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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 49

Chapter 49

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Gu Yuanbai fell ill for several days, and by the time he recovered, the operation had progressed to Lizhou.

He had only given a rough direction for this matter, and he entrusted the specific plan of luring the governor of Lizhou into the trap, allowing him to dare to take the bait during the current anti-corruption campaign, to his subordinates.

Kong Yilin was resourceful and subtle; he believed Kong Yilin would handle this matter perfectly.

This illness made Gu Yuanbai feel a sense of urgency. After he recovered, despite his weak physical condition, he threw himself into national construction, ignoring any advice.

On this day, Gu Yuanbai received a message from Wan Taifei.

The Taifei’s tone was gentle, tinged with a hint of longing, asking Gu Yuanbai to come for a chat. She missed the Emperor.

Only then did Gu Yuanbai put down his brush and, as he raised his head, he felt a strange sense of déjà vu. After a moment of daze, he chuckled and said, “Who went to inform Wan Taifei secretly?”

Tian Fusheng apologized, “Your Majesty, it was me who took the initiative. I am willing to accept punishment.”

Gu Yuanbai sighed and glanced at the bright sunny day outside the hall. “Punish you? For what? Everyone is just concerned about me.”

He was lost in thought for a moment before getting up. “Then, as Wan Taifei wishes, let’s go and see her.”

In the estate in the capital city.

Wan Taifei smiled gently as she lightly fanned Gu Yuanbai with a palm-leaf fan, watching him enjoy the tea and snacks.

Wan Taifei was only in her early forties, a lively age in modern times, but now, there was a heavy aura of twilight between her expressions and actions.

Having spent over a decade in the harem and taken the elixir to prevent kids in her early years, she had hurt her body fundamentally. Moreover, she had lost the will to live well. Although her face had not aged, it carried the weight of years.

A few months ago, Wan Taifei fell ill, and the imperial physician said it would be difficult for her to survive through the summer. Gu Yuanbai didn’t avoid visiting Wan Taifei, but she was unwilling to see him frequently.

Since the young emperor ascended the throne, their meetings became increasingly rare. However, their affection for each other remained unchanged. Wan Taifei only wished to see him less and speak less due to concerns about Gu Yuanbai’s health. When her time came, at least she wanted him to suffer less.

In the cool shade under the tree, Gu Yuanbai, feeling slightly full, stopped eating. Wan Taifei had someone bring a cool cloth and smiled, “It’s getting hot recently. Is the palace prepared for the summer?”

Gu Yuanbai instinctively glanced at Tian Fusheng, and Tian Fusheng quickly replied, “Your Highness, everything is ready.”

Wan Taifei chuckled as she looked at Gu Yuanbai, “Look at you. When Tian Fusheng told me you’ve been so busy lately that you forgot to eat, I didn’t believe it. But now I see, he wasn’t exaggerating. Even if the world is busy, does every matter have to be urgent right now?”

Gu Yuanbai smiled bitterly, “You’re right.”

“What I’m saying is,” Wan Taifei said, “you have to take it to heart, Your Majesty.”

Gu Yuanbai explained kindly, “With the recent busy state affairs, I can’t avoid it.”

Wan Taifei then looked at Tian Fusheng again.

Tian Fusheng kept his head down but boldly said, “Indeed, it’s busy, but all the affairs are under control. The ministers are the pillars of the country, Your Majesty doesn’t need to handle everything personally.”

Gu Yuanbai scolded with a smile, “Tian Fusheng—”

“What? Your Majesty doesn’t allow it?” Wan Taifei chuckled, “Look at what Tian Fusheng said, that’s the truth. Your Majesty doesn’t take care of yourself, how can those around you relax?”

After saying these few words, Wan Taifei was already a bit tired. She paused for a moment and sighed, “Yuanbai, you must not joke about your health.”

Gu Yuanbai remained silent for a while before replying softly.

Wan Taifei looked at the tree shadows, and amidst the dappled sunlight, her tone was slow, carrying the weight of more than ten years, “The late Emperor always said he wanted to be a good emperor. But he always couldn’t live up to his words. With busy state affairs, the late Emperor couldn’t sit still and handle them patiently. Day by day, he ended up exhausted.”

“Since you were born, the late Emperor was considered diligent. But even with such diligence, he never neglected rest. In his leisure time, he would go to worship or have fun. Yuanbai, the late Emperor knew the importance of resting and not overworking oneself. He acted like this, and Great Heng never made any mistakes. I think an emperor should be like this, don’t you think so?”

Wan Taifei didn’t know much about Great Heng’s national situation or what Gu Yuanbai was busy with. Her words were much more naive, but they came from a mother’s perspective, hoping her child could leave her some time to rest.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t argue, just smiled and said, “Royal Mother Wan is right.”

After lunch, Wan Taifei returned to her bedroom to rest. Gu Yuanbai strolled in the estate with his people, flowers blooming, and green grass swaying leisurely. Having seen so much green, it felt like he had been cleansed.

The birds kept chirping, and Gu Yuanbai walked leisurely along the water’s edge, chatting casually with the people around him. “I was really dizzy from the busyness a few days ago. It wasn’t until I happened to look up that I realized summer is almost here.”

After he finished speaking, he also drifted off in thought. Could Wan Taifei endure this summer?

Gu Yuanbai had only seen Wan Taifei a handful of times since he transmigrated. But even so, the emotions in his memory made him worried about Wan Taifei’s health. The imperial physician was always there, reporting Wan Taifei’s condition to Gu Yuanbai every two days. Conversely, Wan Taifei must be worrying about his health too.

Lost in thought, Gu Yuanbai slowed down. Tian Fusheng beside him said, “Your Majesty, we can’t persuade you, but when Wan Taifei speaks, you should at least listen to her.”

“I don’t want to see you now,” Gu Yuanbai raised his chin slightly, “Go somewhere else.”

Tian Fusheng chuckled and withdrew, while Xue Yuan took a big step forward, pretending to be closest to Gu Yuanbai.

As the heat source approached, Gu Yuanbai turned his head and glanced at him, “Stay away from me.”

Xue Yuan chuckled, “Your Majesty, just a few days ago, you praised me for being comfortable all over.”

Gu Yuanbai’s lips curled up wickedly, seemingly smiling, “There are benefits to being hot when it’s hot. But being so hot when it’s not supposed to be hot is annoying.”

Xue Yuan furrowed his brows and remained silent.

Gu Yuanbai took a few more steps with a smile, but stepped on a slippery spot. His feet slipped, and he almost fell into the water.

Xue Yuan was startled and reached out to grab Gu Yuanbai’s belt. With a narrow escape, he pulled Gu Yuanbai back. In the process, Xue Yuan fell backward, pulling Gu Yuanbai into his arms and tumbling into a nearby haystack.

Gu Yuanbai’s belt was caught in Xue Yuan’s hand. After stabilizing himself, Xue Yuan looked down and realized Gu Yuanbai was pressed beneath him. Still dizzy, one of Xue Yuan’s hands was still on Gu Yuanbai’s waist, and he could feel the edge of his pants.

His mind went blank, and Xue Yuan only remembered three words: to pull down the pants. Subconsciously, he tried to do so.

Lowering his head, he froze in place.

He saw it.

Feeling a chill beneath him, Gu Yuanbai finally came to his senses. Pushing himself up, he saw Xue Yuan fumbling with his pants, looking dazed as if he had been drugged.

Gu Yuanbai’s face darkened. Hearing the guards approaching and the exclamations of surprise, he angrily said, “Don’t come over!”

The guards halted their steps, standing not far from the haystack, staring at the clothes of the Emperor and Guard Xue piled up in the grass, puzzled. “Your Majesty?”

The Emperor’s face was grim, his voice terrifying, “Go away.”

Xue Yuan scrambled to his feet and let go of the pants, backing away in panic. His actions were so exaggerated that the guards around him were also taken aback. Everyone stared at Xue Yuan, who only remembered one word—”leave.” He pushed through the crowd and hurried away.

Xue Yuan had a sharp and handsome face, and on that devilishly charming face, his eyebrows were already thoroughly flushed.

The other guards snapped back to attention and quickly followed suit to leave. Xue Yuan had barely taken two steps before he was abruptly stopped.

Gu Yuanbai was still lying on the grass, halfway propped up, with a few strands of tender grass sticking to him. His complexion was dark enough to drip ink. “Xue Yuan—”

Xue Yuan felt his whole body go numb, and he immediately turned around and knelt on the ground, unable to struggle. “I plead guilty, Your Majesty.”

The other guards, seeing the Emperor’s expression, had long fled for their lives.

Gu Yuanbai plucked at the grass on the ground, revealing a dangerous and sinister smile. He slowly sat up and looked at Xue Yuan with a scrutinizing gaze.

Xue Yuan felt uncomfortable under his gaze. His previous blushing and thickening of his neck became even more intense. The redness could be seen on his handsome face and ears.

What kind of expression was this? He even blushed when being stared at by His Majesty!

Gu Yuanbai stood up, smirked, and approached Xue Yuan, lifting his foot to ruthlessly step on his groin without mercy. “Xue Jiuyao, I thought your desire to see my root was just a passing joke. I didn’t expect you actually harbored such intentions!”

“…,” Xue Yuan’s expression twisted in pain instantly. He couldn’t move. At this moment, he didn’t know what he was thinking. The pain made his mind go blank. Amidst the profuse sweating, he subconsciously shouted, “I am loyal to the Emperor!”

Gu Yuanbai’s foot stopped.

Xue Yuan was covered in sweat, his eyes and expression filled with unwavering determination. His declaration was firm and powerful, without a hint of hesitation. It seemed like he was speaking the truth; his heart was truly loyal to the Emperor.

Gu Yuanbai originally thought that Xue Yuan, the future protagonist of those homoerotic novels, had developed feelings for him. Initially, he intended to directly eliminate Xue Yuan’s desires. However, hearing Xue Yuan’s words, Gu Yuanbai’s eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Xue Yuan with a terrifying gaze, repeating in a chilling tone, “Loyalty to the Emperor?”

The beads of sweat on Xue Yuan’s forehead rolled down.

Gu Yuanbai’s dragon-booted foot was on his life root, and his attitude clearly indicated that he intended to eliminate him with just a word. It seemed that Xue Yuan also understood that this was not the time to be cheeky. He remained quiet and didn’t dare to lift his head.

Xue Yuan resolutely said, “Loyalty to the Emperor.”

Apart from the pain, there seemed to be a strange sense of relief.

Gu Yuanbai looked down at Xue Yuan, and when Xue Yuan looked up at him, he saw his fair neck and jawline. With his robe unable to cover his legs, the marks were visible when Gu Yuanbai lightly lifted his foot and stepped on Xue Yuan’s body.

The Emperor’s expression became increasingly ruthless, mixed with danger. Xue Yuan’s heart trembled even more violently.

It was more exhilarating than being on the battlefield, killing tens of thousands of enemies.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t know whether to believe Xue Yuan or not. He didn’t know what he was thinking about. He sneered, “Does Xue Jiuyao still have loyalty to the Emperor in his heart?”

His heart skipped a beat twice more.

Xue Yuan seemed intoxicated, yet he had to sober up. He honestly said, “My father taught me what loyalty to the emperor means.”

Gu Yuanbai thought to himself that he didn’t know whether Xue Yuan was loyal or not, but he trusted General Xue’s loyalty to the emperor to some extent.

Judging from Xue Yuan’s tone and expression, he didn’t seem to be lying. Gu Yuanbai didn’t retract his foot but asked first, “Is your loyalty to the emperor about trying to strip me?”

Xue Yuan thought, here it comes.

He forced a smile. At this critical moment, his confidence as a commander suddenly returned. “I was just pulling on Your Majesty’s belt, and it seemed like I accidentally bumped into Your Majesty’s leg. I was in a hurry and wanted to check it out.”

Gu Yuanbai scrutinized him for a while before finally retracting his foot. It wasn’t until Xue Yuan’s head stopped sweating that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. But after the relief, Xue Yuan couldn’t help but wonder. His father said he was loyal, so that should be it. Why did he feel relieved for no reason? Why did he suddenly feel humble?

“With such crude and thoughtless actions,” the young emperor’s face remained calm, but the underlying threat was chilling, “if there’s another time, I’ll have you crippled directly!”

Feeling the pain from his little brother’s threat, Xue Yuan’s face contorted in agony. He endured it and said, “I…I understand.”

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 49

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 49

Chapter 49

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Gu Yuanbai fell ill for several days, and by the time he recovered, the operation had progressed to Lizhou.

He had only given a rough direction for this matter, and he entrusted the specific plan of luring the governor of Lizhou into the trap, allowing him to dare to take the bait during the current anti-corruption campaign, to his subordinates.

Kong Yilin was resourceful and subtle; he believed Kong Yilin would handle this matter perfectly.

This illness made Gu Yuanbai feel a sense of urgency. After he recovered, despite his weak physical condition, he threw himself into national construction, ignoring any advice.

On this day, Gu Yuanbai received a message from Wan Taifei.

The Taifei’s tone was gentle, tinged with a hint of longing, asking Gu Yuanbai to come for a chat. She missed the Emperor.

Only then did Gu Yuanbai put down his brush and, as he raised his head, he felt a strange sense of déjà vu. After a moment of daze, he chuckled and said, "Who went to inform Wan Taifei secretly?"

Tian Fusheng apologized, "Your Majesty, it was me who took the initiative. I am willing to accept punishment."

Gu Yuanbai sighed and glanced at the bright sunny day outside the hall. "Punish you? For what? Everyone is just concerned about me."

He was lost in thought for a moment before getting up. "Then, as Wan Taifei wishes, let's go and see her."

In the estate in the capital city.

Wan Taifei smiled gently as she lightly fanned Gu Yuanbai with a palm-leaf fan, watching him enjoy the tea and snacks.

Wan Taifei was only in her early forties, a lively age in modern times, but now, there was a heavy aura of twilight between her expressions and actions.

Having spent over a decade in the harem and taken the elixir to prevent kids in her early years, she had hurt her body fundamentally. Moreover, she had lost the will to live well. Although her face had not aged, it carried the weight of years.

A few months ago, Wan Taifei fell ill, and the imperial physician said it would be difficult for her to survive through the summer. Gu Yuanbai didn't avoid visiting Wan Taifei, but she was unwilling to see him frequently.

Since the young emperor ascended the throne, their meetings became increasingly rare. However, their affection for each other remained unchanged. Wan Taifei only wished to see him less and speak less due to concerns about Gu Yuanbai's health. When her time came, at least she wanted him to suffer less.

In the cool shade under the tree, Gu Yuanbai, feeling slightly full, stopped eating. Wan Taifei had someone bring a cool cloth and smiled, "It's getting hot recently. Is the palace prepared for the summer?"

Gu Yuanbai instinctively glanced at Tian Fusheng, and Tian Fusheng quickly replied, "Your Highness, everything is ready."

Wan Taifei chuckled as she looked at Gu Yuanbai, "Look at you. When Tian Fusheng told me you've been so busy lately that you forgot to eat, I didn't believe it. But now I see, he wasn't exaggerating. Even if the world is busy, does every matter have to be urgent right now?"

Gu Yuanbai smiled bitterly, "You're right."

"What I'm saying is," Wan Taifei said, "you have to take it to heart, Your Majesty."

Gu Yuanbai explained kindly, "With the recent busy state affairs, I can't avoid it."

Wan Taifei then looked at Tian Fusheng again.

Tian Fusheng kept his head down but boldly said, "Indeed, it's busy, but all the affairs are under control. The ministers are the pillars of the country, Your Majesty doesn't need to handle everything personally."

Gu Yuanbai scolded with a smile, "Tian Fusheng—"

"What? Your Majesty doesn't allow it?" Wan Taifei chuckled, "Look at what Tian Fusheng said, that's the truth. Your Majesty doesn't take care of yourself, how can those around you relax?"

After saying these few words, Wan Taifei was already a bit tired. She paused for a moment and sighed, "Yuanbai, you must not joke about your health."

Gu Yuanbai remained silent for a while before replying softly.

Wan Taifei looked at the tree shadows, and amidst the dappled sunlight, her tone was slow, carrying the weight of more than ten years, "The late Emperor always said he wanted to be a good emperor. But he always couldn't live up to his words. With busy state affairs, the late Emperor couldn't sit still and handle them patiently. Day by day, he ended up exhausted."

"Since you were born, the late Emperor was considered diligent. But even with such diligence, he never neglected rest. In his leisure time, he would go to worship or have fun. Yuanbai, the late Emperor knew the importance of resting and not overworking oneself. He acted like this, and Great Heng never made any mistakes. I think an emperor should be like this, don't you think so?"

Wan Taifei didn't know much about Great Heng’s national situation or what Gu Yuanbai was busy with. Her words were much more naive, but they came from a mother's perspective, hoping her child could leave her some time to rest.

Gu Yuanbai didn't argue, just smiled and said, "Royal Mother Wan is right."

After lunch, Wan Taifei returned to her bedroom to rest. Gu Yuanbai strolled in the estate with his people, flowers blooming, and green grass swaying leisurely. Having seen so much green, it felt like he had been cleansed.

The birds kept chirping, and Gu Yuanbai walked leisurely along the water's edge, chatting casually with the people around him. "I was really dizzy from the busyness a few days ago. It wasn't until I happened to look up that I realized summer is almost here."

After he finished speaking, he also drifted off in thought. Could Wan Taifei endure this summer?

Gu Yuanbai had only seen Wan Taifei a handful of times since he transmigrated. But even so, the emotions in his memory made him worried about Wan Taifei's health. The imperial physician was always there, reporting Wan Taifei's condition to Gu Yuanbai every two days. Conversely, Wan Taifei must be worrying about his health too.

Lost in thought, Gu Yuanbai slowed down. Tian Fusheng beside him said, "Your Majesty, we can't persuade you, but when Wan Taifei speaks, you should at least listen to her."

"I don't want to see you now," Gu Yuanbai raised his chin slightly, "Go somewhere else."

Tian Fusheng chuckled and withdrew, while Xue Yuan took a big step forward, pretending to be closest to Gu Yuanbai.

As the heat source approached, Gu Yuanbai turned his head and glanced at him, "Stay away from me."

Xue Yuan chuckled, "Your Majesty, just a few days ago, you praised me for being comfortable all over."

Gu Yuanbai's lips curled up wickedly, seemingly smiling, "There are benefits to being hot when it's hot. But being so hot when it's not supposed to be hot is annoying."

Xue Yuan furrowed his brows and remained silent.

Gu Yuanbai took a few more steps with a smile, but stepped on a slippery spot. His feet slipped, and he almost fell into the water.

Xue Yuan was startled and reached out to grab Gu Yuanbai's belt. With a narrow escape, he pulled Gu Yuanbai back. In the process, Xue Yuan fell backward, pulling Gu Yuanbai into his arms and tumbling into a nearby haystack.

Gu Yuanbai's belt was caught in Xue Yuan's hand. After stabilizing himself, Xue Yuan looked down and realized Gu Yuanbai was pressed beneath him. Still dizzy, one of Xue Yuan's hands was still on Gu Yuanbai's waist, and he could feel the edge of his pants.

His mind went blank, and Xue Yuan only remembered three words: to pull down the pants. Subconsciously, he tried to do so.

Lowering his head, he froze in place.

He saw it.

Feeling a chill beneath him, Gu Yuanbai finally came to his senses. Pushing himself up, he saw Xue Yuan fumbling with his pants, looking dazed as if he had been drugged.

Gu Yuanbai's face darkened. Hearing the guards approaching and the exclamations of surprise, he angrily said, "Don't come over!"

The guards halted their steps, standing not far from the haystack, staring at the clothes of the Emperor and Guard Xue piled up in the grass, puzzled. "Your Majesty?"

The Emperor's face was grim, his voice terrifying, "Go away."

Xue Yuan scrambled to his feet and let go of the pants, backing away in panic. His actions were so exaggerated that the guards around him were also taken aback. Everyone stared at Xue Yuan, who only remembered one word—"leave." He pushed through the crowd and hurried away.

Xue Yuan had a sharp and handsome face, and on that devilishly charming face, his eyebrows were already thoroughly flushed.

The other guards snapped back to attention and quickly followed suit to leave. Xue Yuan had barely taken two steps before he was abruptly stopped.

Gu Yuanbai was still lying on the grass, halfway propped up, with a few strands of tender grass sticking to him. His complexion was dark enough to drip ink. "Xue Yuan—"

Xue Yuan felt his whole body go numb, and he immediately turned around and knelt on the ground, unable to struggle. "I plead guilty, Your Majesty."

The other guards, seeing the Emperor's expression, had long fled for their lives.

Gu Yuanbai plucked at the grass on the ground, revealing a dangerous and sinister smile. He slowly sat up and looked at Xue Yuan with a scrutinizing gaze.

Xue Yuan felt uncomfortable under his gaze. His previous blushing and thickening of his neck became even more intense. The redness could be seen on his handsome face and ears.

What kind of expression was this? He even blushed when being stared at by His Majesty!

Gu Yuanbai stood up, smirked, and approached Xue Yuan, lifting his foot to ruthlessly step on his groin without mercy. "Xue Jiuyao, I thought your desire to see my root was just a passing joke. I didn't expect you actually harbored such intentions!"

"...," Xue Yuan's expression twisted in pain instantly. He couldn't move. At this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking. The pain made his mind go blank. Amidst the profuse sweating, he subconsciously shouted, "I am loyal to the Emperor!"

Gu Yuanbai's foot stopped.

Xue Yuan was covered in sweat, his eyes and expression filled with unwavering determination. His declaration was firm and powerful, without a hint of hesitation. It seemed like he was speaking the truth; his heart was truly loyal to the Emperor.

Gu Yuanbai originally thought that Xue Yuan, the future protagonist of those homoerotic novels, had developed feelings for him. Initially, he intended to directly eliminate Xue Yuan's desires. However, hearing Xue Yuan's words, Gu Yuanbai's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Xue Yuan with a terrifying gaze, repeating in a chilling tone, "Loyalty to the Emperor?"

The beads of sweat on Xue Yuan's forehead rolled down.

Gu Yuanbai's dragon-booted foot was on his life root, and his attitude clearly indicated that he intended to eliminate him with just a word. It seemed that Xue Yuan also understood that this was not the time to be cheeky. He remained quiet and didn't dare to lift his head.

Xue Yuan resolutely said, "Loyalty to the Emperor."

Apart from the pain, there seemed to be a strange sense of relief.

Gu Yuanbai looked down at Xue Yuan, and when Xue Yuan looked up at him, he saw his fair neck and jawline. With his robe unable to cover his legs, the marks were visible when Gu Yuanbai lightly lifted his foot and stepped on Xue Yuan's body.

The Emperor's expression became increasingly ruthless, mixed with danger. Xue Yuan's heart trembled even more violently.

It was more exhilarating than being on the battlefield, killing tens of thousands of enemies.

Gu Yuanbai didn't know whether to believe Xue Yuan or not. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He sneered, "Does Xue Jiuyao still have loyalty to the Emperor in his heart?"

His heart skipped a beat twice more.

Xue Yuan seemed intoxicated, yet he had to sober up. He honestly said, "My father taught me what loyalty to the emperor means."

Gu Yuanbai thought to himself that he didn't know whether Xue Yuan was loyal or not, but he trusted General Xue's loyalty to the emperor to some extent.

Judging from Xue Yuan's tone and expression, he didn't seem to be lying. Gu Yuanbai didn't retract his foot but asked first, "Is your loyalty to the emperor about trying to strip me?"

Xue Yuan thought, here it comes.

He forced a smile. At this critical moment, his confidence as a commander suddenly returned. "I was just pulling on Your Majesty's belt, and it seemed like I accidentally bumped into Your Majesty's leg. I was in a hurry and wanted to check it out."

Gu Yuanbai scrutinized him for a while before finally retracting his foot. It wasn't until Xue Yuan's head stopped sweating that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. But after the relief, Xue Yuan couldn't help but wonder. His father said he was loyal, so that should be it. Why did he feel relieved for no reason? Why did he suddenly feel humble?

"With such crude and thoughtless actions," the young emperor's face remained calm, but the underlying threat was chilling, "if there's another time, I'll have you crippled directly!"

Feeling the pain from his little brother's threat, Xue Yuan's face contorted in agony. He endured it and said, "I...I understand."

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