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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 141

Chapter 141

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Gu Yuanbai cast a light glance at him, and Xue Jiuyao’s expression instantly changed, “Master Bai, dear Master Bai, I was just joking.”

Gu Yuanbai’s lips curled into a smile, “I haven’t said anything yet, why are you already admitting fault?”

Xue Yuan cleared his throat, lowering his head to wipe Gu Yuanbai’s feet, “I’ve become more timid.”

Finished, he carried the wooden tub out.

Xue Yuan really spoke without any filter; no one could say he lacked courage. Gu Yuanbai laid in bed, his mind alternating between images of endless yellow sand and flickering torches, tall city walls, and deep ravines. He wondered if Xue Yuan would regret seeing others gain military merit while he remained empty-handed.

After a while, a familiar scent approached. The covers lifted, and Xue Yuan cautiously asked, “Master Bai, can I sleep with you tonight?”

Gu Yuanbai lazily replied, “Get in.”

Xue Yuan happily climbed into bed, carefully lifting Gu Yuanbai’s head to place his arm underneath, letting the emperor rest on it.

Gu Yuanbai wriggled, “It’s hard and uncomfortable.”

“It’ll soften up soon,” Xue Yuan lied with a straight face, “Xue Jiuyao’s arm is the softest in the world.”

Gu Yuanbai laughed and gave him a thumbs-up.

Xue Yuan tucked Gu Yuanbai’s hand under the covers, reminding him for the umpteenth time, “The northwest is cold and dry. You must keep your hands under the covers at night, or by morning they’ll swell like pig’s trotters.”

Gu Yuanbai asked, “Really?”

“Let’s both become a pair of pig’s trotters,” Xue Jiuyao teased, feeling Gu Yuanbai’s hand, “Even if they are pig’s trotters, this one in my hand is the best-looking.”

Gu Yuanbai sighed, “Then let’s chop off the ugly one and eat it.”

Xue Jiuyao nonchalantly withdrew his hand.


The next day, it unexpectedly started snowing heavily in the northwest.

Inside the main general’s tent, Gu Yuanbai and the generals looked at the heavy snow outside with serious expressions.

The officer who distributed the bags returned through the heavy snow to the tent. “Your Majesty, General, a report from the front: the Xixia army has stationed itself a hundred li away from our army.”

“A hundred li,” Gu Yuanbai muttered, his brow frosting over.

Strategists and generals had already marked the position of the Xixia army on the sand table. An hour later, the reconnaissance troops reported back, providing more detailed information.

The Xixia army also boasted a hundred thousand soldiers, but after accounting for logistical personnel and non-combatant soldiers like cooks, the generals believed their combat force was fewer than fifty thousand.

The situation in Xixia differed from that of Great Heng; just with the recent ascension of the Xixia Emperor, the country had fallen into chaos. With the source of the country’s wealth cut off, there were already people among his political rivals who were addicted to incense and would die in agony without him lifting a hand.

Their internal situation was such that their logistical needs were undoubtedly tight. Perhaps the money used in this march was from Emperor Li Angyi’s personal treasury.

The disparity between the two sides was vast, and the longer the front line stretched, the greater the strain on Great Heng. All the generals agreed on one thing: to strike first and take the initiative.

Gu Yuanbai nodded in agreement.

But then, heavy snow fell continuously for several dozen days.

This heavy snowfall made everyone’s vision hazy, and the daily ginger soup ration turned into two. Fortunately, the preparations before the battle were sufficient, with food and forage stockpiled in several granaries. The people of Great Heng wore warm cotton clothes, feeling secure and unaware of the generals’ anxiety.

Gu Yuanbai spent a whole day doing nothing, occasionally getting up to see if the heavy snow outside had stopped. At night, fearing he would catch a cold, Xue Yuan insisted on putting a fox fur coat on him, along with leather gloves and a fur hat, and led the Emperor out of the tent.

Snowflakes fell incessantly day and night, weighing heavily on Gu Yuanbai, leaving footprints with every step. The fine fur of the fox fur danced in the wind and snow, white flakes floating like cotton, even though it had delayed a lot of food in these continuous dozen days. But seeing the snow at night, the snow would be even more wonderful and innocent.

Gu Yuanbai’s nose was red, and he lowered his head, carefully stabilizing his figure on the snow.

Xue Yuan watched him, his heart melting. But the next moment, his expression slowly converged, his eyebrows furrowed, and the strands of hair on his face fluttered in the wind.

The wind suddenly changed direction, chaotic and disorderly.

A dark shadow darted by his feet, Xue Yuan placed the torch and a few fleeing rats were surprised.

He stood still for a moment, thinking about something. Suddenly he squeezed Gu Yuanbai’s hand and turned back.

Gu Yuanbai grabbed his sleeve, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s going to snow tonight,” Xue Yuan looked up at the black sky, thoughtful. “Something’s not right.”

Gu Yuanbai acted decisively, “Call someone immediately!”

The light in the main tent stayed on all night. Even though Xue Yuan only mentioned the possibility of a snowstorm, Gu Yuanbai couldn’t afford to be optimistic. Soldiers were awakened, the commotion gradually grew louder, running and shouting, torches flashing everywhere.

After a tense night, the next morning, the heavy snow had stopped.

This should have been a good thing, and everyone was rejoicing and celebrating. But Xue Yuan stood silently, watching the snow-covered ground glistening in the sunlight.

General Zhang Hucheng’s worried expression for several days finally relaxed, and he slapped Xue Yuan’s shoulder with a hearty laugh, “Brother Yuan, you were wrong last night!”

Xue Yuan replied indifferently, “Hmm.”

Seeing that he was still looking outside the door, Zhang Hucheng followed his gaze, “What’s there?”

“Nothing,” Xue Yuan exhaled heavily, raised his eyes, and saw the sun shining brightly in the sky. “With such good weather, the Xixia army should also be mobilizing.”

General Zhang Hucheng slowly placed his hand behind his back, his eyes gleaming brightly, “The day of battle between the two sides has finally arrived.”


After several dozen days of continuous heavy snowfall, Xixia was forced into a corner with no retreat. On the second day under the clear sky, they deployed their troops, sounded the horns and drums, and with heavy steps headed toward the northwest city wall.

Xixia soldiers were known for their discipline; as long as the commander didn’t order a retreat, there would be no soldiers fleeing. However, compared to the soldiers of Great Heng, Xixia’s logistical weakness was significant. The heavy snow had pushed Xixia into a situation where they had no choice but to win, not to lose.

Li Angyi donned his armor and led fifty thousand soldiers across the thick snow and yellow sand. Beside him, the commander said, “Your Majesty, the flags of Great Heng have already been raised ahead.”

Li Angyi fixed his gaze upon a distant flag fluttering in the wind. Clear and distinct atop it was the character “Heng,” which struck him immediately.

His eyes flashed with determination. “Remember, I intend to feign defeat, to lure the soldiers of Great Heng deep into our rear.”

The commander responded respectfully, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Great Heng soldiers are reputed to number one hundred thousand, but from the capital to the northwest, the journey is long. With the recent heavy snowfall, their consumption of supplies must far exceed expectations,” Li Angyi remarked. “Even if we cannot capture the northern cities, we must deplete their food supplies, forcing them into a dilemma.”

“Great Heng suffered locust plagues last year, and recently clashed with Fusang,” the commander mused. “Even if Great Heng retreats, their granaries will be empty, and the people will likely face famine and unrest.”

Li Angyi smiled. “This is precisely the situation I wish to see.”


However, the soldiers of Great Heng were quite different from what the Emperor of Xixia had imagined.

For these days, they continued to eat well and dress warmly. They were full of vigor, and the idle days had nearly driven them restless. Now, upon hearing the war was finally starting, their eyes gleamed with a fierce light, eager to charge forward and tear into the enemy.

General Zhang Hucheng completed his preparations and surveyed his fierce generals and soldiers. The blood in his chest began to boil with their readiness. With soldiers in such a state, there was no need to fear the possibility of victory slipping away.

“General!” A nearby officer spoke boldly. “The navy made quite a splash along the coast not long ago. Now, it’s our turn! Watch me take the head of the Xixia commander and make a name for myself!”

Immediately, someone protested, “Don’t steal my kill!”

Zhang Hucheng burst into laughter and raised his voice. “Then let’s see who can claim the first merit!”

As the two armies faced each other, back in the rear camp, Xue Yuan’s eyelids twitched incessantly.

He held onto Emperor Gu Yuanbai’s hand tightly. The Emperor’s palm was already sweating from his grip. Gu Yuanbai sensed something was amiss and soothingly patted Xue Yuan’s hand with his other hand. “Xue Yuan?”

Xue Yuan took a deep breath and pulled the Emperor up. “Let’s go out.”

Gu Yuanbai was pulled along by him, and eventually, Xue Yuan was running with the Emperor in his arms. Gu Yuanbai hugged his neck and frowned. “Where are we going?”

“I don’t know,” Xue Yuan replied lifelessly. “Let’s run first.”

Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to ask him to stop, a soldier guarding the well not far away exclaimed in alarm, “Why is the water turbid?”

Xue Yuan suddenly stopped, strode towards the well, and peered into the muddy water. What was clear yesterday morning had now turned muddy with sediment. Xue Yuan stared at it for a moment, then clenched his fists, lifted Gu Yuanbai up, and swiftly headed towards the stables.

Along the way, even before reaching the stables, the cattle and sheep they encountered were already restless and struggling frantically. The sweating soldiers on guard looked at them with anxiety and helplessness as they howled incessantly.

Seeing this scene made Gu Yuanbai’s heart skip a beat.

Sweat beads appeared on Xue Yuan’s forehead. He blew a loud whistle and shouted, “Hongyun! Liefeng!”

Gu Yuanbai’s ears were deafened by his voice, and the veins on Xue Yuan’s neck were bulging. In the distance, from within the stables, two highly responsive warhorses neighed loudly and forcefully broke through the wooden doors, running towards Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai’s heart suddenly started racing. He couldn’t help but tighten his arms around Xue Yuan.

But before the warhorses reached them, Xue Yuan suddenly squatted down and placed his palms on the ground.

Gu Yuanbai held his breath and was about to imitate him when he suddenly froze. He stared at the trembling pebbles on the ground, and visibly, the yellow sand began to jump on the ground.

What was it?

Xue Yuan abruptly stood up, grabbed Gu Yuanbai, and ran. The cold wind cut across Gu Yuanbai’s face like a blade. Not far behind them, the stable collapsed with a crash, sending snow and mud flying.

Gu Yuanbai’s pupils contracted. He looked at the stunned soldiers and used all his strength to shout, “Run to an open space! Hurry!”

Just as the words fell, the earth shook, mountains roared, and the city walls turned into huge boulders rolling down. The white snow turned into dirty mud in an instant, and yellow sand filled the sky. Cracks in the ground suddenly opened several meters wide, and cattle, sheep, and terrified warhorses fell into the cracks.

The thunderous sound echoed throughout the entire area.

It was an earthquake.

The earthquake had arrived!

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 141

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 141

Chapter 141

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Gu Yuanbai cast a light glance at him, and Xue Jiuyao’s expression instantly changed, "Master Bai, dear Master Bai, I was just joking."

Gu Yuanbai's lips curled into a smile, "I haven’t said anything yet, why are you already admitting fault?"

Xue Yuan cleared his throat, lowering his head to wipe Gu Yuanbai's feet, "I've become more timid."

Finished, he carried the wooden tub out.

Xue Yuan really spoke without any filter; no one could say he lacked courage. Gu Yuanbai laid in bed, his mind alternating between images of endless yellow sand and flickering torches, tall city walls, and deep ravines. He wondered if Xue Yuan would regret seeing others gain military merit while he remained empty-handed.

After a while, a familiar scent approached. The covers lifted, and Xue Yuan cautiously asked, "Master Bai, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Gu Yuanbai lazily replied, "Get in."

Xue Yuan happily climbed into bed, carefully lifting Gu Yuanbai's head to place his arm underneath, letting the emperor rest on it.

Gu Yuanbai wriggled, "It's hard and uncomfortable."

"It'll soften up soon," Xue Yuan lied with a straight face, "Xue Jiuyao's arm is the softest in the world."

Gu Yuanbai laughed and gave him a thumbs-up.

Xue Yuan tucked Gu Yuanbai's hand under the covers, reminding him for the umpteenth time, "The northwest is cold and dry. You must keep your hands under the covers at night, or by morning they'll swell like pig's trotters."

Gu Yuanbai asked, "Really?"

"Let’s both become a pair of pig's trotters," Xue Jiuyao teased, feeling Gu Yuanbai's hand, "Even if they are pig's trotters, this one in my hand is the best-looking."

Gu Yuanbai sighed, "Then let's chop off the ugly one and eat it."

Xue Jiuyao nonchalantly withdrew his hand.


The next day, it unexpectedly started snowing heavily in the northwest.

Inside the main general's tent, Gu Yuanbai and the generals looked at the heavy snow outside with serious expressions.

The officer who distributed the bags returned through the heavy snow to the tent. "Your Majesty, General, a report from the front: the Xixia army has stationed itself a hundred li away from our army."

"A hundred li," Gu Yuanbai muttered, his brow frosting over.

Strategists and generals had already marked the position of the Xixia army on the sand table. An hour later, the reconnaissance troops reported back, providing more detailed information.

The Xixia army also boasted a hundred thousand soldiers, but after accounting for logistical personnel and non-combatant soldiers like cooks, the generals believed their combat force was fewer than fifty thousand.

The situation in Xixia differed from that of Great Heng; just with the recent ascension of the Xixia Emperor, the country had fallen into chaos. With the source of the country's wealth cut off, there were already people among his political rivals who were addicted to incense and would die in agony without him lifting a hand.

Their internal situation was such that their logistical needs were undoubtedly tight. Perhaps the money used in this march was from Emperor Li Angyi's personal treasury.

The disparity between the two sides was vast, and the longer the front line stretched, the greater the strain on Great Heng. All the generals agreed on one thing: to strike first and take the initiative.

Gu Yuanbai nodded in agreement.

But then, heavy snow fell continuously for several dozen days.

This heavy snowfall made everyone's vision hazy, and the daily ginger soup ration turned into two. Fortunately, the preparations before the battle were sufficient, with food and forage stockpiled in several granaries. The people of Great Heng wore warm cotton clothes, feeling secure and unaware of the generals' anxiety.

Gu Yuanbai spent a whole day doing nothing, occasionally getting up to see if the heavy snow outside had stopped. At night, fearing he would catch a cold, Xue Yuan insisted on putting a fox fur coat on him, along with leather gloves and a fur hat, and led the Emperor out of the tent.

Snowflakes fell incessantly day and night, weighing heavily on Gu Yuanbai, leaving footprints with every step. The fine fur of the fox fur danced in the wind and snow, white flakes floating like cotton, even though it had delayed a lot of food in these continuous dozen days. But seeing the snow at night, the snow would be even more wonderful and innocent.

Gu Yuanbai's nose was red, and he lowered his head, carefully stabilizing his figure on the snow.

Xue Yuan watched him, his heart melting. But the next moment, his expression slowly converged, his eyebrows furrowed, and the strands of hair on his face fluttered in the wind.

The wind suddenly changed direction, chaotic and disorderly.

A dark shadow darted by his feet, Xue Yuan placed the torch and a few fleeing rats were surprised.

He stood still for a moment, thinking about something. Suddenly he squeezed Gu Yuanbai's hand and turned back.

Gu Yuanbai grabbed his sleeve, "What's wrong?"

"It's going to snow tonight," Xue Yuan looked up at the black sky, thoughtful. "Something's not right."

Gu Yuanbai acted decisively, "Call someone immediately!"

The light in the main tent stayed on all night. Even though Xue Yuan only mentioned the possibility of a snowstorm, Gu Yuanbai couldn't afford to be optimistic. Soldiers were awakened, the commotion gradually grew louder, running and shouting, torches flashing everywhere.

After a tense night, the next morning, the heavy snow had stopped.

This should have been a good thing, and everyone was rejoicing and celebrating. But Xue Yuan stood silently, watching the snow-covered ground glistening in the sunlight.

General Zhang Hucheng's worried expression for several days finally relaxed, and he slapped Xue Yuan's shoulder with a hearty laugh, "Brother Yuan, you were wrong last night!"

Xue Yuan replied indifferently, "Hmm."

Seeing that he was still looking outside the door, Zhang Hucheng followed his gaze, "What's there?"

"Nothing," Xue Yuan exhaled heavily, raised his eyes, and saw the sun shining brightly in the sky. "With such good weather, the Xixia army should also be mobilizing."

General Zhang Hucheng slowly placed his hand behind his back, his eyes gleaming brightly, "The day of battle between the two sides has finally arrived."


After several dozen days of continuous heavy snowfall, Xixia was forced into a corner with no retreat. On the second day under the clear sky, they deployed their troops, sounded the horns and drums, and with heavy steps headed toward the northwest city wall.

Xixia soldiers were known for their discipline; as long as the commander didn't order a retreat, there would be no soldiers fleeing. However, compared to the soldiers of Great Heng, Xixia's logistical weakness was significant. The heavy snow had pushed Xixia into a situation where they had no choice but to win, not to lose.

Li Angyi donned his armor and led fifty thousand soldiers across the thick snow and yellow sand. Beside him, the commander said, "Your Majesty, the flags of Great Heng have already been raised ahead."

Li Angyi fixed his gaze upon a distant flag fluttering in the wind. Clear and distinct atop it was the character "Heng," which struck him immediately.

His eyes flashed with determination. "Remember, I intend to feign defeat, to lure the soldiers of Great Heng deep into our rear."

The commander responded respectfully, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Great Heng soldiers are reputed to number one hundred thousand, but from the capital to the northwest, the journey is long. With the recent heavy snowfall, their consumption of supplies must far exceed expectations," Li Angyi remarked. "Even if we cannot capture the northern cities, we must deplete their food supplies, forcing them into a dilemma."

"Great Heng suffered locust plagues last year, and recently clashed with Fusang," the commander mused. "Even if Great Heng retreats, their granaries will be empty, and the people will likely face famine and unrest."

Li Angyi smiled. "This is precisely the situation I wish to see."


However, the soldiers of Great Heng were quite different from what the Emperor of Xixia had imagined.

For these days, they continued to eat well and dress warmly. They were full of vigor, and the idle days had nearly driven them restless. Now, upon hearing the war was finally starting, their eyes gleamed with a fierce light, eager to charge forward and tear into the enemy.

General Zhang Hucheng completed his preparations and surveyed his fierce generals and soldiers. The blood in his chest began to boil with their readiness. With soldiers in such a state, there was no need to fear the possibility of victory slipping away.

"General!" A nearby officer spoke boldly. "The navy made quite a splash along the coast not long ago. Now, it's our turn! Watch me take the head of the Xixia commander and make a name for myself!"

Immediately, someone protested, "Don't steal my kill!"

Zhang Hucheng burst into laughter and raised his voice. "Then let's see who can claim the first merit!"

As the two armies faced each other, back in the rear camp, Xue Yuan's eyelids twitched incessantly.

He held onto Emperor Gu Yuanbai's hand tightly. The Emperor's palm was already sweating from his grip. Gu Yuanbai sensed something was amiss and soothingly patted Xue Yuan's hand with his other hand. "Xue Yuan?"

Xue Yuan took a deep breath and pulled the Emperor up. "Let's go out."

Gu Yuanbai was pulled along by him, and eventually, Xue Yuan was running with the Emperor in his arms. Gu Yuanbai hugged his neck and frowned. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know," Xue Yuan replied lifelessly. "Let's run first."

Just as Gu Yuanbai was about to ask him to stop, a soldier guarding the well not far away exclaimed in alarm, "Why is the water turbid?"

Xue Yuan suddenly stopped, strode towards the well, and peered into the muddy water. What was clear yesterday morning had now turned muddy with sediment. Xue Yuan stared at it for a moment, then clenched his fists, lifted Gu Yuanbai up, and swiftly headed towards the stables.

Along the way, even before reaching the stables, the cattle and sheep they encountered were already restless and struggling frantically. The sweating soldiers on guard looked at them with anxiety and helplessness as they howled incessantly.

Seeing this scene made Gu Yuanbai's heart skip a beat.

Sweat beads appeared on Xue Yuan's forehead. He blew a loud whistle and shouted, "Hongyun! Liefeng!"

Gu Yuanbai's ears were deafened by his voice, and the veins on Xue Yuan's neck were bulging. In the distance, from within the stables, two highly responsive warhorses neighed loudly and forcefully broke through the wooden doors, running towards Xue Yuan.

Gu Yuanbai's heart suddenly started racing. He couldn't help but tighten his arms around Xue Yuan.

But before the warhorses reached them, Xue Yuan suddenly squatted down and placed his palms on the ground.

Gu Yuanbai held his breath and was about to imitate him when he suddenly froze. He stared at the trembling pebbles on the ground, and visibly, the yellow sand began to jump on the ground.

What was it?

Xue Yuan abruptly stood up, grabbed Gu Yuanbai, and ran. The cold wind cut across Gu Yuanbai's face like a blade. Not far behind them, the stable collapsed with a crash, sending snow and mud flying.

Gu Yuanbai's pupils contracted. He looked at the stunned soldiers and used all his strength to shout, "Run to an open space! Hurry!"

Just as the words fell, the earth shook, mountains roared, and the city walls turned into huge boulders rolling down. The white snow turned into dirty mud in an instant, and yellow sand filled the sky. Cracks in the ground suddenly opened several meters wide, and cattle, sheep, and terrified warhorses fell into the cracks.

The thunderous sound echoed throughout the entire area.

It was an earthquake.

The earthquake had arrived!

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  1. danmei_histotical_fantasy says:

    I was NOT expecting that.

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