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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 38

Chapter 38

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Xue Yuan had never felt like this before.

Even when applying medicine to the Emperor, he only marveled at how tender the little emperor’s skin was, like tofu. But now, seeing Gu Yuanbai showing a completely different side, so different from his usual ruthlessness, gave him a tingling sensation.

Like jade, both men, but entirely different from his own. Xue Yuan thought everyone was rugged, but it turned out they weren’t.

The Emperor was indeed a jade person, beautiful and adorable in every way.

Xue Yuan took a step back, feeling hot. With great restraint, he looked away and returned to the door, knocking, “Your Majesty, I brought you tea.”

In his mind, he kept thinking, it’s pink, it’s actually pink.

Gu Yuanbai was startled, his hand squeezing painfully for a moment. After recovering, he said hoarsely, “Leave it there.”

Xue Yuan, somewhat dazed, didn’t hear the response.

Gu Yuanbai, not hearing footsteps leaving, stopped his actions and turned his head to see a shadow outside the door. The shadow was tall, standing like a guardian deity.

Gu Yuanbai, still stuck in an awkward position, helplessly said, “Xue Yuan?”

Xue Yuan instinctively said, “It looks very nice.”

Gu Yuanbai: “?”

Gu Yuanbai asked, “What?”

Xue Yuan snapped back to reality. He looked at the wooden door, feeling as if he could see the little emperor through it. He thought he was going mad, thinking that the little emperor’s private area seemed more pleasant to handle than jade.

It must be warm too… so tender and pink, and yet a man…

He coughed heavily and said, “Your Majesty, your voice sounds off. Are you feeling unwell?”

Gu Yuanbai looked down at his hand, “…It’s nothing. You may leave.”

Xue Yuan turned and took a few steps before realizing something was wrong. Looking down, he saw he was still holding the freshly brewed tea.

He stood still for a moment, then returned to place the tea at the door before leaving quickly.

When Gu Yuanbai finished his bath, nearly an hour had passed. Wearing his inner garments, he called in the palace attendants to help him dress. By the time he was ready and his hair dried, the sun had already shifted westward.

As soon as the Emperor stepped out of the palace, Xue Yuan looked over. The Emperor’s skin, exposed from the bath, was white with a rosy tint. Xue Yuan’s scalp tingled again at the sight.

Among all the guards, his expression was the most peculiar. Gu Yuanbai glanced at him, recalling the pot of tea he left at the door, and lazily said, “Guard Xue, go fetch the tea you brought for me.”

Xue Yuan responded, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

He quickly walked into the hall and immediately found the pot of tea by the door. Picking it up, he glanced at the bath inside, the fragrance wafting out.

Xue Yuan couldn’t help but think, so pink, could it be because of the hot water?

…Xue Jiuyou, whether the little emperor is pink or not, what business is it of yours?

With a stern face, Xue Yuan carried the tea out.

Gu Yuanbai took a few sips, finally soothing his dry lips. He had just released, and surprisingly, despite its small size and tenderness, it had remarkable stamina, which gave Gu Yuanbai a bit of male pride.

In a good mood, he returned to the palace. Having finished the day’s work early, Gu Yuanbai took out a book to read. After a while, he suddenly thought, “Isn’t it about time for the spring hunt?”

Tian Fusheng softly replied, “It’s about half a month away.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled, “It’s been a long time since I went hunting at the field. The affairs have been too busy. Even I want to relax.”

Tian Fusheng couldn’t help but say, “Your Majesty, the imperial physician advised you not to overthink. How can you endure being busy all day long?”

If the Emperor were in good health, Tian Fusheng wouldn’t have said such things. But given the Emperor’s weak constitution and susceptibility to illness, being perpetually busy could be harmful.

Gu Yuanbai smiled, “Arrange for the spring hunt.”

Avoiding the topic, Tian Fusheng had no choice but to retreat and arrange for the hunt to be scheduled.

Spring and autumn hunts have traditionally followed a set procedure, so executing it wasn’t difficult. The imperial guards would depart ten days in advance to secure the mountains and eliminate any threats to the Emperor.

The spring hunt should have taken place in March, but this year it was delayed due to the imperial examinations. Now, it was already May, but with spring still in the air and the weather neither too hot nor too cold, it was perfect for hunting.

With the Emperor’s decree, the entire court mobilized to prepare.

Spring hunting is a large-scale event, with strict requirements on who can participate. Recently, court officials were tense, speaking and acting cautiously, partly due to the Censorate and Qi Wang’s issues, and partly because officials who had spoken for Qi Wang had been demoted. 

This oppressive atmosphere was detrimental to court stability.

Thus, Gu Yuanbai proposed the spring hunt to ease relations between the Emperor and his officials and to reassure them.

The move worked well. As soon as the news spread, the capital became lively, with various departments speeding up their work to make time for the hunt.

Meanwhile, Chu Wei, who had been assigned to the Censorate by the Emperor, became as busy as Kong Yilin.

Their official positions were still in the Hanlin Academy, but this new assignment was an additional duty given by the Emperor. Despite doing extra work for the same salary, they were quite content.

Gu Yuanbai appreciated their attitude. Look at these ancient officials, willing to work more without complaining about the pay. If they worked in modern times, they’d be exploited by their bosses.

One day, Chu Wei came to report to Gu Yuanbai, detailing the situation at the Censorate. He analyzed the factions within the Censorate and proposed solutions, including punishments and rewards, using official positions and ranks as balancing tools.

Even though Gu Yuanbai had already devised a plan for the Censorate, Chu Wei’s insights were impressive.

Chu Wei’s talents became evident once he found his direction, proving to be sharp and effective.

Gu Yuanbai listened with a smile and said, “Minister Chu, you have done an excellent job.”

Chu Wei smiled warmly and said calmly, “It’s my duty.”

These words were certainly untrue. Father Chu’s official position was not high, and even after completing the flood control task and being transferred by Gu Yuanbai to the position of Langzhong in the Ministry of Works’ Water Department and being granted an honorary title, he still had no ambition to rise further.

The Langzhong in the Ministry of Works’ Water Department held much more power than the Langzhong in the Ministry of Rites. Together with the Yuanwailang, they managed the nation’s rivers, lakes, and irrigation systems, directing the maintenance of ditches and the regulation of rivers and canals. With Chu Xun being so content, he naturally couldn’t provide much support for his son. For Chu Wei to have investigated so thoroughly and deeply, it was evident how much effort he had put into it.

Gu Yuanbai gently said, “Minister Chu, you’ve done very well.”

The little emperor’s soft words made Chu Wei pause. He remembered the last time the emperor had spoken to him so gently.

….it was when he had been tied to the dragon bed.

Chu Wei’s ears subtly reddened. He lowered his eyes and said, “It is my honor to ease Your Majesty’s burdens.”

A talented beauty is indeed pleasing to the eye. Particularly enamored with Chu Wei’s talents, Gu Yuanbai invited him for a walk in the Imperial Garden, showing his favor.

Chu Wei was also a master of poetry and painting. When he saw the emperor smiling brightly among the flowers, he asked, “Your Majesty, may I paint a portrait of you?”

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, “You want to paint me?”

Chu Wei nodded.

Gu Yuanbai thought for a moment. He hadn’t left any portraits of himself, so he agreed and had Tian Fusheng bring a chair. He found a spot with a background of blooming flowers and sat down leisurely.

The palace attendants brought Chu Wei painting materials. The paper was precious, and the colors were vibrant and beautiful. The attendants stood quietly on either side, watching Chu Wei paint.

The emperor’s light-colored lips curved in a smile, his eyes bright and full of spirit. His expression showed the confidence and authority of a ruler. His elegant appearance, combined with this confidence, made him look like a pristine jade, exuding a lively and attractive energy.

It was interesting—although the little emperor’s health was poor, he appeared full of life, unlike some healthy people who always seemed lifeless. The unique brightness and warmth about him resembled a blazing fire.

Chu Wei, lost in thought, picked up a fine brush, dipped it in water and light ink, and quickly sketched a rough outline.

As the sun moved west, casting a golden glow on the emperor, Chu Wei looked up at him, then down to add another stroke. His expression was serious, but Xue Yuan felt he had ulterior motives.

Every time he looked at the young emperor, Xue Yuan felt like he harbored ulterior motives. When he drew the young emperor’s brows and eyes on paper, it meant that his gaze had already caressed them.

Then, he moved on to the emperor’s expressive eyes.

Xue Yuan gripped the hilt of his sword at his waist, still wearing a cheerful expression on his face.

The household retainers had previously reported the results of their investigation into Chu Wei, concluding that there was no indication Chu Wei liked men. Xue Yuan completely dismissed their findings as nonsense. Not interested in men?

How could someone who wasn’t interested in men deliberately act so intimately with the young emperor in front of him?

He sneered, believing that Chu Wei wasn’t disinterested in men, but rather that the man he liked was the emperor himself, and thus he dared not express it.

Chu Wei’s gaze lingered on the emperor’s face before shifting away. Painting the emperor didn’t require the emperor to sit still for long periods, as that would be too tiring. Chu Wei memorized the scene and then asked Gu Yuanbai to walk around. If he needed any further details, he could look at the emperor again.

A good painting takes time, and by the end of the day, the painting was still unfinished. With the emperor’s permission, Chu Wei took the painting back home to complete it and would present it once it was finished.

As Chu Wei left the palace, Xue Yuan followed behind him.

The Chu family had a carriage waiting outside the palace gate, while Xue Yuan’s transport was a horse. As Xue Yuan rode past Chu Wei’s carriage, Chu Wei glared at him with undisguised disdain.

Xue Yuan, having already stifled his smile, thought grimly about how to teach Chu Wei a lesson.

Some people have aspirations too high for their own good, daring to desire what they shouldn’t.

Without a proper lesson, Chu Wei wouldn’t know his own limits.

Xue Yuan, with a grim expression, thought about violent retribution as he rode slowly. Passing by a jade shop, he snapped back to reality.

… Inevitably, he recalled a certain delicate thing.

He felt a sudden prickling sensation on his scalp.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 38

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 38

Chapter 38

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Xue Yuan had never felt like this before.

Even when applying medicine to the Emperor, he only marveled at how tender the little emperor's skin was, like tofu. But now, seeing Gu Yuanbai showing a completely different side, so different from his usual ruthlessness, gave him a tingling sensation.

Like jade, both men, but entirely different from his own. Xue Yuan thought everyone was rugged, but it turned out they weren't.

The Emperor was indeed a jade person, beautiful and adorable in every way.

Xue Yuan took a step back, feeling hot. With great restraint, he looked away and returned to the door, knocking, "Your Majesty, I brought you tea."

In his mind, he kept thinking, it's pink, it's actually pink.

Gu Yuanbai was startled, his hand squeezing painfully for a moment. After recovering, he said hoarsely, "Leave it there."

Xue Yuan, somewhat dazed, didn't hear the response.

Gu Yuanbai, not hearing footsteps leaving, stopped his actions and turned his head to see a shadow outside the door. The shadow was tall, standing like a guardian deity.

Gu Yuanbai, still stuck in an awkward position, helplessly said, "Xue Yuan?"

Xue Yuan instinctively said, "It looks very nice."

Gu Yuanbai: "?"

Gu Yuanbai asked, "What?"

Xue Yuan snapped back to reality. He looked at the wooden door, feeling as if he could see the little emperor through it. He thought he was going mad, thinking that the little emperor's private area seemed more pleasant to handle than jade.

It must be warm too... so tender and pink, and yet a man...

He coughed heavily and said, "Your Majesty, your voice sounds off. Are you feeling unwell?"

Gu Yuanbai looked down at his hand, "…It's nothing. You may leave."

Xue Yuan turned and took a few steps before realizing something was wrong. Looking down, he saw he was still holding the freshly brewed tea.

He stood still for a moment, then returned to place the tea at the door before leaving quickly.

When Gu Yuanbai finished his bath, nearly an hour had passed. Wearing his inner garments, he called in the palace attendants to help him dress. By the time he was ready and his hair dried, the sun had already shifted westward.

As soon as the Emperor stepped out of the palace, Xue Yuan looked over. The Emperor's skin, exposed from the bath, was white with a rosy tint. Xue Yuan's scalp tingled again at the sight.

Among all the guards, his expression was the most peculiar. Gu Yuanbai glanced at him, recalling the pot of tea he left at the door, and lazily said, "Guard Xue, go fetch the tea you brought for me."

Xue Yuan responded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

He quickly walked into the hall and immediately found the pot of tea by the door. Picking it up, he glanced at the bath inside, the fragrance wafting out.

Xue Yuan couldn't help but think, so pink, could it be because of the hot water?

…Xue Jiuyou, whether the little emperor is pink or not, what business is it of yours?

With a stern face, Xue Yuan carried the tea out.

Gu Yuanbai took a few sips, finally soothing his dry lips. He had just released, and surprisingly, despite its small size and tenderness, it had remarkable stamina, which gave Gu Yuanbai a bit of male pride.

In a good mood, he returned to the palace. Having finished the day's work early, Gu Yuanbai took out a book to read. After a while, he suddenly thought, "Isn't it about time for the spring hunt?"

Tian Fusheng softly replied, "It's about half a month away."

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "It's been a long time since I went hunting at the field. The affairs have been too busy. Even I want to relax."

Tian Fusheng couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty, the imperial physician advised you not to overthink. How can you endure being busy all day long?"

If the Emperor were in good health, Tian Fusheng wouldn't have said such things. But given the Emperor's weak constitution and susceptibility to illness, being perpetually busy could be harmful.

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Arrange for the spring hunt."

Avoiding the topic, Tian Fusheng had no choice but to retreat and arrange for the hunt to be scheduled.

Spring and autumn hunts have traditionally followed a set procedure, so executing it wasn't difficult. The imperial guards would depart ten days in advance to secure the mountains and eliminate any threats to the Emperor.

The spring hunt should have taken place in March, but this year it was delayed due to the imperial examinations. Now, it was already May, but with spring still in the air and the weather neither too hot nor too cold, it was perfect for hunting.

With the Emperor's decree, the entire court mobilized to prepare.

Spring hunting is a large-scale event, with strict requirements on who can participate. Recently, court officials were tense, speaking and acting cautiously, partly due to the Censorate and Qi Wang's issues, and partly because officials who had spoken for Qi Wang had been demoted. 

This oppressive atmosphere was detrimental to court stability.

Thus, Gu Yuanbai proposed the spring hunt to ease relations between the Emperor and his officials and to reassure them.

The move worked well. As soon as the news spread, the capital became lively, with various departments speeding up their work to make time for the hunt.

Meanwhile, Chu Wei, who had been assigned to the Censorate by the Emperor, became as busy as Kong Yilin.

Their official positions were still in the Hanlin Academy, but this new assignment was an additional duty given by the Emperor. Despite doing extra work for the same salary, they were quite content.

Gu Yuanbai appreciated their attitude. Look at these ancient officials, willing to work more without complaining about the pay. If they worked in modern times, they'd be exploited by their bosses.

One day, Chu Wei came to report to Gu Yuanbai, detailing the situation at the Censorate. He analyzed the factions within the Censorate and proposed solutions, including punishments and rewards, using official positions and ranks as balancing tools.

Even though Gu Yuanbai had already devised a plan for the Censorate, Chu Wei's insights were impressive.

Chu Wei's talents became evident once he found his direction, proving to be sharp and effective.

Gu Yuanbai listened with a smile and said, "Minister Chu, you have done an excellent job."

Chu Wei smiled warmly and said calmly, "It's my duty."

These words were certainly untrue. Father Chu's official position was not high, and even after completing the flood control task and being transferred by Gu Yuanbai to the position of Langzhong in the Ministry of Works' Water Department and being granted an honorary title, he still had no ambition to rise further.

The Langzhong in the Ministry of Works' Water Department held much more power than the Langzhong in the Ministry of Rites. Together with the Yuanwailang, they managed the nation's rivers, lakes, and irrigation systems, directing the maintenance of ditches and the regulation of rivers and canals. With Chu Xun being so content, he naturally couldn't provide much support for his son. For Chu Wei to have investigated so thoroughly and deeply, it was evident how much effort he had put into it.

Gu Yuanbai gently said, "Minister Chu, you've done very well."

The little emperor's soft words made Chu Wei pause. He remembered the last time the emperor had spoken to him so gently.

….it was when he had been tied to the dragon bed.

Chu Wei's ears subtly reddened. He lowered his eyes and said, "It is my honor to ease Your Majesty's burdens."

A talented beauty is indeed pleasing to the eye. Particularly enamored with Chu Wei's talents, Gu Yuanbai invited him for a walk in the Imperial Garden, showing his favor.

Chu Wei was also a master of poetry and painting. When he saw the emperor smiling brightly among the flowers, he asked, "Your Majesty, may I paint a portrait of you?"

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, "You want to paint me?"

Chu Wei nodded.

Gu Yuanbai thought for a moment. He hadn't left any portraits of himself, so he agreed and had Tian Fusheng bring a chair. He found a spot with a background of blooming flowers and sat down leisurely.

The palace attendants brought Chu Wei painting materials. The paper was precious, and the colors were vibrant and beautiful. The attendants stood quietly on either side, watching Chu Wei paint.

The emperor's light-colored lips curved in a smile, his eyes bright and full of spirit. His expression showed the confidence and authority of a ruler. His elegant appearance, combined with this confidence, made him look like a pristine jade, exuding a lively and attractive energy.

It was interesting—although the little emperor's health was poor, he appeared full of life, unlike some healthy people who always seemed lifeless. The unique brightness and warmth about him resembled a blazing fire.

Chu Wei, lost in thought, picked up a fine brush, dipped it in water and light ink, and quickly sketched a rough outline.

As the sun moved west, casting a golden glow on the emperor, Chu Wei looked up at him, then down to add another stroke. His expression was serious, but Xue Yuan felt he had ulterior motives.

Every time he looked at the young emperor, Xue Yuan felt like he harbored ulterior motives. When he drew the young emperor's brows and eyes on paper, it meant that his gaze had already caressed them.

Then, he moved on to the emperor's expressive eyes.

Xue Yuan gripped the hilt of his sword at his waist, still wearing a cheerful expression on his face.

The household retainers had previously reported the results of their investigation into Chu Wei, concluding that there was no indication Chu Wei liked men. Xue Yuan completely dismissed their findings as nonsense. Not interested in men?

How could someone who wasn’t interested in men deliberately act so intimately with the young emperor in front of him?

He sneered, believing that Chu Wei wasn’t disinterested in men, but rather that the man he liked was the emperor himself, and thus he dared not express it.

Chu Wei's gaze lingered on the emperor’s face before shifting away. Painting the emperor didn’t require the emperor to sit still for long periods, as that would be too tiring. Chu Wei memorized the scene and then asked Gu Yuanbai to walk around. If he needed any further details, he could look at the emperor again.

A good painting takes time, and by the end of the day, the painting was still unfinished. With the emperor's permission, Chu Wei took the painting back home to complete it and would present it once it was finished.

As Chu Wei left the palace, Xue Yuan followed behind him.

The Chu family had a carriage waiting outside the palace gate, while Xue Yuan's transport was a horse. As Xue Yuan rode past Chu Wei's carriage, Chu Wei glared at him with undisguised disdain.

Xue Yuan, having already stifled his smile, thought grimly about how to teach Chu Wei a lesson.

Some people have aspirations too high for their own good, daring to desire what they shouldn’t.

Without a proper lesson, Chu Wei wouldn’t know his own limits.

Xue Yuan, with a grim expression, thought about violent retribution as he rode slowly. Passing by a jade shop, he snapped back to reality.

... Inevitably, he recalled a certain delicate thing.

He felt a sudden prickling sensation on his scalp.

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