of host and accompanied Yang Yun to a room in the backyard to rest.

The remaining guests exchanged puzzled glances, uncertain about what had just occurred.

“It’s alright, although it’s an unexpected incident, it doesn’t have a major impact,” Zhang Wubing didn’t seem concerned. He multitasked, watching the crew members tinkering with the live broadcast equipment while saying, “The boss must be too tired. Don’t worry about it, let’s stick to the original plan.”

Yan Shixun also noticed the abnormal activity of the director’s team in the corner. He furrowed his brow and walked over with long strides.

“What’s going on? Is there a problem?” 

Zhang Wubing scratched his head. “It’s not a big deal, just a minor issue with the live broadcast equipment.”

The assistant director, who had emerged from beneath the partially inspected equipment, pointed to the small camera used for the director to preview shots. “Mr. Yan, the live signal has been weakening since we crossed over the mountain. We had to max out the amplifiers to stabilize it somewhat, but one of the cameras is malfunctioning. Fortunately, it’s not facing the audience, and we’ve also coordinated with the video platform and obtained technical support from them. We should be able to get through this shoot.”

Following the assistant director’s gesture, Yan Shixun looked at the camera, which displayed nothing but a deep crimson, obscuring the scenery but revealing mottled red patches, resembling aged and oxidized blood.

Not sure if it was due to unstable camera footage, but Yan Shixun found that the blood-red scenery seemed to have a lifelike quality, with undulating waves, as if it possessed its own vitality.

“We haven’t figured out exactly what’s going on, but our preliminary assessment is that water vapor might have entered the camera lens, affecting the internal optical components, which in turn caused imaging issues.”

The assistant director explained to Yan Shixun. “The humidity here is quite high, and excessive exposure to light can damage the lens. We’ll have to repair it gradually. Mr. Yan, don’t worry; it’s not a big deal. We have spare lenses in the car, and if necessary, we can even go back over the mountains to get a replacement.”

Yan Shixun instinctively sensed that something was off with the lens, but upon close inspection, he couldn’t detect anything unusual. 

Because the equipment repair team was still waiting to work on it, he reluctantly gave up and returned the space to the staff.

At this moment, the guests had also prepared their tools for work. They held shovels and other farming implements in one hand. Many of them had large baskets on their backs, ready to store the food, firewood, and other items they would find later.

Apart from the variety show celebrity and male celebrity who had experienced village life during their childhood, most of the other guests had grown up in the city and were having this kind of experience for the first time. They found it fascinating to handle tools, and their faces, which had been awkward and serious during lunch, now had smiles on them again.

An Nanyuan even performed a dance on the spot while carrying a basket on his back. Despite the simplicity of the basket, he managed to make it look like an important decoration at a dance feast. The guests applauded and cheered.

The viewers watching on screen were equally impressed, admiring An Nanyuan as a top idol with undeniable dance skills.

“Bai Shuang.”

As they were about to leave, Yan Shixun called out to Bai Shuang amid the playful crowd.

He casually plucked a few flowers from nearby bushes, the long flower stems in his hand behaving like soft and compliant ropes. His slender fingers deftly weaved among them, and in no time, a beautiful flower wreath took shape in his hands.

Bai Shuang had initially thought Yan Shixun was going to comfort her, but she was taken aback when she witnessed this scene. Her gaze was fixed on Yan Shixun’s hands as he skillfully crafted the exquisite flower wreath, her eyes filled with wonder at the unexpected beauty of the finished product.

She had been watching all along, but in the blink of an eye, her eyes couldn’t keep up with Yan Shixun’s lightning-fast hand movements. His long, agile fingers moved incredibly, leaving behind a trail of afterimages, truly astonishing anyone who witnessed it.

“For you,” Yan Shixun raised his hand and placed the floral wreath on Bai Shuang’s head, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “The village girls just picked these flowers. You shouldn’t be the only one without a flower.”

“Go ahead and enjoy yourself.”

Bai Shuang’s eyes sparkled with surprise. She hadn’t expected Yan Shixun to have such a comforting gesture. Suddenly, the last bit of hurt from the villagers’ continuous insults disappeared, replaced by the beauty brought by the flowers and sunshine, filling her heart.

The floral wreath adorning her hair faintly shimmered with a golden hue in the sunlight. Golden characters intertwined around the wreath, then disappeared into the air.

Unnoticed by anyone.

She smiled in pleasant surprise, thanking Yan Shixun repeatedly. Then, she turned and ran toward the door to join her fellow guests, her skirt fluttering as she playfully and carefree.

Both the guests and the audience who witnessed this scene couldn’t help but exclaim in amazement.

[I thoughtBrother Yan was the kind of guy you don’t mess with, the ‘cross him and you’re dead’ type. I never expected him to have such a gentle side. Making a floral wreath—can even the most attentive friend come up with such a trick to comfort someone?]

[What just happened??? When I saw Brother Yan start making the wreath, I quickly took out the craft ribbon next to me, thinking I’d learn how to do it with him. But in the blink of an eye, he had finished? My brain: Did you even see how it’s done? My eyes: Absolutely no idea. Aah, is this magic]

[Wuwuwu, this Yan Mai is crying a storm of envy. I want Brother Yan to make me a wreath too. Even though he keeps telling us not to like him, how can we resist? A guy who’s both cool and suave, capable of fighting ghosts one moment and making floral wreaths to comfort someone the next. Is this man a deity? Damn, I need to figure out a way to win him over.]

[Brother Yan always wants to leave. Although I can’t bear to see him unhappy, if he runs away like this, where am I going to find someone exactly like him? There’s no one in the entertainment industry similar to Brother Yan, and I can’t even find a stand-in. So, I can only endure it for Brother Yan. He’s just too, too irresistible!! Today is another day when I’m head over heels for Brother Yan.]

[I’m shocked. I used to despise men holding flowers, thinking it didn’t match at all. But after seeing Brother Yan, I now understand what they mean by ‘the perfect balance of strength and gentleness.’ There’s truly no sense of discord.]

As Yan Shixun casually walked with his hand in his pocket towards the room where Yang Yun was, he heard Ye Li’s voice beside him.

“You made a flower wreath for her,” Ye Li’s voice didn’t sound too pleased and had a hint of jealousy. “What about mine?”

“Why would I make one for you?” Yan Shixun glanced at him inexplicably. “Bai Shuang was feeling down after being scolded at. What’s your excuse? Besides, you’re a grown man. Isn’t it strange for you to carry flowers?”

Ye Li had originally wanted to say that he had also been scolded, but upon reflection, he realized that no one dared to scold him. The words that came out of his mouth were in line with the laws of heaven and earth. He couldn’t easily say it.

So he could only say, “Because you didn’t give it to me, that’s why I’m in a bad mood.”

Yan Shixun: “…What does your bad mood have to do with me?”

Ye Li was unfazed. “Because it’s a cause and effect that you caused, so you have to take responsibility.”

Yan Shixun chuckled: “Get lost.”

Ye Li raised a sharp eyebrow and a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Now that you’ve scolded me, I’m in a bad mood.”

“So, the flower crown?” 

Ye Li extended his hand with well-defined knuckles, demanding the flower crown, his demeanor not lacking in confidence.

Yan Shixun: “………”

Sighed, this guy must be sick.


Although Yan Shixun didn’t make a flower crown for Ye Li, he still gave him a small item from his own belongings before successfully breaking free from the group surrounding him. He headed to Yang Yun’s room.

The rural farmstayhad been recently built, except for the room where Yang Yun resided. It was old. The roof tiles had suffered severe wear and tear from the wind and sun. From the outside, it looked almost like a dilapidated house.

The door to the room was wide open, and Yang Tu was absent. Only Yang Yun sat on a worn-out chair inside the shabby room, lost in thought. He didn’t even hear Yan Shixun knocking on the door.

Yan Shixun glanced around the room and decided to step inside.

It was bare.

That’s the best way to describe the room.

Because of the dampness and rain, the walls were covered with mold, dark and unsightly, making one feel uncomfortable just looking at them. There were very few furnishings in the room, just the most basic items. They were equally old, bearing the marks of extensive use and wear.

However, Yang Yun had openly mentioned that the rural farmstay had earned a lot of money, making the villagers jealous. He possessed such wealth, even ensuring that the buildings in the rural farmstay were well-kept, yet he seemed unwilling to invest even a bit in renovating his own room.

It felt as though even the slightest movement might cause something to disappear.

“Yang Yun, are you okay?”

Yan Shixun seated himself opposite Yang Yun. After a while, Yang Yun’s vacant gaze, which had been fixed on the air, gradually refocused.

“Mr. Yan?” Yang Yun blinked, pulling himself out of his thoughts and taking a slow look around before returning his attention to Yan Shixun. He smiled apologetically, “I must have looked ridiculous just now; I zoned out again.”

“Ever since my mother passed away, I’ve been like this,” Yang Yun shook his head, his voice tinged with a sigh.

Yan Shixun comforted Yang Yun for a while until his emotions stabilized. Then, he casually inquired about the perplexity he had felt upon seeing the dilapidated state of the room.

Guided by Yan Shixun, Yang Yun gradually let down his guard and began to share the history of the room.

Yan Shixun’s judgment was correct. The room where Yang Yun had been staying was the very same place where he had lived with his mother for twenty years.

After his mother’s death, Yang Yun remained immersed in self-blame. He believed that if he hadn’t left the village back then, his mother wouldn’t have passed away without anyone to call for help when she fell seriously ill.

So, even though Yang Yun had earned money, he continued to live in the same room without moving or making any changes to its appearance.

“I always feel like my mom hasn’t really left. I’m afraid to change the room; I fear she might get lost and not recognize our home.”

Yang Yun said, his expression distant. “That’s why I stay here, waiting for my mom to come back. I hope she’ll visit me in my dreams so I can apologize to her.”

“My mom had such a tough life. She was such a wonderful person when she was young. She even had a chance to go to school and explore a wider world. If it weren’t for my dad, if it weren’t for the people in our clan…”

Yang Yun’s voice quivered, and he choked up to the point where he could hardly continue, saying, “When I was young, I made a solemn promise that I would avenge my dad and ensure that my mom lived a good life. I vowed to take her away from the village and help her find her own family.”

“But, but…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Yang Yun choked on his words, tears streaming down his face.

Yan Shixun sat quietly in the dilapidated room for a while. His sharp, slightly lowered eyebrows carried a shallow sense of lamentation.

No matter how many places he traveled to or how many people he met, he couldn’t help but sigh at the impermanence of life.

His gaze swept over the layout and items in the house, and then he got up and left, leaving the space to Yang Yun alone.

On the other side, the guests had already gone up the mountain, chatting and laughing as they searched for things that could be used as ingredients. 

Thanks to Yang Tu’s earlier demonstration, they had learned quite a bit and were now doing it quite competently.

As autumn brought early sunsets in the mountains, Yan Shixun and Yang Tu had told them to return before dusk. So, the guests didn’t want to waste any time. They divided their tasks, with some collecting firewood and others searching for food.

The fallen leaves of autumn had piled up thickly on the mountain, even though they were not far from the base of the hill. The soil was so soft that it could almost make one sink in with each step, as if it had been undisturbed for a long time.

Bai Shuang and Zhao Zhen were working together, each with their own task. One was cutting branches covered with chestnuts, and the other was bending down to toss those chestnuts into the basket behind them.

After working for a while, Bai Shuang straightened her back and wanted to take a break.

But in that moment when she straightened her back, she felt like she saw, behind the branches that blocked her view, a deer covered in blood dashing through the gaps in the leaves.

The deer was covered in bloodstains, and its fur was ruffled, as if it had been bitten and torn at. Even its pale ribs were exposed. Its stiff movements seemed like those of a lifeless specimen. The blood on its fur had long dried and congealed.

It seemed to have noticed Bai Shuang, as its murky, lifeless black eyes glanced back for a moment before quickly disappearing into the forest.

Only the swaying branches seemed to prove that what Bai Shuang had seen was not an illusion.


“Bai Shuang, Bai Shuang?” Zhao Zhen called out in confusion to his partner, who hadn’t been picking chestnuts for quite some time. When he turned around, he saw Bai Shuang standing there, frozen and seemingly stunned.

Worried, Zhao Zhen asked, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

After a while, Bai Shuang finally felt her brain regain control over her limbs. She raised her hand, trembling, and pointed in the direction where the deer had disappeared.


Zhao Zhen looked up, but all he could see were the leaves gently swaying in the air.

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 85

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 16

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Yan Shixun was aware of the gender bias issue in Family Tomb Village.

Whether it was the account provided by the breakfast shop owner, Yang Guang, or the neighboring Jia Village's disdain for Family Tomb Village, it was clear that from decades ago to the present, Family Tomb Village had never addressed this problem.

This village was not only geographically isolated due to being surrounded by mountains but also mentally closed off because of its deeply ingrained traditional beliefs. For decades, it had remained unchanged.

However, when the variety show celebrity told Yan Shixun about how everyone they had encountered in the village held negative attitudes towards Bai Shuang, it did surprise Yan Shixun slightly.

The villagers who seemed ready to confront them on the road and the man man casually insulting a young stranger girl—these actions were carried out because, in their perception, controlling girls was considered perfectly normal. They felt entitled to believe that girls should obediently listen without resisting.

Yan Shixun no longer saw it as just a matter of gender bias but something even more serious—an oppressive system rooted in patriarchal dominance within the clan.

Yang Tu had mentioned that among the several Yang family villages, only Jia Village had abandoned the traditional clan system, actively cooperated with the outside world, established a village head and village committee, and adhered to legal regulations for local matters. 

However, those from the Yang clan had their own rules and often disregarded external regulations.

Under such oppression, Yang Hua and Yang Duo had become, as Yan Shixun had already realized, victims of this system.

Yang Hua was taken away by Yang Guang and escaped from the Family Tomb Village. What about Yang Duo?

As the variety show celebrity was telling his stories, Yan Shixun gradually fell into contemplation. The smile that had adorned his lips a moment ago had disappeared completely.

When the smile vanished from his handsome face, the softened features were replaced by a sharp and unrestrained demeanor.

Bai Shuang trembled, feeling that Yan Shixun's gaze, while seemingly calm, now filled her with a suffocating sense of fear.

"It's okay, Brother Yan," Bai Shuang forced a smile and cheerfully said, "I've figured it out. Their words can't affect me anymore. Let them say what they want; I know I'm fine."

Yan Shixun's thoughts were brought back by Bai Shuang. His gaze, which had wandered, landed on Bai Shuang. After a few seconds, he said, "If you don't want to encounter the people from the village again, you can stay here."

Bai Shuang paused for a moment, then realized that Yan Shixun was taking care of her emotions, telling her that she didn't have to go out with the others to search for food.

A warm feeling welled up inside her, and suddenly, Bai Shuang wasn't afraid of anything anymore.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Bai Shuang raised her arm and struck a classic strongman pose, playfully saying, "With Brother Yan here, and with everyone here, what do I have to fear?"

The people at the dining table burst into laughter due to Bai Shuang's antics. The atmosphere, which had cooled down due to the variety show celebrity' stories, became joyful and lighthearted once more.

Yang Yun, who had also been amused, laughed until tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

He looked at Bai Shuang with a complex gaze that revealed a mix of admiration and nostalgia.

Yang Tu, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, began asking the guests around him about the lives of girls in the city and how the older generations treated girls at home.

Growing up in Jia Village, near the highway, Yang Tu had personally witnessed the village's gradual development and connection with the outside world. This had sparked a strong curiosity in him about the world beyond, and he was humble enough to seek explanations for things he didn't understand. The guests liked this cheerful and down-to-earth young man and were happy to answer his questions.

"Do the girls outside also have the option of not getting married and not having children?" Yang Tu asked with some surprise. "I used to think that in the city, it must be more liberal. If a girl can't give birth to a boy after marriage, she wouldn't have to be afraid of anything. But it turns out the outside world is even more advanced than I thought."

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the dining table became tense.

Yang Tu blinked, feeling a bit lost. "Did I say something wrong?"

However, having already observed the attitude of the villagers towards women, the guests couldn't help but interpret Yang Tu's words in a different way.

"......Why would they be afraid?" When An Nanyuan opened his mouth, he felt like his throat was dry. It seemed like he didn't want to ask this question, fearing that he might receive an answer he couldn't handle.

Meanwhile, Yang Yun, who had remained silent all along, provided an answer, "Because they don't want to die."

Upon hearing these words, everyone was taken aback.

Especially Yan Shixun, who knew the tragic events that had befallen the Yang sisters, Yang Hua and Yang Duo. He scrutinized Yang Yun with an inquisitive gaze.

However, Yang Yun continued to smile foolishly. His face displayed a mix of amusement and anger. There were tears in his eyes, making him appear both deranged and eerie.


Although the lunch spread was sumptuous, the guests found it difficult to eat. They were only forcing themselves to swallow out of concern that they might not find food later in the evening. After they had their fill, they hastily made excuses to leave the dining table.

For some unknown reason, the guests' discussion about women seemed to unsettle Yang Yun, making him appear somewhat off-kilter. Yang Tu, on the other hand, seemed to be aware of some undisclosed information. He apologized to the others, suggesting that Yang Yun might be too tired. He took over the role of host and accompanied Yang Yun to a room in the backyard to rest.

The remaining guests exchanged puzzled glances, uncertain about what had just occurred.

"It's alright, although it's an unexpected incident, it doesn't have a major impact," Zhang Wubing didn't seem concerned. He multitasked, watching the crew members tinkering with the live broadcast equipment while saying, "The boss must be too tired. Don't worry about it, let's stick to the original plan."

Yan Shixun also noticed the abnormal activity of the director's team in the corner. He furrowed his brow and walked over with long strides.

"What's going on? Is there a problem?" 

Zhang Wubing scratched his head. "It's not a big deal, just a minor issue with the live broadcast equipment."

The assistant director, who had emerged from beneath the partially inspected equipment, pointed to the small camera used for the director to preview shots. "Mr. Yan, the live signal has been weakening since we crossed over the mountain. We had to max out the amplifiers to stabilize it somewhat, but one of the cameras is malfunctioning. Fortunately, it's not facing the audience, and we've also coordinated with the video platform and obtained technical support from them. We should be able to get through this shoot."

Following the assistant director's gesture, Yan Shixun looked at the camera, which displayed nothing but a deep crimson, obscuring the scenery but revealing mottled red patches, resembling aged and oxidized blood.

Not sure if it was due to unstable camera footage, but Yan Shixun found that the blood-red scenery seemed to have a lifelike quality, with undulating waves, as if it possessed its own vitality.

"We haven't figured out exactly what's going on, but our preliminary assessment is that water vapor might have entered the camera lens, affecting the internal optical components, which in turn caused imaging issues."

The assistant director explained to Yan Shixun. "The humidity here is quite high, and excessive exposure to light can damage the lens. We'll have to repair it gradually. Mr. Yan, don't worry; it's not a big deal. We have spare lenses in the car, and if necessary, we can even go back over the mountains to get a replacement."

Yan Shixun instinctively sensed that something was off with the lens, but upon close inspection, he couldn't detect anything unusual. 

Because the equipment repair team was still waiting to work on it, he reluctantly gave up and returned the space to the staff.

At this moment, the guests had also prepared their tools for work. They held shovels and other farming implements in one hand. Many of them had large baskets on their backs, ready to store the food, firewood, and other items they would find later.

Apart from the variety show celebrity and male celebrity who had experienced village life during their childhood, most of the other guests had grown up in the city and were having this kind of experience for the first time. They found it fascinating to handle tools, and their faces, which had been awkward and serious during lunch, now had smiles on them again.

An Nanyuan even performed a dance on the spot while carrying a basket on his back. Despite the simplicity of the basket, he managed to make it look like an important decoration at a dance feast. The guests applauded and cheered.

The viewers watching on screen were equally impressed, admiring An Nanyuan as a top idol with undeniable dance skills.

"Bai Shuang."

As they were about to leave, Yan Shixun called out to Bai Shuang amid the playful crowd.

He casually plucked a few flowers from nearby bushes, the long flower stems in his hand behaving like soft and compliant ropes. His slender fingers deftly weaved among them, and in no time, a beautiful flower wreath took shape in his hands.

Bai Shuang had initially thought Yan Shixun was going to comfort her, but she was taken aback when she witnessed this scene. Her gaze was fixed on Yan Shixun's hands as he skillfully crafted the exquisite flower wreath, her eyes filled with wonder at the unexpected beauty of the finished product.

She had been watching all along, but in the blink of an eye, her eyes couldn't keep up with Yan Shixun's lightning-fast hand movements. His long, agile fingers moved incredibly, leaving behind a trail of afterimages, truly astonishing anyone who witnessed it.

"For you," Yan Shixun raised his hand and placed the floral wreath on Bai Shuang's head, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "The village girls just picked these flowers. You shouldn't be the only one without a flower."

"Go ahead and enjoy yourself."

Bai Shuang's eyes sparkled with surprise. She hadn't expected Yan Shixun to have such a comforting gesture. Suddenly, the last bit of hurt from the villagers' continuous insults disappeared, replaced by the beauty brought by the flowers and sunshine, filling her heart.

The floral wreath adorning her hair faintly shimmered with a golden hue in the sunlight. Golden characters intertwined around the wreath, then disappeared into the air.

Unnoticed by anyone.

She smiled in pleasant surprise, thanking Yan Shixun repeatedly. Then, she turned and ran toward the door to join her fellow guests, her skirt fluttering as she playfully and carefree.

Both the guests and the audience who witnessed this scene couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

[I thoughtBrother Yan was the kind of guy you don't mess with, the 'cross him and you're dead' type. I never expected him to have such a gentle side. Making a floral wreath—can even the most attentive friend come up with such a trick to comfort someone?]

[What just happened??? When I saw Brother Yan start making the wreath, I quickly took out the craft ribbon next to me, thinking I'd learn how to do it with him. But in the blink of an eye, he had finished? My brain: Did you even see how it's done? My eyes: Absolutely no idea. Aah, is this magic]

[Wuwuwu, this Yan Mai is crying a storm of envy. I want Brother Yan to make me a wreath too. Even though he keeps telling us not to like him, how can we resist? A guy who's both cool and suave, capable of fighting ghosts one moment and making floral wreaths to comfort someone the next. Is this man a deity? Damn, I need to figure out a way to win him over.]

[Brother Yan always wants to leave. Although I can't bear to see him unhappy, if he runs away like this, where am I going to find someone exactly like him? There's no one in the entertainment industry similar to Brother Yan, and I can't even find a stand-in. So, I can only endure it for Brother Yan. He's just too, too irresistible!! Today is another day when I'm head over heels for Brother Yan.]

[I'm shocked. I used to despise men holding flowers, thinking it didn't match at all. But after seeing Brother Yan, I now understand what they mean by 'the perfect balance of strength and gentleness.' There's truly no sense of discord.]

As Yan Shixun casually walked with his hand in his pocket towards the room where Yang Yun was, he heard Ye Li's voice beside him.

"You made a flower wreath for her," Ye Li's voice didn't sound too pleased and had a hint of jealousy. "What about mine?"

"Why would I make one for you?" Yan Shixun glanced at him inexplicably. "Bai Shuang was feeling down after being scolded at. What's your excuse? Besides, you're a grown man. Isn't it strange for you to carry flowers?"

Ye Li had originally wanted to say that he had also been scolded, but upon reflection, he realized that no one dared to scold him. The words that came out of his mouth were in line with the laws of heaven and earth. He couldn't easily say it.

So he could only say, "Because you didn't give it to me, that's why I'm in a bad mood."

Yan Shixun: "...What does your bad mood have to do with me?"

Ye Li was unfazed. "Because it's a cause and effect that you caused, so you have to take responsibility."

Yan Shixun chuckled: "Get lost."

Ye Li raised a sharp eyebrow and a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Now that you've scolded me, I'm in a bad mood."

"So, the flower crown?" 

Ye Li extended his hand with well-defined knuckles, demanding the flower crown, his demeanor not lacking in confidence.

Yan Shixun: "........."

Sighed, this guy must be sick.


Although Yan Shixun didn't make a flower crown for Ye Li, he still gave him a small item from his own belongings before successfully breaking free from the group surrounding him. He headed to Yang Yun's room.

The rural farmstayhad been recently built, except for the room where Yang Yun resided. It was old. The roof tiles had suffered severe wear and tear from the wind and sun. From the outside, it looked almost like a dilapidated house.

The door to the room was wide open, and Yang Tu was absent. Only Yang Yun sat on a worn-out chair inside the shabby room, lost in thought. He didn't even hear Yan Shixun knocking on the door.

Yan Shixun glanced around the room and decided to step inside.

It was bare.

That's the best way to describe the room.

Because of the dampness and rain, the walls were covered with mold, dark and unsightly, making one feel uncomfortable just looking at them. There were very few furnishings in the room, just the most basic items. They were equally old, bearing the marks of extensive use and wear.

However, Yang Yun had openly mentioned that the rural farmstay had earned a lot of money, making the villagers jealous. He possessed such wealth, even ensuring that the buildings in the rural farmstay were well-kept, yet he seemed unwilling to invest even a bit in renovating his own room.

It felt as though even the slightest movement might cause something to disappear.

"Yang Yun, are you okay?"

Yan Shixun seated himself opposite Yang Yun. After a while, Yang Yun's vacant gaze, which had been fixed on the air, gradually refocused.

"Mr. Yan?" Yang Yun blinked, pulling himself out of his thoughts and taking a slow look around before returning his attention to Yan Shixun. He smiled apologetically, "I must have looked ridiculous just now; I zoned out again."

"Ever since my mother passed away, I've been like this," Yang Yun shook his head, his voice tinged with a sigh.

Yan Shixun comforted Yang Yun for a while until his emotions stabilized. Then, he casually inquired about the perplexity he had felt upon seeing the dilapidated state of the room.

Guided by Yan Shixun, Yang Yun gradually let down his guard and began to share the history of the room.

Yan Shixun's judgment was correct. The room where Yang Yun had been staying was the very same place where he had lived with his mother for twenty years.

After his mother's death, Yang Yun remained immersed in self-blame. He believed that if he hadn't left the village back then, his mother wouldn't have passed away without anyone to call for help when she fell seriously ill.

So, even though Yang Yun had earned money, he continued to live in the same room without moving or making any changes to its appearance.

"I always feel like my mom hasn't really left. I'm afraid to change the room; I fear she might get lost and not recognize our home."

Yang Yun said, his expression distant. "That's why I stay here, waiting for my mom to come back. I hope she'll visit me in my dreams so I can apologize to her."

"My mom had such a tough life. She was such a wonderful person when she was young. She even had a chance to go to school and explore a wider world. If it weren't for my dad, if it weren't for the people in our clan..."

Yang Yun's voice quivered, and he choked up to the point where he could hardly continue, saying, "When I was young, I made a solemn promise that I would avenge my dad and ensure that my mom lived a good life. I vowed to take her away from the village and help her find her own family."

"But, but..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Yang Yun choked on his words, tears streaming down his face.

Yan Shixun sat quietly in the dilapidated room for a while. His sharp, slightly lowered eyebrows carried a shallow sense of lamentation.

No matter how many places he traveled to or how many people he met, he couldn't help but sigh at the impermanence of life.

His gaze swept over the layout and items in the house, and then he got up and left, leaving the space to Yang Yun alone.

On the other side, the guests had already gone up the mountain, chatting and laughing as they searched for things that could be used as ingredients. 

Thanks to Yang Tu's earlier demonstration, they had learned quite a bit and were now doing it quite competently.

As autumn brought early sunsets in the mountains, Yan Shixun and Yang Tu had told them to return before dusk. So, the guests didn't want to waste any time. They divided their tasks, with some collecting firewood and others searching for food.

The fallen leaves of autumn had piled up thickly on the mountain, even though they were not far from the base of the hill. The soil was so soft that it could almost make one sink in with each step, as if it had been undisturbed for a long time.

Bai Shuang and Zhao Zhen were working together, each with their own task. One was cutting branches covered with chestnuts, and the other was bending down to toss those chestnuts into the basket behind them.

After working for a while, Bai Shuang straightened her back and wanted to take a break.

But in that moment when she straightened her back, she felt like she saw, behind the branches that blocked her view, a deer covered in blood dashing through the gaps in the leaves.

The deer was covered in bloodstains, and its fur was ruffled, as if it had been bitten and torn at. Even its pale ribs were exposed. Its stiff movements seemed like those of a lifeless specimen. The blood on its fur had long dried and congealed.

It seemed to have noticed Bai Shuang, as its murky, lifeless black eyes glanced back for a moment before quickly disappearing into the forest.

Only the swaying branches seemed to prove that what Bai Shuang had seen was not an illusion.


"Bai Shuang, Bai Shuang?" Zhao Zhen called out in confusion to his partner, who hadn't been picking chestnuts for quite some time. When he turned around, he saw Bai Shuang standing there, frozen and seemingly stunned.

Worried, Zhao Zhen asked, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

After a while, Bai Shuang finally felt her brain regain control over her limbs. She raised her hand, trembling, and pointed in the direction where the deer had disappeared.


Zhao Zhen looked up, but all he could see were the leaves gently swaying in the air.

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for the update

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