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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 39

Chapter 39

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The jade shop.

Since returning to the capital, Xue Yuan hadn’t entered such a shop.

His horse paced back and forth as his mind filled with thoughts of Gu Yuanbai. Fixing his gaze on the jade shop, he finally dismounted decisively.

There had been a lot of steam; maybe he had seen it wrong.

“Whether it truly is that color, he needed to see it with his own eyes again. Otherwise, the thought would remain stuck in his mind, leaving him feeling uneasy. Xue Yuan needed to find a way to get Gu Yuanbai to take off his pants in front of him.”

How could he make that happen?

Just strip him?

Pondering this, Xue Yuan stepped into the jade shop. The owner hurriedly greeted him, “What kind of jade ornament are you looking for, officer?”

Still in his guard uniform, Xue Yuan’s attire was similar to before, distinguished and handsome. He glanced around the shop but didn’t see what he wanted. Raising an eyebrow, he asked the owner, “Do you have any slender jade pieces with a pink hue?”

The owner was puzzled. “Slender and pink?”

Xue Yuan gestured, then asked, “Do you have any?”

The owner smiled awkwardly and led Xue Yuan to the inner room, bringing out a finely carved wooden box. The box looked heavy and new. Xue Yuan glanced at it, then at the owner.

The owner wiped the box clean with a cloth and placed it on a high table, opening it to reveal the contents to Xue Yuan.

Inside were slender jade pieces, varying in thickness from finger-sized to fist-sized.

Xue Yuan picked one up, feeling its cool, smooth surface, almost like a non-earthly item.

Though not pink, it met Xue Yuan’s other criteria. He asked, “What is this?”

The owner replied, “Officer, this is a yushi*.”
* a type of sex toy or phallic object made from jade

Xue Yuan pondered for a moment. “A yushi?”

Sweating profusely, the owner explained its use in detail.

The owner couldn’t help but wonder as he spoke. How did this official even think of buying something like this?

With the spring hunting days approaching, Gu Yuanbai intentionally slowed down his work and governance in the past few days. His temper softened, his decrees became more lenient, and amidst the busy bureaucracy, there was a collective sigh of relief.

When the emperor is angry, corpses litter the ground.

Some ministers and relatives who had witnessed the fate of the Deputy Censor-in-Chief and Qi Wang had been uneasy before, but now they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The ministers and relatives consciously kept their distance, and the relatives didn’t dare to accept any money. It wasn’t money; it was a death warrant.

Even more relieved were the imperial physicians of the Imperial Hospital.

Gu Yuanbai needed regular pulse checks and medicine to sustain his health. However skilled the imperial physicians were, they couldn’t match the peace of mind that came from the emperor himself being at ease.

The next day, when Xue Yuan was on duty, he saw the imperial physician taking Gu Yuanbai’s pulse in the palace.

Gu Yuanbai hadn’t gotten up yet; he lay in bed with the doors and windows closed, the room filled with the lingering smoke of incense.

After the recent tension, now that everything had suddenly relaxed, he felt exhausted all over. Gu Yuanbai squinted, unable to tell if he was asleep.

Seeing him like this, Xue Yuan’s brow furrowed, and he asked Tian Fusheng, “What’s wrong with His Majesty?”

Tian Fusheng managed to keep his composure and sighed, “His Majesty must have been exhausted in the past few days, or perhaps angered by Qi Wang. Now that the tension has eased, he’s feeling a headache since this morning.”

Xue Yuan asked, “What did the imperial physician say?”

Tian Fusheng replied with concern, “He hasn’t said anything yet.”

Suddenly, Xue Yuan had a strange thought, and his expression became odd.

Could his headache be because of what happened in the spring yesterday?

…That would be too much.

At the same time, Gu Yuanbai, with his eyes closed, also felt a bit embarrassed.

Yesterday afternoon’s bath had boosted his confidence. A man who hadn’t enjoyed himself in three years couldn’t be provoked. So last night, he had indulged himself with renewed confidence.

It felt good, but he woke up with a headache.

The imperial physician quickly diagnosed the issue. Without any palace concubines or maidservants for intimate company, the imperial physician thought carefully. He felt that directly mentioning the issue would damage the emperor’s dignity. So after careful consideration, he hinted, “Your Majesty’s body is a bit weak. Please be patient. When the times are too close together, especially before sleep, it’s hard to bear.”

Gu Yuanbai nodded faintly. “I understand, you may leave.”

The imperial physician withdrew, and Tian Fusheng approached to inquire, “Physician, when you mentioned not to be impatient, were you referring to state affairs?”

The imperial physician hesitated for a moment before vaguely confirming.

Tian Fusheng understood. He escorted the imperial physician out and returned, suggesting, “Your Majesty, I heard that there’s a new play staged at the capital’s theater. Shall we go and watch it today?”

“A new play?” Gu Yuanbai asked. “Which theater?”

“It seems to be from the Zhang Family in the west of the capital,” Tian Fusheng replied.

Gu Yuanbai became interested. He had been waiting for the Zhang Family for a long time. While they had been quiet for some time, he had thought they were waiting for the right moment or had no intention of becoming the emperor’s money bags. But now, it seemed he had been mistaken.

In fact, the Zhang Family was almost desperate.

The Zhang Family had started as merchants, and despite their wealth, they lacked connections. Just getting their disciple Zhang Hao admitted to the Chengbao Temple required hefty sums of money, along with a lot of groveling. Even then, the temple’s disciples looked down on Zhang Hao for his merchant background.

With no backing, anyone could take advantage of the Zhang Family. They had money but no power, and each official could peel a layer off them. Despite their wealth, they suffered humiliation daily. The head of the Zhang Family was fed up. They had planned to show their sincerity by courting a high-ranking official to introduce them to the emperor, hoping to undertake the emperor’s proposed commercial routes. Even if they couldn’t earn a penny, they were willing to invest.

As long as they could do something for the emperor, they would consider it enough.

But at this time, Zhang Hao, who was a lay disciple at the Chengbao Temple, brought back some great news.

The entire family was overjoyed. They made Zhang Hao repeat the emperor’s words dozens of times verbatim. Although they couldn’t guess the emperor’s intentions and weren’t sure if the emperor intended to cooperate with them, after a day of discussion, they decided resolutely that the whole family would return to the capital and must meet the emperor!

To express their sincerity, all members of the family rushed back to the capital from various provinces. Regardless of whether the emperor would see them or not, they had to be prepared.

After the whole family gathered in the capital, the Zhang Family began various means to make connections with high officials, hoping they could introduce them. But luck wasn’t on their side. They encountered an extremely tense period in the court. Since the emperor reorganized the Imperial Censorate and launched an anti-corruption campaign, every minister was on edge, speaking cautiously and avoiding any trouble. Not only did they not introduce the Zhang Family, they didn’t dare to accept gifts.

The Zhang Family returned empty-handed. Blocked at every turn, they could only worry and develop their business in the capital. Desperate, they finally staged a play, hoping to win over one or two powerful figures, which might give them a chance to meet the emperor.

“They have really risen in this theater troupe,” Tian Fusheng said. “Your Majesty, are you in the mood?”

Gu Yuanbai sat up. “Announce that we’ll go to the palace theater.”

Tian Fusheng was delighted. “Yes!”

The breeze rustled as Gu Yuanbai sat in the shade, watching the theater across from him.

Fresh, tender fruits were placed beside him, and the fragrance of tea wafted gently. Gu Yuanbai was lured into a drowsy state, half-squinting as he watched the play across from him.

A play meant for the emperor surely had to showcase the best talents, and indeed, everyone on stage was spirited, their performances impeccable. Needing no further explanation, they were all masters. Even though Gu Yuanbai was someone indulged in various forms of entertainment, he knew that a well-acted, well-sung performance could bring genuine enjoyment.

When Gu Yuanbai was watching attentively, he suddenly felt a chill behind him. He turned around and saw Xue Yuan staring at his back, so Gu Yuanbai asked, “What is Douyu Marquis thinking?”

“Peeling—,” Xue Yuan snapped out of his trance, smiling like a gentleman, “I’m thinking about how to peel lychees for Your Majesty.”

After a night of careful contemplation, Xue Yuan still couldn’t believe that someone as ruthless as Gu Yuanbai could be so cute. To confirm his thoughts, he had been thinking about how to peel off the emperor’s pants to verify.

If it were anyone else, Xue Yuan would have already acted on his thoughts. But the little emperor couldn’t handle it. He even choked on the fragrance. He was too weak. If Xue Yuan forcefully peeled, Gu Yuanbai would probably get angry again.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

No way to use force, how about deception?

Acting obedient again?

Gu Yuanbai motioned for him to come closer and pushed a plate of bright red lychees towards Xue Yuan. Just as Xue Yuan was about to reach out, Gu Yuanbai asked, “Are your hands clean?”

Xue Yuan turned his hand over to face Gu Yuanbai and said, “Your Majesty, take a look.”

His palm was covered in calluses and small wounds, rough and powerful, with deep and powerful palm lines, large joints, and slender fingers, exuding a very masculine and reassuring aura. Gu Yuanbai still remembered how it felt when those hands touched him, like rubbing against a rock.

But these hands had killed countless people and held many heads.

Gu Yuanbai said, “Douyu Marquis’s hands are clean, but I still remember how you carried the head yesterday.”

Peeling lychees, Xue Yuan casually said, “Your Majesty, that head was not cheap.”

Gu Yuanbai replied directly, “I remember that the gifts I gave you weren’t cheap either.”

Xue Yuan couldn’t help but laugh.

As the play continued on stage, the translucent lychees on the plate were peeled one by one. Gu Yuanbai tasted one, and its sweet deliciousness filled his mouth.

Eating lychees and thinking about sugar-coated tomatoes.


After the actors finished another scene, Tian Fusheng asked if the emperor wanted to continue watching. Gu Yuanbai nodded indifferently, and the actors continued their performance.

After a while, a palace servant approached with a bunch of emerald green jade coral and whispered, “Your Majesty, this is a gift from the theater.”

The jade coral was green and translucent, exuding a deep and mysterious glow. Gu Yuanbai touched it and asked, “Where is the person who sent this jade?”

The palace servant stepped back and brought the person forward.

Following behind was a middle-aged man, excited but restrained. He bowed deeply in front of Gu Yuanbai and said, “This humble subject pays respects to Your Majesty!”

This person was from the Zhang Family in the west of the capital. Gu Yuanbai asked, “Is this jade a gift from your family?”

The man from the Zhang Family nervously replied, “This humble subject’s family happened to come across such beautiful jade by chance while traveling by the sea. This coral is not carved but naturally grown. Such things can only be presented to Your Majesty to demonstrate their extraordinariness.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, “You are from the Zhang Family in the west?”

The man from the Zhang Family sweated nervously, and his sweat soaked through his clothes. “This humble subject is.”

Gu Yuanbai toyed with the jade coral and said, “It’s a coincidence; I happen to want to talk to you about business.”

Gu Yuanbai knew that cooperation without benefits wouldn’t last long. Since he proposed cooperation, he would naturally make the Zhang Family profitable.

The business he wanted the Zhang Family to do was to build a trade route with the nomadic tribes on the border.

Sell them grain, tea, cloth, and salt from Great Heng at a high price, and buy their horses, cattle, and sheep at a low price.

This trade route would be monopolized by Gu Yuanbai and secured by him. The fine horses bought would be sent to the army to train light and heavy cavalry. The inferior horses and livestock would be sold at a high price inland. Half of the cattle and sheep would also be sent to the army to provide meat for the soldiers.

Gu Yuanbai remembered that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. To maintain a strong military force, a lot of money had to be spent on food.

But they couldn’t go without. The military was the foundation that made an emperor feared. When an emperor didn’t have the ability to command the military, he wasn’t truly an emperor to be feared.

“As long as the Zhang family establishes this trade route, the military will save a substantial amount of money, and the court will profit greatly from the high-priced sale of cattle, sheep, and inferior horses.

With this influx of funds, the court can undertake many projects, the first being road repairs and construction.

The Zhang family, of course, did not intend to claim a share of these profits from the emperor. They originally planned to spend their own money to accomplish the tasks ordered by the emperor, and now that they know they don’t have to, they are already very satisfied.

However, Gu Yuanbai said, ‘I will take eighty percent, and you will take twenty percent.'”

The Zhang Family declined several times but finally accepted under Gu Yuanbai’s insistence. Seeing their anxious expressions, Gu Yuanbai noticed their unease and comforted them, “You are also my subjects. The laws of Great Heng include laws against corruption. I should lead by example and not break the law. You have worked so hard; I cannot let you work for nothing.”

The ruler of the world was unwilling to take advantage of his subjects. Such warm and caring words were heartwarming, but those corrupt officials were arrogant and domineering.

The eyes of the man from the Zhang Family turned red instantly. After bowing to Gu Yuanbai one last time, he was taken away.

Shortly after, the Chief Censor and Chu Wei hurriedly arrived.

The Chief Censor discussed matters concerning the Imperial Censorate with Gu Yuanbai. Behind the Chief Censor, Chu Wei held a rolled-up painting in his hands, waiting calmly.

Seeing that the emperor was only talking to someone, Xue Yuan noticed that the lychees on the plate were losing their freshness, so he picked up a plump lychee and brought it to Gu Yuanbai’s lips.

Gu Yuanbai instinctively ate it, and his warm lips brushed against Xue Yuan’s fingertips.

Chu Wei watched this scene from the side, his previously calm face changing slightly.

Xue Yuan glanced at the little emperor’s lips, casually stretched out his hand, placed it under Gu Yuanbai’s lips, and caught the black lychee seed spat out by Gu Yuanbai, all without changing his expression.

He didn’t mind the filth and, after wiping his hands, fed the little emperor a lychee.

Gu Yuanbai was fully engrossed in his conversation with the Censor-in-Chief. After finishing, savoring the sweet taste in his mouth, he rewarded the Censor-in-Chief with a plate of lychees.

The old minister had been truly exhausted lately, taking on such a troublesome task before his retirement. Gu Yuanbai reassured him, “Having you in the Censorate is a great fortune for me.”

The Censor-in-Chief replied with a smile, “If Your Majesty says so, I will make sure to handle this matter well, no matter how tiring it is.”

Gu Yuanbai patted the Censor-in-Chief’s hand and exchanged a few kind words with him.

After the Censor-in-Chief left, Chu Wei, who had been quietly waiting in the background, stepped forward and presented a painting with both hands, saying, “Your Majesty, I have completed the painting.”

Tian Fusheng stepped forward to take and unfold it, revealing a portrait of Gu Yuanbai. 

The figure in the painting had expressive features, exuding a calm and confident aura, harmonizing with the flowers in the background. It’s often said that a person appears in a painting as they do in others’ eyes; Gu Yuanbai nodded in satisfaction, feeling that he looked quite regal in Chu Wei’s mind.

Seeing the emperor’s expression, Chu Wei knew His Majesty was pleased and felt a surge of relief. He couldn’t help but find it amusing—since when had he felt anxious about his painting skills?

“The eyes are truly lifelike,” Gu Yuanbai praised, running his hand over the painting. “Official Chu, your painting skills are exceptional.”

Chu Wei smiled slightly and raised his hand to point out a hidden detail in the painting, but unexpectedly, the emperor raised his hand at the same moment, and their fingertips brushed lightly in midair, causing both of them to freeze.

Both hands were beautifully sculpted, like jade carvings—one slightly larger and more slender, the other more delicate from a life of ease. Together, they looked as exquisite as a painting.

Gu Yuanbai was the first to withdraw his hand and glanced at Chu Wei’s legitimate brother. Unexpectedly, Xue Yuan stood there with dark eyes, expressionless, staring at Chu Wei.

Chu Wei’s fingers twitched slightly before he retracted his hand into his sleeve. He lowered his eyes to the painting and continued in a calm tone, “Your Majesty, there is another hidden detail here, right here…”

A lychee was brought to his mouth, and Gu Yuanbai instinctively ate it. When he was about to spit out the pit, two hands appeared before him.

Chu Wei rolled up his sleeve and, with equal reverence, raised his hand to receive it, just like Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan’s smile grew more sinister.

Gu Yuanbai hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and spat the pit into Xue Yuan’s hand.

After all, Chu Wei was as gentle as a breeze, with an outstanding appearance and his subject. Unlike the rough and coarse Xue Yuan, how could he spit it into Chu Wei’s hand?

Wouldn’t that be an insult?

Seeing this, Chu Wei silently withdrew his hand. The play in front continued, and Gu Yuanbai had the painting put away and invited Chu Wei to watch alongside him.

When noon came and he felt a bit tired, Gu Yuanbai waved to end the session and returned to his bedchamber to rest.

Later that day.

Chu Wei left the Hanlin Academy surrounded by colleagues finishing their shifts. After boarding his carriage, Chu Wei said, “To Ancheng Academy.”

The carriage stopped in front of Ancheng Academy. As Chu Wei stepped out and approached the entrance, someone suddenly covered his mouth and nose from behind, dragging him into a nearby alley.

Chu Wei struggled free, his gaze icy. In the shadows stood several tall figures, silently clenching their fists before charging at him.

Chu Wei dodged the first blow, but the next hit struck his abdomen. The dull sounds of the beating echoed in the alley, and Chu Wei grunted in pain but refused to call for help.

He practiced martial arts regularly, so he could tell that these were skilled fighters deliberately causing trouble!

Their punches avoided his face, leaving no visible injuries, but the pain was nearly unbearable. Only when he tasted blood in his throat did Chu Wei hear a noise at the alley’s entrance.

Barely turning his head, he saw Xue Yuan on horseback, trotting slowly past the alley entrance.

Seemingly noticing the commotion, Xue Yuan casually glanced over, locking eyes with Chu Wei without any reaction, his face expressionless.

Chu Wei swallowed the blood in his mouth, his gaze darkening.

It was him.

Xue Yuan.

Chu Wei returned home with a cold expression. Though he looked fine, his body was covered in hidden bruises. He concealed his injuries, not alerting anyone. The next day, when he reported to duty, he returned to the Hanlin Academy and was assigned to record the emperor’s words and actions.

Accompanying him was Chang Yuyan. It was Chang Yuyan’s first time being selected to attend the emperor, and his face was beaming with joy. As they walked together, Chu Wei suddenly asked, “Lord Chang, you seem quite familiar with the Commander of the Imperial Guards?”

Chang Yuyan’s smile faded slightly, and he nodded, asking in return, “Why does Lord Chu ask?”

Chu Wei’s tone was icy, “I heard Lord Xue only returned to the capital this year, having been stationed at the border for years. Such a person must be quite remarkable, no?”

Chang Yuyan smiled faintly, “I do not know everything about Jiuyao.”

Chu Wei’s lips curled into a cold smile, and he said no more.

When they entered the hall, Chu Wei saw Xue Yuan standing to the side. His gaze darkened as he lowered his head and greeted the emperor alongside Chang Yuyan.

Half an hour later, as Chu Wei stepped forward to record the book titles read by the emperor, his wide sleeve caught the edge of the table. Frowning, Chu Wei lifted his hand to free it, revealing dark bruises on his arm.

The emperor looked up from his book and frowned, “Official Chu, what happened to you?”

Chu Wei responded calmly, “Yesterday, as I got off the carriage in front of the academy, intending to buy some writing supplies, I was dragged into an alley and beaten by unknown assailants.”

The emperor’s frown deepened, “Did they steal anything?”

Chu Wei replied, “No.”

The emperor’s voice grew cold, “Then it was a blatant act of thuggery in the capital.”

Chu Wei looked up and met Xue Yuan’s eyes across the hall. Xue Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, and he even had the leisure to smirk mockingly at Chu Wei.

Chu Wei’s heart sank as he lowered his eyes and said, “That’s exactly right.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 39

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 39

Chapter 39

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The jade shop.

Since returning to the capital, Xue Yuan hadn't entered such a shop.

His horse paced back and forth as his mind filled with thoughts of Gu Yuanbai. Fixing his gaze on the jade shop, he finally dismounted decisively.

There had been a lot of steam; maybe he had seen it wrong.

"Whether it truly is that color, he needed to see it with his own eyes again. Otherwise, the thought would remain stuck in his mind, leaving him feeling uneasy. Xue Yuan needed to find a way to get Gu Yuanbai to take off his pants in front of him."

How could he make that happen?

Just strip him?

Pondering this, Xue Yuan stepped into the jade shop. The owner hurriedly greeted him, "What kind of jade ornament are you looking for, officer?"

Still in his guard uniform, Xue Yuan's attire was similar to before, distinguished and handsome. He glanced around the shop but didn't see what he wanted. Raising an eyebrow, he asked the owner, "Do you have any slender jade pieces with a pink hue?"

The owner was puzzled. "Slender and pink?"

Xue Yuan gestured, then asked, "Do you have any?"

The owner smiled awkwardly and led Xue Yuan to the inner room, bringing out a finely carved wooden box. The box looked heavy and new. Xue Yuan glanced at it, then at the owner.

The owner wiped the box clean with a cloth and placed it on a high table, opening it to reveal the contents to Xue Yuan.

Inside were slender jade pieces, varying in thickness from finger-sized to fist-sized.

Xue Yuan picked one up, feeling its cool, smooth surface, almost like a non-earthly item.

Though not pink, it met Xue Yuan's other criteria. He asked, "What is this?"

The owner replied, "Officer, this is a yushi*."
* a type of sex toy or phallic object made from jade

Xue Yuan pondered for a moment. "A yushi?"

Sweating profusely, the owner explained its use in detail.

The owner couldn't help but wonder as he spoke. How did this official even think of buying something like this?

With the spring hunting days approaching, Gu Yuanbai intentionally slowed down his work and governance in the past few days. His temper softened, his decrees became more lenient, and amidst the busy bureaucracy, there was a collective sigh of relief.

When the emperor is angry, corpses litter the ground.

Some ministers and relatives who had witnessed the fate of the Deputy Censor-in-Chief and Qi Wang had been uneasy before, but now they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The ministers and relatives consciously kept their distance, and the relatives didn't dare to accept any money. It wasn't money; it was a death warrant.

Even more relieved were the imperial physicians of the Imperial Hospital.

Gu Yuanbai needed regular pulse checks and medicine to sustain his health. However skilled the imperial physicians were, they couldn't match the peace of mind that came from the emperor himself being at ease.

The next day, when Xue Yuan was on duty, he saw the imperial physician taking Gu Yuanbai's pulse in the palace.

Gu Yuanbai hadn't gotten up yet; he lay in bed with the doors and windows closed, the room filled with the lingering smoke of incense.

After the recent tension, now that everything had suddenly relaxed, he felt exhausted all over. Gu Yuanbai squinted, unable to tell if he was asleep.

Seeing him like this, Xue Yuan's brow furrowed, and he asked Tian Fusheng, "What's wrong with His Majesty?"

Tian Fusheng managed to keep his composure and sighed, "His Majesty must have been exhausted in the past few days, or perhaps angered by Qi Wang. Now that the tension has eased, he's feeling a headache since this morning."

Xue Yuan asked, "What did the imperial physician say?"

Tian Fusheng replied with concern, "He hasn't said anything yet."

Suddenly, Xue Yuan had a strange thought, and his expression became odd.

Could his headache be because of what happened in the spring yesterday?

...That would be too much.

At the same time, Gu Yuanbai, with his eyes closed, also felt a bit embarrassed.

Yesterday afternoon's bath had boosted his confidence. A man who hadn't enjoyed himself in three years couldn't be provoked. So last night, he had indulged himself with renewed confidence.

It felt good, but he woke up with a headache.

The imperial physician quickly diagnosed the issue. Without any palace concubines or maidservants for intimate company, the imperial physician thought carefully. He felt that directly mentioning the issue would damage the emperor's dignity. So after careful consideration, he hinted, "Your Majesty's body is a bit weak. Please be patient. When the times are too close together, especially before sleep, it's hard to bear."

Gu Yuanbai nodded faintly. "I understand, you may leave."

The imperial physician withdrew, and Tian Fusheng approached to inquire, "Physician, when you mentioned not to be impatient, were you referring to state affairs?"

The imperial physician hesitated for a moment before vaguely confirming.

Tian Fusheng understood. He escorted the imperial physician out and returned, suggesting, "Your Majesty, I heard that there's a new play staged at the capital's theater. Shall we go and watch it today?"

"A new play?" Gu Yuanbai asked. "Which theater?"

"It seems to be from the Zhang Family in the west of the capital," Tian Fusheng replied.

Gu Yuanbai became interested. He had been waiting for the Zhang Family for a long time. While they had been quiet for some time, he had thought they were waiting for the right moment or had no intention of becoming the emperor's money bags. But now, it seemed he had been mistaken.

In fact, the Zhang Family was almost desperate.

The Zhang Family had started as merchants, and despite their wealth, they lacked connections. Just getting their disciple Zhang Hao admitted to the Chengbao Temple required hefty sums of money, along with a lot of groveling. Even then, the temple's disciples looked down on Zhang Hao for his merchant background.

With no backing, anyone could take advantage of the Zhang Family. They had money but no power, and each official could peel a layer off them. Despite their wealth, they suffered humiliation daily. The head of the Zhang Family was fed up. They had planned to show their sincerity by courting a high-ranking official to introduce them to the emperor, hoping to undertake the emperor's proposed commercial routes. Even if they couldn't earn a penny, they were willing to invest.

As long as they could do something for the emperor, they would consider it enough.

But at this time, Zhang Hao, who was a lay disciple at the Chengbao Temple, brought back some great news.

The entire family was overjoyed. They made Zhang Hao repeat the emperor's words dozens of times verbatim. Although they couldn't guess the emperor's intentions and weren't sure if the emperor intended to cooperate with them, after a day of discussion, they decided resolutely that the whole family would return to the capital and must meet the emperor!

To express their sincerity, all members of the family rushed back to the capital from various provinces. Regardless of whether the emperor would see them or not, they had to be prepared.

After the whole family gathered in the capital, the Zhang Family began various means to make connections with high officials, hoping they could introduce them. But luck wasn't on their side. They encountered an extremely tense period in the court. Since the emperor reorganized the Imperial Censorate and launched an anti-corruption campaign, every minister was on edge, speaking cautiously and avoiding any trouble. Not only did they not introduce the Zhang Family, they didn't dare to accept gifts.

The Zhang Family returned empty-handed. Blocked at every turn, they could only worry and develop their business in the capital. Desperate, they finally staged a play, hoping to win over one or two powerful figures, which might give them a chance to meet the emperor.

"They have really risen in this theater troupe," Tian Fusheng said. "Your Majesty, are you in the mood?"

Gu Yuanbai sat up. "Announce that we'll go to the palace theater."

Tian Fusheng was delighted. "Yes!"

The breeze rustled as Gu Yuanbai sat in the shade, watching the theater across from him.

Fresh, tender fruits were placed beside him, and the fragrance of tea wafted gently. Gu Yuanbai was lured into a drowsy state, half-squinting as he watched the play across from him.

A play meant for the emperor surely had to showcase the best talents, and indeed, everyone on stage was spirited, their performances impeccable. Needing no further explanation, they were all masters. Even though Gu Yuanbai was someone indulged in various forms of entertainment, he knew that a well-acted, well-sung performance could bring genuine enjoyment.

When Gu Yuanbai was watching attentively, he suddenly felt a chill behind him. He turned around and saw Xue Yuan staring at his back, so Gu Yuanbai asked, "What is Douyu Marquis thinking?"

"Peeling—," Xue Yuan snapped out of his trance, smiling like a gentleman, "I'm thinking about how to peel lychees for Your Majesty."

After a night of careful contemplation, Xue Yuan still couldn't believe that someone as ruthless as Gu Yuanbai could be so cute. To confirm his thoughts, he had been thinking about how to peel off the emperor's pants to verify.

If it were anyone else, Xue Yuan would have already acted on his thoughts. But the little emperor couldn't handle it. He even choked on the fragrance. He was too weak. If Xue Yuan forcefully peeled, Gu Yuanbai would probably get angry again.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

No way to use force, how about deception?

Acting obedient again?

Gu Yuanbai motioned for him to come closer and pushed a plate of bright red lychees towards Xue Yuan. Just as Xue Yuan was about to reach out, Gu Yuanbai asked, "Are your hands clean?"

Xue Yuan turned his hand over to face Gu Yuanbai and said, "Your Majesty, take a look."

His palm was covered in calluses and small wounds, rough and powerful, with deep and powerful palm lines, large joints, and slender fingers, exuding a very masculine and reassuring aura. Gu Yuanbai still remembered how it felt when those hands touched him, like rubbing against a rock.

But these hands had killed countless people and held many heads.

Gu Yuanbai said, "Douyu Marquis's hands are clean, but I still remember how you carried the head yesterday."

Peeling lychees, Xue Yuan casually said, "Your Majesty, that head was not cheap."

Gu Yuanbai replied directly, "I remember that the gifts I gave you weren't cheap either."

Xue Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

As the play continued on stage, the translucent lychees on the plate were peeled one by one. Gu Yuanbai tasted one, and its sweet deliciousness filled his mouth.

Eating lychees and thinking about sugar-coated tomatoes.


After the actors finished another scene, Tian Fusheng asked if the emperor wanted to continue watching. Gu Yuanbai nodded indifferently, and the actors continued their performance.

After a while, a palace servant approached with a bunch of emerald green jade coral and whispered, "Your Majesty, this is a gift from the theater."

The jade coral was green and translucent, exuding a deep and mysterious glow. Gu Yuanbai touched it and asked, "Where is the person who sent this jade?"

The palace servant stepped back and brought the person forward.

Following behind was a middle-aged man, excited but restrained. He bowed deeply in front of Gu Yuanbai and said, "This humble subject pays respects to Your Majesty!"

This person was from the Zhang Family in the west of the capital. Gu Yuanbai asked, "Is this jade a gift from your family?"

The man from the Zhang Family nervously replied, "This humble subject's family happened to come across such beautiful jade by chance while traveling by the sea. This coral is not carved but naturally grown. Such things can only be presented to Your Majesty to demonstrate their extraordinariness."

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, "You are from the Zhang Family in the west?"

The man from the Zhang Family sweated nervously, and his sweat soaked through his clothes. "This humble subject is."

Gu Yuanbai toyed with the jade coral and said, "It's a coincidence; I happen to want to talk to you about business."

Gu Yuanbai knew that cooperation without benefits wouldn't last long. Since he proposed cooperation, he would naturally make the Zhang Family profitable.

The business he wanted the Zhang Family to do was to build a trade route with the nomadic tribes on the border.

Sell them grain, tea, cloth, and salt from Great Heng at a high price, and buy their horses, cattle, and sheep at a low price.

This trade route would be monopolized by Gu Yuanbai and secured by him. The fine horses bought would be sent to the army to train light and heavy cavalry. The inferior horses and livestock would be sold at a high price inland. Half of the cattle and sheep would also be sent to the army to provide meat for the soldiers.

Gu Yuanbai remembered that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. To maintain a strong military force, a lot of money had to be spent on food.

But they couldn't go without. The military was the foundation that made an emperor feared. When an emperor didn't have the ability to command the military, he wasn't truly an emperor to be feared.

"As long as the Zhang family establishes this trade route, the military will save a substantial amount of money, and the court will profit greatly from the high-priced sale of cattle, sheep, and inferior horses.

With this influx of funds, the court can undertake many projects, the first being road repairs and construction.

The Zhang family, of course, did not intend to claim a share of these profits from the emperor. They originally planned to spend their own money to accomplish the tasks ordered by the emperor, and now that they know they don't have to, they are already very satisfied.

However, Gu Yuanbai said, 'I will take eighty percent, and you will take twenty percent.'"

The Zhang Family declined several times but finally accepted under Gu Yuanbai's insistence. Seeing their anxious expressions, Gu Yuanbai noticed their unease and comforted them, "You are also my subjects. The laws of Great Heng include laws against corruption. I should lead by example and not break the law. You have worked so hard; I cannot let you work for nothing."

The ruler of the world was unwilling to take advantage of his subjects. Such warm and caring words were heartwarming, but those corrupt officials were arrogant and domineering.

The eyes of the man from the Zhang Family turned red instantly. After bowing to Gu Yuanbai one last time, he was taken away.

Shortly after, the Chief Censor and Chu Wei hurriedly arrived.

The Chief Censor discussed matters concerning the Imperial Censorate with Gu Yuanbai. Behind the Chief Censor, Chu Wei held a rolled-up painting in his hands, waiting calmly.

Seeing that the emperor was only talking to someone, Xue Yuan noticed that the lychees on the plate were losing their freshness, so he picked up a plump lychee and brought it to Gu Yuanbai's lips.

Gu Yuanbai instinctively ate it, and his warm lips brushed against Xue Yuan's fingertips.

Chu Wei watched this scene from the side, his previously calm face changing slightly.

Xue Yuan glanced at the little emperor's lips, casually stretched out his hand, placed it under Gu Yuanbai's lips, and caught the black lychee seed spat out by Gu Yuanbai, all without changing his expression.

He didn't mind the filth and, after wiping his hands, fed the little emperor a lychee.

Gu Yuanbai was fully engrossed in his conversation with the Censor-in-Chief. After finishing, savoring the sweet taste in his mouth, he rewarded the Censor-in-Chief with a plate of lychees.

The old minister had been truly exhausted lately, taking on such a troublesome task before his retirement. Gu Yuanbai reassured him, "Having you in the Censorate is a great fortune for me."

The Censor-in-Chief replied with a smile, "If Your Majesty says so, I will make sure to handle this matter well, no matter how tiring it is."

Gu Yuanbai patted the Censor-in-Chief's hand and exchanged a few kind words with him.

After the Censor-in-Chief left, Chu Wei, who had been quietly waiting in the background, stepped forward and presented a painting with both hands, saying, "Your Majesty, I have completed the painting."

Tian Fusheng stepped forward to take and unfold it, revealing a portrait of Gu Yuanbai. 

The figure in the painting had expressive features, exuding a calm and confident aura, harmonizing with the flowers in the background. It's often said that a person appears in a painting as they do in others' eyes; Gu Yuanbai nodded in satisfaction, feeling that he looked quite regal in Chu Wei's mind.

Seeing the emperor's expression, Chu Wei knew His Majesty was pleased and felt a surge of relief. He couldn't help but find it amusing—since when had he felt anxious about his painting skills?

"The eyes are truly lifelike," Gu Yuanbai praised, running his hand over the painting. "Official Chu, your painting skills are exceptional."

Chu Wei smiled slightly and raised his hand to point out a hidden detail in the painting, but unexpectedly, the emperor raised his hand at the same moment, and their fingertips brushed lightly in midair, causing both of them to freeze.

Both hands were beautifully sculpted, like jade carvings—one slightly larger and more slender, the other more delicate from a life of ease. Together, they looked as exquisite as a painting.

Gu Yuanbai was the first to withdraw his hand and glanced at Chu Wei's legitimate brother. Unexpectedly, Xue Yuan stood there with dark eyes, expressionless, staring at Chu Wei.

Chu Wei's fingers twitched slightly before he retracted his hand into his sleeve. He lowered his eyes to the painting and continued in a calm tone, "Your Majesty, there is another hidden detail here, right here..."

A lychee was brought to his mouth, and Gu Yuanbai instinctively ate it. When he was about to spit out the pit, two hands appeared before him.

Chu Wei rolled up his sleeve and, with equal reverence, raised his hand to receive it, just like Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan's smile grew more sinister.

Gu Yuanbai hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and spat the pit into Xue Yuan's hand.

After all, Chu Wei was as gentle as a breeze, with an outstanding appearance and his subject. Unlike the rough and coarse Xue Yuan, how could he spit it into Chu Wei's hand?

Wouldn't that be an insult?

Seeing this, Chu Wei silently withdrew his hand. The play in front continued, and Gu Yuanbai had the painting put away and invited Chu Wei to watch alongside him.

When noon came and he felt a bit tired, Gu Yuanbai waved to end the session and returned to his bedchamber to rest.

Later that day.

Chu Wei left the Hanlin Academy surrounded by colleagues finishing their shifts. After boarding his carriage, Chu Wei said, "To Ancheng Academy."

The carriage stopped in front of Ancheng Academy. As Chu Wei stepped out and approached the entrance, someone suddenly covered his mouth and nose from behind, dragging him into a nearby alley.

Chu Wei struggled free, his gaze icy. In the shadows stood several tall figures, silently clenching their fists before charging at him.

Chu Wei dodged the first blow, but the next hit struck his abdomen. The dull sounds of the beating echoed in the alley, and Chu Wei grunted in pain but refused to call for help.

He practiced martial arts regularly, so he could tell that these were skilled fighters deliberately causing trouble!

Their punches avoided his face, leaving no visible injuries, but the pain was nearly unbearable. Only when he tasted blood in his throat did Chu Wei hear a noise at the alley's entrance.

Barely turning his head, he saw Xue Yuan on horseback, trotting slowly past the alley entrance.

Seemingly noticing the commotion, Xue Yuan casually glanced over, locking eyes with Chu Wei without any reaction, his face expressionless.

Chu Wei swallowed the blood in his mouth, his gaze darkening.

It was him.

Xue Yuan.

Chu Wei returned home with a cold expression. Though he looked fine, his body was covered in hidden bruises. He concealed his injuries, not alerting anyone. The next day, when he reported to duty, he returned to the Hanlin Academy and was assigned to record the emperor's words and actions.

Accompanying him was Chang Yuyan. It was Chang Yuyan's first time being selected to attend the emperor, and his face was beaming with joy. As they walked together, Chu Wei suddenly asked, "Lord Chang, you seem quite familiar with the Commander of the Imperial Guards?"

Chang Yuyan's smile faded slightly, and he nodded, asking in return, "Why does Lord Chu ask?"

Chu Wei's tone was icy, "I heard Lord Xue only returned to the capital this year, having been stationed at the border for years. Such a person must be quite remarkable, no?"

Chang Yuyan smiled faintly, "I do not know everything about Jiuyao."

Chu Wei's lips curled into a cold smile, and he said no more.

When they entered the hall, Chu Wei saw Xue Yuan standing to the side. His gaze darkened as he lowered his head and greeted the emperor alongside Chang Yuyan.

Half an hour later, as Chu Wei stepped forward to record the book titles read by the emperor, his wide sleeve caught the edge of the table. Frowning, Chu Wei lifted his hand to free it, revealing dark bruises on his arm.

The emperor looked up from his book and frowned, "Official Chu, what happened to you?"

Chu Wei responded calmly, "Yesterday, as I got off the carriage in front of the academy, intending to buy some writing supplies, I was dragged into an alley and beaten by unknown assailants."

The emperor's frown deepened, "Did they steal anything?"

Chu Wei replied, "No."

The emperor's voice grew cold, "Then it was a blatant act of thuggery in the capital."

Chu Wei looked up and met Xue Yuan's eyes across the hall. Xue Yuan's expression remained unchanged, and he even had the leisure to smirk mockingly at Chu Wei.

Chu Wei's heart sank as he lowered his eyes and said, "That's exactly right."

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