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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 149

Chapter 149

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Outside the pavilion.

Old General Xue had been praising Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan for their talents, while Xue Yuan stood by, hands behind his back, watching the people in the pavilion.

Chang Yuyan suddenly asked with a smile, “Jiuyao, have you read the emperor’s article?”

Xue Yuan lazily replied, “I have.”

“This method is truly marvelous,” Chang Yuyan exclaimed in awe. “Such a small thing can serve as punctuation. If it benefits the common people, there wouldn’t be anyone who couldn’t read!”

Xue Yuan remained silent. Chang Yuyan took a few steps forward, stood beside him, and whispered, “Jiuyao, did Grand Tutor Li really come up with this method?”

Only then did Xue Yuan raise his eyelids, giving him a glance. “What are you trying to say?”

“This method is good, but it’s not well-liked,” Chang Yuyan said. “To put it bluntly, the words of the sages can be turned into different meanings with different punctuation. To put it harshly, this is just a facade to satisfy one’s private desires. My family’s teacher used the words of the sages to justify his own profit. How many times have the words of the sages been misinterpreted throughout history? Who knows what is right or wrong? Both sides have their arguments. If this method is really used, whose punctuation should be followed? Moreover, it’s not just the words of the sages; there are many wise authors in the world. If every book uses this method, wouldn’t people from different clans and factions hate it to the bone?”

Xue Yuan’s eyes flashed. “What if this really was Grand Tutor Li’s idea?”

Chang Yuyan laughed mockingly, “Then he truly is a great scholar with the world’s well-being in mind. I can’t compare. No matter how many poems I write, I can’t compare.”

“You don’t write poems for the world, but to provoke your father and clan, for fame and fortune,” Xue Yuan said. “I see all the sage’s words you read went to the dogs.”

“This is the result of a crooked foundation,” Chang Yuyan remained calm. “The teacher who taught me only paid lip service to these words, never took them to heart. The officials in the court are even worse. They just change a word, switch a punctuation method, and stand on the moral high ground, saying whatever they want. No one in the muddy water is better than anyone else. Do you think this thing will be easy to promote? Once it’s spread, it will trigger public anger.”

Xue Yuan smiled and said, “That’s why His Majesty called you and Lord Chu here.”

Chang Yuyan was taken aback.

What benefits the commoners but not the upper class must naturally use the upper class against itself. His Majesty wants to use one force against another, with the commoners and scholars only needing to cheer from the sidelines.

Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan, coming from official families and having a reputation for talent, are unwavering royalists. Xue Yuan would be disappointed if they didn’t take the lead.

Xue Yuan smiled at him, then stepped aside and grabbed a young servant from the Li residence to inquire about the young master of the Li family.

Chang Yuyan was stunned for a while before following slowly. “The young master of the Li family is named Li Huan. I know of him.”

The servant replied nervously, “Yes, this lord is correct.”

Xue Yuan released the servant and looked towards the pavilion. His Majesty had finished speaking with Li Bao. The old man, looking haggard, was helped away by his servant, with sweat soaking a circle around his collar.

Gu Yuanbai glanced down from the pavilion, meeting Xue Yuan’s gaze. He slightly curved his lips and turned to the others. “Come, sit by my side.”

A few people stepped forward. Xue Yuan, though farthest away, quickly brushed past the others, leaping up the steps to sit beside His Majesty. Lowering his voice, he asked, “Are you tired?”

Gu Yuanbai replied, “I’m fine.”

Xue Yuan thought for a moment. “Does Your Majesty know the young master of the Li family, Li Huan?”

Gu Yuanbai snorted, “A face without a brain, just a fool.”

His Majesty rarely spoke so harshly. Even when referring to Xue Lin, who had no brains, Gu Yuanbai remained elegant despite being frightened by a wolf. Xue Yuan casually changed the subject but became more concerned.

Gu Yuanbai then looked at the two young talents. “This matter of punctuation is significant and concerns the safety of the Grand Tutor. For now, do not spread it.”

Chang Yuyan and Chu Wei both nodded.

His Majesty gave a few more instructions, which the two memorized before withdrawing. As they left the pavilion, Chu Wei suddenly had a moment of clarity. He turned to look back and saw Xue Yuan’s hand on His Majesty’s back, fingers spread, strong and intimate, resting on His Majesty’s waist.

Chu Wei stared for a long time, confusion evident in his handsome features. When Chang Yuyan, puzzled, also wanted to look back, Chu Wei quickly averted his gaze and hurried forward. “Brother Chang, we should go.”

Chang Yuyan, unaware, replied, “Alright.”


Five days later, during a morning court session, after the officials had finished their discussions, His Majesty did not dismiss the court but began to speak sentimentally about the words of the sages.

“I am moved by the benevolence of Confucius,” His Majesty said. “Every word of Confucius is a masterpiece. People admire the abundance of talent in our Great Heng, practicing self-restraint and returning to propriety. The role of the sages’ words in this cannot be ignored.”

The Confucian scholars in the court showed humble expressions.

His Majesty continued, “I often lament that I cannot let everyone in the world learn the words of the sages. My Grand Tutor shares this concern. Li Bao is a great scholar of the world, having studied the principles of Confucius for decades. Though he is old, he has come up with a good method to allow all people to hear the words of the sages and let scholars learn the wisdom of the sages.”

“Someone,” His Majesty called, “bring my Grand Tutor to court.”

The officials, surprised by this unexpected scene, turned to look back, astonished.

The now white-haired imperial tutor, Li Bao, stepped into the hall.

He was old, and his body showed it. Any youthful ambitions he had were long extinguished by his weakened state. But the desire of a scholar to leave a lasting legacy, to be praised by future generations, was something even Li Bao could not escape.

To live eternally in the annals of history, to be revered by posterity.

With death and family prosperity pressing upon him, every word of His Majesty struck a chord in Li Bao’s heart.

Li Bao, leaning on a cane, trembled with each step. His gaze swept over the red palace carpet beneath his feet. The magnificent palace remained as grand and imposing as ever, with golden pillars adorned with dragons and phoenixes, and twelve emblems.

He slowly looked around at the officials.

They were all wearing their official robes and could still walk steadily. The dark official robes exuded a heavy sense of solemn authority.

These were the people the sage had tasked Li Bao to deal with.

Many of them had visited Li Bao’s residence to ask him to polish their writings. Among them were many rising talents and great scholars, representatives of various factions.

Li Bao withdrew his gaze from them and finally reached the front of the hall. He discarded his cane and knelt down shakily.

“Minister Li Bao greets His Majesty!”

“Rise,” Gu Yuanbai said. “Someone, help the Grand Tutor to his feet.”

After being assisted up by the eunuchs, Li Bao raised a thick stack of papers high. “Your Majesty, this is what I wish to present!”

A eunuch stepped forward to take it. Gu Yuanbai casually pulled out a sheet to glance at. His lips curled slightly as he looked at Li Bao with increasingly gentle eyes. He then turned to the eunuch, “Distribute these to the ministers.”

Five eunuchs swiftly handed out the papers to the ministers. Some were puzzled, others curious, but upon reading them, they were all shocked and incredulous.

Li Bao, panting heavily, explained the function of the punctuation marks under the watchful gaze of His Majesty, who occasionally nodded in agreement, showing his approval and admiration.

The papers did not contain Gu Yuanbai’s essay “On the Battle of Cao Hui,” but rather two passages from “Strategies of the Warring States” that Li Bao had punctuated himself.

The two passages, though brief, clearly demonstrated the concept.

After Li Bao finished his explanation, the hall fell into a stunned silence, as if the echoes of his words still lingered.

Someone exclaimed, “How can this be used?!”

“Why can’t it be used?” His Majesty retorted lightly. “I believe Minister Li’s method is excellent. With this method, the common people no longer need to spend excessive time and effort learning punctuation. Something that benefits the masses—isn’t this precisely what Confucius meant by ‘education for all without discrimination’?”

The questioner was rendered speechless.

Li Bao’s lips trembled. “Your Majesty is absolutely right! This method, this method… I earnestly request Your Majesty to adopt this method for punctuation, to benefit the masses!”

At this, the hall erupted in uproar.

Officials stood up, passionately arguing against His Majesty. Yet, when asked to explain why it was unacceptable, they struggled to articulate their reasons. Some lower-ranking scholars looked conflicted, but before they could step forward, some ministers who had previously discussed with His Majesty decisively stepped out.

The court was as noisy as a marketplace.

Gu Yuanbai observed the chaotic officials below, some of whom had even rolled up their sleeves, their faces flushed with anger. The courtesies taught by Confucius were completely abandoned. Look at them—these officials who spoke so righteously of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust.

They cared not for the sage’s teachings but for the fame and fortune they represented.

The world bustles about for profit; the world hustles about for gain.

Pure Confucian scholars existed, but those who survived in the political arena rarely maintained their original intentions.

His Majesty leaned on his throne and slowly stood up. A eunuch beside him called out, “Silence!”

The officials seemed to remember they were in the grand hall and fell silent, their faces turning pale.

Gu Yuanbai descended the steps, pointing at the chaotic officials, his calm voice tinged with hidden anger. “Look at you! Despite all the sage’s teachings you’ve read, look at your behavior now! How are you any different from street ruffians?”

“What do you intend to do with your sleeves rolled up? Start a brawl in my presence?” Gu Yuanbai’s expression finally broke, his anger burning in his eyes. “Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”

The officials, chastised by His Majesty, turned pale and then flushed with shame.

“Full of talk about virtue and patriotism, but I find you laughable,” Gu Yuanbai scoffed, his chest still heaving with anger. “You say this is unfeasible, then tell me where it is unfeasible. I see your objections are driven by selfish desires. When you look at these punctuation marks brought by the Grand Tutor, you don’t see the sage’s teachings or the benefit to the masses—you see only power and profit!”

The officials’ breath caught in their throats. In a panic, they knelt, the sound of their knees hitting the ground uneven and loud. Cold sweat drenched their backs as they pleaded, “We dare not!”

“Dare not?” Gu Yuanbai glared at them. “Then tell me. Minister Huang, Minister Zhou, where are the Ministers of Revenue and Justice? All of you, step forward and explain why the Grand Tutor’s method is unfeasible and unusable!”

The senior ministers remained silent.

“Speak!” Gu Yuanbai demanded.

The Minister of Revenue stepped forward first. “I find no issue with it. It is feasible and can be used.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 149

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 149

Chapter 149

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Outside the pavilion.

Old General Xue had been praising Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan for their talents, while Xue Yuan stood by, hands behind his back, watching the people in the pavilion.

Chang Yuyan suddenly asked with a smile, "Jiuyao, have you read the emperor's article?"

Xue Yuan lazily replied, "I have."

"This method is truly marvelous," Chang Yuyan exclaimed in awe. "Such a small thing can serve as punctuation. If it benefits the common people, there wouldn't be anyone who couldn't read!"

Xue Yuan remained silent. Chang Yuyan took a few steps forward, stood beside him, and whispered, "Jiuyao, did Grand Tutor Li really come up with this method?"

Only then did Xue Yuan raise his eyelids, giving him a glance. "What are you trying to say?"

"This method is good, but it's not well-liked," Chang Yuyan said. "To put it bluntly, the words of the sages can be turned into different meanings with different punctuation. To put it harshly, this is just a facade to satisfy one's private desires. My family's teacher used the words of the sages to justify his own profit. How many times have the words of the sages been misinterpreted throughout history? Who knows what is right or wrong? Both sides have their arguments. If this method is really used, whose punctuation should be followed? Moreover, it's not just the words of the sages; there are many wise authors in the world. If every book uses this method, wouldn't people from different clans and factions hate it to the bone?"

Xue Yuan's eyes flashed. "What if this really was Grand Tutor Li's idea?"

Chang Yuyan laughed mockingly, "Then he truly is a great scholar with the world's well-being in mind. I can't compare. No matter how many poems I write, I can't compare."

"You don't write poems for the world, but to provoke your father and clan, for fame and fortune," Xue Yuan said. "I see all the sage's words you read went to the dogs."

"This is the result of a crooked foundation," Chang Yuyan remained calm. "The teacher who taught me only paid lip service to these words, never took them to heart. The officials in the court are even worse. They just change a word, switch a punctuation method, and stand on the moral high ground, saying whatever they want. No one in the muddy water is better than anyone else. Do you think this thing will be easy to promote? Once it's spread, it will trigger public anger."

Xue Yuan smiled and said, "That's why His Majesty called you and Lord Chu here."

Chang Yuyan was taken aback.

What benefits the commoners but not the upper class must naturally use the upper class against itself. His Majesty wants to use one force against another, with the commoners and scholars only needing to cheer from the sidelines.

Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan, coming from official families and having a reputation for talent, are unwavering royalists. Xue Yuan would be disappointed if they didn't take the lead.

Xue Yuan smiled at him, then stepped aside and grabbed a young servant from the Li residence to inquire about the young master of the Li family.

Chang Yuyan was stunned for a while before following slowly. "The young master of the Li family is named Li Huan. I know of him."

The servant replied nervously, "Yes, this lord is correct."

Xue Yuan released the servant and looked towards the pavilion. His Majesty had finished speaking with Li Bao. The old man, looking haggard, was helped away by his servant, with sweat soaking a circle around his collar.

Gu Yuanbai glanced down from the pavilion, meeting Xue Yuan's gaze. He slightly curved his lips and turned to the others. "Come, sit by my side."

A few people stepped forward. Xue Yuan, though farthest away, quickly brushed past the others, leaping up the steps to sit beside His Majesty. Lowering his voice, he asked, "Are you tired?"

Gu Yuanbai replied, "I'm fine."

Xue Yuan thought for a moment. "Does Your Majesty know the young master of the Li family, Li Huan?"

Gu Yuanbai snorted, "A face without a brain, just a fool."

His Majesty rarely spoke so harshly. Even when referring to Xue Lin, who had no brains, Gu Yuanbai remained elegant despite being frightened by a wolf. Xue Yuan casually changed the subject but became more concerned.

Gu Yuanbai then looked at the two young talents. "This matter of punctuation is significant and concerns the safety of the Grand Tutor. For now, do not spread it."

Chang Yuyan and Chu Wei both nodded.

His Majesty gave a few more instructions, which the two memorized before withdrawing. As they left the pavilion, Chu Wei suddenly had a moment of clarity. He turned to look back and saw Xue Yuan's hand on His Majesty's back, fingers spread, strong and intimate, resting on His Majesty's waist.

Chu Wei stared for a long time, confusion evident in his handsome features. When Chang Yuyan, puzzled, also wanted to look back, Chu Wei quickly averted his gaze and hurried forward. "Brother Chang, we should go."

Chang Yuyan, unaware, replied, "Alright."


Five days later, during a morning court session, after the officials had finished their discussions, His Majesty did not dismiss the court but began to speak sentimentally about the words of the sages.

"I am moved by the benevolence of Confucius," His Majesty said. "Every word of Confucius is a masterpiece. People admire the abundance of talent in our Great Heng, practicing self-restraint and returning to propriety. The role of the sages' words in this cannot be ignored."

The Confucian scholars in the court showed humble expressions.

His Majesty continued, "I often lament that I cannot let everyone in the world learn the words of the sages. My Grand Tutor shares this concern. Li Bao is a great scholar of the world, having studied the principles of Confucius for decades. Though he is old, he has come up with a good method to allow all people to hear the words of the sages and let scholars learn the wisdom of the sages."

"Someone," His Majesty called, "bring my Grand Tutor to court."

The officials, surprised by this unexpected scene, turned to look back, astonished.

The now white-haired imperial tutor, Li Bao, stepped into the hall.

He was old, and his body showed it. Any youthful ambitions he had were long extinguished by his weakened state. But the desire of a scholar to leave a lasting legacy, to be praised by future generations, was something even Li Bao could not escape.

To live eternally in the annals of history, to be revered by posterity.

With death and family prosperity pressing upon him, every word of His Majesty struck a chord in Li Bao's heart.

Li Bao, leaning on a cane, trembled with each step. His gaze swept over the red palace carpet beneath his feet. The magnificent palace remained as grand and imposing as ever, with golden pillars adorned with dragons and phoenixes, and twelve emblems.

He slowly looked around at the officials.

They were all wearing their official robes and could still walk steadily. The dark official robes exuded a heavy sense of solemn authority.

These were the people the sage had tasked Li Bao to deal with.

Many of them had visited Li Bao's residence to ask him to polish their writings. Among them were many rising talents and great scholars, representatives of various factions.

Li Bao withdrew his gaze from them and finally reached the front of the hall. He discarded his cane and knelt down shakily.

"Minister Li Bao greets His Majesty!"

"Rise," Gu Yuanbai said. "Someone, help the Grand Tutor to his feet."

After being assisted up by the eunuchs, Li Bao raised a thick stack of papers high. "Your Majesty, this is what I wish to present!"

A eunuch stepped forward to take it. Gu Yuanbai casually pulled out a sheet to glance at. His lips curled slightly as he looked at Li Bao with increasingly gentle eyes. He then turned to the eunuch, "Distribute these to the ministers."

Five eunuchs swiftly handed out the papers to the ministers. Some were puzzled, others curious, but upon reading them, they were all shocked and incredulous.

Li Bao, panting heavily, explained the function of the punctuation marks under the watchful gaze of His Majesty, who occasionally nodded in agreement, showing his approval and admiration.

The papers did not contain Gu Yuanbai's essay "On the Battle of Cao Hui," but rather two passages from "Strategies of the Warring States" that Li Bao had punctuated himself.

The two passages, though brief, clearly demonstrated the concept.

After Li Bao finished his explanation, the hall fell into a stunned silence, as if the echoes of his words still lingered.

Someone exclaimed, "How can this be used?!"

"Why can't it be used?" His Majesty retorted lightly. "I believe Minister Li's method is excellent. With this method, the common people no longer need to spend excessive time and effort learning punctuation. Something that benefits the masses—isn't this precisely what Confucius meant by 'education for all without discrimination'?"

The questioner was rendered speechless.

Li Bao's lips trembled. "Your Majesty is absolutely right! This method, this method... I earnestly request Your Majesty to adopt this method for punctuation, to benefit the masses!"

At this, the hall erupted in uproar.

Officials stood up, passionately arguing against His Majesty. Yet, when asked to explain why it was unacceptable, they struggled to articulate their reasons. Some lower-ranking scholars looked conflicted, but before they could step forward, some ministers who had previously discussed with His Majesty decisively stepped out.

The court was as noisy as a marketplace.

Gu Yuanbai observed the chaotic officials below, some of whom had even rolled up their sleeves, their faces flushed with anger. The courtesies taught by Confucius were completely abandoned. Look at them—these officials who spoke so righteously of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust.

They cared not for the sage's teachings but for the fame and fortune they represented.

The world bustles about for profit; the world hustles about for gain.

Pure Confucian scholars existed, but those who survived in the political arena rarely maintained their original intentions.

His Majesty leaned on his throne and slowly stood up. A eunuch beside him called out, "Silence!"

The officials seemed to remember they were in the grand hall and fell silent, their faces turning pale.

Gu Yuanbai descended the steps, pointing at the chaotic officials, his calm voice tinged with hidden anger. "Look at you! Despite all the sage's teachings you've read, look at your behavior now! How are you any different from street ruffians?"

"What do you intend to do with your sleeves rolled up? Start a brawl in my presence?" Gu Yuanbai's expression finally broke, his anger burning in his eyes. "Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"

The officials, chastised by His Majesty, turned pale and then flushed with shame.

"Full of talk about virtue and patriotism, but I find you laughable," Gu Yuanbai scoffed, his chest still heaving with anger. "You say this is unfeasible, then tell me where it is unfeasible. I see your objections are driven by selfish desires. When you look at these punctuation marks brought by the Grand Tutor, you don't see the sage's teachings or the benefit to the masses—you see only power and profit!"

The officials' breath caught in their throats. In a panic, they knelt, the sound of their knees hitting the ground uneven and loud. Cold sweat drenched their backs as they pleaded, "We dare not!"

"Dare not?" Gu Yuanbai glared at them. "Then tell me. Minister Huang, Minister Zhou, where are the Ministers of Revenue and Justice? All of you, step forward and explain why the Grand Tutor's method is unfeasible and unusable!"

The senior ministers remained silent.

"Speak!" Gu Yuanbai demanded.

The Minister of Revenue stepped forward first. "I find no issue with it. It is feasible and can be used."

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