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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 125

Chapter 125

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It only took two days for a fast horse to travel from Jingxi to the Hebei Palace.

But these two days were spent eating and sleeping on horseback, without rest, day and night.

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t bear it.

But he was prepared for all the hardships on the way, and he said to Xue Yuan, “Don’t worry about me.”

Xue Yuan nodded, “I know.”

When passing through relay stations, Xue Yuan brought clean water and jerky, and bought a thick quilt. He laid Gu Yuanbai across the horse, and they traveled day and night without stopping.

Because there were no guards, time was also very urgent. In order to ensure safety, Xue Yuan took a rarely known shortcut. He shuttled back and forth in the small official roads, always on the lookout for possible pursuit and danger.

At night, under the cold moonlight.

Xue Yuan tightened his arms around Gu Yuanbai’s arm, and Gu Yuanbai leaned on the thick quilt against Xue Yuan’s chest and fell asleep, his brows furrowed in unease.

At this time, Xue Yuan would briefly let go of the reins of Hongyun, quickly tidy up the cloak covering Gu Yuanbai, then lower his head and plant a rough yet dry kiss on the person’s forehead, whispering softly, “Sleep well.”

Even if Hongyun was a rare and invaluable horse, it still needed to eat, drink, and rest. Xue Yuan took care of these needs at night. After Gu Yuanbai fell asleep, Xue Yuan would hold him in his arms, dismount, and lead Hongyun to have a good meal and a short nap.

Gu Yuanbai slept fitfully, occasionally struggling to wake from nightmares. Xue Yuan would turn his head and kiss him gently, murmuring reassuringly, “It’s alright, it’s alright.”

In this way, Gu Yuanbai endured many restless nights.

Hongyun, well-rested at night, was energetic during the day, resuming the journey to the summer palace. Gu Yuanbai, who was well taken care of, pursed his lips as he noticed Xue Yuan’s exhaustion. “Rest against me for a while.”

Xue Yuan smiled, inhaling deeply at Gu Yuanbai’s neck. “Don’t move, let me smell you.”

That was rest enough for him.

Amid the cold wind and dust, they rode on. Xue Yuan extended the journey to three days, and on the morning of the third day, the steed galloped to the summer palace.

The palace guards were startled by the sudden arrival of the Emperor.

Covered in the dust of the journey, Gu Yuanbai hurried to Wan Taifei’s residence with Xue Yuan’s support. The palace servants they encountered along the way were either shocked or full of sorrow.

When they finally reached Wan Taifei’s door, the children of the royal family, whom Gu Yuanbai had sent to accompany her, were gathered outside. One of the children spotted him first and exclaimed joyfully, “Royal Uncle is here!”

Gu Yuanbai’s heart sank.

He suddenly couldn’t walk anymore. Looking towards the door from here, there was only a deep darkness inside. This darkness seemed to have substance, heavy as gold, emitting a poignant meaning. Gu Yuanbai pinched his palm and told himself, you have to go.

He pushed himself to walk into the room.

In the dimly lit room, there were only a few people. A person laid on the bed in the bedroom, with Heqin Wangfei sitting by the bedside, wiping away tears.

The person in the bed stretched out a still warm hand from under the covers, but couldn’t catch their breath, “Yuan… Bai.”

Gu Yuanbai’s eyes reddened in an instant. He stepped forward and held Wan Taifei’s hand, “Royal Mother, your son is here.”

“My son,” Wan Taifei had already been changed by the palace servants into a gorgeous and intricate outfit. This outfit was layered and embroidered with exquisite designs, as if it were alive, meticulous in every detail. It complemented Wan Taifei’s gentle eyes, seeming to regain some vitality, “How long did you rush here, without listening to royal mother’s words?”

Gu Yuanbai opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He cleared his throat with effort and finally managed to speak, “Many days.”

Wan Taifei looked at him reproachfully, her fingers slowly rubbing Gu Yuanbai’s hand, “Royal Mother is about to leave, and can’t nag you anymore. Yuan Bai, you must remember what Royal mother said…”

She paused for a moment after saying a sentence. Someone in the room had already started sobbing. Gu Yuanbai, however, felt his eyes dry, only looking at the strands of white hair at the corner of Wan Taifei’s temples, and the wrinkles around her eyes that seemed to smile.

Wan Taifei was still young, but her skin exuded a heavy twilight aura from inside to outside. Such twilight aura was visible to the naked eye, only spelled out the words – running out of oil and the lamp is dry.

“When royal mother reaches the Yellow Springs, she can talk to her sister with the late emperor,” Wan Taifei’s eyes turned red, tears streaming down her face, drops absorbed by the soft pillow, “Our Yuan Bai, is a good emperor, a good son.”

Gu Yuanbai tightened his grip on her hand, biting back the urge to cry in his throat.

After Wan Taifei finished speaking, she seemed a little tired. She turned her head to look at Gu Yuanbai, raised her hand with effort, wiped the dust off Gu Yuanbai’s face, “When royal mother is buried, you must not come.”

Gu Yuanbai uttered a word, “No.”

Wan Taifei wanted to say something to him, but the words stopped at her lips. She fell silent, her eyes showing a look of reminiscence, both mother and son holding hands tightly. After an unknown amount of time passed, Wan Taifei’s hand suddenly lost strength.

Gu Yuanbai leaned against her hand, blinking slowly, “Royal Mother.”

Wan Taifei did not respond.

Gu Yuanbai opened his mouth, inhaling and exhaling deeply, his breathing trembling. He lifted his head from Wan Taifei’s hand, only to see Wan Taifei’s eyes closed tightly, her face seeming to fall asleep.

His hand trembled, Wan Taifei’s hand slipped from his fingers and fell heavily on the bed.

Wan Taifei passed away.

Gu Yuanbai felt like his breath was about to stop. The sound of crying suddenly sounded in his ears, seeming both close and distant, as if separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. Someone seemed to approach and persuade, “Your Majesty, let go.”

Let go of what?

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Gu Yuanbai covered his chest in a cold sweat, the surrounding cries suddenly loud, deafening, piercing into Gu Yuanbai’s ears. He felt uncomfortable, breathing heavily, his vision darkening.

“Your Majesty!” Xue Yuan said urgently.

The last thing Gu Yuanbai saw was Xue Yuan’s distorted and tense expression. After that, darkness enveloped him.


The Emperor fainted.

The imperial physicians in the entire palace gathered in the hall to check his pulse one by one. Each person’s nerves were stretched taut, and Xue Yuan stood at the foot of the bed, watching the person on the bed with bloodshot eyes.

The guards who were chasing after the Emperor finally arrived at the palace. They rushed in hurriedly, and a large number of people filled the entire hall, making it difficult to even breathe.

They were riding good horses, but they couldn’t catch up with the speed of the warhorse. Even though they were exhausted from day and night rushing, they were still four hours late. In these four hours, the Emperor fainted.

The chief guard wanted to rush up and throw punches at Xue Yuan, but before his fist could be raised, it faltered and fell.

Was it wrong for Xue Yuan to bring the Emperor to see Wan Taifei for the last time?

If he didn’t come to see Wan Taifei for the last time, if he heard the news of Wan Taifei’s regrettable passing, would the Emperor not end up like this?

He would, and it would be even more difficult.

The chief guard’s voice was heavy, “Lord Xue, how long has His Majesty been unconscious?”

Xue Yuan seemed soulless. After a long, long time, he finally came back to his senses from the dull pain in his heart and hoarsely said, “Three hours.”

The chief guard asked again, “Did the imperial physicians say anything?”

But Xue Yuan didn’t seem to answer. The chief guard looked up and saw Lord Xue with red eyes, staring at the Emperor.


The physicians originally thought that the Emperor would only be unconscious for a day at most, but they did not expect that even two days later, the Emperor still did not wake up.

The imperial physicians were completely panicked. The summer palace was not suitable for treating the Emperor. The Imperial Guards escorted the Emperor back to the capital, and the physicians of the Imperial Hospital did not sleep day or night, pondering the reason why the Emperor remained unconscious. After discussing with the Emperor’s trusted ministers, Tian Fusheng and the Supervision Bureau, they suppressed the situation of the Emperor’s unconsciousness and used the excuse of the Emperor recuperating to deal with the courtiers.

The former dynasty and the inner court were temporarily stable because of this.

Heqin Wang Mansion.

Mr. Wang received the news and was overjoyed! When he sent someone to assassinate Gu Lian, he didn’t expect Xue Yuan to take another route with Gu Yuanbai in order to take a shortcut. The warhorse galloped, just missing Mr. Wang’s men. When he wanted to lurk again on the return journey, he encountered the Black Armor Imperial Guards.

Although the assassination of Gu Lian was not successful, there was an unexpected gain. Gu Lian was now unconscious. Wasn’t this a great opportunity?

The pawn by Wan Taifei’s side was the biggest pawn in Mr. Wang’s hands. It was really not in vain to spend so much effort. Finally, it worked.

Mr. Wang immediately took action, determined not to waste this opportunity.

In just a few days, rumors spread among the common people that the Emperor was critically ill and his life was hanging by a thread.

The rumor became more and more intense, causing a great uproar. The Prefect of Jingzhao acted promptly, strengthening the patrols of soldiers. Once such false rumors were discovered, those spreading them were immediately arrested and thrown into prison.

But the fact was right in front of them. The officials had not seen the Emperor for several days. What kind of illness was the Emperor suffering from? Why could he only see the Grand Chancellor, the Lord Shangshus, and a few other officials, but not others?

The eunuchs and palace maids waiting in front of the palace were vague in their words, and Steward Tian’s anxiety and exhaustion deepened gradually. Panic was rising, both among the officials and the common people. Everyone wanted to know how the Emperor was doing now.

The Emperor was still unconscious.

He had been unconscious for more than ten days.

What could cause someone to fall into such a prolonged coma?

The imperial physicians at the Imperial Hospital were at a loss. They had tried various methods, but to no avail.

Each day became more anxious and restless than the last. The anxious officials gathered in front of the Xuanzheng Hall, shouting “Long live the Emperor,” requesting an audience with the Emperor.

The people in the hall looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Now, they could no longer suppress it.

And it was not just the officials and the people of the capital who were anxious. These close ministers, the Supervision Bureau, and the Donglingwei, as well as the palace maids and eunuchs, were all anxious and worried, feeling that a storm was coming.

They were also uneasy, even more anxious, waiting in front of the hall every day for the Emperor to wake up. Your Majesty, please wake up soon. If you, as this mountain, do not awaken, we cannot bear it.

On that day, the Grand Chancellor and the Assistant Minister of State Affairs intervened and prevented the officials from seeing the Emperor. But on the second day, the third day… finally, the news of the Emperor’s prolonged unconsciousness could not be concealed any longer and had to be announced.

The court was in an uproar.

And on that day, Mr. Wang, dressed neatly, meticulously adjusted the cuffs and attire several times, and walked slowly into the room of Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang was sitting behind the desk, with an untouched book open on the desk. His face was haggard and dull, his eyes lifeless.

“Wangye,” Mr. Wang bowed and said straightforwardly, “The Emperor is critically ill and is now on the verge of death.”

Heqin Wang suddenly stood up, his eyes suddenly alert, staring at Mr. Wang, “What did you say?!”

Mr. Wang had previously used a Xixia messenger to test Heqin Wang. Although Heqin Wang was quick-tempered, he was particularly clear-headed in major matters. He would never cooperate with Mr. Wang, a foreigner, to plot for the throne of Great Heng. Therefore, Mr. Wang had never intended to waste his efforts.

He just said with concern, “The Emperor has been unconscious for several days, and the imperial physicians in the palace are helpless. I thought, if medical treatment is ineffective, it must be witchcraft. If someone used witchcraft to make the Emperor fall into a deep sleep, how could the imperial physicians cure him?”

Heqin Wang rushed out from behind the desk in panic, tightly gripping Mr. Wang’s hand, “Do you have a solution, sir?”

“When I traveled the four seas, I once met a friend who was proficient in witchcraft. This friend should be in the capital now,” Mr. Wang sighed, “But, Your Highness, we are confined to the mansion. Even if my friend is willing to help, we cannot reach the Emperor.”

Heqin Wang breathed heavily, gritting his teeth, “I will find a way.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 125

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 125

Chapter 125

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It only took two days for a fast horse to travel from Jingxi to the Hebei Palace.

But these two days were spent eating and sleeping on horseback, without rest, day and night.

Gu Yuanbai couldn't bear it.

But he was prepared for all the hardships on the way, and he said to Xue Yuan, "Don't worry about me."

Xue Yuan nodded, "I know."

When passing through relay stations, Xue Yuan brought clean water and jerky, and bought a thick quilt. He laid Gu Yuanbai across the horse, and they traveled day and night without stopping.

Because there were no guards, time was also very urgent. In order to ensure safety, Xue Yuan took a rarely known shortcut. He shuttled back and forth in the small official roads, always on the lookout for possible pursuit and danger.

At night, under the cold moonlight.

Xue Yuan tightened his arms around Gu Yuanbai's arm, and Gu Yuanbai leaned on the thick quilt against Xue Yuan's chest and fell asleep, his brows furrowed in unease.

At this time, Xue Yuan would briefly let go of the reins of Hongyun, quickly tidy up the cloak covering Gu Yuanbai, then lower his head and plant a rough yet dry kiss on the person's forehead, whispering softly, "Sleep well."

Even if Hongyun was a rare and invaluable horse, it still needed to eat, drink, and rest. Xue Yuan took care of these needs at night. After Gu Yuanbai fell asleep, Xue Yuan would hold him in his arms, dismount, and lead Hongyun to have a good meal and a short nap.

Gu Yuanbai slept fitfully, occasionally struggling to wake from nightmares. Xue Yuan would turn his head and kiss him gently, murmuring reassuringly, "It's alright, it's alright."

In this way, Gu Yuanbai endured many restless nights.

Hongyun, well-rested at night, was energetic during the day, resuming the journey to the summer palace. Gu Yuanbai, who was well taken care of, pursed his lips as he noticed Xue Yuan’s exhaustion. "Rest against me for a while."

Xue Yuan smiled, inhaling deeply at Gu Yuanbai's neck. "Don't move, let me smell you."

That was rest enough for him.

Amid the cold wind and dust, they rode on. Xue Yuan extended the journey to three days, and on the morning of the third day, the steed galloped to the summer palace.

The palace guards were startled by the sudden arrival of the Emperor.

Covered in the dust of the journey, Gu Yuanbai hurried to Wan Taifei's residence with Xue Yuan's support. The palace servants they encountered along the way were either shocked or full of sorrow.

When they finally reached Wan Taifei's door, the children of the royal family, whom Gu Yuanbai had sent to accompany her, were gathered outside. One of the children spotted him first and exclaimed joyfully, "Royal Uncle is here!"

Gu Yuanbai's heart sank.

He suddenly couldn't walk anymore. Looking towards the door from here, there was only a deep darkness inside. This darkness seemed to have substance, heavy as gold, emitting a poignant meaning. Gu Yuanbai pinched his palm and told himself, you have to go.

He pushed himself to walk into the room.

In the dimly lit room, there were only a few people. A person laid on the bed in the bedroom, with Heqin Wangfei sitting by the bedside, wiping away tears.

The person in the bed stretched out a still warm hand from under the covers, but couldn't catch their breath, "Yuan... Bai."

Gu Yuanbai's eyes reddened in an instant. He stepped forward and held Wan Taifei's hand, "Royal Mother, your son is here."

"My son," Wan Taifei had already been changed by the palace servants into a gorgeous and intricate outfit. This outfit was layered and embroidered with exquisite designs, as if it were alive, meticulous in every detail. It complemented Wan Taifei's gentle eyes, seeming to regain some vitality, "How long did you rush here, without listening to royal mother's words?"

Gu Yuanbai opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He cleared his throat with effort and finally managed to speak, "Many days."

Wan Taifei looked at him reproachfully, her fingers slowly rubbing Gu Yuanbai's hand, "Royal Mother is about to leave, and can't nag you anymore. Yuan Bai, you must remember what Royal mother said..."

She paused for a moment after saying a sentence. Someone in the room had already started sobbing. Gu Yuanbai, however, felt his eyes dry, only looking at the strands of white hair at the corner of Wan Taifei's temples, and the wrinkles around her eyes that seemed to smile.

Wan Taifei was still young, but her skin exuded a heavy twilight aura from inside to outside. Such twilight aura was visible to the naked eye, only spelled out the words - running out of oil and the lamp is dry.

"When royal mother reaches the Yellow Springs, she can talk to her sister with the late emperor," Wan Taifei's eyes turned red, tears streaming down her face, drops absorbed by the soft pillow, "Our Yuan Bai, is a good emperor, a good son."

Gu Yuanbai tightened his grip on her hand, biting back the urge to cry in his throat.

After Wan Taifei finished speaking, she seemed a little tired. She turned her head to look at Gu Yuanbai, raised her hand with effort, wiped the dust off Gu Yuanbai's face, "When royal mother is buried, you must not come."

Gu Yuanbai uttered a word, "No."

Wan Taifei wanted to say something to him, but the words stopped at her lips. She fell silent, her eyes showing a look of reminiscence, both mother and son holding hands tightly. After an unknown amount of time passed, Wan Taifei's hand suddenly lost strength.

Gu Yuanbai leaned against her hand, blinking slowly, "Royal Mother."

Wan Taifei did not respond.

Gu Yuanbai opened his mouth, inhaling and exhaling deeply, his breathing trembling. He lifted his head from Wan Taifei's hand, only to see Wan Taifei's eyes closed tightly, her face seeming to fall asleep.

His hand trembled, Wan Taifei's hand slipped from his fingers and fell heavily on the bed.

Wan Taifei passed away.

Gu Yuanbai felt like his breath was about to stop. The sound of crying suddenly sounded in his ears, seeming both close and distant, as if separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. Someone seemed to approach and persuade, "Your Majesty, let go."

Let go of what?

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Gu Yuanbai covered his chest in a cold sweat, the surrounding cries suddenly loud, deafening, piercing into Gu Yuanbai's ears. He felt uncomfortable, breathing heavily, his vision darkening.

"Your Majesty!" Xue Yuan said urgently.

The last thing Gu Yuanbai saw was Xue Yuan's distorted and tense expression. After that, darkness enveloped him.


The Emperor fainted.

The imperial physicians in the entire palace gathered in the hall to check his pulse one by one. Each person's nerves were stretched taut, and Xue Yuan stood at the foot of the bed, watching the person on the bed with bloodshot eyes.

The guards who were chasing after the Emperor finally arrived at the palace. They rushed in hurriedly, and a large number of people filled the entire hall, making it difficult to even breathe.

They were riding good horses, but they couldn't catch up with the speed of the warhorse. Even though they were exhausted from day and night rushing, they were still four hours late. In these four hours, the Emperor fainted.

The chief guard wanted to rush up and throw punches at Xue Yuan, but before his fist could be raised, it faltered and fell.

Was it wrong for Xue Yuan to bring the Emperor to see Wan Taifei for the last time?

If he didn't come to see Wan Taifei for the last time, if he heard the news of Wan Taifei's regrettable passing, would the Emperor not end up like this?

He would, and it would be even more difficult.

The chief guard's voice was heavy, "Lord Xue, how long has His Majesty been unconscious?"

Xue Yuan seemed soulless. After a long, long time, he finally came back to his senses from the dull pain in his heart and hoarsely said, "Three hours."

The chief guard asked again, "Did the imperial physicians say anything?"

But Xue Yuan didn't seem to answer. The chief guard looked up and saw Lord Xue with red eyes, staring at the Emperor.


The physicians originally thought that the Emperor would only be unconscious for a day at most, but they did not expect that even two days later, the Emperor still did not wake up.

The imperial physicians were completely panicked. The summer palace was not suitable for treating the Emperor. The Imperial Guards escorted the Emperor back to the capital, and the physicians of the Imperial Hospital did not sleep day or night, pondering the reason why the Emperor remained unconscious. After discussing with the Emperor's trusted ministers, Tian Fusheng and the Supervision Bureau, they suppressed the situation of the Emperor's unconsciousness and used the excuse of the Emperor recuperating to deal with the courtiers.

The former dynasty and the inner court were temporarily stable because of this.

Heqin Wang Mansion.

Mr. Wang received the news and was overjoyed! When he sent someone to assassinate Gu Lian, he didn't expect Xue Yuan to take another route with Gu Yuanbai in order to take a shortcut. The warhorse galloped, just missing Mr. Wang's men. When he wanted to lurk again on the return journey, he encountered the Black Armor Imperial Guards.

Although the assassination of Gu Lian was not successful, there was an unexpected gain. Gu Lian was now unconscious. Wasn't this a great opportunity?

The pawn by Wan Taifei's side was the biggest pawn in Mr. Wang's hands. It was really not in vain to spend so much effort. Finally, it worked.

Mr. Wang immediately took action, determined not to waste this opportunity.

In just a few days, rumors spread among the common people that the Emperor was critically ill and his life was hanging by a thread.

The rumor became more and more intense, causing a great uproar. The Prefect of Jingzhao acted promptly, strengthening the patrols of soldiers. Once such false rumors were discovered, those spreading them were immediately arrested and thrown into prison.

But the fact was right in front of them. The officials had not seen the Emperor for several days. What kind of illness was the Emperor suffering from? Why could he only see the Grand Chancellor, the Lord Shangshus, and a few other officials, but not others?

The eunuchs and palace maids waiting in front of the palace were vague in their words, and Steward Tian's anxiety and exhaustion deepened gradually. Panic was rising, both among the officials and the common people. Everyone wanted to know how the Emperor was doing now.

The Emperor was still unconscious.

He had been unconscious for more than ten days.

What could cause someone to fall into such a prolonged coma?

The imperial physicians at the Imperial Hospital were at a loss. They had tried various methods, but to no avail.

Each day became more anxious and restless than the last. The anxious officials gathered in front of the Xuanzheng Hall, shouting "Long live the Emperor," requesting an audience with the Emperor.

The people in the hall looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Now, they could no longer suppress it.

And it was not just the officials and the people of the capital who were anxious. These close ministers, the Supervision Bureau, and the Donglingwei, as well as the palace maids and eunuchs, were all anxious and worried, feeling that a storm was coming.

They were also uneasy, even more anxious, waiting in front of the hall every day for the Emperor to wake up. Your Majesty, please wake up soon. If you, as this mountain, do not awaken, we cannot bear it.

On that day, the Grand Chancellor and the Assistant Minister of State Affairs intervened and prevented the officials from seeing the Emperor. But on the second day, the third day... finally, the news of the Emperor's prolonged unconsciousness could not be concealed any longer and had to be announced.

The court was in an uproar.

And on that day, Mr. Wang, dressed neatly, meticulously adjusted the cuffs and attire several times, and walked slowly into the room of Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang was sitting behind the desk, with an untouched book open on the desk. His face was haggard and dull, his eyes lifeless.

"Wangye," Mr. Wang bowed and said straightforwardly, "The Emperor is critically ill and is now on the verge of death."

Heqin Wang suddenly stood up, his eyes suddenly alert, staring at Mr. Wang, "What did you say?!"

Mr. Wang had previously used a Xixia messenger to test Heqin Wang. Although Heqin Wang was quick-tempered, he was particularly clear-headed in major matters. He would never cooperate with Mr. Wang, a foreigner, to plot for the throne of Great Heng. Therefore, Mr. Wang had never intended to waste his efforts.

He just said with concern, "The Emperor has been unconscious for several days, and the imperial physicians in the palace are helpless. I thought, if medical treatment is ineffective, it must be witchcraft. If someone used witchcraft to make the Emperor fall into a deep sleep, how could the imperial physicians cure him?"

Heqin Wang rushed out from behind the desk in panic, tightly gripping Mr. Wang's hand, "Do you have a solution, sir?"

"When I traveled the four seas, I once met a friend who was proficient in witchcraft. This friend should be in the capital now," Mr. Wang sighed, "But, Your Highness, we are confined to the mansion. Even if my friend is willing to help, we cannot reach the Emperor."

Heqin Wang breathed heavily, gritting his teeth, "I will find a way."

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