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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 128

Chapter 128

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When the Emperor is enraged, corpses lie a million.

Mr. Wang’s heart trembled.

He looked into Gu Yuanbai’s eyes, where hatred and rage raged like a storm. The Emperor of Great Heng’s anger was completely aroused, and he wanted to sacrifice the entire Fusang to honor Wan Taifei’s spirit in heaven.

“You…” Mr. Wang clenched his fists, suppressing his remorse. “It’s me who killed Wan Taifei. If you want to kill, just do it.”

“How can killing you be enough?” Gu Yuanbai chuckled lightly. “What are you worth?”

His chest gradually calmed down, but Mr. Wang became more agitated. He was horrified by Gu Yuanbai’s words and didn’t want to see that day. He deluded himself into thinking that if he threw himself onto the cold blade, he might die, and even in death, there might still be hope that Fusang would not bear the wrath of the Emperor of Great Heng because of him.

But Gu Yuanbai withdrew the blade in time.

The Emperor looked down at him. “Mr. Wang cannot die now. If you die, there will be no one to celebrate the victory of the coastal navy with me.”

The guards stepped forward and pulled both Mr. Wang and the Fusang man down. Mr. Wang’s face turned red from struggling, using all his strength to try to rush towards Gu Yuanbai, “Gu Lian, you will meet a bad end!”

The guards covered Mr. Wang’s mouth, and the hall finally quieted down.

Gu Yuanbai coughed lightly, then handed the blade to Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan stepped forward, took it from him, and then helped him to his seat.

Every move Xue Yuan made was cautious, solely because Gu Yuanbai’s hands were too weak. It was clear that any force could easily break them, as if they would shatter with the slightest effort.

Gu Yuanbai felt like he had left a shadow on Xue Yuan.

Even now, Xue Yuan watched him attentively, preferring not to eat or drink rather than let Gu Yuanbai out of his sight. If Gu Yuanbai showed even a hint of discomfort, Xue Yuan would reveal a… an expression that would cause Gu Yuanbai to catch his breath.

After sitting down, Gu Yuanbai rested for a while before looking at Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang’s lips were tight and straight, his fingers hanging limply, silent.

“Heqin Wang,” Gu Yuanbai said softly, “Look, these are your household servants.”

After waking up from his coma, Gu Yuanbai suddenly remembered the incense he had smelled in Heqin Wang’s study that day.

Heqin Wang was formally the foster child of the late Emperor’s brother, the eldest son of the late Emperor. If external enemies wanted to target Gu Yuanbai, Heqin Wang was indeed the best successor.

That’s why Gu Yuanbai wouldn’t give Heqin Wang any military power.

After Gu Yuanbai figured it out, he ordered people to closely monitor Heqin Wang’s mansion, conducting investigations centered around Heqin Wang. Mr. Wang was cautious, but he couldn’t escape Gu Yuanbai’s eyes.

Every move of his was under scrutiny. When Heqin Wang was summoned to the palace, Gu Yuanbai’s people secretly approached him, giving him a chance to make amends.

In the end, Heqin Wang found a secret medicine in Mr. Wang’s house, along with some evidence of his collusion with Great Heng officials.

These pieces of evidence were the leverage Mr. Wang left behind to prevent officials from turning against him. In the end, they became the proof Gu Yuanbai used to convict these officials.

As for the secret medicine, after Wan Taifei’s death, a palace maid who had been with her for more than twenty years also committed suicide the next day. The manner of her death was similar to that of taking the secret medicine. What else did Gu Yuanbai need to understand?

His mother, Wan Taifei, was indeed in poor health and was indeed not going to live much longer.

But she shouldn’t have been killed by such insidious means.

Heqin Wang’s throat was dry. “This official pleads guilty.”

“You should plead guilty,” Gu Yuanbai blinked slowly, “Mr. Wang’s actions make me seem overly suspicious. Although you were reckless and foolish, at least you could discern the main issues. I’ll give you two choices: either you obediently remain confined in Heqin Wang mansion until death, or you go to the Northern Frontier and do something nobody wants to do, serving as a permanent guard stationed there.”

Gu Yuanbai was almost harsh, “I won’t give you any military power. You will always be subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief, living and dying there without any decree from me, unable to enter the capital without my permission.”

Heqin Wang’s mouth tasted bitter, his face tired and haggard. “I want to do one last thing for Your Majesty and Great Heng.”

Gu Yuanbai waved his hand dismissively. “Then go and quit your use of the incense first.”

The palace attendant led Heqin Wang out of the hall. With no one else left, Gu Yuanbai sat in his chair for a while before feeling he should find something to do.

He casually picked up a memorial from the table, dipped his pen in ink, but couldn’t focus on a single word on the paper. His hand couldn’t write a single stroke.

The death of Wan Taifei had brought him a blow that wasn’t as devastating as shattering his spirit, but it wasn’t insignificant either.

He had already prepared himself for Wan Taifei’s death. Wan Taifei had lived at least half a year longer than the doctors predicted. But when the day finally arrived, he felt a sense of loneliness after it was all over.

Knowing that Wan Taifei had been harmed, Gu Yuanbai was almost consumed by anger. After finding out that the source was a servant in Heqin Wang’s mansion, Gu Yuanbai almost hated Heqin Wang as well.

But hatred was something that consumed the mind.

Gu Yuanbai soon calmed down.

Reason prevailed, but occasionally, he would think of Wan Taifei, of her passing, and sometimes he would be plunged into a state of emptiness, repeatedly blaming himself for not noticing earlier.

If he had noticed, could Wan Taifei have lived a little longer?

Xue Yuan suddenly spoke, “Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai snapped back to attention, pretending to be unaffected as he set down his pen. “I’m feeling a bit out of sorts.”

Xue Yuan didn’t expose him, saying, “Take a few more days to rest. The imperial physician said you shouldn’t overexert yourself.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded lightly, closing the memorial as well. “When will Wan Taifei’s coffin arrive in the capital?”

“After Wan Taifei left the palace, she encountered a group of monks returning from the capital to Hebei,” Tian Fusheng said cautiously. “The monks recited scriptures for Wan Taifei for three days and then followed her all the way to the capital. According to their pace, they should arrive in the next day or two.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded tiredly. “The monks are compassionate. Wan Taifei, like the late Emperor, enjoyed burning incense and worshiping Buddha. This group of monks is destined to her. When they arrive, make sure to arrange them properly. On the day Wan Taifei enters the Ling Palace, invite them to recite scriptures together with the monks from Chengbao Temple.”

Tian Fusheng said, “I will remember.”

Gu Yuanbai had many more things to do. When he picked up his pen, his mind went blank, but he felt uneasy after putting it down. “Prepare the ink. I’m going to write a letter to the Emperor of Xixia.”

Xue Yuan frowned. “What kind of letter does Your Majesty want to write?”

Kong Yilin happened to enter the palace and heard the Emperor’s words. Curiously, he asked, “This official has the same question.”

“The Second Prince of Xixia gave me such a gift. I must reciprocate,” Gu Yuanbai said, lifting his chin. “Since you’re here, you can write it.”

Kong Yilin bowed and began writing. Tian Fusheng sent someone to fetch him a chair and writing materials. With everything ready, Kong Yilin asked, “Your Majesty, how should I write it?”

“Praise him,” Gu Yuanbai smirked. “Praise Li Angyi to the heavens, and then add another thirty percent to praise the compensation from Xixia. Make sure the Emperor of Xixia believes that if Li Angyi fails to ascend to the throne, I will be dissatisfied with him.”

Kong Yilin’s mind worked quickly, and he couldn’t help but smile. “I understand.”

He dipped his pen in ink, pondered for a moment, then began writing smoothly and swiftly.

Gu Yuanbai watched his movements and sighed. “Minister Kong, your marriage with Lord Mi’s family will probably be delayed for another three months.”

“This official is not in a hurry,” Kong Yilin said, writing continuously. “Lord Mi is not in a hurry either.”

Once the announcement of Wan Taifei’s passing was made, all officials with imperial decrees had to observe mourning for a month. Families with titles were prohibited from hosting banquets and music for a year, and marriages were suspended for a hundred days.

Kong Yilin’s marriage with Lord Mi’s daughter would inevitably be postponed, as would marriages in commoner households within three months.

Gu Yuanbai felt a bit weary. He stood up and said, “Continue writing. I’ll go rest for a while.”

Kong Yilin nodded and respectfully saw the Emperor off.

In the bedroom, Gu Yuanbai sat on the edge of the bed. The palace attendants withdrew, leaving only Xue Yuan inside.

Xue Yuan was removing the Emperor’s shoes and socks.

Gu Yuanbai looked at him from top to bottom, scrutinizing his features carefully.

Since waking up, Gu Yuanbai hadn’t had the chance to look at him so closely.

In the past, when Xue Yuan was in a sorry state, he was afraid of Gu Yuanbai’s gaze. But in these past few days, although he looked ragged, he stared at Gu Yuanbai intently and didn’t even want to waste time shaving his beard.

His beard was stubbly, and his lips were dry and peeling. Gu Yuanbai suddenly reached out and pulled apart Xue Yuan’s lips to see, and sure enough, there were a few almost-rotten blisters inside.

Xue Yuan’s hand paused, and he looked up at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai pinched his face and said, “You woke up from a nightmare twice yesterday. Every time you woke up, you had to come to me, hug me, and squeeze my hand. That’s not all, you had to whisper my name in my ear several times until I half-heartedly responded before you were satisfied.”

This was the main reason why Gu Yuanbai felt he had scared Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai thought he was the one who couldn’t sleep well, but his body wasn’t cooperative. No matter how uncomfortable he felt or how hard he tried, he still needed to sleep for five or six hours a day, and the more uncomfortable he felt, the longer he slept. It was Xue Yuan who kept waking up in the middle of the night.

As long as he didn’t see Gu Yuanbai or if Gu Yuanbai didn’t make a sound for a long time, Xue Yuan would panic and couldn’t help but wonder if Gu Yuanbai was still alive.

Someone dying was such a straightforward matter, but with Gu Yuanbai, it became a torment.

Xue Yuan wanted to stop Gu Yuanbai from taking the road to the underworld, but how? What if Gu Yuanbai died while he was sleeping at night? How should he deal with it? His body remembered this deep-seated unease, and if he hadn’t seen Gu Yuanbai for an hour or two, Xue Yuan’s instinct would urge him to wake up and then cautiously check Gu Yuanbai’s breath.

The Emperor thought Xue Yuan would wake up twice a night, but in reality, Xue Yuan would wake up and fall asleep several times a night. He watched Gu Yuanbai’s chest rise and fall, the pulse of his heartbeat. Sometimes the young Emperor’s breathing was too shallow, and Xue Yuan was too afraid, so he couldn’t help but softly call Gu Yuanbai’s name until he received a soft response.

These were the only two moments of peace during the night.

Xue Yuan didn’t mention any of this. He held Gu Yuanbai’s fingers and swallowed a few times before whispering, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Gu Yuanbai’s fingertips moved a few times, sighing inwardly. “Stop taking off my boots. Get a small blade, I’ll clean your face.”

Xue Yuan left the inner chamber and returned with a basin of hot water, a towel, and a delicate little blade.

Gu Yuanbai asked him to sit down and used the towel to wipe his chin, gradually shaving off the stubble.

“Don’t talk,” the Emperor said seriously, furrowing his brows. With his slender, cold fingers, he carefully shaved Xue Yuan’s face, as if he were doing something important. “If I accidentally cut off a piece of your flesh, don’t blame me.”

Xue Yuan’s body tensed instantly.

He relied entirely on his appearance to serve the Emperor.

Gu Yuanbai looked at him like that and smiled. His movements were slow, and the inner hall fell silent for a moment. The Emperor spoke softly, “Xue Yuan, I must thank you. You have allowed me to see the last glimpse of Wan Taifei.”

Xue Yuan’s heart warmed up, and he couldn’t help but want to grin, but as he smiled, he hissed in pain, and a drop of blood dripped from his chin.

Gu Yuanbai was startled, wiping away the blood and scowling, “I told you not to move!”

“Master Bai, I didn’t mean to move,” Xue Yuan lowered his voice, trying to suppress the corners of his lips, but couldn’t, “I just couldn’t help but smile.”

Gu Yuanbai replied coolly, “If you can’t help it, when your beard is gone, your handsome face will also be ruined by me.”

Xue Yuan’s smile froze, and he restrained himself. After a moment, he falsely humbled, “Your Majesty exaggerates. This face of mine doesn’t deserve the word ‘handsome.’ Among the faces in the capital, Lord Chu Wei has the most handsome one.”

“Indeed,” Gu Yuanbai casually walked to Xue Yuan’s left side and bent down, “Minister Chu’s face is truly handsome.”

Xue Yuan pursed his lips, showing an unhappy curve.

Gu Yuanbai carefully shaved off the stubble on Xue Yuan’s face, making General Xue look handsome again. Gu Yuanbai put down the blade and dampened a cloth to wipe away the debris on his face, then said slowly, “Xue Jiuyao, why do you always mention Chu Wei?”

Xue Yuan honestly replied, “I’m not as handsome as him. I’m worried that Your Majesty prefers him.”

Gu Yuanbai blinked, then said after a moment, “Absurd.”

It wasn’t absurd at all. Chu Wei clearly harbored ulterior motives toward His Majesty.

But Xue Yuan couldn’t say this. He took the cleaning items and handed them to the palace attendant to take away. After coming back in, he removed the shoes and socks that the Emperor had put on again. Gu Yuanbai laid down on the bed and covered himself with the quilt, facing the wall.

Xue Yuan tidied up the bedding behind him, the sound intermittent. At this time of year, the charcoal fire in the kang bed had long since extinguished. Gu Yuanbai felt only the chilliness within the bedding. He half-lidded his eyes and said, “Come up here, Xue Yuan.”

As soon as these words were spoken, Xue Yuan had already taken off his belt, removed his robe, and climbed onto the bed, bringing warmth from behind. He tentatively touched Gu Yuanbai’s waist before boldly pulling him into his embrace.

Gu Yuanbai sighed, comfortably leaning back, fully surrendering himself to Xue Yuan’s embrace, and closed his eyes.

After falling ill, his body felt even colder than before. Despite it being the end of June, he still needed Xue Yuan to cover him with thick blankets. He murmured, “I’ve troubled you.”

“Not at all,” Xue Yuan couldn’t help but kiss his neck, then abruptly stopped and distanced himself, “If this is considered a trouble, Your Majesty, I beg you to trouble me for a lifetime.”

Gu Yuanbai chuckled softly, trembling.

Due to the mourning period, everyone behaved appropriately, not crossing any lines. After laughing for a while, Gu Yuanbai said, “Then my lifetime might be a bit short.”

Xue Yuan’s expression darkened slightly, a hint of malice appearing.

“General Xue, let’s not talk like that,” Gu Yuanbai said without looking back at Xue Yuan, not seeing his expression. “I’ve told you once before, that’s enough. I’m not trying to harm you. Xue Jiuyao, do you know why Wan Taifei deliberately reduced her meetings with me these past few years?”

As he spoke, he remembered the letter Wan Taifei wrote to him during the New Year. Each sentence seemed ordinary at the time, but now, it brought tears to his eyes. “As the weather gets colder, my child, don’t forget to wear more clothes,” and “Today, I heard a naughty remark from a child. Does my son find it amusing?”…

Gu Yuanbai’s eyes reddened. He clenched his fists, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down before continuing, “Wan Taifei’s death and mine are similar. Do you think I was joking when I told you those things before?”

“Then did Your Majesty take this official’s words lightly?” Xue Yuan’s neck veins bulged, words bursting out from between his teeth. “Have you forgotten what I said so easily?!”

Gu Yuanbai suddenly turned to look at him.

Xue Yuan’s face still bore a fierce expression, and Gu Yuanbai seemed to hear him grinding his teeth, each word harsh, as if he wanted to devour him. “Your Majesty, speak!”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “I’m just informing you for the last time, so you don’t despair in the future.”

He stepped back slightly, scrutinizing Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan was tall and sturdy, with sharp features and a scholarly demeanor. Even when he smiled ambiguously, there was a strong sense of danger. This alone was enough to make people fall for him. Moreover, Xue Yuan was not only like this. With his outstanding figure and bright future, how could he not find someone to accompany him for a lifetime?

Xue Yuan’s expression softened slightly, but still looked menacing. He pressed Gu Yuanbai’s head against his chest, menacingly saying, “Sleep.”

Gu Yuanbai thought, alright, sleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Xue Yuan’s muffled voice came from above, “Gu Yuanbai, do you really not like me?”

Gu Yuanbai blurted out, “I want to sleep with you.” But didn’t want to take responsibility.

His face changed drastically after saying this.

Xue Yuan was shocked, then a smile spread uncontrollably across his face. Laughter bubbled up from his throat, his chest trembling, and his lips stretched high. Finally, he patted Gu Yuanbai’s back as if nothing had happened, “Sleep, sleep.”

Gu Yuanbai fell asleep with an ugly expression on his face.

Before falling asleep, he seemed to hear Xue Yuan stifling laughter.

Xue Yuan clenched his fists and pounded the quilt heavily, excitedly wanting to run a few laps and practice a few more blade moves.

His heartbeat quickened, and his whole body trembled with excitement. Gu Yuanbai wanted him, he actually wanted him? Had he truly become a paramour to the Emperor?

His eyes gleamed as he held Gu Yuanbai tightly, suppressing his excitement and anxiously waiting for the Emperor to awaken. After a while, as the excitement subsided, panic surfaced again. Xue Yuan cautiously checked the Emperor’s breathing, which was shallow but steady — everything was fine.

Taking a deep breath, Xue Yuan leaned against Gu Yuanbai’s head and closed his eyes.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 128

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 128

Chapter 128

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When the Emperor is enraged, corpses lie a million.

Mr. Wang's heart trembled.

He looked into Gu Yuanbai's eyes, where hatred and rage raged like a storm. The Emperor of Great Heng's anger was completely aroused, and he wanted to sacrifice the entire Fusang to honor Wan Taifei's spirit in heaven.

"You..." Mr. Wang clenched his fists, suppressing his remorse. "It's me who killed Wan Taifei. If you want to kill, just do it."

"How can killing you be enough?" Gu Yuanbai chuckled lightly. "What are you worth?"

His chest gradually calmed down, but Mr. Wang became more agitated. He was horrified by Gu Yuanbai's words and didn't want to see that day. He deluded himself into thinking that if he threw himself onto the cold blade, he might die, and even in death, there might still be hope that Fusang would not bear the wrath of the Emperor of Great Heng because of him.

But Gu Yuanbai withdrew the blade in time.

The Emperor looked down at him. "Mr. Wang cannot die now. If you die, there will be no one to celebrate the victory of the coastal navy with me."

The guards stepped forward and pulled both Mr. Wang and the Fusang man down. Mr. Wang's face turned red from struggling, using all his strength to try to rush towards Gu Yuanbai, "Gu Lian, you will meet a bad end!"

The guards covered Mr. Wang's mouth, and the hall finally quieted down.

Gu Yuanbai coughed lightly, then handed the blade to Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan stepped forward, took it from him, and then helped him to his seat.

Every move Xue Yuan made was cautious, solely because Gu Yuanbai's hands were too weak. It was clear that any force could easily break them, as if they would shatter with the slightest effort.

Gu Yuanbai felt like he had left a shadow on Xue Yuan.

Even now, Xue Yuan watched him attentively, preferring not to eat or drink rather than let Gu Yuanbai out of his sight. If Gu Yuanbai showed even a hint of discomfort, Xue Yuan would reveal a... an expression that would cause Gu Yuanbai to catch his breath.

After sitting down, Gu Yuanbai rested for a while before looking at Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang's lips were tight and straight, his fingers hanging limply, silent.

"Heqin Wang," Gu Yuanbai said softly, "Look, these are your household servants."

After waking up from his coma, Gu Yuanbai suddenly remembered the incense he had smelled in Heqin Wang's study that day.

Heqin Wang was formally the foster child of the late Emperor's brother, the eldest son of the late Emperor. If external enemies wanted to target Gu Yuanbai, Heqin Wang was indeed the best successor.

That's why Gu Yuanbai wouldn't give Heqin Wang any military power.

After Gu Yuanbai figured it out, he ordered people to closely monitor Heqin Wang's mansion, conducting investigations centered around Heqin Wang. Mr. Wang was cautious, but he couldn't escape Gu Yuanbai's eyes.

Every move of his was under scrutiny. When Heqin Wang was summoned to the palace, Gu Yuanbai's people secretly approached him, giving him a chance to make amends.

In the end, Heqin Wang found a secret medicine in Mr. Wang's house, along with some evidence of his collusion with Great Heng officials.

These pieces of evidence were the leverage Mr. Wang left behind to prevent officials from turning against him. In the end, they became the proof Gu Yuanbai used to convict these officials.

As for the secret medicine, after Wan Taifei's death, a palace maid who had been with her for more than twenty years also committed suicide the next day. The manner of her death was similar to that of taking the secret medicine. What else did Gu Yuanbai need to understand?

His mother, Wan Taifei, was indeed in poor health and was indeed not going to live much longer.

But she shouldn't have been killed by such insidious means.

Heqin Wang's throat was dry. "This official pleads guilty."

"You should plead guilty," Gu Yuanbai blinked slowly, "Mr. Wang's actions make me seem overly suspicious. Although you were reckless and foolish, at least you could discern the main issues. I'll give you two choices: either you obediently remain confined in Heqin Wang mansion until death, or you go to the Northern Frontier and do something nobody wants to do, serving as a permanent guard stationed there."

Gu Yuanbai was almost harsh, "I won't give you any military power. You will always be subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief, living and dying there without any decree from me, unable to enter the capital without my permission."

Heqin Wang's mouth tasted bitter, his face tired and haggard. "I want to do one last thing for Your Majesty and Great Heng."

Gu Yuanbai waved his hand dismissively. "Then go and quit your use of the incense first."

The palace attendant led Heqin Wang out of the hall. With no one else left, Gu Yuanbai sat in his chair for a while before feeling he should find something to do.

He casually picked up a memorial from the table, dipped his pen in ink, but couldn't focus on a single word on the paper. His hand couldn't write a single stroke.

The death of Wan Taifei had brought him a blow that wasn't as devastating as shattering his spirit, but it wasn't insignificant either.

He had already prepared himself for Wan Taifei's death. Wan Taifei had lived at least half a year longer than the doctors predicted. But when the day finally arrived, he felt a sense of loneliness after it was all over.

Knowing that Wan Taifei had been harmed, Gu Yuanbai was almost consumed by anger. After finding out that the source was a servant in Heqin Wang's mansion, Gu Yuanbai almost hated Heqin Wang as well.

But hatred was something that consumed the mind.

Gu Yuanbai soon calmed down.

Reason prevailed, but occasionally, he would think of Wan Taifei, of her passing, and sometimes he would be plunged into a state of emptiness, repeatedly blaming himself for not noticing earlier.

If he had noticed, could Wan Taifei have lived a little longer?

Xue Yuan suddenly spoke, "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai snapped back to attention, pretending to be unaffected as he set down his pen. "I'm feeling a bit out of sorts."

Xue Yuan didn't expose him, saying, "Take a few more days to rest. The imperial physician said you shouldn't overexert yourself."

Gu Yuanbai nodded lightly, closing the memorial as well. "When will Wan Taifei's coffin arrive in the capital?"

"After Wan Taifei left the palace, she encountered a group of monks returning from the capital to Hebei," Tian Fusheng said cautiously. "The monks recited scriptures for Wan Taifei for three days and then followed her all the way to the capital. According to their pace, they should arrive in the next day or two."

Gu Yuanbai nodded tiredly. "The monks are compassionate. Wan Taifei, like the late Emperor, enjoyed burning incense and worshiping Buddha. This group of monks is destined to her. When they arrive, make sure to arrange them properly. On the day Wan Taifei enters the Ling Palace, invite them to recite scriptures together with the monks from Chengbao Temple."

Tian Fusheng said, "I will remember."

Gu Yuanbai had many more things to do. When he picked up his pen, his mind went blank, but he felt uneasy after putting it down. "Prepare the ink. I'm going to write a letter to the Emperor of Xixia."

Xue Yuan frowned. "What kind of letter does Your Majesty want to write?"

Kong Yilin happened to enter the palace and heard the Emperor's words. Curiously, he asked, "This official has the same question."

"The Second Prince of Xixia gave me such a gift. I must reciprocate," Gu Yuanbai said, lifting his chin. "Since you're here, you can write it."

Kong Yilin bowed and began writing. Tian Fusheng sent someone to fetch him a chair and writing materials. With everything ready, Kong Yilin asked, "Your Majesty, how should I write it?"

"Praise him," Gu Yuanbai smirked. "Praise Li Angyi to the heavens, and then add another thirty percent to praise the compensation from Xixia. Make sure the Emperor of Xixia believes that if Li Angyi fails to ascend to the throne, I will be dissatisfied with him."

Kong Yilin's mind worked quickly, and he couldn't help but smile. "I understand."

He dipped his pen in ink, pondered for a moment, then began writing smoothly and swiftly.

Gu Yuanbai watched his movements and sighed. "Minister Kong, your marriage with Lord Mi's family will probably be delayed for another three months."

"This official is not in a hurry," Kong Yilin said, writing continuously. "Lord Mi is not in a hurry either."

Once the announcement of Wan Taifei's passing was made, all officials with imperial decrees had to observe mourning for a month. Families with titles were prohibited from hosting banquets and music for a year, and marriages were suspended for a hundred days.

Kong Yilin's marriage with Lord Mi's daughter would inevitably be postponed, as would marriages in commoner households within three months.

Gu Yuanbai felt a bit weary. He stood up and said, "Continue writing. I'll go rest for a while."

Kong Yilin nodded and respectfully saw the Emperor off.

In the bedroom, Gu Yuanbai sat on the edge of the bed. The palace attendants withdrew, leaving only Xue Yuan inside.

Xue Yuan was removing the Emperor's shoes and socks.

Gu Yuanbai looked at him from top to bottom, scrutinizing his features carefully.

Since waking up, Gu Yuanbai hadn't had the chance to look at him so closely.

In the past, when Xue Yuan was in a sorry state, he was afraid of Gu Yuanbai's gaze. But in these past few days, although he looked ragged, he stared at Gu Yuanbai intently and didn't even want to waste time shaving his beard.

His beard was stubbly, and his lips were dry and peeling. Gu Yuanbai suddenly reached out and pulled apart Xue Yuan's lips to see, and sure enough, there were a few almost-rotten blisters inside.

Xue Yuan's hand paused, and he looked up at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai pinched his face and said, "You woke up from a nightmare twice yesterday. Every time you woke up, you had to come to me, hug me, and squeeze my hand. That's not all, you had to whisper my name in my ear several times until I half-heartedly responded before you were satisfied."

This was the main reason why Gu Yuanbai felt he had scared Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai thought he was the one who couldn't sleep well, but his body wasn't cooperative. No matter how uncomfortable he felt or how hard he tried, he still needed to sleep for five or six hours a day, and the more uncomfortable he felt, the longer he slept. It was Xue Yuan who kept waking up in the middle of the night.

As long as he didn't see Gu Yuanbai or if Gu Yuanbai didn't make a sound for a long time, Xue Yuan would panic and couldn't help but wonder if Gu Yuanbai was still alive.

Someone dying was such a straightforward matter, but with Gu Yuanbai, it became a torment.

Xue Yuan wanted to stop Gu Yuanbai from taking the road to the underworld, but how? What if Gu Yuanbai died while he was sleeping at night? How should he deal with it? His body remembered this deep-seated unease, and if he hadn't seen Gu Yuanbai for an hour or two, Xue Yuan's instinct would urge him to wake up and then cautiously check Gu Yuanbai's breath.

The Emperor thought Xue Yuan would wake up twice a night, but in reality, Xue Yuan would wake up and fall asleep several times a night. He watched Gu Yuanbai's chest rise and fall, the pulse of his heartbeat. Sometimes the young Emperor's breathing was too shallow, and Xue Yuan was too afraid, so he couldn't help but softly call Gu Yuanbai's name until he received a soft response.

These were the only two moments of peace during the night.

Xue Yuan didn't mention any of this. He held Gu Yuanbai's fingers and swallowed a few times before whispering, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Gu Yuanbai's fingertips moved a few times, sighing inwardly. "Stop taking off my boots. Get a small blade, I'll clean your face."

Xue Yuan left the inner chamber and returned with a basin of hot water, a towel, and a delicate little blade.

Gu Yuanbai asked him to sit down and used the towel to wipe his chin, gradually shaving off the stubble.

"Don't talk," the Emperor said seriously, furrowing his brows. With his slender, cold fingers, he carefully shaved Xue Yuan's face, as if he were doing something important. "If I accidentally cut off a piece of your flesh, don't blame me."

Xue Yuan's body tensed instantly.

He relied entirely on his appearance to serve the Emperor.

Gu Yuanbai looked at him like that and smiled. His movements were slow, and the inner hall fell silent for a moment. The Emperor spoke softly, "Xue Yuan, I must thank you. You have allowed me to see the last glimpse of Wan Taifei."

Xue Yuan's heart warmed up, and he couldn't help but want to grin, but as he smiled, he hissed in pain, and a drop of blood dripped from his chin.

Gu Yuanbai was startled, wiping away the blood and scowling, "I told you not to move!"

"Master Bai, I didn't mean to move," Xue Yuan lowered his voice, trying to suppress the corners of his lips, but couldn't, "I just couldn't help but smile."

Gu Yuanbai replied coolly, "If you can't help it, when your beard is gone, your handsome face will also be ruined by me."

Xue Yuan's smile froze, and he restrained himself. After a moment, he falsely humbled, "Your Majesty exaggerates. This face of mine doesn't deserve the word 'handsome.' Among the faces in the capital, Lord Chu Wei has the most handsome one."

"Indeed," Gu Yuanbai casually walked to Xue Yuan's left side and bent down, "Minister Chu's face is truly handsome."

Xue Yuan pursed his lips, showing an unhappy curve.

Gu Yuanbai carefully shaved off the stubble on Xue Yuan's face, making General Xue look handsome again. Gu Yuanbai put down the blade and dampened a cloth to wipe away the debris on his face, then said slowly, "Xue Jiuyao, why do you always mention Chu Wei?"

Xue Yuan honestly replied, "I'm not as handsome as him. I'm worried that Your Majesty prefers him."

Gu Yuanbai blinked, then said after a moment, "Absurd."

It wasn't absurd at all. Chu Wei clearly harbored ulterior motives toward His Majesty.

But Xue Yuan couldn't say this. He took the cleaning items and handed them to the palace attendant to take away. After coming back in, he removed the shoes and socks that the Emperor had put on again. Gu Yuanbai laid down on the bed and covered himself with the quilt, facing the wall.

Xue Yuan tidied up the bedding behind him, the sound intermittent. At this time of year, the charcoal fire in the kang bed had long since extinguished. Gu Yuanbai felt only the chilliness within the bedding. He half-lidded his eyes and said, "Come up here, Xue Yuan."

As soon as these words were spoken, Xue Yuan had already taken off his belt, removed his robe, and climbed onto the bed, bringing warmth from behind. He tentatively touched Gu Yuanbai's waist before boldly pulling him into his embrace.

Gu Yuanbai sighed, comfortably leaning back, fully surrendering himself to Xue Yuan's embrace, and closed his eyes.

After falling ill, his body felt even colder than before. Despite it being the end of June, he still needed Xue Yuan to cover him with thick blankets. He murmured, "I've troubled you."

"Not at all," Xue Yuan couldn't help but kiss his neck, then abruptly stopped and distanced himself, "If this is considered a trouble, Your Majesty, I beg you to trouble me for a lifetime."

Gu Yuanbai chuckled softly, trembling.

Due to the mourning period, everyone behaved appropriately, not crossing any lines. After laughing for a while, Gu Yuanbai said, "Then my lifetime might be a bit short."

Xue Yuan's expression darkened slightly, a hint of malice appearing.

"General Xue, let's not talk like that," Gu Yuanbai said without looking back at Xue Yuan, not seeing his expression. "I've told you once before, that's enough. I'm not trying to harm you. Xue Jiuyao, do you know why Wan Taifei deliberately reduced her meetings with me these past few years?"

As he spoke, he remembered the letter Wan Taifei wrote to him during the New Year. Each sentence seemed ordinary at the time, but now, it brought tears to his eyes. "As the weather gets colder, my child, don't forget to wear more clothes," and "Today, I heard a naughty remark from a child. Does my son find it amusing?"...

Gu Yuanbai's eyes reddened. He clenched his fists, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down before continuing, "Wan Taifei's death and mine are similar. Do you think I was joking when I told you those things before?"

"Then did Your Majesty take this official’s words lightly?" Xue Yuan's neck veins bulged, words bursting out from between his teeth. "Have you forgotten what I said so easily?!"

Gu Yuanbai suddenly turned to look at him.

Xue Yuan's face still bore a fierce expression, and Gu Yuanbai seemed to hear him grinding his teeth, each word harsh, as if he wanted to devour him. "Your Majesty, speak!"

Gu Yuanbai replied, "I'm just informing you for the last time, so you don't despair in the future."

He stepped back slightly, scrutinizing Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan was tall and sturdy, with sharp features and a scholarly demeanor. Even when he smiled ambiguously, there was a strong sense of danger. This alone was enough to make people fall for him. Moreover, Xue Yuan was not only like this. With his outstanding figure and bright future, how could he not find someone to accompany him for a lifetime?

Xue Yuan's expression softened slightly, but still looked menacing. He pressed Gu Yuanbai's head against his chest, menacingly saying, "Sleep."

Gu Yuanbai thought, alright, sleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Xue Yuan's muffled voice came from above, "Gu Yuanbai, do you really not like me?"

Gu Yuanbai blurted out, "I want to sleep with you." But didn't want to take responsibility.

His face changed drastically after saying this.

Xue Yuan was shocked, then a smile spread uncontrollably across his face. Laughter bubbled up from his throat, his chest trembling, and his lips stretched high. Finally, he patted Gu Yuanbai's back as if nothing had happened, "Sleep, sleep."

Gu Yuanbai fell asleep with an ugly expression on his face.

Before falling asleep, he seemed to hear Xue Yuan stifling laughter.

Xue Yuan clenched his fists and pounded the quilt heavily, excitedly wanting to run a few laps and practice a few more blade moves.

His heartbeat quickened, and his whole body trembled with excitement. Gu Yuanbai wanted him, he actually wanted him? Had he truly become a paramour to the Emperor?

His eyes gleamed as he held Gu Yuanbai tightly, suppressing his excitement and anxiously waiting for the Emperor to awaken. After a while, as the excitement subsided, panic surfaced again. Xue Yuan cautiously checked the Emperor's breathing, which was shallow but steady — everything was fine.

Taking a deep breath, Xue Yuan leaned against Gu Yuanbai's head and closed his eyes.

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