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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 129

Chapter 129

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After waking from his nap, Gu Yuanbai received a letter written by Kong Yilin.

Upon finishing reading it, Gu Yuanbai was particularly pleased. He made a few corrections, stamped it with his seal, and instructed someone to deliver it urgently to Xixia.

The second prince of Xixia dared to set a trap using Gu Yuanbai, and Gu Yuanbai also intended to repay him in kind. Now that the old emperor of Xixia has not yet died, he decided to make Li Angyi’s path to the throne even more twisted and difficult, which could be considered his sincerity.

After Li Angyi finished dealing with the chaos within the country, the war between Fusang and Great Heng along the coast had also begun. Li Angyi likened himself to a fisherman, and in the midst of the conflict between the snipe and the clam, he would not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

Let’s see who will benefit in the end, the fisherman or the mantis.

Gu Yuanbai’s teeth moved, biting his lip. A moment of pain flashed through, and his eyes became clearer.

He would give Li Angyi enough time to secure the throne and grasp military power. After Li Angyi revitalized Xixia, he would take over this new land.

Li Angyi, will you lose, or will I win?


On the first day of July, the tall willows swayed, and the sapphire-like clear sky was shrouded in misty rain. The small lotuses trembled lightly, and the fish hid. Since the night before, the capital had been covered in drizzling rain.

In the light rain, Wan Taifei’s coffin was carried into the capital.

Gu Yuanbai wore a white robe, adorned with a crown, and embroidered with twelve patterns. His waist was wrapped in a leather belt, and he wore a blade. Despite the heavy imperial robe, he wore it meticulously, a rare sight for him, all to welcome Wan Taifei’s coffin.

After Wan Taifei’s death, all the emperor’s clothes were changed to light colors.

The light clothes absorbed the raindrops little by little. Raindrops formed on his face, and with a slight movement, the crown in front of Gu Yuanbai’s eyes became blurred.

Where there was rain, there must be wind.

In the blurred vision, the coffin slowly approached in the rain.

The coffin was sheltered by a white canopy, untouched by a single drop of rain. When the bearers settled, Gu Yuanbai took a step forward, lifting his increasingly heavy robe in the slight wind and rain.

Water dripped off his clothes as he raised his hands before him, then slowly lowered them.

Bowing deeply towards the coffin.

Perhaps even his lips were touched by rain, and he could taste a hint of bitterness when he spoke.

Gu Yuanbai’s hair was soaked, his eyes almost unable to see Wan Taifei’s coffin through the rain. The plum cake in early winter was the sweetest, and the cool shade under the tree was most delightful.

These memories were pressed into his heart along with the coffin. Holding on relentlessly, summer came, but winter was still before his eyes. Gu Yuanbai’s lips slightly parted, tasting the rain again, the bitterness turning into saltiness, the rain not providing any comfort.

The Emperor of Great Heng bent low in front of Wan Taifei’s coffin for a long time before whispering softly, “May the Taifei rest in peace.”

Behind him, the officials raised their hands and bowed along with the Emperor.

The funeral of Wan Taifei was the highest standard within the regulations, and the epitaph for Wan Taifei was personally written by Gu Yuanbai. It was the first time Gu Yuanbai had written such an article, perhaps because of deep emotions, he wrote it effortlessly. After the epitaph was finished, anyone who read it couldn’t help but shed tears.

[I haven’t seen my mother for a long time. Under the pavilion, we searched, spoke earnestly, and exchanged words, feeling like gods next to the tree. There were fledglings on the tree, and when my mother and I looked at them together, she sighed and said: “When the fledglings grow up, how can they not leave their mother?” I looked at my mother, only to find a few strands of white hair on her temples. The other day, I searched again under the tree. The old bird on the tree had returned, but it seemed lost when circling around the fledglings. I think it’s the same with me.]

Seeing this, Tian Fusheng couldn’t help but burst into tears.

After Wan Taifei was buried, there was a three-day court recess.

For three full days, Gu Yuanbai locked himself in the study. Every day, until it was almost dark, he would finally emerge from the study.

He looked okay, with just a hint of redness in the corners of his eyes, like peach blossoms in the rain, a subtle sadness.

The people around pretended not to notice. Tian Fusheng served the Emperor’s dinner, seeing that the Emperor had a poor appetite, he said, “The monks who escorted Wan Taifei’s coffin here, the servant asked them. They are monks from the famous temple Jin Chan Temple in Hebei. They came voluntarily and even asked to leave today, truly selfless, one after another showing kindness.”

Gu Yuanbai sighed, “You once told me that they returned from the capital to Hebei and followed Wan Taifei back to the capital. They have a connection with Wan Taifei. Before they leave, bring them to talk to me.”

Tian Fusheng replied, “I’ve noted it down.”

That night, Gu Yuanbai suddenly woke up from a nightmare, panting heavily. He gripped the bedding tightly, his fingers turning white, spasming unnaturally.

Xue Yuan, sleeping under the bed, opened his eyes instantly, rolled over to the table, poured a glass of water, and brought it to Gu Yuanbai’s lips in three steps. After a few sips, Gu Yuanbai grasped his wrist, at a loss, and looked up at him, “Xue Yuan, I dreamed—”

His words abruptly stopped.

Xue Yuan looked at him candidly, his upper body naked in front of Gu Yuanbai’s eyes, the scar faintly visible, adding to his aura of ferocity.

Gu Yuanbai released his hand, lowered his head, and looked at the tea cup, staring at the shimmering water inside. The nightmares from before had become fragmented, seemingly unintentionally, he raised his hand to rub his nose, saying, “Why aren’t you wearing clothes?”

Xue Yuan smiled, “It’s a bit hot today.”

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him from the corner of his eye through his fingers. Xue Yuan’s bare skin was truly exquisite, with everything in the right place. A quick glance revealed… not bad.

Firm and powerful, full of vitality tempered by blood and battlefield trials.

Gu Yuanbai exhaled deeply, handed the water cup to Xue Yuan, and muttered, “Even if it’s hot, you still have to follow the rules.”

Xue Yuan took the water cup, and his fingers inadvertently touched the Emperor’s. The Emperor’s eyelids twitched, as if startled, he suddenly retreated, and the teacup slipped from their fingertips, falling onto the silk quilt and instantly wetting a patch of fabric.

The teacup slid smoothly down the smooth silk, lightly bouncing on the soft mattress.

Xue Yuan paused, looking down at the finally still teacup, then raised his head to meet Gu Yuanbai’s gaze, which had changed.

Gu Yuanbai’s face remained calm as he glanced at the damp spot, and he said with unparalleled composure, “Bring a new bedsheet.”

Xue Yuan responded heavily, standing still.

In the darkness, him standing by the bed was somewhat intimidating. And with half his body exposed, just looking at the undulating lines on his body made one feel uneasy.

Gu Yuanbai said he wanted to sleep, but seeing him now gave him a headache. Having thoughts was one thing, but doing or not doing something was another. Risking one’s life for an idea was not worth it.

Gu Yuanbai still had lingering fear from being startled awake by a nightmare. “Don’t stand by my bed.”

Xue Yuan kneeled onto the bed, leaned forward, and Gu Yuanbai involuntarily retreated backward, leaning against the wall. After realizing what he had done, Gu Yuanbai’s expression darkened. What was he dodging from, dodging from Xue Yuan?

Wasn’t it just that his upper body was exposed? Gu Yuanbai, why are you avoiding him? Are you still afraid of him?

His tone suddenly became firm. “Xue Jiuyao, what do you want to do?”

The Emperor shrank into the corner, but his tone was extremely forceful.

The night lamp dimmed, and Xue Yuan’s eyes gradually adjusted to the low light. He could see clearly: the Emperor’s brows were furrowed, lips pressed downward, hair disheveled, resembling a pitiful soul trying to put on a brave front.

Even at the corners of his eyes, there lingered a hint of redness from these past days, and his eyelids were swollen.

Gu Yuanbai’s subtle daily changes did not escape Xue Yuan’s notice. He knew well how many times these eyes had hidden tears in these days. As the saying goes, even a male emperor sheds tears without shame, yet he did not wish for others to witness his distress. Thus, Xue Yuan pretended not to notice.

He leaned forward, getting closer to Gu Yuanbai.

His breath surrounded Gu Yuanbai little by little.

The scent of battlefields and deserts, Gu Yuanbai felt strange. The sadness he had been suppressing suddenly quickened in this moment.

His heart was pounding in his chest, and Gu Yuanbai felt annoyed by it. He pushed Xue Yuan’s chest with his hand, refusing to do anything impure during the mourning period. “Get away.”

But when his hand touched him, it was the sensation of skin without any clothing barrier.

Gu Yuanbai froze.

In that moment of stillness, Xue Yuan had already reached him, warmth enveloping him. Gu Yuanbai was surprised, about to reprimand him, but Xue Yuan just gently leaned down and kissed the Emperor’s warm eyelids, whispering by his ear, “I’ll go get your bedding, soon, wait for me.”

Before Gu Yuanbai could respond, Xue Yuan got up cleanly, left the wet silk quilt, and departed.

Gu Yuanbai leaned against the wall for a while before raising his hand to touch his own eyes.

For a long time, he felt his earlobes itching, rubbed them, and realized that they were strangely warm. 

Had he not noticed the warmth before?

Gu Yuanbai frowned, touching his face, feeling a slight warmth there too.

He pondered.

It was just a nightmare, yet it made him lose the ability to judge cold and warmth. Gu Yuanbai laid on the bed, the sound of the cabinet opening and closing nearby was clearly audible. He turned his head to see a figure gradually approaching in the darkness, carrying bedding. The figure reached the night lamp by the bed, becoming clearer.

“I don’t need such thick bedding,” Gu Yuanbai said truthfully, “I’m feeling a bit hot now.”

Hot? Xue Yuan’s expression suddenly changed. He threw the bedding aside and went up to touch Gu Yuanbai’s forehead. Thankfully, there was no alarming heat.

But he was still worried. Just as he was about to leave with a stern face to call someone, Gu Yuanbai grabbed his wrist. “What are you going to do?”

Xue Yuan’s tone became somewhat anxious. “I’m going to call the imperial physician.”

“No need,” Gu Yuanbai ordered, “I know my body. Xue Yuan, I want you to lie down and sleep now.”

Xue Yuan stood silently for a while, his fingers making cracking sounds as he clenched them. After a while, he turned around, tested Gu Yuanbai’s forehead several times, then reluctantly sat on his own bedding, sitting upright and staring at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai felt annoyed by his gaze and his earlobes itched even more. Finally, he suddenly got up, grabbed Xue Yuan’s chin, and said harshly, “Stop looking at me.”

Xue Yuan’s expression froze, his eyes complex, revealing a kind of expression that made Gu Yuanbai feel breathless.

It seemed like he was abandoned, like he was about to lose half his life.

Gu Yuanbai’s lips straightened, he grasped Xue Yuan’s chin tightly, leaving a red mark, then let go and laid straight on the bed. “If you love looking, you can keep looking.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 129

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 129

Chapter 129

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After waking from his nap, Gu Yuanbai received a letter written by Kong Yilin.

Upon finishing reading it, Gu Yuanbai was particularly pleased. He made a few corrections, stamped it with his seal, and instructed someone to deliver it urgently to Xixia.

The second prince of Xixia dared to set a trap using Gu Yuanbai, and Gu Yuanbai also intended to repay him in kind. Now that the old emperor of Xixia has not yet died, he decided to make Li Angyi's path to the throne even more twisted and difficult, which could be considered his sincerity.

After Li Angyi finished dealing with the chaos within the country, the war between Fusang and Great Heng along the coast had also begun. Li Angyi likened himself to a fisherman, and in the midst of the conflict between the snipe and the clam, he would not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

Let's see who will benefit in the end, the fisherman or the mantis.

Gu Yuanbai's teeth moved, biting his lip. A moment of pain flashed through, and his eyes became clearer.

He would give Li Angyi enough time to secure the throne and grasp military power. After Li Angyi revitalized Xixia, he would take over this new land.

Li Angyi, will you lose, or will I win?


On the first day of July, the tall willows swayed, and the sapphire-like clear sky was shrouded in misty rain. The small lotuses trembled lightly, and the fish hid. Since the night before, the capital had been covered in drizzling rain.

In the light rain, Wan Taifei's coffin was carried into the capital.

Gu Yuanbai wore a white robe, adorned with a crown, and embroidered with twelve patterns. His waist was wrapped in a leather belt, and he wore a blade. Despite the heavy imperial robe, he wore it meticulously, a rare sight for him, all to welcome Wan Taifei's coffin.

After Wan Taifei's death, all the emperor's clothes were changed to light colors.

The light clothes absorbed the raindrops little by little. Raindrops formed on his face, and with a slight movement, the crown in front of Gu Yuanbai's eyes became blurred.

Where there was rain, there must be wind.

In the blurred vision, the coffin slowly approached in the rain.

The coffin was sheltered by a white canopy, untouched by a single drop of rain. When the bearers settled, Gu Yuanbai took a step forward, lifting his increasingly heavy robe in the slight wind and rain.

Water dripped off his clothes as he raised his hands before him, then slowly lowered them.

Bowing deeply towards the coffin.

Perhaps even his lips were touched by rain, and he could taste a hint of bitterness when he spoke.

Gu Yuanbai's hair was soaked, his eyes almost unable to see Wan Taifei's coffin through the rain. The plum cake in early winter was the sweetest, and the cool shade under the tree was most delightful.

These memories were pressed into his heart along with the coffin. Holding on relentlessly, summer came, but winter was still before his eyes. Gu Yuanbai's lips slightly parted, tasting the rain again, the bitterness turning into saltiness, the rain not providing any comfort.

The Emperor of Great Heng bent low in front of Wan Taifei's coffin for a long time before whispering softly, "May the Taifei rest in peace."

Behind him, the officials raised their hands and bowed along with the Emperor.

The funeral of Wan Taifei was the highest standard within the regulations, and the epitaph for Wan Taifei was personally written by Gu Yuanbai. It was the first time Gu Yuanbai had written such an article, perhaps because of deep emotions, he wrote it effortlessly. After the epitaph was finished, anyone who read it couldn't help but shed tears.

[I haven't seen my mother for a long time. Under the pavilion, we searched, spoke earnestly, and exchanged words, feeling like gods next to the tree. There were fledglings on the tree, and when my mother and I looked at them together, she sighed and said: "When the fledglings grow up, how can they not leave their mother?" I looked at my mother, only to find a few strands of white hair on her temples. The other day, I searched again under the tree. The old bird on the tree had returned, but it seemed lost when circling around the fledglings. I think it's the same with me.]

Seeing this, Tian Fusheng couldn't help but burst into tears.

After Wan Taifei was buried, there was a three-day court recess.

For three full days, Gu Yuanbai locked himself in the study. Every day, until it was almost dark, he would finally emerge from the study.

He looked okay, with just a hint of redness in the corners of his eyes, like peach blossoms in the rain, a subtle sadness.

The people around pretended not to notice. Tian Fusheng served the Emperor's dinner, seeing that the Emperor had a poor appetite, he said, "The monks who escorted Wan Taifei's coffin here, the servant asked them. They are monks from the famous temple Jin Chan Temple in Hebei. They came voluntarily and even asked to leave today, truly selfless, one after another showing kindness."

Gu Yuanbai sighed, "You once told me that they returned from the capital to Hebei and followed Wan Taifei back to the capital. They have a connection with Wan Taifei. Before they leave, bring them to talk to me."

Tian Fusheng replied, "I've noted it down."

That night, Gu Yuanbai suddenly woke up from a nightmare, panting heavily. He gripped the bedding tightly, his fingers turning white, spasming unnaturally.

Xue Yuan, sleeping under the bed, opened his eyes instantly, rolled over to the table, poured a glass of water, and brought it to Gu Yuanbai's lips in three steps. After a few sips, Gu Yuanbai grasped his wrist, at a loss, and looked up at him, "Xue Yuan, I dreamed—"

His words abruptly stopped.

Xue Yuan looked at him candidly, his upper body naked in front of Gu Yuanbai's eyes, the scar faintly visible, adding to his aura of ferocity.

Gu Yuanbai released his hand, lowered his head, and looked at the tea cup, staring at the shimmering water inside. The nightmares from before had become fragmented, seemingly unintentionally, he raised his hand to rub his nose, saying, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Xue Yuan smiled, "It's a bit hot today."

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him from the corner of his eye through his fingers. Xue Yuan's bare skin was truly exquisite, with everything in the right place. A quick glance revealed... not bad.

Firm and powerful, full of vitality tempered by blood and battlefield trials.

Gu Yuanbai exhaled deeply, handed the water cup to Xue Yuan, and muttered, "Even if it's hot, you still have to follow the rules."

Xue Yuan took the water cup, and his fingers inadvertently touched the Emperor's. The Emperor's eyelids twitched, as if startled, he suddenly retreated, and the teacup slipped from their fingertips, falling onto the silk quilt and instantly wetting a patch of fabric.

The teacup slid smoothly down the smooth silk, lightly bouncing on the soft mattress.

Xue Yuan paused, looking down at the finally still teacup, then raised his head to meet Gu Yuanbai's gaze, which had changed.

Gu Yuanbai's face remained calm as he glanced at the damp spot, and he said with unparalleled composure, "Bring a new bedsheet."

Xue Yuan responded heavily, standing still.

In the darkness, him standing by the bed was somewhat intimidating. And with half his body exposed, just looking at the undulating lines on his body made one feel uneasy.

Gu Yuanbai said he wanted to sleep, but seeing him now gave him a headache. Having thoughts was one thing, but doing or not doing something was another. Risking one's life for an idea was not worth it.

Gu Yuanbai still had lingering fear from being startled awake by a nightmare. "Don't stand by my bed."

Xue Yuan kneeled onto the bed, leaned forward, and Gu Yuanbai involuntarily retreated backward, leaning against the wall. After realizing what he had done, Gu Yuanbai's expression darkened. What was he dodging from, dodging from Xue Yuan?

Wasn't it just that his upper body was exposed? Gu Yuanbai, why are you avoiding him? Are you still afraid of him?

His tone suddenly became firm. "Xue Jiuyao, what do you want to do?"

The Emperor shrank into the corner, but his tone was extremely forceful.

The night lamp dimmed, and Xue Yuan's eyes gradually adjusted to the low light. He could see clearly: the Emperor's brows were furrowed, lips pressed downward, hair disheveled, resembling a pitiful soul trying to put on a brave front.

Even at the corners of his eyes, there lingered a hint of redness from these past days, and his eyelids were swollen.

Gu Yuanbai's subtle daily changes did not escape Xue Yuan's notice. He knew well how many times these eyes had hidden tears in these days. As the saying goes, even a male emperor sheds tears without shame, yet he did not wish for others to witness his distress. Thus, Xue Yuan pretended not to notice.

He leaned forward, getting closer to Gu Yuanbai.

His breath surrounded Gu Yuanbai little by little.

The scent of battlefields and deserts, Gu Yuanbai felt strange. The sadness he had been suppressing suddenly quickened in this moment.

His heart was pounding in his chest, and Gu Yuanbai felt annoyed by it. He pushed Xue Yuan's chest with his hand, refusing to do anything impure during the mourning period. "Get away."

But when his hand touched him, it was the sensation of skin without any clothing barrier.

Gu Yuanbai froze.

In that moment of stillness, Xue Yuan had already reached him, warmth enveloping him. Gu Yuanbai was surprised, about to reprimand him, but Xue Yuan just gently leaned down and kissed the Emperor's warm eyelids, whispering by his ear, "I'll go get your bedding, soon, wait for me."

Before Gu Yuanbai could respond, Xue Yuan got up cleanly, left the wet silk quilt, and departed.

Gu Yuanbai leaned against the wall for a while before raising his hand to touch his own eyes.

For a long time, he felt his earlobes itching, rubbed them, and realized that they were strangely warm. 

Had he not noticed the warmth before?

Gu Yuanbai frowned, touching his face, feeling a slight warmth there too.

He pondered.

It was just a nightmare, yet it made him lose the ability to judge cold and warmth. Gu Yuanbai laid on the bed, the sound of the cabinet opening and closing nearby was clearly audible. He turned his head to see a figure gradually approaching in the darkness, carrying bedding. The figure reached the night lamp by the bed, becoming clearer.

"I don't need such thick bedding," Gu Yuanbai said truthfully, "I'm feeling a bit hot now."

Hot? Xue Yuan's expression suddenly changed. He threw the bedding aside and went up to touch Gu Yuanbai's forehead. Thankfully, there was no alarming heat.

But he was still worried. Just as he was about to leave with a stern face to call someone, Gu Yuanbai grabbed his wrist. "What are you going to do?"

Xue Yuan's tone became somewhat anxious. "I'm going to call the imperial physician."

"No need," Gu Yuanbai ordered, "I know my body. Xue Yuan, I want you to lie down and sleep now."

Xue Yuan stood silently for a while, his fingers making cracking sounds as he clenched them. After a while, he turned around, tested Gu Yuanbai's forehead several times, then reluctantly sat on his own bedding, sitting upright and staring at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai felt annoyed by his gaze and his earlobes itched even more. Finally, he suddenly got up, grabbed Xue Yuan's chin, and said harshly, "Stop looking at me."

Xue Yuan's expression froze, his eyes complex, revealing a kind of expression that made Gu Yuanbai feel breathless.

It seemed like he was abandoned, like he was about to lose half his life.

Gu Yuanbai's lips straightened, he grasped Xue Yuan's chin tightly, leaving a red mark, then let go and laid straight on the bed. "If you love looking, you can keep looking."

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