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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 140

Chapter 140

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When the great army set out, Gu Ran couldn’t help but cry. His nose was red, and this little adult-like child hiccupped, trying hard to maintain his composure in front of the Emperor: “Royal Father, hiccup, I’m waiting for you to come back.”

So cute.

Gu Yuanbai deliberately pursed his lips with concern. “If father can’t come back, Ran Er, you must shoulder the burden on behalf of your father.”

Gu Ran was stunned for a moment, couldn’t hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

Gu Yuanbai: “Ah… I was just teasing you.”

After comforting his adopted son, amidst the tearful farewell of the officials, Gu Yuanbai took a last look at the magnificent and majestic capital, resolutely turning away.

In the sidelines, the common people thronged, waving talismans of peace, anxiously crowding together, “Officials, officials, we’ve prayed for peace talismans. Can we give them to the Emperor and the soldiers?”

The official patiently stopped the commoners by the roadside, “You cannot bring them over.”

The old man, along with his family, watched as the great army departed, continually chanting “Triumph, triumph”. His wife and several sons and daughters-in-law squeezed together; the old woman’s complexion was rosy, much plumper than last year, repeatedly wiping tears with her sleeves. Those who didn’t know approached, trying to comfort her, “Old lady, is your son inside?”

“Inside are the men wearing the cotton clothes I made!” Old man Xu’s wife shouted loudly, then wiped the corners of her eyes, “I hope these boys can all come back safe with the Emperor.”

Several women this year, gathered by the court to make cotton clothes, together with both hands clasped and muttered, “The Emperor must be well, all coming back, all well back.”

The official standing by the roadside, having heard enough, couldn’t help but say, “Why are you all worried about the soldiers coming instead of your crops or what you’ll have for lunch today?”

Several women glared at him, and a man in the crowd shouted, “You eat the government’s food, how can you say such things!”

The official had asked out of curiosity, but now everyone was shouting at him. He turned around in embarrassment and saw his colleagues on both sides frowning at him with disapproval.

He gave a sheepish smile and looked back to see that the army had gradually disappeared from sight.


The north wind drifted cold, and after twenty days, 100,000 men camped on the northwestern border.

The commander-in-chief was General Zhang Hucheng, leading several generals. Upon arrival, Zhang Hucheng reported to the emperor and then arranged for men to dig trenches and build high walls, preparing for the battle.

Overlooking the northwestern walls, Gu Yuanbai suddenly recalled that in the original story, Xixia had conquered five or six cities of the Great Heng from this northwest region. 

But now, everything had changed.

The goal of this battle was not to defeat the Xixia but to invade them in one fell swoop. The harsh winter conditions increased the pressure on the logistics line for transporting military supplies and food. Every link in the chain had to function flawlessly to ensure the safety of the frontline soldiers.

Those remaining in the rear were people Gu Yuanbai trusted implicitly.

Gu Yuanbai believed the biggest enemy in this battle was not the Xixia, but the environment and logistics.

Later, Xue Yuan took the scouts to measure the terrain and reported their findings. The generals and advisors used this information to plan their assault, preparing responses to various situations that might arise during the campaign against Xixia.

Kong Yilin, though a man of few words, had a keen eye and always hit the nail on the head with his comments.

After two years of continuous victories, Gu Yuanbai’s generals had built up enough confidence and fighting spirit. They trusted their abilities, their soldiers, and the logistics line. While Gu Yuanbai worried that arrogance might lead to defeat, seeing their state of mind put his last concern to rest.

His generals remained rational and clear-headed, focused on solid victories.

In the northwest, the yellow sand filled the sky, and the city walls were the color of mud. The winter cold was harsh. To prevent the soldiers from catching colds, the army ensured that hot water was available daily. Hygiene was strictly maintained, with soldiers required to wash their hands, faces, and feet with hot water every day. The cooks provided ginger soup, and each soldier drank a hot bowl daily.

Initially, the soldiers found it troublesome, but once they knew the emperor occasionally inspected their camps, they eagerly washed their feet with hot water. They couldn’t afford to smell bad in front of the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai was unaware of their little thoughts. He kindly and warmly patrolled several large camps, taking deep breaths of fresh air after leaving each tent.

Xue Yuan, standing beside him, remarked, “These brats are finally paying attention to cleanliness; the smell has lightened considerably.”

“…” Gu Yuanbai rubbed his nose.

If this was considered a light smell, how bad was it before?

Gu Yuanbai thought his nose might be overly sensitive now. He took a few more breaths of the non-smelly air and said, “Preventing disease is of utmost importance. Make sure to ventilate the tents during the day, continue the daily ginger soup, and instruct every squad leader to keep a close watch on their soldiers. If anyone shows signs of fever or cold, they must be sent to the military physician immediately for treatment.”

The General of Cavalry and other officers responded in unison, “Yes!”

Gu Yuanbai continued, “When I had the citizens make clothes for the soldiers in the northwest, I also had them make tens of thousands of cloth bags filled with medicinal herbs for stopping bleeding and treating wounds. Distribute these bags tomorrow. From the commander-in-chief to the soldiers, everyone must tie them securely around their waists and must not lose them.”

Zhang Hucheng and the other generals solemnly responded, “I will personally supervise the distribution tomorrow.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded and began to walk back. “General Zhang, you and the other generals are far more skilled in warfare than I am. I’ve only read a few military books and cannot arrange troops as you do. Just go ahead and do what needs to be done. Coordinated efforts will help identify and fix any gaps.”

Zhang Hucheng, feeling a bit overwhelmed, said, “Your Majesty, both in civil and military affairs, your achievements are numerous. I am humbled. Please do not say such things.”

Gu Yuanbai laughed and, after a moment of thought, asked, “Do you know General Xue Ping’s son, Xue Jiuyao?”

Zhang Hucheng smiled, “I used to fight alongside General Xue. Xue Jiuyao joined the army at a very young age, so of course I know him.”

Xue Yuan coughed a few times.

Looking at Xue Yuan, Zhang Hucheng reminisced, “Xue Yuan is now taller and stronger than me. Even though I am stationed a hundred miles from the northern border, I have heard of Xue Jiuyao’s reputation. After us old generals, there will indeed be successors among the military.”

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai turned to look at Xue Yuan. He was indeed taller and more robust than the other generals. In his armor, with sharp eyes, he embodied the maturity of a seasoned general while still possessing the physique and aggressive drive that the older generals were beginning to lose.

Moved by Zhang Hucheng’s words, the generals began to chat in small groups. Taking this opportunity, Xue Yuan leaned in and whispered in Gu Yuanbai’s ear, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Gu Yuanbai’s ear tingled, and he tilted his head, but Xue Yuan followed, his tongue brushing against Gu Yuanbai’s earlobe.

Suddenly, a general asked, “Your Majesty, what do you think?”

At that moment, the patrolling soldiers lit their torches, and in the firelight, the emperor’s face seemed to blush slightly. “…Very good.”

The generals, unaware of the situation, laughed along. “With the defensive measures in place, we also think it’s good.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded thoughtfully, maintaining a composed appearance.

“Xue Jiuyao still has much to learn,” Gu Yuanbai continued, “but he has the talent of a great general, gifted and extraordinary. Whether it is suppressing bandits, quelling rebellions, or fighting in the northern wars, he has proven himself. I entrust him to you. In battle, you can deploy him as you see fit, so he can gain more experience under your guidance.”

Zhang Hucheng smiled wryly, “I don’t know what I can teach Xue Jiuyao. When I asked him about his thoughts on the Xixia campaign, he said he only wants to stay by your side, Your Majesty, and not to involve him in the battle.”

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback and looked up at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, as if he hadn’t heard Zhang Hucheng’s words.

“Others are eager to rush to the battlefield for such an opportunity to earn merit. On the battlefield, Xue Jiuyao is always the fiercest, leading the charge, and no one can stop him. For him to say such things surprised me,” Zhang Hucheng shook his head, “He said there will be plenty of opportunities to earn merit in the future, no rush for this one.”

“…” Gu Yuanbai slowly responded, “I see.”

It was easy to guess who Xue Yuan was doing this for.

He feigned a casual glance to the side.

Xue Yuan lowered his eyes, quietly watching him.

A bloodthirsty warrior willing to give up military merit for one person, choosing to stay by Gu Yuanbai’s side to protect him while others were out fighting.

It really was… a complicated feeling.

That evening, an eunuch brought hot water. After Gu Yuanbai washed his hands and face, he sat by the bed soaking his feet, wiping his body briefly.

The water in the wooden bucket reached his calves. As he bent over to roll up his pants, a large hand reached out, and a shadow squatted down to roll up Gu Yuanbai’s pant legs.

After rolling up his pants, Xue Yuan tested the water temperature, “It’s a bit cool. I’ll get some more hot water.”

The tent door lifted and fell. Xue Yuan quickly returned. He squatted down, lifting the emperor’s feet from the bucket and holding them in one hand. He poured the hot water with the other hand and, feeling the temperature was just right, stopped and stirred the water with his hand, “My hands are rougher than before, but the water feels fine to me. Try it?”

Gu Yuanbai moved his feet in Xue Yuan’s hand, “It’s good.”

Xue Yuan carefully guided his feet back into the water. Gu Yuanbai found it satisfactory, “It’s fine.”

Xue Yuan then relaxed, letting go. He wrapped two long fingers around the emperor’s wrist, frowning, “You seem to have lost weight.”

“After drinking medicine for a long time and enduring acupuncture for a long time,” Gu Yuanbai leaned on his shoulder, shivering from the hot water, “it’s no surprise I’ve lost weight.”

Xue Yuan sighed, steadying himself for Gu Yuanbai to lean on, “Any thinner and there won’t be any flesh left.”

“You should see the imperial physicians from the Hospital,” Gu Yuanbai smiled, “they’ve never traveled such a long distance before and were worried about my health. They’ve all lost weight along the way.”

Xue Yuan responded perfunctorily, “I’ll tell the cooks to prepare more food for them.”

“The cooks are skilled enough,” Gu Yuanbai remarked, “if the ingredients are sufficient, everything tastes good.”

“You can’t eat like that,” Xue Yuan insisted, “I’ve already asked the physicians. Others can eat like that, but you can’t.”

Gu Yuanbai said, “We can’t be as particular here in the northwest as we are in the capital. Yuan Ger, add more hot water.”

Xue Yuan added more hot water, then suddenly leaned in and kissed him, “Call me Jiuyao Langjun.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 140

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 140

Chapter 140

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

When the great army set out, Gu Ran couldn't help but cry. His nose was red, and this little adult-like child hiccupped, trying hard to maintain his composure in front of the Emperor: "Royal Father, hiccup, I'm waiting for you to come back."

So cute.

Gu Yuanbai deliberately pursed his lips with concern. "If father can't come back, Ran Er, you must shoulder the burden on behalf of your father."

Gu Ran was stunned for a moment, couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

Gu Yuanbai: "Ah... I was just teasing you."

After comforting his adopted son, amidst the tearful farewell of the officials, Gu Yuanbai took a last look at the magnificent and majestic capital, resolutely turning away.

In the sidelines, the common people thronged, waving talismans of peace, anxiously crowding together, "Officials, officials, we've prayed for peace talismans. Can we give them to the Emperor and the soldiers?"

The official patiently stopped the commoners by the roadside, "You cannot bring them over."

The old man, along with his family, watched as the great army departed, continually chanting "Triumph, triumph". His wife and several sons and daughters-in-law squeezed together; the old woman's complexion was rosy, much plumper than last year, repeatedly wiping tears with her sleeves. Those who didn't know approached, trying to comfort her, "Old lady, is your son inside?"

"Inside are the men wearing the cotton clothes I made!" Old man Xu's wife shouted loudly, then wiped the corners of her eyes, "I hope these boys can all come back safe with the Emperor."

Several women this year, gathered by the court to make cotton clothes, together with both hands clasped and muttered, "The Emperor must be well, all coming back, all well back."

The official standing by the roadside, having heard enough, couldn't help but say, "Why are you all worried about the soldiers coming instead of your crops or what you'll have for lunch today?"

Several women glared at him, and a man in the crowd shouted, "You eat the government’s food, how can you say such things!"

The official had asked out of curiosity, but now everyone was shouting at him. He turned around in embarrassment and saw his colleagues on both sides frowning at him with disapproval.

He gave a sheepish smile and looked back to see that the army had gradually disappeared from sight.


The north wind drifted cold, and after twenty days, 100,000 men camped on the northwestern border.

The commander-in-chief was General Zhang Hucheng, leading several generals. Upon arrival, Zhang Hucheng reported to the emperor and then arranged for men to dig trenches and build high walls, preparing for the battle.

Overlooking the northwestern walls, Gu Yuanbai suddenly recalled that in the original story, Xixia had conquered five or six cities of the Great Heng from this northwest region. 

But now, everything had changed.

The goal of this battle was not to defeat the Xixia but to invade them in one fell swoop. The harsh winter conditions increased the pressure on the logistics line for transporting military supplies and food. Every link in the chain had to function flawlessly to ensure the safety of the frontline soldiers.

Those remaining in the rear were people Gu Yuanbai trusted implicitly.

Gu Yuanbai believed the biggest enemy in this battle was not the Xixia, but the environment and logistics.

Later, Xue Yuan took the scouts to measure the terrain and reported their findings. The generals and advisors used this information to plan their assault, preparing responses to various situations that might arise during the campaign against Xixia.

Kong Yilin, though a man of few words, had a keen eye and always hit the nail on the head with his comments.

After two years of continuous victories, Gu Yuanbai's generals had built up enough confidence and fighting spirit. They trusted their abilities, their soldiers, and the logistics line. While Gu Yuanbai worried that arrogance might lead to defeat, seeing their state of mind put his last concern to rest.

His generals remained rational and clear-headed, focused on solid victories.

In the northwest, the yellow sand filled the sky, and the city walls were the color of mud. The winter cold was harsh. To prevent the soldiers from catching colds, the army ensured that hot water was available daily. Hygiene was strictly maintained, with soldiers required to wash their hands, faces, and feet with hot water every day. The cooks provided ginger soup, and each soldier drank a hot bowl daily.

Initially, the soldiers found it troublesome, but once they knew the emperor occasionally inspected their camps, they eagerly washed their feet with hot water. They couldn't afford to smell bad in front of the emperor.

Gu Yuanbai was unaware of their little thoughts. He kindly and warmly patrolled several large camps, taking deep breaths of fresh air after leaving each tent.

Xue Yuan, standing beside him, remarked, "These brats are finally paying attention to cleanliness; the smell has lightened considerably."

"..." Gu Yuanbai rubbed his nose.

If this was considered a light smell, how bad was it before?

Gu Yuanbai thought his nose might be overly sensitive now. He took a few more breaths of the non-smelly air and said, "Preventing disease is of utmost importance. Make sure to ventilate the tents during the day, continue the daily ginger soup, and instruct every squad leader to keep a close watch on their soldiers. If anyone shows signs of fever or cold, they must be sent to the military physician immediately for treatment."

The General of Cavalry and other officers responded in unison, "Yes!"

Gu Yuanbai continued, "When I had the citizens make clothes for the soldiers in the northwest, I also had them make tens of thousands of cloth bags filled with medicinal herbs for stopping bleeding and treating wounds. Distribute these bags tomorrow. From the commander-in-chief to the soldiers, everyone must tie them securely around their waists and must not lose them."

Zhang Hucheng and the other generals solemnly responded, "I will personally supervise the distribution tomorrow."

Gu Yuanbai nodded and began to walk back. "General Zhang, you and the other generals are far more skilled in warfare than I am. I've only read a few military books and cannot arrange troops as you do. Just go ahead and do what needs to be done. Coordinated efforts will help identify and fix any gaps."

Zhang Hucheng, feeling a bit overwhelmed, said, "Your Majesty, both in civil and military affairs, your achievements are numerous. I am humbled. Please do not say such things."

Gu Yuanbai laughed and, after a moment of thought, asked, "Do you know General Xue Ping's son, Xue Jiuyao?"

Zhang Hucheng smiled, "I used to fight alongside General Xue. Xue Jiuyao joined the army at a very young age, so of course I know him."

Xue Yuan coughed a few times.

Looking at Xue Yuan, Zhang Hucheng reminisced, "Xue Yuan is now taller and stronger than me. Even though I am stationed a hundred miles from the northern border, I have heard of Xue Jiuyao's reputation. After us old generals, there will indeed be successors among the military."

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai turned to look at Xue Yuan. He was indeed taller and more robust than the other generals. In his armor, with sharp eyes, he embodied the maturity of a seasoned general while still possessing the physique and aggressive drive that the older generals were beginning to lose.

Moved by Zhang Hucheng's words, the generals began to chat in small groups. Taking this opportunity, Xue Yuan leaned in and whispered in Gu Yuanbai's ear, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Gu Yuanbai's ear tingled, and he tilted his head, but Xue Yuan followed, his tongue brushing against Gu Yuanbai's earlobe.

Suddenly, a general asked, "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

At that moment, the patrolling soldiers lit their torches, and in the firelight, the emperor's face seemed to blush slightly. "…Very good."

The generals, unaware of the situation, laughed along. "With the defensive measures in place, we also think it's good."

Gu Yuanbai nodded thoughtfully, maintaining a composed appearance.

"Xue Jiuyao still has much to learn," Gu Yuanbai continued, "but he has the talent of a great general, gifted and extraordinary. Whether it is suppressing bandits, quelling rebellions, or fighting in the northern wars, he has proven himself. I entrust him to you. In battle, you can deploy him as you see fit, so he can gain more experience under your guidance."

Zhang Hucheng smiled wryly, "I don't know what I can teach Xue Jiuyao. When I asked him about his thoughts on the Xixia campaign, he said he only wants to stay by your side, Your Majesty, and not to involve him in the battle."

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback and looked up at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan's expression remained unchanged, as if he hadn't heard Zhang Hucheng's words.

"Others are eager to rush to the battlefield for such an opportunity to earn merit. On the battlefield, Xue Jiuyao is always the fiercest, leading the charge, and no one can stop him. For him to say such things surprised me," Zhang Hucheng shook his head, "He said there will be plenty of opportunities to earn merit in the future, no rush for this one."

"..." Gu Yuanbai slowly responded, "I see."

It was easy to guess who Xue Yuan was doing this for.

He feigned a casual glance to the side.

Xue Yuan lowered his eyes, quietly watching him.

A bloodthirsty warrior willing to give up military merit for one person, choosing to stay by Gu Yuanbai's side to protect him while others were out fighting.

It really was... a complicated feeling.

That evening, an eunuch brought hot water. After Gu Yuanbai washed his hands and face, he sat by the bed soaking his feet, wiping his body briefly.

The water in the wooden bucket reached his calves. As he bent over to roll up his pants, a large hand reached out, and a shadow squatted down to roll up Gu Yuanbai’s pant legs.

After rolling up his pants, Xue Yuan tested the water temperature, "It's a bit cool. I'll get some more hot water."

The tent door lifted and fell. Xue Yuan quickly returned. He squatted down, lifting the emperor’s feet from the bucket and holding them in one hand. He poured the hot water with the other hand and, feeling the temperature was just right, stopped and stirred the water with his hand, "My hands are rougher than before, but the water feels fine to me. Try it?"

Gu Yuanbai moved his feet in Xue Yuan’s hand, "It's good."

Xue Yuan carefully guided his feet back into the water. Gu Yuanbai found it satisfactory, "It's fine."

Xue Yuan then relaxed, letting go. He wrapped two long fingers around the emperor’s wrist, frowning, "You seem to have lost weight."

"After drinking medicine for a long time and enduring acupuncture for a long time," Gu Yuanbai leaned on his shoulder, shivering from the hot water, "it's no surprise I've lost weight."

Xue Yuan sighed, steadying himself for Gu Yuanbai to lean on, "Any thinner and there won't be any flesh left."

"You should see the imperial physicians from the Hospital," Gu Yuanbai smiled, "they’ve never traveled such a long distance before and were worried about my health. They’ve all lost weight along the way."

Xue Yuan responded perfunctorily, "I'll tell the cooks to prepare more food for them."

"The cooks are skilled enough," Gu Yuanbai remarked, "if the ingredients are sufficient, everything tastes good."

"You can't eat like that," Xue Yuan insisted, "I've already asked the physicians. Others can eat like that, but you can't."

Gu Yuanbai said, "We can't be as particular here in the northwest as we are in the capital. Yuan Ger, add more hot water."

Xue Yuan added more hot water, then suddenly leaned in and kissed him, "Call me Jiuyao Langjun."

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