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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 160

Chapter 160

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Gu Yuanbai rode his horse, escorting the procession out of the capital.

The officials dismounted and, after bowing, advised, “Your Majesty, it’s time for you to return.”

“It’s hard to say when we’ll meet again,” Gu Yuanbai smiled, his gaze lightly sweeping over them. “Let me take one last look at you all.”

The officials of Great Heng were taken aback by his words, visibly moved. “Your Majesty…”

The younger officials couldn’t bear such words; their eyes reddened, and they struggled to maintain their composure.

Jiang Jin, an official from the Supervision Bureau, smiled and said, “Your Majesty, rest assured, we will all return safely.”

Gu Yuanbai’s eyes lingered on a few people before settling on Jiang Jin. “As the leader, you must take good care of them.”

Jiang Jin bowed deeply and replied, “Yes.”

The leaders of the overland route were Jiang Jin, Xue Yuan, and another middle-aged official. Among them, Xue Yuan held the highest rank, commanding five thousand soldiers. The other two also had their own areas of responsibility, but without exception, they all had an unbreakable loyalty to the monarch of Great Heng.

When selecting these individuals, Gu Yuanbai had considered many factors. Before departure, the three had intentionally become familiar with each other, and after a few meals together, they understood each other’s temperaments, making the journey a bit easier.

All three were pragmatic individuals. Since they all wanted to return quickly and efficiently, sharing the same goal, half the success of the journey was already assured.

Jiang Jin and Kong Yilin, leading the overland and maritime routes respectively, were both involved in this grand venture of rebuilding the Silk Road. With their meticulous minds, Gu Yuanbai had little to worry about regarding the negotiations with other countries conducted by the Honglu Temple officials.

Tian Fusheng stepped forward and quietly reminded, “Your Majesty, it’s almost time.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

The crowd bowed deeply, their emotions high. Xue Yuan, at the front, raised his head, looking at Gu Yuanbai one last time.

The other officials had already been led away by Jiang Jin, leaving the monarch and his minister a final moment to speak.

Gu Yuanbai looked down at him, the fine white fox fur on his face soft as the wind. Just one glance could stir ripples in Xue Yuan’s heart.

Before even leaving, Xue Yuan already felt nostalgic. He understood why some people wrote sentimental parting poems—not to let the other person know how much they would miss them, but to find an outlet for their emotions.

He remained silent, and so did Gu Yuanbai. Time slowly passed, and Jiang Jin’s loud reminder from behind broke the silence, “Lord Xue, it’s time to go!”

Xue Yuan was startled awake. He bowed deeply and said, “Your Majesty, it may be years before we meet again. Take care.”

Gu Yuanbai responded, “Don’t dawdle, go quickly.”

Xue Yuan rose only after bowing deeply again. He took one last look at Gu Yuanbai before turning to join the long procession. Clad in armor, his tall figure moved quickly as if a wild beast was on his heels.

With significant achievements, he could stay by Gu Yuanbai’s side even if Gu Yuanbai grew tired of him in the future.

And he would return as soon as possible.

In February, the willow branches had just sprouted new buds. The forsythia had not yet bloomed in the cold wind, and dust rose high, as thousands of horses galloped, gradually becoming small black dots.

Gu Yuanbai exhaled a breath and slowly smiled.

Parting wasn’t a big deal; Xue Yuan would eventually return. While they were both young, this was a good time to part. Gu Yuanbai could fully devote himself to state affairs, and perhaps a short period of single life might be quite pleasant. Maybe he could finalize the plan for a southern tour, to see how well the roads in Great Heng were constructed, and investigate the places where corruption was most rampant. Check on the post stations he had established and see how well the decrees had been implemented.

Gu Yuanbai turned his horse around, his fox fur cloak rising and falling with the wind.

Besides the capital and the northwest, Gu Yuanbai hadn’t seen other parts of Great Heng. Now was a good time, with his health improving and the country in harmony. It was time for the emperor’s carriage to visit all corners of the land.

The coast, salt mines, gold and iron mines south of Jinghu, the thousands of mountains and rivers—Gu Yuanbai wanted to see them all.


Three years later, in Jiangnan.

Before the Emperor’s southern tour, the court spent an entire year preparing for it. Although the country was stable and people often prayed for the Emperor’s longevity at home, there was no guarantee of safety during the tour. Apart from the increasing training of the Donglingwei, local defense forces were also on alert.

Surveying routes and famous landmarks was also crucial. This was the Emperor’s first tour since ascending the throne, and from the capital to the localities, everyone was fully prepared. Gu Yuanbai diligently handled various affairs in the first year, proposed the southern tour in the second year, but it wasn’t until the third year that the route was finalized—crossing the Yellow River, heading south along the Grand Canal, passing through Jiangnan, Liangzhe, and reaching the coastal area of Fujian.

Upon hearing of the Emperor’s arrival, officials along the route were anxious, especially the corrupt officials who had dared to act boldly in recent years. The mere mention of the Emperor terrified them. Along the way, people gathered at ports, cheering and beating drums, just to catch a glimpse of the Emperor’s ship. Finally, after a long journey, the Emperor’s carriage stopped at Longxing Prefecture in Jiangnan.

The people of Longxing Prefecture were extremely excited, gathering at the canal entrance early in the morning to welcome the Emperor. The Prefect and other officials had been waiting, with the yamen clerks neatly dressed, preparing drums, flags of Great Heng, and red silk, their faces flushed from the long wait.

The people craned their necks, standing on tiptoe, trying to see the canal, but all they could see were the heads of the crowd.

The Prefect and other officials exchanged nervous chatter until they spotted the Emperor’s boat, and then they straightened up and ordered the flags to be waved.

Onboard, Gu Yuanbai stood on the deck, amused by the crowded scene on the shore. “I never fully realized the population of Jiangnan until now. Truly the land of fish and rice, with such a vast population.”

Chu Wei, standing beside him, revealed a faint smile. He stepped forward, unfolded his folding fan, and gently fanned the Emperor. “It’s still a bit hot.”

The sea breeze came forward, and as Chu Wei fanned a cool breeze, it brought a pleasant chill from all directions. Gu Yuanbai squinted comfortably, his hair at the temples messily scattered, dancing in the golden light, making him look almost like a painting.

Chu Wei’s cheeks flushed with heat, and Gu Yuanbai, noticing his abnormality, helplessly said, “Minister Chu, your face is red again.”

Chu Wei froze in place, somewhat flustered, “It must be the scorching sun.”

Gu Yuanbai pushed the folding fan back into his hand, “Since summer began, Jiangnan is indeed cooler than the summer in the western capital, but the sun is still harsh. Minister Chu, take care of yourself.”

Tian Fusheng brought a group of people with many items. After Gu Yuanbai used a cool towel and iced tea, it was almost time to disembark.

Chu Wei had visited Jiangnan during his past travels and had seen the original lower half of the painting “A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains” by a great scholar in Jiangnan. He couldn’t help but smile, “During my travels, I passed through Jiangnan along the Grand Canal. I can be a guide for Your Majesty this time.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, wiping the sweat from his temples with a cool towel, “Alright, I’ll hold you to that. If you don’t lead the way well, I’ll have to punish you.”

Chang Yuyan, standing nearby, leaned in with a smile and asked, “Your Majesty, how would you punish him?”

As the boat was about to dock, Gu Yuanbai, seeing the masses on the shore, was inspired, “I’ll have Minister Chu paint this scene for me. I’ve already thought of a name: ‘June 27th, South to Jiangnan’.”

Chang Yuyan laughed at the name, “I thought Your Majesty would choose something like ‘Early Summer Willows’ or ‘Peaceful Jiangnan’.”

Tian Fusheng silently thought to himself that His Majesty’s naming style had never changed.

Chu Wei smiled and said, “Since Your Majesty has already named it, I will gladly accept the punishment.”

His voice was gentle, and he felt delighted.

Gu Yuanbai coughed lightly, and suddenly, the former martial arts champion Su Ning said, “I remember Lord Chang once named a poem like this. Let me think… was it ‘A Gift to a Friend: A Night Talk with Xue Jiuyou on July 21st’?”

At the mention of Xue Yuan’s name, both Chang Yuyan and Chu Wei were taken aback. Gu Yuanbai was the first to recover, slowly tucking the towel into his robe, chuckling, “Indeed.”

The boat had docked, and the Donglingwei disembarked first while the local officials came forward to greet. As the Emperor set foot on the shore, the sound of giant drums echoed through the sky. The grand welcome ceremony lasted until midday. After Gu Yuanbai had his meal and bathed, the Donglingwei had already surrounded the residence so tightly that not even a fly could get in.

Tian Fusheng knocked on the door, “Your Majesty, it’s time to check your pulse.”

Upon hearing this, the imperial physician quietly entered and checked the Emperor’s pulse. A palace maid wiped the dew from Gu Yuanbai’s hair while he casually flipped through a travel journal, “Summon Xu Ning.”

Xu Ning was a genius from the Ministry of Works, known for designing and improving crossbows and catapults that achieved significant victories on the battlefield years ago. Gu Yuanbai brought him on this southern tour not only to reward talent but also to inspect the improved waterwheel Xu Ning had developed last year.

Waterwheels were most used in Jiangnan, but in some places, they were not very effective. Xu Ning was extremely worried, losing his appetite daily.

After Xu Ning arrived, he spoke to the Emperor about the waterwheel he had just inspected with the prefect, “It’s somewhat different from the ones in the capital. I can’t figure it out yet; I need the prefect to help lift the waterwheel out of the water tomorrow.”

“Go ahead,” Gu Yuanbai said, “I trust you.”

Xu Ning was immediately motivated, and he left without delay.

A Donglingwei entered, “Your Majesty, there’s a carrier pigeon message.”

Gu Yuanbai lazily asked, “What does it say?”

“It’s a letter from Lord Jiang,” the guard replied, “When they reached Kangguo, the country was in chaos with Fuci. After discussing with the other officials, Lord Jiang decided to return. There is only the last segment of the Silk Road left on this journey.”

Gu Yuanbai was startled, quickly reaching for the note. After contemplating for a moment, he said, “They did the right thing.”

He repeatedly read the note, and when he looked up, he saw the regretful expressions of those around him. Gu Yuanbai laughed, “What’s with the faces? The Silk Road has been unused for a long time. They hadn’t even reached Kangguo, and the goods they brought were almost all sold out. On the way back, even the last bit of remnants would be gone. Although Kangguo and Fuci are small, people during wartime are unreasonable. They wouldn’t care if this group is the Great Heng’s envoy, bringing carts of gold and food. It’s practically begging to be robbed.”

He paused, glanced at the date on the letter from the Censorate, and realized it had been two months since Jiang Jin sent it.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 160

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 160

Chapter 160

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Gu Yuanbai rode his horse, escorting the procession out of the capital.

The officials dismounted and, after bowing, advised, “Your Majesty, it’s time for you to return.”

“It’s hard to say when we’ll meet again,” Gu Yuanbai smiled, his gaze lightly sweeping over them. “Let me take one last look at you all.”

The officials of Great Heng were taken aback by his words, visibly moved. “Your Majesty…”

The younger officials couldn’t bear such words; their eyes reddened, and they struggled to maintain their composure.

Jiang Jin, an official from the Supervision Bureau, smiled and said, “Your Majesty, rest assured, we will all return safely.”

Gu Yuanbai’s eyes lingered on a few people before settling on Jiang Jin. “As the leader, you must take good care of them.”

Jiang Jin bowed deeply and replied, “Yes.”

The leaders of the overland route were Jiang Jin, Xue Yuan, and another middle-aged official. Among them, Xue Yuan held the highest rank, commanding five thousand soldiers. The other two also had their own areas of responsibility, but without exception, they all had an unbreakable loyalty to the monarch of Great Heng.

When selecting these individuals, Gu Yuanbai had considered many factors. Before departure, the three had intentionally become familiar with each other, and after a few meals together, they understood each other’s temperaments, making the journey a bit easier.

All three were pragmatic individuals. Since they all wanted to return quickly and efficiently, sharing the same goal, half the success of the journey was already assured.

Jiang Jin and Kong Yilin, leading the overland and maritime routes respectively, were both involved in this grand venture of rebuilding the Silk Road. With their meticulous minds, Gu Yuanbai had little to worry about regarding the negotiations with other countries conducted by the Honglu Temple officials.

Tian Fusheng stepped forward and quietly reminded, “Your Majesty, it’s almost time.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

The crowd bowed deeply, their emotions high. Xue Yuan, at the front, raised his head, looking at Gu Yuanbai one last time.

The other officials had already been led away by Jiang Jin, leaving the monarch and his minister a final moment to speak.

Gu Yuanbai looked down at him, the fine white fox fur on his face soft as the wind. Just one glance could stir ripples in Xue Yuan’s heart.

Before even leaving, Xue Yuan already felt nostalgic. He understood why some people wrote sentimental parting poems—not to let the other person know how much they would miss them, but to find an outlet for their emotions.

He remained silent, and so did Gu Yuanbai. Time slowly passed, and Jiang Jin’s loud reminder from behind broke the silence, “Lord Xue, it’s time to go!”

Xue Yuan was startled awake. He bowed deeply and said, “Your Majesty, it may be years before we meet again. Take care.”

Gu Yuanbai responded, “Don’t dawdle, go quickly.”

Xue Yuan rose only after bowing deeply again. He took one last look at Gu Yuanbai before turning to join the long procession. Clad in armor, his tall figure moved quickly as if a wild beast was on his heels.

With significant achievements, he could stay by Gu Yuanbai’s side even if Gu Yuanbai grew tired of him in the future.

And he would return as soon as possible.

In February, the willow branches had just sprouted new buds. The forsythia had not yet bloomed in the cold wind, and dust rose high, as thousands of horses galloped, gradually becoming small black dots.

Gu Yuanbai exhaled a breath and slowly smiled.

Parting wasn’t a big deal; Xue Yuan would eventually return. While they were both young, this was a good time to part. Gu Yuanbai could fully devote himself to state affairs, and perhaps a short period of single life might be quite pleasant. Maybe he could finalize the plan for a southern tour, to see how well the roads in Great Heng were constructed, and investigate the places where corruption was most rampant. Check on the post stations he had established and see how well the decrees had been implemented.

Gu Yuanbai turned his horse around, his fox fur cloak rising and falling with the wind.

Besides the capital and the northwest, Gu Yuanbai hadn’t seen other parts of Great Heng. Now was a good time, with his health improving and the country in harmony. It was time for the emperor’s carriage to visit all corners of the land.

The coast, salt mines, gold and iron mines south of Jinghu, the thousands of mountains and rivers—Gu Yuanbai wanted to see them all.


Three years later, in Jiangnan.

Before the Emperor’s southern tour, the court spent an entire year preparing for it. Although the country was stable and people often prayed for the Emperor’s longevity at home, there was no guarantee of safety during the tour. Apart from the increasing training of the Donglingwei, local defense forces were also on alert.

Surveying routes and famous landmarks was also crucial. This was the Emperor’s first tour since ascending the throne, and from the capital to the localities, everyone was fully prepared. Gu Yuanbai diligently handled various affairs in the first year, proposed the southern tour in the second year, but it wasn’t until the third year that the route was finalized—crossing the Yellow River, heading south along the Grand Canal, passing through Jiangnan, Liangzhe, and reaching the coastal area of Fujian.

Upon hearing of the Emperor’s arrival, officials along the route were anxious, especially the corrupt officials who had dared to act boldly in recent years. The mere mention of the Emperor terrified them. Along the way, people gathered at ports, cheering and beating drums, just to catch a glimpse of the Emperor’s ship. Finally, after a long journey, the Emperor’s carriage stopped at Longxing Prefecture in Jiangnan.

The people of Longxing Prefecture were extremely excited, gathering at the canal entrance early in the morning to welcome the Emperor. The Prefect and other officials had been waiting, with the yamen clerks neatly dressed, preparing drums, flags of Great Heng, and red silk, their faces flushed from the long wait.

The people craned their necks, standing on tiptoe, trying to see the canal, but all they could see were the heads of the crowd.

The Prefect and other officials exchanged nervous chatter until they spotted the Emperor’s boat, and then they straightened up and ordered the flags to be waved.

Onboard, Gu Yuanbai stood on the deck, amused by the crowded scene on the shore. “I never fully realized the population of Jiangnan until now. Truly the land of fish and rice, with such a vast population.”

Chu Wei, standing beside him, revealed a faint smile. He stepped forward, unfolded his folding fan, and gently fanned the Emperor. “It’s still a bit hot.”

The sea breeze came forward, and as Chu Wei fanned a cool breeze, it brought a pleasant chill from all directions. Gu Yuanbai squinted comfortably, his hair at the temples messily scattered, dancing in the golden light, making him look almost like a painting.

Chu Wei's cheeks flushed with heat, and Gu Yuanbai, noticing his abnormality, helplessly said, “Minister Chu, your face is red again.”

Chu Wei froze in place, somewhat flustered, “It must be the scorching sun.”

Gu Yuanbai pushed the folding fan back into his hand, “Since summer began, Jiangnan is indeed cooler than the summer in the western capital, but the sun is still harsh. Minister Chu, take care of yourself.”

Tian Fusheng brought a group of people with many items. After Gu Yuanbai used a cool towel and iced tea, it was almost time to disembark.

Chu Wei had visited Jiangnan during his past travels and had seen the original lower half of the painting "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" by a great scholar in Jiangnan. He couldn't help but smile, “During my travels, I passed through Jiangnan along the Grand Canal. I can be a guide for Your Majesty this time.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, wiping the sweat from his temples with a cool towel, “Alright, I’ll hold you to that. If you don’t lead the way well, I’ll have to punish you.”

Chang Yuyan, standing nearby, leaned in with a smile and asked, “Your Majesty, how would you punish him?”

As the boat was about to dock, Gu Yuanbai, seeing the masses on the shore, was inspired, “I’ll have Minister Chu paint this scene for me. I’ve already thought of a name: ‘June 27th, South to Jiangnan’.”

Chang Yuyan laughed at the name, “I thought Your Majesty would choose something like ‘Early Summer Willows’ or ‘Peaceful Jiangnan’.”

Tian Fusheng silently thought to himself that His Majesty’s naming style had never changed.

Chu Wei smiled and said, “Since Your Majesty has already named it, I will gladly accept the punishment.”

His voice was gentle, and he felt delighted.

Gu Yuanbai coughed lightly, and suddenly, the former martial arts champion Su Ning said, “I remember Lord Chang once named a poem like this. Let me think… was it ‘A Gift to a Friend: A Night Talk with Xue Jiuyou on July 21st’?”

At the mention of Xue Yuan’s name, both Chang Yuyan and Chu Wei were taken aback. Gu Yuanbai was the first to recover, slowly tucking the towel into his robe, chuckling, “Indeed.”

The boat had docked, and the Donglingwei disembarked first while the local officials came forward to greet. As the Emperor set foot on the shore, the sound of giant drums echoed through the sky. The grand welcome ceremony lasted until midday. After Gu Yuanbai had his meal and bathed, the Donglingwei had already surrounded the residence so tightly that not even a fly could get in.

Tian Fusheng knocked on the door, “Your Majesty, it’s time to check your pulse.”

Upon hearing this, the imperial physician quietly entered and checked the Emperor’s pulse. A palace maid wiped the dew from Gu Yuanbai’s hair while he casually flipped through a travel journal, “Summon Xu Ning.”

Xu Ning was a genius from the Ministry of Works, known for designing and improving crossbows and catapults that achieved significant victories on the battlefield years ago. Gu Yuanbai brought him on this southern tour not only to reward talent but also to inspect the improved waterwheel Xu Ning had developed last year.

Waterwheels were most used in Jiangnan, but in some places, they were not very effective. Xu Ning was extremely worried, losing his appetite daily.

After Xu Ning arrived, he spoke to the Emperor about the waterwheel he had just inspected with the prefect, “It’s somewhat different from the ones in the capital. I can’t figure it out yet; I need the prefect to help lift the waterwheel out of the water tomorrow.”

“Go ahead,” Gu Yuanbai said, “I trust you.”

Xu Ning was immediately motivated, and he left without delay.

A Donglingwei entered, “Your Majesty, there’s a carrier pigeon message.”

Gu Yuanbai lazily asked, “What does it say?”

“It’s a letter from Lord Jiang,” the guard replied, “When they reached Kangguo, the country was in chaos with Fuci. After discussing with the other officials, Lord Jiang decided to return. There is only the last segment of the Silk Road left on this journey.”

Gu Yuanbai was startled, quickly reaching for the note. After contemplating for a moment, he said, “They did the right thing.”

He repeatedly read the note, and when he looked up, he saw the regretful expressions of those around him. Gu Yuanbai laughed, “What’s with the faces? The Silk Road has been unused for a long time. They hadn’t even reached Kangguo, and the goods they brought were almost all sold out. On the way back, even the last bit of remnants would be gone. Although Kangguo and Fuci are small, people during wartime are unreasonable. They wouldn’t care if this group is the Great Heng’s envoy, bringing carts of gold and food. It’s practically begging to be robbed.”

He paused, glanced at the date on the letter from the Censorate, and realized it had been two months since Jiang Jin sent it.

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  1. danmei_histotical_fantasy says:

    THANK YOU! Very very much for these translations!

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