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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 51

Chapter 51

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Xue Yuan remembered that this was the handkerchief he and Chang Yu had picked up from the lake a long time ago. That evening, after finishing the dinner served by the emperor from the palace, he had taken this handkerchief, which had been trampled underfoot, into the bathhouse and casually tossed it aside while taking a bath.

Only Xue Yuan and the servant who cleaned the bathhouse came in here, yet this handkerchief inexplicably remained until now.

It was Gu Yuanbai’s handkerchief.

There were dragon patterns on it.

The scene of him casually stepping on the handkerchief came vividly to Xue Yuan’s mind. He looked at the mud on it, his expression changing constantly. He even forgot he was bathing halfway through his bath. He walked quickly to the tub and started washing the handkerchief.

Xue Jiayao, he thought, why did you have to step on a handkerchief?

As the weather grew warmer, seasonal fruits were placed on Gu Yuanbai’s dining table.

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t stand cold or heat. Now that it was June, by the end of June and the beginning of July, he would move to the summer palace to spend the entire summer there.

Wan Taifei would move there earlier in mid-June. Recently, the imperial physician had informed Gu Yuanbai that Wan Taifei’s condition seemed to have stabilized. As long as she didn’t suffer a major illness this summer, she should be able to get through it.

Gu Yuanbai reprimanded the attendants serving Wan Taifei and, after being reminded by the Emperor, these people became even more cautious when serving Wan Taifei.

The trade route was likely to be prepared by July or August, which would be the golden autumn season. By the time the trade route reached the border, it might be September.

Autumn was a season of harvest for Great Heng Dynasty, but nomadic tribes often chose to attack the border during autumn.

Their horses would be fat and strong, their cavalry strong and robust. They would invade the Central Plains during the autumn harvest to seize the entire winter’s food supply.

Timing was just right. Gu Yuanbai thought to himself. When he was in the summer palace, the border should be ready for war. Let the nomads have no food for the whole winter, only good things to exchange with the merchants. This would be the ideal situation.

Thinking of the border, Gu Yuanbai looked up at Xue Yuan. “Guard Xue?”

It was unclear what he was thinking, he just snapped back to reality and stepped forward quickly. “Your Majesty?”

“If I send you to the border, what would you do?” Gu Yuanbai asked.

Xue Yuan smirked, not friendly at all. “Wipe them out.”

This was a bit… not good.

First, Gu Yuanbai had to consider the interests of the entire Great Heng Dynasty. Now, Great Heng’s cavalry couldn’t resist the nomadic tribes on the entire northern grassland. The first step was to retrieve the horses from the nomads. After training enough light and heavy cavalry, and when transportation became more convenient, it would be time to wipe them out and conquer the North.

So now, what Gu Yuanbai wanted was to scare them, not make enemies. It wasn’t time for revenge yet. At least two or three years later would be necessary for revenge.

At times like these, it’s better to send a rational and broad-minded leader to promote the establishment of mutual trade at the border.

Xue Yuan could go when it’s time to bring the northern border under control.

Thinking of someone familiar with the nomads, familiar with the border, and possessing a stable personality, Gu Yuanbai’s mind flashed to General Xue.

Xue Yuan called out, “Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai came to his senses and said directly, “But I don’t need you to wipe them out right now.”

Xue Yuan replied calmly, “I understand.”

But did His Majesty mean to really send him to war?

Xue Yuan’s heart skipped a beat.

He hadn’t seen Gu Yuanbai all day yesterday, and he was almost going crazy. Now, just thinking about not seeing Gu Yuanbai for two or three months made him want to take Gu Yuanbai away.

His mansion was so big, the border was so vast, and raising a delicate little emperor… Xue Yuan calculated his own wealth and salary, and it seemed that he could afford it.

With a plan in mind, Gu Yuanbai asked Xue Yuan to retreat. The morning passed with work, and when it was time for lunch, Tian Fusheng timely reminded him. Gu Yuanbai had to set aside state affairs and had the meal sent for.

While he was dining, Xue Yuan watched nearby. Seeing the look in his eyes, the chief guard cautiously said, “Lord Xue, if you’re hungry, why not eat first?”

Xue Yuan stared at Gu Yuanbai’s lips, now greasy from eating, feeling a tickle in his throat and not hearing clearly, “Hungry for what?”

“If you’re hungry, you should eat first,” the chief guard raised his voice slightly.

“Eat?” Xue Yuan couldn’t take his eyes off, hoarsely, “Can I eat?”

Can he eat?

“What can’t you eat?” The chief guard chuckled, feeling grateful that Xue Yuan reminded him to be wary of Chu Wei, “The palace meals are delicious and abundant. You can eat as much as you want.”

Eat as much as he wants…

Xue Yuan felt a warmth surge through him, and suddenly tensed up. But the tension made him choke on his own breath, emitting a low cough.

Gu Yuanbai paused, motioned to the side, “Give him a glass of water.”

A palace attendant brought a glass of water to Xue Yuan, who took a sip and gulped it down. As he glanced at Gu Yuanbai, he saw the Emperor’s porcelain-like side profile and became entranced.

After lunch, Gu Yuanbai took a short nap.

Upon waking up, he had slept for an hour. Gu Yuanbai laid in bed, relaxing, when he heard a commotion outside. Lifting his eyelids, he saw the door being opened.

Tian Fusheng said, “Your Majesty, it’s time.”

Gu Yuanbai grunted.

“What’s happening outside?” 

Tian Fusheng continued, “When you were ill some time ago, Lord Xue brought two wolf cubs into the palace. Today, the palace servants, seeing that Your Majesty is better, came to ask if they should bring the two cubs to accompany you and lift your spirits.”

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, “If I ask for wolves, they really bring them to me.”

In a good mood, he lifted the blanket and said, “Let’s get up.”

The two wolf cubs had silvery-gray fur, a very beautiful color. After being brought over, they began to howl at Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan walked over, personally picked up the noisy cubs, and handed them to Gu Yuanbai.

Wolf cubs were adorable when they were small, but they already had the wildness to attack people. When Gu Yuanbai reached out to them, the cubs opened their mouths and seemed to want to bite the Emperor’s fingers.

Xue Yuan glanced down, grasped the cubs firmly by the scruff of their necks, and the cubs drooped their ears and tails, whimpering timidly.

Gu Yuanbai’s fingers landed safely on the top of the cub’s head.

Their fur was fluffy, and the Emperor clearly liked animals with soft fur like this. The last time, he kept a fox in the palace.

The two little wolf cubs were quite clever, knowing to let Gu Yuanbai stroke them along their fur. Apart from the initial attempt to bite Gu Yuanbai, they were quite obedient, allowing Gu Yuanbai to pet them, and their soft whimpers were quite pleasing.

These ferocious beasts, when they were small, always looked so adorable, melting people’s hearts. As for when they grew up, they would completely change.

Gu Yuanbai remembered encountering two wolves in Xue’s mansion. Those two wolves had black fur, exposed fangs, and drool dripping from their sharp teeth. They were completely different from when they were small.

After playing with the cubs for a while, Gu Yuanbai was about to retract his hand and return to work, but Xue Yuan suddenly threw the two cubs he was holding onto the ground. The cubs were thrown so violently that they almost saw stars.

Xue Yuan grabbed Gu Yuanbai’s hand, and before Gu Yuanbai could frown, he smiled slightly, took out a jade thumb ring from his pocket, and put it on the Emperor’s left thumb.

The Emperor’s fingers were long and fair, the most pampered hands in the world. When such hands were adorned with a green and transparent jade ring, they seemed to come alive, white contrasting whiter, green contrasting greener, complementing each other, appearing exquisite and peerless.

Xue Yuan felt so delighted that he wanted to lift Gu Yuanbai’s hand to his lips and kiss it. He laughed, “My taste is not bad.”

Gu Yuanbai withdrew his hand, looked at the jade ring, turned it around in his hand, and was somewhat unexpectedly pleased with it.

The Emperor’s face softened slightly, and his lips curved into a smile, “Guard Xue has put in some effort.”

If you’re willing to wear it, how could this be called effort?

Xue Yuan spoke, and he thought it was just an ordinary sentence. But when he heard his own voice, he felt incredulous at how soft it sounded, “Your Majesty, tonight is the first day of the Lantern Festival. Would you like me to accompany you to see it?”

If Xue Yuan’s subordinates or the guests in his mansion saw him like this, they would be shocked.

The two wolf cubs were climbing on Xue Yuan’s black boots, tugging at his official robe, trying to climb up. Xue Yuan kicked them away, keeping his eyes fixed on Gu Yuanbai and not letting go, “Your Majesty?”

Gu Yuanbai suddenly realized, “Today is indeed the Lantern Festival.”

He was excited, “Then we must go. The lanterns I made some time ago are for today, aren’t they?”

The Lantern Festival lasted for three days, during which there was no curfew in the capital. At night, drums sounded, and every household lit lanterns, making the entire capital resemble a bright beacon in the dark night.

Every household was smiling, both young and old.

A scholar stood on the bridge and proclaimed loudly, “The Lantern Festival in Jinli, where the orchids bloom early. The splendid colors stretch far and wide, embellishing the distant sky.”

Others laughed heartily. Apart from the scholars reciting poetry, many people were holding the “The Great Heng Daily” and chatting in groups of two or three.

The colorful lanterns dyed the sky in various hues. The streets were bustling with people, and laughter filled the air. Young men and women exchanged confidences with blushing faces.

Great Prosperity was flourishing.

The sea was calm and the rivers were clear.

Gu Yuanbai found himself softened by the scene in this city that never slept.

He led his entourage through the crowds on the streets, occasionally encountering patrols of soldiers in full armor with large swords. During such festive occasions, the prefect of the capital would always dispatch guards to prevent theft and disturbances.

Gu Yuanbai held his simple lantern, its light contrasting with the darkness of the night, while Xue Yuan followed closely behind him.

He was like the tallest wolf beside Gu Yuanbai. Several times, Gu Yuanbai almost fell into Xue Yuan’s arms due to the crowd in front of him, but each time Xue Yuan supported him. Compared to the day he had recklessly stripped his pants, today’s Xue Yuan could be considered quite well-behaved.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled and teased, “Guard Xue, how do you feel working with Chu Zihu these days?”

Xue Yuan’s expression remained unchanged. “Your Majesty, Chu Zihu is not suitable.”

Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”

If he were to go to the border, he wouldn’t be able to return to Gu Yuanbai’s side for several months. Leaving Chu Zihu, who had ulterior motives towards Gu Yuanbai, behind was quite dangerous. Xue Yuan said seriously, “He has ulterior motives.”

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback, then his expression turned strange.

Xue Yuan spoke as if it were true, “He looks decent, but in reality, he’s despicable. Your Majesty, this man is cunning. You must not be deceived by him.”

Gu Yuanbai felt somewhat perplexed.

Chu Zihu seemed to be inclined towards men, which was normal, but the way Xue Yuan spoke and looked now, it was as if Chu Zihu liking men was something disgusting. 

Moreover, to openly smear someone in front of the Emperor, Xue Jiuyao was indeed the first.

Gu Yuanbai was curious and asked directly, “So, do you like men?”

How could he?

Xue Yuan wanted to say he didn’t.

Men? Why would he like men?

Throughout history, the union of Yin and Yang was the main principle. Men were supposed to be tough and masculine. How could he like men?

He wanted to say it, to bluntly say, “How could I like men?” But when the words reached his throat, they were suddenly stuck.

Why couldn’t he say it?

Xue Yuan opened his mouth, but the words remained trapped in his throat. His heart pounded heavily, pressing down on the words, making it impossible for Xue Yuan to speak.

Around him, young men and women smiled at each other, and the colorful lanterns on the street flashed with various colors.

Although the trend of homosexuality had been prevalent in Longyang in recent years, today, one could only see young men and women of similar ages everywhere. Despite the lively atmosphere, Xue Yuan couldn’t say a word.

He was stuck, unable to speak, only able to watch Gu Yuanbai, the night, and the shimmering water. Then he asked himself, Xue Jiuyao, do you like men?


With so many men in the barracks, Xue Yuan felt nauseated just thinking about it. He didn’t like men.

But if—

If it was Gu Yuanbai?


Xue Yuan’s heart suddenly raced.

Xue Yuan struggled to open his lips, “I—”

But Gu Yuanbai had already forgotten his casual question. He looked around with interest at the scenery, and then turned to Xue Yuan with a slight smile, “What about you?”

Xue Yuan remained silent.

He looked at Gu Yuanbai with obscure eyes.

Gu Yuanbai’s face was illuminated by the lantern light. The young Emperor was handsome, but no matter how handsome, he was still a man.

Gu Yuanbai spent the night taking a leisurely stroll, satisfying his eyes, and returned to the palace feeling content.

Xue Yuan also returned to his mansion. When the night grew quiet, Xue Yuan lay in bed, but he couldn’t shake off Gu Yuanbai’s question.

“Do you like men?”

Even in his dreams, Xue Yuan was haunted by this question.

He was abruptly awakened in the middle of the night.

The bed suddenly shook, and Xue Yuan sat up expressionlessly, hurriedly walking to the bathroom to pour half a bucket of cold water over his head.

As the cold water flowed down, his mind cleared.

Xue Yuan looked at the cold water, his head lowered, and the water dripped from his hair onto his body.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t like men.

Even the young Emperor didn’t like men, so why would Xue Jiuyao, a strong man, like men?

Breathing heavily, the cold water passing by his lips turned bitter. Xue Yuan straightened up expressionlessly and walked towards the room. The moon in the courtyard was bright and full, with stars scattered across the sky as if they could be plucked by hand. Out of the corner of his eye, Xue Yuan glanced at it and paused in his tracks.

He couldn’t help but think how wonderful it would be if Gu Yuanbai could see such a beautiful moon.

Realizing what he had been thinking, Xue Yuan’s expression darkened abruptly, and he strode towards the bedroom.

A few wolf howls suddenly broke the silence.

Xue Yuan sat by the bed, but sleep eluded him completely.

The moonlight outside gradually faded as the sky brightened. The light streamed into the room, illuminating the dark circles under Xue Yuan’s eyes.

He wiped his face and thought to himself, It’s over, Xue Yuan.

You’ve fallen for the young emperor.

It’s not loyalty to the emperor.

It’s that you want him.

The next day.

Gu Yuanbai was reviewing memorials when he felt a faint gaze on him.

He looked up and saw Xue Yuan smiling indifferently at him, “Your Majesty, you should rest.”

Tian Fusheng was absent, so the task of making sure the Emperor rested in time fell to Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan was bold, daring, and willing to challenge Gu Yuanbai’s limits with his life. Tian Fusheng had high hopes for him.

Just as Gu Yuanbai’s eyes felt a bit sour, he paused his writing. “Alright.”

It was the first time Xue Yuan had feelings for someone, and he was very uncomfortable with it.

He hadn’t slept all night, thinking only of Gu Yuanbai.

He thought about the fact that the young Emperor didn’t like men.

Xue Yuan still remembered Gu Yuanbai’s expression when he stepped on his roots. That look and the ominous feeling rising from his heart seemed to suggest that as long as Xue Yuan had ill intentions, Gu Yuanbai could dispose of him immediately.

Thinking like this, he seemed to have to thank his unreliable father.

Xue Yuan’s expression changed constantly, making quite a spectacle.

People around watched him like a show, and his fellow guards struggled to contain their laughter.

Look at him, this foolish-looking man was their Marquis Douyu Xue, right? Why did he look so funny?

As soon as the Emperor closed his eyes, a nimble eunuch approached to massage Gu Yuanbai’s head. The palace was filled with a gentle fragrance, and it was unclear whether the Emperor was asleep or not.

After resting for a while, Tian Fusheng walked in from outside. He approached the Emperor and took out a sealed letter from his sleeve.

The young eunuch stepped aside, and Gu Yuanbai unfolded the letter. After reading its contents, he smiled.

It was a letter from Jing Hunan, reporting news from an official named Liu Yan in the Supervision Bureau. Gu Yuanbai had sent gifts to the followers of the Lu Feng faction in Jing Hunan and Jiangnan—a group of long-term prisoners. When the prisoners arrived at their bases, they frightened the group.

With Gu Yuanbai’s anticipation and Liu Yan’s instigation, it was cause for celebration that they finally began to feel a sense of crisis and intended to assassinate Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled. “Excellent.”

Just a few days ago, he had felt like he was at death’s door, thinking he might not live to see the remnants of the Lu faction rebel. He hadn’t expected his opponents to be so eager, intending to send someone to assassinate him directly.

When Gu Yuanbai sent the rebel army to Jing Hunan and Jiangnan, he had already laid down a few chess pieces. Now, they were finally going to be useful.

The assassination would not be delayed. It would take over half a month for the messenger to travel from Jing Hunan to the capital. Gu Yuanbai waited eagerly for the assassination attempt. He put away the letter and whispered, “Let’s play their game.”

Once the Emperor of Great Heng was successfully wounded by these rebels, and they gave him the feeling that his life was in danger, they would likely be too intoxicated with their success to think clearly.

They would rebel.

Finally, they were going to rebel.

The news of the Jiashen Association sending someone to assassinate Gu Yuanbai was kept completely secret, known only to a very few. Even the guards who protected Gu Yuanbai personally, only a select few knew, let alone Xue Yuan, a courtier.

After about fifteen days, Gu Yuanbai guessed that the people sent by the Jiashen Association should have arrived. He gave them a chance himself, taking a few talented scholars from the Imperial Academy to the fields to see what the farmers had planted.

Xue Yuan got up early and trained his body. After finishing, he went to take a bath. After changing his clothes and equipping his sword, he waited at his own doorstep.

General Xue rode past him, looking at him and snorting, “Why aren’t you wearing your official robes today?”

Xue Yuan stood straight, lazily glanced at him, and said, “Going to the fields with the Emperor.”

General Xue earnestly advised, “The Emperor treats you so well. You must protect him well. As loyal subjects, our hearts and minds should be filled with nothing but the Emperor.”

Xue Yuan replied, “Laozi’s heart and mind are already filled with him.”

He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in several nights, waking up in the middle of the night to take cold baths. Gu Yuanbai chuckled; he was so bewitched he couldn’t tell east from west.

The once feared eldest young master of the Xue family in the northern borderlands couldn’t handle this infatuation any longer.

General Xue was delivering a grand speech and didn’t catch what he said: “What?”

Xue Yuan, however, ignored him, his gaze shifting past General Xue to the emperor’s carriage. He grinned and strode towards it, saying to General Xue, “I’m leaving.”

Before General Xue could get angry, he saw Xue Yuan suddenly stop in his tracks. Turning to the side, Xue Yuan warned, “General Xue, this loyalty to the emperor is mine alone to have and mine alone to declare. Do you understand?”

With that, Xue Yuan strode off towards the carriage.

The chief guard still held a spirited horse, its reddish-brown coat shining brightly. It was none other than the Ferghana horse Hongyun, left for Xue Yuan to ride.

Xue Yuan mounted the horse, rode up to the carriage window, and smiled charmingly. “Your Majesty, how are you today?”

Gu Yuanbai’s voice sounded sleepy and lazy from inside the carriage. “Fine.”

Xue Yuan smiled slightly, meaningfully asking, “Did Your Majesty dream anything last night?”

Gu Yuanbai paused for a moment, puzzled. “What do you mean, Guard Xue?”

Xue Yuan frowned. Could it be that the young Emperor hadn’t dreamt of him last night?

D*mn it.

Xue Yuan’s brows darkened instantly. His tone remained unchanged. “Nothing, I just asked casually.”

Someone dared to deceive Xue Jiuyao?

Did they want to die?

Yesterday, when Xue Yuan was on duty, he met a Taoist priest who sold a kind of talisman that could make others dream of oneself. Xue Yuan, under a misguided notion, spent a large sum of money to buy it. Following the Taoist’s instructions, he silently repeated the Emperor’s name a hundred times before bed. Then, he placed the talisman next to his pillow, as the Taoist said it would make the person one thought of dream of oneself.

With thoughts he couldn’t share with anyone else, Xue Yuan didn’t even wear clothes, lying in bed all night with his robust body.

But d*mn it, he was deceived.

Gu Yuanbai propped his face up in the carriage, speechless for a moment. He pulled aside the curtain to take a look and saw Xue Yuan outside, his face like he was about to kill someone, giving off a chilling vibe.

With such an expression, if someone really came to assassinate him, they’d likely be scared off at first sight.

Gu Yuanbai leaned his arm against the carriage window, his eyes slightly narrowed, smiling like one of those playboys from the capital who tease respectable women: “Guard Xue, with such an unpleasant look on your face, could it be that you don’t want to accompany me to the countryside?”

Xue Yuan replied, “I’d be willing to do anything.”

Gu Yuanbai found this statement a bit odd. “If I asked you to serve me as a servant, would you be willing?”

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai and thought to himself, even if you wanted to touch me… it’s not impossible.

He curled his lips into a lazy smile and asked, “What does Your Majesty want me to serve you with?”

Not only did he not seem angry, but he also looked quite eager. Gu Yuanbai pondered for a moment and said, “Just keep a pleasant expression.”

Xue Yuan’s heart, which harbored desires for the emperor’s bed, began to race. Want to see him with a pleasant expression?

See him smile?

The young emperor.


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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 51

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 51

Chapter 51

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Xue Yuan remembered that this was the handkerchief he and Chang Yu had picked up from the lake a long time ago. That evening, after finishing the dinner served by the emperor from the palace, he had taken this handkerchief, which had been trampled underfoot, into the bathhouse and casually tossed it aside while taking a bath.

Only Xue Yuan and the servant who cleaned the bathhouse came in here, yet this handkerchief inexplicably remained until now.

It was Gu Yuanbai's handkerchief.

There were dragon patterns on it.

The scene of him casually stepping on the handkerchief came vividly to Xue Yuan's mind. He looked at the mud on it, his expression changing constantly. He even forgot he was bathing halfway through his bath. He walked quickly to the tub and started washing the handkerchief.

Xue Jiayao, he thought, why did you have to step on a handkerchief?

As the weather grew warmer, seasonal fruits were placed on Gu Yuanbai's dining table.

Gu Yuanbai couldn't stand cold or heat. Now that it was June, by the end of June and the beginning of July, he would move to the summer palace to spend the entire summer there.

Wan Taifei would move there earlier in mid-June. Recently, the imperial physician had informed Gu Yuanbai that Wan Taifei's condition seemed to have stabilized. As long as she didn't suffer a major illness this summer, she should be able to get through it.

Gu Yuanbai reprimanded the attendants serving Wan Taifei and, after being reminded by the Emperor, these people became even more cautious when serving Wan Taifei.

The trade route was likely to be prepared by July or August, which would be the golden autumn season. By the time the trade route reached the border, it might be September.

Autumn was a season of harvest for Great Heng Dynasty, but nomadic tribes often chose to attack the border during autumn.

Their horses would be fat and strong, their cavalry strong and robust. They would invade the Central Plains during the autumn harvest to seize the entire winter's food supply.

Timing was just right. Gu Yuanbai thought to himself. When he was in the summer palace, the border should be ready for war. Let the nomads have no food for the whole winter, only good things to exchange with the merchants. This would be the ideal situation.

Thinking of the border, Gu Yuanbai looked up at Xue Yuan. "Guard Xue?"

It was unclear what he was thinking, he just snapped back to reality and stepped forward quickly. "Your Majesty?"

"If I send you to the border, what would you do?" Gu Yuanbai asked.

Xue Yuan smirked, not friendly at all. "Wipe them out."

This was a bit... not good.

First, Gu Yuanbai had to consider the interests of the entire Great Heng Dynasty. Now, Great Heng's cavalry couldn't resist the nomadic tribes on the entire northern grassland. The first step was to retrieve the horses from the nomads. After training enough light and heavy cavalry, and when transportation became more convenient, it would be time to wipe them out and conquer the North.

So now, what Gu Yuanbai wanted was to scare them, not make enemies. It wasn't time for revenge yet. At least two or three years later would be necessary for revenge.

At times like these, it's better to send a rational and broad-minded leader to promote the establishment of mutual trade at the border.

Xue Yuan could go when it's time to bring the northern border under control.

Thinking of someone familiar with the nomads, familiar with the border, and possessing a stable personality, Gu Yuanbai's mind flashed to General Xue.

Xue Yuan called out, "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai came to his senses and said directly, "But I don't need you to wipe them out right now."

Xue Yuan replied calmly, "I understand."

But did His Majesty mean to really send him to war?

Xue Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

He hadn't seen Gu Yuanbai all day yesterday, and he was almost going crazy. Now, just thinking about not seeing Gu Yuanbai for two or three months made him want to take Gu Yuanbai away.

His mansion was so big, the border was so vast, and raising a delicate little emperor... Xue Yuan calculated his own wealth and salary, and it seemed that he could afford it.

With a plan in mind, Gu Yuanbai asked Xue Yuan to retreat. The morning passed with work, and when it was time for lunch, Tian Fusheng timely reminded him. Gu Yuanbai had to set aside state affairs and had the meal sent for.

While he was dining, Xue Yuan watched nearby. Seeing the look in his eyes, the chief guard cautiously said, "Lord Xue, if you're hungry, why not eat first?"

Xue Yuan stared at Gu Yuanbai's lips, now greasy from eating, feeling a tickle in his throat and not hearing clearly, "Hungry for what?"

"If you're hungry, you should eat first," the chief guard raised his voice slightly.

"Eat?" Xue Yuan couldn't take his eyes off, hoarsely, "Can I eat?"

Can he eat?

"What can't you eat?" The chief guard chuckled, feeling grateful that Xue Yuan reminded him to be wary of Chu Wei, "The palace meals are delicious and abundant. You can eat as much as you want."

Eat as much as he wants...

Xue Yuan felt a warmth surge through him, and suddenly tensed up. But the tension made him choke on his own breath, emitting a low cough.

Gu Yuanbai paused, motioned to the side, "Give him a glass of water."

A palace attendant brought a glass of water to Xue Yuan, who took a sip and gulped it down. As he glanced at Gu Yuanbai, he saw the Emperor's porcelain-like side profile and became entranced.

After lunch, Gu Yuanbai took a short nap.

Upon waking up, he had slept for an hour. Gu Yuanbai laid in bed, relaxing, when he heard a commotion outside. Lifting his eyelids, he saw the door being opened.

Tian Fusheng said, "Your Majesty, it's time."

Gu Yuanbai grunted.

"What's happening outside?" 

Tian Fusheng continued, "When you were ill some time ago, Lord Xue brought two wolf cubs into the palace. Today, the palace servants, seeing that Your Majesty is better, came to ask if they should bring the two cubs to accompany you and lift your spirits."

Gu Yuanbai chuckled, "If I ask for wolves, they really bring them to me."

In a good mood, he lifted the blanket and said, "Let's get up."

The two wolf cubs had silvery-gray fur, a very beautiful color. After being brought over, they began to howl at Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan walked over, personally picked up the noisy cubs, and handed them to Gu Yuanbai.

Wolf cubs were adorable when they were small, but they already had the wildness to attack people. When Gu Yuanbai reached out to them, the cubs opened their mouths and seemed to want to bite the Emperor's fingers.

Xue Yuan glanced down, grasped the cubs firmly by the scruff of their necks, and the cubs drooped their ears and tails, whimpering timidly.

Gu Yuanbai's fingers landed safely on the top of the cub's head.

Their fur was fluffy, and the Emperor clearly liked animals with soft fur like this. The last time, he kept a fox in the palace.

The two little wolf cubs were quite clever, knowing to let Gu Yuanbai stroke them along their fur. Apart from the initial attempt to bite Gu Yuanbai, they were quite obedient, allowing Gu Yuanbai to pet them, and their soft whimpers were quite pleasing.

These ferocious beasts, when they were small, always looked so adorable, melting people's hearts. As for when they grew up, they would completely change.

Gu Yuanbai remembered encountering two wolves in Xue's mansion. Those two wolves had black fur, exposed fangs, and drool dripping from their sharp teeth. They were completely different from when they were small.

After playing with the cubs for a while, Gu Yuanbai was about to retract his hand and return to work, but Xue Yuan suddenly threw the two cubs he was holding onto the ground. The cubs were thrown so violently that they almost saw stars.

Xue Yuan grabbed Gu Yuanbai's hand, and before Gu Yuanbai could frown, he smiled slightly, took out a jade thumb ring from his pocket, and put it on the Emperor's left thumb.

The Emperor's fingers were long and fair, the most pampered hands in the world. When such hands were adorned with a green and transparent jade ring, they seemed to come alive, white contrasting whiter, green contrasting greener, complementing each other, appearing exquisite and peerless.

Xue Yuan felt so delighted that he wanted to lift Gu Yuanbai's hand to his lips and kiss it. He laughed, "My taste is not bad."

Gu Yuanbai withdrew his hand, looked at the jade ring, turned it around in his hand, and was somewhat unexpectedly pleased with it.

The Emperor's face softened slightly, and his lips curved into a smile, "Guard Xue has put in some effort."

If you're willing to wear it, how could this be called effort?

Xue Yuan spoke, and he thought it was just an ordinary sentence. But when he heard his own voice, he felt incredulous at how soft it sounded, "Your Majesty, tonight is the first day of the Lantern Festival. Would you like me to accompany you to see it?"

If Xue Yuan's subordinates or the guests in his mansion saw him like this, they would be shocked.

The two wolf cubs were climbing on Xue Yuan's black boots, tugging at his official robe, trying to climb up. Xue Yuan kicked them away, keeping his eyes fixed on Gu Yuanbai and not letting go, "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai suddenly realized, "Today is indeed the Lantern Festival."

He was excited, "Then we must go. The lanterns I made some time ago are for today, aren't they?"

The Lantern Festival lasted for three days, during which there was no curfew in the capital. At night, drums sounded, and every household lit lanterns, making the entire capital resemble a bright beacon in the dark night.

Every household was smiling, both young and old.

A scholar stood on the bridge and proclaimed loudly, "The Lantern Festival in Jinli, where the orchids bloom early. The splendid colors stretch far and wide, embellishing the distant sky."

Others laughed heartily. Apart from the scholars reciting poetry, many people were holding the "The Great Heng Daily" and chatting in groups of two or three.

The colorful lanterns dyed the sky in various hues. The streets were bustling with people, and laughter filled the air. Young men and women exchanged confidences with blushing faces.

Great Prosperity was flourishing.

The sea was calm and the rivers were clear.

Gu Yuanbai found himself softened by the scene in this city that never slept.

He led his entourage through the crowds on the streets, occasionally encountering patrols of soldiers in full armor with large swords. During such festive occasions, the prefect of the capital would always dispatch guards to prevent theft and disturbances.

Gu Yuanbai held his simple lantern, its light contrasting with the darkness of the night, while Xue Yuan followed closely behind him.

He was like the tallest wolf beside Gu Yuanbai. Several times, Gu Yuanbai almost fell into Xue Yuan's arms due to the crowd in front of him, but each time Xue Yuan supported him. Compared to the day he had recklessly stripped his pants, today's Xue Yuan could be considered quite well-behaved.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled and teased, "Guard Xue, how do you feel working with Chu Zihu these days?"

Xue Yuan's expression remained unchanged. "Your Majesty, Chu Zihu is not suitable."

Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

If he were to go to the border, he wouldn't be able to return to Gu Yuanbai's side for several months. Leaving Chu Zihu, who had ulterior motives towards Gu Yuanbai, behind was quite dangerous. Xue Yuan said seriously, "He has ulterior motives."

Gu Yuanbai was taken aback, then his expression turned strange.

Xue Yuan spoke as if it were true, "He looks decent, but in reality, he's despicable. Your Majesty, this man is cunning. You must not be deceived by him."

Gu Yuanbai felt somewhat perplexed.

Chu Zihu seemed to be inclined towards men, which was normal, but the way Xue Yuan spoke and looked now, it was as if Chu Zihu liking men was something disgusting. 

Moreover, to openly smear someone in front of the Emperor, Xue Jiuyao was indeed the first.

Gu Yuanbai was curious and asked directly, "So, do you like men?"

How could he?

Xue Yuan wanted to say he didn't.

Men? Why would he like men?

Throughout history, the union of Yin and Yang was the main principle. Men were supposed to be tough and masculine. How could he like men?

He wanted to say it, to bluntly say, "How could I like men?" But when the words reached his throat, they were suddenly stuck.

Why couldn't he say it?

Xue Yuan opened his mouth, but the words remained trapped in his throat. His heart pounded heavily, pressing down on the words, making it impossible for Xue Yuan to speak.

Around him, young men and women smiled at each other, and the colorful lanterns on the street flashed with various colors.

Although the trend of homosexuality had been prevalent in Longyang in recent years, today, one could only see young men and women of similar ages everywhere. Despite the lively atmosphere, Xue Yuan couldn't say a word.

He was stuck, unable to speak, only able to watch Gu Yuanbai, the night, and the shimmering water. Then he asked himself, Xue Jiuyao, do you like men?


With so many men in the barracks, Xue Yuan felt nauseated just thinking about it. He didn't like men.

But if—

If it was Gu Yuanbai?


Xue Yuan's heart suddenly raced.

Xue Yuan struggled to open his lips, "I—"

But Gu Yuanbai had already forgotten his casual question. He looked around with interest at the scenery, and then turned to Xue Yuan with a slight smile, "What about you?"

Xue Yuan remained silent.

He looked at Gu Yuanbai with obscure eyes.

Gu Yuanbai's face was illuminated by the lantern light. The young Emperor was handsome, but no matter how handsome, he was still a man.

Gu Yuanbai spent the night taking a leisurely stroll, satisfying his eyes, and returned to the palace feeling content.

Xue Yuan also returned to his mansion. When the night grew quiet, Xue Yuan lay in bed, but he couldn't shake off Gu Yuanbai's question.

"Do you like men?"

Even in his dreams, Xue Yuan was haunted by this question.

He was abruptly awakened in the middle of the night.

The bed suddenly shook, and Xue Yuan sat up expressionlessly, hurriedly walking to the bathroom to pour half a bucket of cold water over his head.

As the cold water flowed down, his mind cleared.

Xue Yuan looked at the cold water, his head lowered, and the water dripped from his hair onto his body.

Gu Yuanbai didn't like men.

Even the young Emperor didn't like men, so why would Xue Jiuyao, a strong man, like men?

Breathing heavily, the cold water passing by his lips turned bitter. Xue Yuan straightened up expressionlessly and walked towards the room. The moon in the courtyard was bright and full, with stars scattered across the sky as if they could be plucked by hand. Out of the corner of his eye, Xue Yuan glanced at it and paused in his tracks.

He couldn't help but think how wonderful it would be if Gu Yuanbai could see such a beautiful moon.

Realizing what he had been thinking, Xue Yuan's expression darkened abruptly, and he strode towards the bedroom.

A few wolf howls suddenly broke the silence.

Xue Yuan sat by the bed, but sleep eluded him completely.

The moonlight outside gradually faded as the sky brightened. The light streamed into the room, illuminating the dark circles under Xue Yuan's eyes.

He wiped his face and thought to himself, It's over, Xue Yuan.

You've fallen for the young emperor.

It's not loyalty to the emperor.

It's that you want him.

The next day.

Gu Yuanbai was reviewing memorials when he felt a faint gaze on him.

He looked up and saw Xue Yuan smiling indifferently at him, "Your Majesty, you should rest."

Tian Fusheng was absent, so the task of making sure the Emperor rested in time fell to Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan was bold, daring, and willing to challenge Gu Yuanbai's limits with his life. Tian Fusheng had high hopes for him.

Just as Gu Yuanbai's eyes felt a bit sour, he paused his writing. "Alright."

It was the first time Xue Yuan had feelings for someone, and he was very uncomfortable with it.

He hadn't slept all night, thinking only of Gu Yuanbai.

He thought about the fact that the young Emperor didn't like men.

Xue Yuan still remembered Gu Yuanbai's expression when he stepped on his roots. That look and the ominous feeling rising from his heart seemed to suggest that as long as Xue Yuan had ill intentions, Gu Yuanbai could dispose of him immediately.

Thinking like this, he seemed to have to thank his unreliable father.

Xue Yuan's expression changed constantly, making quite a spectacle.

People around watched him like a show, and his fellow guards struggled to contain their laughter.

Look at him, this foolish-looking man was their Marquis Douyu Xue, right? Why did he look so funny?

As soon as the Emperor closed his eyes, a nimble eunuch approached to massage Gu Yuanbai's head. The palace was filled with a gentle fragrance, and it was unclear whether the Emperor was asleep or not.

After resting for a while, Tian Fusheng walked in from outside. He approached the Emperor and took out a sealed letter from his sleeve.

The young eunuch stepped aside, and Gu Yuanbai unfolded the letter. After reading its contents, he smiled.

It was a letter from Jing Hunan, reporting news from an official named Liu Yan in the Supervision Bureau. Gu Yuanbai had sent gifts to the followers of the Lu Feng faction in Jing Hunan and Jiangnan—a group of long-term prisoners. When the prisoners arrived at their bases, they frightened the group.

With Gu Yuanbai's anticipation and Liu Yan's instigation, it was cause for celebration that they finally began to feel a sense of crisis and intended to assassinate Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai chuckled. "Excellent."

Just a few days ago, he had felt like he was at death's door, thinking he might not live to see the remnants of the Lu faction rebel. He hadn't expected his opponents to be so eager, intending to send someone to assassinate him directly.

When Gu Yuanbai sent the rebel army to Jing Hunan and Jiangnan, he had already laid down a few chess pieces. Now, they were finally going to be useful.

The assassination would not be delayed. It would take over half a month for the messenger to travel from Jing Hunan to the capital. Gu Yuanbai waited eagerly for the assassination attempt. He put away the letter and whispered, "Let's play their game."

Once the Emperor of Great Heng was successfully wounded by these rebels, and they gave him the feeling that his life was in danger, they would likely be too intoxicated with their success to think clearly.

They would rebel.

Finally, they were going to rebel.

The news of the Jiashen Association sending someone to assassinate Gu Yuanbai was kept completely secret, known only to a very few. Even the guards who protected Gu Yuanbai personally, only a select few knew, let alone Xue Yuan, a courtier.

After about fifteen days, Gu Yuanbai guessed that the people sent by the Jiashen Association should have arrived. He gave them a chance himself, taking a few talented scholars from the Imperial Academy to the fields to see what the farmers had planted.

Xue Yuan got up early and trained his body. After finishing, he went to take a bath. After changing his clothes and equipping his sword, he waited at his own doorstep.

General Xue rode past him, looking at him and snorting, "Why aren't you wearing your official robes today?"

Xue Yuan stood straight, lazily glanced at him, and said, "Going to the fields with the Emperor."

General Xue earnestly advised, "The Emperor treats you so well. You must protect him well. As loyal subjects, our hearts and minds should be filled with nothing but the Emperor."

Xue Yuan replied, "Laozi’s heart and mind are already filled with him."

He hadn't had a good night's sleep in several nights, waking up in the middle of the night to take cold baths. Gu Yuanbai chuckled; he was so bewitched he couldn't tell east from west.

The once feared eldest young master of the Xue family in the northern borderlands couldn't handle this infatuation any longer.

General Xue was delivering a grand speech and didn't catch what he said: "What?"

Xue Yuan, however, ignored him, his gaze shifting past General Xue to the emperor's carriage. He grinned and strode towards it, saying to General Xue, "I'm leaving."

Before General Xue could get angry, he saw Xue Yuan suddenly stop in his tracks. Turning to the side, Xue Yuan warned, "General Xue, this loyalty to the emperor is mine alone to have and mine alone to declare. Do you understand?"

With that, Xue Yuan strode off towards the carriage.

The chief guard still held a spirited horse, its reddish-brown coat shining brightly. It was none other than the Ferghana horse Hongyun, left for Xue Yuan to ride.

Xue Yuan mounted the horse, rode up to the carriage window, and smiled charmingly. "Your Majesty, how are you today?"

Gu Yuanbai's voice sounded sleepy and lazy from inside the carriage. "Fine."

Xue Yuan smiled slightly, meaningfully asking, "Did Your Majesty dream anything last night?"

Gu Yuanbai paused for a moment, puzzled. "What do you mean, Guard Xue?"

Xue Yuan frowned. Could it be that the young Emperor hadn't dreamt of him last night?

D*mn it.

Xue Yuan's brows darkened instantly. His tone remained unchanged. "Nothing, I just asked casually."

Someone dared to deceive Xue Jiuyao?

Did they want to die?

Yesterday, when Xue Yuan was on duty, he met a Taoist priest who sold a kind of talisman that could make others dream of oneself. Xue Yuan, under a misguided notion, spent a large sum of money to buy it. Following the Taoist's instructions, he silently repeated the Emperor's name a hundred times before bed. Then, he placed the talisman next to his pillow, as the Taoist said it would make the person one thought of dream of oneself.

With thoughts he couldn't share with anyone else, Xue Yuan didn't even wear clothes, lying in bed all night with his robust body.

But d*mn it, he was deceived.

Gu Yuanbai propped his face up in the carriage, speechless for a moment. He pulled aside the curtain to take a look and saw Xue Yuan outside, his face like he was about to kill someone, giving off a chilling vibe.

With such an expression, if someone really came to assassinate him, they'd likely be scared off at first sight.

Gu Yuanbai leaned his arm against the carriage window, his eyes slightly narrowed, smiling like one of those playboys from the capital who tease respectable women: "Guard Xue, with such an unpleasant look on your face, could it be that you don't want to accompany me to the countryside?"

Xue Yuan replied, "I'd be willing to do anything."

Gu Yuanbai found this statement a bit odd. "If I asked you to serve me as a servant, would you be willing?"

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai and thought to himself, even if you wanted to touch me... it's not impossible.

He curled his lips into a lazy smile and asked, "What does Your Majesty want me to serve you with?"

Not only did he not seem angry, but he also looked quite eager. Gu Yuanbai pondered for a moment and said, "Just keep a pleasant expression."

Xue Yuan's heart, which harbored desires for the emperor's bed, began to race. Want to see him with a pleasant expression?

See him smile?

The young emperor.


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