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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 17

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The guests had initially been scattered nearby, working on their tasks while chatting and joking with their partners.

It was An Nanyuan, who was part of the group closest to Bai Shuang, who first noticed that something was amiss.

An Nanyuan had been cutting the dead branches of bushes with the variety show celebrity when he suddenly heard Zhao Zhen calling Bai Shuang’s name not far away. Because Bai Shuang had just experienced a setback earlier in the day, An Nanyuan had subconsciously paid more attention to her. When he heard Zhao Zhen’s voice becoming increasingly urgent, tinged with surprise and concern, he quickly straightened up and looked in Bai Shuang’s direction.

He saw Bai Shuang standing still, trembling, and pointing towards something in the distance. Her face was deathly pale, as if she had seen something horrifying.

An Nanyuan’s heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought of the time they had encountered a corpse in the woods on their way to Family Tomb Village. So, he swiftly put down the firewood he had been carrying and hurried a few steps toward Bai Shuang.

“What’s wrong?” An Nanyuan followed Bai Shuang’s pointed direction but only saw branches swaying in the wind, with nothing suspicious in sight.

He quickly said a word to Zhao Zhen, instructing him to keep an eye on Bai Shuang, and then strode off in that direction, pushing aside branches to move upward. He wanted to get closer and investigate what had frightened Bai Shuang.

An Nanyuan’s unusual actions caught the attention of the variety show celebrity, and he promptly set down their baskets and hurried over.

Soon, due to the commotion here, all the guests gradually noticed that something was wrong with Bai Shuang and gathered around.

“What’s wrong with Bai Shuang?” Lu Xingxing looked bewildered as he saw Bai Shuang frozen stiff, waving a hand in front of her, but she showed no response.

Bai Shuang’s eyes were wide open, but her pupils had contracted into tiny dots. Her nostrils were slightly flared, clearly indicating that she had been terrified and couldn’t react for quite some time.

“I don’t know either,” Zhao Zhen shook his head, sounding concerned. “She seems to have seen something. When I turned around, she was already like this. It looks like she got scared. But I didn’t see anything, so I don’t know what she saw.”

Lu Xingxing furrowed his brow and asked, “In which direction did she see that thing? Did she point to the location?”

Zhao Zhen nodded, saying, “An Nanyuan has already gone to take a look.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Xingxing hurriedly strode over and, with a few quick steps, maneuvered through the tangled branches. He soon caught up with An Nanyuan.

An Nanyuan was currently looking around in confusion, not knowing what he should be searching for.

“Did you see anything?” After the sound of rustling clothes as Lu Xingxing approached through the branches, he walked up to An Nanyuan, treading cautiously, and asked, “Is the thing that scared Bai Shuang located around here?”

“It seems like there’s nothing here,” Lu Xingxing muttered with some confusion. “Did it run away?”

“That shouldn’t be.” An Nanyuan frowned. “I came over as soon as Bai Shuang was frightened, but I didn’t see anything.”

The two of them searched a small area nearby for a while but found nothing. They had to give up and bent down together to crawl under the branches.

Behind them, on the trembling leaves, were traces of black and red blood.

A small piece of flesh clung to An Nanyuan’s clothes when he bent down.

Facing the nervous and concerned gazes of the guests, the two of them shook their heads. “We didn’t find anything.”

“It looks like there was nothing there. Did Bai Shuang make a mistake?” 

The variety show celebrity turned his gaze towards Bai Shuang. She was gradually calming down with the reassurance of the others, and the tension in her facial muscles slowly eased.

“I saw a deer.”

Bai Shuang’s face turned ashen, and her voice trembled as she hesitated to speak. “A deer without antlers, covered in blood, as if it had been gnawed on by something. I even saw its ribs… It just stood there, looking at me, with a terrifying gaze. It made me feel like I was a piece of meat about to rot.”

Bai Shuang’s words left the guests puzzled, and they exchanged glances, their faces showing confusion.

“Deer? Are there deer on this mountain? I haven’t heard Yang Tu mention them,” Zhao Zhen expressed some surprise. “Could it be that Bai Shuang made a mistake, and it was actually a wild dog or something similar?”

After all, Bai Shuang had lived in the city all her life, and her ability to distinguish between animals and plants might be weaker. If she was under extreme fear, it was not impossible for her to mistake an animal for a similar-looking species.

“That doesn’t make sense,” An Nanyuan raised a question, focusing on the key point in Bai Shuang’s words. “If it really was as Bai Shuang described, that deer or whatever it was should be dead by now. After all, with ribs exposed like that, I’ve never seen an animal with injuries that severe still alive.”

“But if that’s the case, why can the animal still walk? Why can it make eye contact with people?” Lu Xingxing questioned.

The others shook their heads, unable to explain the phenomenon.

Only Lu Xingxing frowned, but upon seeing the split screens displayed on the shoulders of the guests, he decided to withhold the words he had intended to say.

This was because his master, Taoist Song Yi, had sternly cautioned him not to show off his abilities casually in front of the camera, not to flaunt the banner of Haiyun Temple, and to be mindful of the impact. So, Lu Xingxing didn’t dare to say anything more on camera.

After all, he had misspoken earlier, and Yan Shixun had seized the opportunity to playfully tease him, leaving him quite embarrassed.

Lu Xingxing had learned his lesson and had initially spoken without reservations because it was his first time participating in this type of live broadcast program. He often forgot that he was still live, following his usual speaking habits.

But knowing that his master was now closely watching the live broadcast, and realizing that Yan Shixun could also see his performance, he became more cautious. He carefully considered his words, making sure not to provide any openings for Yan Shixun.


Lu Xingxing, who usually appeared carefree about everything, had a rare moment of seriousness on his face. As the other guests gathered around Bai Shuang, whispering words of comfort, he kept glancing back at the area he had just investigated with no results.

Right now, he wished that Yan Shixun or his master were by his side.

In the practice of cultivation, both innate spirituality and postnatal training were highly valued. Lu Xingxing happened to be somewhat lacking in both aspects.

Due to his lack of talent, Lu Xingxing could only vaguely recall something from Bai Shuang’s description. It seemed like something his Master Uncle had mentioned.

Rigor Mortis.

Animals, unlike humans, are not often discovered and properly handled after death. Many animals that die in remote and rarely visited places like mountains may remain undiscovered for a long time. Their bodies are exposed to the elements, accumulating yin energy over an extended period.

If the location where an animal’s body lies happens to be in a place with unique terrain or heavy negative energy, it can lead to the body accumulating a significant amount of yin energy, potentially causing it to reanimate.

Just as living beings need yang energy, like vehicles require fuel, for the deceased, yin energy serves as the power source for their actions. As long as there is sufficient yin energy and the terrain is peculiar enough that no Yin Officials come to claim their souls, these souls will return to their bodies and animate them.

This state continues until the yin energy is depleted, or the Yin Officials come to claim the souls, or they are resolved by passing exorcists.

This phenomenon is known as “Rigor Mortis.”

Many Taoists at Haiyun Temple have encountered Rigor Mortis while wandering in the mountains. Consequently, they have documented the characteristics of Rigor Mortis and methods to deal with it in their respective notes, providing a reference for future generation disciples.

Lu Xingxing now felt like a student sitting in an exam room, looking at the questions on the test paper and feeling a sense of familiarity but unable to recall the answers his teacher had explained back then.

He could vaguely remember that a few years ago, when his homework Master Uncle talked about Rigor Mortis, he was probably listening to the latest chart-topping single and daydreaming about the cool scenes he would create when he opened his own music studio. He also found his homework Master Uncle’s lectures quite dull at the time.

He couldn’t recall the characteristics of Rigor Mortis at all. All he remembered was that his homework Master Uncle had sternly advised them that when encountering Rigor Mortis, if they could run, they should run as fast as possible. Unless they were experienced individuals, they shouldn’t try to be heroes.

Because Rigor Mortis were essentially creatures formed from the accumulation of Yin energy, akin to mortal enemies of the living. Once a Rigor Mortis got close to a person, unless they were a Taoist cultivator with the ability to call upon true deities for protection, it was inevitable that they would suffer a significant depletion of their own Yang energy. Moreover, the most crucial point was the reason Rigor Mortis were formed—

There was a substantial amount of Yin energy in the vicinity.

This meant that there were more undiscovered corpses nearby, and even the terrain was completely unfavorable for the living. 

If there were still other souls within those corpses that hadn’t departed, it would be a nightmare for Taoists, with no hope of victory in sight.

By then, it seemed like the best course of action.

Lu Xingxing repeatedly glanced at the spot, trying hard to recall the characteristics of the Rigor Mortis that he had heard about in the past. He wanted to determine whether what Bai Shuang had seen was indeed a Rigor Mortis.

However, he failed.

His mind was blank, emitting a sound that signaled complete lack of knowledge.

Lu Xingxing: …

“Regret comes too late when the book is closed,” he thought, feeling regretful that he hadn’t paid more attention to his master’s teachings.

“M-Maybe, I must have seen it wrong,” Bai Shuang forced a smile, but she didn’t appear to be in good shape.

The others, upon noticing her condition, grew concerned. They quickly took the tools from Bai Shuang’s hands and helped her sit on a nearby large rock, allowing her to rest for a while.

“It’s alright, Bai Shuang, don’t worry about it,” one of the variety show celebrity reassured her and handed her a bottle of water he had brought along. He said, “You were just too tense today, which led to a misunderstanding. Take a break. We’ll head down the mountain as soon as we’ve packed up the firewood and other ingredients.”

Bai Shuang nodded and took the water from the variety show celebrity in a daze.

Because of Bai Shuang’s incident, the guests, who were already in a hurry, worked even faster. They completed their tasks much more quickly than originally anticipated. Each of their baskets was now filled to the brim with firewood and ingredients.

The guests were on edge due to Bai Shuang’s words, feeling uneasy.

Although they hadn’t seen anything, and they all believed it was a misunderstanding on Bai Shuang’s part, they had experienced several dangerous situations with the production crew before. They had also seen a hanged body in the mountains. Moreover, Yan Shixun, whom they relied on, had instructed them to return before dusk and never stay outside once it got dark.

So, the guests were like startled birds. They now found the surrounding woods eerie and dangerous. Even the sound of the wind rustling the leaves made them jump. They were on high alert, seeing threats everywhere.

When they finally straightened their backs, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they could finally descend the mountain.

The audience, glued to their screens, had also kept their hearts racing, wishing they could somehow step through the screen to help with the work so that they could finish quickly and descend the mountain sooner.

As they saw the guests finally able to descend the mountain, the audience collectively let out their held breaths.

Many of them collapsed backward into their chairs, feeling as if they had just played a high-speed escape game, with their adrenaline levels skyrocketing. Then, an even deeper fatigue washed over them, making them not want to move at all.

Some audience could even hear the intense pounding of their hearts in their chests, so rapid that they feared their hearts might leap out of their throats.

[Oh my goodness, they can finally descend the mountain. If it had gone any later, I would have been worried about crying in fear. This was so tormenting. There was nothing explained, I didn’t even know what was happening. I thought it might have been a mistake, but I also wasn’t sure if it was a mistake. I had to anxiously wait for that thing to attack them or hope it was just an illusion. I’ve never been this nervous, even when giving speeches on stage! Is there any danger, can they be straighforward? The sooner I die, the sooner I can move on!]

[Oh my god! Covering the person above’s mouth in shock! Can’t you speak more carefully? What do you mean ‘the sooner I die, the sooner I can move on’? Haven’t you watched the previous episodes of this show? In this show, I wouldn’t dare to post any comments or messages with the word ‘death’ in them, fearing that it might come true. You can talk like that normally, but in this show, there is real danger!]

[I regret listening to Brother Goose’s advice and watching this episode while eating. I drank too much water, and now I need to use the restroom, but I can’t leave the screen. I have to watch them descend the mountain before I can relax. Now I’m sitting outside a restaurant, desperately shaking my leg and holding my bladder. The owner is giving me strange looks. What am I going to do when I go home? I have to pass through a small forest from the restaurant to my house, I’m a bit afraid to walk now.]

[Don’t complain, the person above; you’re lucky. I live alone, and now I’m freaking out at home all by myself. Let alone going to the restroom, I originally woke up planning to go out, but now I’ve decisively shaken off the covers and hidden myself under the blanket. I’ve wrapped myself up so tightly, not daring to let any breeze in. Oh my god, when Xingxing and the others were working just now, I really couldn’t bring myself to leave. I was holding it in so much I thought I’d vomit.]

[I took a screenshot of Bai Shuang’s split-screen earlier! But the video platform won’t let me share it. Bai Shuang’s camera just went to the edge for a moment, the same place An Nanyuan and the others were constantly looking at. I swear, Bai Shuang really didn’t make a mistake! There was really something there just now!”

[Damn, is it true? I was watching the livestream with my mom just now. When I bent down to get water, my mom got scared by the livestream and said she saw a mountain deer, all bloody and gory, which scared her so much she spilled the popcorn all over the place. Here I am, cleaning up this mess, and I blamed her, saying she just couldn’t hold onto it and made up an excuse to get me to do the work. So, my mom was telling the truth?]

[But why would Bai Shuang get scared like this? She’s not a timid person, right? I’ve seen her on that investigative mystery variety show before, and she wasn’t scared by those creepy mannequins and stuff. Why is she so terrified this time? Today has just been so unlucky for her. First, she got scolded by several people, and now she’s scared. Sigh, maybe we should just ask Brother Yan to buy a talisman to ward off evil spirits. I want to buy one, but I don’t know where to get it. Bai Shuang is so close to Brother Yan, it would be convenient.]

[I don’t think it’s about Bai Shuang’s bad luck; it’s more about the village’s atmosphere. Didn’t you see that all those who scolded Bai Shuang earlier were villagers? Damn, when I saw that, I almost punched something, and I almost dropped my phone. What the hell is wrong with them? It’s just a skirt above the knees, so what? Is there a problem? It’s not like they bought her clothes with their money. They’re insane.]

[I used to think that flies don’t bite seamless eggs, but those villagers just now really made me frown. It’s the first time I’ve realized that it seems like not doing anything wrong isn’t enough to escape criticism. Bai Shuang’s outfit is clearly fine, and she’s wearing a mountain climbing suit from a sports brand. It’s not a skirt; it’s a skort, very convenient for movement. It doesn’t even reveal anything. In the entertainment industry, it’s considered modest. But it’s just a set of clothes, and she’s being criticized by those people. Even makeup is considered wrong? I’m genuinely surprised. It’s what era? How can people still have such narrow-minded views?]

[Maybe it’s because they’re in a remote area. We can watch live broadcasts on our phones, which already makes our lives much better than many others. Some people are far less fortunate due to limited transportation or geographical isolation, which hinders their development. Sometimes I feel sorry for them, but when I see their attitudes, I also find them despicable.]

[Is this the Southern region? Oh, that makes sense. They place great emphasis on clan systems over there. Many families there prioritize clan leader over the central government. If you tell them that their actions are against the law, they’ll accuse you of disrespecting your elders. I know from personal experience; my wife’s family is from the South. When she was in college, her dad called her and lied that her mom was seriously ill, asking her to come home. She panicked and went back. Fortunately, I had my suspicions and went with her. Well, her mom wasn’t actually sick at all! Her dad wanted to sell her off! He called it a dowry, but for him, it was essentially selling his daughter. He wanted to marry her off to a mentally challenged guy in the mountains because he was offering a substantial amount! I immediately grabbed my wife and ran. I called the school and my family, my dad and several cousins came to pick us up. Her dad didn’t pursue us after that. My wife cut ties with her family after that incident. We got married after graduation, and we’ve never gone back since.”

[Shocking, is this kind of thing really happening? It’s a bit too much. I remember watching a livestream yesterday where the village head mentioned that this village follows a clan system, and many decisions are made by the clan leader. Could it be that this village also has such practices?]

[It’s hard to say. Sigh, I have a psychological shadow when it comes to the southern regions. If it weren’t for work requirements, I wouldn’t set foot in the southern regions at all. I used to mentor an intern who told me about her family. She had five sisters, and the youngest was a brother. Her mother died right after giving birth to her brother, and their father had to earn a living for them all. To support her younger brother, all five sisters had to drop out of school. Only she, due to her good grades and unwillingness to give up, would secretly attend classes at a neighboring school while working odd jobs. She encountered a good teacher there who was willing to help her and taught her some subjects, which enabled her to pass exams. She was a very pretty and hardworking girl, who treasured job opportunities. But one day, she didn’t show up for work, and when I inquired, I found out that her father had sold her. He sold her for a ghost marriage with a deceased person. When I found her, she was already dead, and I completely broke down on the spot. If it weren’t for my colleague pulling me out of it, I wouldn’t have been able to stand up. Our company reported the case for her, but later, due to lack of evidence and her own relatives not supporting her, they even accused us of being the bad guys, so there was no way to investigate further, and it was left unresolved. Since then, I genuinely dare not go to the southern regions.]

[Curious, I’m from the southern regions, and I’ve never heard of this. You do know that spreading rumors is illegal, right? Making baseless accusations is a serious matter. My parents and elders have been very kind to me since childhood, and I’ve never seen any of what you’re describing. Gee, if I hadn’t witnessed it with my own eyes, I’d think you were describing hell.]

[The person above, you’re a boy, right? Of course, you haven’t seen it because these are the sufferings and struggles of girls. Your parents and elders are good to you because you’re a boy, and your happiness comes at the expense of your sisters’ tears. Since you’re benefiting from the clan system, you have no right to comment on its merits or drawbacks.]

[That person seems to have gone silent. Feeling guilty? Heh, I’m also from the southern regions, and if my mom hadn’t been cautious, I’d be dead by now. We’ve always had the tradition of ghost marriages here. When a family loses a son who hasn’t married yet, the elders will arrange a marriage for him with a young and pretty girl as his bride in a ghost marriage. It’s done through matchmakers, and once they find a suitable girl, they sell her like livestock. It’s worse than treating pigs. I experienced it myself; my grandmother sold me. In the days leading up to it, my family treated me exceptionally well and even bought me new clothes. Before that, I’d only get new clothes for Chinese New Year. My mom felt that something was wrong, so she grabbed my luggage and fled in the middle of the night in an unlicensed taxi. My grandmother called my mom and cursed her out, but my mom, with a fiery temper, threatened to sell her son for a ghost marriage if she dared. I genuinely hate my grandmother, my dad, and this tradition.]

[Your story sounds quite convincing, but it lacks logic. How could this happen? It’s too unbelievable. Are you suggesting that the authorities turn a blind eye and no one reports such incidents?]

[The person above… sigh, you haven’t experienced it, so you don’t understand. In some places, clan influence can be greater than the law. Our neighbor is an old police officer who went to the southern regions when he was young due to a cross-province kidnapping case. However, because the girl wasn’t rescued and there were no follow-ups, he resigned in anger. It’s been decades, and he still hasn’t married. He’s been tirelessly pursuing justice for this case, but there’s been no resolution. Every time I see the wrinkles on his face, I feel sorry for him, but I can’t really help, so I just take him some good food from home when we cook something special.]

[The brother above, send your payment code. I may lack everything else, but I don’t lack money. People like the old police officer, I must support!]

[I was shocked. I initially came to the comments section to find like-minded people to admire the handsome guy who just bravely investigated. I didn’t expect to see so many serious comments. I’m a bit afraid to speak now.]

“Let’s go, Bai Shuang, we’re heading down the mountain.”

Once their heart rates had gradually returned to normal, An Nanyuan smiled and reached out to pat Bai Shuang on the shoulder, looking much more relaxed than before. “When we go fishing at Moon Creek, the rural farmstay is just a few meters away, right at our doorstep. It’s much safer than being up in the mountains. Don’t be afraid.”

“Besides, we have Brother Yan at home. What is there to be afraid of?” An Nanyuan said cheerfully, comforting Bai Shuang. “If anything happens, just shout, and Brother Yan will come to our rescue.”

Mentioning Yan Shixun’s name did indeed bring some peace to Bai Shuang’s heart.

She raised her hand and touched the flower crown on her head, feeling the soft petals. The natural fragrance of the plants was soothing.

The flower crown that Yan Shixun had given her was more comforting than anything else. She smiled again and descended the mountain with the group.

As the only guest with experience in dealing with supernatural entities, Lu Xingxing consciously walked at the back, keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings, prepared for anything that might suddenly emerge.

Fortunately, after being teased by Yan Shixun, Lu Xingxing had become more cautious. To avoid getting scolded by his master, he took out his phone and snapped two pictures of the area that seemed strange to him. He quickly sent them to Yan Shixun and Taoist Song Yi.

Lu Xingxing: What’s wrong with having a poor performance? Are you afraid of taking exams with foreign aid? The two of them are still stronger than me.

After sending the message, Lu Xingxing, at An Nanyuan’s urging, quickened his pace and caught up with the group that had already walked a distance.

He casually turned off the screen of his phone and put it back in his pocket.

However, the message he sent continued to spin in circles, and the signal bars on his phone slowly turned gray one by one.

In the end, the chat interface displayed only a few large red exclamation marks.

A faint rustling sound echoed in the woods, like the edges of dry leaves being lightly crushed.

Hidden behind entangled branches, an animal that looked like a deer appeared in the gaps between layers of leaves. Through the unobstructed gap, it peered at the backs of the people who had already descended the mountain. Its eyes were murky, dark, and lifeless, with no trace of light.

Its entire abdomen was opened up, leaving it empty and devoid of organs. Only a short piece of intestine, which had not been cleanly severed, hung down from inside, swinging against its white ribs as it walked.

Its stiffened muscles made its walking posture extremely bizarre, with limbs rigid and bending laboriously. Its coarse fur was covered in large patches of reddish-brown bloodstains, giving it a disheveled and tough appearance.

It continued to watch the backs of the guests with its cloudy eyes until layer upon layer of branches completely concealed their tracks…


After the guests went up the mountain, Yan Shixun, who didn’t get more information from Yang Tu and Yang Yun, left the rural farmstay alone and walked towards the village.

Yan Shixun had just been pulled by the village head to walk around Jia Village, so when he stepped onto the dirt road leading to the village, he noticed the developmental differences between the two villages.

On one side were newly built multi-story buildings, with well-kept courtyards in every household. Even the village roads had been repaved with cement and had street lamps, giving the appearance of prosperity.

On the other side, there were dirt roads everywhere, and most of the village houses were old and dilapidated. Some had even become dangerous structures, with broken roof tiles and a rundown appearance, indicating poverty.

But what made Yan Shixun most uncomfortable was what he saw among the villagers.

In the Jia Village, although he had arrived late in the evening and couldn’t see many villagers.

But the children of the village head’s family were warm and cheerful. The young man with a sister spoke proudly of his sister, and even his facial expressions showed his affection for and protection of the female members of his family. The village head also showed great respect for his wife, and his children followed suit. It was clear that she held a high position within the family.

Furthermore, when the crew members left the Jia Village this morning, they also saw a few villagers from Jia Village who were up early for work.

Yan Shixun had observed that they all looked energetic, had smiles on their faces, were welcoming to outsiders, and seemed to be leading a good life that was in sync with the outside world.

However, this was not the case for the Family Tomb Village.

Because there was no rush, Yan Shixun walked slowly. But even in the short distance he covered, he noticed several villagers from the village, all with drooping eyes, downturned mouths, and an unhappy and menacing demeanor.

Their clothes were faded, stained with dust, and looked worn out. Moreover, their gaze toward Yan Shixun was extremely unfriendly, carrying a sense of resentment and disdain towards outsiders. It was as if they were mocking Yan Shixun for not understanding their customs and lacking a clan.

But no one dared to approach Yan Shixun to scold him like they did with Bai Shuang or to lay a hand on him.

Yan Shixun was dressed in a fitted black shirt, and his well-defined arm muscles were accentuated by the shirt, indicating that he was someone who had been exercising regularly and was strong.

His gait was incredibly steady, and he walked with a measured pace, his long and firm legs moving smoothly. He wore Martin boots, giving him an intimidating appearance.

As he cast his sharp gaze towards the villagers, they instinctively recoiled, hurriedly passing by, clearly avoiding trouble.

Yan Shixun looked at these villagers, whose behavior was in stark contrast to what the guests had described, and let out a contemptuous chuckle.

They’re just bullies who are afraid of strength, ha.

Perhaps it was the time of day, but the entire village seemed eerily quiet, as if everyone in each household was taking a midday nap.

But Yan Shixun continued walking for a while, and as he gradually moved away from the village at the edge of Moon Creek, heading in the opposite direction, he began to hear sounds of laughter and suona music faintly reaching his ears from a distance.

The suona’s sharp and piercing notes cut through the sky, as if they were trying to pierce through the village’s facade of old dreams.

Yan Shixun followed the sounds and turned a few corners until he arrived at the house from which the sounds were emanating.

Many villagers stood outside the narrow village road leading to that house, peering inside with smiles on their faces.

Some of the village’s women, including mothers and daughters-in-law, stood beside the gate and in the courtyard, wearing neat and relatively new clothes that were clearly reserved for special occasions.

Their faces radiated happiness as they clapped their hands, sang loudly in the courtyard, and celebrated together, appearing to be rejoicing over something joyful.

Yan Shixun didn’t get too close but instead stood at a corner not far from the house, positioning himself at an angle that was not easily noticeable, coldly observing this cheerful celebration.

The house in question had been around for many years and appeared similar to the old house that Yang Yun had preserved, blending in with the surrounding village houses.

On the severely worn and weather-beaten brick walls, which had turned an ugly black over time, hung some cheap-looking red cloth strips. The strips had prickly edges and weren’t neatly finished.

There were also several plastic cut-out “Happinese” characters haphazardly stuck to the wall, but they weren’t securely attached, and some had already partially fallen off, though no one seemed to pay them any attention.

Perhaps there was no need to notice.

From Yanshixuan’s point of view, one could also faintly see items in the yard, all wrapped in red cloth strips. The lintels of the house were adorned with large red fabric pom-poms. The cheap red fabric was shockingly vibrant, resembling a pool of blood that engulfed the entire small courtyard.

It appeared as though preparations for a joyful event were underway.

As villagers came to congratulate the household celebrating their joyous occasion, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law also pitched in, busily assisting the newlywed bride.

Just as Yan Shixun squinted his eyes, trying to step closer to get a better look at the items in the yard and the central figures of the celebration, the villagers standing on the village road seemed to sense something.

Suddenly, the laughter vanished. The smiles that had filled their faces moments before turned into cold, menacing expressions.

The villagers collectively turned their heads toward the spot where Yan Shixun was standing.

In the midst of this abrupt silence, the festive suona horn was the only sound that continued to play, echoing in isolation.

However, the lively atmosphere had vanished, leaving behind an eerie chill.

Before Yan Shixun could react, he felt a powerful force pulling him from behind. Someone had grabbed the back of his shirt near his waist and forcefully yanked him back into the corner.

The villagers lost sight of Yan Shixun as he disappeared from their view.

Those gathered in front of the house adorned with “Happinese” characters and red fabric, bewildered, glanced around and then turned their attention back to the yard, their smiles reappearing on their faces.

The lively cheering and laughter from earlier resumed, harmonizing with the suona and drum music, creating a festive atmosphere.

Yan Shixun shifted his ears, sensing that the commotion outside the corner where he was hiding had returned to normal, and he sighed in relief. He turned around to look back.

Then, he unexpectedly locked eyes with a radiant and beautiful smile.

“Oh, it’s you, Yan Shixun.”

The slender figure of a young girl leaned slightly forward, her dress floating in the air, revealing a pair of slender and fair legs.

She was very close to Yan Shixun, and her pretty face was filled with a bright smile, untouched by any hint of darkness. “Meeting again so soon, it’s quite unexpected.”

Yan Shixun raised an eyebrow, recognizing the face.

It was indeed the young girl who had been picking flowers in front of the rural farmstay at noon. She introduced herself as Jiang Yanran.

“Huh? Did I make a mistake?” Jiang Yanran tilted her head, smiled, and playfully tapped her own lips. She asked, “Did I forget to tell you not to go outside when you hear any noise? Good guy Yan Shixun, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Yang Yun?”

What’s going on with this girl…

Yan Shixun found her behavior peculiar, but he didn’t show any signs of suspicion. He smiled and thanked Jiang Yanran, then pointed to the corner and asked, “I was getting a bit bored at the rural farmstay, so I came out for a walk to clear my head. I didn’t expect to get lost and end up here. What’s going on? It looks lively.”

The smile on Jiang Yanran’s face faded slightly, and she looked at Yan Shixun with her bright, beautiful eyes, as if trying to gauge the truth in his words.

“Why are people always so curious?”

The young girl sighed as if troubled for a moment, but soon she put on her smile again. “They are preparing for the wedding tonight. Isn’t it lively? The bride must be very happy.”

“Sun sets, moon rises, it’s the twilight ceremony.”

“Proper home, proper room, the bride weeps as she’s married, red candles are lit high, suona and drums resound—”

“Sending off the bride, wishing for a house full of descendants.”

Jiang Yanran’s voice was gentle, carrying the coolness of the autumn forest.

Yan Shixun silently watched the girl in front of him, feeling that her radiant smile was dazzling and heart-pounding in this setting.

“Are you curious?” 

Jiang Yanran smiled and extended her hand to Yan Shixun. “I’ll take you there.”

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I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 86

I Became Famous after Being Forced to Debut in a Supernatural Journey Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Joyful Wedding, Mourning Cry 17

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The guests had initially been scattered nearby, working on their tasks while chatting and joking with their partners.

It was An Nanyuan, who was part of the group closest to Bai Shuang, who first noticed that something was amiss.

An Nanyuan had been cutting the dead branches of bushes with the variety show celebrity when he suddenly heard Zhao Zhen calling Bai Shuang's name not far away. Because Bai Shuang had just experienced a setback earlier in the day, An Nanyuan had subconsciously paid more attention to her. When he heard Zhao Zhen's voice becoming increasingly urgent, tinged with surprise and concern, he quickly straightened up and looked in Bai Shuang's direction.

He saw Bai Shuang standing still, trembling, and pointing towards something in the distance. Her face was deathly pale, as if she had seen something horrifying.

An Nanyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought of the time they had encountered a corpse in the woods on their way to Family Tomb Village. So, he swiftly put down the firewood he had been carrying and hurried a few steps toward Bai Shuang.

"What's wrong?" An Nanyuan followed Bai Shuang's pointed direction but only saw branches swaying in the wind, with nothing suspicious in sight.

He quickly said a word to Zhao Zhen, instructing him to keep an eye on Bai Shuang, and then strode off in that direction, pushing aside branches to move upward. He wanted to get closer and investigate what had frightened Bai Shuang.

An Nanyuan's unusual actions caught the attention of the variety show celebrity, and he promptly set down their baskets and hurried over.

Soon, due to the commotion here, all the guests gradually noticed that something was wrong with Bai Shuang and gathered around.

"What's wrong with Bai Shuang?" Lu Xingxing looked bewildered as he saw Bai Shuang frozen stiff, waving a hand in front of her, but she showed no response.

Bai Shuang's eyes were wide open, but her pupils had contracted into tiny dots. Her nostrils were slightly flared, clearly indicating that she had been terrified and couldn't react for quite some time.

"I don't know either," Zhao Zhen shook his head, sounding concerned. "She seems to have seen something. When I turned around, she was already like this. It looks like she got scared. But I didn't see anything, so I don't know what she saw."

Lu Xingxing furrowed his brow and asked, "In which direction did she see that thing? Did she point to the location?"

Zhao Zhen nodded, saying, "An Nanyuan has already gone to take a look."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xingxing hurriedly strode over and, with a few quick steps, maneuvered through the tangled branches. He soon caught up with An Nanyuan.

An Nanyuan was currently looking around in confusion, not knowing what he should be searching for.

"Did you see anything?" After the sound of rustling clothes as Lu Xingxing approached through the branches, he walked up to An Nanyuan, treading cautiously, and asked, "Is the thing that scared Bai Shuang located around here?"

"It seems like there's nothing here," Lu Xingxing muttered with some confusion. "Did it run away?"

"That shouldn't be." An Nanyuan frowned. "I came over as soon as Bai Shuang was frightened, but I didn't see anything."

The two of them searched a small area nearby for a while but found nothing. They had to give up and bent down together to crawl under the branches.

Behind them, on the trembling leaves, were traces of black and red blood.

A small piece of flesh clung to An Nanyuan's clothes when he bent down.

Facing the nervous and concerned gazes of the guests, the two of them shook their heads. "We didn't find anything."

"It looks like there was nothing there. Did Bai Shuang make a mistake?" 

The variety show celebrity turned his gaze towards Bai Shuang. She was gradually calming down with the reassurance of the others, and the tension in her facial muscles slowly eased.

"I saw a deer."

Bai Shuang's face turned ashen, and her voice trembled as she hesitated to speak. "A deer without antlers, covered in blood, as if it had been gnawed on by something. I even saw its ribs... It just stood there, looking at me, with a terrifying gaze. It made me feel like I was a piece of meat about to rot."

Bai Shuang's words left the guests puzzled, and they exchanged glances, their faces showing confusion.

"Deer? Are there deer on this mountain? I haven't heard Yang Tu mention them," Zhao Zhen expressed some surprise. "Could it be that Bai Shuang made a mistake, and it was actually a wild dog or something similar?"

After all, Bai Shuang had lived in the city all her life, and her ability to distinguish between animals and plants might be weaker. If she was under extreme fear, it was not impossible for her to mistake an animal for a similar-looking species.

"That doesn't make sense," An Nanyuan raised a question, focusing on the key point in Bai Shuang's words. "If it really was as Bai Shuang described, that deer or whatever it was should be dead by now. After all, with ribs exposed like that, I've never seen an animal with injuries that severe still alive."

"But if that's the case, why can the animal still walk? Why can it make eye contact with people?" Lu Xingxing questioned.

The others shook their heads, unable to explain the phenomenon.

Only Lu Xingxing frowned, but upon seeing the split screens displayed on the shoulders of the guests, he decided to withhold the words he had intended to say.

This was because his master, Taoist Song Yi, had sternly cautioned him not to show off his abilities casually in front of the camera, not to flaunt the banner of Haiyun Temple, and to be mindful of the impact. So, Lu Xingxing didn't dare to say anything more on camera.

After all, he had misspoken earlier, and Yan Shixun had seized the opportunity to playfully tease him, leaving him quite embarrassed.

Lu Xingxing had learned his lesson and had initially spoken without reservations because it was his first time participating in this type of live broadcast program. He often forgot that he was still live, following his usual speaking habits.

But knowing that his master was now closely watching the live broadcast, and realizing that Yan Shixun could also see his performance, he became more cautious. He carefully considered his words, making sure not to provide any openings for Yan Shixun.


Lu Xingxing, who usually appeared carefree about everything, had a rare moment of seriousness on his face. As the other guests gathered around Bai Shuang, whispering words of comfort, he kept glancing back at the area he had just investigated with no results.

Right now, he wished that Yan Shixun or his master were by his side.

In the practice of cultivation, both innate spirituality and postnatal training were highly valued. Lu Xingxing happened to be somewhat lacking in both aspects.

Due to his lack of talent, Lu Xingxing could only vaguely recall something from Bai Shuang's description. It seemed like something his Master Uncle had mentioned.

Rigor Mortis.

Animals, unlike humans, are not often discovered and properly handled after death. Many animals that die in remote and rarely visited places like mountains may remain undiscovered for a long time. Their bodies are exposed to the elements, accumulating yin energy over an extended period.

If the location where an animal's body lies happens to be in a place with unique terrain or heavy negative energy, it can lead to the body accumulating a significant amount of yin energy, potentially causing it to reanimate.

Just as living beings need yang energy, like vehicles require fuel, for the deceased, yin energy serves as the power source for their actions. As long as there is sufficient yin energy and the terrain is peculiar enough that no Yin Officials come to claim their souls, these souls will return to their bodies and animate them.

This state continues until the yin energy is depleted, or the Yin Officials come to claim the souls, or they are resolved by passing exorcists.

This phenomenon is known as "Rigor Mortis."

Many Taoists at Haiyun Temple have encountered Rigor Mortis while wandering in the mountains. Consequently, they have documented the characteristics of Rigor Mortis and methods to deal with it in their respective notes, providing a reference for future generation disciples.

Lu Xingxing now felt like a student sitting in an exam room, looking at the questions on the test paper and feeling a sense of familiarity but unable to recall the answers his teacher had explained back then.

He could vaguely remember that a few years ago, when his homework Master Uncle talked about Rigor Mortis, he was probably listening to the latest chart-topping single and daydreaming about the cool scenes he would create when he opened his own music studio. He also found his homework Master Uncle's lectures quite dull at the time.

He couldn't recall the characteristics of Rigor Mortis at all. All he remembered was that his homework Master Uncle had sternly advised them that when encountering Rigor Mortis, if they could run, they should run as fast as possible. Unless they were experienced individuals, they shouldn't try to be heroes.

Because Rigor Mortis were essentially creatures formed from the accumulation of Yin energy, akin to mortal enemies of the living. Once a Rigor Mortis got close to a person, unless they were a Taoist cultivator with the ability to call upon true deities for protection, it was inevitable that they would suffer a significant depletion of their own Yang energy. Moreover, the most crucial point was the reason Rigor Mortis were formed—

There was a substantial amount of Yin energy in the vicinity.

This meant that there were more undiscovered corpses nearby, and even the terrain was completely unfavorable for the living. 

If there were still other souls within those corpses that hadn't departed, it would be a nightmare for Taoists, with no hope of victory in sight.

By then, it seemed like the best course of action.

Lu Xingxing repeatedly glanced at the spot, trying hard to recall the characteristics of the Rigor Mortis that he had heard about in the past. He wanted to determine whether what Bai Shuang had seen was indeed a Rigor Mortis.

However, he failed.

His mind was blank, emitting a sound that signaled complete lack of knowledge.

Lu Xingxing: ...

"Regret comes too late when the book is closed," he thought, feeling regretful that he hadn't paid more attention to his master's teachings.

"M-Maybe, I must have seen it wrong," Bai Shuang forced a smile, but she didn't appear to be in good shape.

The others, upon noticing her condition, grew concerned. They quickly took the tools from Bai Shuang's hands and helped her sit on a nearby large rock, allowing her to rest for a while.

"It's alright, Bai Shuang, don't worry about it," one of the variety show celebrity reassured her and handed her a bottle of water he had brought along. He said, "You were just too tense today, which led to a misunderstanding. Take a break. We'll head down the mountain as soon as we've packed up the firewood and other ingredients."

Bai Shuang nodded and took the water from the variety show celebrity in a daze.

Because of Bai Shuang's incident, the guests, who were already in a hurry, worked even faster. They completed their tasks much more quickly than originally anticipated. Each of their baskets was now filled to the brim with firewood and ingredients.

The guests were on edge due to Bai Shuang's words, feeling uneasy.

Although they hadn't seen anything, and they all believed it was a misunderstanding on Bai Shuang's part, they had experienced several dangerous situations with the production crew before. They had also seen a hanged body in the mountains. Moreover, Yan Shixun, whom they relied on, had instructed them to return before dusk and never stay outside once it got dark.

So, the guests were like startled birds. They now found the surrounding woods eerie and dangerous. Even the sound of the wind rustling the leaves made them jump. They were on high alert, seeing threats everywhere.

When they finally straightened their backs, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they could finally descend the mountain.

The audience, glued to their screens, had also kept their hearts racing, wishing they could somehow step through the screen to help with the work so that they could finish quickly and descend the mountain sooner.

As they saw the guests finally able to descend the mountain, the audience collectively let out their held breaths.

Many of them collapsed backward into their chairs, feeling as if they had just played a high-speed escape game, with their adrenaline levels skyrocketing. Then, an even deeper fatigue washed over them, making them not want to move at all.

Some audience could even hear the intense pounding of their hearts in their chests, so rapid that they feared their hearts might leap out of their throats.

[Oh my goodness, they can finally descend the mountain. If it had gone any later, I would have been worried about crying in fear. This was so tormenting. There was nothing explained, I didn't even know what was happening. I thought it might have been a mistake, but I also wasn't sure if it was a mistake. I had to anxiously wait for that thing to attack them or hope it was just an illusion. I've never been this nervous, even when giving speeches on stage! Is there any danger, can they be straighforward? The sooner I die, the sooner I can move on!]

[Oh my god! Covering the person above's mouth in shock! Can't you speak more carefully? What do you mean 'the sooner I die, the sooner I can move on'? Haven't you watched the previous episodes of this show? In this show, I wouldn't dare to post any comments or messages with the word 'death' in them, fearing that it might come true. You can talk like that normally, but in this show, there is real danger!]

[I regret listening to Brother Goose's advice and watching this episode while eating. I drank too much water, and now I need to use the restroom, but I can't leave the screen. I have to watch them descend the mountain before I can relax. Now I'm sitting outside a restaurant, desperately shaking my leg and holding my bladder. The owner is giving me strange looks. What am I going to do when I go home? I have to pass through a small forest from the restaurant to my house, I'm a bit afraid to walk now.]

[Don't complain, the person above; you're lucky. I live alone, and now I'm freaking out at home all by myself. Let alone going to the restroom, I originally woke up planning to go out, but now I've decisively shaken off the covers and hidden myself under the blanket. I've wrapped myself up so tightly, not daring to let any breeze in. Oh my god, when Xingxing and the others were working just now, I really couldn't bring myself to leave. I was holding it in so much I thought I'd vomit.]

[I took a screenshot of Bai Shuang's split-screen earlier! But the video platform won't let me share it. Bai Shuang's camera just went to the edge for a moment, the same place An Nanyuan and the others were constantly looking at. I swear, Bai Shuang really didn't make a mistake! There was really something there just now!"

[Damn, is it true? I was watching the livestream with my mom just now. When I bent down to get water, my mom got scared by the livestream and said she saw a mountain deer, all bloody and gory, which scared her so much she spilled the popcorn all over the place. Here I am, cleaning up this mess, and I blamed her, saying she just couldn't hold onto it and made up an excuse to get me to do the work. So, my mom was telling the truth?]

[But why would Bai Shuang get scared like this? She's not a timid person, right? I've seen her on that investigative mystery variety show before, and she wasn't scared by those creepy mannequins and stuff. Why is she so terrified this time? Today has just been so unlucky for her. First, she got scolded by several people, and now she's scared. Sigh, maybe we should just ask Brother Yan to buy a talisman to ward off evil spirits. I want to buy one, but I don't know where to get it. Bai Shuang is so close to Brother Yan, it would be convenient.]

[I don't think it's about Bai Shuang's bad luck; it's more about the village's atmosphere. Didn't you see that all those who scolded Bai Shuang earlier were villagers? Damn, when I saw that, I almost punched something, and I almost dropped my phone. What the hell is wrong with them? It's just a skirt above the knees, so what? Is there a problem? It's not like they bought her clothes with their money. They're insane.]

[I used to think that flies don't bite seamless eggs, but those villagers just now really made me frown. It's the first time I've realized that it seems like not doing anything wrong isn't enough to escape criticism. Bai Shuang's outfit is clearly fine, and she's wearing a mountain climbing suit from a sports brand. It's not a skirt; it's a skort, very convenient for movement. It doesn't even reveal anything. In the entertainment industry, it's considered modest. But it's just a set of clothes, and she's being criticized by those people. Even makeup is considered wrong? I'm genuinely surprised. It's what era? How can people still have such narrow-minded views?]

[Maybe it's because they're in a remote area. We can watch live broadcasts on our phones, which already makes our lives much better than many others. Some people are far less fortunate due to limited transportation or geographical isolation, which hinders their development. Sometimes I feel sorry for them, but when I see their attitudes, I also find them despicable.]

[Is this the Southern region? Oh, that makes sense. They place great emphasis on clan systems over there. Many families there prioritize clan leader over the central government. If you tell them that their actions are against the law, they'll accuse you of disrespecting your elders. I know from personal experience; my wife's family is from the South. When she was in college, her dad called her and lied that her mom was seriously ill, asking her to come home. She panicked and went back. Fortunately, I had my suspicions and went with her. Well, her mom wasn't actually sick at all! Her dad wanted to sell her off! He called it a dowry, but for him, it was essentially selling his daughter. He wanted to marry her off to a mentally challenged guy in the mountains because he was offering a substantial amount! I immediately grabbed my wife and ran. I called the school and my family, my dad and several cousins came to pick us up. Her dad didn't pursue us after that. My wife cut ties with her family after that incident. We got married after graduation, and we've never gone back since."

[Shocking, is this kind of thing really happening? It's a bit too much. I remember watching a livestream yesterday where the village head mentioned that this village follows a clan system, and many decisions are made by the clan leader. Could it be that this village also has such practices?]

[It's hard to say. Sigh, I have a psychological shadow when it comes to the southern regions. If it weren't for work requirements, I wouldn't set foot in the southern regions at all. I used to mentor an intern who told me about her family. She had five sisters, and the youngest was a brother. Her mother died right after giving birth to her brother, and their father had to earn a living for them all. To support her younger brother, all five sisters had to drop out of school. Only she, due to her good grades and unwillingness to give up, would secretly attend classes at a neighboring school while working odd jobs. She encountered a good teacher there who was willing to help her and taught her some subjects, which enabled her to pass exams. She was a very pretty and hardworking girl, who treasured job opportunities. But one day, she didn't show up for work, and when I inquired, I found out that her father had sold her. He sold her for a ghost marriage with a deceased person. When I found her, she was already dead, and I completely broke down on the spot. If it weren't for my colleague pulling me out of it, I wouldn't have been able to stand up. Our company reported the case for her, but later, due to lack of evidence and her own relatives not supporting her, they even accused us of being the bad guys, so there was no way to investigate further, and it was left unresolved. Since then, I genuinely dare not go to the southern regions.]

[Curious, I'm from the southern regions, and I've never heard of this. You do know that spreading rumors is illegal, right? Making baseless accusations is a serious matter. My parents and elders have been very kind to me since childhood, and I've never seen any of what you're describing. Gee, if I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I'd think you were describing hell.]

[The person above, you're a boy, right? Of course, you haven't seen it because these are the sufferings and struggles of girls. Your parents and elders are good to you because you're a boy, and your happiness comes at the expense of your sisters' tears. Since you're benefiting from the clan system, you have no right to comment on its merits or drawbacks.]

[That person seems to have gone silent. Feeling guilty? Heh, I'm also from the southern regions, and if my mom hadn't been cautious, I'd be dead by now. We've always had the tradition of ghost marriages here. When a family loses a son who hasn't married yet, the elders will arrange a marriage for him with a young and pretty girl as his bride in a ghost marriage. It's done through matchmakers, and once they find a suitable girl, they sell her like livestock. It's worse than treating pigs. I experienced it myself; my grandmother sold me. In the days leading up to it, my family treated me exceptionally well and even bought me new clothes. Before that, I'd only get new clothes for Chinese New Year. My mom felt that something was wrong, so she grabbed my luggage and fled in the middle of the night in an unlicensed taxi. My grandmother called my mom and cursed her out, but my mom, with a fiery temper, threatened to sell her son for a ghost marriage if she dared. I genuinely hate my grandmother, my dad, and this tradition.]

[Your story sounds quite convincing, but it lacks logic. How could this happen? It's too unbelievable. Are you suggesting that the authorities turn a blind eye and no one reports such incidents?]

[The person above... sigh, you haven't experienced it, so you don't understand. In some places, clan influence can be greater than the law. Our neighbor is an old police officer who went to the southern regions when he was young due to a cross-province kidnapping case. However, because the girl wasn't rescued and there were no follow-ups, he resigned in anger. It's been decades, and he still hasn't married. He's been tirelessly pursuing justice for this case, but there's been no resolution. Every time I see the wrinkles on his face, I feel sorry for him, but I can't really help, so I just take him some good food from home when we cook something special.]

[The brother above, send your payment code. I may lack everything else, but I don't lack money. People like the old police officer, I must support!]

[I was shocked. I initially came to the comments section to find like-minded people to admire the handsome guy who just bravely investigated. I didn't expect to see so many serious comments. I'm a bit afraid to speak now.]

"Let's go, Bai Shuang, we're heading down the mountain."

Once their heart rates had gradually returned to normal, An Nanyuan smiled and reached out to pat Bai Shuang on the shoulder, looking much more relaxed than before. "When we go fishing at Moon Creek, the rural farmstay is just a few meters away, right at our doorstep. It's much safer than being up in the mountains. Don't be afraid."

"Besides, we have Brother Yan at home. What is there to be afraid of?" An Nanyuan said cheerfully, comforting Bai Shuang. "If anything happens, just shout, and Brother Yan will come to our rescue."

Mentioning Yan Shixun's name did indeed bring some peace to Bai Shuang's heart.

She raised her hand and touched the flower crown on her head, feeling the soft petals. The natural fragrance of the plants was soothing.

The flower crown that Yan Shixun had given her was more comforting than anything else. She smiled again and descended the mountain with the group.

As the only guest with experience in dealing with supernatural entities, Lu Xingxing consciously walked at the back, keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings, prepared for anything that might suddenly emerge.

Fortunately, after being teased by Yan Shixun, Lu Xingxing had become more cautious. To avoid getting scolded by his master, he took out his phone and snapped two pictures of the area that seemed strange to him. He quickly sent them to Yan Shixun and Taoist Song Yi.

Lu Xingxing: What's wrong with having a poor performance? Are you afraid of taking exams with foreign aid? The two of them are still stronger than me.

After sending the message, Lu Xingxing, at An Nanyuan's urging, quickened his pace and caught up with the group that had already walked a distance.

He casually turned off the screen of his phone and put it back in his pocket.

However, the message he sent continued to spin in circles, and the signal bars on his phone slowly turned gray one by one.

In the end, the chat interface displayed only a few large red exclamation marks.

A faint rustling sound echoed in the woods, like the edges of dry leaves being lightly crushed.

Hidden behind entangled branches, an animal that looked like a deer appeared in the gaps between layers of leaves. Through the unobstructed gap, it peered at the backs of the people who had already descended the mountain. Its eyes were murky, dark, and lifeless, with no trace of light.

Its entire abdomen was opened up, leaving it empty and devoid of organs. Only a short piece of intestine, which had not been cleanly severed, hung down from inside, swinging against its white ribs as it walked.

Its stiffened muscles made its walking posture extremely bizarre, with limbs rigid and bending laboriously. Its coarse fur was covered in large patches of reddish-brown bloodstains, giving it a disheveled and tough appearance.

It continued to watch the backs of the guests with its cloudy eyes until layer upon layer of branches completely concealed their tracks…


After the guests went up the mountain, Yan Shixun, who didn't get more information from Yang Tu and Yang Yun, left the rural farmstay alone and walked towards the village.

Yan Shixun had just been pulled by the village head to walk around Jia Village, so when he stepped onto the dirt road leading to the village, he noticed the developmental differences between the two villages.

On one side were newly built multi-story buildings, with well-kept courtyards in every household. Even the village roads had been repaved with cement and had street lamps, giving the appearance of prosperity.

On the other side, there were dirt roads everywhere, and most of the village houses were old and dilapidated. Some had even become dangerous structures, with broken roof tiles and a rundown appearance, indicating poverty.

But what made Yan Shixun most uncomfortable was what he saw among the villagers.

In the Jia Village, although he had arrived late in the evening and couldn't see many villagers.

But the children of the village head's family were warm and cheerful. The young man with a sister spoke proudly of his sister, and even his facial expressions showed his affection for and protection of the female members of his family. The village head also showed great respect for his wife, and his children followed suit. It was clear that she held a high position within the family.

Furthermore, when the crew members left the Jia Village this morning, they also saw a few villagers from Jia Village who were up early for work.

Yan Shixun had observed that they all looked energetic, had smiles on their faces, were welcoming to outsiders, and seemed to be leading a good life that was in sync with the outside world.

However, this was not the case for the Family Tomb Village.

Because there was no rush, Yan Shixun walked slowly. But even in the short distance he covered, he noticed several villagers from the village, all with drooping eyes, downturned mouths, and an unhappy and menacing demeanor.

Their clothes were faded, stained with dust, and looked worn out. Moreover, their gaze toward Yan Shixun was extremely unfriendly, carrying a sense of resentment and disdain towards outsiders. It was as if they were mocking Yan Shixun for not understanding their customs and lacking a clan.

But no one dared to approach Yan Shixun to scold him like they did with Bai Shuang or to lay a hand on him.

Yan Shixun was dressed in a fitted black shirt, and his well-defined arm muscles were accentuated by the shirt, indicating that he was someone who had been exercising regularly and was strong.

His gait was incredibly steady, and he walked with a measured pace, his long and firm legs moving smoothly. He wore Martin boots, giving him an intimidating appearance.

As he cast his sharp gaze towards the villagers, they instinctively recoiled, hurriedly passing by, clearly avoiding trouble.

Yan Shixun looked at these villagers, whose behavior was in stark contrast to what the guests had described, and let out a contemptuous chuckle.

They're just bullies who are afraid of strength, ha.

Perhaps it was the time of day, but the entire village seemed eerily quiet, as if everyone in each household was taking a midday nap.

But Yan Shixun continued walking for a while, and as he gradually moved away from the village at the edge of Moon Creek, heading in the opposite direction, he began to hear sounds of laughter and suona music faintly reaching his ears from a distance.

The suona's sharp and piercing notes cut through the sky, as if they were trying to pierce through the village's facade of old dreams.

Yan Shixun followed the sounds and turned a few corners until he arrived at the house from which the sounds were emanating.

Many villagers stood outside the narrow village road leading to that house, peering inside with smiles on their faces.

Some of the village's women, including mothers and daughters-in-law, stood beside the gate and in the courtyard, wearing neat and relatively new clothes that were clearly reserved for special occasions.

Their faces radiated happiness as they clapped their hands, sang loudly in the courtyard, and celebrated together, appearing to be rejoicing over something joyful.

Yan Shixun didn't get too close but instead stood at a corner not far from the house, positioning himself at an angle that was not easily noticeable, coldly observing this cheerful celebration.

The house in question had been around for many years and appeared similar to the old house that Yang Yun had preserved, blending in with the surrounding village houses.

On the severely worn and weather-beaten brick walls, which had turned an ugly black over time, hung some cheap-looking red cloth strips. The strips had prickly edges and weren't neatly finished.

There were also several plastic cut-out "Happinese" characters haphazardly stuck to the wall, but they weren't securely attached, and some had already partially fallen off, though no one seemed to pay them any attention.

Perhaps there was no need to notice.

From Yanshixuan's point of view, one could also faintly see items in the yard, all wrapped in red cloth strips. The lintels of the house were adorned with large red fabric pom-poms. The cheap red fabric was shockingly vibrant, resembling a pool of blood that engulfed the entire small courtyard.

It appeared as though preparations for a joyful event were underway.

As villagers came to congratulate the household celebrating their joyous occasion, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law also pitched in, busily assisting the newlywed bride.

Just as Yan Shixun squinted his eyes, trying to step closer to get a better look at the items in the yard and the central figures of the celebration, the villagers standing on the village road seemed to sense something.

Suddenly, the laughter vanished. The smiles that had filled their faces moments before turned into cold, menacing expressions.

The villagers collectively turned their heads toward the spot where Yan Shixun was standing.

In the midst of this abrupt silence, the festive suona horn was the only sound that continued to play, echoing in isolation.

However, the lively atmosphere had vanished, leaving behind an eerie chill.

Before Yan Shixun could react, he felt a powerful force pulling him from behind. Someone had grabbed the back of his shirt near his waist and forcefully yanked him back into the corner.

The villagers lost sight of Yan Shixun as he disappeared from their view.

Those gathered in front of the house adorned with "Happinese" characters and red fabric, bewildered, glanced around and then turned their attention back to the yard, their smiles reappearing on their faces.

The lively cheering and laughter from earlier resumed, harmonizing with the suona and drum music, creating a festive atmosphere.

Yan Shixun shifted his ears, sensing that the commotion outside the corner where he was hiding had returned to normal, and he sighed in relief. He turned around to look back.

Then, he unexpectedly locked eyes with a radiant and beautiful smile.

"Oh, it's you, Yan Shixun."

The slender figure of a young girl leaned slightly forward, her dress floating in the air, revealing a pair of slender and fair legs.

She was very close to Yan Shixun, and her pretty face was filled with a bright smile, untouched by any hint of darkness. "Meeting again so soon, it's quite unexpected."

Yan Shixun raised an eyebrow, recognizing the face.

It was indeed the young girl who had been picking flowers in front of the rural farmstay at noon. She introduced herself as Jiang Yanran.

"Huh? Did I make a mistake?" Jiang Yanran tilted her head, smiled, and playfully tapped her own lips. She asked, "Did I forget to tell you not to go outside when you hear any noise? Good guy Yan Shixun, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Yang Yun?"

What's going on with this girl...

Yan Shixun found her behavior peculiar, but he didn't show any signs of suspicion. He smiled and thanked Jiang Yanran, then pointed to the corner and asked, "I was getting a bit bored at the rural farmstay, so I came out for a walk to clear my head. I didn't expect to get lost and end up here. What's going on? It looks lively."

The smile on Jiang Yanran's face faded slightly, and she looked at Yan Shixun with her bright, beautiful eyes, as if trying to gauge the truth in his words.

"Why are people always so curious?"

The young girl sighed as if troubled for a moment, but soon she put on her smile again. "They are preparing for the wedding tonight. Isn't it lively? The bride must be very happy."

"Sun sets, moon rises, it's the twilight ceremony."

"Proper home, proper room, the bride weeps as she's married, red candles are lit high, suona and drums resound—"

"Sending off the bride, wishing for a house full of descendants."

Jiang Yanran's voice was gentle, carrying the coolness of the autumn forest.

Yan Shixun silently watched the girl in front of him, feeling that her radiant smile was dazzling and heart-pounding in this setting.

"Are you curious?" 

Jiang Yanran smiled and extended her hand to Yan Shixun. "I'll take you there."

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for the update

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