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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 50

Chapter 50

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Gu Yuanbai stayed with Wan Taifei for a day, and throughout that day, Xue Yuan behaved obediently. When they returned, Gu Yuanbai threw Xue Yuan down on the streets of the capital halfway, with a stern tone, “You’re off duty.”

After being thrown down, Xue Yuan rode his horse and paced in place for quite some time. Then, he turned his horse around and walked towards the jade shop he had visited before.

When he arrived, the shopkeeper still remembered him. He greeted Xue Yuan with a warm smile, “Sir, how have you been using the jade piece you bought last time?”

Xue Yuan gave him a strange look. “What do I use it for?”

Xue Yuan bought that thing on a whim, and after bringing it back, he didn’t need it. It was still made of transparent white jade, not very nice-looking. He casually threw it in the room and never touched it again, wasting his money.

The shopkeeper awkwardly smiled, secretly complaining in his heart. “Then, sir, what would you like to see today?”

Xue Yuan lifted his eyelids and glanced around the shop. His eyes settled on a jade thumb ring.

After Gu Yuanbai returned, he had someone call Chu Wei.

Chu Wei was busy with the messages sent by officials from the Imperial Censorate from various places. When he heard that the Emperor was summoning him, he immediately put down what he was doing and entered the palace.

During this time, the Imperial Censorate was very busy, and the number one beauty in the capital also looked a bit haggard, albeit still extremely beautiful. Chu Wei bowed to the Emperor and greeted him respectfully, “May Your Majesty be peaceful.”

Gu Yuanbai said, “Official Chu should be very busy recently?”

Chu Wei replied truthfully, “Although it’s busy, it’s also very fulfilling.”

After pondering for a moment, Gu Yuanbai spoke, “There’s another task I’m entrusting to Official Chu.”

Chu Wei didn’t hesitate and said, “Please instruct, Your Majesty.”

“You and Xue Yuan will assist the Zhangs. They have many preparations to make, but there are no court officials by their side, making it somewhat troublesome,” Gu Yuanbai earnestly arranged this, “The two of you, one civil and one military, complement each other perfectly.”

Gu Yuanbai had practically spelled it out.

Even if Xue Yuan truly had loyalty to the emperor today, Gu Yuanbai, who had never had his pants stripped by someone of the same sex in both this life and the previous one, felt it would be better to hurry up and arrange an official match for him.

If Xue Yuan wanted to strip someone, he could strip Chu Wei. Let him strip however he liked, but it would be best if he realized that stripping someone’s pants was only acceptable when directed at Chu Wei. That would be ideal.

Chu Wei’s face stiffened, and he casually raised a cold, mocking smile, saying, “Your Majesty, I will work well with Lord Xue on this matter.”

During these days, Chu Wei was so busy that he didn’t even return to the Hanlin Academy. He was somewhat worried that Xue Yuan staying by the Emperor’s side might have ulterior motives. Now was the perfect opportunity.

Perhaps he could use this opportunity to find evidence of Xue Yuan’s disloyalty to the Emperor.

His eyes lowered, his expression calm.

He must find an opportunity to make the Emperor disgusted with Xue Yuan.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in Jinghunan, near the capital.

Wearing prisoner’s clothes and shackled with handcuffs and ankle chains, the prisoners had hollow expressions as they were being taken on the prison cart to the headquarters of the remaining Lu Feng’s rebels.

These people were the spies unearthed by Gu Yuanbai in the capital some time ago. Most of them were servants from prominent noble families, who, although didn’t live as comfortably as their masters in the palace, had lives far better than what they were facing now. Along the way, they suffered torment on the prison cart. Several humiliated women even attempted to bite their tongues and end their lives.

But eventually, a considerable number of them were brought to Jinghunan.

The officials left the people in Jinghunan, knowing that someone would come to collect them and utilize what’s left of their usefulness.

The remnants of Lu Feng’s forces had set up a base in Jinghunan.

Among Lu Feng’s remnants were over a hundred people who had escaped from the capital. Although Lu Feng was dead, many of his followers managed to evade the Emperor’s scythe of death. Following a military officer who fled with the army, Xu Xiongyuan arrived in Jinghunan.

Jinghunan had complex and chaotic forces, with local gentry committing crimes, controlling officials, and even manipulating politics. Countless lands were annexed by them, forming a huge black force. Such chaotic places were perfect for rebellious forces to grow secretly.

The remnants of Lu Feng’s faction believed that although the current Emperor had shown his ruthless methods, his power had not been fully consolidated yet, so they still had a chance. However, once the Emperor consolidated his power, they didn’t know where they would be lurking.

They secretly named themselves the “Jiashen Association.”

The two characters “Jiashen” were taken from the homophones of the words “Jia” and “Shen” in the words “xingjia” and “sheng,” respectively, both of which had the meaning of the Emperor’s death. The malicious intent behind these words was evident.

Now, in the main hall, over twenty important figures from Lu Feng’s faction were gathered to discuss the recent shortage of funds and supplies.

Xu Xiongyuan had taken away five thousand soldiers when he defected. Along with over a hundred idlers, the mountains of gold and silver they brought from the capital were almost depleted.

What Lu Feng left for them was almost used up.

There was a heated debate in the main hall. Xu Xiongyuan was currently the leader of the Jiashen Association, and he had the soldiers in his hands, so everyone had to listen to him. Several clever followers had already been used by him as advisers.

One of the advisers was speaking eloquently when there was a commotion outside. Everyone turned to see Zhao Zhou, Xu Xiongyuan’s trusted adviser, leading someone inside.

Xu Xiongyuan frowned and loudly asked, “Mr. Zhao, who is this?”

Xu Xiongyuan’s original name was Xu Xiongzhi, but after defecting, because of his ambitious nature, he changed his last character to “Yuan,” the same character as Gu Yuanbai.

Zhao Zhou smiled and brought the person in front of Xu Xiongyuan, saying, “General, this is a friend of mine, Liu Yan, from Jiankang in Jiangnan.”

Liu Yan had an ordinary appearance, but he looked very elegant, like a cultured man. He bowed slightly to Xu Xiongyuan and smiled, “I have long admired General’s name. Seeing you now, I truly understand what a hero in the world looks like.”

Xu Xiongyuan knew that his adviser wouldn’t introduce him to someone useless, so he laughed heartily and pretended to be surprised, “Ashamed, ashamed! I wonder what business Mr. Liu has come to see me about?”

Liu Yan’s expression changed, and he suppressed his grief and hatred. “It’s all because of the current Emperor that I had to seek General’s help!”

Xu Xiongyuan couldn’t help but look at Zhao Zhou, who smiled slightly and nodded imperceptibly. Xu Xiongyuan’s heart was delighted, and he pretended to be surprised, “What has that damn Emperor done again?!”

Liu Yan lowered his head. “I was engaged in business at home and still had some spare money. I used to have close dealings with the officials in the yamen. Now, the Emperor has started an anti-corruption campaign and unjustly sentenced my whole family to prison, accusing us of colluding with officials for personal gain. It’s a crime punishable by death or imprisonment. I had no choice but to flee with my family’s wealth.”

Xu Xiongyuan asked again, “What about your parents and family?”

“They couldn’t escape,” Liu Yan’s voice was choked with sobs, “They were all, they were all…”

Zhao Zhou’s gentle voice continued, “They were all harmed by the current Emperor.”

Liu Yan choked back tears and nodded incessantly.

Xu Xiongyuan almost couldn’t contain his laughter.

Hahaha, look at this, look at this, heaven favors me, Xu, ah!

Just when there was a shortage of food and money in the association, someone came to give money and food. Xu Xiongyuan felt extremely pleased. He pretended to comfort Liu Yan and, after Liu Yan officially joined the Jiashen Association, he couldn’t take his eyes off the carts of gold and silver and sacks of food being brought in.

Liu Yan stood behind the crowd, the shadow of the hall casting over his face. Many people had already gathered around the carts of wealth, paying no attention to him.

Liu Yan raised his head, the sadness on his face gone. He looked around at the things around him, surveying the entire base of the antagonistic army.

This was the Jiashen Association.

It was the Jiashen Association that the Emperor wanted to eradicate.

The name was too unpleasant, Liu Yan thought.

But he would stay here seriously, using the carts of food and gold given by the Emperor to exchange for a position next to Xu Xiongyuan.

After spending so much money, how could he not get a position where he could have a say?

In the capital, two important figures were busy with their tasks.

Xue Yuan and Chu Wei stood before Zhang. Both of them had expressionless faces. When the time came, after exchanging a few polite words with Zhang, they immediately rode their horses away, each going their separate ways.

Chu Wei knew that normal people wouldn’t threaten the lives of court officials in public, but Xue Yuan wasn’t normal. Therefore, he specifically instructed someone from the mansion to send a strong servant to help him mount his horse. Before getting on the carriage, Xue Yuan rode his horse past Chu Wei.

Young Master Xue’s voice was heavy, “Lord Chu, let me advise you.”

His voice lowered, sinister, “Don’t provoke those you shouldn’t.”

Chu Wei’s lips curled coldly, “Allow me to advise Young Master Xue as well, don’t entertain thoughts about those you shouldn’t.”

Xue Yuan smirked, glanced at him, his eyes filled with dark light, then rode away.

The dust kicked up by the horse’s hooves made Chu Wei cover his mouth and nose.

Chu Wei stood still.

The look in Xue Yuan’s eyes made Chu Wei feel like he really intended to kill him just now.

People who had experienced the fluctuating tides of battle exuded a strong aura and intent to kill. If this wasn’t on the street…

Chu Wei exhaled deeply, then turned and boarded the carriage.

This person was too dangerous. How could he stay by the Emperor’s side?

After returning home, Xue Yuan spent a full hour in the martial arts training ground before suppressing the strong desire to kill in his heart. When he emerged from the training ground, he was drenched in sweat, his expression blank as he headed to the bathhouse.

A servant ran behind him, struggling to keep up. “Young Master, Second Young Master wants to see you.”

Xue Yuan, wrapped in his aura, said coldly, “Tell him to crawl to the edge of the pool, fall in, climb out, then come talk to me.”

The servant hesitated for a moment, then ran tremblingly to Second Young Master’s room. “Y-yes, I’ll ask Second Young Master to do so.”

Xue Yuan walked expressionlessly to his room, where the bathhouse next to it was already prepared. He entered the bathhouse with a clean robe, and with a bang, he slammed the door shut with force.

A whole day without seeing Gu Yuanbai.

A whole day.

Xue Yuan’s eyes were almost bloodshot from waiting.

Xue Yuan was a rough man, not particular about water temperature and didn’t like to linger in baths. He simply poured water over himself from head to toe. The more he poured, the darker his expression became. Images of Gu Yuanbai’s face flashed through his mind, then Chu Wei’s face.

Then, surprisingly, he imagined the two of them smiling at each other!

Xue Yuan poured a ladle of cold water over his head.

The water flowed loudly onto the ground. Xue Yuan, with a cold expression, followed the flow of water and suddenly caught sight of a small white dot under the corner of the cabinet.

His eyelids twitched violently. He took big strides forward, stepped over the water, bent down, and picked it up. It was a handkerchief.

The handkerchief was dirty, as if it had been stepped on by footprints.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 50

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 50

Chapter 50

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Gu Yuanbai stayed with Wan Taifei for a day, and throughout that day, Xue Yuan behaved obediently. When they returned, Gu Yuanbai threw Xue Yuan down on the streets of the capital halfway, with a stern tone, "You're off duty."

After being thrown down, Xue Yuan rode his horse and paced in place for quite some time. Then, he turned his horse around and walked towards the jade shop he had visited before.

When he arrived, the shopkeeper still remembered him. He greeted Xue Yuan with a warm smile, "Sir, how have you been using the jade piece you bought last time?"

Xue Yuan gave him a strange look. "What do I use it for?"

Xue Yuan bought that thing on a whim, and after bringing it back, he didn't need it. It was still made of transparent white jade, not very nice-looking. He casually threw it in the room and never touched it again, wasting his money.

The shopkeeper awkwardly smiled, secretly complaining in his heart. "Then, sir, what would you like to see today?"

Xue Yuan lifted his eyelids and glanced around the shop. His eyes settled on a jade thumb ring.

After Gu Yuanbai returned, he had someone call Chu Wei.

Chu Wei was busy with the messages sent by officials from the Imperial Censorate from various places. When he heard that the Emperor was summoning him, he immediately put down what he was doing and entered the palace.

During this time, the Imperial Censorate was very busy, and the number one beauty in the capital also looked a bit haggard, albeit still extremely beautiful. Chu Wei bowed to the Emperor and greeted him respectfully, "May Your Majesty be peaceful."

Gu Yuanbai said, "Official Chu should be very busy recently?"

Chu Wei replied truthfully, "Although it's busy, it's also very fulfilling."

After pondering for a moment, Gu Yuanbai spoke, "There's another task I'm entrusting to Official Chu."

Chu Wei didn't hesitate and said, "Please instruct, Your Majesty."

"You and Xue Yuan will assist the Zhangs. They have many preparations to make, but there are no court officials by their side, making it somewhat troublesome," Gu Yuanbai earnestly arranged this, "The two of you, one civil and one military, complement each other perfectly."

Gu Yuanbai had practically spelled it out.

Even if Xue Yuan truly had loyalty to the emperor today, Gu Yuanbai, who had never had his pants stripped by someone of the same sex in both this life and the previous one, felt it would be better to hurry up and arrange an official match for him.

If Xue Yuan wanted to strip someone, he could strip Chu Wei. Let him strip however he liked, but it would be best if he realized that stripping someone's pants was only acceptable when directed at Chu Wei. That would be ideal.

Chu Wei's face stiffened, and he casually raised a cold, mocking smile, saying, "Your Majesty, I will work well with Lord Xue on this matter."

During these days, Chu Wei was so busy that he didn't even return to the Hanlin Academy. He was somewhat worried that Xue Yuan staying by the Emperor's side might have ulterior motives. Now was the perfect opportunity.

Perhaps he could use this opportunity to find evidence of Xue Yuan's disloyalty to the Emperor.

His eyes lowered, his expression calm.

He must find an opportunity to make the Emperor disgusted with Xue Yuan.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in Jinghunan, near the capital.

Wearing prisoner's clothes and shackled with handcuffs and ankle chains, the prisoners had hollow expressions as they were being taken on the prison cart to the headquarters of the remaining Lu Feng's rebels.

These people were the spies unearthed by Gu Yuanbai in the capital some time ago. Most of them were servants from prominent noble families, who, although didn't live as comfortably as their masters in the palace, had lives far better than what they were facing now. Along the way, they suffered torment on the prison cart. Several humiliated women even attempted to bite their tongues and end their lives.

But eventually, a considerable number of them were brought to Jinghunan.

The officials left the people in Jinghunan, knowing that someone would come to collect them and utilize what's left of their usefulness.

The remnants of Lu Feng's forces had set up a base in Jinghunan.

Among Lu Feng's remnants were over a hundred people who had escaped from the capital. Although Lu Feng was dead, many of his followers managed to evade the Emperor's scythe of death. Following a military officer who fled with the army, Xu Xiongyuan arrived in Jinghunan.

Jinghunan had complex and chaotic forces, with local gentry committing crimes, controlling officials, and even manipulating politics. Countless lands were annexed by them, forming a huge black force. Such chaotic places were perfect for rebellious forces to grow secretly.

The remnants of Lu Feng's faction believed that although the current Emperor had shown his ruthless methods, his power had not been fully consolidated yet, so they still had a chance. However, once the Emperor consolidated his power, they didn't know where they would be lurking.

They secretly named themselves the "Jiashen Association."

The two characters "Jiashen" were taken from the homophones of the words "Jia" and "Shen" in the words "xingjia" and "sheng," respectively, both of which had the meaning of the Emperor's death. The malicious intent behind these words was evident.

Now, in the main hall, over twenty important figures from Lu Feng's faction were gathered to discuss the recent shortage of funds and supplies.

Xu Xiongyuan had taken away five thousand soldiers when he defected. Along with over a hundred idlers, the mountains of gold and silver they brought from the capital were almost depleted.

What Lu Feng left for them was almost used up.

There was a heated debate in the main hall. Xu Xiongyuan was currently the leader of the Jiashen Association, and he had the soldiers in his hands, so everyone had to listen to him. Several clever followers had already been used by him as advisers.

One of the advisers was speaking eloquently when there was a commotion outside. Everyone turned to see Zhao Zhou, Xu Xiongyuan's trusted adviser, leading someone inside.

Xu Xiongyuan frowned and loudly asked, "Mr. Zhao, who is this?"

Xu Xiongyuan's original name was Xu Xiongzhi, but after defecting, because of his ambitious nature, he changed his last character to "Yuan," the same character as Gu Yuanbai.

Zhao Zhou smiled and brought the person in front of Xu Xiongyuan, saying, "General, this is a friend of mine, Liu Yan, from Jiankang in Jiangnan."

Liu Yan had an ordinary appearance, but he looked very elegant, like a cultured man. He bowed slightly to Xu Xiongyuan and smiled, "I have long admired General's name. Seeing you now, I truly understand what a hero in the world looks like."

Xu Xiongyuan knew that his adviser wouldn't introduce him to someone useless, so he laughed heartily and pretended to be surprised, "Ashamed, ashamed! I wonder what business Mr. Liu has come to see me about?"

Liu Yan's expression changed, and he suppressed his grief and hatred. "It's all because of the current Emperor that I had to seek General's help!"

Xu Xiongyuan couldn't help but look at Zhao Zhou, who smiled slightly and nodded imperceptibly. Xu Xiongyuan's heart was delighted, and he pretended to be surprised, "What has that damn Emperor done again?!"

Liu Yan lowered his head. "I was engaged in business at home and still had some spare money. I used to have close dealings with the officials in the yamen. Now, the Emperor has started an anti-corruption campaign and unjustly sentenced my whole family to prison, accusing us of colluding with officials for personal gain. It's a crime punishable by death or imprisonment. I had no choice but to flee with my family's wealth."

Xu Xiongyuan asked again, "What about your parents and family?"

"They couldn't escape," Liu Yan's voice was choked with sobs, "They were all, they were all..."

Zhao Zhou's gentle voice continued, "They were all harmed by the current Emperor."

Liu Yan choked back tears and nodded incessantly.

Xu Xiongyuan almost couldn't contain his laughter.

Hahaha, look at this, look at this, heaven favors me, Xu, ah!

Just when there was a shortage of food and money in the association, someone came to give money and food. Xu Xiongyuan felt extremely pleased. He pretended to comfort Liu Yan and, after Liu Yan officially joined the Jiashen Association, he couldn't take his eyes off the carts of gold and silver and sacks of food being brought in.

Liu Yan stood behind the crowd, the shadow of the hall casting over his face. Many people had already gathered around the carts of wealth, paying no attention to him.

Liu Yan raised his head, the sadness on his face gone. He looked around at the things around him, surveying the entire base of the antagonistic army.

This was the Jiashen Association.

It was the Jiashen Association that the Emperor wanted to eradicate.

The name was too unpleasant, Liu Yan thought.

But he would stay here seriously, using the carts of food and gold given by the Emperor to exchange for a position next to Xu Xiongyuan.

After spending so much money, how could he not get a position where he could have a say?

In the capital, two important figures were busy with their tasks.

Xue Yuan and Chu Wei stood before Zhang. Both of them had expressionless faces. When the time came, after exchanging a few polite words with Zhang, they immediately rode their horses away, each going their separate ways.

Chu Wei knew that normal people wouldn't threaten the lives of court officials in public, but Xue Yuan wasn't normal. Therefore, he specifically instructed someone from the mansion to send a strong servant to help him mount his horse. Before getting on the carriage, Xue Yuan rode his horse past Chu Wei.

Young Master Xue's voice was heavy, "Lord Chu, let me advise you."

His voice lowered, sinister, "Don't provoke those you shouldn't."

Chu Wei's lips curled coldly, "Allow me to advise Young Master Xue as well, don't entertain thoughts about those you shouldn't."

Xue Yuan smirked, glanced at him, his eyes filled with dark light, then rode away.

The dust kicked up by the horse's hooves made Chu Wei cover his mouth and nose.

Chu Wei stood still.

The look in Xue Yuan's eyes made Chu Wei feel like he really intended to kill him just now.

People who had experienced the fluctuating tides of battle exuded a strong aura and intent to kill. If this wasn't on the street...

Chu Wei exhaled deeply, then turned and boarded the carriage.

This person was too dangerous. How could he stay by the Emperor's side?

After returning home, Xue Yuan spent a full hour in the martial arts training ground before suppressing the strong desire to kill in his heart. When he emerged from the training ground, he was drenched in sweat, his expression blank as he headed to the bathhouse.

A servant ran behind him, struggling to keep up. "Young Master, Second Young Master wants to see you."

Xue Yuan, wrapped in his aura, said coldly, "Tell him to crawl to the edge of the pool, fall in, climb out, then come talk to me."

The servant hesitated for a moment, then ran tremblingly to Second Young Master's room. "Y-yes, I'll ask Second Young Master to do so."

Xue Yuan walked expressionlessly to his room, where the bathhouse next to it was already prepared. He entered the bathhouse with a clean robe, and with a bang, he slammed the door shut with force.

A whole day without seeing Gu Yuanbai.

A whole day.

Xue Yuan's eyes were almost bloodshot from waiting.

Xue Yuan was a rough man, not particular about water temperature and didn't like to linger in baths. He simply poured water over himself from head to toe. The more he poured, the darker his expression became. Images of Gu Yuanbai's face flashed through his mind, then Chu Wei's face.

Then, surprisingly, he imagined the two of them smiling at each other!

Xue Yuan poured a ladle of cold water over his head.

The water flowed loudly onto the ground. Xue Yuan, with a cold expression, followed the flow of water and suddenly caught sight of a small white dot under the corner of the cabinet.

His eyelids twitched violently. He took big strides forward, stepped over the water, bent down, and picked it up. It was a handkerchief.

The handkerchief was dirty, as if it had been stepped on by footprints.

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