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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 126

Chapter 126

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The Imperial Palace had been guarded tightly like an iron bucket by the Great Heng Emperor. Mr. Wang’s attempt to reach the Emperor was even more difficult than reaching the sky.

But the timing of this opportunity was rare. Mr. Wang had decided to take this risk. If he lost this gamble, Mr. Wang had prepared a decent robe and was ready to face death calmly. If he won, he would not have wasted decades of patience and lurking.

After entrusting the matter of entering the palace to Heqin Wang, Mr. Wang began to unite certain officials in the capital.

The Great Heng Emperor was beloved by the people. Just the anti-corruption policies alone had made the people rejoice. But for officials who were targeted by the anti-corruption campaign, it was somewhat bitter.

Before implementing the anti-corruption measures, the Emperor had released news, giving certain people time to confess their embezzlement. Although Gu Yuanbai had given these people leniency, there were still some high-ranking officials who felt particularly uncomfortable.

These discomforts provided Mr. Wang with an opportunity to exploit their weaknesses.

Mr. Wang’s eyes rarely missed. Those who dared to embezzle were the same ones who dared to become his helpers.

Offering bribes and using threats. The Emperor had you secretly return the embezzled funds; how can you be sure that the Emperor won’t come after you in the future?

This Emperor was completely different from the late Emperor. He could hide for three years and pull down the powerful Lu Feng. How could you be sure that he would not spend another three years to bring you down?

Compared to this, wouldn’t it be better to take advantage of this opportunity to remove the Emperor from power and replace him with a more manageable Heqin Wang?

After a series of persuasions, there would always be people who were tempted. Mr. Wang arranged everything inside and out. At this time, Heqin Wang also received good news.

They could leave the mansion and enter the palace.

Early the next morning, Heqin Wang took Mr. Wang and his friend to the palace.

Heqin Wang’s expression today was cold and stern, without saying a word. Mr. Wang looked at his expression and cautiously asked, “Wangye, why do you look so bad? Are you feeling unwell?”

Heqin Wang shook his head, “I am just worried about the Emperor.”

Thinking of his thoughts towards the Emperor, Mr. Wang’s expression inevitably dimmed. He sat up straight and, after answering with a word, stopped asking further questions.

After arriving at the palace, the palace attendants led the way, heading towards the sleeping quarters where the Emperor was located.

Mr. Wang was accompanied by a friend, a middle-aged man of short stature with narrow eyes and an ordinary appearance and attire. The laws of Great Heng strictly forbade witchcraft and sorcery. Even if there was suspicion that the Emperor was under such a spell, no one dared to openly summon someone to the palace to perform exorcisms.

As the group approached the palace, they saw that civil and military officials had already gathered outside the Emperor’s bedchamber. Some of them looked anxious, while others had grim expressions. They followed behind high-ranking officials, seeking to understand the Emperor’s current condition and to see for themselves why the Emperor had inexplicably fallen into a coma.

Heqin Wang led the two men into the palace from the side in front of the officials. Suddenly, Mr. Wang turned his head and exchanged a discreet glance with a few of the officials.

Inside the sleeping quarters, the atmosphere was solemn with the scent of incense lingering in the air.

In the palace, guards were fully armed, and the atmosphere was so tense that not even a fly could enter. Both the palace servants and guards had serious expressions, and the atmosphere was oppressive. Besides their own breaths, there was no other sound to be heard as they walked.

Mr. Wang dared not look around and followed Heqin Wang to the inner chamber. The chief eunuch of the palace came forward to greet them, bowing to Heqin Wang. “Wangye, are these the two people you brought?”

Heqin Wang’s voice was deep, “Yes, they are.”

Mr. Wang felt that something was off about Heqin Wang’s tone. Just as he was about to look up at Heqin Wang, a guard stepped forward to frisk them. The middle-aged man nervously handed over a bundle of long needles kept in a cloth bag. “Sir, these items will be needed later.”

The guards carefully inspected each needle and nodded, “We’ll hold onto them. If you need them, we’ll give them back to you.”

The middle-aged man dared not argue and repeated, “Yes.”

After they were searched, Tian Fusheng led them to the inner chamber. He couldn’t conceal the weariness and anxiety in his tone. “The Emperor has been unconscious for half a month now. The imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital have tried everything, but to no avail.”

Mr. Wang silently listened to his words and sighed along with him. “Exactly. This has made us common people worried. Initially, we didn’t even think of witchcraft, but if the Emperor remains unconscious for dozens of days, what else could it be but witchcraft? I took the liberty to request Heqin Wang to convey my humble thoughts to the palace, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.”

Tian Fusheng wiped away his tears and whispered, “Even if you think it’s wrong, I think so too. But the palace rules are strict, and some things cannot be said or done recklessly. Even if we are anxious, we cannot touch those things.”

Mr. Wang deliberately hesitated, “Then…”

Heqin Wang stood solemnly beside him, his gaze fixed ahead, showing a hint of determination that had been buried in the mud for a long time during the war. “I’ll take the responsibility.”

Mr. Wang fell silent.

Tian Fusheng said, “This is something that I and Heqin Wang have agreed upon together. Naturally, I will share the burden with Wangye.”

Mr. Wang realized that it was a decision they had made privately, and those ministers probably didn’t know yet.

That was even better.

Finally, they entered the inner chamber and saw a frail figure lying on the dragon bed from a distance. Mr. Wang dared not look too much, but the middle-aged man beside him was invited up by Tian Fusheng to see if the Emperor’s current condition was due to witchcraft.

The middle-aged man adjusted his headband and cuffs before carefully approaching the bedside.

The surrounding guards stared at him intently, and Mr. Wang held his breath. The middle-aged man bowed and said, “I want to take a look at the Emperor’s eyes.”

Xue Yuan stood aside, his face covered in stubble, staring fixedly at the man without blinking, his voice hoarse. “Go ahead.”

The middle-aged man, thinking he was a high-ranking official, didn’t dare to delay. He reached out to touch the Emperor’s eyelids. Between his two fingers was a thin needle that glinted with silver light, aimed directly at the acupuncture point on the Emperor’s head. Once inserted, The Great Heng Emperor would undoubtedly die.

Their grand plan was about to succeed!


Outside the hall, the officials faced off, tensions rising.

Taiwei Wang Liqing, Lord Wang stroked his graying beard and snorted coldly, “Lord Zhao, I say the nation cannot be without a ruler for even a day. Now that the Emperor is in a coma, someone should act as regent to govern the country and reassure the people. Is that wrong?!”

Lord Zhao, the Grand Chancellor, remained expressionless and replied coldly, “May I ask, Lord Wang, who do you think should act as regent?”

The officials fell silent, their ears pricked, not daring to miss a word.

Wang Taiwei, being of advanced age and holding a high rank, shouldn’t have spoken up like this. But some days ago, someone had approached him and talked to him about something that sounded ambiguous. At that time, Wang Taiwei had ruthlessly driven the person away. However, after the person left, Wang Taiwei couldn’t help but think about what he had said.

Wang Taiwei was no longer young, and he was afraid of death as well as losing his reputation in his old age. When the Emperor launched the anti-corruption campaign, it was precisely because of these “two fears” that Wang Taiwei hastily returned all the money he had embezzled over half his life according to the previous accounts.

The Emperor let him off the hook, and Wang Taiwei felt fortunate. But he realized afterward that he had been too hasty.

With the current Emperor’s temperament, would he really let these big corrupt officials like them off the hook?

Wang Taiwei had pondered over this a lot, even thinking about the incident when his second son-in-law was investigated for corruption. His second son-in-law was the former Minister of Finance, and after being demoted, he came to Wang Taiwei to plead for help. At that time, Wang Taiwei had reprimanded him severely. Now, thinking back, Wang Taiwei felt a chill running down his spine, feeling that the Emperor was beginning to target him.

“The eggs and other necessary palace items, I simply followed the previous account books to record them one by one. Why does His Majesty insist on investigating me?” The son-in-law’s defensive words echoed repeatedly in his mind. “Father-in-law, His Majesty is investigating me just because of an egg!”

Yes, why indeed would they investigate his son-in-law? Wasn’t this just a way to come after him?

Wang Taiwei shuddered all over. Overnight, he gritted his teeth and agreed to join Mr. Wang’s side to save his life and protect his good reputation for life. He must bring down Gu Lian!

Before the courtiers, Wang Taiwei spoke frankly, “His Majesty has no heir, but he has a full brother who is the eldest son and prince of the late emperor. Now that His Majesty is seriously ill and unable to rise, who else can act as regent but Heqin Wang?”

Many nodded silently in agreement. Wang Taiwei was right. A country cannot be without a ruler even for a day. In this critical moment, Heqin Wang serving as regent was the best choice.

If they were to let His Majesty’s close ministers act as regents, without His Majesty’s command, their authority would lack legitimacy and the officials would not comply. But if it was the late emperor’s eldest son, now the only blood relative of His Majesty, then they would have no objections.

Heqin Wang’s reputation was just as well-known as many of the clan descendants who relied on their ancestors’ blessings, if not stronger. He possessed the ability to act as regent.

Someone spoke up first, “Lord Wang’s words are reasonable. I also think that at such an anxious moment, having Heqin Wang act as regent would be the most reassuring for the officials and the people.”

As soon as this was said, several others voiced their agreement with this decision.

The Grand Chancellor and the Assistant Minister of State Affairs stood aside, showing signs of division among them.

If it were for the sake of the country, then it would indeed be a wise decision for Heqin Wang to act as regent, as Heqin Wang was not the kind of person who couldn’t distinguish right from wrong. But how could the Grand Chancellor and a few other ministers not know the sinister intentions behind Wang Liqing’s actions at this moment?

He clearly wanted to seize this opportunity to sideline the Emperor!

The faces of the old ministers turned serious, and Wang Taiwei looked at them, suddenly smiling with a hint of satisfaction. “I wonder if you gentlemen have anything else to say?”

“Heqin Wang is currently confined to Heqin Wang Mansion by the Emperor,” the Assistant Minister of State Affairs stepped forward, neither humble nor overbearing, “without the Emperor’s command, Heqin Wang cannot leave the mansion.”


A minister on the other side sneered twice and pointed to the gate of the palace chamber, “Then may I ask, Assistant Minister of State Affairs, isn’t that Heqin Wang who just entered the palace gate?”

The Assistant Minister of State Affairs remained unfazed, “The two matters are not related.”

The position of Taiwei had been pushed to the sidelines due to the Emperor’s favor towards the Grand Council and the Ministry of State Affairs, and most of the real power in Wang Taiwei’s hands had already been divided among the Grand Council. Now, with both old and new grievances flooding his mind, Wang Taiwei pointed at the Assistant Minister of State Affairs and the Chancellor of the Grand Council and shouted in a loud voice, “I can see through your treacherous intentions! The people and us are all anxious, but all you can see is your own gain! Clearly, you are unwilling to have Heqin Wang act as regent, afraid of losing your power. Lord Zhao, am I right?”

The Grand Chancellor’s chest heaved violently, and he pointed at Wang Taiwei’s trembling finger, “You dare speak such nonsense!”

“Whether I am speaking nonsense or not, you know it in your hearts,” Wang Taiwei looked at them coldly, “If you disagree with Heqin Wang acting as regent, then present a reason!”

The courtiers looked towards the Grand Chancellor and the others.

However, the faces of the Grand Chancellor and the others turned pale, unable to utter a word.

A young official standing next to Wang Taiwei was about to suppress his laughter. His eyebrows were tinged with joy. “Since you gentlemen have nothing to say, then—”

“What reason do you want?” the Emperor’s low voice echoed from the palace chamber, “Isn’t the fact that I’m not dead yet reason enough?”

Wang Taiwei and several other leading officials around him paled, staring in shock towards the palace gate.

The Emperor, supported by Xue Yuan, followed by Heqin Wang, slowly walked out of the palace gate.

The bright sunlight gradually shone upon the Emperor’s shoes, passing over his robe, casting a faint shade on the ground. The Emperor’s eyes were dark as he looked down at Wang Taiwei, whose expression was already contorted with fear. He cleared his throat lightly and said, “Wang Taiwei, is this reason enough for you?”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 126

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 126

Chapter 126

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The Imperial Palace had been guarded tightly like an iron bucket by the Great Heng Emperor. Mr. Wang's attempt to reach the Emperor was even more difficult than reaching the sky.

But the timing of this opportunity was rare. Mr. Wang had decided to take this risk. If he lost this gamble, Mr. Wang had prepared a decent robe and was ready to face death calmly. If he won, he would not have wasted decades of patience and lurking.

After entrusting the matter of entering the palace to Heqin Wang, Mr. Wang began to unite certain officials in the capital.

The Great Heng Emperor was beloved by the people. Just the anti-corruption policies alone had made the people rejoice. But for officials who were targeted by the anti-corruption campaign, it was somewhat bitter.

Before implementing the anti-corruption measures, the Emperor had released news, giving certain people time to confess their embezzlement. Although Gu Yuanbai had given these people leniency, there were still some high-ranking officials who felt particularly uncomfortable.

These discomforts provided Mr. Wang with an opportunity to exploit their weaknesses.

Mr. Wang's eyes rarely missed. Those who dared to embezzle were the same ones who dared to become his helpers.

Offering bribes and using threats. The Emperor had you secretly return the embezzled funds; how can you be sure that the Emperor won’t come after you in the future?

This Emperor was completely different from the late Emperor. He could hide for three years and pull down the powerful Lu Feng. How could you be sure that he would not spend another three years to bring you down?

Compared to this, wouldn't it be better to take advantage of this opportunity to remove the Emperor from power and replace him with a more manageable Heqin Wang?

After a series of persuasions, there would always be people who were tempted. Mr. Wang arranged everything inside and out. At this time, Heqin Wang also received good news.

They could leave the mansion and enter the palace.

Early the next morning, Heqin Wang took Mr. Wang and his friend to the palace.

Heqin Wang's expression today was cold and stern, without saying a word. Mr. Wang looked at his expression and cautiously asked, "Wangye, why do you look so bad? Are you feeling unwell?"

Heqin Wang shook his head, "I am just worried about the Emperor."

Thinking of his thoughts towards the Emperor, Mr. Wang's expression inevitably dimmed. He sat up straight and, after answering with a word, stopped asking further questions.

After arriving at the palace, the palace attendants led the way, heading towards the sleeping quarters where the Emperor was located.

Mr. Wang was accompanied by a friend, a middle-aged man of short stature with narrow eyes and an ordinary appearance and attire. The laws of Great Heng strictly forbade witchcraft and sorcery. Even if there was suspicion that the Emperor was under such a spell, no one dared to openly summon someone to the palace to perform exorcisms.

As the group approached the palace, they saw that civil and military officials had already gathered outside the Emperor's bedchamber. Some of them looked anxious, while others had grim expressions. They followed behind high-ranking officials, seeking to understand the Emperor's current condition and to see for themselves why the Emperor had inexplicably fallen into a coma.

Heqin Wang led the two men into the palace from the side in front of the officials. Suddenly, Mr. Wang turned his head and exchanged a discreet glance with a few of the officials.

Inside the sleeping quarters, the atmosphere was solemn with the scent of incense lingering in the air.

In the palace, guards were fully armed, and the atmosphere was so tense that not even a fly could enter. Both the palace servants and guards had serious expressions, and the atmosphere was oppressive. Besides their own breaths, there was no other sound to be heard as they walked.

Mr. Wang dared not look around and followed Heqin Wang to the inner chamber. The chief eunuch of the palace came forward to greet them, bowing to Heqin Wang. "Wangye, are these the two people you brought?"

Heqin Wang's voice was deep, "Yes, they are."

Mr. Wang felt that something was off about Heqin Wang's tone. Just as he was about to look up at Heqin Wang, a guard stepped forward to frisk them. The middle-aged man nervously handed over a bundle of long needles kept in a cloth bag. "Sir, these items will be needed later."

The guards carefully inspected each needle and nodded, "We'll hold onto them. If you need them, we'll give them back to you."

The middle-aged man dared not argue and repeated, "Yes."

After they were searched, Tian Fusheng led them to the inner chamber. He couldn't conceal the weariness and anxiety in his tone. "The Emperor has been unconscious for half a month now. The imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital have tried everything, but to no avail."

Mr. Wang silently listened to his words and sighed along with him. "Exactly. This has made us common people worried. Initially, we didn't even think of witchcraft, but if the Emperor remains unconscious for dozens of days, what else could it be but witchcraft? I took the liberty to request Heqin Wang to convey my humble thoughts to the palace, regardless of whether they are right or wrong."

Tian Fusheng wiped away his tears and whispered, "Even if you think it's wrong, I think so too. But the palace rules are strict, and some things cannot be said or done recklessly. Even if we are anxious, we cannot touch those things."

Mr. Wang deliberately hesitated, "Then..."

Heqin Wang stood solemnly beside him, his gaze fixed ahead, showing a hint of determination that had been buried in the mud for a long time during the war. "I'll take the responsibility."

Mr. Wang fell silent.

Tian Fusheng said, "This is something that I and Heqin Wang have agreed upon together. Naturally, I will share the burden with Wangye."

Mr. Wang realized that it was a decision they had made privately, and those ministers probably didn't know yet.

That was even better.

Finally, they entered the inner chamber and saw a frail figure lying on the dragon bed from a distance. Mr. Wang dared not look too much, but the middle-aged man beside him was invited up by Tian Fusheng to see if the Emperor's current condition was due to witchcraft.

The middle-aged man adjusted his headband and cuffs before carefully approaching the bedside.

The surrounding guards stared at him intently, and Mr. Wang held his breath. The middle-aged man bowed and said, "I want to take a look at the Emperor's eyes."

Xue Yuan stood aside, his face covered in stubble, staring fixedly at the man without blinking, his voice hoarse. "Go ahead."

The middle-aged man, thinking he was a high-ranking official, didn't dare to delay. He reached out to touch the Emperor's eyelids. Between his two fingers was a thin needle that glinted with silver light, aimed directly at the acupuncture point on the Emperor's head. Once inserted, The Great Heng Emperor would undoubtedly die.

Their grand plan was about to succeed!


Outside the hall, the officials faced off, tensions rising.

Taiwei Wang Liqing, Lord Wang stroked his graying beard and snorted coldly, "Lord Zhao, I say the nation cannot be without a ruler for even a day. Now that the Emperor is in a coma, someone should act as regent to govern the country and reassure the people. Is that wrong?!"

Lord Zhao, the Grand Chancellor, remained expressionless and replied coldly, "May I ask, Lord Wang, who do you think should act as regent?"

The officials fell silent, their ears pricked, not daring to miss a word.

Wang Taiwei, being of advanced age and holding a high rank, shouldn't have spoken up like this. But some days ago, someone had approached him and talked to him about something that sounded ambiguous. At that time, Wang Taiwei had ruthlessly driven the person away. However, after the person left, Wang Taiwei couldn't help but think about what he had said.

Wang Taiwei was no longer young, and he was afraid of death as well as losing his reputation in his old age. When the Emperor launched the anti-corruption campaign, it was precisely because of these "two fears" that Wang Taiwei hastily returned all the money he had embezzled over half his life according to the previous accounts.

The Emperor let him off the hook, and Wang Taiwei felt fortunate. But he realized afterward that he had been too hasty.

With the current Emperor's temperament, would he really let these big corrupt officials like them off the hook?

Wang Taiwei had pondered over this a lot, even thinking about the incident when his second son-in-law was investigated for corruption. His second son-in-law was the former Minister of Finance, and after being demoted, he came to Wang Taiwei to plead for help. At that time, Wang Taiwei had reprimanded him severely. Now, thinking back, Wang Taiwei felt a chill running down his spine, feeling that the Emperor was beginning to target him.

"The eggs and other necessary palace items, I simply followed the previous account books to record them one by one. Why does His Majesty insist on investigating me?" The son-in-law's defensive words echoed repeatedly in his mind. "Father-in-law, His Majesty is investigating me just because of an egg!"

Yes, why indeed would they investigate his son-in-law? Wasn't this just a way to come after him?

Wang Taiwei shuddered all over. Overnight, he gritted his teeth and agreed to join Mr. Wang's side to save his life and protect his good reputation for life. He must bring down Gu Lian!

Before the courtiers, Wang Taiwei spoke frankly, "His Majesty has no heir, but he has a full brother who is the eldest son and prince of the late emperor. Now that His Majesty is seriously ill and unable to rise, who else can act as regent but Heqin Wang?"

Many nodded silently in agreement. Wang Taiwei was right. A country cannot be without a ruler even for a day. In this critical moment, Heqin Wang serving as regent was the best choice.

If they were to let His Majesty's close ministers act as regents, without His Majesty's command, their authority would lack legitimacy and the officials would not comply. But if it was the late emperor's eldest son, now the only blood relative of His Majesty, then they would have no objections.

Heqin Wang's reputation was just as well-known as many of the clan descendants who relied on their ancestors' blessings, if not stronger. He possessed the ability to act as regent.

Someone spoke up first, "Lord Wang's words are reasonable. I also think that at such an anxious moment, having Heqin Wang act as regent would be the most reassuring for the officials and the people."

As soon as this was said, several others voiced their agreement with this decision.

The Grand Chancellor and the Assistant Minister of State Affairs stood aside, showing signs of division among them.

If it were for the sake of the country, then it would indeed be a wise decision for Heqin Wang to act as regent, as Heqin Wang was not the kind of person who couldn't distinguish right from wrong. But how could the Grand Chancellor and a few other ministers not know the sinister intentions behind Wang Liqing's actions at this moment?

He clearly wanted to seize this opportunity to sideline the Emperor!

The faces of the old ministers turned serious, and Wang Taiwei looked at them, suddenly smiling with a hint of satisfaction. "I wonder if you gentlemen have anything else to say?"

"Heqin Wang is currently confined to Heqin Wang Mansion by the Emperor," the Assistant Minister of State Affairs stepped forward, neither humble nor overbearing, "without the Emperor's command, Heqin Wang cannot leave the mansion."


A minister on the other side sneered twice and pointed to the gate of the palace chamber, "Then may I ask, Assistant Minister of State Affairs, isn't that Heqin Wang who just entered the palace gate?"

The Assistant Minister of State Affairs remained unfazed, "The two matters are not related."

The position of Taiwei had been pushed to the sidelines due to the Emperor's favor towards the Grand Council and the Ministry of State Affairs, and most of the real power in Wang Taiwei's hands had already been divided among the Grand Council. Now, with both old and new grievances flooding his mind, Wang Taiwei pointed at the Assistant Minister of State Affairs and the Chancellor of the Grand Council and shouted in a loud voice, "I can see through your treacherous intentions! The people and us are all anxious, but all you can see is your own gain! Clearly, you are unwilling to have Heqin Wang act as regent, afraid of losing your power. Lord Zhao, am I right?"

The Grand Chancellor's chest heaved violently, and he pointed at Wang Taiwei's trembling finger, "You dare speak such nonsense!"

"Whether I am speaking nonsense or not, you know it in your hearts," Wang Taiwei looked at them coldly, "If you disagree with Heqin Wang acting as regent, then present a reason!"

The courtiers looked towards the Grand Chancellor and the others.

However, the faces of the Grand Chancellor and the others turned pale, unable to utter a word.

A young official standing next to Wang Taiwei was about to suppress his laughter. His eyebrows were tinged with joy. "Since you gentlemen have nothing to say, then—"

"What reason do you want?" the Emperor's low voice echoed from the palace chamber, "Isn't the fact that I'm not dead yet reason enough?"

Wang Taiwei and several other leading officials around him paled, staring in shock towards the palace gate.

The Emperor, supported by Xue Yuan, followed by Heqin Wang, slowly walked out of the palace gate.

The bright sunlight gradually shone upon the Emperor's shoes, passing over his robe, casting a faint shade on the ground. The Emperor's eyes were dark as he looked down at Wang Taiwei, whose expression was already contorted with fear. He cleared his throat lightly and said, "Wang Taiwei, is this reason enough for you?"

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