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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 148

Chapter 148

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The next morning, Gu Yuanbai quietly had breakfast in Xue Yuan’s room. Hearing this, Old General Xue still felt it was disrespectful, so he went to Xue Yuan’s courtyard early to request an audience with the emperor.

After a while, a servant brought Old General Xue into the courtyard. He hadn’t walked far before spotting the Ferghana horse mentioned by the servants the previous day.

The horse was tied to a tree, its coat flawless. It was a good horse, but not the one Xue Yuan had bought before. The horse Xue Yuan bought had a circle of dark hair around each hoof, like black rings, strikingly majestic. Old General Xue gave the horse a second look before walking to the door.

The door creaked open, and the aroma of food wafted in. Gu Yuanbai was sitting at the table and gestured to the seat in front of him, “Minister Xue, sit.”

Old General Xue respectfully stepped forward and sat down, while Xue Yuan handed his father a bowl and chopsticks. Seeing his son, Old General Xue felt both annoyed and itchy to hit him, but in the presence of the emperor, he merely put on a stern face.

Xue Yuan glanced lightly at his father, then focused entirely on the emperor, subtly supporting the emperor’s waist from behind to help him sit up straight.

Gu Yuanbai felt slightly more at ease.

Breakfast should be light, but the emperor’s food was excessively bland. Old General Xue tried a couple of bites but couldn’t continue, worriedly saying, “The servants in the mansion are indeed negligent. How can the emperor eat such things?”

Gu Yuanbai took a sip of the flavorless broth and smiled, “Minister Xue, it’s not bad to occasionally taste simple porridge and small dishes. Let’s not talk about this. Since you are here this morning, accompany me for a walk. I have some matters for you to handle.”

Old General Xue immediately responded, “I accept your command.”


After breakfast, Xue Yuan carefully helped the emperor up and walked him outside.

A carriage from the Xue Mansion was already prepared outside. Xue Yuan inspected it, frowned, and ran back into the mansion, “Your Majesty, wait for me.”

In no time, he returned with three cotton quilts, busily spreading them inside the carriage.

Gu Yuanbai stood beside the carriage, his posture straight but his waist sore and weak, his calves barely able to hold him steady.

Without Xue Yuan nearby, no one dared approach the imposing emperor. The neat robes concealed all the signs of his weakness.

Old General Xue, standing nearby, murmured in confusion, “Why would he need three quilts?”

Gu Yuanbai felt a wave of embarrassment, but fortunately, Xue Yuan soon finished arranging the quilts, got off the carriage, and took the emperor’s hand. “Your Majesty, let me help you onto the carriage.”

He was cautious, moving slowly, and frequently asking, “Am I going too fast? Do you feel comfortable? Are you thirsty? Are your feet tired?”

His voice gradually lowered, and the emperor said, “Be quiet.”

Old General Xue stood stunned for a moment before mounting his horse to follow.


The place Gu Yuanbai was headed was the residence of his Grand Tutor, Li Bao.

At Li Mansion, a zither was placed in the pavilion, where everyone sat. Warm tea was served by the maid, and Li Bao, trembling, reached out to personally pour a cup of warm tea for the emperor.

The emperor gently stopped him, “Grand Tutor, you are of advanced age. Such small tasks should not trouble you.”

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, Xue Yuan promptly stood up, quickly pouring four cups of tea.

His tea-pouring manner was clumsy, showing no understanding of the art of tea. Gu Yuanbai’s eyelids twitched, but he still smiled and accepted the tea cup, taking a sip.

No one at the table paid attention to Xue Yuan’s actions.

Li Bao was somewhat uneasy and eager. The emperor, however, leisurely chatted about the courtyard’s scenery and recited a couple of poems, “This poem has spread from Jiangnan to all corners of the country. If I remember correctly, the poet was once a disciple of one of your students.”

Li Bao replied, “Yes, that child is very talented, especially in poetry.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Grand Tutor, you have been teaching for decades, and your students are exceptional. Anyone you praise must be talented.”

“Your Majesty,” Li Bao was moved by the emperor’s words, “I am ashamed. My youngest son… Your Majesty, you have shown me such trust, and I am unworthy.”

“Grand Tutor, do not be overly modest,” the emperor smiled, “Your youngest son made a mistake in his youth. As long as he learns from it, I will not hold it against him.”

Xue Yuan, thoughtful, looked deeply at the emperor and the Grand Tutor.

Did the Grand Tutor’s youngest son offend the emperor before?

Overjoyed, Li Bao was about to kneel in gratitude, but Gu Yuanbai stopped him, drawing a letter from his sleeve with a smile, “Grand Tutor, take a look at this first.”

The letter contained a passage of “On the Battle of Caogui” punctuated with small symbols.

Seeing the first line, Li Bao noticed the tiny symbols between the characters. He looked up in surprise at the emperor, who nodded, “Continue reading.”

The scholar calmed himself and read on.

After finishing, Li Bao remained silent for a long time. Gu Yuanbai, unhurried, took a sip of tea and then asked, “Grand Tutor, what do you think of this article?”

Li Bao struggled to find words, “This…”

“These are called punctuation marks,” Gu Yuanbai explained slowly, “After reading this article, you should understand their purpose.”

Last night, after Gu Yuanbai wrote this article and showed it to Xue Yuan, even he, with his limited literacy, could grasp the general function of the punctuation marks, not to mention the renowned scholar Li Bao.

Li Bao’s mouth opened and closed several times, “Your Majesty, I—”

Gu Yuanbai shook his head, smiling, “Grand Tutor, just tell me if this is a good thing.”

Li Bao’s face twitched. After a long while, he said with difficulty, “It is a good thing.”

Gu Yuanbai took the article back, “I fear you may not have fully understood, so let me explain it once more. This curved symbol is called a ‘comma,’ used to separate short phrases within a sentence…”

Explaining one by one, Li Bao’s hand holding his cane trembled. Gu Yuanbai pretended not to notice. After finishing, he smiled at Li Bao, “We both agree this is a good thing. Since it is a good thing, I must promote it throughout the realm to benefit the people. Don’t you agree?”

Li Bao was speechless, his eyes widening.

Those who have power and wealth fear nothing more than others coming to share it.

The imperial examination was a genuine path to social mobility. Officials could not sever this path, nor could they prevent others from sharing their power. They had to find another way, using the fundamental aspects of the exam—punctuation—to block some people from ascending.

The concept of punctuation is crucial for reading; without understanding it, one cannot truly read. Disciples and schools use various types of punctuation to strengthen themselves. Scholars immerse themselves in studying punctuation to become officials and thus form factions in the court based on their schools of thought. Scholars like Li Bao, a grand master and imperial tutor, back the renowned “Shangxue” school.

The punctuation marks that the emperor is using basically infringe upon the interests of all current officials and the upper echelons of various schools.

Everyone follows this unspoken rule: how power is divided strengthens the school. I am willing to share power with you because you are one of my own. Officials no longer oppose the imperial examination because wealth ultimately returns to their hands, but in the long run, this situation only endangers the emperor.

Forming cliques and colluding are issues that persist even into modern times, whether in student classes or international relations.

Unable to respond, Li Bao drew Gu Yuanbai’s attention to Old General Xue, who asked with a smile, “Minister Xue, do you think something beneficial to the country and the people should be promoted nationwide?”

Old General Xue didn’t quite understand but still nodded firmly, “I believe it should be so!”

A bead of cold sweat trickled down the deep wrinkles on Li Bao’s aged forehead to his temples.

“Your Majesty, this is indeed a good thing,” he said hesitantly, “but I fear that talented scholars… may not accept such novelties.”

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him deeply, setting down his teacup, “You are right, Grand Tutor. In that case, let’s summon a few talented scholars and ask them personally whether they can accept it.”

“Someone,” without waiting for Li Bao to object, Gu Yuanbai ordered, “bring Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan here.”


Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan were renowned, one for his genuine talent and the other for being praised by the emperor, both famous throughout the Xixia. When they stood before Li Bao, he felt uneasy, continuously wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

The two young and handsome talents passed the letter back and forth, their expressions shifting from confusion to sudden realization, then deep contemplation.

As talents valued by Gu Yuanbai, they had clean backgrounds. When Gu Yuanbai asked their opinion on punctuation marks, Chu Wei spoke first, “For scholars across the land, it turns an impassable gulf into a broad highway.”

Unable to hold back, he added, “Such a method of distinguishing punctuation is a great boon.”

Chang Yuyan, having set down the letter, also agreed, a rare moment of concord with Chu Wei, “Your Majesty, I think so too.”

Gu Yuanbai turned to Li Bao, though smiling, his eyes seemed to conceal blades, “Grand Tutor, our esteemed scholars of Great Heng all think this is a good thing.”

Li Bao sighed dejectedly, muttering, “Your Majesty, I won’t hide it from you, this is indeed a good thing, but it cannot be used.”

“When I say it can be used, it can be used,” Gu Yuanbai declared. “With your disciples spread across the land, as long as you think it’s good, it truly is good.”

In an instant, Li Bao understood that the emperor intended to push him to the forefront.

His face turned pale, instinctively wanting to refuse, but as he reached out, he met the emperor’s eyes.

The emperor’s dark eyes gazed at him quietly.

A flash of realization struck Li Bao as he recalled the emperor’s earlier words about his youngest son.

His youngest son had intruded into the palace, a capital offense warranting execution and confiscation of property. Yet, the emperor had grandly sent the boy back, showcasing his benevolence and tolerance to the world. Did Li Bao truly think he could refuse the emperor?

Or perhaps the emperor had anticipated this very moment back then.

The more Li Bao pondered, the dizzier and more fearful he became. The emperor asked with concern, “Grand Tutor, what is the matter?”

“Nothing,” Li Bao shook his head, his face pale, lips trembling, “I am fine.”

The young talents, including Old General Xue, had been sent away by Gu Yuanbai. They conversed below the pavilion, leaving only Gu Yuanbai and Li Bao inside.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, “What are you afraid of, Grand Tutor? This is a good thing for the people and future generations. As a disciple of a sage, your achievements will be immortalized, earning you reverence.”

“Minister Li, you are a renowned scholar known across the land,” Gu Yuanbai’s voice lowered, “you study the words of Confucius and the sages, but have you lived by their teachings? You claim to be a great scholar and my tutor, but do you live up to that title?”

Li Bao, leaning on his cane, was about to kneel.

“Sit properly,” Gu Yuanbai ordered.

Li Bao had no choice but to stop.

Gu Yuanbai snorted coldly, “Scholars strive to learn but don’t understand punctuation. Do you know how difficult it is for them to learn punctuation? If punctuation marks are promoted, scholars will no longer struggle to learn it, and there will be more talents, making Great Heng better. I know what you’re afraid of, but let me tell you, if you have the people in mind, I will protect you. I can ensure your family’s prosperity for three generations. But if you use the sages’ teachings merely as a means to gain fame and fortune…”

He threatened and enticed.

Li Bao’s mind raced, but in truth, there was only one choice. In the eyes of the people, it was his family that owed the emperor, and because of the emperor’s leniency, they had survived. There was no way to refuse.

Among the court officials and various schools… Li Bao finally lowered his head, “I understand, Your Majesty. Having studied the words of the sages for most of my life, I naturally should… should use them for the people.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Good, now that’s my good Grand Tutor.”

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We need to go to each chapter in each story to manually fix the links for the theme. We are doing this in alphabetical order so if you click the button made by the website it might not work but the original one that says previous, table of context, next chapter within the chapter will work! Current novel on: Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind
I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 148

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 148

Chapter 148

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

The next morning, Gu Yuanbai quietly had breakfast in Xue Yuan's room. Hearing this, Old General Xue still felt it was disrespectful, so he went to Xue Yuan's courtyard early to request an audience with the emperor.

After a while, a servant brought Old General Xue into the courtyard. He hadn't walked far before spotting the Ferghana horse mentioned by the servants the previous day.

The horse was tied to a tree, its coat flawless. It was a good horse, but not the one Xue Yuan had bought before. The horse Xue Yuan bought had a circle of dark hair around each hoof, like black rings, strikingly majestic. Old General Xue gave the horse a second look before walking to the door.

The door creaked open, and the aroma of food wafted in. Gu Yuanbai was sitting at the table and gestured to the seat in front of him, "Minister Xue, sit."

Old General Xue respectfully stepped forward and sat down, while Xue Yuan handed his father a bowl and chopsticks. Seeing his son, Old General Xue felt both annoyed and itchy to hit him, but in the presence of the emperor, he merely put on a stern face.

Xue Yuan glanced lightly at his father, then focused entirely on the emperor, subtly supporting the emperor's waist from behind to help him sit up straight.

Gu Yuanbai felt slightly more at ease.

Breakfast should be light, but the emperor's food was excessively bland. Old General Xue tried a couple of bites but couldn't continue, worriedly saying, "The servants in the mansion are indeed negligent. How can the emperor eat such things?"

Gu Yuanbai took a sip of the flavorless broth and smiled, "Minister Xue, it's not bad to occasionally taste simple porridge and small dishes. Let's not talk about this. Since you are here this morning, accompany me for a walk. I have some matters for you to handle."

Old General Xue immediately responded, "I accept your command."


After breakfast, Xue Yuan carefully helped the emperor up and walked him outside.

A carriage from the Xue Mansion was already prepared outside. Xue Yuan inspected it, frowned, and ran back into the mansion, "Your Majesty, wait for me."

In no time, he returned with three cotton quilts, busily spreading them inside the carriage.

Gu Yuanbai stood beside the carriage, his posture straight but his waist sore and weak, his calves barely able to hold him steady.

Without Xue Yuan nearby, no one dared approach the imposing emperor. The neat robes concealed all the signs of his weakness.

Old General Xue, standing nearby, murmured in confusion, "Why would he need three quilts?"

Gu Yuanbai felt a wave of embarrassment, but fortunately, Xue Yuan soon finished arranging the quilts, got off the carriage, and took the emperor's hand. "Your Majesty, let me help you onto the carriage."

He was cautious, moving slowly, and frequently asking, "Am I going too fast? Do you feel comfortable? Are you thirsty? Are your feet tired?"

His voice gradually lowered, and the emperor said, "Be quiet."

Old General Xue stood stunned for a moment before mounting his horse to follow.


The place Gu Yuanbai was headed was the residence of his Grand Tutor, Li Bao.

At Li Mansion, a zither was placed in the pavilion, where everyone sat. Warm tea was served by the maid, and Li Bao, trembling, reached out to personally pour a cup of warm tea for the emperor.

The emperor gently stopped him, "Grand Tutor, you are of advanced age. Such small tasks should not trouble you."

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, Xue Yuan promptly stood up, quickly pouring four cups of tea.

His tea-pouring manner was clumsy, showing no understanding of the art of tea. Gu Yuanbai's eyelids twitched, but he still smiled and accepted the tea cup, taking a sip.

No one at the table paid attention to Xue Yuan's actions.

Li Bao was somewhat uneasy and eager. The emperor, however, leisurely chatted about the courtyard's scenery and recited a couple of poems, "This poem has spread from Jiangnan to all corners of the country. If I remember correctly, the poet was once a disciple of one of your students."

Li Bao replied, "Yes, that child is very talented, especially in poetry."

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Grand Tutor, you have been teaching for decades, and your students are exceptional. Anyone you praise must be talented."

"Your Majesty," Li Bao was moved by the emperor's words, "I am ashamed. My youngest son... Your Majesty, you have shown me such trust, and I am unworthy."

"Grand Tutor, do not be overly modest," the emperor smiled, "Your youngest son made a mistake in his youth. As long as he learns from it, I will not hold it against him."

Xue Yuan, thoughtful, looked deeply at the emperor and the Grand Tutor.

Did the Grand Tutor's youngest son offend the emperor before?

Overjoyed, Li Bao was about to kneel in gratitude, but Gu Yuanbai stopped him, drawing a letter from his sleeve with a smile, "Grand Tutor, take a look at this first."

The letter contained a passage of "On the Battle of Caogui" punctuated with small symbols.

Seeing the first line, Li Bao noticed the tiny symbols between the characters. He looked up in surprise at the emperor, who nodded, "Continue reading."

The scholar calmed himself and read on.

After finishing, Li Bao remained silent for a long time. Gu Yuanbai, unhurried, took a sip of tea and then asked, "Grand Tutor, what do you think of this article?"

Li Bao struggled to find words, "This..."

"These are called punctuation marks," Gu Yuanbai explained slowly, "After reading this article, you should understand their purpose."

Last night, after Gu Yuanbai wrote this article and showed it to Xue Yuan, even he, with his limited literacy, could grasp the general function of the punctuation marks, not to mention the renowned scholar Li Bao.

Li Bao's mouth opened and closed several times, "Your Majesty, I—"

Gu Yuanbai shook his head, smiling, "Grand Tutor, just tell me if this is a good thing."

Li Bao's face twitched. After a long while, he said with difficulty, "It is a good thing."

Gu Yuanbai took the article back, "I fear you may not have fully understood, so let me explain it once more. This curved symbol is called a 'comma,' used to separate short phrases within a sentence..."

Explaining one by one, Li Bao's hand holding his cane trembled. Gu Yuanbai pretended not to notice. After finishing, he smiled at Li Bao, "We both agree this is a good thing. Since it is a good thing, I must promote it throughout the realm to benefit the people. Don't you agree?"

Li Bao was speechless, his eyes widening.

Those who have power and wealth fear nothing more than others coming to share it.

The imperial examination was a genuine path to social mobility. Officials could not sever this path, nor could they prevent others from sharing their power. They had to find another way, using the fundamental aspects of the exam—punctuation—to block some people from ascending.

The concept of punctuation is crucial for reading; without understanding it, one cannot truly read. Disciples and schools use various types of punctuation to strengthen themselves. Scholars immerse themselves in studying punctuation to become officials and thus form factions in the court based on their schools of thought. Scholars like Li Bao, a grand master and imperial tutor, back the renowned "Shangxue" school.

The punctuation marks that the emperor is using basically infringe upon the interests of all current officials and the upper echelons of various schools.

Everyone follows this unspoken rule: how power is divided strengthens the school. I am willing to share power with you because you are one of my own. Officials no longer oppose the imperial examination because wealth ultimately returns to their hands, but in the long run, this situation only endangers the emperor.

Forming cliques and colluding are issues that persist even into modern times, whether in student classes or international relations.

Unable to respond, Li Bao drew Gu Yuanbai's attention to Old General Xue, who asked with a smile, "Minister Xue, do you think something beneficial to the country and the people should be promoted nationwide?"

Old General Xue didn't quite understand but still nodded firmly, "I believe it should be so!"

A bead of cold sweat trickled down the deep wrinkles on Li Bao's aged forehead to his temples.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed a good thing," he said hesitantly, "but I fear that talented scholars... may not accept such novelties."

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him deeply, setting down his teacup, "You are right, Grand Tutor. In that case, let's summon a few talented scholars and ask them personally whether they can accept it."

"Someone," without waiting for Li Bao to object, Gu Yuanbai ordered, "bring Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan here."


Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan were renowned, one for his genuine talent and the other for being praised by the emperor, both famous throughout the Xixia. When they stood before Li Bao, he felt uneasy, continuously wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

The two young and handsome talents passed the letter back and forth, their expressions shifting from confusion to sudden realization, then deep contemplation.

As talents valued by Gu Yuanbai, they had clean backgrounds. When Gu Yuanbai asked their opinion on punctuation marks, Chu Wei spoke first, "For scholars across the land, it turns an impassable gulf into a broad highway."

Unable to hold back, he added, "Such a method of distinguishing punctuation is a great boon."

Chang Yuyan, having set down the letter, also agreed, a rare moment of concord with Chu Wei, "Your Majesty, I think so too."

Gu Yuanbai turned to Li Bao, though smiling, his eyes seemed to conceal blades, "Grand Tutor, our esteemed scholars of Great Heng all think this is a good thing."

Li Bao sighed dejectedly, muttering, "Your Majesty, I won't hide it from you, this is indeed a good thing, but it cannot be used."

"When I say it can be used, it can be used," Gu Yuanbai declared. "With your disciples spread across the land, as long as you think it's good, it truly is good."

In an instant, Li Bao understood that the emperor intended to push him to the forefront.

His face turned pale, instinctively wanting to refuse, but as he reached out, he met the emperor's eyes.

The emperor's dark eyes gazed at him quietly.

A flash of realization struck Li Bao as he recalled the emperor's earlier words about his youngest son.

His youngest son had intruded into the palace, a capital offense warranting execution and confiscation of property. Yet, the emperor had grandly sent the boy back, showcasing his benevolence and tolerance to the world. Did Li Bao truly think he could refuse the emperor?

Or perhaps the emperor had anticipated this very moment back then.

The more Li Bao pondered, the dizzier and more fearful he became. The emperor asked with concern, "Grand Tutor, what is the matter?"

"Nothing," Li Bao shook his head, his face pale, lips trembling, "I am fine."

The young talents, including Old General Xue, had been sent away by Gu Yuanbai. They conversed below the pavilion, leaving only Gu Yuanbai and Li Bao inside.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, "What are you afraid of, Grand Tutor? This is a good thing for the people and future generations. As a disciple of a sage, your achievements will be immortalized, earning you reverence."

"Minister Li, you are a renowned scholar known across the land," Gu Yuanbai's voice lowered, "you study the words of Confucius and the sages, but have you lived by their teachings? You claim to be a great scholar and my tutor, but do you live up to that title?"

Li Bao, leaning on his cane, was about to kneel.

"Sit properly," Gu Yuanbai ordered.

Li Bao had no choice but to stop.

Gu Yuanbai snorted coldly, "Scholars strive to learn but don't understand punctuation. Do you know how difficult it is for them to learn punctuation? If punctuation marks are promoted, scholars will no longer struggle to learn it, and there will be more talents, making Great Heng better. I know what you're afraid of, but let me tell you, if you have the people in mind, I will protect you. I can ensure your family's prosperity for three generations. But if you use the sages' teachings merely as a means to gain fame and fortune..."

He threatened and enticed.

Li Bao's mind raced, but in truth, there was only one choice. In the eyes of the people, it was his family that owed the emperor, and because of the emperor's leniency, they had survived. There was no way to refuse.

Among the court officials and various schools... Li Bao finally lowered his head, "I understand, Your Majesty. Having studied the words of the sages for most of my life, I naturally should... should use them for the people."

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Good, now that's my good Grand Tutor."

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