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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 95

Chapter 95

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The emperor had his ways.

Xue Yuan wanted to care for Gu Yuanbai as his beloved, which was understandable, but Gu Yuanbai was not the type to passively accept the protection of another man with such a strong sense of dominance. Xue Yuan’s assertiveness triggered the competitive and conquering spirit beneath Gu Yuanbai’s gentle facade. He showed Xue Yuan through his actions that, with him, he didn’t need Xue Yuan’s protection, but it seemed that Xue Yuan couldn’t do without his favor.

When Gu Yuanbai saw the bloodstains on the bed, he did feel a moment of softness.

It was undeniable, the evidence was right there.

This softness wasn’t necessarily emotional; it didn’t mean Gu Yuanbai had fallen for Xue Yuan. It was just the sight of the blood, Xue Yuan’s words, and the good sleep he’d had the previous night. The feeling came quickly and faded just as fast.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t even fully understand the source of his softness.

Pity Xue Jiuyao? He doesn’t need pity.

Gu Yuanbai didn’t know this, but he wasn’t in a hurry to find out.

He merely pondered for a moment before switching thoughts, wondering if Xue Yuan saw him as a woman.

The way Xue Yuan treated him, with such intense emotions, was it because of Gu Yuanbai’s androgynous appearance?

At this thought, Gu Yuanbai let out a cold laugh.

No matter how beautiful, how handsome, or how frail his body was, if Xue Yuan truly didn’t see him as a man, then Gu Yuanbai would turn him into mincemeat.

Carrier pigeons had been used for military purposes since the Han Dynasty. In Great Heng’s postal stations, border posts, government offices, inns, the capital, and major towns, there were specialized units for message delivery using carrier pigeons.

These pigeons were specially trained, very homing, and sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field. However, during locust plagues in the north, using carrier pigeons was risky, as starving people or predatory birds might catch them for food. Thus, General Xue abandoned the method of using carrier pigeons, which had obvious drawbacks.

But on the route from the capital to the postal stations, carrier pigeons were much faster than galloping horses.

While Xue Yuan was still traveling, the emperor’s edict was relayed from one postal station to the next, without interruption.

Gu Yuanbai’s display of wealth and resources, everything that could make someone willingly submit, was showcased brilliantly.

Most importantly, he didn’t care about these things himself. He had enough confidence to give anyone special treatment, throwing down such overwhelming resources that even a deity would be stunned.

Xue Yuan wasn’t dazed by these things, but he was overwhelmed by the domineering force behind them.

Feeling dazed and confused like a drunk, the emperor’s tactics softened Xue Yuan completely, making him willingly become the “delicate concubine” protected by the emperor over a thousand miles.

He had no choice. Ever since Gu Yuanbai said “can’t bear the pain” in the cave, Xue Yuan had metaphorically chained himself and eagerly handed the chain to Gu Yuanbai.

Thinking of Gu Yuanbai, he felt like being on a volcano, his emotions like lava, constantly burning with intense excitement.

As Xue Yuan rode, he couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Gu Yuanbai. As long as he was sure Gu Yuanbai had not taken any concubines, he was in high spirits, wanting to sing loudly even when crossing mountains and dense forests. Occasionally, when his hand brushed the horse’s mane, he felt a tickling sensation, as if brushing the emperor’s chest.

At such moments, his thoughts would be interrupted, and his nose would start to itch.

Such a dominant emperor, even that place was pink.

Adorable… ah.


Gu Yuanbai had no idea Xue Yuan dared to think of him as adorable.

He returned to the palace with his entourage, specifically escorting Chu Wei to the Chu residence. He subtly inquired, “I’ve heard, Lord Chu, that you’ve been seen with the envoys from Xixia recently?”

Chu Wei had been avoiding the emperor’s gaze, but at these words, he suddenly looked up, his face stern, his brows furrowed with shadows.

In Gu Yuanbai’s eyes, Chu Wei had always been a dignified gentleman, exuding the beauty of a graceful jade-like scholar. He looked refined, capable, and proud.

But this expression was something Gu Yuanbai had never seen before. Even when he had been tied to the dragon bed, Chu Wei had at least appeared calm and unruffled.

Gu Yuanbai thought privately that this expression showed an extreme dislike for the prince of Xixia.

Chu Wei’s eyes calmed, and he said steadily, “Your Majesty, please be clear. I have no friendly relations with the envoys from Xixia. On the contrary, we are at odds.”

“I understand your character,” Gu Yuanbai reassured him. “These days have been hard on you, Lord Chu. Tomorrow, I will summon the envoys from Xixia. Since you’ve had several encounters with them recently, you should join us.”

Chu Wei respectfully replied, “I obey the decree.”


The next day, in Xuanzheng Hall.

Ministers stood on either side as the eunuch outside loudly announced the arrival of the envoys from Xixia.

The Xixia prince entered with his entourage, heads bowed in salutation. Gu Yuanbai watched them from his high seat. Their days of learning court etiquette had paid off; their actions were now impeccable.

After their formalities, the Xixia prince said, “Foreign envoy Li Angshun and the envoys from Xixia greet Your Majesty and wish you eternal health and prosperity.”

The ministers smiled at them, many having accepted gifts from Xixia. The envoys’ faces twitched with frustration, inwardly cursing these old hypocrites.

Accepting gifts without asking for their purpose, the envoys had grown to see through the false modesty of Great Heng officials.

Isn’t Great Heng said to be a nation of etiquette, where humility is valued by everyone? When the Xixia envoys gave gifts to these people, they didn’t dare to speak directly. As a result, these people indeed accepted the gifts, but after accepting them, they acted as if they couldn’t understand the hints in the Xixia envoys’ words, pretending not to understand and forcing the envoys to give gifts repeatedly without achieving their goals.

The anxiety and frustration of not making progress over these days had erased the arrogance from the faces of the Xixia envoys, replacing it with the tension and exhaustion from repeated setbacks.

The stress and setbacks left the envoys looking anxious and haggard.

Clearly, they had been tormented.

Emperor Gu Yuanbai, with his wicked sense of humor, leaned forward and asked with mock concern, “Why do the envoys from Xixia look so unwell?”

His teasing was obvious. The Xixia prince’s face darkened, but he suppressed his anger when he looked up at the emperor, replying tersely, “It must be the change in climate and restless nights.”

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, fiddling with his jade ring, and after a few polite exchanges, called the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue forward to discuss trade matters between the two nations.

At present, Xixia still relied on Great Heng’s resources. Their green salt, cheaper than official salt, was a major source of private salt in the country.

This green salt alone brought great profits to Xixia. They weren’t afraid of Gu Yuanbai outright banning salt because people would always buy cheaper salt if given a choice. As long as there was a market, there was supply and demand. If Gu Yuanbai enforced a ban too strictly, it might backfire. But Xixia feared Gu Yuanbai meddling just enough to make things difficult, creating significant obstacles for their green salt trade.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, emboldened by the strength of his nation, adopted a grand demeanor and proposed an increase of fifty percent on the previous terms of trade, then waited for Xixia’s counteroffer.

The envoy from Xixia turned pale with anger.

The Golden Throne was not empty; officials from the Ministry of Rites, the Assistant Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, various other officials, and the Grand Chancellor were all present, occasionally interjecting with comments that reinforced the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue’s statements.

Additionally, a court historian stood ready to record everything.

With so many people surrounding the Xixia envoys, it was as if a group of foxes had encircled a few defenseless chicks, their eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

Great Heng’s officials, dressed in their formal robes, spoke politely but set traps with every word. Kong Yilin, standing nearby, felt greatly enlightened, learning a lot from the exchanges between the two countries’ officials.

He suddenly realized how cunning they could be.

The Xixia envoys were visibly distressed. The Xixia prince knew the traps in their words, but his quick thinking couldn’t keep up with these seasoned statesmen. One of the Xixia officials, responsible for negotiations, finally snapped, angrily exclaiming, “You are going too far!”

“Too far?” The Assistant Minister of State Affairs chuckled helplessly. “May I ask, esteemed envoys, how have we wronged you?”

When Great Heng truly showed politeness, Xixia thought Great Heng was weak, believing its adherence to rules and reputation was merely vanity, of no real use. But now, faced with the unyielding reality behind Great Heng’s polite facade, they realized how fortunate they had been to receive Great Heng’s respectful treatment.

The envoys from Xixia had a deeply ingrained stereotype of Great Heng, assuming that Great Heng would agree to whatever they asked.

But Great Heng was no longer what it once was.

Li Angshun quickly stepped forward, apologizing, “In the heat of the moment, our words were overly harsh. Please do not take offense.”

In a struggle for interests between two nations, heated words were minor issues. Psychological tactics and intentional pressure were meant to force the other side to concede. Great Heng’s officials pressed relentlessly, and claims of excessive bullying were merely the cries of defeated opponents.

The Xixia prince’s apology was graciously accepted by Great Heng’s officials, who magnanimously stated they bore no grudges.

Their magnanimity highlighted Xixia’s desperation.

With this, the discussions for the day ended. Over the next two days, negotiations in Xuanzheng Hall were a slow and prolonged tug-of-war, with both sides gradually detailing acceptable terms.

Finally, they reached an agreement on the trade markets between Great Heng and Xixia. Xixia conceded the requested benefits and agreed to supply at least 3,000 horses annually to Great Heng.

In these markets, Great Heng’s merchants would occupy 60 percent, and taxes and fees were increased by 30 percent from previous rates. Various other minor matters were also settled, resulting in substantial gains for Great Heng.

After agreeing to these terms, the faces of Xixia’s envoys looked grim. Li Angshun’s face was also stern, his forced smile frozen.

Gu Yuanbai, half-closed his eyes, appearing somewhat pale. Though he hadn’t moved, the intense mental exertion was taking a toll on him.

However, he hid it well, and no one noticed.

As the sun reached its peak, it was time for lunch. The imperial kitchen presented a series of dishes, specially prepared for the state banquet to entertain the envoys from Xixia. As the dishes and alcohol were served, amidst the toasts and laughter of the officials, the envoys’ expressions finally relaxed a bit.

At this moment, Li Angshun noticed that Chu Wei was also present.

The Emperor of Great Heng previously protected Chu Wei and scolded him for it. From this perspective, it seems that Chu Wei and the Emperor of Great Heng have a good relationship.

Li Angshun glanced at Chu Wei, took a sip of alcohol, then inexplicably glanced at the high-seated Emperor before taking another sip.

After several times, his mind became somewhat blurred. Suddenly, Li Angshun stood up, picked up a wine glass, and walked to Chu Wei’s side. Without a word, he grabbed Chu Wei’s arm and brought him in front of the Emperor.

The guards behind Gu Yuanbai fixed their gaze on the Xixia prince.

The Xixia prince, drunk and slurring, said, “Your subject wishes to marry your official.”

Gu Yuanbai stared at him expressionlessly.

The Xixia prince stubbornly held onto Chu Wei, his eyes fixed on the Emperor, “Your subject has made many concessions and just wants him. Great Emperor of Great Heng, do you agree?”

Chu Wei’s face was cold, his anger deep. Just as he was about to shake off the Xixia princeg’s hand, he caught a glimpse and stopped.

He turned his head and stared at Li Angshun.

If you truly liked me, why do you keep staring at the Emperor?

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I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 95

I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country Chapter 95

Chapter 95

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The emperor had his ways.

Xue Yuan wanted to care for Gu Yuanbai as his beloved, which was understandable, but Gu Yuanbai was not the type to passively accept the protection of another man with such a strong sense of dominance. Xue Yuan's assertiveness triggered the competitive and conquering spirit beneath Gu Yuanbai's gentle facade. He showed Xue Yuan through his actions that, with him, he didn't need Xue Yuan's protection, but it seemed that Xue Yuan couldn't do without his favor.

When Gu Yuanbai saw the bloodstains on the bed, he did feel a moment of softness.

It was undeniable, the evidence was right there.

This softness wasn't necessarily emotional; it didn't mean Gu Yuanbai had fallen for Xue Yuan. It was just the sight of the blood, Xue Yuan's words, and the good sleep he'd had the previous night. The feeling came quickly and faded just as fast.

Gu Yuanbai didn't even fully understand the source of his softness.

Pity Xue Jiuyao? He doesn't need pity.

Gu Yuanbai didn't know this, but he wasn't in a hurry to find out.

He merely pondered for a moment before switching thoughts, wondering if Xue Yuan saw him as a woman.

The way Xue Yuan treated him, with such intense emotions, was it because of Gu Yuanbai's androgynous appearance?

At this thought, Gu Yuanbai let out a cold laugh.

No matter how beautiful, how handsome, or how frail his body was, if Xue Yuan truly didn't see him as a man, then Gu Yuanbai would turn him into mincemeat.

Carrier pigeons had been used for military purposes since the Han Dynasty. In Great Heng's postal stations, border posts, government offices, inns, the capital, and major towns, there were specialized units for message delivery using carrier pigeons.

These pigeons were specially trained, very homing, and sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field. However, during locust plagues in the north, using carrier pigeons was risky, as starving people or predatory birds might catch them for food. Thus, General Xue abandoned the method of using carrier pigeons, which had obvious drawbacks.

But on the route from the capital to the postal stations, carrier pigeons were much faster than galloping horses.

While Xue Yuan was still traveling, the emperor's edict was relayed from one postal station to the next, without interruption.

Gu Yuanbai's display of wealth and resources, everything that could make someone willingly submit, was showcased brilliantly.

Most importantly, he didn't care about these things himself. He had enough confidence to give anyone special treatment, throwing down such overwhelming resources that even a deity would be stunned.

Xue Yuan wasn't dazed by these things, but he was overwhelmed by the domineering force behind them.

Feeling dazed and confused like a drunk, the emperor's tactics softened Xue Yuan completely, making him willingly become the "delicate concubine" protected by the emperor over a thousand miles.

He had no choice. Ever since Gu Yuanbai said "can't bear the pain" in the cave, Xue Yuan had metaphorically chained himself and eagerly handed the chain to Gu Yuanbai.

Thinking of Gu Yuanbai, he felt like being on a volcano, his emotions like lava, constantly burning with intense excitement.

As Xue Yuan rode, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of Gu Yuanbai. As long as he was sure Gu Yuanbai had not taken any concubines, he was in high spirits, wanting to sing loudly even when crossing mountains and dense forests. Occasionally, when his hand brushed the horse's mane, he felt a tickling sensation, as if brushing the emperor's chest.

At such moments, his thoughts would be interrupted, and his nose would start to itch.

Such a dominant emperor, even that place was pink.

Adorable... ah.


Gu Yuanbai had no idea Xue Yuan dared to think of him as adorable.

He returned to the palace with his entourage, specifically escorting Chu Wei to the Chu residence. He subtly inquired, "I've heard, Lord Chu, that you've been seen with the envoys from Xixia recently?"

Chu Wei had been avoiding the emperor's gaze, but at these words, he suddenly looked up, his face stern, his brows furrowed with shadows.

In Gu Yuanbai's eyes, Chu Wei had always been a dignified gentleman, exuding the beauty of a graceful jade-like scholar. He looked refined, capable, and proud.

But this expression was something Gu Yuanbai had never seen before. Even when he had been tied to the dragon bed, Chu Wei had at least appeared calm and unruffled.

Gu Yuanbai thought privately that this expression showed an extreme dislike for the prince of Xixia.

Chu Wei's eyes calmed, and he said steadily, "Your Majesty, please be clear. I have no friendly relations with the envoys from Xixia. On the contrary, we are at odds."

"I understand your character," Gu Yuanbai reassured him. "These days have been hard on you, Lord Chu. Tomorrow, I will summon the envoys from Xixia. Since you've had several encounters with them recently, you should join us."

Chu Wei respectfully replied, "I obey the decree."


The next day, in Xuanzheng Hall.

Ministers stood on either side as the eunuch outside loudly announced the arrival of the envoys from Xixia.

The Xixia prince entered with his entourage, heads bowed in salutation. Gu Yuanbai watched them from his high seat. Their days of learning court etiquette had paid off; their actions were now impeccable.

After their formalities, the Xixia prince said, "Foreign envoy Li Angshun and the envoys from Xixia greet Your Majesty and wish you eternal health and prosperity."

The ministers smiled at them, many having accepted gifts from Xixia. The envoys’ faces twitched with frustration, inwardly cursing these old hypocrites.

Accepting gifts without asking for their purpose, the envoys had grown to see through the false modesty of Great Heng officials.

Isn't Great Heng said to be a nation of etiquette, where humility is valued by everyone? When the Xixia envoys gave gifts to these people, they didn't dare to speak directly. As a result, these people indeed accepted the gifts, but after accepting them, they acted as if they couldn't understand the hints in the Xixia envoys' words, pretending not to understand and forcing the envoys to give gifts repeatedly without achieving their goals.

The anxiety and frustration of not making progress over these days had erased the arrogance from the faces of the Xixia envoys, replacing it with the tension and exhaustion from repeated setbacks.

The stress and setbacks left the envoys looking anxious and haggard.

Clearly, they had been tormented.

Emperor Gu Yuanbai, with his wicked sense of humor, leaned forward and asked with mock concern, "Why do the envoys from Xixia look so unwell?"

His teasing was obvious. The Xixia prince's face darkened, but he suppressed his anger when he looked up at the emperor, replying tersely, "It must be the change in climate and restless nights."

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, fiddling with his jade ring, and after a few polite exchanges, called the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue forward to discuss trade matters between the two nations.

At present, Xixia still relied on Great Heng's resources. Their green salt, cheaper than official salt, was a major source of private salt in the country.

This green salt alone brought great profits to Xixia. They weren't afraid of Gu Yuanbai outright banning salt because people would always buy cheaper salt if given a choice. As long as there was a market, there was supply and demand. If Gu Yuanbai enforced a ban too strictly, it might backfire. But Xixia feared Gu Yuanbai meddling just enough to make things difficult, creating significant obstacles for their green salt trade.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, emboldened by the strength of his nation, adopted a grand demeanor and proposed an increase of fifty percent on the previous terms of trade, then waited for Xixia’s counteroffer.

The envoy from Xixia turned pale with anger.

The Golden Throne was not empty; officials from the Ministry of Rites, the Assistant Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue, various other officials, and the Grand Chancellor were all present, occasionally interjecting with comments that reinforced the Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue's statements.

Additionally, a court historian stood ready to record everything.

With so many people surrounding the Xixia envoys, it was as if a group of foxes had encircled a few defenseless chicks, their eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

Great Heng's officials, dressed in their formal robes, spoke politely but set traps with every word. Kong Yilin, standing nearby, felt greatly enlightened, learning a lot from the exchanges between the two countries' officials.

He suddenly realized how cunning they could be.

The Xixia envoys were visibly distressed. The Xixia prince knew the traps in their words, but his quick thinking couldn't keep up with these seasoned statesmen. One of the Xixia officials, responsible for negotiations, finally snapped, angrily exclaiming, "You are going too far!"

"Too far?" The Assistant Minister of State Affairs chuckled helplessly. "May I ask, esteemed envoys, how have we wronged you?"

When Great Heng truly showed politeness, Xixia thought Great Heng was weak, believing its adherence to rules and reputation was merely vanity, of no real use. But now, faced with the unyielding reality behind Great Heng's polite facade, they realized how fortunate they had been to receive Great Heng’s respectful treatment.

The envoys from Xixia had a deeply ingrained stereotype of Great Heng, assuming that Great Heng would agree to whatever they asked.

But Great Heng was no longer what it once was.

Li Angshun quickly stepped forward, apologizing, "In the heat of the moment, our words were overly harsh. Please do not take offense."

In a struggle for interests between two nations, heated words were minor issues. Psychological tactics and intentional pressure were meant to force the other side to concede. Great Heng’s officials pressed relentlessly, and claims of excessive bullying were merely the cries of defeated opponents.

The Xixia prince’s apology was graciously accepted by Great Heng’s officials, who magnanimously stated they bore no grudges.

Their magnanimity highlighted Xixia’s desperation.

With this, the discussions for the day ended. Over the next two days, negotiations in Xuanzheng Hall were a slow and prolonged tug-of-war, with both sides gradually detailing acceptable terms.

Finally, they reached an agreement on the trade markets between Great Heng and Xixia. Xixia conceded the requested benefits and agreed to supply at least 3,000 horses annually to Great Heng.

In these markets, Great Heng’s merchants would occupy 60 percent, and taxes and fees were increased by 30 percent from previous rates. Various other minor matters were also settled, resulting in substantial gains for Great Heng.

After agreeing to these terms, the faces of Xixia’s envoys looked grim. Li Angshun's face was also stern, his forced smile frozen.

Gu Yuanbai, half-closed his eyes, appearing somewhat pale. Though he hadn’t moved, the intense mental exertion was taking a toll on him.

However, he hid it well, and no one noticed.

As the sun reached its peak, it was time for lunch. The imperial kitchen presented a series of dishes, specially prepared for the state banquet to entertain the envoys from Xixia. As the dishes and alcohol were served, amidst the toasts and laughter of the officials, the envoys' expressions finally relaxed a bit.

At this moment, Li Angshun noticed that Chu Wei was also present.

The Emperor of Great Heng previously protected Chu Wei and scolded him for it. From this perspective, it seems that Chu Wei and the Emperor of Great Heng have a good relationship.

Li Angshun glanced at Chu Wei, took a sip of alcohol, then inexplicably glanced at the high-seated Emperor before taking another sip.

After several times, his mind became somewhat blurred. Suddenly, Li Angshun stood up, picked up a wine glass, and walked to Chu Wei's side. Without a word, he grabbed Chu Wei's arm and brought him in front of the Emperor.

The guards behind Gu Yuanbai fixed their gaze on the Xixia prince.

The Xixia prince, drunk and slurring, said, "Your subject wishes to marry your official."

Gu Yuanbai stared at him expressionlessly.

The Xixia prince stubbornly held onto Chu Wei, his eyes fixed on the Emperor, "Your subject has made many concessions and just wants him. Great Emperor of Great Heng, do you agree?"

Chu Wei's face was cold, his anger deep. Just as he was about to shake off the Xixia princeg's hand, he caught a glimpse and stopped.

He turned his head and stared at Li Angshun.

If you truly liked me, why do you keep staring at the Emperor?

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