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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 94

Chapter 94

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Gu Yuanbai stared at the bloodstains. After a while, he got out of bed and walked to the window. Sunlight poured in, so bright that the scenery outside was blurred.

Under the brilliant sunlight, it was perfect weather for setting off.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly raised his hand to shield his eyes from the glaring sun, chuckling softly a few times.

What a clever move, Xue Jiuyou.

A cautious voice beside him spoke, “Your Majesty?”

After laughing for a moment, Gu Yuanbai turned around and called, “Someone, come here.”


Xue Yuan came and went like the wind.

After that night, no one knew that Xue Jiuyou had visited. While Gu Yuanbai was sipping warm tea in the pavilion, he pondered over Xue Yuan’s various skills until he was called several times before finally looking up.

Kong Yilin smiled and asked, “Your Majesty, did you find the hot spring soothing yesterday?”

“Indeed,” Gu Yuanbai replied, “Although a wild bird did drop a few feathers in my pool midway through.”

Kong Yilin remarked, “In this season, it’s surprising to see birds at Heqin Wang’s estate.”

The young scholars accompanying them wanted to impress the emperor. Finding it dull to sit around, they sought permission to turn it into a small literary gathering. Using flower branches as props, each person was to compose a poem when pointed at.

This was a common practice at literary gatherings. Chang Yuyan, smiling confidently with his hands behind his back, was well-prepared. Gu Yuanbai intended to boost Chang Yuyan’s reputation, and among these talented individuals, many saw him as a strong rival.

Tang Mian, who had not yet come of age, eagerly ran out of the pavilion to pick a budding hibiscus flower. As he turned to head back, he found himself face-to-face with Heqin Wang.

Tang Mian’s face turned pale with fear, stammering, “Wang… Wangye…”

Heqin Wang glanced at him coldly, a silent warning, “You still dare to appear before the emperor.”

Tang Mian, terrified and without his partner in crime Li Yan, who had hidden the emperor’s portrait with him, was at a loss, “Wangye, please allow me to explain!”

Heqin Wang ignored him, striding swiftly towards the pavilion.

His robe billowed as Tang Mian, in a panic, followed, afraid Heqin Wang would reveal his misdeeds to the emperor.

In the pavilion, the group, having waited for Tang Mian, chatted and laughed. The emperor sat surrounded by young, talented officials, all prodigies who had passed the imperial exams at a young age and joined the Hanlin Academy. That Kong Yilin was friends with these men showed they were far from pedantic.

A well-read person naturally exudes an aura of elegance. Despite the many talented individuals present, He Qinwang’s first glance still fell on Gu Yuanbai.

He took a deep breath, then stepped forward to salute, “Your servant greets Your Majesty.”

“Heqin Wang has arrived,” Gu Yuanbai said with a smile, patting the seat beside him, “Sit.”

The officials bowed to Heqin Wang and made way for him. Heqin Wang approached and sat down. Gu Yuanbai looked at him, “I was rather tired yesterday and went to bed early. This morning, Tian Fusheng told me you came by last night. Did you have something to discuss?”

Tang Mian, following closely, felt dizzy and light-headed at these words.

But Heqin Wang, looking at the embroidery on his sleeve, was as calm as a still pond, “Your Majesty, I merely wished to share some good news. Recently, the doctor visited, and the Wangfei is with child.”

Gu Yuanbai looked at him sharply.

Heqin Wang continued to gaze at his hands on his lap, his expression cold, his fingers twitching slightly. He did not look like a husband who had just learned his wife was pregnant but like a cold executioner, “The Wangfei cannot meet the emperor now. She was startled recently, and the doctor said she needs to rest and take good care of herself.”

At last, the bloodline of the late emperor had a new generation.

Tian Fusheng murmured, “This is great news, a tremendous joy.”

When the previous emperor reigned, Heqin Wang was often on military campaigns, rarely home. Since returning to the capital, there had been no news of offspring. Given the previous emperor also had few children, many speculated about the difficulty of continuing the royal lineage.

Everyone congratulated him, their faces full of smiles. Heqin Wang exchanged polite words, and Gu Yuanbai asked, “How far along is she?”

“Almost two months,” Heqin Wang replied, “She conceived after Your Majesty’s birthday celebration. Truly fortunate.”

Gu Yuanbai laughed, “Tian Fusheng, reward him!”

Tian Fusheng responded loudly, “Yes, Your Majesty!”

Heqin Wang said, “I thank Your Majesty on behalf of the Wangfei.”

Gu Yuanbai shook his head with a smile, standing and pulling Heqin Wang along to walk out of the pavilion, intending to share some private words between brothers.

Heqin Wang looked down at Gu Yuanbai’s hand on his arm, noticing how slender and pale it was, almost translucent against his dark robe.

Wangfei’s hands were also white, but without the veins and tendons of a man’s hand. Though delicate, this was unmistakably a man’s hand, unique in the world.

During those late-night moments, Heqin Wang would hold the Wangfei’s hands above her head, sometimes drenched in sweat, lost in thought, grasping her chin and calling out, “Gu Lian.”

Wangfei knew his heart.

But Heqin Wang felt relieved, as if he had finally found someone to share his darkest secrets with, confiding in her words that could anger their ancestors and invite divine retribution.

The Wangfei trembled with fear, but she need not worry; Heqin Wang would do her no harm. On the contrary, he would give her a child, a child who would ensure her future prosperity and wealth.

The emperor and Heqin Wang walked away slowly, both tall and slender. Those left in the pavilion watched them grow smaller with a hint of disappointment.

Kong Yilin spoke up, “Shall we continue, everyone?”

Chu Wei withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes, and said calmly, “Since everything has been decided, let’s continue.”

Tang Mian presented the hibiscus flower. Kong Yilin glanced at his pale face and said, “Lord Tang, why do you look so unwell?”

Tang Mian forced a smile, “I must have caught a bit of a cold.”


Among the green leaves and red flowers, on a path of small stones.

The emperor walked slowly, his footsteps soft, accompanied by the sound of flowing water. Gu Yuanbai, with his hands tucked into his sleeves, his robe hanging down, spoke earnestly, “Brother, Heqin Wangfei has been through a lot. You must take good care of her. This estate seems quite nice. When there’s nothing pressing, you can bring Wangfei out for a walk. Don’t stay cooped up in the residence all the time.”

“The emperor also likes this estate?” Heqin Wang nodded slightly, “I will naturally take good care of Wangfei. You need not worry. Speaking of which, this estate still doesn’t have a name. The four characters for ‘Heqin Wang Residence’ were written by the emperor. Why not name this estate as well?”

Gu Yuanbai, aware of his own limitations in naming, declined, “No need. If you want my calligraphy, just tell me the name after you decide, and I’ll write it for you and have it sent to your residence.”

Heqin Wang’s expression softened, “Alright.”

The emperor sighed, “It’s troubling that neither of us brothers has any offspring yet. My health isn’t great, and I often worry about this. Hearing this news now feels like seeing the moon through the clouds.”

Two wolves, their eyes gleaming fiercely, stared intently at Heqin Wang, growling menacingly. Each required the effort of two or three guards to hold back, preventing them from lunging at Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang glanced at the wolves with a look of displeasure, “I feel the same.”

After a few more casual exchanges, as they neared the end of the path, Heqin Wang suddenly stopped and frowned, “Your Majesty, I didn’t come last night solely to report Wangfei’s pregnancy. A month ago, an envoy from Xixia sent gifts to my residence, claiming they were for making amends, but couldn’t explain what for, so I didn’t accept. Recently, they sent another substantial gift, clearly seeking a favor.”

Gu Yuanbai couldn’t help but laugh, “Did you accept it?”

Heqin Wang sneered, “A mere Xixia dares to bribe me. How bold! Of course, I didn’t accept it.”

Gu Yuanbai was about to express regret but seeing Heqin Wang’s scornful yet justified expression, he felt a surge of admiration for Heqin Wang’s integrity, untainted by material wealth.

Heqin Wang truly lived up to his reputation, unlike Gu Yuanbai, who was always eager to exploit the situation for personal gain.

After his moment of admiration, Gu Yuanbai asked curiously, “What gifts did they send?”

Heqin Wang listed a few memorable items, and Gu Yuanbai’s eyes narrowed slightly. After a while, he smiled, his eyes gleaming with desire, “How coincidental that these things are just what I like.”

It seemed time to discuss trade matters with Xixia.


Xue Yuan rode out of the capital at dawn, but was stopped at the first post station by people waiting to greet him.

They took his horse, prepared hot water and food, a fine room, a soft bed, excellent medicines, and respectful doctors and servants to tend to his wounds.

After Xue Yuan had a good night’s rest, his horse was brought out the next morning. The horse’s coat was smooth, adorned with beautiful and exquisite tack. It neighed loudly, and its back was already equipped with ample fresh water and jerky, mirroring its owner’s vigorous spirit.

Xue Yuan, puzzled, mounted his horse and continued north. At every post station, he received the same considerate treatment. Sometimes, people from the station would even bring a stove and ingredients to cook a fragrant meal for him in the wild.

After several such instances, Xue Yuan understood it was the emperor’s doing.

He laughed softly, his chest trembling.

This was the emperor’s way of showing him that despite Gu Yuanbai’s frail health and cold hands, the emperor firmly held his position of power, capable of bestowing comfort upon Xue Yuan throughout his journey.

This treatment made Xue Yuan feel like a pampered concubine, needing the emperor’s strong favor.

Indeed, it was the servant entering the emperor’s embrace, not the other way around.

Xue Yuan accepted it graciously.

The emperor’s favor brought luxuries unimaginable to ordinary people: a fresh horse each day, rations as good as those in the capital, fragrant fruits, and clothes imbued with long-lasting scents.

If not for his urgency, Xue Yuan believed they might have carried him to the northern frontier like a statue.

Although it slowed his progress, Xue Yuan accepted the emperor’s arrangements.

Even the weariest heart would melt.

These thoughtful gestures were hard to refuse.

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 94

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 94

Chapter 94

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Gu Yuanbai stared at the bloodstains. After a while, he got out of bed and walked to the window. Sunlight poured in, so bright that the scenery outside was blurred.

Under the brilliant sunlight, it was perfect weather for setting off.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly raised his hand to shield his eyes from the glaring sun, chuckling softly a few times.

What a clever move, Xue Jiuyou.

A cautious voice beside him spoke, "Your Majesty?"

After laughing for a moment, Gu Yuanbai turned around and called, "Someone, come here."


Xue Yuan came and went like the wind.

After that night, no one knew that Xue Jiuyou had visited. While Gu Yuanbai was sipping warm tea in the pavilion, he pondered over Xue Yuan's various skills until he was called several times before finally looking up.

Kong Yilin smiled and asked, "Your Majesty, did you find the hot spring soothing yesterday?"

"Indeed," Gu Yuanbai replied, "Although a wild bird did drop a few feathers in my pool midway through."

Kong Yilin remarked, "In this season, it's surprising to see birds at Heqin Wang's estate."

The young scholars accompanying them wanted to impress the emperor. Finding it dull to sit around, they sought permission to turn it into a small literary gathering. Using flower branches as props, each person was to compose a poem when pointed at.

This was a common practice at literary gatherings. Chang Yuyan, smiling confidently with his hands behind his back, was well-prepared. Gu Yuanbai intended to boost Chang Yuyan's reputation, and among these talented individuals, many saw him as a strong rival.

Tang Mian, who had not yet come of age, eagerly ran out of the pavilion to pick a budding hibiscus flower. As he turned to head back, he found himself face-to-face with Heqin Wang.

Tang Mian's face turned pale with fear, stammering, "Wang... Wangye..."

Heqin Wang glanced at him coldly, a silent warning, "You still dare to appear before the emperor."

Tang Mian, terrified and without his partner in crime Li Yan, who had hidden the emperor's portrait with him, was at a loss, "Wangye, please allow me to explain!"

Heqin Wang ignored him, striding swiftly towards the pavilion.

His robe billowed as Tang Mian, in a panic, followed, afraid Heqin Wang would reveal his misdeeds to the emperor.

In the pavilion, the group, having waited for Tang Mian, chatted and laughed. The emperor sat surrounded by young, talented officials, all prodigies who had passed the imperial exams at a young age and joined the Hanlin Academy. That Kong Yilin was friends with these men showed they were far from pedantic.

A well-read person naturally exudes an aura of elegance. Despite the many talented individuals present, He Qinwang's first glance still fell on Gu Yuanbai.

He took a deep breath, then stepped forward to salute, "Your servant greets Your Majesty."

"Heqin Wang has arrived," Gu Yuanbai said with a smile, patting the seat beside him, "Sit."

The officials bowed to Heqin Wang and made way for him. Heqin Wang approached and sat down. Gu Yuanbai looked at him, "I was rather tired yesterday and went to bed early. This morning, Tian Fusheng told me you came by last night. Did you have something to discuss?"

Tang Mian, following closely, felt dizzy and light-headed at these words.

But Heqin Wang, looking at the embroidery on his sleeve, was as calm as a still pond, "Your Majesty, I merely wished to share some good news. Recently, the doctor visited, and the Wangfei is with child."

Gu Yuanbai looked at him sharply.

Heqin Wang continued to gaze at his hands on his lap, his expression cold, his fingers twitching slightly. He did not look like a husband who had just learned his wife was pregnant but like a cold executioner, "The Wangfei cannot meet the emperor now. She was startled recently, and the doctor said she needs to rest and take good care of herself."

At last, the bloodline of the late emperor had a new generation.

Tian Fusheng murmured, "This is great news, a tremendous joy."

When the previous emperor reigned, Heqin Wang was often on military campaigns, rarely home. Since returning to the capital, there had been no news of offspring. Given the previous emperor also had few children, many speculated about the difficulty of continuing the royal lineage.

Everyone congratulated him, their faces full of smiles. Heqin Wang exchanged polite words, and Gu Yuanbai asked, "How far along is she?"

"Almost two months," Heqin Wang replied, "She conceived after Your Majesty's birthday celebration. Truly fortunate."

Gu Yuanbai laughed, "Tian Fusheng, reward him!"

Tian Fusheng responded loudly, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Heqin Wang said, "I thank Your Majesty on behalf of the Wangfei."

Gu Yuanbai shook his head with a smile, standing and pulling Heqin Wang along to walk out of the pavilion, intending to share some private words between brothers.

Heqin Wang looked down at Gu Yuanbai's hand on his arm, noticing how slender and pale it was, almost translucent against his dark robe.

Wangfei's hands were also white, but without the veins and tendons of a man's hand. Though delicate, this was unmistakably a man's hand, unique in the world.

During those late-night moments, Heqin Wang would hold the Wangfei's hands above her head, sometimes drenched in sweat, lost in thought, grasping her chin and calling out, "Gu Lian."

Wangfei knew his heart.

But Heqin Wang felt relieved, as if he had finally found someone to share his darkest secrets with, confiding in her words that could anger their ancestors and invite divine retribution.

The Wangfei trembled with fear, but she need not worry; Heqin Wang would do her no harm. On the contrary, he would give her a child, a child who would ensure her future prosperity and wealth.

The emperor and Heqin Wang walked away slowly, both tall and slender. Those left in the pavilion watched them grow smaller with a hint of disappointment.

Kong Yilin spoke up, "Shall we continue, everyone?"

Chu Wei withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes, and said calmly, "Since everything has been decided, let's continue."

Tang Mian presented the hibiscus flower. Kong Yilin glanced at his pale face and said, "Lord Tang, why do you look so unwell?"

Tang Mian forced a smile, "I must have caught a bit of a cold."


Among the green leaves and red flowers, on a path of small stones.

The emperor walked slowly, his footsteps soft, accompanied by the sound of flowing water. Gu Yuanbai, with his hands tucked into his sleeves, his robe hanging down, spoke earnestly, "Brother, Heqin Wangfei has been through a lot. You must take good care of her. This estate seems quite nice. When there's nothing pressing, you can bring Wangfei out for a walk. Don't stay cooped up in the residence all the time."

"The emperor also likes this estate?" Heqin Wang nodded slightly, "I will naturally take good care of Wangfei. You need not worry. Speaking of which, this estate still doesn't have a name. The four characters for 'Heqin Wang Residence' were written by the emperor. Why not name this estate as well?"

Gu Yuanbai, aware of his own limitations in naming, declined, "No need. If you want my calligraphy, just tell me the name after you decide, and I'll write it for you and have it sent to your residence."

Heqin Wang's expression softened, "Alright."

The emperor sighed, "It's troubling that neither of us brothers has any offspring yet. My health isn't great, and I often worry about this. Hearing this news now feels like seeing the moon through the clouds."

Two wolves, their eyes gleaming fiercely, stared intently at Heqin Wang, growling menacingly. Each required the effort of two or three guards to hold back, preventing them from lunging at Heqin Wang.

Heqin Wang glanced at the wolves with a look of displeasure, "I feel the same."

After a few more casual exchanges, as they neared the end of the path, Heqin Wang suddenly stopped and frowned, "Your Majesty, I didn't come last night solely to report Wangfei's pregnancy. A month ago, an envoy from Xixia sent gifts to my residence, claiming they were for making amends, but couldn't explain what for, so I didn't accept. Recently, they sent another substantial gift, clearly seeking a favor."

Gu Yuanbai couldn't help but laugh, "Did you accept it?"

Heqin Wang sneered, "A mere Xixia dares to bribe me. How bold! Of course, I didn't accept it."

Gu Yuanbai was about to express regret but seeing Heqin Wang's scornful yet justified expression, he felt a surge of admiration for Heqin Wang's integrity, untainted by material wealth.

Heqin Wang truly lived up to his reputation, unlike Gu Yuanbai, who was always eager to exploit the situation for personal gain.

After his moment of admiration, Gu Yuanbai asked curiously, "What gifts did they send?"

Heqin Wang listed a few memorable items, and Gu Yuanbai's eyes narrowed slightly. After a while, he smiled, his eyes gleaming with desire, "How coincidental that these things are just what I like."

It seemed time to discuss trade matters with Xixia.


Xue Yuan rode out of the capital at dawn, but was stopped at the first post station by people waiting to greet him.

They took his horse, prepared hot water and food, a fine room, a soft bed, excellent medicines, and respectful doctors and servants to tend to his wounds.

After Xue Yuan had a good night's rest, his horse was brought out the next morning. The horse's coat was smooth, adorned with beautiful and exquisite tack. It neighed loudly, and its back was already equipped with ample fresh water and jerky, mirroring its owner's vigorous spirit.

Xue Yuan, puzzled, mounted his horse and continued north. At every post station, he received the same considerate treatment. Sometimes, people from the station would even bring a stove and ingredients to cook a fragrant meal for him in the wild.

After several such instances, Xue Yuan understood it was the emperor's doing.

He laughed softly, his chest trembling.

This was the emperor's way of showing him that despite Gu Yuanbai's frail health and cold hands, the emperor firmly held his position of power, capable of bestowing comfort upon Xue Yuan throughout his journey.

This treatment made Xue Yuan feel like a pampered concubine, needing the emperor's strong favor.

Indeed, it was the servant entering the emperor's embrace, not the other way around.

Xue Yuan accepted it graciously.

The emperor's favor brought luxuries unimaginable to ordinary people: a fresh horse each day, rations as good as those in the capital, fragrant fruits, and clothes imbued with long-lasting scents.

If not for his urgency, Xue Yuan believed they might have carried him to the northern frontier like a statue.

Although it slowed his progress, Xue Yuan accepted the emperor's arrangements.

Even the weariest heart would melt.

These thoughtful gestures were hard to refuse.

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